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02x07 - Inflatable

Posted: 03/29/16 06:22
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously, on "Better Call Saul."

Last two nights, I heard g*n sh*ts.

We're getting you and Kaylee out of this house.

50,000 and the g*n is yours.

If you're pondering a change, Schweikart and Coakley would be more than happy to put your talents to good use.

I have no complaints about HHM.

You took the Davis and Main job because of me.

I took that job because it was the right decision.

I got what I wanted.

You could have everything you ever wanted.

What's not to love about that?

What's not to love?

[The Stampeders' "Sweet City Woman" plays in background]

Man: Jimmy, how's that sweepin' going?

[Chuckles] Going good, Pop.

[Broom rustles]

[Door opens, bell jingles]

Hi. How are you?

Man 2: Hello, sir.

Uh, I was wondering if maybe you could help me.


[Sighs] Well, I drove into the city this morning.

U-Usually, I take the train, but I was in just such a rush to get some medicine for my son, Freddie.

He has epilepsy.

He had an attack this morning, but during his fit, he knocked the bottle of medicine out of my wife's hand and just... bam, one huge puddle.

That's terrible.

Well, long story short... drove into town, bought the new medicine with every last nickel in my pocket, and then my car died.

Oh, God, that's... that's just, uh...

[Chuckling] I know.

When it rains, it pours, right? [Chuckles]

I-I tried the ignition, just nothin'... not firing.

And, anyway, now I've [Sighs] convinced myself that Freddie's gonna have another seizure before I get back with the medicine.

So, I-if you can help me, I would be so grateful.

Well, I could come out and check your car for ya.

You know, maybe it's just a spark plug.

I-I-I got a box of plugs back in the stockroom.

Thanks, and I-I appreciate that, but if you could possibly just spare $5 instead...

I'd rather grab a cab than take a chance with my old clunker.

Yeah, $5. [Sighs]

I-If you can spare it.

[Music continues]

Yeah, okay, sure.

[Whispering] Pssst!

Dad, come here!

Come here!

Dad, it's a rip-off, just like that bum from last week.


Every grifter in town knows that this is the spot to come for an easy handout.

Grifter? Where in the world did you learn that word?

Dad, his story's baloney.

He probably doesn't even have a son.

He's conning you.

Jimmy... what if you're wrong?


Y-You know what?

Sorry to bother you folks. I-I'm gonna get outta here.

I-I'm gonna...

No, no, no, no, no.


No, no bother.

Come on. Now, here.

[Cash register dings]

There's $10 for you.

[Cash-register drawer closes]

Sir, y-you're... [Breathes sharply]

That's... That is so generous.

Of course, and... and you know what?

I'm gonna go back in the stockroom.

I'm gonna find those spark plugs.

Maybe we'll get your car started for you, okay?

Come on, Jimmy.

Just man the till, okay?

And I'll just be back in a jiff, okay?

[Footsteps depart]

[King Harvest's "Dancing in the Moonlight" plays in background]

How much for a carton of Kools?

4 bucks.

Yeah, gimme a carton.

Money first.


Gimme two cartons.

Man 1: Oh, gosh.

These spark plugs are back here somewhere.

Just give me one more minute, okay?

[Music continues]

[Sighs] Come on.

[Music continues]

[Clears throat]

There are wolves and sheep in this world, kid.

Wolves and sheep... figure out which one you're gonna be.

[Taps counter]

[Bell jingles]

[Cash register dings]

Wait. Just... Just...

[Cash-register drawer closes]

Okay, I-I found the, um...

Did he leave?

Oh, did he just leave?

[Bell jingles]


[Music continues]

[Cash register dings]


[Footsteps, elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Elevator doors open, close]

[Clears throat]

Mike: Don't let me interrupt.

Oh, hey. Sorry. You ready?

Hey, come on. Let's get this over with.

Thank you for seeing us.

We don't wanna take up too much of your time, so I'll get right to it. [Inhales deeply]

Um, I regret to inform you that with the benefit of hindsight, Mr. Ehrmantraut will be amending his original statement a tad.

A tad?

A wee bit.

He's decided that he can no longer in good conscience claim that the g*n found at the scene belonged to Tuco Salamanca.

So, whose g*n was it?

Who's to say?

You know how many g*ns there are in Albuquerque?

Somewhere between the number of rattlesnakes and grains of sand.

So... a lot.

Was it your g*n, Mr. Ehrmantraut?

No, he's not saying that.

Can we hear it from Mr. Ehrmantraut?

[Sighs] The g*n wasn't Salamanca's.

That's all I can tell you.

You told us it was.

You said Salamanca pulled it and pointed it at you.

Well, he didn't.

Why are you changing your story?

Good citizenship.

Look, there was only one set of prints on the g*n...


How's that gonna happen if it wasn't his?

That's not really for my client to say, now, is it?

He's not a forensics expert.

Who knows?

Maybe it, uh, fell from a passing bird's beak, and Mr. Salamanca caught it and tried to throw it away.

I mean, the possibilities are endless.

Did Salamanca thr*aten you, Mr. Ehrmantraut?


We wanna put this guy away for years.

The g*n makes all the difference.

You know that.

You gonna let this person victimize you twice?

Jimmy: Forget about the g*n, all right?

The g*n was not Salamanca's.

If you try to introduce it into evidence, Mr. Ehrmantraut will make himself available to the defense, and he will set the record straight, categorically and unequivocally.

Did he thr*aten you or pay you off?

Whoa! Okay, that's it. We're done. Okay. Let's go.

[Door opens]

[Door creaks]

[Door closes]

[Indistinct conversations]

You're doing the right the thing.

This Salamanca character?


I had my own... thing with him.

I didn't wanna say it before because of conflict of interest, yadda yadda, but, yeah, he's nuts.

[Whispering] I'm talking he had me hog-tied in the desert with a g*n to my head.

Broke two guys' legs right in front of me.

If I hadn't talked him down, he probably would've...

I'll spare you the gory details, but it was a deal and a half... not something you forget.

And you're telling me this why?

Don't be too tough on yourself.

Like they say, discretion is the better part of valor.

I would've done the same thing.

Hey, today, it's on me... no charge.

[Elevator bell dings]

You take the next one.

And bill me.

[Button clicks]



Kim: Hey, Jimmy.

Did you tell Howard yet?

I can't really talk right now.

You didn't tell him.

No, and I won't until it's rock-solid, like offer-letter-in-hand solid.

When are you gonna get that offer letter?

[Sighs] I'm guessing next Thursday, after my interview with the partners.

Yeah, but that's just a formality, right?


I hope.

What's the offer, you think?

I mean, brass tacks.

[Keys jingling]

Well, it's not gonna be as much as your deal at Davis & Main, but they'll make me partner in two years, as opposed to somewhere between five years and never at HHM.

Not too shabby.

Yeah, and then there's my law-school loans.

What is that... a couple grand by now?

I wish.

I had to finance the whole thing and was only making mailroom money.

I've got like $15,000 left.

Wow. Schweikart wants you bad, huh?

But, J... [Chuckling] But, Jimmy, did you have something you needed?

No, no. I was just checking in.

Uh, I'll see you later, okay?

If you play your cards right.

[Chuckling] Bye.

[Cellphone beeps]


[Siren wailing in distance]

[Telephones ringing]

[Indistinct conversations]

Omar, where are you?

Omar, would you be so kind as to take a letter for me?

"Dearest Clifford..." No, that's too much.

[Inhales deeply, snaps fingers]

"Dear Cliff..."

Whaddaya think... Clifford or Cliff?

I don't... It depends on what the letter is.

That's fine. Treat yourself.

Uh, "Dear..." whoever you put in.

Continuing... Uh, "My heart is heavy as..."

No, that sounds like a medical condition.


Let's go with, um, "It is with a heavy heart," okay?

[Snaps fingers]

"It is with a heavy heart that I tender my resignation to Davis & Main."

"Tender" is better than "submit," yeah?


[Chuckling] Yes, sir.

So, "tender," blah, blah, blah, "to Davis & Main.

These have been, uh, some of the most professionally satisfying days of my life..."

What's wrong?

Do you think I'm laying it on too thick?

No, um...

I just didn't realize how unhappy you were here.

Not unhappy, per Se.

More like... not happy.

I had no idea.

[Chuckling] It's not your fault, buddy.

It's just... You're top-notch.

Where were we?

It's just y-you worked so hard to get here, and it's so much to [Chuckling] give up...

I-I mean, the perks alone.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

The apartment is, uh... Yeah.

[Chuckles] And the car.


For the most part, the car is pretty sweet.

And the bonus.


The bonus is a done deal.

It's... They already cut me the check.

I get to keep the bonus.

Not if you quit.

Before a certain term... I think yours is a year... you have to pay the money back.

Mnh, uh...

[Desk drawer opens]

It's, um...

Yeah, uh, um...

Uh, uh, yeah, it's, uh...

I think it's right, uh, there.


[Tapping desk]


Omar... that whole, uh, letter-of-resignation thing that... I didn't mean that, not a word.

I... [Sighs]

I-I'm so incredibly stressed out.

I'm stressed out the wazoo.

And frank... to be honest, it has been more of an adjustment than I expected here at Davis & Main.

And so I just... don't repeat what I said to anyone.

I figured something had to be wrong...

I mean, [Chuckling] really wrong because you like it here, right?

I love it.

It... Call it a momentary lapse of reason.

And but just...

Let's just rewind the tape and, you know, forget this happened.

Mum's the word. No problem.

Yeah, I feel better already.

I... You know, sometimes, you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds.


Thank you, Omar.

[Telephone rings in distance]

[Door closes]


♪ ♪

[Brakes squeal]

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

[Dennis Coffey's "Scorpio" plays]

Jimmy: Hi.

Jimmy McGill.

Jimmy, this is Al Newman of Allied Funeral Homes.

Great to meet you, Al.

Nice tie.


Cliff: All right. Let's get started, shall we?

[Music continues]

[Motor whirring]

What are you doing?

Hey, Doug! Got a juicer for the office!

Jimmy, it's very loud!

Brian, come on in!

We have clients out there!

Sure, you can! Two coming right up!


Sometimes, it gets a little jammed.

You just got to force it. Yeah!

Oh! Oh, shit!


Shi... I'm... I'm spreading it around.

Did I get you?


I... Oh, now I got you with this.

You got me now.

For Chrissakes, Jimmy!

[Music continues]

Backwards only... solo backward-o, yeah?

Because, uh, you've got suction that way, leverage.

It's physics... el physico!

Oh, Don Clifford wants his floors clean... limpio, limpar.

Uh. ¿Comprende?

Dude, I'm from Michigan.

So you don't understand a word I've been saying.


[Sighs] Good night.

No, you try. Backwards.

[Music continues]

Cliff: Excuse me.

Can I have everyone's attention, please?

Everyone can hear me? Good.

Frankly, this is not a conversation I ever thought I would have in my professional career, but it's been brought to my attention that we have an ongoing situation in the washroom.

Someone is not flushing.

Once is an accident... maybe even twice.

Three times... no, that's a pattern.

And we're not talking about a number one.

Yes. Thank you, Erin.

Now, I'm not here to shame anyone... nor do I even want to know who did it, but...

Uh, Cliff, it was me.

Jimmy, I just said I didn't want to know.

Hey, we need the water.

I read somewhere that the Santa Fe watershed is down two full inches this year.

Every time you flush a toilet, you waste a gallon of water... a gallon!

What could be greater than this?

They're low-flow toilets, Jimmy.

From now on, flush.

Low-flow... that's good.

Good thinking.

[Music continues]

[Notes squeaking loudly]

What is that?

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephone rings in distance]

[Notes continue]

Jimmy, what's going on in there?


Oh, you could hear this through the door?

I didn't realize. I'm sorry.

What do you think you're doing?

Uh, I took your advice.

I'm blowing off steam.

Blowing off steam?

Yeah, yeah, like you and your guitar, you know?

Um, I got to say... you're right.

I mean, it really helps with stress.

I know I don't sound very good, but I'm just learning.

I heard that the key is you have to keep this bag inflated.

[Sour notes play loudly]


Put that down. Now.

I want you in my office.

[Notes squeak slowly]

You win.

What do I win?

You're fired.

What? Cliff, if this is about the bagpipes...

It's not about the bagpipes.

Well, of course it's the bagpipes.

It's the bagpipes, and it's the not flushing and this... this optical migraine you call a business suit.

It's about [Sighs]... It's about you keeping your bonus.

That's what this is about.

Been brushing up on your contract law, haven't you?

You want outta here, clearly, but you can't just up and quit and expect to keep your bonus.

And if I fire you for cause... like I should have done for the TV commercial... again, no bonus.

However, if I fire you not for cause but for being an all-around jackass...

Yeah. Hurray for you.

If you think there's been some malfeasance here...

Oh, save it.

I could fight you on this, but you're not worth my time.

I'd rather just have you gone.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I'll just, uh... pack up.

First... do me the favor of not treating me like a fool for once.

Tell me... how exactly did I mistreat you?

What did I do to deserve this kind of behavior?

We gave you opportunities, encouraged you to excel.

We got you a car, an apartment.

Hell, that cocobolo desk.

Do you see a desk like that in here?

You never gave this a chance.


I tried to make it work... really, I-I did.

I'm just... a square peg.

If you knew that, why did you take the job?

I'm sorry.

How much was the desk?


I'll write you a check.

Fine, for whatever good that does.

Take your desk and get out.

Hey, Cliff, for what it's worth, I think you're a good guy.

For what it's worth, I think you're an assh*le.
[Whispered indistinct conversations]

[Telephone ringing]


[Indistinct conversations]

[Keys clacking]

[Knock on door]

Uh, yeah, it's open.


Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Does Howard know you're here?

God, no. I snuck in.


Well, uh, yeah, but make it quick.

Actually, can we, uh, talk in the conference room?


It's just more appropriate.

Um, no one's gonna need it till 4:00... I checked.


10 minutes, tops.

After you.


Have a seat.

What... What is going on?

Spill it.


Schweikart and Cokely will pay your debt to HHM and make you a partner in two years, correct?


That's the deal, yes.


Would you entertain a better offer?

From whom... HHM?

From me.

I'll make you a partner tomorrow.

Consider that proof of concept...

Wexler-McGill, Partners at Law.

You and me, together.

[Breathes sharply]

If Schweikart can pay your debt, so can I.

And with my signing bonus, you'll have a clean slate.

The sky's the limit.

Hey, we're good together.

You know that.

So, what's stopping us?

Let's jump in with both feet, be our own bosses, build our own future.

"Be our own bosses." [Chuckles]

What about clients?

Mesa Verde just signed with you, didn't they?

[Scoffs] It'll be a hard sell to take them with me.

So, then there will be another Mesa Verde.

That was all you, Kim.

You did it once. You can do it again.

You make it sound easy.

No. You're talking to a guy who lived in the back of a nail salon.

No, this is gonna be a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears... at least, at the start.

But in the end, we'll have a practice that is 100% ours... that's worth it.


Or we fail and we end up with nothing.

Well, you're right... it's a gamble.

It's a big one.

Yeah, but you're betting on yourself, and from where I sit, the odds are in your favor.

You're an amazing lawyer.

This is your chance to show the world that.

So, why not go to Schweikart?

They'll make me partner, and they are a solid, respectable firm.

You can't deny that.

You deserve more than just a lateral move.

Bottom line... that's what Schweikart represents.

He's just Howard Hamlin by a different name.

You keep talking about me and Schweikart.

What about you and Davis & Main?

That's over. I quit today.

Well, technically, I got fired.

What happened?

It was mutual and a long time coming.

That job was never the right fit for me.

This is.

If we're gonna be law partners, I need to know one thing.

What kind of lawyer are you gonna be?

I don't mean what kind of law are you gonna practice.

I mean [sighs]

Are you gonna play it straight, or are you gonna... be colorful?

I'm gonna play it straight, right down the line.

I'm gonna dot every "I," and I'm gonna cross every...

There's no point in me doing this if I can't be myself.

Every time I try to do things someone else's way, it blows up in my face.

That's what happened at Davis & Main.

Look how that turned out.

I almost derailed your career, pissed everyone off.

I've been trying to be the person someone else wants me to be for...

I don't know how long.

I mean, first, it was Chuck, then it was you... and that's not your fault.

That was my choice.

But if we're gonna do this, I got to go into it as me.

So, yeah.

Colorful, I guess.

What do you say?

I just...

I don't see why it's so important to you that we work together.

I mean, we're already...

[Chuckling] Why do you need me for this?

I don't need you... I want you.

You've got me... just not as a law partner.

I have to get back to work.

You okay?


No, I'm fine.

Go on.

See you later?


[Chuckling] Yeah.

[Footsteps depart]

[Door opens]

[Telephone rings in distance]

It's move-in ready, as you can see.

And they've renovated within the past three years... new floors, new kitchen.

[Inhales deeply]

And it's a good amount of space.

It's not too much house, you think?

No, not at all.

And look at that backyard.

They're leaving the playhouse.

Isn't that amazing?


Kaylee will go crazy for that.

You'll never get her outta there.

I know, right?

And the most important part... the schools are good and the neighborhood is great.

I called the local precinct and asked about the crime stats... they're some of the lowest in the city.

Plus, I got a good vibe from him.

Like, they sounded really responsive.

That sounds perfect.

Yeah. [Sighs]

Do you like it?

If you're happy, I'm happy.

Do you like it?

Yeah, I do, but I'm...

But what?

It's a lot of money.

I know... I'm like a broken record, but it is.

You don't worry about that.

We'll make it happen, whatever the cost.


Hey, I'm serious.

Not another thought.

If you want it, it's yours.

[Birds chirping]


How we looking?

Oh, it's perfect.

Let's do it.


Do you have another hour?

We could go down to the office, get the pre-approval in order, all that.

Oh, sounds good. We'll meet you there.

Sure. See you in a few.

Oh, I feel like I can finally breathe.

Good. [Chuckling] I'm glad.


[Car door closes]

[Engine starts]

You wanna ride together?

No, I'll follow you over.

Car looks good.

Wouldn't even know you so much as scratched it.

Yeah, um, my guy knows his stuff.

Thank you, Pop, for everything.

You go on now.

I'll see you there.


[Car door opens]

[Car door closes]

[Birds calling]

[Boy shouts in distance]

[Engine starts]

[Breathing deeply]


[Brakes squeal]

[Engine shuts off]

Right here.

[Brakes squeal]

[Engine rumbling]

[Engine shuts off]

[Insects chirping]

Sorry I almost lost you at that light.

[Chuckling] No problem.

[Sighs] Watch the fish t*nk.

[Both grunting]

To the left.

My left, my left.


[Both breathing heavily]


[Door creaks]

What do you think?

[Breathing heavily]

Uh, yeah.

It's, um...


[Metal creaking]


What should I... do with this?

Dump it on the side of the road... that's where I got it in the first place.


[Metal latch clicking]

Hey, buddy.

Oh, no.

This is over and above.

That's okay, really.

How about a drink?

I know I could use one.


Come on. I'm buying.

No, I'm good. Long drive.

Cucumber water for the road?

I'm... I'm totally set. Thank you.

Gotta get home to my kids.

How about you?

What are you gonna do now?

[Insects chirping]

Onward and upward.

Thanks, Omar.

Drive safe.

[Car door opens]

[Dial tone]




[British accent] Hello!

You've reached the law offices of James M. McGill, Esquire.

Kindly leave...





[Normal voice] Hi.

You've reached the law offices of Jimmy McGill.

Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.




[Insects chirping]

[Dog barking in distance]

[Brakes squeal]

[Crucial Music's "Noches Tristes" plays in distance]

[Music continues]

Summary judgments? Uh, yes.

I've handled six.

Actually, one recently was quite complex.

It was a litigation... the result of a [Inhales deeply] nasty divorce.

My client was suing her former company, which she and her ex had split in their settlement.

The issues involved had me chasing case law for weeks.

Mm. Who heard it?

Judge Pittman.

[Chuckling] Oh.

That guy... he's a handful, huh?

Well, he can be a tough nut to [Chuckling] crack, but he did rule in my favor.


All right, enough about law, law, law.

We know you're good.

We know you know your stuff.

Tell us about Kim Wexler.

Lynne: You started in the mailroom.

Is that right?

I did.

I was there almost, uh, well, 10 years ago now.

Pulled yourself up by your bootstraps... I like that.

I see you went to UNM Law. Are you from New Mexico?

Not originally.

I'm from the Midwest, just a tiny, little town barely on the map... you know, that Kansas-Nebraska border.

You've never heard of it.

So, what brought you here?

I guess... uh, one day, I just looked around at my life, at who I was, and realized if I kept going the way I was going...

Which way was that?

Best case?

Probably married to the guy that ran the town gas station.


Maybe cashiering down at the Hinky Dinky.

[Chuckling] The Hinky what?

Hinky Dinky.

It was our supermarket.


Um... I just wanted something else.

What did you want?


[Door opens]

Schweikart: Well, thanks for coming by.

Always a pleasure.

Lynne: Great to put a face to the name.

Kim: Oh, thanks.

We are gonna put our heads together and discuss, but I feel safe to say that you can expect to hear from us by tomorrow at the latest.

That's... fantastic.

I look forward to it.

We liked you when you came in here.

We like you more now.

Well, thank you so much for taking the time, and I will, uh, [Chuckling] speak to you soon.

It was great to meet you, Lynne.

You, too.


Pleasure, Kim.


Mm. It's Rich, actually.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

[Laughing] No, no, no, no. I'm happy to be confused with Howard.

He's a damn good-looking man. Don't worry about it.

Uh, come on.

I'll walk you out.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephone rings in distance]

[Siren wails in distance]

[Keys jingling]

[Car alarm chirps]

[Siren continues]

[Horns honk in distance]

♪ ♪

[Brakes squeal lightly]

[Gearshift clicks]

[Bell jingles, conversations in Vietnamese]

Hi. I'm, uh, here to see Jimmy.

He's in a meeting.

[Door opens, bell jingles]

A meeting?

Have a seat.

["Amore Piu Bello" plays in background]

[Conversations continue]

Jimmy: And, listen...

I don't ever want to hear the word "permit" again.


It's your funeral, dude.


What are you doing here?

Just in the neighborhood.


Oh, and I want a dolly this time.

What kind? Western?

Hustler? Pee-wee?

Hey, watch your mouth around the lady.

How the hell should I know?

You're the nerd. Just make it cheap.

Now, go on. Get out here.

[Music and conversations continue]

I see you got your old car back.


The kidney people wouldn't take it.



Ow. Sorry.

Well, you finally got your cocobolo desk.

[Chuckles] Finally got my cocobolo desk.


Feel like it's a good omen for what's next.

And what's that?


Solo practice, being my own man again.

So, how'd it go with Schweikart?

Uh, went well. [Sighs]

Should be getting their offer tomorrow.

[Chuckling] That's fantastic.

I'm really happy for you.


You know what? We should celebrate.

Whataburger... on me.

I'm not taking the job.

Why not?

You were right... it's time for me to be my own boss.

Solo practice.



You don't think it's a good idea now?

Don't tell me you've changed your mind.

No, I'm... I'm surprised, is all. [Chuckles]

Hey, I s... I said all along, you're too good for those clowns.

I mean, this is, uh...

Shit, yeah. Wow!

It's great.


To that end... I have a pitch for you.

Not Wexler-McGill, but Wexler... and McGill.

We find an office, share the housekeeping costs, the rent, electricity... everything.

But I am Kim Wexler, attorney at law, and you are Jimmy McGill, attorney at law, both free to practice as we see fit.

Separate firms under one roof?

We're both headed uptown, so why can't we share a taxi?

You do things your way, and I do them mine.

We'll have freedom, but we aren't each trying to go it alone.

Not partners... solo practitioners, together.

What do you think?

[Chuckling] I don't know what to say.

Say yes.