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02x12 - Mr. Freeze

Posted: 03/01/16 01:12
by bunniefuu
Gordon: Bad guys in this town are changing.



(man whimpering)

Welcome, everyone.

The world sees criminal lunatics.

I see brilliance.

Theo Galavan, the new mayor of Gotham!



Any last words?

Oswald: I'm going to k*ll you.


They're gonna pay for what they've done.

Hello, Jim. Please step aside.

Theo: This is the name of the man who k*lled your parents.

You're under arrest.

No! Tell me who k*lled them!

Hello, sleepyhead.

My mother was a saint!

A man with nothing to love is free.

Selina: Silver is bad news, Bruce.

What are you doing?

Stop! Malone!

It's Malone! That's the name.

Good-bye, Silver.

Bruce, you can't do this.

It isn't you.

That's what you think.

But you're wrong.

You're right about my uncle.

He's everything everyone says.

Gordon: I don't know how bad it's gonna get.

Barnes: There is no line.

There's just the law.

Thompkins: Jim, you see an abyss and you run toward it.

I'm pregnant.

Gordon: We need every method at our disposal.

Oswald: If there was ever a time for us to work together, now is that time.

Gotham needs him dead!

Think of the greater good.

Think of Gotham.

Good-bye, Jim Gordon.

After searching the premises, I, along with Alfred Pennyworth and Selina Kyle, was able to locate the abductee, Bruce Wayne.

Where was he?

Theo Galavan's residence.

That's when you opened fire?


We eliminated the threat posed by Father Creel and his men, and were able to recover Bruce Wayne.



You then left to search for Galavan on your own?

That's correct.

Did you find him?


Theo Galavan.

(g*n clicks)

You're under arrest.

Did you detain Galavan?


Why not?

Captain Barnes and Officer Vargas arrived and placed me under arrest.


Put your g*n on the ground and put your hands on top of your head.

That's because at the time of this incident... some four weeks ago... you were a fugitive from the law.

That was a misunderstanding.

What happened next?

Oswald Cobblepot and two of his associates arrived, rendered Captain Barnes and Officer Vargas unconscious.


(men grunting)

Cobblepot and his associates escaped with Galavan.

Oswald: Are you 100% sure that he won't beat this and walk free again?

Dent: You then pursued Cobblepot and his men, correct?

Yes, but I was unable to locate them.

Theo: You're a man of conscience, Jim.

You'll regret this.

I have many regrets.

This won't be top of the list.

At which point, you decided to flee the city before law enforcement could question you?

Yes, for that, I have no excuse other than to say I was concerned for the safety of my fiancée.

Uh, she had informed me earlier that day that she was pregnant.


Thank you.

Detective Gordon, within hours of your encounter, Theo Galavan was found beaten and shot to death.

Were you present at the time of his m*rder?

Ah, well, here we are.

No, I was not.

Do you have any information regarding the case that you have not shared with us?

This is for my mother.

No, I do not.

Detective, did you have anything to do with the m*rder of Theo Galavan?


Detective, answer the question.

Were you involved in Theo Galavan's m*rder?

(feedback squeals)

No, I was not.

(indistinct chatter)

Charges are lifted.

I'm cleared of all wrongdoing and reinstated.

I knew they would see sense.

I didn't.

You told the truth. What choice do they have?


Are you sure this is what you want?

After everything this job has put us through?


Then what's wrong?

Nothing. Long day.





Captivating story.

Yes, it was.

Do you believe him?

I believe your investigation has found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.


You're starting to sound like a lawyer.

Any leads on Cobblepot?

His men have deserted him.

He's all alone.

It's only a matter of time before we find him.

(siren wailing)

Reporter: It's now day 27 of the manhunt for crime lord Oswald Cobblepot.

GCPD officers continue to comb the city in search of the man they say k*lled controversial Mayor Theo Galavan in cold blood.

With public enemy number one on the lam, the question remains, just who is running Gotham's underworld?



Take him away.



Hello, Butch.


How you doing?

Your security stinks.

People are usually trying to get out of this place, not in.

Why so glum?

You're the king of Gotham now.

I'm not glum.

I'm just... thinkin'.

I got a lot of responsibilities.

Not as much fun as you thought it'd be, huh?


What do you want, anyway?

You got a lot of nerve showing up after what you did to me.


Is that your mean face?

What are you gonna do, k*ll me?

Maybe I will.

What I did for you, Butch, is make you a free man.

If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be king.

I bet that was your plan all along, huh?

You're just that fond of me.

Strangely enough, I am kind of fond of you.

I mean, normally, I go for handsome, intelligent men, not brutes, but... you have an amazing... animal vitality about you.

I'm smarter than I look.

Oh, you must be.

Oh, funny lady.

What do you really want?

I want to be your partner in crime.

Lonely, huh?

You and I would make a good team.

I'm not looking for a relationship right now.

Honeybun, look at me.


We have history.

And you and I both know, deep down in your heart, that whatever I want...


... you want.

DISPATCHER; All units, all units. Reported armed abduction near the 300 block of Kearny Avenue.

Any and all available officers in the area, please respond.


There a problem, Officer?

There's been an abduction in the area.

How awful.

Have you seen anything tonight?

Anything out of the ordinary?

No. Can't say that I have.

Do you live in the area, sir?

Not far.

What's your address?

Well, what I mean to say, I used to live in the area.

I moved.

Would you open the back of the van, please, sir?

Sure thing.

Happy to.

What the...



(sirens wailing)

(tires screech)

(indistinct chatter)

(indistinct radio transmission)

Hey, man, separate those two.

It's a good thing you're here.

Caught a weird one last night.

That's it? No hug? No kiss? No "welcome back"?

You don't deserve these lips.

Way I see it, you finagled yourself a month-long paid vacation, you bastard.

Besides, Captain's pressing me on this case.

Oh, yeah? What is it?

You didn't hear?

Last night, some psycho froze a cop.

To death.

Froze her?

Yeah. Told you it was weird. Come on. Nygma's waiting for us.





It took nearly five seconds to freeze this rose in liquid nitrogen.


Well, so, it would take a human body significantly longer, depending on mass and body fat, of course.

So why would a cop stand around for hours, waiting to get frozen?

She wouldn't.

Which means your suspect wasn't using liquid nitrogen.

He was using supercooled liquid helium.

It's one of the most effective substances in the world for rapid temperature reduction.

This liquid helium, where do you get it?

Why do you need it?

He doesn't, dummy.

He just wants to know where it comes from so we can track down the guy that blasted our colleague with it.

(rose cracking)

I don't like being called names, Detective.

Easy, Ed.

I'm sure Harvey was just being colorful.


(laughing): Yeah.

I was just being colorful, Ed. I'm sorry.

It's extremely rare and expensive.

I can't imagine there's more than one or two producers in Gotham.

I could research manufacturers, if you would like.

That would be really nice.

Thank you, Ed.

You coming?

Uh, give me a minute.

Listen, Ed, there's something I wanted to talk to you about.



You want to know the nature of my relationship with him.


Because you're concerned I aided and abetted a known criminal.

Did you?

I found Mr. Cobblepot wounded and dying in the woods.

I nursed him back to health.

He owed me his life, which is why I trusted him when he said he had changed his ways.

It was an innocent mistake.

(footsteps running)

Man: Got him!

We got him!

I wonder what that is.



What are you, a bunch of cheerleaders?

This is not a game!

This is our job!

And this... specimen... this is just one sad, pathetic skell.

There are plenty of scumbags out there.


So stop waving your pom-poms and go catch some!

Yes, stare all you want.

Big whoop.

You got me.

I'm cool.


It's all good.

I said I'd catch him. And I did.

Yes, sir.

Now we'll learn the truth of what really happened to Galavan.

All right, Cobblepot.

Tell me what happened at Galavan's that night.

Well, a lot of things happened.

Why don't you start with the moment right after you knocked me out with that vase.

I'm sorry for that.

Such an exquisite vase.

This is my amused look.

Keep talking.

I took Galavan to the river and I k*lled him.


You confess to m*rder?

Yes, I do.

Proud of it. I'm not a criminal, you know?

I'm just... insane.

What did James Gordon do?

What did he do when?

What did he do after you knocked me out?

What does he say he did?

I'm asking you.

(indistinct radio transmission)

You have something you want to tell me?

No, sir.

Cobblepot backed your story.

You mean he told the truth.


That's what I'm gonna choose to believe.

That's the right thing to do.

Good to have you back.

Good to be back, sir.

Jim, I'm trusting you.

Don't make a fool out of me.

Yes, sir.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(wind howling)



I was having a dream about you.

We were at that little red cabin by the beach.


I remember.

Six summers ago.

You looked like a movie star.

You look tired.


How's it coming?

Good, good.

Slower than I'd like, but good.

Tell me.

I'm having trouble with the reanimation.

I need to find the correct ratio of liquid helium to glycerol cryoprotectant.

Now tell me what that means in English, honey.


It means...

I can freeze you, like we planned.

I can bring your temperature down to 200 degrees below zero, and I can stop this disease from k*lling you.


I can't bring you back.

Not yet.

But I will.

I'm sorry.

It's not that.

I'm just thinking of all those poor mice you're experimenting on.

They don't feel anything.

I just need more time.

A little more time.


I'll find a way.

I promise.
Got some good news and bad news.

Good news.

Nygma did some digging, found one company in all of Gotham that makes liquid helium.

Wayne Enterprises.

That's the good news?

It's not. But I thought "bad news and more bad news" didn't have the same ring.

What's this?

Three abductions in the past month all tied to a blue van.

Same as our suspect.

Three abductions?

They find any of 'em?

Not a one, which makes you wonder what's this guy doing with all those people?


I'm going to work for a few hours.

Knock if you need anything.


(indistinct TV noises)

(mechanical hissing)




Shh. Don't look at me. I'm not supposed to be talking to you.

You doing okay?

You look kind of funky.

(chuckles softly)

I confess I've felt better.

Is there anything I can do to help?

I'm beyond help.

Forget me, my friend.

But if you would take care of my mother's grave, I'd be very grateful.

If you'd visit occasionally, tell her I'm thinking of her.

I will.

She likes lilies.

Occasional visits, lilies, check.

(sniffles) Thank you.

On your feet, Cobblepot.

What's going on? Where are you taking me?

Arkham. You are insane, right?

It is now Thursday, February 21, 2:44 p.m.

Test subject 014 is in his 40s, appears to be in good health, and shows no signs of damage sustained during vitrification.

I'm now ready to commence the reanimation experiment.

Lucius: You are correct.

Wayne Enterprises does manufacture liquid helium.

For years, it was used as part of our cryogenics program.


It's the branch of physics dealing with the production and effects of extremely low temperatures.

My understanding is that there were some promising experiments being carried out in the program, but, alas, it was shut down.

When was that?

Two or three years ago.

Thomas Wayne k*lled it, along with a few other odd programs.

Any idea why?

No idea.

It was all kept very quiet.

Thanks, Lucius.


(buzzer blares)


(indistinct chatter, laughter)

(chatter, laughter stops)



(man cackling)

Look! Penguin pie!


(laughter stops)

There seems to be some confusion.

My name... is Oswald Cobblepot.

Many of you, no doubt, will have heard of me.

Some of you, clearly, have not.

For those poor, ignorant souls, I offer illumination.

I am not a man to be trifled with.

(chuckling): Oh, no.

I am powerful.

I am vicious!

I'm King of Gotham.

Man (quietly): He thinks he's the king of Gotham.

I'm King of Gotham!

(laughing) No, I'm the king of Gotham!


I'm king. I am! I am!

Man: Off with his head!

(indistinct shouting)

Look at me!

I'm King of Gotham!

I'm king! I'm king!

Hear ye! Hear ye!

(indistinct shouting)


Subject's core temperature is now 39 degrees.

We are approaching the critical threshold.

41 degrees.

We hit 41 degrees.

Solution A14.

I knew it would work! I knew it!


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Not again. Please, not again. No.



Man: Nora?

Breathe, Nora.

I'm right here. Look at me.

(gasping, coughing)

Where's the formitorol?


(inhaling deeply)

(breathing steadies)

That was the worst one yet.


That was the last pill. Why didn't you tell me?

(panting): I'm sorry.

I forgot. There's so many.

There's so many.

If you have another attack and you don't have this medication, you could die.

You can't let this happen again, Nora.


Does it matter?

It matters.

I'll be back.

(crying, panting)

(door closes)


I need to get this refilled.



I need to get this refilled.

Do you have the prescription?

I have the bottle.

That's not the same thing, is it?

Please, I just need it refilled.

The original prescription doesn't have a refill order.

If it doesn't have a refill order, I can't refill it.

This medication is for my wife.

She's sick. She's in pain.

Everyone that comes in here is sick or in pain.

Have your doctor write a new prescription.

Then I can refill it.

Just give me the medication.


You son of a bitch!

Get out!

Get him out of here!

Get out of here before I call the cops, you kook!

You shouldn't have done that.

I'll be back.

(bell tinkles)


Good-bye, Nigel.

Oh, and, uh, remember what I told you.

See no evil, do no evil.

Yes, sir.

I will.


Mr. Cobblepot.

My name is Hugo Strange.

Chief of Psychiatry here at Arkham Asylum.

Please come in.


You're not listening.

Maybe you should get a new hearing aid while you're here.







Take it all.

Please, don't k*ll me. Please.

I-I'll do anything you want.

You and your friend here... are going to help save my wife.

No! No!


Excuse me.

I'm going to need some help out.

(phone rings)


Our guy just hit a pharmacy on Ninth.

Man: That's it. Just slide him in there.

(tires squealing)

Hey. Careful.

(siren wailing in distance)

Blue van.

(horns honking)

(tires screech)

Go. Get out of here.

(engine starts)

(tires squealing)

Go, go, go, go, go.

I got it! I got it!

(horns blaring)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down!


(tires screech)

(grunts, panting)

(horns blaring)

Oswald: What is this, anyhow?

Am I being punished?

Oh, no.

I make it a point to meet all new inmates.

It's part of the intake protocol.

Though I will ask you to refrain from making speeches atop cafeteria tables in the future.

I'll do my best.

How has your adjustment been so far?

Fine, I suppose.

Oh, come now, Oswald.

Periods of great transition can bring on great... stress.

Surely, this must be a traumatic experience for you.

(chuckles) Please.

This is a pillow fight compared to what I've been through.


I have read of your tribulations of late.

Attempts on your life.

Having to survive being a fugitive.

The death of your mother.

(clicking tongue)

Troubled times.

Is that your clinical diagnosis?

I know that if I were in your position, I would be feeling some strong emotions.

Anger, grief, regret even.

For what?

The m*rder of Theo Galavan.

My mother died in my arms because of Galavan.

The only thing I regret is that I couldn't k*ll him more than once.

I see.

Perhaps we could pick it up right there next time.

I so look forward to our work together.

And don't worry... here at Arkham we have a number of intensive treatment programs.

I am more than confident that we'll be able to facilitate your... rehabilitation.

My what?


That's why you're here, after all.

To be cured of your sickness.

You are sick... aren't you?

(footsteps receding)

(door opens, closes)


(engine starts)




You down here?





My God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

(panting, coughing)

Gordon: Surveillance system wasn't even on.

What's that?

Some witnesses saw our guy throw this at the pharmacist.

It's probably his prescription bottle.

"Frees." Nora Frees.

His wife, maybe?

Yeah, maybe, but it's Fries.

What do you mean?

It's pronounced Fries.

How do you know?

I'm really good with names.

Whatever. There's an address on here.

Come on, let's go.

(sirens wailing)

Bullock: GCPD, we have a search warrant.

Gordon: Ma'am, don't move.

Holy moley.

He told me they were mice.

Get her out of here.

Mrs. Fries.


(buzzer blares)

(man cackling)

(buzzer blaring)

(door unlocks)

You all right?


See no evil, do no evil.


See no evil, do no evil.

No, no!

See no evil, do no evil.

(cackling continues)

We need to find your husband, Nora.

Before he hurts someone else.

I was asleep.

I woke up when I heard him leave.

That's all I can tell you.

If you don't cooperate, we'll be forced to charge you with obstruction of justice.

Bullock: You're going to jail, Nora.

You get that, right?

My husband did terrible things.

But he did those terrible things for my sake.

I'm dying.

He wants to save me.

I can't tell you how sorry I am, but I can't betray him.

Bullock: Oh, uh, one more thing.

What's the correct pronunciation of your last name?

It's Fries.


Thank you.

Told you.

(sighs, door closes)


(phones ringing, chattering)

Excuse me?

Yeah, what can I help you with?

I'd like to speak with Detective Gordon, please.

What for?

I'd like to make a confession.

I'm the man that's been freezing people.

You too, huh?

That makes five in one night.

Must be a full moon.

Tell you what... why don't you have a seat with the others.

Detective Gordon, he'll be out in a minute.

No, no, you don't understand, I...

Oh, I understand. Have a seat.


Am I dead?



Am I dead?

Don't touch me. Don't touch me!

I got him, I got him.

Victor: A16.

It worked.

(screams) Get a blanket.

I can't believe it worked.

No! N...


You! You!



Officer: Okay, all right.

I'm coming for you, Nora.

I'm coming to save you.

(elevator bell dings)

New inmate Oswald Cobblepot exhibits signs of extreme narcissism and megalomania.

Also seems to have had a rather unhealthy relationship with his deceased mother.

Treatments will include immersive aversion therapy and radical psychotropics.

How are we this evening, Ms. Peabody?

Busy. The formaldehyde pump in silo F needs replacing.

Our young lady arsonist refuses to cooperate with our experiments, and I had to reschedule your appointment with Councilman Carter.


It's the third time.

How very rude.


And there's this.

Seems someone has solved the problem of post-cryonic reanimation.

Oh, nonsense.

I'm still years from solving that.


Do you realize what this could mean for our program?

Who is this man?

His name is Victor Fries.

But the newspapers have already given him a nickname.

Hello, Mr. Freeze.