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04x01 - A Danger to Himself and Others

Posted: 03/08/16 09:19
by bunniefuu
[phone rings]



Hi, did you find him?


No, I, uh... I left pictures at 50 different places along the road. Nobody's seen him.

I called some hospitals, too, and nothing.


I don't know what to do. What are we gonna do?

Look, I'm gonna be home in... in a couple hours and, uh, just let... just let me know if... if you hear anything.

Okay, fine, I will. Bye.


[birds chirping]


Come on.


No... you're the one who suggested it, going back home on foot.

No, no, I'm not the one who's responsible.

Mother, you have to stop trying to say that everything's fine, okay?

You can't pretend like none of this ever happened.

I told you I'll protect you, but you have to listen.

Excuse me.


You all right?

I'm fine.

Ah, Mother! Stop it!

Stop talking about it.

Hey, fella, why don't you let me help you?

I... I... it's my mother.

She doesn't know what she's doing.

I'm not telling him anything.

Okay, we just... please.

Please leave us alone.

You just... you stay away from us.

Why don't you come with me, son?

Back to my house, and we'll call someone.

Please go away.

Leave us alone.





[clock ticking]

[door creaks open]

Yeah, I did leave this number.

He's been missing since last night.


Is he there with you?

You found him?

Is he okay?

Yeah, he... he's my brother. Uh, what... what town are you in?

Oh, thank God, thank God.

Where is he? He must be so scared.

Can we go get him?

Hold on. Hold on.

Yeah, yeah, um, I'm sorry. Can you hold on a second?

He's in Willamette County in the hospital.

How long has he been there? Is he hurt?

What are they saying?

What's happening?

Excuse me, hold on one sec.

Someone found him lost, talking to himself.

He's in a psychiatric unit.


We're on our way.

Okay, we're gonna take your car.

No, we're not taking my car.

What difference does it make? Fine, we'll take mine.

I'm not going with you.


I need to go to Portland.

What are you talking about?

Why on Earth do you have to go to Portland right now?

Emma's having a lung transplant this morning.

[somber music]

Why didn't you tell me?

I... I didn't really want to lay a lung transplant on you when you were terrified about Norman.

I mean about you and Emma.

I guess this is me telling you.


It all happened kind of quickly.

I hope she's okay.

Me too.

Be safe, Norma, okay?


Don't worry.

[car door opens, shuts]

[engine turns over]

[monitors beeping]

[door opens]


You must be Miss Decody.

I'm Dr. Porter.

I'll be your anesthesiologist today.

Please, can you call me Emma?

Miss Decody just sounds weird.

[chuckles] All right, Emma.

Well, they're ready for you now, so Jason here is gonna wheel you into the operating room, then I'm gonna ask you a few questions, and then we're gonna get started, okay?


You excited?

I don't know; it's just hard to believe you're gonna take out my lungs and put some others in there. It's jus... it's crazy.

You're gonna be great.

Let's go.

[door opens]

[wheels rolling]

[indistinct chatter]


[coughing in distance]

Excu... excuse me.

Uh, wha... what's happening?

Where am I?

You're at the county hospital.


Ah, police brought you in.

Your ID says your name is Norman Bates.

Is that right?


You know you were lost?

No, I... I don't remember anything.

How long have I been here?

Oh, only an hour.

Is my mother here?

No, you were brought in alone.

Can you just undo these?

No, I can't. Only the doctor can.

Now, we're trying to get you admitted, but we're pretty crowded, so just try to relax, and the doctor will check on you in a little while.

Okay, you need to find my mother.

I'm worried about her.


I don't know why... I just am.

I think something bad has happened to her.

[sinister music]

Doctor'll check on you in a while.


Just... just please find her!



I need to get my son. It's urgent.


His or mine?


Norman Bates.

[keyboard keys clacking]


Well, you can't get him.

He's under 48-hour observation.

Who's in charge here?

I want to talk to his doctor right now.

Come on.

Yeah. Sit down.

Take a seat.


We won't know anything for a long time.

They just got started.

Let's get comfortable.

Do you know how long I've been sitting out there waiting to talk to you?

This is a county facility.

We're underfunded and overcrowded.

If you want to complain to somebody, call your county commissioner.

Now, I've some questions I'd like to ask you about your son.

Yes, of course.

Norman was found in a field in a state of unconsciousness and talking to himself.

He was extremely agitated and violent.

The farmer was concerned that your son was dangerous.

Have you ever known him to be dangerous?

No, not at all.

He's one of the sweetest people who have ever lived.

He's very sensitive, and, um, he has these... these blackouts.

Who is his doctor?

He doesn't have one.

He has blackouts, and you've never taken him to see a doctor?

He fainted at school. They took him to a hospital.

They ran some tests. They didn't find anything.

But he blacks out regularly.

Well, I mean... it's just, it depends on what you mean by regularly.

More than once a year?


[ominous music]


You know, I didn't let him get his driver's license.

And he has no doctor, and he's never been tried on any medications?


Are you a Christian Scientist?



Thank you for your information.

Can I take him now?

No, you cannot. He is under observation.

Can I at least see him?

Not until we've assessed him.

He's my son.

What right do you have to tell me that I can't see him?

Your son is 18.

Legally, he is an adult.

He is quite possibly mentally ill and dangerous.

The time for you to take care of him was before this.

Do you know that it could be seen as negligent that you never took your son to a doctor even though he clearly has issues?

Can I please see him?

If and when we need you, we'll contact you.

[door opens]

Get away from me!


Get away! Get away from me!

[inhales sharply]

Hi, um, my daughter is having surgery here today.

I was wondering if I could see her.

Who's your daughter?

Emma Decody.

She's still in surgery.

It's gonna be a few more hours, but you're welcome to wait here.

Thank you.

Are you Emma's mom?

Yeah, uh, I am.

What are you doing here?

You're the one that told me she was having surgery.

Not so you'd come here.

I told you out of courtesy 'cause you're her mother, or... semblance of a mother.

When she comes out of that surgery, she's gonna be very fragile, and I don't want you here.

I don't want you clearing your conscience at her expense.

You could have said all that in the email.

I had to scrape together the money to fly here.

I'm not leaving.

I have something for Emma, and it doesn't concern you.

This isn't the time for your crap, Audrey.

I can stay if I want to.

Don't make me throw you out of here.


Stay out of this, Dylan.

[disquieting music]

You haven't changed.


What is it? What happened?

Norman ran away.

We had a fight, and he got picked up, and now he's in some horrible county mental ward in Willamette on a medical hold.

They won't let me take him out.

They were saying that he's 18, and I have no rights.

And you're here to see me because?

I need you to get him out.

N... Norma, I'm not magical.

I've got nothing to do with Willamette.

Yeah, but you're a sheriff. Don't you know someone?

I mean, ca... can't you... ju... ju... pull some strings.

thr*aten someone.

Beat someone up in a parking lot.

[solemn music]

How long's the medical hold?

48 hours!

Okay, you're gonna have to wait 48 hours.

My experience is that in the vast majority of cases, after 48 hours they're gonna release him.

Well, what am I supposed to do until then?

You wait it out and pray, all right?

If you do pray.

I...gave that up a long time ago.

Look, look, I know it's hard, all right?

I'm sorry, I just... I got to get to work.

[door closes]

[engine turns over]

Mr. Decody.

[hopeful music]

So we're still going to keep her here a little while longer.

But, uh, she did great.


You've got a very strong girl there, Mr. Decody.

She made it through.

[exhales sharply]

He said it was textbook.

Just got to see what the next 24 hours bring.


[haunting music]

[gentle piano music]

[indistinct chatter]


Mrs. Bates, right?

Yes. Hi, Vicki.

Well, um, I've thought about it, and I would like to go forward with having Norman admitted.

How do we start?

You have the doctor's diagnosis recommending treatment?

Not yet. I just haven't had the time.

Um, the thing is that, um, h-he really needs help immediately.

Like, right now.

I don't think that's gonna be possible.

There's a waiting list and insurance issues to deal with and doctors' reports.

It... it all takes time, and you're not guaranteed admittance.

Okay, well, maybe then he could see...

I could speak to one of your doctors and they could diagnose him?

Like, maybe that could be a little shortcut?

You can make an appointment with one of our doctors through their private practices.

We don't do that here at the facility.

Okay. Okay.

Good luck with your son.

Please excuse me.

[rain pattering]

Um, excuse me.

Uh, Dr. Edwards?


Yes, hi.


Um, my name is Norma Bates, and I would like to bring my son to you for a diagnosis.

Oh, well, feel free to call my office and make an appointment.

Okay, but it's a bit of an emergency.

Then you should call 911...

Oh, no, no, it's like... it's not a 911 kind of p... a problem.

I'm... I'm... I'm a single mother.

My son is 18.

He's having a lot of emotional problems right now and, uh, you know, it's hard being a woman alone with no one to turn to for help.

I bet you could help me.

Won't you please see him?

I'm gay.

You have my card.

Doctor, please?

This is the truth.

My son has terrible blackouts.

I... I didn't get him help because I thought I could control it and I was afraid of the doctors.

I thought that they would take him away from me, but I can't control it, and he's being held at Willamette County psych ward, uh, observation and... and... it's horrible.

It's... it's not a place that any mother would put their child, and I just... he just needs help, and I just need to get him a good place, you know, find him a good place, and... and a doctor like you, a nice doctor.

[mournful music]

I'm just... I'm afraid that they're gonna lock him up, and I've just never been as... so scared in my life.

Please? Would you please help me?

Once he's released, you call my office, and I'll see if I can help you.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you so much.

[thunder rumbling]

[indistinct chatter]

[baby cries]

[door closes]

[suspenseful music]

[piano playing]



Both: ♪ Sandman ♪
♪ Bring me a dream ♪



♪ That I've ever seen ♪
♪ Give him two lips ♪


Did you actually think you could lure Norman away from me?

[sinister music]


Oh, geez, don't look at me like that.

You can't take this shit so seriously.

[door opens]

[lock clicks shut]

I... is the motel open?

I just need a room for a few nights.

Do you take cash?

Okay, of course. I'll check you in.

I'm sorry you had to wait.

I've been running the motel by myself the last few days, and my son's out of town, and the girl who usually helps me out... well, she needed some time off.

You mean Emma?

Yes, do you know her?

I... spoke with her in the village the last time I was here.

Nice girl.

Yes, she is.

Okay, Ms. Ellis.

Um, I'm going to put you in room five.

The village is about a mile; it's a beautiful walk, and I will be up at the house if you need anything.

All right.

Thanks, Norma.

How did you know my name?

I just saw it on the card there.

Oh, of course. [chuckles]

Have a nice evening.

Thank you. You too.

[breathing machine hissing]


[solemn music]



You look awesome.


[phone rings]



Mrs. Bates?


This is Willamette County Hospital.

Dr. Palma has approved discharging your son.

He'll be ready at noon today.

Okay. Okay, thank you very much.

I'll be right there.


Hi, I'm running out to pick up my son.

I thought you might like some breakfast.

How kind. Thank you.

I'm starving, actually.


Okay. Enjoy.

You really are nice, aren't you?

Emma said you were.

The one time you ran into her in the village?

I didn't meet her in the village.

I'm Emma's mother.

You're Emma's mother?

She wrote me from here once and told me how much she admired you.

She said she had a crush on your son Norman and that he was her best friend.

She really just had wonderful things to say about both of you.

I'm sorry, I... I... I... I don't want to hear any of this.

I care about Emma so much, but this is none of my business.

Your son had a psychotic incident.

You do understand that, right?

Yes, I understand that's why they brought him here.

I'm going to release him because I've seen no sign of v*olence in the last 24 hours, but... his incident, it's very troubling.

All right.

You can't go back to what you were doing.

[foreboding music]

You cannot ignore his need for care.

I'm gonna get him into Pineview.

It's a great facility.

It has a long waiting list.

Well, I know, but I'm gonna get him in there.

Well, whatever you do, I'm going to need to know that he has a doctor and a plan for treatment, or I'm going to return him to this facility.

No, this place can't help him.

Doing nothing isn't, either.

Social Services will be contacting you in the next 48 hours.

You'll need to provide them with a doctor's plan for treatment or he's coming back here.

[indistinct chatter]


[warm music]



[exhales sharply]

What happened to your head?

Oh, no, it's fine.

Are you okay?

It's fine. It's nothing.

Let's go home, Mother.

Hello, Norma.

What can I do for you?

Look, I don't want to bother you, but I don't have anyone else to ask.

There's something I need to get to Emma, and her father won't let me see her, and I think he'll read it if I try to mail it.

In part, it's about him.

You mean so much to her.

Could you give it to her?

No, I can't do that.


I'm not asking for anything huge.

I'm just trying to reconnect with my daughter.

I'm sorry, but you just... you're gonna have to figure out another way to make that happen.

Could I talk to your son?

Why would you want to talk to my son?

They were close.

I... I... I promise I won't give him the letter.

I just... I just want to ask him about Emma and how she's been...

No, no, I do not want you talking to my son.

And who the hell are you to judge me?

[tense music]

You think you know what it's like to live with a child that has something seriously wrong with them?

Have that axe hanging over your head day and night?

To wonder if you'll be strong enough to stand it?

[breathes sharply]

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna help you.

In fact, I want you to leave.

Right now?


I think you better get off my porch, go get your bags, and please leave right now.

I don't have anywhere to go.

My flight's tomorrow.

I have no car. What am I supposed to do?

I don't know.

Can I please stay here tonight?

So stay tonight, but just don't come up here anymore and don't talk to me or my son.

He's been through a lot of bad things lately and he doesn't need to be upset.

[crickets chirp]

♪ You thrill me ♪

Dinner smells good. What is it?

Chicken with rosemary.

It'll be ready soon. You hungry?


[chuckles] Good.

♪ You, you ♪

So happy to be home, Mother.


To be with you.

You too, darling.

But you do realize, you need to see a doctor, a professional who can help you.

Like Dr. Palma?

No, a nice doctor, okay?

A good doctor.


♪ Marry you and take you home, whoa ♪

We can try, but you must promise me that you won't ever send me to a place like that...

♪ I know you ♪

Horrible place full of crazy people.

Promise me, Mother.

I don't ever want to be separated from you again.



Okay... I... I was wrong about things, and... and I will see a doctor, okay, but just please don't send me away from here.

♪ Whoa, whenever I'm with you ♪

Stop worrying, okay?

Just turn your head back around and sit still for me, please.

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, honest you do, honest you do ♪

It's just, I had horrible dreams in that place.

I dreamt you k*lled Bradley Martin and bashed her brains out on a rock.

But I guess that... wasn't real, and none of it was real.

[ominous music]

None of it was real, Norman.

Are you absolutely sure, Mother?

Yes, I'm sure.

Okay, you're exhausted.

Stop thinking. Stop looking at me.

Okay, just face forward and sit still, please!

[birds chirping]

[foreboding music]


[phone buzzing]


What's the problem, Norma?


Why do you have to answer the phone like that?

What happened to hello?

Fine, hello, what's the problem?

Can I just meet you for five minutes?

I need to ask you something.


Aren't... aren't... aren't we talking now?

Well, it's not a phone thing; it's an in-person thing.

It's important.


All right, when?

Um, it needs to be now.

Now... I'm not even awake, Norma.

Well, I... I... I'll come to you.

You don't have to be awake. You just have to be there.

Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes.

It won't take long, I promise.

[ominous music]



[sinister music]

Why'd you lock the doors?



Mother, let me out!


Let me out of here right now!

[crashing, glass shatters]


[knocking at door]


Well, has he been released?

Yeah, they let him go. He's home, but they're gonna make him go back unless I get him into this private place, Pineview.

Yeah, no, I know. Yeah.

Yeah, it's beautiful.

People there know what they're doing, but I don't have any insurance, and I can't even get him on the waiting list without it.


I need insurance.

You have insurance.

So I thought maybe you could marry me.

It's not like you're doing anything else.

Please, it's... I'm in a... it's... it would just be on paper.

I'm not asking for an actual marriage.

I know you're attracted to me. I'll sleep with you.

I don't care. I really don't.

I just... I just need you to do this for me.

Okay, no.

I'm... I'm... I'm not gonna marry you, all right?

You just shouldn't... you need to leave.

It's that big a deal to you?

Look, you're an attractive woman.

I'm sure you'll find someone else pretty quickly.


I will. F... fine. All right, thanks.


[inhales and exhales sharply]

[ominous music]

[doorbell rings]




Sorry, I'm in a robe.

You caught me getting ready.

No worries. I, um...

I'm Emma's mother, and I would like to talk to you if I could.

You're Emma's mother?


Can I talk to you?

Emma wrote to me and told me how close the two of you are.

I know what you must think about me, but... it's not like that.

I was afraid to stay with Emma's father.

He has a violent temper.

I want Emma to know that I love her and I hope that she can maybe understand why I did what I did.

I so regret it.

[inhales sharply]

It hurts me so much.



It's all right.



This rabbit's from her childhood.

Maybe you could give it to her.

And then... and this letter.

I'm so sorry for you.

[music swelling menacingly]


Thank you.

But what sort of a person runs away from their sick child?

I thought you said...

Do you have any idea the pain she suffered?


[dramatic music]

You think your pain is anything like what she went through?

Every day, feeling abandoned by her own mother... made to feel unwanted... worthless.

You love someone more than anything, and they leave you.

[dramatic string glissandos]