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01x09 - Where the F*ck is Donnie

Posted: 03/21/16 10:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Billions"...

I told Donnie we've always known we can trust him.

Get started with 200,000 shares of Rubinex.

So we've been profiling all the players, and we see this Donnie Caan.

Suddenly, he loads up on Rubinex.

He couldn't provide the research on the trade.

He agreed to cooperate right away.

When Axe takes a big position on Kemlot, long, that audit is going to be a key piece of evidence proving he went against the numbers because he knew something.

I'm not gonna be part of the case going forward.

I've recused myself.

I want you to keep me in the loop about what you're doing.

But you're recusing yourself.

The gloves are off. We do whatever it takes.

I came across a job that I think might be your Shangri-La.

I know it's yours if you're interested.

Now the Axelrod name will be forever affixed to this building for all time.

Axe is a folk hero in this town.

Chuck: The guy gave the New York City Firefighter's Foundation 100 million dollars last year.

The police gave him a plaque at Ground Zero with his g*dd*mn name on it.

You just need to read this thing I found.

It'll make your day.

Who should we give it to?


September 11, 2001...

a plane crashes into the North Tower.

You short aviation stocks in the European markets making hundreds of millions of dollars.

And you take that money,
and you call it Axe Capital.

Taking on the Police Fund as a client was one of the proudest moments of my life.

Last thing I wanna do is pull the money, but I will.

When do we give them Kemlot?


♪ dramatic music ♪

[Bobby sighs]

[door squeaks]

Okay, best baseball team, all-time?

'27 Yankees?

Justify it. Why were they the best?

m*rder's Row.


And that's not an argument, Dean.

I know. Gehrig hit .373.

Hey. Kids, you wanna get some ice cream?

Gordon and Dean: Yeah.

School night?

Yeah. Let's get some anyway. Run in. We'll see you in there.


♪ tense music ♪

[bus hydraulics hiss]

Will you catch up with the kids?

I'll call George to bring the Range Rover around.

[door opens]

It's getting worse.

Yep. It's just starting.


[crickets chirping]

[ball clacks, thuds]

Three ball, side pocket.

[ball clacks, thuds]

When you're alone, do you always call 'em out loud?

No. Just in my head.

But I keep myself honest.

Only counts if it goes where I tell it to.

How many?

Forty-two in a row.

Fifth rack almost dead. Haven't missed yet.

You don't usually even think about missing.

Don't read anything into it.

[sets down cue]

Kids asleep?


I'm glad you saw it and reacted the way you did.

Hey, give yourself credit.

You got with it pretty quick.

We protected them.

Yep. Haven't missed yet.

I told you not to read into it.

My job is to read into everything when it comes to you and them.


That was really, really scary.

And I don't scare.

There's hatred. I can feel it.

I know.

Maybe we should think about moving away, just for a while, somewhere far away from here.

No. No way.

No one is chasing us from our home or my work.

♪ pensive music ♪

Six ball.

[ball clacks]

[crickets chirping]

[brakes squeal]

[engine rumbling]

[brakes squeak, hydraulics hiss]

crowd: Towers down, profits up!

Towers down, profits up!

Towers down, profits up! Towers down, profits up!

man: Axe Capital is profiting from the deaths of 9/11!

[crowd continues chanting]

[indistinct conversations]

[door closes]

I'm surprised you let those protesters out there beat you to it, Sean.

Huh. So you've been expecting me?

Sean: Good.


The vultures and the hyenas always share the carcass meal.



As you know, I'm not just a fund-raiser for the symphony hall and the grounds.

I am also a custodian of the legacy of the arts... which requires some difficult conversations.

Since the Yuletide season is down the road, I couldn't help thinking about the real life Saint Nicholas.

That's Nikolaos, the fourth century bishop of Myra who was famed for his anonymous donations to the poor children, sailors.

If he was anonymous, how do you know he did it?


We need to rename the building.

Sure. That's 100 mil at 3.3% for three months, which makes 100,825,000 dollars you pay me back, and we part as friends.

And hey, I won't even charge you any interest on what I paid the Eads family.

That's comped.

We're not in a position to give the money back.


A name change to...

Freedom Hall or Enterprise Hall.

Majestic titles that would bespeak a general...

Oh, yeah, I know.


[clicks teeth]

Keep going down this road, and my lawyers won't stop until I own the g*dd*mn place.

So it's either Axelrod Hall or Go f*ck Yourself Hall.

You choose.

[door opens]

[indistinct conversations in distance]

[door closes]

And the sad thing is, it's so competitive now.

Half the Chinese are applying to the Ivies.

All our kids are gonna end up in second-tier schools.

Not Eva. She's going to Yale.

Like I said...


Oh, you f*cking Harvard guys.


You sure? Nothing for you?

Not hydrating today.

[lowered voice] So I'm thrilled you got someone on the inside at Axe Cap.

[dishes clink]

Who looped you in?

I'm tracking so many of these things, I don't even notice who's briefing me.

Just the bars on the uni's, you know?

♪ mid-tempo song playing over speakers ♪

Anyway, it's all good, man.

This 9/11 shit... God smiled down on you.

Axelrod magically became the poster child for Wall Street malfeasance and profiteering off terrorism.

Or maybe not so magically.


In any case, a big takedown makes all of Justice look good.

And that's what you care about, huh?

Don't kid yourself, Chaz.

Perception has to be managed for the good of the country.

Yeah, I employed the phrase, and I meant it.

Optics matter.

None of us... not the AG, not you, not me... none of us took down a single f*cking giant in the shadow of the crash of '08.

I mean, maybe one or two mortgage brokers got kneecapped.

Axelrod's the chance to cement shoe a big one, for all of us.

Well, I can't really think about any of that because as you damn well know, I've recused myself.

Yeah. Like you said.


All eyes are on you, Chuck.

Land it safely.

We will get you any resources you need.


Thank you.

Maybe the Attorney General will grace you with a presence on the podium, class the thing up.


When the jungle was thick, you hid in the hills.

And now that I've bushwhacked through and I have El Dorado in my sights, you wanna sack the city with me?

"With me"?


I thought you recused yourself.


crowd: Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go!

Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go!

This is bad.


[man shouts indistinctly]

[door opens]

Hey, I don't show up at your job screaming and waving signs about how much you suck.

crowd: Hey, ho! Must go!

Oh, yeah, that's right. You don't have f*cking jobs!

man: f*ck you!


[door closes]

I wouldn't throw gas on it.

Yeah, I would. We're different.

You probably also make your bed every day.

He wants to see you in four minutes.

[crowd continues chanting]

Don't throw gas on it.

I'd never.

crowd: ...must go! Hey, ho...

Call Bryan Connerty right now.

Tell him Donnie's about to meet with Axe.

[telephone beeps]

[indistinct conversations]

♪ tense music ♪



Axe Capital is getting picketed.



[door closes]

[Donnie and Bobby speaking inaudibly]

Bobby: Kemlot Bio-chem.

Go long 200 million.

Donnie: Lot of lumber. Are you sure?

I'm not uncertain.

Mind if I ask why you're certain?

Let's go for a little walk.

[telephone rings in distance]

[door closes]

[indistinct conversations]


[Bobby's voice garbling, static]

[door closes, wire beeping and squeaking]

Wait. What happened?


[Bryan sighs]

Get a tech in here.

I don't know how you do it, man.

I appreciate it.

Bobby: You gotta learn to trust me, Donnie.

Audio's kicking back in.

Okay. Let's get it done.

[indistinct conversations]

[chair wheels clack and roll]

[telephone ringing in distance]

[mouse button clicks, computer beeps]

♪ dramatic music ♪



[inhales deeply]


You have lost weight. I can see it.

Uh, the benefit of an all-stress diet.

You're all bearing the burden of his actions.

It's really... this new level I'm at.

[whispers] It's so much money.

It's just capital.

That's how you have to think about it.

Like professional poker players.

Once the cash has turned into chips, that's all it is.

a*mo. b*ll*ts in the clip.

Discharge 'em when the target presents. You know that.

I'm haunted by this image.

It keeps coming into my head.

Train tracks. I've fallen on them.

I'm tied up in a web or something.

There's this knife that I can reach to cut myself free.

The engine is bearing down, but I...

For some reason, my hands won't work.

I can't make them use the knife until the damn thing is going to crush me, and I'll never see my kids again.

You feel trapped.

[breathes unevenly]

You refuse to save yourself because you think you deserve whatever's coming, but... you don't.

Thank you for saying that, but I do.

It's too late. I've lied to people.

I've lived my whole life trying to tell the truth, and I've been lying every day.

Who are you lying to?

This business makes liars out of all of us eventually.

Donnie, I know you to be a good person.

You can talk to me as you always have.

Thanks, but we both know who you answer to.

There is a Chinese Wall between me and my husband.

Donnie: That's not who I'm talking about.


[whispers] I can't.

[normal voice] I gotta go.

Shit. He's folding on us.

No. It's the last gasp of conscience. He's gonna do it.

[indistinct conversations, telephone ringing in distance]

♪ dramatic music ♪

[telephone continues ringing]


Kemlot. I just placed an order for 1.8 million shares.


There's another 800,000 shares on this ticket.

Can you get 'em in for me?

You know I will. Give me some ups.


He did it.

He f*cking did it.

We need to source the information.

Terri: Yeah, we need the part that dropped out.

Bryan: Yeah.



[telephone rings in distance]

He was definitely recording.

The data flow itself is uninterrupted.

My bet is that Axelrod built an enclosure that blocks external electric fields, making electronic surveillance impossible.


It's really smart, actually, if you think about...

Just clean up the audio file best you can.

Donnie wasn't right.

I think he's got the yips or something.

We need to make sure he's not crashing.

We'll go scoop him up.

[files thud]


[indistinct conversations, telephone ringing in distance]

[door creaks]

DeGiulio knows about our informant.

Of course he does. I told him.

Why the f*ck did you...

I-I-I heard from some guys in his office that he was still considering pulling the thing from us.

He was wondering about our ability to close.

So I let it leak that we were closer than anyone knew.

Nice kikashi.

How the f*ck do you know what a kikashi...

You don't have to live in Asia to play a little Go.


Okay, this we can work with.

The AG wants to be on that podium in the worst way.

We won't let her, but we can use her enthusiasm at the right time.

Here's what I didn't tell 'em... we just had a breakthrough.

Donnie made a substantial move based on inside information.

Direct ties to Axelrod. I'm waiting on details.

Excellent. Finally.

I got some news.

[door creaks]

Judge on the "Dollar" Bill case is going to be... Whit f*cking Wilcox.

Bryan: Ugh.

Kate: Self-appointed defender of capitalism.

I'll visit Wilcox. I'll seed the ground for the trial.

Great. [Sighs]

Our informant's gone missing.

Define "missing."

[birds chirping, vehicles passing]

[heel clacks]

What is this, some f*cking family intervention?

You're g*dd*mn right.


Because you need it.

The shit that's going on, we're worried about you, sis.

I got this.

Yeah, we knew you were gonna say that.

You always just wanna handle it on your own.

But this isn't just about you. This is about Dean.

What would he think? What would he say if he'd made it through?

If you think I would do anything, anything to tarnish our brother's memory...

Bobby and I made it a point to do the opposite.

How much we've given to the fire department, the police, all the first responders?

I can't show my face in the neighborhood.

The guys at my old house, they're talking about driving fire trucks through Bobby's office.

Oh, yeah? Who's talking that shit? Mikey?

Look, Lar, we just want to make a plan.

This is Bobby's mess. He has to clean it up.

We will.

♪ pensive music ♪

[chairs scrape floor]

[unzips purse]

Him, not you.

You married a criminal.

Walk away from the shame. Divorce his ass.

There's no prenup so you'll be rich, if you even want that blood money.

Do it for the boys.


[footsteps depart]

[telephones ringing in distance, indistinct conversations]

[ringing continues]

[indistinct conversations continue]

Sorry to interrupt. Lunch, is it?

[mouth full] Yeah. Ruggie Wrap with Cones.


I have an extra.

Sure. I'll have half. Have you seen Donnie Caan?

Not since this morning.

Try calling him?

[touchscreen clicks]

[indistinct conversations continue]

[cellphone vibrating faintly]

Ben: Hello?

I'm looking for Donnie. Who is this?

Ben Kim.

He left his phone on his desk.

[touchscreen clicks]


[telephone rings in distance]

[mouse clicking]

[door latch clicks, indistinct conversations]

It's Raul Gomez.


I'll take it.

[footsteps depart]

[door closes]

[telephone beeps]


I'm really sorry, my friend.

You know I'm not just saying that, right?

The 90 days... if it helps, you can take longer.

No, you don't even have to wait for your redemption period.

I don't hold hostages.


No, you're right to leave. I'd do the same thing.

Door's always open if you ever want to come back and make your guys some money.

Truly hope we get to that point.

[receiver thuds]

[chair wheels roll]

[door latch clicks, indistinct conversations in distance]

Bad time?


[door closes]

Nobody likes being called a greedy assh*le... not even you.

Oh, yeah?

[telephone receiver clatters, telephone beeps]

Hey. Can you bring some doughnuts and coffee to the group outside?

Bobby: With my compliments.

[receiver thuds]

[sniffs] What else?

Donnie Caan walked out.

Left his phone behind.

We had an odd conversation earlier.

He say anything about where he was going?


So why are you so worried?

Well, I can't break confidentiality, but I-I think it'd be good if you found him soon.

I'll do that. Thanks.

[door opens, indistinct conversations in distance]

[door closes]

[touchscreen clicking]


[indistinct conversations]

[door opens]

Hey, George.

Fire inspection.

What's going on?

[door closes]

We need access to the kitchen.

[dishes clinking, knives chopping]

We got inspected two months ago.

You got a cracked switch plate.

We're gonna have to write you up.

I don't see any cracks.

Lara: Lu.

Be quiet.

There's grease on the sprinkler.

Yeah. It's a restaurant.

[sprinkler thuds]

Lu: f*ck!

♪ dramatic music ♪


Really? Is this the way it's gonna go down?


[water hissing]

Good-looking meat.

[Lu mutters]

A damn shame.

We are clearing this restaurant for violations of fire safety code.

Everybody out.

Let's go! Everybody out!

[indistinct conversations, utensils clinking]


[patrons murmuring]

[dramatic music plays]

They turned down the coffee and the doughnuts outside.

Said they don't want your poison.

Mm. As predictable as they are annoying.

It's private property. We could throw them off.

Call in the strike breakers.


Let 'em do their thing.

[door opens]



[indistinct conversations in distance]

I told you I'd get to you when we had him in hand.

We're good, Mauricio. Thank you.

[door closes]

You still haven't found him?

Like I said, we will.

I just... want to know what's up.

You sure it's you that wants to know?

I've just been noticing this thing this last little while.

Your boss's body language isn't matching his words.

f*ck is that supposed to mean?

There's a lack of synthesis between what Chuck is saying and presenting and what's inside of him.


That's the kind of thing that can come back and bite you in the ass.

What's next? Phrenology?

[chuckles] Hmm.

I'm just trying to look out for you.

You should check your own body language while you're at it.

I'll get a full-length mirror.

Well, if you did, you'd see who you lean into every time she comes by.

Whoa. Whoa. If this thing between us is gonna...

Nah. It's done.

It was a hell of a lot of fun, but it's run its course, hasn't it?

Sure. Good call.

Uh, let me know when you've recovered the witness?

You know, you are a nice guy, Bryan, but you'll do a hell of a lot better when you're your own man.

[door opens]

♪ tense music ♪

[clears throat]

[headphones rustle]


[door closes]

Carly: Get everything you might possibly need
because they will destroy anything left behind.

Kinda it feels like jumping ship at exactly the moment the ship is gonna sink.

That is the time to do it.

I guess, but I kind of feel bad for all those other people who are gonna drown.

If we're doing this together, do me a favor?

Stop feeling.

[bag thuds]

♪ tense music ♪

[shoes stomping on stairs]

crowd: Towers down, profits up!

Towers down, profits up!

Towers down, profits up! Towers down, profits up!

[air hissing]

You want to save time? I could just shove you in my freezer.

[machine hisses, door clanks]

[hissing subsides]

180 seconds and it restores energy at a cellular level.

You should try it.

Yeah. I've never seen a 65-year-old look so fresh.

[inhales deeply] What do you know?

They're gone for sure.

[door opens]

Channing, Carly, and f*cking Hlasa.

They grabbed a few analysts, too.

Wags: Security... [touchscreen clicks] ...pulled this.

[inhales and exhales deeply]

They'll start their capital raise soon... if they haven't already.

Meetings are being set.


I've gotten a few calls from folks poking around, see how pissed we'd be if they kicked in.

I brought this on, Wags, 15 years ago.

All of it.

I might as well have spoken a f*cking incantation.

If you feel that way, what do you want me to do?

Keep listening. Find out what they're up to.

Then I'm gonna f*cking hobble them.

Like in Misery.


[door creaks]

Hello, Whit. Thank you for seeing me.

Oh, no. I'm honored.

[door closes]

It's an uncommon day when the U.S. Attorney himself comes by. Sit down.

You know, I just, uh, wanted to throw a few blades of grass in the air, see what kind of environment my office can expect on "Dollar" Bill Stern's pre-trial hearing.

We are not having this conversation.

We never would.

You know well the environment of my courtroom.

Tough, but fair.


Fair as in fair market, too.

Both sides have to toe the line.

If I find an illegal benefit was had, I will steer a jury there.

But if it's a personal relationship separate of business, I'll drive sympathies the other way.

Tough, but fair.


[palm slaps leg]

I wouldn't have it any other way.

You know, I'm not, uh, really hands-on, but... while I'm here, I wonder if we re-presented a warrant for bugging the Axelrod home.


[glasses thud]

Asked and answered.

He uses the home to conduct business.

It's the locust of a criminal conspiracy.

Should we bug the other employees' homes, too?

That would include your home, wouldn't it?

The audio of one's home would contain the most intimate of conversations... a fight with a spouse, crying baby, lovemaking.

It is not just a question of civil liberties.

It's a question of decency, too.

Thank you.

[footsteps depart, door opens]

[telephone rings in distance, indistinct conversations]

Kemlot Bio-chem is getting acquired by Far East P&C at over a hundred dollars a share in cash and stock.

Holy shit. Axe is gonna make...

Close to 100 million profit on a dirty as shit trade.

You have confirmation of the source?

We will when they bring Donnie in.

Yeah, where the f*ck is Donnie?

Waiting on word. Soon.

Well... then it's a lock.



[indistinct conversations continue]
Jesus, we... we... we gotta celebrate.

We should... You know, we should, uh...

We should, um...

What? Get dinner?



A real one? Or should I bring my dad again?

Oh. [Scoffs]


Oh, okay. [Laughs]


[cellphone vibrating]

Hang on.


[cellphone continues vibrating]

It's just business.

[cellphone continues vibrating]


[indistinct conversations in distance]

W... You still can't find him?


[footsteps depart]

[crow cawing]

[vehicle approaches]



Looking good.

You, too, Mikey.

[shoes scuff pavement]


How's Cyn?

She's good. [Clicks teeth]

She's not that stoked about you dropping by.

Come on. This isn't that.

You know what this is.

Hey, you married the guy, you know?

You wanted the big life... bigger than I could give ya.

You got the ups. Now you get the downs.

You and me were all but done when I met him.

You know, just making sure lines aren't blurred, that you're not maybe helping the guys be pissed off.

Nah. No, everything's clear, not blurred.

And I don't need any help.

The whole department's pretty bent, matter of fact.

After all the support? I mean, all the money that Bobby's poured into the Firefighters Foundation?

I guess the sentiment is his money's cheap... and dirty.

Quarter of a billion dollars cheap?

Over the past dozen years?

I don't give a f*ck.

♪ tense music ♪

Nobody did anything to hurt you guys.

It's just circumstance.

I'm hoping you can carry that message.

Nah, I don't see it like that.

And I'm not carrying that... [scoffs] anywhere.

Then you're a f*cking simpleton, and that is why it didn't work out between us.


[footsteps depart]

[sirens wailing in distance, indistinct conversations]


Bryan: Bad news, boss.

Donnie Caan still MIA.


We've got the arrest warrant almost baked and no chief witness.

f*cking find him!

I'm on it.

They've got physical surveillance up on his home and relatives, tracking his credit cards, his phones, his E-ZPass.

We put a-a red notice on his passport file.

We're also following social media.

Haven't gotten anything yet, but...

Really? He's not live tweeting his escape?

[horn honking in distance]

[heels thumping on floor]

[door latch clicks]

[indistinct conversations in distance, door closes]

I'll get these violations cleared.

I'll have my guys talk to the fire marshal. [kisses]

It's bigger than that.

Something else happen?

No. It's just...

I just don't think the local captain's gonna stop on his own.

What's your family saying?

They're behind you 100%.

But the New York firehouses, you know, the ones who lost... their guys in 9/11?


They're calling the sh*ts.


Everything will smooth out if they're satisfied.

I get the message. I'll fix this.

[knock on door]

It's open.

[typing on laptop, door latch clicks]

You have time for an old friend?


[door closes]


Bold move.

I'm not here to headhunt you at your place of work.

I was just pitching some of my best clients to Wags.

I've got a dozen young traders and PMs all dying to work here, and no one seems to give a shit about the reputational damage.


[chuckles] One of my favorite things about you... you're smarter than me.

You're right. I have an ulterior motive.

I'm wondering why you turned down your dream job.

That company I told you about, they said they'd follow it up with...

I can't bail on this place right now, not with Occupy Westport in the parking lot.

This is when my guys actually need me the most.

If the company needs to fill the spot this week, let it go.


All right, you're not ready for a new life. How 'bout this?

There is a bar opening on Bowery.

A speakeasy, it says.

Apparently they're not aware that Prohibition has ended.

I'm hoping I can cadge us some cheap drinks.

[sighs] There is so much about that invitation I like.

The taste of bathtub gin.


I think you better get going before this starts to look weird.

[knock on door]

Come in.

[door latch clicks]

Lara, hi.

Uh... this is Chase. He was just...

I was just heading out.

Nice to meet you, Lara.

[door closes]

Can I sit?

Of course.

[clears throat]

Is everything okay?

Not really.

[chair shifts]

This feels like a session.

Call it what you want.

I need advice.


That hatchet job on Bobby...

They're coming after my restaurant.

[sighs] I am so sorry.

Yeah. Well, doesn't just hurt me.

You know, my sister, all my people... they count on that place.

It's all they have.

I'm not sure what kind of advice...

Just tell me, if you were in my situation, what would you do?

You know, if you hadn't done anything wrong, but you were targeted anyway.

Collateral damage.

And not just you, anyone you love... your friends, employees, your family, your children.

Does that feel right to you?

Does that feel like justice?

You want me to pressure my husband to back off.

You know I can't do that.

Why not?

First of all, Chuck is recused.

[laughs] Yeah, I know what he says.

Let me be clear.

This is my job.

My husband's job is his.

I've drawn a line.

Well, then you're really, really lucky 'cause I sure as f*ck can't.

♪ tense music ♪

[heels clack on floor]

[heels clack, pen scribbling]

[paper rips]

Therapist I went to school with, if you really need someone to talk to.


[footsteps depart]

[door opens]

[door closes]

[exhales deeply]

[indistinct conversations]

[door latch clicks]

Wags: I figured this would be a good place to talk.

I usually get full bars.

Now... nothing.

Imagine that. When do you come in here?

It's a great place to jerk off when you're not around.

A few things... Kemlot popped on the acquisition news.

Three-run homer.

Maybe a grand slam by the time it's done.



Now ask me what you really wanna know.

Where the f*ck is Donnie?


I was on board with the rest of it.

But where did you stash him... and why?

I didn't, and I don't know.

So this isn't like what happened with the Pouch?

You're not just disinforming me to be thorough?

Not this time. He's really gone.

Even Hall hasn't been able to find him.


Well, what now?

I don't know.


[vehicle passing, dog barking in distance]

You should've seen Spencer's father at back to school night.

He was grilling the teacher about AP English prep.

These are fourth graders.

[smacks lips] Well, the douchebag apple doesn't fall far from the douchebag tree.

[cellphone vibrating, utensils clatter]

[chewing] Yeah?

Bryan: We got a hit on Donnie's E-ZPass.

[chair squeaks]


The Mass Pike.

State trooper's waiting in the next tollbooth.

Should be soon now.

Got it. Thanks. [clicks teeth]

[cellphone thuds]


I'm so sorry. I gotta get to the office.

Everything okay?


[chair wheels rattle]



♪ tense music ♪

[utensil clinks, door slams]

[brakes squeal]

[indistinct radio chatter]


This is it. All units go.

[sirens wailing]

[brakes squeal, wailing continues]

man: Let's go. Move, move!

[female officer shouts indistinctly]

Put your hands on the f*cking steering wheel!

Get 'em up!


[indistinct radio chatter, horn honks in distance]

Sarge, I think we got a problem.

It isn't even the subject's car.

Well, then why the f*ck did your alert go off?

It is Caan's E-ZPass.


Did this guy stop anywhere?

Rest stop in Jersey.

m*therf*cker swapped it out.

f*ck! f*ck! I...

[receiver clatters]


[receiver thuds]




Oh, they are, to a person, clever m*therf*ckers.


Well, you gotta salute it in a way. [Laughs and sighs]

I'm sorry to have pulled you in.

No, no, no.

That's the problem here.

Well, you're apologizing because the lion next door ate our schnauzer.

I mean, we really shouldn't be surprised.

Maybe we should've thought of that possibility before we moved in and let the dog out.

Their entire industry is built on going long and short at the same time.

Both employing risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying off risk as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns.


No, it's time we stop appreciating it and start to mirror it.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Chuck: Thanks for agreeing to see me.

Sorry it's so late.

[door closes]

Thank you. [Sighs]

[clears throat]


[footsteps depart]

[clears throat]

What's this about?

Well, this is your make-up call.

Judge Wilcox... you had a problem with him.

Yeah, US vs. Tritter.


I asked for seven years on g*n trafficking.

Some kid in the projects.

Wilcox gave him 35 years.


It's f*cking frontier justice.

It nagged at me.

I asked you if I could do an off-book investigation on Wilcox, but you shut me down.

Do you remember what you told me?


"At least he's a prosecutor's judge."

[clicks teeth] I've reconsidered.

[scoffs softly] Why?

Like Keynes said, "When the facts change..."


Look into Wilcox.

Go wherever it leads.

You're making a move on a federal judge.

Is he in your way? What's your beef with him?

If he's clean, none at all.

[footsteps approach]

[sighs heavily] My practice time, Lon.

Carnegie Hall, you know?

Honey, this is the US Attorney.

No, no, no, no.

I used to get the same way before a big closing statement.

I admire it, and I will be on my way.


I may need some help with the judge thing.

[piano playing classical piece]

You'll get it.

And you know Eastern's gonna have to be involved now.

Credit's not important when true justice is involved.

[whispers] Of course.

[palm slaps, hands shake]

[slaps shoulder, piano continues playing]

Where the f*ck is Donnie?

[vehicles passing]

He's not just soaking in some isolation t*nk.

He's thinking.

And at the end of this, he could decide to walk into their office... and tell 'em everything.

[train whistle blows]


They'll pull up the timetable, and we are over.

Well, I can tell you that hasn't happened yet.

He is not in Federal custody.

You get that from your janitor?

Also from Washington. I've confirmed.

You knew the risk when you put this thing in motion.

Yeah. Yeah, this part wasn't hedged. It was straight risk.

You said the hedge was that you read your guy.

If that was your read, then you were right and still are.

Yeah, well, it sounds good when you say it.

Doesn't make it true.


Get something to eat?


♪ pensive music ♪

[car door opens]


[indistinct conversations]


[indistinct conversations continue]

man: All right, guys, settle down.


[murmuring fades]

[siren wailing in distance]

[inhales deeply]

You hate me.

I don't blame you.

You lost more than I could ever imagine that day... colleagues, friends, including Lara's brother, Dean.

I met Lara in an aid tent.

She was just out of nursing school.

I didn't know she lost her brother in the Towers.

But when I found out...

I realized what I'd done.

It brought it home.

And I want you to know this... that when I started donating to the Firefighters Foundation...

It wasn't calculated.

It was out of real admiration.



man: Total BS.

[murmuring continues]

Paul. Talk to me.

You sound like a f*cking politician.

Mikey: You gonna buy us, too, Axe?

How much do I cost?

Really, Mikey? Try to show a tiny bit of restraint.

They're entitled to their anger. Mikey, too.

[vehicles passing in distance]

You all read the articles.

You know I made those trades after the first tower was hit, before we knew it was terrorism, before I knew my whole firm was gonna die.

That's your f*cking excuse?


What the papers didn't say is that I kept trading after the South Tower was hit, too.

In fact, that's when I stepped on the gas.

[man scoffs] Oh, man.


Am I a politician now?

♪ tense music ♪

I'm not running and hiding.

I am standing right here, telling you, I didn't do it for me.

I have plenty of time left to make myself some money.

I did it because even though I knew my colleagues, my friends would all be gone, their families would still be here, and they would be my responsibility.


Was it coldhearted?




I thought I had to be. Maybe I was wrong.


Look, the reason I'm here is because I value you guys... my relationship with the department, but especially with this house.

We drank together on the anniversary.

You matter to me.

And even if I don't matter to you, I wanted you to hear it.


[man sighs]

man: Hmm.

So thanks for giving me the chance.



[accordion playing New Age music]

[voice breaks] It's beautiful.


man: Mr. Caan?


Do you know the rules?


He'll know your name.

You'll have two minutes.

You can ask questions.

He might give you a gift.

And he can touch you, but you can't touch him.


♪ illuminating music ♪

[curtain rustles]

Come here, Donnie.


How are you?

Uh... lost.


Now you are found.


[metal clinking softly]


[breathing slowly]

Kevin's backpack?

[lid clatters]

Mm. It's in his room, I think.

[cellphone vibrating, knife clinks]

[cellphone clicks]


Donnie Caan finally used his credit card at Trapper Lodge.

Some shitty restaurant in downtown Cleveland.

Mm-hmm. Did you send in locals?

[chair scrapes floor]

[typing on laptop]

Gone when they got there, but just a matter of time before we wrap him up now.

Hmm, Trapper Lodge...

[continues typing]


[taps key]

That's right near the Cleveland Convention Center.

[taps keys]

[taps key]

[inhales sharply]


A f*cking saint. That's who he was seeing.


He let himself be found.

He'll be coming back home.

Who will be?



[laptop closes]

It's the case I'm working with Connerty.

Which one?

I know what you're implying.

[cellphone clatters]

We agreed with Decker, you wouldn't ask me about Axelrod.

That's when you were on the case. You told me you were off.

This is the exact reason we shouldn't be talking about any of my cases.

Are you on or off?

[utensil clatters, wipes palms]

You know, if you don't believe me, you should ask Connerty.



[footsteps depart]

♪ tense music ♪

[vomiting and coughing]

[vehicles passing]


[crow cawing in distance]

[birds chirping, wind blowing lightly]

[footsteps approach]


[crow continues cawing]

I think we can save most of the stuff around the acorn squash and the Brussels sprouts.

[vehicles passing in distance]

We can replant the rest.


[speaking Spanish]

Big truck was here.

Y Mira.


Silver dollars.


[crow cawing in distance]

30 pieces.

[vehicle door opens, closes]

♪ tense music ♪

[vehicle doors open and close]

crowd: Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go! Hey, ho! Axe Capital must go! Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go! Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go! Hey, ho, Axe Capital must go! Hey, ho! Axe Capital must go!

Donnie: Hey.

Where the f*ck are you?

Driving home. I'm...


[vehicles passing in distance]

I don't know. Somewhere flat.

A lot of fat people.

I'll be back in the office tomorrow.

You scared the shit out of me.

I know. I'm sorry.

[crowd continues chanting]

I just want to thank you.

That stuff you said...

It helped me figure out what's really important to me.

So I went on a spiritual quest.

My version, anyway. Cleveland.

What's there?

A chance to clear my head.

I saw Guru Ash.

You know, that "Third Eye Seer"?

Silly, right? But...

He's kind of a saint.

♪ anxious music ♪

You saw a saint?


[door opens]

[keys jangle]


[door closes]

Where's Wendy?

At work. She didn't tell you?


You can take off. [sighs]

[cellphone vibrates, briefcase clatters]

[touchscreen clicks]


Got the m*therf*cker.

Hauling him in right now.

Don't leave.

Uh, I'll be right there.


Hey, boss, the group outside was getting set to pull out, but the bus broke down.

They're stranded for the time being.

Oh. That is a real f*cking shame.

And right when it's supposed to start raining?

Have fun gettin' pneumonia, m*therf*ckers.

You want me to leave 'em out there?


[footsteps depart]

[crickets chirping, heels clacking]

[door opens, door creaks shut]


I wanna talk.

Yeah, I can't, not now.

Where are you going?

Where do you think?

[horns honking]

woman: So the protest seems to be coming to an end...

[indistinct conversations]

All loaded up. The bus is being towed.

[door closes]

They actually accepted limo rides home?

Well, no one turns down a limo.

[wind blowing]



Sorry. I was at the restaurant.

[sweater drops]


Made some decisions.

[boots unzip]

You shuttered it.

I'm selling the farm, too.

[pulls boots off, boots thud]


[mattress thuds]

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm telling you now.

We could've held on, the restaurant and the farm.


By not letting go.

I don't give a shit if people didn't show up for ten years.

People forget. Things change.

We could've fought.

This is me fighting.

I come from a long line of scrappers.

We learn to get rid of our weaknesses so we can fight better.


♪ tense music ♪

[sighs heavily]



When things get really bad, I shut down.

I go on autopilot. I know.


I did it on 9/11. I did it here.

That's the only way I know.

You gotta find another way.


It was...

I don't know. Like a long, dark night of the soul.

Don't f*cking toss clichés at me.

You had some crisis? Fine. See a shrink.

But you... you were having fun jerking us around.

filtered voice: Look, the E-ZPass... I was scared.

I came back on my own, didn't I?

Plus, I got you Axe ordering the Kemlot trade.

Everything you asked for.

No, not everything.

We don't have the source of the inside information, which you know is a key f*cking element in this prosecution, because he gave it to you in the blocked room.

I can tell you everything Axe said.

The insider source... he's a high-ranking FDA guy.


Uh, Glenn...

Gilmartin, I think.


I'm sorry. I assumed you had it on tape.

Dale: Guy's legit. Works for the FDA.

What else did he say?


Uh, Axe paid him off, didn't say how much.

But I get the feeling...

I get the... uh, get the...


I'm really tired. Can we do this tomorrow?

No, we f*cking cannot. Sit the f*ck back down.

Listen, I feel really sick. You... you're right.

I did think about not coming back.

But I decided... I'll give you what you need.

I'll testify against Axe.

But right now I need... [coughs]

Dale: Aah!

Holy shit. Donnie!

No. Donnie.

Terri, filtered voice: Oh, f*ck!

Bryan, filtered voice: Donnie.

Can you hear me? Donnie?

I'll go get somebody.

Bryan: Get him on his side over here.

[door opens, closes]

g*dd*mn it, Donnie.

Donnie. Donnie! Can you hear me?

Bryan: Donnie?

[Dale speaks indistinctly]

Donnie. g*dd*mn it.

Donnie. Donnie! [voice echoes]

[Townes Van Zandt's "Waiting Around To Die" plays]

♪ Sometimes I don't know where this dirty road ♪
♪ Is taking me ♪
♪ Sometimes I don't even know ♪
♪ The reason why ♪
♪ But I guess I keep a-gamblin' ♪
♪ Lots of booze and lots of ramblin' ♪
♪ Well, it's easier than just a-waitin' around to die ♪