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04x04 - Lights of Winter

Posted: 03/29/16 02:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bates Motel"...

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

I got married.

Wow. Who's the lucky lady?

Norma Bates.

Why did you never mention her to me?

It's not like we mentioned a lot of things to each other.

I'm Julian. What are you in for?

I committed myself.

I can't think about anything but Norman right now.

What if he says something wrong?

Sometimes a person might think someone needs help because they are actually the one that needs help.

Sometimes, yes.

I just want you to forgive me.

I don't forgive you, and I have never been so disappointed in anyone.

He's never been like this ever.

He's gonna get over it.

You sure you want to do this?

I'm sure I want to do this right now.

I have reason to believe that my mother is insane and might be k*lling people.

[dark music]


You know you didn't k*ll me.

She lied to you. She's crazy, Norman.

She k*lled all of them.


You probably shouldn't tell anyone that you came here.


[door lock beeping]

Morning. Norman, I'm Oliver.

I'll be bringing you your meds. How was your night?

How do you think, Oliver?

I was locked in like a prisoner.

Here you go.

Uh, I need to make a phone call, a private one.

There are no private calls.

Staff always monitors. You need to take this.

Forget it, and, uh... no, I... I don't need whatever that is.

If you refuse medication, I can't let you leave this room until a resident comes in and talks to you.

Is that really how you want to spend your morning?

Yeah, no. Sor... fine.



[coughing and retching]

[toilet flushing]

[door lock beeping]


What's the word, hummingbird?

I don't have time today, Julian.


Hey, come on.

Is there any way I can make a private call here?

I mean, you're a little green to be tearing up the rulebook, Scout.

But you're not the first.

Follow me. I'll hook you up.

Come on. Come on.

Hey, keep an eye out.

[lock rattling]

[chuckles] Butter knife.

It's for the night staff.

No one's gonna bother us. Dial 9 to get out.

[cell phone ringing]


Dylan, it's me.


Hey. How... how are you doing?

Uh, I-I'm fine.

Uh, listen, a lot has happened, and I don't have much time to talk, so I just need you to listen.

Yeah, I-I-I'm listening.

Mother is in trouble.

I know I am going to be getting out of this place today, but I just still need you to be there for her because... uh, because the... the police may be... be coming to the house to talk to her.


Because the truth is going to come out now, Dylan, about a lot of things.

[tense music]

Wha... What truth? Norman... Norman, are you okay?

Yes, I'm okay.

Dylan, this isn't about me, okay?

It's about the price that we all pay for keeping secrets.

Norman, just... look, calm down, okay?

You need to calm down.

What... is... is your... is your doctor around?

No, no, I'm not the one in trouble.

What is wrong with everybody?

Okay, Norman... Norman.

Okay, I'll be there for her. It's gonna be okay.

No, Dylan, it isn't.

It's not okay. It's all gonna fall to shit.

Norman, what's your... what's your doctor's name?

Can I call him?


Uh, you know what, Dylan?

I'm... I'm just upset.

I, uh... all is good, actually.

Never mind. Never mind, Dylan.

Okay. All right, bye.

[tense music]

You need me to break you out of here?

I can totally do it, I mean, I've studied how to do it.

No, I-I don't. Thank you, Julian.

The world has gone mad, but I'm not.

I will be out of here today.

[crackling electricity]

[food sizzling]


Hi. Good morning.

I made you breakfast.

Oh, thanks.

So how 'bout you just sit down and enjoy?

Here's some coffee.

I gotta do some errands.

I'm not sorry about what happened.

Okay. I'm not either.

I can't do this.

It's too much...

Okay, okay.

But you sit down and, um... and eat, because it's not gonna be as good cold.


[clears throat]

It looks, uh... it looks delicious.


It's a lot, though.

Well, you're a big guy.

I... big and tall-ish, not... well, I just didn't want you to be hungry.

I think we need a joint checking account.

I think it'd look more real.

Okay. Yeah.

No, I think we need to make it look real.

Yeah. Well, I'll stop by the bank.


It might be a good idea if we, um... we showed up together to the... the winter thing tonight.

What winter thing?

Oh, you know, downtown with all the lights and stuff... the Winter Festival.

Want to come with me?

Well, I think that's a good, you know, public place to...

Sure. No, I would love to come, but, um... I just haven't been to see Emma, and it's a long drive, and I was gonna do it today, and I probably won't be back in time.

Yeah, okay. No problem.

How's Emma doing?

She's doing very well, Dylan said, um...

Yeah, she's off the oxygen.

Wait, Dylan?

Yeah, he's been down there with her the whole time.

They're together?



It's weird how people aren't at all together and then, all of a sudden, they are.

[somber music]

Um... I'm gonna go and get dressed because it's a very long ride to Portland, but, um, you have a great day at work.

[engine turns over]


You're a new face. I'm Dickie.

We've already met, Dickie.

I don't think so.

I do.

Yesterday and this morning... twice.

Norman, they're waiting for you in group.

Oh, yes, I'm not going.

Well, you're scheduled to be there, and if you don't come, I'm gonna have to confine you back to your room.

Okay, Jacob, uh, you... you... you obviously didn't get the memo, because I am being released today.

You can go ask Dr. Edwards.

Okay, let's just go to group.

Okay, thank you.

Well done, but no.

Bad idea... you have obviously no idea what is going on in this place.

I am being released today.


Thank God. Tell him, Dr. Edwards.

I mean, this one doesn't understand that I'm leaving.

I have to leave. You know the truth now.

I have to be home.

I have to help my mother through all of this.

Okay, let's go sit, Norman.

You sure this is all right?

I mean, there was a lot of stairs to get up here.

They told me to exercise my legs as often as I can.

Apparently it prevents blood clots.

Oh, great, one more thing to worry about.


Maybe later.



The air feels so nice.


Um, there's a hospital in Seattle.

It's the best respiratory center in the country.

My dad, he just wants to give me my best shot.

So you're moving there?

Looks like it.

I... I kind of want to go to college, and I... and I could do that there.

Makes a lot of sense for you to move, definitely.


So is there any way you would go there with us?


I know that's a huge thing to ask, and if you don't want to uproot your whole life for someone you've only been with for a few weeks, and not even really been with, then I-I completely... I completely understand, but I was just hoping that there was... that was maybe something you would possibly consider.

Emma, if you want me to come, I'm gonna go with you.



People sometimes make accusations in therapy that they believe are true but are not, in fact, true.

Of course, yes, but what I told you is true.

And I have reported it to the local authorities.

They're looking into it. It will take some time.

They will get back to me, but in the meantime, you are under my care, and we should simply continue to do the work you were here to do.

[tense music]

You don't believe me.

I believe you believe it.

It should be investigated outside this facility.

That's not my job. My job is to help you.

Do you understand, Norman?

I understand that there is no one here that I can trust.

Where are you going, Norman?

I'm gonna go talk about my feelings in group.

Where are you going?


The courtyard for patients is off the cafeteria.

You can go out there.

Well, I want to go out here.


You can't just say no.

I'm going out the door.

Luther, it's cool.

I'll talk to him.

Listen, don't give Luther a hard time.

He's a good guy.

Yeah, don't tell me what to do.

Okay. Hey, hey, listen.

If you want to bust out, don't go to the front door and harass the guard, okay?

They'll have you doped up and strapped to a bed in half an hour.

You have to be smart.

I don't want to be here. I can't stand it.

What do you know about it?


I've skipped dozens of times, Scout, all right?

I mean, half the security measures around here are because of me.

I've been planning another trip.

We could go tonight, if you want.


[tense music]

Oh, look at you. [gasps]

Look at you.

This is amazing.

Oh, thank you.

And thank you for making Dylan so happy.

I mean, where the hell did this all come from?

I don't know, Norma. It's so funny.

It's like we... we finally just saw each other one day.


Do you think Norman will understand?

I know he's been dealing with a lot.

Dylan's been keeping me in the loop.

I think that they can help him there, and at least he's safe.

Yeah, you... you're doing the right thing.

I know. I hope so.

I... it doesn't feel right. It feels scary and awful.

Maybe you need to try and let go a little.

You've always been so close to Norman.

Maybe this is your chance to just stand and breathe on your own and just think about yourself a little.

[text tone beeps]

I got your text.

What do you want?

I'm gonna ask you a direct question.

Did you k*ll Bob Paris?

I-I'm not gonna dignify that with a response, Rebecca.

What is it? What's your endgame here?

Okay, look.

I-I know that you told me to let sleeping dogs lie, right, but... there is $3 million lying around in a safety deposit box that Bob just left behind.

No one knows about it because I laundered it for him.

It's under a fake name.

So why tell me about it? Why don't you just take it?

I-I-I can't.

Look, every safety deposit box requires two keys.

The bank... has one and the box renter holds onto the other.

Now, I'm betting that Bob doesn't have his key anymore.

I think the man who k*lled him has it.

Oh, God, we shouldn't be talking about this.

Look, Alex, I didn't know what I was getting into with Bob.

It... it was fun, but he's gone now.

So this... this money could be very useful for both of us.

I-I don't have the key.


[clears throat]

By the way, I need to open a joint checking account with my wife, so if you could send me the forms, okay?

Her name's Norma Louise Bates, B-A-T-E-S.

Yeah, I know how to spell Bates.

Have a nice day.

Okay. Thanks, Rebecca.


[tense music]


[somber music]



All right, calm down.

OCD. Plugged his toilet.


There's nothing to be afraid of.


[door lock beeping]

Tell him to stop yelling.

[dramatic music]

Cover me.

[door lock beeping]

Come on. Let's go.


Come on!
[tense lively music]

Okay. [panting]




Come on. Come on.

Yes! Hey, we're free.

We're free, baby.

[phone vibrating]

Yeah, Romero.

Sheriff, this is Special Agent Howard Collins with the DEA.

I'm following up on the Bob Paris case, and Agent Babbitt suggested you might be of some help.

Yeah, I told her everything I know.

I understand.

As with all these things, we followed the money trail and have reason to believe that Bob was laundering cash.

We think he might've been doing it through the local bank, White Pine Bay Federated.

Do you have evidence of this?

Just looking into it at this point.

Do you know Rebecca Hamilton?

Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, she... she's the manager.

How well would you say you know her?

Oh, not well. Uh...

In full disclosure, I do have an account there.

I mean, it's the only bank in town.

Of course.

I get it, but do you know her personally?

No, no, no, just through my business at the bank with my accounts there.


Would you have any reason to suspect her of money laundering?

I've never had reason to suspect her of anything, but you think she's involved?

We believe she had a personal relationship with Bob Paris.

We're just going down the road at this point.

No, I understand. Of course, of course.

Well, uh, please let me know if I can be of any more help.

Thanks for your time, Sheriff.

Hey! Hey!


Yeah, you sure this is safe?

I mean, getting in a car with a stranger...

We're the crazy ones, remember?

[laughs] You're hilarious.

I just... I've just never done it before.

Yeah, well, I'm guessing there's a lot of things you've never done before.

That's all gonna change tonight, Scout.


Where is it, exactly, that we're going?

Hey, I want you to do me a favor, okay?

Don't k*ll the fun, buddy. It's ungracious.

Come on.

Oh, come on!

You losers! God!

See the way they looked at us? I hate that.

So how long have you been at Pineview?

About four years.

Yeah, in for the "B" s.

Bipolar, borderline, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I'm really there because my family... they just don't want me around.

They're all fancy musicians, very neat, civilized.

I don't fit in. In fact... in fact, I upset them.

Come on!

Eat me, you son of a bitch!


I can't imagine why they would think that.


Hey, don't worry.

We're gonna get there, okay?



Yeah, I just... um... maybe we could just discuss the plan, you know?

Just... we could go somewhere else.

Every time... every time my parents come to visit, they give me cash just to make themselves feel better about locking me up in that pit, okay?

So tonight, we are going to have an amazing experience, and nothing is gonna stop that. Got it?


Got it?




[laughing] Yeah!

Come on, Scout. I told you.

Come on.

[tense music]

All right!

Come on. Thanks, dude.

No problem. You guys have fun.

Thank you.

Let's go. You coming?


[eerie techno music]


You feel that, hmm?

Do you feel that?

You know what that feeling is?

It's freedom.

Hmm? Yeah, come on.

Take it off!




Hey, Scout! [Whistles] Over here! Hey!

Ooh, I think she likes you, buddy.

Oh! [laughs]





I'm Chantal. What's your names?

I'm Dr. Gregg Edwards.


I want a dance now.


Hey, Norman, I'm gonna go to the VIP lounge, okay?

Enjoy yourself, okay?

[light carnival music]

Mom, look at it!

Get your cotton candy!

[indistinct chatter]

Buy your light umbrella, right here.

Light umbrella.

Step right up and test your strength!

Look what I got!

[indistinct chatter]

Excuse me. Good to see you guys.

I'll see you in a little bit.

Thank you, all right.

Thank you so much.

[bell rings]

You look beautiful.

I thought you weren't gonna come.

I heard there was funnel cake.

[carnival games buzzing]

Come on, Mrs. Sheriff.

I'll set you up.


Here you go.

Thank you. Oh, yum.

All right, hold on.


Can I get two, Carlos? Thank you, buddy.

Ooh, that's good.


I never had a hot toddy. What's in it?

I'm not sure... cinnamon, I think... whiskey?

It's mostly whiskey.

I like whiskey.

Sheriff, they want a picture with you.

Oh, okay. All right.

I'll be right back.

Okay, big shot.

Norma Bates?


Rebecca Hamilton. Um...

I work for the bank.

Oh, how do you know me?

I don't. I know Alex.

Well, technically, I'm his banker.

Well, I guess that makes you my banker too now.


All right, thanks so much. Excuse me.

Well, I... anyway, I hope that you two are very happy together.

Thank you very much.

Hey, Rebecca.

Alex, I was just introducing myself to your bride.

Oh, good. I'm glad you guys could meet.

There's some, uh, bank business we should talk about it later.

Okay, well, look, you know where to find me.

Okay, um, the photographer wants a picture of us together.

Oh, sure. Yeah. It was very nice to meet you.

Pleasure was mine.


Just got to get a quick picture, all right?


Thank you.


[tense music]

♪ Angels are so few ♪

[light romantic music]

♪ But until the day that one comes along ♪

So who's Rebecca?

Just someone I knew before I met you.


♪ I'll string along with you ♪

Do you remember when I first met you on the porch at the motel that night?

Yeah, my heart stopped, mostly because I thought you were gonna arrest me.

No, I missed that opportunity.


♪ To sing my love song to you ♪

Well, I guess... I guess it all turned out okay in the end, huh?

All things considered?

♪ And until the day that one comes along ♪

You think so?

You think it's all gonna be okay?

Kind of. Yeah, I do.

[upbeat techno music]

I'm Athena.

Your friend is still in the VIP lounge with Chantal.

He must be having fun.

Uh, I guess so.


What's the VIP lounge?

Private rooms... just you and me.

Oh. Huh.

Uh, what happens?

Anything you want.

So what...


Oh, hold on.

[dark music]

How are you doing?


[liquid dripping]

You okay? Hello?

You're pressing on my legs.

Please stop.


[techno music]

Put on your bra, for God's sakes.

This isn't a place for Norman.

It's not the sort of thing you should be doing...

This isn't the sort of thing he likes.

What does Norman like?

I'm up for anything.

Anything that you or Norman want to try, we can do.

Okay, what do you mean?

There's no judgment in here.

There's no rules, so whatever you want, you can have.

Role play?

Getting spanked?

Dressing up, sweetheart?

Putting on clothes?

You're pretty.

You know that, right?

Yeah, I know.



Norman! Hey, Norman!

What the hell?


Hey, quiet down now or we'll throw you out.

Hey, get your hands off me, man!

I'm just looking for my friend, man!

Shut your mouth now or I'll shut it for you.

Hey, Norman!

You have to leave.

I'm just trying to find my friend, man!

You have to leave now!


Scout, I've been looking for you, man!

It freaked me out... where'd you go?

Everything is fine, Julian.

No, everything's not fine.

These people are bastards, man. They don't understand.

That's it.

Hey, get your hands off me!

Good God, Julian!


[men grunting]

Hey, you.

You get off of him.

Leave him alone.


[all shouting]

[tense music]

[romantic music]

I want to see you.

[tense music]

Oh, my God.



Who would do this?


It's okay.

[police radio chatter]



Dr. Edwards.

How are you doing?


Where's Julian?

They took him to the hospital.

He has a cracked rib. He got a little banged up.

He wasn't as lucky as you.

Where am I?

You're outside a club called The Landing Strip.

You and Julian came here earlier tonight.

The two of you got into a fight with some of the bouncers.

[somber music]

Did anything bad happen?

I don't think anyone got hurt except the two of you, if that's what you mean.

Look, I'm going to find an officer and have him take off those cuffs.

There's no need for that.

Then I'll take you back to Pineview, but we're going to talk, Norman.

All right.

Maybe Julian told you, but this isn't the first time he's broken out of Pineview.

He doesn't really want to get away. He wants us to come find him.

That's the point.

Making us chase after him is how he convinces himself someone cares.

I've been trying to help Julian for years, but I haven't gotten very far.

He won't let me.

Is that how it is with you, Norman?

I know you aren't taking your meds.

Are you determined to resist everything we do?

Because then I can't possibly help you, Norman.

My mother...

What about your mother?

[somber music]

Did she k*ll anybody?

Well, I haven't heard anything from the sheriff, but I'd be surprised if she did.

What do you think?

I don't know.

I don't know... how I got here or... or what happened before.

I just... I just black out, and...

And maybe because... it's because I'm crazy or something.

I-I-I don't know, but I can't do this anymore, because I am tired and scared.

I'm so scared, and... and I don't trust what I think is real, and so, if you could help me, then, yes, please, please.

I'll do anything you say.

Please, please, help me.
