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03x02 - Our Own Blood

Posted: 02/20/16 15:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten"...

Roman: So you're saying she's a... [Russian word]

Jeremy: A witch?


And they don't want to be discovered either.

Way to go, Bucky.

Freddie, no more counterfeiting.

Freddie: Let's say...

I disagree. [Clang]

Bucky: No, we work for you, now.

We're Pack. All the way.

I call, and you do exactly what I tell you to do.




Nick: Joey!

[Snarling, growling]


What's your name?

Take him back to Stonehaven and we'll get him to confess.

Pablo: He's in the curtiduria!

In the tannery? On the other side of Bear Valley?

How many?

Eduardo and three of his Pack.

Diego is following Elena but there is no sign of Pablo.

Face it, Pablo's toast.


They left in a hurry.

Jeremy: Warn Elena that Eduardo was in play.

Tell her to be on guard.

Go time. It's Danvers.

You will do something for me.

You will k*ll Roman Navikev.

He knows. I told him everything.

Jeremy: And now you've confirmed it.

You need to know who we are.

We're your family.


Elena, I am your father.

[Door opening]


Roman: You know why you're here?


[Gasping, panting]

No, not that.

I need my men to think you're here for my pleasure.

That's not why you're here.

I apologize for the mascarade.

[Nervous chuckle]

So you're not going to hurt me?

I didn't say that.

[Frightened gasp]


You'd think it would be easy to find a witch in Russia.

Everyone is superstitious, here.

But a real one...

They are hard to come by.

And I want one.

Do you know what I've seen a witch do?

Make a man bleed to death without touching him.

Can you do that?


I can't.


Of all your cheap jewellery... this one is different.

The talisman of a witch.

Please... it's just a trinket.

I bought it at the flea market.

So you can't do anything?

Woman: No.

You have the wrong person.

What a shame.

[Soft thud]

[Screaming, gasping]

[Choking] Please...

[Choked screams, gasping]




He's out there.

Who is out there?

The Wolf.

The one who betrayed you.

Ahh! Ugh!

Oh yes...

I feel your rage.


Your hands... around another throat.


Where is he?

He's with her.

The She-wolf...


The white one.

I know her.

There is only one. When is this?

As the next Blood Moon rises over the Valley of the Bear.

They... will meet...

What else do you see?

[Theme music]

[Soft music]

[Distant laughter of children]

Male voice: [Gently] Elena, stay close.

I know. I know it's a lot to take in.

A father, family, out of the blue.

Where did you get this?

From Sofia.

She was a nurse at the hospital where I left you.

She helped smuggle you out of Soviet Union.

I was born in Canada.

Brendan and Lisa Michaels.

They were medical volunteers when they met Sofia.

Brendan and Lisa were my parents, okay?

I wasn't adopted.

You were.

We are your blood family.

This is crazy.

I tried, you know, everything I could, just to find you. But, you know, I was in Soviet Russia, it was next to impossible to get any information from the West.

Who's following you?

He's not with you?


[Groan of disgust]

[Classical music playing on stereo]

There's no vehicle.

Just tracks around back.

Eduardo and his men can't have much of a headstart.

They will not have their heads by the time I'm finished with them.

Did you get in touch with Elena?

No, she's not answering our texts.

We need more bodies here. Now.

Clay: Three are on the way.

They'll be at the property in a few hours.

I have a few more coming in from Ohio.

I want you to meet them there at Stonehaven.

I want you with Elena.

[Strauss' "Blue Danube" playing]

[Music stops]

Know what? I'm done.

You don't believe me...

Please, just wait, wait.


Do you recognize that date?

You know what it is?

The day my life changed forever.

The day you were born.

I don't know what you want, but this is...

[Phone notification chime]

So neither of us know who that is, huh?

We have to move.

It's not safe.

This can't go down here.

Not if he's armed.


[Grunts, thuds]



[Thuds, combat grunts]

[Roar of engine]

[Brakes squeal]

[Vertebrae crack]



[Tapping on truck's side]

[Engine revs]

[Door opening]

[Fire crackling]

Clay: Elena?

In here.

[Door closes]

You okay?


He must've really rattled you.

What did you do with the body?

I had help.

Another Wolf.


He said he was my father.


I know.

Sasha Antonov. Never even heard of him.

He said I was born in Russia.

That's crazy.

He had his kids with him, too.

Alexei and Katia.

And none of them are on our lists.

He had his daughter with him?

She knows what we are, Clay.


He had this, too.

You and your parents?

How the hell would he get that?


I don't know.

Could he be part of Eduardo's team?

Manipulating you to throw you off your game.

But why would he k*ll one of his own?

Maybe he didn't really k*ll him.

Just made it look that way.

Such a convoluted plan, I mean, the kids, the photo...

Clay, he had a tattoo of my birth date.

An old one.


Right now, we're in battle mode.

Okay? You need to assume anything suspicious is part of the greater threat.

Why would someone come at me like this?


Elena: I don't have many memories of my parents.

Just flashes.

My mom's smile.

The smell of my dad's shirts.

Mostly just... this feeling of being safe.

Those memories, that's all that I have and they mean everything to me.

And this guy Sasha thinks he can just show up and try to unhinge all of that.

So don't let him.

No but at the same time, I never even really knew my parents.

Those memories that I have, I don't even know if they're real, or just... how I want to remember them.

I know how important family is to you.

But I hate to see you get torn up by this.

When my parents died... no one stepped forward for me.

So I closed the door on the idea of ever finding any real blood relatives.

And after many years, I finally found my family.

With you.

And now I have to reopen that door...

Hey... So don't open it.

Like you said, you already have a family with me.

And I'm not going anywhere, darlin'.

♪ You let your hair down ♪
♪ Little birds come tumbling to the ground ♪
♪ Oh, you're quite a catch ♪
♪ O-o-oh, you're quite a catch ♪

Looks like they'd been here a while.

They're trying to stay mobile.

So they can strike us in our home, on the streets of Bear Valley.

They're going to pay for Joey with their own blood.


Think anyone else was involved?

No, the Spanish Pack wants Eduardo's head on a pike as much as I do.

He's loyal to his family but those numbers are dwindling.

He's alone.



Hang on...

What's that?

Receipt from that storage place where we cornered Pablo.

Unit 56.

Pablo wasn't just trapped there.

They were using it.

Maybe they still are.

Not for long.

Nick: You know, reality TV makes these places seem a lot more interesting than they really are.

Do you see anything?

A woman accessing her locker.

Is she coming or going?

Nick: Looks like going.

We'll wait till she clears then we'll check Eduardo's locker and finish this thing.

I want one of you patrolling the gate, the other behind the house.

Anyone, anything that comes near us, you let them know they're not welcome.

First sign of trouble, call and we'll be out.

[Suspenseful music]


[Sarcastic] This place is pretty sweet.

Can't we just go to another town and get an actual room?

We're safer here.

Katia: We can use a different name, pay cash, no one's going to find us.

Please? I don't want to sleep here.

Alexei. Take a look around, see if you can find light, running water.

And we'll need a room that can be secured from the outside, something with no windows, a strong door.

Something that can hold a werewolf.

Alexei: What, you think there are more of them?

We have to be prepared for anything.

The room with the strong door is not for another wolf, is it?

It's for your brother.

The things you wanted me to look for came up so fast.

His appetite is incredible, his hearing's getting better, he's moody, he's more...


Your brother's about to go through one of the most painful and frightening experiences of his life.

You told me what to expect.

I'm ready.

Nothing I can say could possibly prepare you.

But the room, I mean...

Do we really need that?

Do you think Alexei would hurt us?

Until he learns to control the wolf, your brother will try to k*ll anything that moves.

When it first happened to me, I broke down my father's front door.

I escaped into the night.

Before he caught up with me, I've...

I found a barn full of horses.


I tore apart every single one.

Nothing I could do to stop it.

And so why are we here?

We should go back home where Alexei can't hurt anyone, where it's safe.

We give Elena time.

We let her absorb what I've told her, okay?

We don't have time.

Alexei doesn't.

I know a way to reach her.

[Door latch clicks]

[Shouting] Hello?

[Approaching footsteps]

Hey, Danvers.

Got your message. What do you need?

Bucky Durst.

We good?


My brother was always asking for trouble. I know better.

[Exhaling loudly]

We have some work to do.

You know how to hammer nails?


Skunk know how to stink?

Yeah, I can hammer nails.

Let's get 'er done.

[Glass shattering]

Somebody tried to take out the big man, huh?

What are we facing, here?

A Spanish Mutt with more ego than sense thinks he and his wolves can come straight at us.

We show him how wrong he is.

And those two you sent out there?

Patrolling the perimeter.

You're going to help me secure the house.

Anybody else coming to this party?

We'll have more reinforcements in from Ohio in a couple of hours.

Jeremy whistles, we come running, huh?

We stick together, we survive together.

You still making use of that cage you got downstairs?


Didn't you flay a guy there, ten years ago?

You forget your reputation precedes you.

Sometimes it's important to send a message.

Don't mistake my intent, Clay.

You're not going to get an argument from me.

Being last to eat is a whole lot better than not eating at all.

I'm just glad to be at the table.

That's my thinking on the matter.

Hey... Don't worry about it. Anybody comes at us, they're going to have to get through Bucky here, okay?

[Distant shattering]

It's fine.

It just slipped.

Jeremy and Nick are following a lead at a storage unit.

I told him you have everything under control with the new recruits.

Now you're going to cook for everyone?

What, just because I'm a woman you don't want me cooking for the men-folk?

We have a house full of wolves that need to eat.

An army marches on its stomach.

This one especially.

Did you find anything?

I haven't opened that box in almost 20 years.

There's nothing in there to prove Sasha's story.

Everything lines up the way that I thought it would.

My parents are my parents.

Still doesn't explain how he had that photo.

Don't do this.

Don't question your whole life because of this guy.

It's probably what he wants.

[Sigh] But what is my life?

All these... things... my memories, just... bits and pieces.

It doesn't mean what he says is true.

You're still who you are.

You're still here with me.

But it's... It's my history.

I need to know it. I want to understand it.

A long-lost father.

A whole family you knew nothing about.

Do you want it to be true?

I understand what you're feeling.

I can see it, even if you won't admit it to yourself.

What am I feeling?



[Muffled g*nsh*t]




[Muffled g*nshots]

[Chopping, clatter of knife]

[Ominous music]
[Inhaling deeply, exhaling]

Sure does smell good in here.

Clay's bringing up blankets from storage.

You're staying the night.


Front room is secure, but...

There's a lot of entrance points.

We can handle it.

We've done it before.

So I've heard.


Not something you really want to keep doing, though.

Defending the fort.

It's the world we live in.

[Click, rattle of locked door]

And that's a shame, miss.

Must be hardest on you.

How's that?

You being a woman and all.

You're like a desert flower, you are.

A little thing of beauty in a dry... cracked landscape.

Bucky, is it?

Maybe you should save the poetry.

Go stand by the front door, keep your eyes pointed at what might be coming, huh?

I'll do that.


You take care, miss.

This world we live in is hardest on the pretty little things.


[Whistling "Blue Danube"]

[Clattering, rattling]

What the hell is all this?

It's counterfeiting material.

This is Bucky Durst's stuff.

Isn't he one of us?

He's one of the new recruits back at Stonehaven.

Call Clay. We have to get back.


[Whistling "Blue Danube"]

[Hammer banging]

[Whistling continues]

[Hammer banging]

[Bucky resumes whistling "Blue Danube"]

You don't strike me as a fan of Strauss.

You don't think I can appreciate culture?

I'm surprised you left it playing at the tannery.


[Grunts, thuds]

Knock it off!


[Combat grunts]



[Flesh squishing on impacts]




[Pan clangs]


[g*n click]

[Impact of knife]




I hate this.

I know.

Me too, darlin'.

[Approach of vehicle]

[Car door slams] Someone's here.

[Door opens]

Elena: Roman. [Door closes]

What are you doing here?

On your territory, I must visit Jeremy first before attending to business.

Every time I visit this house, you seem to be knee-deep in blood.

Doesn't quite answer my question.

It is important to maintain protocol, don't you think?

And friendships.

To that end, maybe some of your fine scotch?

Who was it this time?

I'm more interested in why you're here.

[Door opening, closing]


We're fine.

It seems I've landed at an inopportune time.

You seem to have a knack for arriving at Stonehaven when we're in a state of disarray.

What's our status?

Eduardo is captured, he's in the cage.

And the others? Bucky?

Elena: Taken care of.

Eduardo Escobado?

He is here?

Is this news to you, Roman?

Seems Upstate New York is a popular destination this time of year.

Jeremy, can I speak with you?


Excuse me for a moment, yeah?

Elena: This isn't a coincidence, Jeremy.

Roman shows up just as we catch Eduardo.

The timing didn't escape me.

Roman wants that little weasel dead as much as I do.

There's something else at play, here.

Did Roman say anything to you?

He said it's Russian business.

You can't trust a word that he says.

You have to get him out of here.

Not until I know why he's here.

Unless there's some specific concern that I should know about?


I'm just...

I'm tired of being att*cked, okay?

I'm tired of being coiled all the time.

Not knowing what's coming around the next corner.

This is the course I've chosen, we're going to stick to it.

No matter how difficult.

Now, this Pack will be strong but I'm not going to make unnecessary enemies right now.

This is how we will restore order.

Let me deal with Roman.

Of course.

[Phone notification chime]

He's just stopping by?

He expects us to believe that?

I only trust Roman to be cunning.

If he was in league with Eduardo, he'd be as far away from here as possible.

Okay. So now what?

We take Roman at face value and we show him our hospitality.

Make him comfortable.

There's something missing.

I get the sense we don't have all the information yet.

So we wait. And we watch.

Sasha wants to meet with me.

He left a message on my website.

Are you going to go?

The threat is over.

We're safe now.

And now with Roman here, there's that many more questions about Sasha Antonov.

Two Russians in one day.

There's got to be a connection.

Why don't you tell Jeremy about this?

He's got enough on his plate.

I want to figure this out first.

Bring him the solution, not the problem.

You want to make sure he's really your father before you give him up to your Alpha.

You have to be very careful.

I will.

You're coming with me.

[Pleased chuckle]

Roman: Very impressive.

I didn't take you for the warrior type.

You've never made the mistake of crossing me, Roman.

I save my vengeance for traitors.

I know you are wondering what business I have here, Jeremy.

I'll save you the obtrusiveness of the question.

I have been tracking a very... dangerous Russian Mutt for years.

I believe he is in North America.

You know everyone in your territory.

Perhaps you have come across him.

Sasha Antonov.

I've never heard that name.

[Hum of traffic]

I'll go in first.

Will you join us?

No, this is for you.

Meet him, hear what he has to say.

If I join the party, I can't guarantee I won't get in his face.

[Door chimes]

[Instrumental music playing on stereo]

[Door chimes]

You got the message.

It was Katia's idea to use the, uh... message board on your website.

I thought they'd be here.

They wanted to be, yeah.

But they understood my, uh... wish to give you a little space.

Come. Come. Sit.

Are you hungry?

It's okay. I'm good.


Your friend?

My fiancé.

Does he want to join us?

You wouldn't want to let his guard down, no.

You've been through so much.

We all have, right?

What did you do with the body?

Burned and buried.

No one will find him.

Thank you for helping me.

I'm sorry to say it's not the first time I've made a wolf disappear with my children.

It's how we stayed safe in Dawson.

How many have you k*lled?

I do what is necessary to protect my family.

What am I getting myself into, here?

There's so much I have to tell you.

So much. About us.

About your mother.

What our lives have looked like.

Where we live, and why...

I'm listening.

[Impact thud]



This is not how you thought it would end, is it, Eduardo?

Crushing defeat.

That is the price for your treachery and your arrogance.

Defeat is a series of losses.

The loss of freedom, of control.

I'm in total control, now.

I make all the decisions.

How swiftly this blade is going to fall on your neck, Eduardo.

How accurate the angle of the cut.

Swift, painful... it makes no difference to me.

Death to me is death to my bloodline.

Any bloodline you left would have been slaughtered. [Impact]

Eduardo: [Spitting]

You did your sons a service by not having them.

The name Antonov, it comes with a heavy price.

It affects my children as well, so we've been living in hiding.

For how long?

Sasha: For me, since before you were born.

For Katia, Alexei... all their lives.

I don't want to bring any of that to your door, please.

That's not why I came.

I came to see you.

To see if it was true.

And if it was, to try and... claw back 30 years of lost time.


That is the issue.

The timing, you...

You arrive exactly when we're being att*cked.

Would I have saved you if I was here to k*ll you?

I want to believe you.

After today, the name Escobado comes to an end.

And you, Danvers.

Your name will be forever sealed away in this mausoleum of a house.

Even now, you live, but to what end, hm?

You built a family, but none of it is real.

They are not your blood.

Pretend all you want, but you are like me, without a legacy.

I will die with the satisfaction of knowing that you will share my fate.


Alone in life.

Forgotten in death.

You're not going to be completely forgotten, Eduardo.

I'm going to remember your death very fondly.

For many, many happy years.

But what are memories, if not to share with friends?

You once tried to blackmail me into k*lling the Russian Alpha.

Roman, cut off this snake's head.

Eduardo: I am not the only snake in your garden, Danvers.

It was so easy to get Bucky to join me.

One by one, your Pack will turn against you.

You will be my trophy.

Eduardo: Yes, Jeremy.

Let him take the prize.

Buy his friendship with my head.

A Russian pig will eat anything when he is hungry.

Even his friends.

Hmm, I will wait for you in hell.



This was yours.

I've carried this with me for the last 30 years.

Your mother, you know... she wore a certain perfume.

Krasnaya Moskva.

"Red Moscow". Soviet perfume. But...

On her, it was the scent of home.

And I think sometimes I still smell it on your baby shoe.

My mother...

And Alexei and Katia's mother?

A woman I met 10 years after your mother died.

Katia and Alexei saw their mother torn apart by a wolf with one red eye.

Roman's assassin.

Roman Navikev?


Elena: Why would he have their mother k*lled?

[Effort groans]

She was innocent.

Roman was after me.

He's wanted to k*ll me for 30 years.

Roman Navikev is at Stonehaven.

Right now.

[Effort shouts]


Elena, he can't know we're here.

If he knows, he will k*ll us all.


[Sighing, panting]
