02x15 - He Blinded Me with Science

Episode transcripts for the TV show "iZOMBiE". Aired March 2015 - August 2019.*
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A Seattle Medical Resident and M.D. finds that being a zombie and eating brains allows her to help the police solve murders. Based on the comix by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred.
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02x15 - He Blinded Me with Science

Post by bunniefuu »

Liv: Previously on iZombie.

Dr. Lockett: Once the Super Max enters the blood stream...

We can crank the treadmill up as high as ten miles per hour.

Endurance and strength also sky rocket.

Liv: Who's Rita?

Major: She was meaningless.

He said this desperate Rita chick threw herself at him.

Night, Rita.

You're a sick b*tch and I just want you out now.

Ravi: New Hope died this afternoon.

Liv: So Major.

Ravi: And Blaine.

They're on borrowed time now.

Blaine is selling Utopium. He's taking on Mr. Boss.

Where to, boss?

Boss' guys figured out there's a rat.

You're gonna get me k*lled.

Any last words?

I am hungry like the wolf.


The music. Hungry Like the Wolf.

I think that's The Reflex.

So true.

So true.

Liv: I mean, talk about crazy.


And Gilda used a different name.



Ravi, are you even listening?

Half listening.

I confess imagining this poor woman's final moments as she burned alive is distracting me somewhat.

But I get the basics.

Um... Gilda-slash-Rita slept with Major, you found out, confrontation, argue, argue, argue, exit Gilda.

And I punched her in the face.

You Americans and your v*olence.

I'm not getting much evidence off this mess.

[SIGHS] Make yourself useful.

The landlord gave us an ID on our arson victim.

Dr. Eleanor Cash.

I was calling he "Cinder-ella". [CHUCKLES]


52, single, was on unemployment this last year. You get anything?

Uh, face was doused with a flammable liquid, set alight.

Prolonged and painful.

Not the way I'd choose to go.

Whale ingestion, if you're curious.

Someone must've really hated her.

According to Google, she was a scientist.

A researcher for Nescott Laboratories.

They'd been hired to test a new acne medication, and one of their test subjects had a bad reaction. Pain, facial scarring.

Girl named Annie Rosine.

She sued, there was a trial, Dr. Cash was fired in disgrace.

Hasn't worked since.

Test subject with facial scarring.

The victim had her face burned.

A not unreasonable hypothesis is...

They're connected?

Yeah. I put that together.

I'm off to talk to Annie if you're feeling visiony.



I'll just be here.


Gazing unblinkingly into the face of death that inevitably awaits us all.



Kidding. Kind of.

I do need brains. You got any?

You've reverted to zombie form?

Well, if I haven't, things have just gotten kinky.


Sorry to drop in unannounced, but this guy on the bus, he was so bald, I could almost see his brain.

I had to take the edge off before things got weird, and you were closest.

Deceased scientist.

That's all I've got at the moment. Should keep you going.

For now.

That was an ominous pause.

New Hope?

Our test rat who reverted back to a zombie?

She died.

Too much to hope for a rat su1c1de?

It's the cure.

Not only do its effects on zombie-ism appear temporary, but the reversion back to zombie state is followed by decline and then death.

So if you're in reversion phase, the next phase most likely isn't far behind.

Kinda skimping on the silver lining here, doc.

The silver lining, such as it is, we've found more of the tainted Utopium.

I'm working on a new cure. I just injected a new subject, so...

Well, hopefully it works.

'Cause it would be a real shame if your local brain supplier died and you ended up with a horde of zombies running around Seattle just as the Mariners were set to contend.

I agree. I'm working accordingly.

You know, you could provide Liv and me a list of your zombie clientele.

Just in case.


Oh. You were serious about that?

Well, in case you'd forgotten, those hungry zombies provide not only my livelihood but also the reason no one decides to harm dear old Blaine, so...

Thank you for the brain.


You wouldn't happen to have any clothes I could borrow?

Maybe something vaguely redolent of punting on the Thames?

Will that be all?

You mind calling me an Uber?

Annie Rosine. Originally from Red Deer, Alberta, enrolled at ***, then as a senior looking to make extra cash signed on as a test subject in a drug trial.

Then, one bad reaction later... Whoa!

Okay, I might m*rder whoever did that to me.

Just remember, try not to stare.

Hi. Can I help you?

Hi. Clive Babineaux. Seattle PD.

Annie Rosine?

That's me.

Freak! Freak!

Uncool, you!

Come on in.

Tough neighborhood.

Is it my hair?

Wow. Somebody m*rder*d Dr. Cash.

I don't even know how I feel about that.

Uh. I'm sorry for staring, just you weren't quite what we expected.

Thank God for plastic surgery.

Must have been expensive.

Was there a settlement?

I sued, but didn't get much considering...

What happened at the trial?

Basically, it was Dr. Cash and her partner trying to blame each other.

Her partner? Dr. Alan Benway?

That sounds right.

They both got fired, the company hid behind the release forms and I ended up with a small settlement that covered some of the surgery.

And loans that I'll be paying off the rest of my life covered the rest.

They ever figure out why you were the only one who got scarred?

They say it was a reaction to the anti-anxiety meds I was taking.

Look, I won't lie. It was a nightmare.

I looked grotesque, my face felt like it was on fire, and, yeah, I wished horrible deaths on everyone involved.

But thanks to modern medicine, I lost my motive to m*rder anyone.

Anyway, I was working the graveyard at King Cannery that night.

You can call and check.

So, you want to see me?

Mmm, mmm, hmm.

One sec and...


Just finished my keynote for Rager-Con '16, and it's not even 10:00. [CHUCKLES]

Super Max, man. Super Max!

I mean, my mental energy is like, it's...

It's off the charts.

And physically? Forget it.

Ask the Air Gaulle flight attendant how many petits morts she morted last night? Go ahead.

Sounds like a personal question for a total stranger.

Six! You're welcome!

Saved you the embarrassment.

This is what boundless energy looks like, Major. This!

Yeah, but it can make you a little...


Aggressive. [SIGHS]

Aggressive is good.

Now, we got some new zombie names for you to deal with.

More names?

Well, we're constantly monitoring hot sauce, hair dye and fake tan spending in the Pacific Northwest.

We would not want any zombie-come-latelys crashing our party.

Would we?

Rita's coming in with a list.

Rita. About that.

I just found out that she's been Liv's roommate.

Have I not been doing a good job?

Well, you know what? Let's find out.

Ask again later.


I've been taking out zombies.

I've passed all your nutty little tests.

Everything we had you do, and it's a privacy issue which gets your panties in a twist?

I assumed the deal was if I cooperated, you kept Liv out of this.

Yeah, well, when you assume, you... Yep.

There's always a method to the madness, my boy.

Was having Rita seduce me part of the madness?

Gaylord says what?

You didn't know?

That you were my doing the featherbed jig with my daughter?

Mmm... No.



With the list.

20 new names.

So, sweet child of mine, who's always telling Daddy not to sleep with the help.

Really, Major?

I didn't figure you for the kiss-and-tell type.

[SIGHS] It came out by accident.

An accident, huh?

Kinda like last night was an accident?



Come here.

You think this is funny?

You think you can hurt my daughter? Huh?


Stop it!

It was Liv, not him! You've got the list. You should go.

You don't mess with my daughter!

Don e.: Look at that.

What do you think that's worth, end of the day? Half a million?

A million? Whoa!

All that money rolling in, what're we getting?

Bupkis is what we're getting.


It is monkeys outside.

I'm off to Bedfordshire.

[SIGHS] New look.


No? No.

Where you been?

The shipment came in, and we didn't know...

[NORMAL VOICE] Boys. The night I had.

Mr. Boss nabs me, slits my throat and buries me in a hole.

Wait, what?

No need for concern. You see, it seems I'm a zombie again, so, I bounced back.

What should concern us though, is our friend Drake.

Part of the point of having a guy inside Mr. Boss' operation is getting a heads up when something like this is coming.

We didn't know anything.

Part of the point of having a guy inside Mr. Boss' operation Yeah, if history is any guide, I'm sure you're right.

Silver lining though.

Mr. Boss thinks I'm dead.

Let's let him keep thinking that.

You remember that hole we dug for Major?


I need you to take that and bury it there instead.

We're gonna shut down for now. Lay low.

Okay, I should go change before I start writing poems about the moors.

[SNIFFS] I imagine my cheeks could use a little color, as well.


Clive: Okay, so it's confirmed?

Lighter fluid?

Any idea of the brand?

Well, there was a can at the scene, but the label's burned off.

What's up?

Blaine's dad had a cabin up in Whistler.

Finally got the Canadians to let us search it.

Guess what we found in the fridge?

I don't know. A ham?

Secret plans? I'm not a guesser.


[SIGHS] More brains?

Like the brains Mrs. Suzuki gave us?

That we tested? And that came back bovine?

Not these.

Too big for a cow. Unless this cow's a genius.

Cows are large.

But their brains are smaller than ours.

You ever met a cow? They're dumb.

My buddy at the FBI lab will sort this out.

Jason: Lab. This is Jason.

Jason! It's Dale.

I need you to settle something.

Uh, a cow's brain. We're talking, like, softball?

Baseball, at best. If it's a cow.

Told you they're not cow brains.

You guys find more human brains?

What do you mean, more?

Didn't you read my report on the last one?

That was human, too.

So the brain you tested before?

That was a human brain?

Like I said in the report, which I guess you didn't even read.

We'll read this one. We're sending you a new sample.

Thanks, Jason.

Why did the report we read say "bovine"?

I don't know.

Maybe someone changed it.

But why? Who would do that?



Liv: Drake. Late again.

What does it mean?

Existing data points.

Lateness, standing me up, leaving at odd hours of the night suggest various hypotheses.

He's just not that into me, he's got a zombie on the side.

Maybe I'm the zombie on the side.

What I need is additional data and more detailed observation.


Hey, Liv. Sorry I'm late.

Don't be.

So, I know Netflix and chill is supposed to be code, but there really is a movie I wanted to see...

Actually, I changed my mind. I want to go out.

What's the name of the place where you're a bouncer?

Uh... The Snake Eye?

That place is kind of rough. Why would you want to go there?

Uh, call it scientific curiosity.

Hey, Drake.

What's up, guys?

Woman: Hey, baby.

Hey, man.

Liv: Initial observations.

This is Drake in his natural environment.

Cheap beer. Top shelf vodka.


I've been doing this a while.


So this must be that girl we've been hearing all about? She's real?

Hey, can you tell Patrick I can cover for him tomorrow?

So, Drake does have a job.

He's on familiar terms with a crusty bartender.

He's known and liked by regulars.

He's told people about me.

Current hypothesis?

Initial data points to Drake being on the level.

Hey, Drake?

Hey. Uh, Molly, this is Liv. Liv, Molly.


Hi. Can we talk?

Right this minute? I'm kinda busy.

Well, it's kind of important.

You go for it.

My hypothesis from tonight's data?

More data is needed.

Guess it was prudent to slide the disposable phone under Drake's seat, so I can track his movements until the battery dies in 30 hours or so.

Liv: Oh, no.

New New Hope?

New New New Hope, actually.

Initial reaction was good.

Levels of zombie virus fell, cell metabolism was normal, but then something led to a T-cell crash, then re-infection, then...

Have you considered the effects of Taurine on mitochondrial metabolism?

I'm sorry, what?

The Taurine cocktail in the Max Rager component of the serum can over-stimulate ATP production within cell mitochondria, leaving liver cells, especially, vulnerable to metabolic collapse.

You might want to consider using a buffer agent or...

Or not.

No, no, actually, uh...

You just might be on to something.


You busy?

Annie Rosine's alibi checks out.

I talked to the cannery manager, she was on shift the night Dr. Cash died.

Looks like we're out of suspects.

No, I found Dr. Benway.

I was headed to talk to him at work.


What drug testing company took him?

Just so I know to avoid those dr*gs.

Actually, Dr. Benway is no longer in the pharmaceutical business.

♪ So we'll bring you gold and treasure ♪
♪ From places near and far ♪
♪ Instead of happy birthday ♪
♪ We wish you happy ♪



Dr. Alan Benway?

I used to be.

Seattle Police. Could we talk?

Eleanor Cash is dead?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Just call it news.

So I take it you and Dr. Cash weren't on the best of terms?

Well, thanks to her, this is my life.

No drug company will touch me with a ten-foot pole.

A decade's worth of education down the toilet.

Thanks to her, how?

Well, if you're here, you must know.

We were in charge of testing a new acne drug.

Eleanor was supposed to do the clinical interaction studies.

She must have faked the results on that anti-anxiety medication the Rosine girl was on.

It's the only way that poor girl could've reacted the way she did.

Then, at the trial, Eleanor blamed me.

So, yes, thanks to her, I'm now serving crab dogs dressed like I'm in the world's worst Adam Ant cover band.

Can you tell me where you were Saturday night at 11:00 p.m.?

Home. Alone. Weeping.

My dating life isn't what it was.

Benway! The hell are you doing?

Table 12 is waiting for their fresh and fruity pirate booty!

I need it now!

Not tomorrow. Now!

Now! I assume you've heard of deadlines?

I've got Lockett warming up in the bullpen if you're not up to it.

Excuse me.

What'd you see?

I saw Vaughn Du Clark.

Dr. Cash worked at Max Rager.

Dr. Cash? Never heard of her.

What makes you think she worked here?

We, uh...


We have a source.


So, it's not just that you enjoy dropping by every time a homicide is committed in King County?

I really should m*rder somebody, get my tax dollars' worth.

So, you've never seen this woman?

Her, I do know. It's Dr. Erving.

Dawn, will you please have Dr. Erving step in?

Dawn: Dr. Erving didn't come in again.

Again? Why? Is she sick?

Dead, actually.

That's the woman the rest of the world knows as Eleanor Cash.



Dawn, have HR get out a listing for a new research scientist.

Oh, and umm send some flowers or whatever else to Dr. Erving's last known address.

So, why would Dr. Cash be using a fake name?

Bit of a scandal at her old job.

Can you tell us what she did here?

Uh, research.

What kind of research?

Energy drink research.

We are an energy drink company.

What, specifically?

CNS stimulation cascades?

Amino acid recombination chains?

Effects on cell integrity of stimulated ATP production?

I understood very little of that.

How did she get along here?

She ever have issues with other employees?

Well, she had issues with me.

I had her demoted for failing to deliver results on time.

But I don't m*rder employees over missed deadlines as a rule.

Oh, sorry, one sec. Carry on.

He's not telling us something.

Probably. But what?

I don't know.

Sorry. I really do have a company to run.

By all means, come back when you have a warrant.

The door's right where you left it, behind you.

Liv: You know what, Vaughn?

I know someone who would make a fantastic energy drink researcher.


That ding means Drake is on the move.

Drake said that Molly got knocked up by a friend of his and just needed to vent.

Well, let's see if that explanation stands up to vigorous testing.

9:00 AM Drake visits his mother.

Data noted.

Unified theory of Drake, still unknown.

And our zombie rat has gone back to her original color.

Much like our Liv.

You used a Taurine buffer agent?

Yes. Thanks to a helpful, but minor, insight from your scientist brain, I might be onto something.

Keep Blaine in the loop.

The last thing we need is him dropping dead and his zombie clients running amok.

I'll text him now.

What does it mean that I find your new look weird and creepy?

It means that you spend too much time with the dead.

It's so they don't recognize me at Max Rager.

Well, for the degree I've been creeped out by this, the clues you find better be earth-shattering.

I almost forgot.

For that professional look.

Literally the stuff of nightmares.


You know that this is exactly the kind of thing you promised Clive you wouldn't do.

Then let's not tell him.

Vaughn Du Clark.

That man is pure evil. I know that at my very core.

Rationalization isn't just a river in Egypt.

No. No, wait. That's denial.

Never mind. You should be good.




What's the word?


This is you?

You're a zombie again?


Back on the brain g*ng.



I got the impression we might have longer.

Yeah, I don't think Ravi factored in mitochondrial metabolism as an effect of the interaction...

Whoa. I'm so sorry.

This nerd brain I ate is so annoying.

Um, the bottom line is...

I'm gonna end up a zombie again?

And then die. Yeah.

That's part of it, too, apparently.

Heavy, right? Anywho...

Don't worry your pretty little head about it.

We got our best minds working on a cure.

Now. I assume you're here because you need another zombie for your freezer?


Drake Holloway.

On the list.

It's nice doing business with you.


Your knowledge of what we do here is kind of mind-boggling, Miss Dylan.

I studied L-carnitine's role in thermogenic reactions, but my true love is metabolite chain effects on cellular development.

Metabolite chain effects are a big part of our research here.

Our CEO's been pushing us to look beyond the average energy drink.

Vaughn Du Clark. A true visionary.

Really makes this an inspiring place to work.

I'm a bit curious why there's even an opening?

I mean, are we talking weird lab accident, or...

Ah. Yes.

Well, Gwen, actually, it's a bit unfortunate...

There was a m*rder.

A m*rder?

A Super Max researcher.

I heard someone set her on fire.

God. Like, a feud in the lab, or...

We didn't know her. We don't have clearance to the basement.

There is a secret basement?

Just a basement.

I mean, yes, you need clearance, but the existence of the basement is known, so, it's technically not a secret basement.

Of course.

So, what kind of toys do they let you play with?

So, there you go. All the usual tools of the trade.

Everything top of the line, of course.

Very nice.

I was expecting sequencers.

Do you know, in the basement, if...

Right. Sorry, you don't have...

Basement clearance.

Only the Super Max team.

Is there any more information we can provide, or...



Uh, down the hall on the left.

Where's the B button?

Hmm. Here goes nothing.

Automated voice: Unauthorized access.

Automated voice: Unauthorized access.


Automated voice: Unauthorized access.


Automated voice: Unauthorized access.

You saw who we have?

Didn't recognize her at first, but, yeah.

We're ready.

Right. Detective Babineaux. Tell him I'm at Max Rager, and if he doesn't hear from me, he'll know where to look.

Yes. Oh! Here is Vaughn Du Clark himself now.

Thank you.

Hey, boys.

She wasn't really talking to anyone.

Okay, so, uh, just to be clear.

You came here without the knowledge and approval of your superiors, to snoop around.

I just wanted to talk to Dr. Cash's coworkers.

Maybe she had issues, or a conflict...

Okay, impulse. Impulse to incinerate Liv Moore.

Oh... [GROANS]

Shake it off.

Shake it off. Huh.

Those dorks weren't Cash's coworkers.


Because Dr. Cash worked in the not-at-all-suspicious high-security basement.

You wanna know what's in that basement?



You know who else has a secret basement?


Because it's business, and businesses compete by trying to come up with even cooler new things, and you don't want someone trying to copy your cooler new thing before you're done, do you? So you work on it in your secret basement.

I mean, Fisher-Price probably has a secret basement, for God's sake.

So, it's possible that Dr. Cash's death was related to trade secrets.

If I could just talk to the people in the basement.

Very well.

Incineration it is.

I kid. [CHUCKLES] I kid.

You know your way out.

But in seriousness, don't come back.

Boy: Come out, freak!

Hey, kid. Seattle PD. Get over here.


What are you doing here spying and calling people names?

I'm trying to get a video of the freak.

My friends don't believe me.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but there's no freaks here.

She's all fixed up. Plastic surgery.

So why don't you just go on and leave her alone?

No, dude. I saw her last week.

She looked like Groot.

Are you sure about that?

It's 1982, Purdy Street.

Yeah, I'm calling about the title.

Okay, I'll hold.

We need to get a warrant to search the basement of Max Rager.


I had a vision.

He's got this secret area down there with fingerprint pass keys and security guards.

Which is where Dr. Cash worked, which means...

Yes, that's right.

Uh, who holds the deed to the house?

That's the full name?

Thank you.

What's the deal with this Canadian lighter fluid?

I went over to Annie Rosine's house earlier to ask that exact question.

What time you got?

Almost 9:00, why?

[SIGHS] We gotta hustle. Come on, I think I got this figured.

There we go...

Time to head to the graveyard shift at the cannery.

Miss Rosine? Detective Babineaux.


Seattle PD. Can you step out of your car, please?

What's this about?

Miss Rosine, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me.

Why? I don't understand.

Dr. Cash's m*rder.

Did the two of you plan it together or did you just talk her into it?

Me and who?

You and your sister.

Whose name is on the deed to this house.

I don't know what you're talking about.

The lighter fluid you used is from Canada, a regional brand from your home province, Alberta.

It's unavailable here.

Now, if you talked her into it, you can make things easier...


I have no clue what you're talking about.

She didn't know anything about it.

Jenny Rosine?

Jenny, what are they talking about?

I k*lled her, Annie.

For what she did to you. To us.

You know how much Annie got in the settlement?

Report says $50,000.

Jenny: Look at her.

You think that's fair?

To either of us?

I wanted to be an archeologist.

See the world.

Annie wanted to be a television news reporter.

Well, good luck, huh?

Now I'm Annie's nurse.

Someone's gotta do it, go out in the world, get groceries, make it to the drug store.

What'd you tell me, once, Annie?

You know how the Elephant Man feels.

Jenny, stop.

So, when I managed to track down Dr. Cash...

You burned her alive.

For a mistake.

Not for the mistake.

For lying about it. For running away from it.

For never saying or acting like she was sorry!

Jenny Rosine, you have the right to remain silent.

A full Romero zombie, Ravi.

Dr. Cash had one in captivity.

That's gotta be what's in the Max Rager basement.

Wait, how do you know you didn't see a zombie at some cheesy Halloween haunted house?

Or on TV?

In case you haven't noticed, our popular culture is quite inundated with zombies.

You're a scientist. For the moment.

Would your hypothesis stand up to rigorous testing?

Sure. Throw science at me.

Throw some my way, too, doc.

I got your message about this promising new cure?

He used a buffer agent.

Yeah. Of course.

To normalize mitochondrial metabolism in relation to cellular...

All right, all right, all right. I've had about enough of you two dilettantes.

This is an in-case-of-an-emergency break-glass potential cure.

Cured the zombie rat, who remains, for the moment, alive.

But we have no idea of its long-term effects.

Like life itself.

I am only giving this untested version to you because of the potential of your death leaving Seattle zombies unfed.

So it's not the love that dare not speak its name brewing between us?

Reasonably certain.


Gotta go. Double-parked the hearse.

Oh, and I hope you don't mind. I had to let out the crotch in those dungarees.



Liv: New data. 10:15.

Drake lands at a location downtown.

An unlisted location.

Hard to know what this means.

No, no, I want you to ship all of it.

Yeah. We're the only game in town now, so get to work.


Let's call it a day.

Did I tell you we buried the competition in the Utopium trade?

Literally. Like, in the ground. Like, dead and buried.

Or maybe it's the other way around.

Depends how long he kept kicking after his throat was slit.

Who was it?

Some minor former employee.

And this is fun. He was running a funeral home.

[CHUCKLES] Straight out of freshman English.

Foreshadowing? Hello?

Liv: Oh, my God!

No further observation required.

The subject, observed in his natural habitat, has revealed himself for what he is.


Working for Mr. Boss?

You sure that's the only explanation for what you saw?

Like, they don't know each other and Drake was simply giving a lift to a funny little stranger in need?

The theory that best fits the data is that I've been dating a criminal.

It's a solid theory.

However, the Ptolemaic theory of the universe also fit the data set at one time.

So I'm thinking I should confront him with my theory, see if he can offer an alternative.

Well, as a fellow scientist, who feels the data strongly supports the theory that Drake is a criminal, I strongly suggest that this confrontation take place in a public place with many exits.

I know a pla p like that.

I can't believe we're gonna bury this.

I'm a natural criminal. I don't see the point in being good.

Huh! I mean, Dave here, is a quote unquote, “good man”.

And he was riding his bike across the country to raise money for Jerry's kids when he gets hit by a drunk driver.

I mean, if being good doesn't pay off in the end, then I don't see the point.

It's a fair question.

The answer I've come up with...

Thank you, chief.

There is no point in being good.

It's part of the reasons I can enjoy this scam we're pulling here, selling luxury boxes to bury dead bodies in.

[SIGHS] But you know the crazy thing?

Even though I know it's a scam, I went and picked one out for myself today.

Royal Windsor Mahogany.

Blue silk trim.

Reserved a plot by the pond with a swan.

And for what?

The view?

Proximity to the swan?

It's just as well I'm dying.

Turns out I'm a sentimental patsy just like all of our customers.

Or I can give this a try.

What is that? Like, medicine?

Could cure me, could k*ll me.

You didn't see Gabriel die.

He sort of melted from the inside after he gave himself one of Dr. Chakrabarti's injections.

So, in the event I kick the bucket.

It's all in there.

Bank accounts, safe combos, all our customer's info for the brain business.

You keep the brain business going.

It's in humanity's best interest.

You promise me that.

Sure, boss.


Sure Yeah.

What about the, uh...

You stay out of the Utopium business.

Mr. Boss is too smart, he's too violent.

You guys would be in way over your heads. [COUGHING]

I'm okay. I'm all right.

Anything else, boss?

Just, um...

My sincere and grateful thanks for your years of faithful service.

It's meant so much to me.



Ten miles per hour.

Look at her go, why don't you? Ah!

And this is with just one can of the Super Max final release version in her?


Super Max magnifies the effect of adrenaline exponentially.

As long as it's in your system, you have all the strength at your disposal that you might have if your loved one were trapped under a car.


These zombies have taught us how to unlock our potential.

And I shouldn't need to tell you it's dangerous.

Accounting-wise, we've factored in lawsuits.

There'll be violent episodes similar to the frequency we experienced with Max Rager.

Only now, these manic episodes will be committed by super-strong, super-fast, tireless Super Max drinkers.

Yeah, I got news for you. Everybody's going to be drinking Super Max.

The take-away is, the only thing that can take down a bad guy having a Super Max freak out is a good guy chugging a Super Max.

Hey, uh...


Let me get a gander at this thing, will you?

It's okay. It's okay. I got it.

So, uh, what would happen if I were to give her a little zap?



I swear, we can't take you anywhere.

Whoa, 12 miles per hour.










Dad, hold the door!






Let me in.


Let me in! Dad! [SOBBING]

Let me in!

[SCREAMING] Let me in!


Waiter: Here you go, ma'am.




Hey, Ma.


Ma, I really gotta go. All right? I love you.


Yeah, Ma.

Yeah, Ma.

Ma, I gotta go.

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