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03x06 - Rule of Anger

Posted: 03/19/16 06:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten"...

What was that?

Uh, wiring. It's fine.

They know where we are. We have to move, find another base.

I have a place already.

Katia and Alexei saw their mother torn apart by a wolf with one red eye.

Roman's assassins.

Karen: It wasn't a dream, was it?

That boy, he was changing into something.

God, did I see him... change into a wolf?

Jeremy: This is my responsibility.

I'll figure it all out.

[Gasp of pain]


Elena: What's happening there?

Jeremy: I spoke to Jorge, he told me that you had him track Roman.

He found a lot of credit cards that lead to Southern Ontario.

Are you coming back?

I am going to go after Roman.

This is from the Russian wolf. It's infected.

I can turn around. We can be there in an hour and a half, tops.

Rachel isn't answering?


Go to Rachel's.

I found this at the front gate.

[Punching thud, screaming]

Clay: That's Marsten.

Marsten: [on video] Please, enough... enough!



Maybe she left.


Something's not right.

[Baby cooing]


Oh, thank God.

What's going on?

Who is this?

[Baby fussing]

[Electricity crackling]

Uh, it's fine. This is...

This is Katia.

I'm Elena's half-sister.

It's a long story.

It's just for a few days.

She can stay in the spare room.

Who's after her?

It's a bit of a situation, but we're handling it.

I can't be worrying about men coming through the door.

That's not going to happen.

Nobody knows about this place.

There's something wrong with Rocco.

What, like colic?

I wish.

This is much worse.

I moved everything away to keep anything from falling on him.

What would fall on him? Everything's on the floor.

It won't stay that way.

Rachel, Rocco is fine.

This is completely normal. Look, I've read about this in the books.

The insomnia and the irrational fear... it's called postpartum anxiety.

If you say it's hormones, I will punch you in the nose, I swear to God.

[Baby crying]

Aren't you going to go to him?

Move back.

[Crying intensifies]

Rachel, he's... hungry or wet.

He needs you.

You don't think there's anything wrong with him?

Just wait.

[Crying continues]

What's going on?

All right...


[Baby screaming]

Ho-ly shit.

It's okay, Rocco, it's okay.

[Crying stops]

Still think it's postpartum anxiety?

Marsten: [Coughing, groaning on video]

[Pleading, stammering]


[Screaming in pain]

Marsten: Please, enough... enough!

[Grunting, panting]

He's in the textile factory.

We have to get a hold of Jeremy.

Roman's obviously trying to draw us out.


[Continued groaning]

It's just one guy.

One guy we can see.

We have to save him.

I-I agree, but that factory is huge.

Who knows how many Russians are waiting for us.

I know. But it's Marsten.

Why would we play right into his hands?

We won't.

They'll be expecting a show of force, but we'll go in quietly.

It's too risky.

None of us are worth saving unless we're all worth saving.

Then we go get him.


What can I get for you, friend?

Glass of ice.

[Glasses clinking]

You want anything in that glass that I can charge you for?

Just ice.


You're not busy, eh?

You kidding me? Three people in here at the same time, it's a stampede.

You the owner?

I am the sole proprietor.

One employee, me.


I like this place.

You want to sell it to me?


Son, you'd be buying a pig in a poke.

Besides, this place is all I got left since the wife passed.

Keeps me busy, even when it ain't busy.

So... no sale?

Nope. Sorry.

You want to try the breakfast special?

Other costumer: [Coughing]

Let me ask you this.

Those two, I saw their licence plates: one from Washington, the other from Pennsylvania.

Do you think anybody knows they're here?

Drinking beer at 8:00 in the A.M.?

I doubt it.

I change my mind. I have coffee.

[Ominous music]

Yeah, I'll just get the bill.

I don't remember inviting you to join us.


What the hell?


Sit, sit.

I have travelled a very long way to show you magic trick.

Drinking a whole pot of coffee?

No, no. Different trick.

Hold this.

No, both hands.

Don't let go.

This is called orbitoclast. Yes?

You know what it's for?


Doctor puts this up under your eye socket.

Swish-swish... boom, you have lobotomy.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I've seen that in the movies.

And I don't think you're allowed to do it that way anymore though.

This is true.

You watch the bottom.

I don't get it. What's the trick?

He's dead.

[Impact thud]

[Swish, click]


[Gagging, gurgling]

[g*n clicking]

What in God's name did you do?

[Clicking, b*ll*ts falling]

[Slams r*fle down]

I told you, I like this place.

Rocco is sleeping.

Good. Good.

I've got to tell you, I'm a little freaked out.

Yeah, it's a little freaky.

What makes a baby werewolf move things like that?

Rachel went through a lot when she was pregnant.

She was taken by a very... very bad man who injected her with witch's blood.

Whoa. Okay... what are we talking about here?

Like, "Blair" witch or "Wizard of Oz" witch?

[Knocking on door]


Hey, handsome.


How's your father?

He's recuperating.

Jeremy: [On phone] And Jorge?

He buried the sheriff's body.

He took extra care, like you asked.

Jeremy: None of this should have happened.

Karen deserved better.

Jeremy, I know how you're feeling, but don't let that cloud your judgment.

None of this will stop as long as Roman's still alive.

You don't have to go after him alone.

Let us help you.

I'm going to do what I must, and so will you.

At least wait until we have Marsten back.

There is no time, Elena.

I expect you to keep the Pack together.

[Hang up beep]

Let's go, darlin'.

[Grunting in pain]

[Sputtering, coughing]

[Groaning, panting]

[Whistling in the distance]

[Whistling getting louder]

[Continues whistling]

[Whistling stops]

Breakfast special.

[Whistling continues]




[Current buzzing]

Paige: Tell me how it all started.

The lights. They'd flicker when he cried.

Right away?


Uh, it would take a minute.

If I couldn't soothe him in time, poor thing would get so worked up.

Then things started to move.

Little things at first.

Like, a fork would fall off the table; the pictures in the room would get knocked sideways.

The toys were the first things to float towards the crib.

Nick: It was Aleister at the compound.

When he injected Rachel with Savannah's blood, it must've affected the baby.

Paige: I have never seen a baby showing magical abilities before.

I just don't want Rocco to hurt himself.

That's the weird part.

A baby his age can't see past a few feet.

So how is he moving things that he can't see across a room?

Is there a way to... uh... to cure him?

It isn't a sickness.

Nick: Hey.

That's not what she meant. You know that.

Of course.

Let's find out what's really going on here.

I need you to write everything down.

Don't leave out any details.

And I need something of Rocco's.

A pacifier.

Uh, in my room, on the dresser.

I can get it.

Nick: Why do I get the feeling like I'm going to be hunting for alderwood and hemlock soon?

No, but I will need crickets and pine cones.


Marsten: [Coughing]



[Heavy clatter]

You haven't told me what you want.

From you? Nothing.

Which is all well and good, since I have nothing to offer you.

You will bring us the ones that we want.

And who might they be?

Anyone on the list.


I've travelled to Russia... heard tales of The Albino, the werewolf with the one red eye.

Appeared and disappeared like a ghost.

Even the most stout-hearted crossed themselves and spat.

[Cynical chuckle, cough]

I thought it was a convenient fable, a bogeyman for Roman's men.

Do you believe in a bogeyman?

[Lock clicking]

Come. Step out.

I'll show you.


[Lock clicking]

That's a good mouse.

You've spent a lot of time here. Hmm?

Well, I made a vow to look after Logan's son.

Is that all?


Oh, come on.

Logan was my best friend.

Rachel was his fiancée.

Who do you think I am?

I'm not accusing you of anything.

I'm just saying that these things happen.

Nothing's happening.


[Twigs snapping]

You know what?

You're something, you're really something.

You break my heart and I don't hear from you for almost a year...

I'm sorry, okay?

It's been hectic.

I sold the cosmetics company.

Savannah and I are packing up and moving to Portland.

There's just... too many bad memories on the East coast.

Well, what's in Portland?

Should I ask who is in Portland?

He's a lawyer.

Does this, um... lawyer have a name?

You werewolves, always looking for the hunt.

Just let this one go, Nick.

You're right where you belong.

Right here, taking care of them.

They're lucky to have you.

You know, I was lucky once.

I found some wild dill weed.

My mother used to make okróshka with it back in Vladivostok. Russia?

W... are you connected with Roman Navikev?

How do you know about him?

We've had some dealings with the Russian Alpha.

Since he found out about us, he's been hunting for Russian witches.


The Coven there has scattered and gone into hiding.

One of them is missing.

What could Roman want with witches?

What all men want.


Jeremy: Nick? Update. How is the baby?

Paige is here doing some sort of... witchy experiment thing.

Jeremy: [On phone] Paige is there? For Rocco?

Well, that's what we're trying to figure out.

Nick, that child is very important.

He's the future of our Pack.

I need you to protect him and to guide him.

It's up to all of us, isn't it?

My focus is the Russian Alpha.

Paige mentioned that Roman is hunting Russian witches.

Then he can't find out what's happening to Rocco.

A werewolf child with those powers...

I won't let Roman anywhere near Rocco.

There's no black SUVs.

Just this truck. I haven't seen any movement.

They could have k*lled Marsten by now.

No, he's in there.

I checked the whole perimeter of the building.

I only catch one other scent.

The guy in the video.

He's getting closer.

This guy kills just to be cute.

Then we stop him.

Rachel: What is that going to do?

Paige: I'll be able to track the energy flow.

But he can't see anything from his crib.

Telekinesis only works if you can see what you're moving.

You said that he moved items that he couldn't see.

We have to find out how he's doing it.

You mean, like he's got more than one power?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Is any of this dangerous?

I've never done it before.

That's not comforting.

This is all new for me too, Rachel.

Whatever you do, don't break the circle.

This was a mistake.

Just... just wait a second, okay?

It only happens when he's crying.

Well then, let him cry.

Hey, hey, look, I promise nothing will happen to Rocco, okay?

Rocco: [Fussing]




[Crying intensifies]

[Mobile music playing]

[Cacophony of toy noises]

No, we've got to stop it.

Wait, wait, wait.

Something is wrong.

The energy isn't coming from inside the circle.

This is crazy.



Nick, don't touch her.

What's happening to me?

The baby's fine. Nick, get Rachel out of here.


Come on, Rachel, come on.

He's okay.

[Panicked breathing]


Calm down. It's over.

It's like I'm covered in ants!

Help me, please!


Nick: Paige! You better get in here!

Rachel... there's nothing wrong with the baby.

Rocco's fine, Rachel.

He doesn't have magical powers.

Then what is happening?

It's you.

It's always been you.

You just never knew it.



There's more rooms up ahead.

I think they're holding Marsten on the other side of the building.

Let's clear the floor and find him.

[Electricity buzzing]


[Grunting, straining]


[Buzzing continues]


[Buzzing continues]


Clay! Can you hear me?

[Current buzzing]

Elena and Clay: [Grunting]

[Muffled yelps]


Get away from me.


[Cup clattering]

It's just water.

Um, what is it with you Americans?

You don't trust anyone.

Where is Clay?

He's sleeping.

[Slow exhale]

Huh... a wolf with one red eye.

Sasha told me about you.

You k*lled his wife.

She got in the way.

I wanted the children.

What's your name?

My name doesn't matter.

Yours does.

Elena Michaels.

Though you really are Antonov, aren't you?

I thought it would take time find you, but... you are first up.

Roman sent you.

His mistake is now yours.

Navikev doesn't send me anywhere.

He gives me a name.

You see?

This is my list.

You are on it.

That is all.

And the other names?

They are dead.

And so are you.

You're on the list.

Why me?

Navikev said it's his bloodline, but I don't care about these things, just the names.

I didn't see Marsten on your list.

Ah... the, uh, the what you call it? Dandy?

He is a just a convenience to get to you.

You've got me now.

So let him go.

Maybe, maybe not.

We'll see how we feel.

Same goes for your big friend.

I may need them to find the others.

Or... you tell me.

They're gone.

You're not going to find them.

Yes, I will.

One at a time.

You chase two rabbits, you catch none.

Let's see...

Tell me... where Katia Antonov is.

She will be easy... human girl.

Go to hell.


This is too bad.

I'm curious about many topics.

I like to see how things work, how they are put together... from the inside, out.

You are a woman werewolf.

This is curious to me.

Huh? It is a very special thing.

Only one.

Never before.

I am sure never after.

See, I would like to see how this came about.

Why is this so, after all this time?

It is... very big question.

[Sharp intake of breath]

But you're on the list.

It's too bad. Huh?


Here, this is it.

[Soft grunt]


Would you like to see where my curiosity has taken me?

Let Clay and Marsten go... then we can talk. You know, in Chile, the death squads would interrogate by hammering nails into the skull.

They did this for fun.

Ah, but it was sloppy.

They didn't know you only need one nail.

There is one part of the brain that controls lying.

In here, prefrontal cortex.

All I have to do is tap-tap-tap just deep enough and boom, no more lies.

You will tell me everything I want to know, no choice.

It won't do you any good.

I don't know where she is.

We'll see.


No moving.

[Panicked breathing]

I don't want to miss.




We have a visitor.

What do you think?

Kids? More friends?


Let's find out.

You can scream if you want, it won't help.


[Door opening]

I have never been happier to see you.

Yeah, well... hold your weed, bro.

We've got to do this quietly.

[Loud bang, metal clattering]

I don't imagine anybody heard that.

[Grunting in pain]

Don't tell me I'm going to have to carry you.

As if my pride weren't wounded enough. Just...


[Heartbeat thumping, accelerating]

[Loud panting]

[Grunting, flesh creaking]


[Heartbeat returns to normal]


Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're first.

Oh, really?

Well, I'm flattered, ugly.

[Bones cracking]

But I've got to be honest with you.

You're not my first.

Oof! Ohhh...

[Fighting grunts]

[Groaning, panting]

Cain: [Moaning]


[Fighting grunts]

[Scream, groaning]

Clay: [Angry growl]

Get Marsten out of here.



[Fighting grunts]

[Distant crash]


[Fighting grunts]



Here is the weakness.



Hit it!


[Electricity crackling]

Both: [Panting]

Who is this guy?

Did anything ever happen when you weren't in the room?


Are you saying that...

I've been controlling these things with my mind?

The toys, the lights... Everything.

It's incredible. A natural born witch comes to her power at puberty.

You have it now.

But you need to learn to control it, or it can be very dangerous.

In the past year, I have been att*cked in my own home, chased, kidnapped twice; I've been injected and tortured by some weird cult.

I found out my fiancé and son were werewolves.

I've been shoved around, hidden away, everyone making decisions for me.

And worst of all, I lost Logan to this crazy world.

I have had enough of it!


Rachel, it's okay.

We can find a way to reverse this.

Why, Nick?

So... so I could just go back to wondering when Jeremy will decide to take my son away?

What he'll do with me?

Like he has a right to choose.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Rachel: You're right! It doesn't!

If you're telling me that I can learn to do what you do and take my life back, and protect my son, then you're damned right, I want it.


[Remote phone ringing]

Why haven't you answered your phone?

Alexei: [On phone] Are you okay?

You're not going to believe what I just saw.

It doesn't matter.

Elena just told us...

He's here.

What? Who's here?

The one who k*lled Mom.

The red-eyed wolf.

You saw him?

He att*cked Elena. She got away, but... but he's here, he's after us.

We're doomed, Katia!

Okay, calm down.

What if he makes us watch while he kills Dad?

I can't take this.

We'll figure something out, okay?

There's no way to stop him! You know that!

Katia: [On phone] Alexei, stop it.

How's Dad?

He's, um...

He's still out of it.

[Small sob]



I changed yesterday.

I was a wolf.

That's good. That's good, right?

You're getting stronger.

You'll get through this.

I k*lled a guy.

Oh, Alexei...

Look, I'm really scared.


Dad was right.

All this goes away if we stop Roman.

I can do it if I get close to him.

How are you going to do that?

I can bring him something that he wants.

And once I'm close,

I'll k*ll him.





You have my undying gratitude.

How you feeling?

Every muscle is screaming bloody m*rder and I believe I lost a tooth.

Other than that, it's good to be alive.

No sign of him.

We need to get rid of the body.

Take Marsten with you, find a place you can recuperate.

No, let's find this red-eyed dipshit and tear him apart.

It's not going to be that easy.

We have to regroup, get everyone healthy, and then we can find him.

Good thing is, it's just one guy, right?

The bad thing is... [Grunt] seems like he doesn't need anyone else.




Oh, my God. Nick!

What is it? What's wrong?

Where is she? Where is the girl?

I put her in your room.