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01x10 - The Card Players

Posted: 12/06/15 22:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Art of More".

Graham Connor.

Sam Brukner.

Davenport: Well, he's bombastic, impossibly egotistical.

Graham: How do I get his account?

The auction of the decade... The Samuel Brukner collection.

A lot of these illegals, all they know how to do is take.

After that man came to thr*aten me, I knew there had to be more to the Brukner story than just stolen art.

Does this affect the auction?

The risk is about your political aspirations.

I want you to marry me.

Connor and Roxanna, they're seeing each other, I thought you knew that.

What did you just say? What?

Do a gradual phase of operations over to you, Miles.

And then you give him your complete cooperation.

Damn it!

The Mask of Warka. It was reported stolen several months ago in Turkey.

Graham Connor was your account executive. What do you know about him?

We just came by to pick up some paperwork from Graham.

The searched my family's goddamned house.

Give them the chain of title or you deal with the consequences yourself.

(mimicking sword clanging)

Hey, look out. There's one behind you.

Would've done all right during the Crusades.

Who were they?

A bunch of angry guys with swords trying to tell the rest of the world how to live.

You like her?


She's pretty.

I like her boobs.

Why is she naked?


The human body's a beautiful thing.

Artists been painting it for thousands of years.

My friend John has a lot of magazines like this.

Yeah. I bet he does.

I find this more inspiring.

What do you mean?

Well... the photographs.

It tells you everything, right?

But a painting, a good one... doesn't do all the work for you.

Your mind has to fill in the rest.

When I have to recharge my batteries, I like to come here.

Someday when you get older, maybe it'll do the same thing for you.

There's a million different worlds to explore here, Tommy.

Maybe one day one of them will inspire you to find the thing that you really, really love.

Hey, you hungry?


Want to get some hot dogs?

All right.


You coming or what?

I was just trying to do what you said, Dad.

I don't know how it got so far away from me.

Al Afshar just took off. It's empty.

Yeah. No, I did a full sweep of the place. Nada.


Call you back once I'm inside.

Better not to keep her waiting.

I'm not supposed to give statements directly to the press.

That's what our PR department's for.

You do a lot of things you're not supposed to.

It would be more personal coming from you.

So, just go down there and seduce her.

I know you know how to do that.

You stole my account away from Roxanna.

You hadn't signed with her yet.

Would that have stopped you?

No. No, it wouldn't.

Isn't that why you chose me?

Tell her that you know the blogger that started all this shit.

That you checked it out and that he has a personal beef with me.

Maybe even with you too.

Sam, I can't do that.

Well, why not?

You were the one who threatened him.

I mean, if you think about it, this is all your fault.

I was trying to help you.

But you didn't.

Now, go down there and make it right.

Reporter: So, tell me about the tape.

Graham: Well, Mr. Brukner's views are his own.

But I've never heard him speak like that. Not once.

And the allegations of bribes to city officials?

Well, I think we have to consider the source.

Henry Davis is a man with a huge ax to grind.

How so?

(sighs hesitantly)

Well, he's a blogger.

And it's his job to stir up trouble.

If he was actually interested in journalism, he'd be a reporter, like you.

If you'll excuse me, I have buyers here today that are interested in looking at art.

(knock on door)

Come in.

(door opens)

That's the one you wanted, right?


Well, it's all yours.

Whoever said auctions were dull, huh?

Certainly no one who's followed this one.

Look, Ed, you have to hear it from the horse's mouth about this tape.

I was talking to a roomful of stuffed shirts.

And, yeah, to be frank, I was pandering.

I don't really think that way.

Sam, that's your business. But if you've done anything illegal...

Let me stop you right there.

You talk to anyone I've ever done a deal with, and they will tell you that I do not do business that way.

But about this blogger...

Yes, he's full of shit. He's a gossip-monger.

But a few things have come to light.

And the guy has his reasons.

What reasons?

Your boy Graham.

He threatened to k*ll him.

Why would he do that?

If you'll remember, a few months back, when that first story came out, Graham was after my account.

He thought he could score some points with me.

And he found this guy, he roughed him up.

He threatened him, he got him to issue a retraction, and here we are now, dealing with the blow-back.

And Graham told you this?

Well, I figured it out. He had to tell me.

But then he doubles down and he goes out and he talks to this reporter.

He was not authorized to do that.

Bruckner: I know.

Look, Ed, I'm gonna be straight with you.

You've got a real problem with this kid.

He's like a bull in a china shop.

Look, I know he's your employee.

But I don't work that way.

And I cannot have someone like that on my team.

And neither can we.

So, Todd, you're a straight sh**t, you're a decent guy.

How would you like to be my new point person?

That's assuming you can get rid of Graham.

Unfortunately, the timing's a little tricky...

Being so close to the auction, and I know he's been doing a lot of last-minute work with potential buyers.

Let him make his phone calls. He can't do anymore damage.

But I do not want him in the building when the auction starts, or there is no auction.

It's kind of like Moses not making it to the Promised Land, if Moses was a lying little shit.


Get your hands off me.

What is it? What's going on?

I told him you were indisposed, Arthur, but he just bullied past.

What's with this guy?

Usually when I put 50 grand in someone's pocket, they thank me.

Unlike some people, I have Arthur's best interest...

It's all right. Silence.

Will you excuse us a moment, please?

You know me, Arthur. You don't answer my calls, I'm gonna show up in person.

You going somewhere?


The FBI paid me an unexpected visit the other day.

What did they want to know?

Not much.

It's about Hassan, my collection, contacts.


What did you tell 'em?

Nothing. Just that I've lead an exemplary life of ignorance.

You think they bought it?

I think it did the trick for now.

But their very presence here spoke volumes to me.

Which is why I'll be spending some time in Croatia.

Wait a second. What are you talking about, Croatia?

Well, the Dalmatian Coast is very lovely this time of year.

Lovelier still, it has no extradition treaty with the US.

Okay, if you want to leave town for a couple of weeks until things settle down, I get it.

But you just told me the FBI left happy.

You've been unique in my life, Graham.

But it's time to move on.

I suggest you do the same.

(knock on door)

Whoa. Hang on.

Everything's gonna be fine. I'll make sure of it.

It's amazing.

You really think you're untouchable, don't you?


Arthur, the car's waiting.

Davenport: I'll be right there.

Good luck.

I fear you'll need it more than me.

So, that's it?

I'm afraid so.



(speaking foreign language)

Figured you'd show up here sooner or later.


Drop your w*apon. Now.

Drop the w*apon I said.

Where is my family?

Kick it over here.

I said kick it over here.

You're real smart to stash your family here, but real dumb to come back and see them.

A neighbor spotted you last time you were here.

If you send them back, they will be k*lled.

They're not going back.


Homeland Security has them.

You play ball with me, I'll pull a few strings, make sure they get into relocation.

You're not arresting me.

Not if you make it worth my while.

Let's start with the details of your operation.

It's even more beautiful in person.

It's perfect.

The paperwork.


The certificate of export doesn't have the proper seal.

This is the old seal. They replaced it last year.

It's a clerical error no doubt.

The seal was replaced.

So, they couldn't just use this accidentally.

And even if they did, Turkish customs would never let it go through.

People make mistakes.

Woman: Maybe we should just call the customs office.

This paper isn't even watermarked. It's a fake.

Okay, I'm sure this is all some sort of misunderstanding.

Did you know about this? I mean, are you two working together?

No, John. I...

The certificate is real. My client put it in Turkey.

And who exactly is your client?

That's confidential.

Yeah, that's just what I thought.

Does Sam know that you're dealing with criminals?

John, I swear. I had no idea...

You don't want to buy the jar? Fine.

Oh, no.

Get out.

No, it's too late for that.

You picked the wrong guy to swindle.

Okay, guys, let's just...

My firm puts people like you in jail.

Put that away.

I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding.

(line ringing)

Put the phone away!

People like you are destroying the world's cultural history.

Hey, Sarah. Yeah, this is John... Hey!

Nazari, Nazari, no!

What are you doing? You okay?

Okay, everybody needs to calm down!

I'm sure we can figure something out. Okay, just...

Hey! No!

Woman: Shit. What the hell are you doing?

No, no, no!

Shit, shit. Oh, my God.

Oh, shit.

I'm sorry, but no one can know about this.


You have Graham to thank for this.

Please. Nazari, please just...

Just leave, okay? I promise I won't say anything to anybody.

Please just leave. Please.

Look, you can just go.



(doorbell buzzing)

Do we have a date? Because I'm heading out.

Catching you at a bad time?

Well, tonight's the final view for the Brukner auction.

Oh. Is that it?

Come in. Make yourself at home.

What do you mean, "Is that it"?

My whole career is hanging on this thing. But thank you.

Well, you always have your fall-back job with Hassan Al Afshar.

Or is that your real job, and this whole auction thing is just a very good cover?

Does Davenport know where you get your supply?

Does Brukner?

Or do they not want to know?

I'm pretty sure Mason would want to know.

There is no supply.

I don't know what you're talking about.

How did you get that?

What do you think you're doing? This isn't a game.

There are people who would k*ll you if they knew you had that.

Then it's a good thing that it's just between us.

What is this? What's going on here?

Is this some kind of ploy to get me to handle Swift?

Swift is now problem number two.

Let's talk about problem number one.

My father is retiring, Miles is taking over DeGraafs.

I don't know how I can help with that.

You manipulated Davenport, Brukner, eluded the FBI, I am sure you can handle Miles.

No. You're giving me too much credit here.

Am I?

I'm not judging you. I think it's brilliant.

You do?


You have no idea.

You don't want this kind of help.

You don't want that.

I want whatever it takes.

I will not let Miles get control of DeGraaf's.

He has taken enough from me.

I'm not some master criminal, okay?

I'm just a guy who's looking over his shoulder all the time.

The FBI could come through that door any second.

It's your problem, not mine.

What was so important I had to risk coming out here?

I have a chance to get the FBI off my back.

You made a deal with the FBI?

No, something else.

How does it help me?

If I'm clear, I can finish moving the merchandise.

If you're gonna finally disappear, you're going to need that money.

But you'll make a hell of a lot more if it's only split two ways.

You said a while ago, it wasn't the right time.

Now is the right time.

As long as they're out there, they're gonna draw heat down on us.

On you.

We meet up tonight.

We take care of everything then.

(people talking indistinctly)

Mr. Mason wants to speak with you.

No, I need to...

You don't have to do anything.

Come with me.

What's going on?

Your employment with Parke-Mason is terminated, effective immediately.

What are you talking about? Why?

Participation in activities unacceptable to this firm, and me personally, if not outright illegal.

Wait a minute. What activities?

Holy shit. You got to be kidding me.

What, he's behind this?

You son of a bitch! After everything I did for you!

You piece of shit scumbag!

Get him out of here!

Graham: After everything I did for you!

So, this is the transcript?

She wouldn't give her name. And she called from a burner phone.

But she sounded scared.

Did she say why?


She said after she refused to buy the mask, the man got angry, threatened her.

Sounds like the Mask of Warka, all right?

Look, she even describes the chip on the back.

That wasn't in the news stories about it.

All right, let's get the warrant.

(gavel pounding)

First up, we have Ferdinand, Barbarians, Woman with Harp.

Lots number 1-0-1 in your catalog.

I'd like to start the bidding at $200,000.

I have 275 online...

Do I hear 400? 400. Thank you, madame. 420.

Quote number 35.

(voices echoing)

Fair and final warning then.

(gavels pounds)

Sold for $14.2 million.

Another good item. The big stuff's coming. Watch this.

Next up, for the very first time at auction, we have Cezanne's The Card Players.

Part of a series of five, it is the only one not in a public collection.

Now, I'd like to start the bidding for this remarkable painting at $50 million.

Do I hear... I have 50.

Do I hear 55? 55. Thank you, madame.

I have 58 on the phone.

Yes, 60. In the front row.

Do I hear 65? 65 from the gentleman in the fourth row.

Yes. What this? It's 75. 75 on the phone.

90 online. Do I hear 100?

No, I have 110 million from the gentleman in the fourth row.

I have 120 million online. Do I have...

Yes, I have 140 million in the front row.

150 million online.

160 million in the second row.

Yes, and I have 175 million from the lady on the phone.

Do I hear 180? 180.

180. Thank you, sir.

Do I hear 185? 185 million for this incredibly rare painting.

Anyone? At $180 million then. Going once, twice...

Fair and final warning then...

I have 200 million online.

(crowd gasping)

That's $200 million. A world record price.

Would anyone else care to make it into the record books?

Do I hear 210?

Anyone? You, sir?

I can see your hand twitching. It's pocket change, sir.

No. Anyone?

Fair and final warning then.

Sold for $200 million to the bidder online!

(Graham gasping)
Yo, Graham.

Graham. Yo, yo, yo.

Jesus! You all right?

What are you...

What are you doing? Hey!

I need to get ready for the night.


Get off me.

That son of a bitch.

You know how much shit I went through for him?


Hey. Sit down.

I know what you're going through.

We both know it passes, right? Breathe.

You need to be in the house, watching my ma.

You should be in Brooklyn, watching the house.

You called me.


Ryan's got it.


Tell me what you need.

I didn't come this far to fail, man.

And you won't.

I got your back, tonight, and always.


What's up?

The guys tonight...

I knew 'em in Iraq.

They were there in Tikrit.


Now, it was just a mix-up, you know.

They weren't supposed to be in the building that night.

My g*dd*mn leg was a mix-up?

I'm sorry, man.

I'm sorry, man. I wish it had been me.

You know, I wish it had been me.

You still work with these people?

No, no, no. I quit that night.

And they showed up in New York, like, three months ago.

I've been in shit ever since.

The guy who shot me... he's gonna be there tonight?

Yeah. Yeah. He's gonna be there.

(jazz music playing)

♪ I'm sitting on top of the world ♪
♪ I kissed the most beautiful girl ♪

(doorbell rings)

I'm FBI Special Agent Kramer. We've got a warrant to search these premises.

What's going on?

Mr. Hewitt.

Got a warrant to search this residence.

What grounds?

It's all in there.

All right, let's go. Let's start downstairs.

Man: Work our way up.

Yeah. God forbid, your child should ever get sick, but if they do, the Brukner Wing...

And it's not named after me, it's after my parents, God bless 'em... it's complete state-of-the-art, which is...

Phillip. This is my ticket to Albany right here.

Excuse me, folks. Have a good night.

Come on over here, I want to buy you a drink.

So, did you see it?


Well, take a look. Turn around. Look.

$775 million.

The voters are gonna erect a statue to me.

Look, here's what I think we need to do.

We should update my announcement. Include everything...

Sam. Sam.

There's not gonna be any announcement.

I just got back from a meeting with the election committee.

And they've decided to withdraw their support.

You're just sh1tting me.

Between the fallout from the leaked tape and the criminal investigation being launched, they decided...

Are you kidding?

I just raised three-quarters of a billion dollars to build a hospital wing that's going to create thousands of jobs...

Actually, that's part of the problem. The hospital is rejecting the donation.

I know that you're bullshitting me because nobody turns down money like that, no matter what kind of back-room deal I made.

Until you've been cleared of all the criminal charges...

I can beat those charges with one hand tied behind my back.

Great. In which case, they'll revisit the whole thing and they'll reverse it.

"Revisit"? What do I pay you for?

No. There's no revisiting.

We have to do this now to help with the election.

Sam, there's not going to be an election.

Give me a drink.

Not for you anyway.

The committee has thrown it's support behind Ted Segal.

He's announcing later this week.

Ted Segal?

You got to be kidding me.

Actually he's got a very high approval rating, and he's polling high with every demographic out there.

You know what?

Screw you. I don't need you.

Screw the committee, screw the party.

Y'all are a bunch of bean counters.

I'm gonna run as an independent.

That's the way to get things done.

We'll see who's laughing.

Sam, can I give you some advice?

No. Give me another drink.

Wait four years, beat these charges, rebuild your image, outreach to minority communities, charitable donations.

If you run and flameout now, it'll dog you for every campaign of yours in the future.

Trust me on this.

You're fired.

Graham, where have you been?

I've been trying you all day. I even went by your place.

I'm fired is where I've been.

Yeah, that's what I heard. But that doesn't make any sense.

This isn't your problem, okay? Don't worry about it.

Hey! It is my problem.

And I am trying to help you, but you have got to tell me what's really going on.

You want the truth?

I had a... I had a PTSD attack.

And I wandered around the city for three hours, And I went up, down Battery Park and I had no idea how I got there.

That's what happened.

God, Graham. I am so sorry.

You do know there's people you can see about that, right?

Yeah, I'm gonna go see someone right now.

Wait, wait, wait. Let's just go talk to my grandfather, okay?

I'm sure if we just explain this to him, and you guys...


I love being with you.

And when I'm around you, I'm a better person.

But I can't be that guy now.



Girl: Daddy, where are you going? Where is he going?

Clarissa: Miles, what's happening?

Miles, what am I supposed to do?

Miles: Just call my lawyer. Call Alan, he'll know what to do.

Clarissa: Yes, and tell him what exactly?

Girl: Daddy, I'm scared.

Miles: Call my lawyer, okay?

Miles: This is absolutely ridiculous. It's outrageous.

Clarissa: Daddy'll be back. It's fine.

Miles: You people need to know what you're doing.

Girl: Daddy!

Clarissa: Come on. Come inside.

Go, go, go.

It's okay, honey.

Test, test, test. Testing.

(glass shatters)

(Brukner sighs)

Hey, let's get this party started!

Please, Sam. Come down.

No, darling. I'm not coming down.

But you're welcome to come up here with me, please.

In fact, who wants to join me up here?

Who wants to join me? Come on.

You know that you want to.

You come to my parties, and you drink my whiskey, and you bang my hookers.

Well, not all of you.

Well, maybe him.

And that guy right there.

But... And her.

But anyway, I have a serious announcement actually.

It seems that you good people and close friends are not going to be able to have the opportunity to vote for me for your next governor.

It seems that the election committee in their infinite wisdom has decided that you deserve to have dickhead Segal as your next governor.

So, what are we going to do about that?

I'll tell you what we're gonna do about that.

We are going to stand up and we are going to say, and tell them, "Bullshit!"

So, if you're with me, say, "Bullshit!"

(scattered whooping)

That's a good start, right there.

Graham: You're full of shit.

Yeah, you dickhead, you're full of shit.

Ah. My loyal account exec showing up.

That's your game, loyalty.

It's not safe on the table.

Why don't you get off the table and stop making a fool of yourself?

You are on my dime.

And I am up here, and I'm telling this room full of hypocrites the truth they do not want to hear.

You calling them hypocrites, you're the hypocrite.

No, I'm calling you a hypocrite.

Get off me. I did everything for you, and you stabbed me in the back.

You betrayed me.

How did I betray you?


You betrayed me.

I asked you to do one thing.

What did you ask me to do? Tell me what you asked.

One thing.

I loved her.

So... that was going to be my parents' name up on that hospital.

So... Sam, just come down. They don't want us here. Just come down and let's go.

Thank you, darling. It's just one step.

But, boy, it's a doozy.

(Brukner sighs)

Oh, would you look at the shocked looks on your faces.

But don't you worry.

Four years, you're gonna get a chance to vote for me.

So, everybody drink up, it's on me.

(microphone feedback)

Where are you going?

I've got to go.


Come on.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's not let this sully what has already been such a wonderful evening...

A bunch of sheep looking for a shepherd.

Get the car, will you, sparkles?

(Brukner grunts softly)

I was gonna take you to Albany.

You were gonna be aide to the governor.

You really screwed up.

So did you.

Well, difference is, I'm going home in a Lamborghini.

You know why?

Because I know how to take care of my enemies.

Sometimes too well.

I'm shit-faced, you're driving.

You think this is over?

Watch your feet.


Graham, wait.

I got to go.

No, no, no. Come on. I'm gonna take you home.

I got a meeting.

No. Please.

Don't go. Just come home with me, okay?


Meet you there in an hour.

No, no, no.


Come on.

One hour.

No, no, no. Graham. Graham.

What the hell are you doing here?

Graham, what are you doing here? I'm worried about you.

Why are you driving all the way over?

No. You have to leave. You have to get out of here.


Get in the car...

Hands behind your head.


What are you doing? Put the g*n away. What are you doing?

He's a friend of mine. Don't worry.


He's a friend of mine.

What are you doing? Put the g*n away.

Hands behind your head.

Don't do this. Put the g*n on me.

(Elizabeth whimpering)

Just let her get a car and drive away, okay.

It's a little late for favors.

What's going on?

It's gonna be okay. You have to trust me.

What's going on?

It's gonna be okay.

Hey! Enough!

Don't you look at him, look at me.

Where is the g*n?


Don't do anything stupid.

This is between me and...

Turn around.

Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.

The other g*n.

Graham, what is he talking about? What other one?


Put it on the ground.

You have a g*n? I'm scared. I'm scared.

Don't be scared.

Now, inside, both of you, quietly.

What's going on?

Hands behind your head, Tommy.

Don't worry. Don't worry.

Elizabeth: Tell me what's going on.

What the hell?

This is how you do things, huh?

Calm down! Calm down!

Tommy brought a date.

He's not gonna touch you. He's not gonna touch you.

Uzay, look at me.

This is between me and you. Come on, put the g*n down.

Uzay, come on.

(talking in foreign language)

You're k*lling an innocent girl.

We have no choice. We can't let her go to the police.

Nothing to do with her! You let her go! Let her go!

If anything happens to her, we have nothing but trouble on our hands.

Calm down. Keep it calm.


Okay, okay, okay.

Nobody move!

Calm down. Just calm down.

Slowly, Uzay. Take it slow.

Everybody drop your g*ns now!


Touch her, you're not gonna walk out of here alive. Swear to God.

Do it!

Okay. Come on, put the g*n down.

Put it down. The g*n's going down.

Uzay, it's going down. The g*n's going down, okay. Look at me! Uzay!

The g*n's down. Luis, you put that g*n down.

He'll k*ll us all.

If you don't, I'll k*ll her now!

Okay, Uzay. Look at me.

It's between me and you. It's nothing to do with her. Okay? Come on.


You betrayed us for him!

You're betraying yourself. You should've listened to me.

No, you should've listened to me!

It's nothing to do with her. It's nothing to do with her.

You still think I'm stupid?

I don't think you're stupid. I don't think you're stupid.

Come on, let her go. Let her go, please.

All your chain of title did was get more people k*lled.

It's gonna be okay, okay? Look at me. Keep looking at me.

Uzay, I'm begging you. Put the g*n down please.



You k*lled Demir.

No! No!

It's gonna be okay. I'm with you. I've got you.

I've got you. You're gonna be okay.

Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!

Shit! No, no. Shit! Shit. No, no, no.

Stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna take you home. I'm gonna take you home.

I'm sorry.

Let it go.

It's okay. It's okay.

(Graham crying)

It's okay, Tommy. It's okay.

(Hassan shushing)


(Graham panting)

It just came in. I'd thought you'd want to know right away.

Kramer: Came in how?

Left us an anonymous package.

It matches part of a theft from Turkey three months ago.

Same time Al Afshar arrived.

So, an anonymous tip on the Mask of Warka on the same day as the surprise package?

Looks like somebody's trying to get rid of their partners.

Let's check if for prints. Maybe they didn't wipe this one down.

(traffic noises)