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01x01 - Blood and Water

Posted: 09/29/14 05:34
by bunniefuu
Go home and sober up, Nate.

Why? It's his fault!

You're a pig, Nate! Always were, always will be.

Settle down!

We're out of here.

You won't be laughing at me tomorrow, mate.

I'm gonna blow the lid on it all, Henderson.

I'm not getting in the ute with that.

Geez, dad.

So, wait here, eh, have a beer.

I'll drop him home and come back.

I can't stand this.

She's a bloody disgrace.

I know all about her.

You know nothing. You're pissed.

Calls herself a bloody nurse.

Shut it, dad.

I'll tell you, I'm gonna blow the lid.

Give it a rest.

Hey, I'm talking.

That girlfriend of yours...

Dad, just go to bed.

So, I'm gonna go back.

Your mother would be really proud of her.

It's none of your business!

You're better than her, Dwayne.


You need to leave her alone, dad.

There you are.

Hey? Who's there?

So, Gary...

I'm thinking accident.

Or su1c1de.


Well, if Nate Dunn wanted to k*ll himself, this is as nice a place as any.

Does nice even come into it?

Detective Senior Sergeant McLeod.

Mike here.

Mike Shepherd?

That's me. Guilty as charged.

Why am I getting a call from central?

Because people turning up dead always get a red flag on our system, Senior.

Besides, I've always wanted to visit Brokenwood.

Carpe diem and all that.

Our body's on your computers already?

I know, I know. Facebook, Twitter.

It's all a miracle to me.

There's nothing to indicate it's a homicide.

It's a long way to come if it turns out to be nothing.

Then we can all go down to the pub, have one on you, Gary.

Would that be so bad?

Don't touch anything.

Should be there in a bit.


Can you go back to the station and meet a Mike Shepherd, bring him back here?

Shepherd? Isn't he the...

Field crime inspector, yeah.

Coming to Brokenwood?

Should we be honored or worried?

Got no idea.

Some old drunk throws himself off a bridge and kills himself, it's hardly Al-Qaeda.

Maybe he needs to look busy.

You go. I'll stay here, try not to touch anything.

Kristin, are you free to check out loitering with intent?

We've had a complaint from a resident on Tullamore Street.

Yeah, that's a no-go. I'm on my way to the station.


I know. It's on your way.

How could you know? It's...

Comms, sometimes you're like God.

You've got to love technology.

Fine. Tell me more.


Can I see your license, please?


'Cause I'm asking.

And so am I.

It's a routine check.

You'll have to do better than that.

Do you live around here?


Okay, do you have a valid reason for parking in this neighborhood?

Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd.


Hell of a catch.


Probably the one they wish had got away.

Too soon?

Sorry, I'm never sure.

There was a note in his pocket.

"I'm sorry."

Kristin... Detective Sims found that just before your "don't touch anything" suggestion.

Nice spot you picked here, Nate.

What brings you out here on a chilly, dark night?

I know.

Take your time, fella.

Have you finished?


Who are you?

Gina, this is D.I. Shepherd.

Mike, Gina Kadinsky.

Right, uh... I'll see you at the postmortem.

What about Gary?

I thought it was his stiff.

Gary can come, too. More the merrier.


Nate Dunn was involved in a couple of alcohol-related incidents early in the evening.

Nothing unusual.

For him or the town?

Him. He liked to drink.

Doesn't everyone, Gary?

So, how'd he get here?

No car.

Well, he probably walked.

His farm's about three Ks that way.

And there were footprints approaching the bridge.

They matched the type of shoes he was wearing.

At least he didn't drive drunk.

Could have got himself k*lled.

Or someone else.


Wasn't too pissed to forget his social responsibilities.

But wasted enough to end it all?

su1c1de? Hmm.

Or, it could be as simple as he's drunk, stumbles, falls, and on entering the water, hits his head on a rock.


Kristin will stay and assist you.

I'll inform the next of kin... Nate's son, Dwayne.

Prefer to do that myself.

Might be better coming from a local.

I'd say, uh, bad news is bad news.

Care to join me, Detective Sims?

Do you always talk to the deceased?

You have a problem with that?

Seems... inappropriate.

They're dead.


Not already forgotten, I hope.

They're still loved ones, personalities.

It was like you were teasing him.

80% of all homicide victims...

Know the identity of their k*ller?

You can bet that's the secret they want to reveal.

Our job is to help them do it.

We don't know it was a homicide.

Do you like country and western music?


You're just saying that.

No, I really don't.

Come on, they're the best three-minute crime stories ever sung.

There's heartache, adultery, jealousy, divorce, death.

It's all in there.

You prefer country blues?


Country rock?


You're gonna love this one.

You have cassettes?

Should we call the backup?


That could be embarrassing.

Besides, my car doesn't have a radio.

What? I have a phone.



Geez, I, uh...

Whoa, whoa!

Can you, uh... put that thing down?

Sorry. I was just getting my eye, and, um...

I've got a license for it.

Still want backup?

Dwayne, isn't it?

Uh, I'm Detective Inspector Shepherd.

This is Detective, um...



Hi, Dwayne.

I can get that license if, uh...

Dwayne, have you seen your father today?

Well, no, but he's still asleep.

Through all your target practice?

He's a heavy sleeper.

Dwayne, um, I'm afraid to tell you a body's been found at the river.

The body's been identified as your father.


He's not...

Thought he was...

Oh, please, take a seat there, Dwayne.

Jesus, no.

Nate Dunn's body's been found at the river.

Looks like su1c1de.

Oh, my God.

Truth be known, Jacinta, I'm glad.

It's over now.

How about I come in and make you a cup of tea, eh?

Dad wouldn't k*ll himself.

You sound very confident about that.

Farm's in good shape, prices have been good.

He was happy.

There was even a letter he got a couple days ago.

That cheered him up, too.

What letter?

I don't know, he was always getting letters, but he was happy.

He was in a really good place, you know?

For the record, where were you last night?

I was with my girlfriend, Sally.

Her place.

Got back here around 6:00 this morning.

Been doing a bit of renovating?

I know.

DIY was never my strong point, either.

It's not me you should be looking at.

You spoken to Phillip Henderson?


Why should I do that?

He hated my father.

Mind if we have a look around?

We'll need to take some of this stuff to the station, Dwayne.

But it's not a crime scene, right, so why?

We need to find out what happened to your dad.

Maybe the answer is in here as much as out there.

I don't know.

Tell you what.

We'll, uh, photograph the rooms in detail, but we'll have to take this stuff.

Otherwise, Detective Sims here will have to work through it on site.

It could take quite some time.



Dwayne, November the 17th, was that your parents' wedding anniversary?

Um, no, that's the day dad asked her to marry him.

That bloody river.

Today's the 18th.

This, uh, Phillip Henderson, I'll talk to him, okay?

You don't need to do that.

As long as you don't stuff it up.

Not like 10 years ago.

I'll do my best not to stuff it up, Dwayne.

It was a hit and run.

Dwayne's mother Evelyn... that's Nate's wife... was run down on Jameson Road.

10 years ago?


Cold case?

Yeah, and it was clear from the evidence at the scene that she was on the grass verge when she was run down.

Car involved swerved and deliberately knocked her down.

So, it's an unsolved m*rder.


What else?

There were rumors of spousal abuse in the family.

Evelyn was seen bruised on occasion.

Nate was an ugly drunk.

So, between you and me, Nate k*lled her.

I just couldn't prove it.

Two murders 10 years apart.

Nate Dunn's death could have been su1c1de.

No. He didn't go to that bridge to k*ll himself.

And you're sure because?

'Cause he was m*rder*d.

Just what are you doing in Brokenwood?

Just putting the "field" into field crime inspector, Gary.

Flash title. Got to earn my keep.

I've got an appointment.

Just call me if you need anything.

There are hundreds of bits of paper here.

Copies of letters written by Nate Dunn.

He copied letters he sent to people?

It'll take time to go through it.


Uh, but the note found on Nate matches his handwriting.

D.C. Breen here corroborated Dwayne's alibi.

G'day. Sam Breen.

Sam. Mike.

Yeah, Dwayne's girlfriend, uh, Sally Clive says he was with her, so...


Um, I dug this out for you. It's the file on that old hit-and-run case involving Nate's wife.

Considerable evidence was collected at the scene.

Glass fragments from headlights, tire impressions, specks of paint.

Metallic gray.

Although, it was hard to determine what shade of metallic it was, exactly.

All manufacturers use different names.

There are liquid gray, mountain shadow gray, galaxy shadow, platinum gray.

Apparently, there are many shades of... gray.

Yeah, well...

I get the impression there were no strong leads.

Plenty of unsolicited statements from people in the town.

Most of them point to Nate without providing any evidence.

"Common knowledge he beat her regularly."

There's no record of her ever making a complaint.

Gary was the investigating officer?


Oh, and, um, that list...

Not everything that's supposed to be there is in the box.



It's Phillip Henderson. He's back at his place.

Yeah, uh, thanks, Mr. Henderson.

We'll be right over.

Shall we go?

Um, I'm good.

Well, I don't mind.

No, no, as you say, that's gonna take some time.

This place is 100% organic.


That's not an easy status to get.

Or keep.

Especially when Nate Dunn made a habit of spraying his pesticides whenever the wind was blowing my way.


Yeah. Didn't give a stuff.

Hmm. Nice coffee.



So, Phillip... did you k*ll him?

You're talking about the altercation in the pub?

There was an altercation?

Yeah. Nate was drunk, surprise, surprise.

And when he drank, he usually... well, at least once a year... brings up his theory about something going on between me and his late wife.

And was there?

I'm not gonna dignify that with an answer.

Go on. Dignify it.

I was not involved with Evelyn Dunn.

Yeah, we were good friends, but, uh, not lovers.

Even if Nate was raving last night about blowing the lid on everything.

What does that mean?

Who knows?

Nice camera. Did you take these?


Something of a hobby.

Brokenwood is a nice place to photograph.

Yeah, it is.

Nice place in general.

So, who here would want to k*ll Evelyn Dunn?

10 years ago, I would have thought Nate k*lled her.

And now?

I don't know.

I can tell you what I told Gary back then.

Evelyn came to me that night.


Nate used to beat her when he was drunk.

I'm sorry.

Everyone knew that.

I don't want to be a pain.

That night, she came to me just... to talk to a friend.

I'll admit I tried to talk her into leaving him, but...

I should go.

She wouldn't do that.

Anyway, she thought he'd be asleep when she got home, so... was safe to go back.

Thank you. I mean it.

She refused a lift.

Didn't want to be a burden.

That was the last time I saw her alive.

I was the one that found her the next morning.

I thought someone had just dumped something in a blanket.

It looked like a small bundle.

Where were you last night, Phillip?

I would rather not say.

I'd rather not insist.

I was with someone.

A woman, at her place, all night.

And does this woman have a name?


Yes being her first or last name?

Come on, mate, it's a small town. You got to be discrete, you understand?

Okay. Though, depending on what other details emerge, I may need to know the name of your friend.

Small town or not.

It won't come to that. I have got nothing to hide.

Apart from the identity of your friend.

Uh, thank you.

Sir, been enlightening.

There is one other person you should talk to.

Jacinta O'Connor.

So this would be your friend?

Not my type.

Maybe more Gary McLeod's.

Did they find anything?


Are you sure? They've been in your father's room.

Sally, calm down.

Do you realize what's at stake here if they find evidence?

I didn't let them take everything.

It's a bit early for that, isn't it?

Well, I need something, don't I?

Is it bad?

Yeah, it's real bad.

What are you gonna do about it?

I can't deal with this right now.

You're just gonna bugger off?

I have to go back to work.

You can't let them find anything, Dwayne.

You just can't.

Nate Dunn k*lled my sister, even if the police couldn't prove it.

You seem very sure.

The whole community was sure.

So, tell me about Evelyn.

Mm, younger, prettier.

Evelyn had everything to live for.

And he took that all away.

Now the coward's taken his own life.


It's pathetic and upsetting.

Actually, su1c1de is unlikely.

You mean this is a m*rder investigation?

Still waiting on autopsy.

I'll try to help, but, uh... policemen are hardly my favorite people.

Not even Gary McLeod?

Especially silly Gary McLeod.

He stuffed up Evelyn's case.

Why would I expect anything different from you?

Excuse me if I'm being too blunt.

I have no problem with blunt.

Excellent. I need to be somewhere.

Can you give me a lift?

There's blunt and then there's cheeky.

We can talk on the way.

Yeah, it's lost a little cushioning over the years, but it's a small price to pay for originality.

If you say so.

They don't make them like this anymore.

Yeah. There's a reason for that.

You said blunt was good.

Hmm. You like country music?


So, who in Brokenwood had a motive for m*rder?

Oh, nearly everyone.

As Dwayne's auntie, do you manage to stay close?

He was only 15 when my sister died, and, uh, it hit him really hard.

You know, he got the best of his mother, but, sadly, the worst of his father, as well.

So, no.

Since Evelyn's death, it's been awkward, I'll admit.

You like it?

I bought it six months ago.

Farming, eh? I'm in the wrong game.

You away for long?

I'm in Hawkes Bay for business. Back in a couple of days.

Nate made a comment to Phillip Henderson.

He mentioned blowing the lid on something.

Any idea what he was referring to?

Ah, with Nate, who knows?

Maybe jumping off a bridge was Nate's way of confessing to murdering my sister.

If it was su1c1de.

As I said, unlikely.

Oh, and, uh, before I forget, for the record, last night?

I was home... alone.

All night.



Where are you?

Uh, just seeing a woman about a plane.

Dwayne Dunn's girlfriend?

Yeah, Sally Clive is her name.

Ah, that's it.

Hey, um, where would I find her?


Just stay where you are.

What do you want?


You can't just turn up like this.

I can't do it, not today.

You have to.

No. I don't have to do anything.

What's done is done.

What difference does it make now?

I crossed a line, Dwayne, but if we keep our heads down, it might be okay.

Just do it, Sally.

Everything okay?

Yeah, she's fine. No worries.

Sure about that?

Yeah. Everything's cool.

Okay, I think Sally could do with a bit of space, Dwayne.

Go home. Cool off a bit, eh?

What was the, uh, argument about, Sally?

Just relationship stuff, dumb stuff, you know?

Oh, yeah. Tricky business.

Just ask my ex-wife.

All three or four of them.

Still, Dwayne just lost his father.

You'll maybe have to cut him a bit of slack.

Yeah, it's a crap time.

The, uh, bouncer at the pub mentioned that you and Nate exchanged words on the night he died.

Nothing unusual about that. He disapproved of me.

Dwayne drove him home.

Left me at the pub. Can you believe it?

And later, did you see Nate again?




I left the pub, walked home.

He brought me some flowers.

Sometimes he can be a sweet guy.

He slept the night at my place.

Why did Nate disapprove of you?

He disapproved of everything.

Everything? Wow.

That's big.

He was a sad, paranoid old man.

In what way?

Was he a guy who had a few conspiracy theories, or was he the type who saw men in white coats climbing out of his corn flakes?

He imagined things.

That ticks both boxes.

He just didn't like me. He didn't like anybody.

Except his wife.

He had a funny way of showing it.


So, was Dwayne capable of k*lling his father?

I really can't answer that.


I didn't think I'd see you again.

Thought that was part of the deal.

I was in town, saw you, thought I shouldn't, then I did.

Why are you here?

In Brokenwood?


How are the kids?


You like it here?

Too bad if I don't, right?

It's not exactly the Gold Coast, but it'll have to do, I guess.

But you're making friends?

I meet people through the kids' school and stuff.

You seeing anyone?

Is that any of your business?


But it's all part of moving on.

New beginnings and all that.

No, it's just me and the kids.

I still have that old cassette that you gave me.

Patsy Cline.

I never thought I'd admit this, but...

I actually listen to it.

So sad it makes me smile.

Country music will do that to you.

I, uh...

I have to go.

Take care, Tania.

You found me.

You don't make it easy.

Do you own this?

Well, the bank does.

10 acres.

Four in grape.

It's supposed to be the retirement plan.

Supposed to be?

Well, price of grapes aren't what they used to be.

Market's oversupplied.

Hence, I never got around to building the dream house.

Still pretty nice.

Every morning, it reminds me I'm well behind on my mortgage payments.

Things that bad?

Well, when you're due to retire, the banks don't want to bloody know you.

Uh, autopsy report.

Definitely homicide.

So, you were right?

Yeah, blow to the head.

He was dead before he hit the water.

What'd they use?

It's all in here.

I'll take your word for it.

You want one, or are you still on duty?

No, but, uh, don't let me stop you.

I won't.

Need something to take the edge off.

Bit of a crap day.

Going through the, uh, files on that hit and run, there seems to be a few items missing.


This would be them.

He burnt me.

My biggest failure.

Evelyn's sister Jacinta calls me incompetent.

She's probably right.

Evidence was compromised.

Seal on one of the bags was open before it reached the crime lab.

Paint samples been missing for a week.

Did you screw up?

We did our best.

Sounds like you screwed up.

And all your cases go perfectly?

Sometimes things just don't go your way.

This case, everything went pear shape.

These are the photos from the crime scene.

Someone, whoever it was that did it, laid her out very carefully.

As if they were trying to make her comfortable.

Guilt, maybe.

You okay, there?

I go through them from time to time, hoping to connect something I didn't connect before.

It's a hard one to let go of, Mike.

I can see that.

What about Nate Dunn?

Nothing yet.

Dwayne and Sally have given each other alibis.

Everyone else was at home alone.

No witnesses.

I was home all night, too.


That's life in Brokenwood.

Actually, Phil Henderson said he was with someone.

A woman.

That figures.

Why's that?

Well, he's usually got a couple on the go.

Farmer, single, well off, living the dream.

Or do you think he's lying?

Has, uh, anyone else seen this material?

Shown it to Jacinta O'Connor a couple times.

The case was cold, Mike.

Just wanted to reassure her.

Didn't work.

She never lets me forget that.



Come on, Sal, this isn't funny.

Good morning.

You ever come across a Tania Freeman?

Part Maori, late 30s, two kids.

She lives in Brokenwood?

Last 12 months.

She's never come up on my radar.


No reason.

Well, how could I know her, or anyone? I have no life.

I've been going through 10 years of correspondence from Nate Dunn.

I was here till 3:00 a.m.

Could've at least bought me a coffee.


Car manufacturers, mesh repairers, hire car companies, the police.

Nate Dunn has been trying to find the car that hit his wife for 10 years.

Hardly the actions of a guilty man.

But of an obsessive man, yes.

Mike, it's meticulous.

Every clue, he followed up, every lead, he chased down, like he was some sort of frustrated detective.

Or a bloody good one.

The thing is there are no replies here.

Just copies of every letter he sent out.

So, he wasn't getting anywhere.

Replies must exist... somewhere secure maybe?

Here's the other material from the hit-and-run file.

Gary had it.

Can you, um...

You want me to look through this, too.


sh*ts fired at the Henderson place.

Were you hit?

Uh, nearly, no.

These are... These are splinters from...

Look at my bloody tire.

I could've been k*lled.

Did you get a clear look at the person that fired the sh*ts?

Yeah. Yeah, it was Dwayne Dunn.

You sure?

He wasn't trying to hide.

He, uh, he just took off that way towards his place.

How long for armed offenders?

Uh, two, maybe three.

Come on. We'll do it with our guys.

Let's go.


When everyone's ready.


How are you, fella?

You got a thing against letter boxes, Dwayne?


Got a thing against bastards, though.

I bet.

Can you put the g*n down?

Much easier to talk without it.


The thing is...

Well, two things.

Firstly, you keep waving that around, you're gonna get yourself shot.

Secondly, that's a Holden Kingswood.

1971, all original.

Yeah, it's sweet ass.

Yeah, I think so.

I'd really hate to see a hole in it.

Messes with the resale value.

Sure, it may add a certain gangster mystique charm, but I don't want to sell.

So, Dwayne, there's, um... there's been a misunderstanding.

We're gonna have to talk about that.

Phillip Henderson was in my house last night.

Doing what?

Robbing the place.

Thought you were gonna do something about him.

If you want to press charges, you'll have to fill out some forms.

You'll need two hands for that.

He was going through my father's room, and he hit me.

He was having an affair with my mother 10 years ago.

All important information, Dwayne, thank you.

And he k*lled her.

So, I wanted him to know that I know.

That everyone knows.

Don't fire!

Just relax, everyone!


Well, I think Phillip got the message, Dwayne.

And there's no reason for any of this.

There's no reason for anyone to get hurt.

Especially me, right?

I want to find a way out of this, Dwayne, and the way out of it is that you give me the g*n and we talk about everything that's bugging you.

How's that work for you, mate?

Just give me the g*n so that all this can go away.

Go! Go, go, go!

Take him back into town.

You okay?


Someone was after something in Nate's room last night.

Thought we already considered everything in there.

Maybe we haven't.

Did you get him?

Dwayne is in custody.


Hope you lot throw the damn book at him.

Phillip, were you snooping around Nate's place last night?

No, why?

Dwayne was att*cked by someone, thought it was you.

Well, I wasn't.

I've never even been to the place. Why would I?

Well, hoping you could tell me that.

Okay, this is ridiculous.

Where were you last night, Phillip?

Another sleepover, same woman?

That would be telling.

Perhaps I already know.


Small town.

Tell me it was the same woman.

How is that any of your business?

It is.

In ways that you can only imagine.


Never phone, you never write.

Was it something I said?

Guess I'm on Brokenwood time.

Talk to me about Gary McLeod.

It's, uh, as you suspected.

Meaning exactly?

He's not big on detail.

Time for him to go?

Well, maybe he just needs some time off.

Are you saying he's overworked in Brokenwood? Please.

The Dunn case.

The one he never closed?

Yeah. Had it all.

He took it personally... too personally.

The new Dunn case?

Are you making progress?

You there?

I'd have more of a chance if you didn't want to gossip like an old woman all day.

Keep me posted. And I mean that, Mike.

No surprises.

Tricky bugger.

They're replies to Nate's letters.

Mm. Replies from panel beaters, hire car companies, spray painters.

He was relentless.

It took him years, but Nate managed to find two panel beaters that did repairs to cars with metallic gray codes, specifically G7 gunpowder gray, within the time frame.

But Gary checked with all the car repairers.

Locally, yes. Gary was very thorough in a kind of 50k-radius kind of way.

But Nate, Nate went nationwide.

He never gave up.

So, the car was a Ford.

Mm. Ford Falcon XT.

A hire car.

The hire company had destroyed the records from the time, so Nate couldn't determine who hired it.

Oh, to be so close.

What if he did solve it?

What if the letter he received, the one that Dwayne said made him so happy, was the final piece in the puzzle?

This is what Phillip Henderson was looking for.

Mr. Henderson says he's never been inside Nate's house.

But what if he's lying?

He was with someone last night.


Someone you don't know.

Okay, so then who knocked Dwayne senseless looking for these?

That remains the question.

I'm guessing you want me to look through this.



Heavy stuff.

No name on the packet.

No, but clearly Nate's.


Any prescriptions in his possessions?


Has, um, Dwayne been processed?

Oh, yeah. Charged.

He's in the cell. Probably not sober yet.

Court appearance set for tomorrow.

I also, uh... found this.

Password protected.

Get it to the lab.

Detective Inspector Shepherd.

Is, um, Sally available for a quick chat?

I'm sorry, she's already left. Can I help?

Oh, it's not urgent. I'll catch up with her tomorrow.


No one home?

So it would seem.

You, uh, always drive like that?

So it would seem.

Detective Inspector...

Shepherd. I know.

I've seen the car around town, bro.

The, uh, '71 model?

Ah. You're familiar.

Well, they really should have put a V-8 engine into it, eh?

Ah, you are familiar.

Jared Morehu. Neighbor.

Technically, I'm still on duty.

Well, technically, I don't give a rat's.

Another time?

Refusing my kai?

Technically, that's culturally offensive.

Then, technically, I'm due smoke.

Gary's usually around at this time of the day.

He enjoys a beer, but, uh, I guess we'll have to wait.

How long you lived in Brokenwood, Jared?

I was born here.

You know everybody in town?

Everyone worth knowing.

What do you think of Phillip Henderson?

He'll screw anything that walks. Not judging or anything.

Dwayne Dunn?

Bit of an enigma wrapped in a puzzle.

Yeah, that's Dwayne.

Gary McLeod?

Ah, Gary's a real good guy.

Nate Dunn?

Probably m*rder*d his wife.

And if I said I don't think he did?

Well, then I guess somebody got away with m*rder.

What exactly do you do, Jared, apart from driving like a maniac?

Oh, a bit of this, a bit of that.

It's a great place that Gary's got here, eh?


The late Gary McLeod.

I see you two have bonded. That's nice for you.

Oh, bro, what's happened?

The bank's foreclosed on me.


They won't renegotiate the loan.

I've known Barry Tremaine for 20 years, the prick.

They're selling this place out from under me.


And you know what you should do?

Is rob the bank and use their money to pay for it.

That'll show them.

Probably not an actual option, but just saying, eh?

Hey, could you give us a minute?

Gary, you've been, uh, missing all the action.

Or should I say, missing in action.

Yeah, sorry. Tough day.

Dwayne Dunn's in the cells. Firearms incident this morning.

sh*ts fired.

He's dug himself quite a hole.


Things have livened up in town since you arrived.

Gary, is there something you want to tell me?

Mike, I think it may be a good idea if I'm not in the loop.

You know, I've got baggage with this stuff.

With you here, what do you need me for?

Then take a couple days off.

Might just do that.

Thanks for the beer.

Sure. Cheers.

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

Oh, well, actually, I did.

You see, when you creep around people's houses in the dark, well, it's... it's kind of weird, really.

I was looking for Dwayne.


In Nate's room?

When he's in custody, as you know.

Or... were you looking for this?

Am I gonna find your fingerprints on this, Sally?


This was found in Nate's possession.

Even though he wasn't prescribed anything of this nature.


He'd keep it as something to have over me.

They were for Dwayne.

But not prescribed for Dwayne.

I met Dwayne when he was a patient about 18 months ago.

He'd had a farm accident.

Multiple leg fractures.

He got totally hooked on those and started hassling me for more.

So you stole them for him?

I just wanted to help him.

Then I said I wouldn't do it again, and that's what our argument was about.

So, Nate obviously knew.

He said he was on to me.

He could have ended your career, couldn't he?

But he didn't.

I can't explain it.

We're gonna have to sort this out down the station, Sally.


Bring the car up.

I don't suppose you're involved in Gary McLeod's treatment?


No, he's an outpatient.

Only for how long?

How's he handling it?

As well as any of us, I suppose.

I mean, how would you feel if you found out you had terminal cancer?

I, uh, bought you coffee.


Not even secondhand.

Nice work on Dwayne's girlfriend, by the way.


I figured you out.

You have?

I have.

Well, you've succeeded where so many ex-wives didn't.

So many?

How many have you got?

You're not looking for help from me.

You've got me reading through all this so I can see that Gary botched the original investigation.

Partly true.

What right have you to waste my time?

If I told you that Gary botched everything, would you have believed me?

I need us to look at everything, especially the hit and run, from a completely fresh perspective, unencumbered by loyalty.

This was in the old file.

Gary's handwriting.

Nate made a complaint.

Accused Phillip Henderson of stealing his coat.

Is there a date on that?

A week after Evelyn died.

This isn't a formal document.

Do we have any record whether he followed up on this?

Not that I can see.

Mr. Henderson? Mike Shepherd.

Yeah, what is it?

That final night Evelyn Dunn visited you.


Was she wearing an oilskin coat?

Yeah. Yeah, she was.

You sound sure.

Yeah, I-I remember.

She looked kind of ridiculous in it.

It was too big for her.

She probably slung on Nate's or Dwayne's or something.

And that next morning, when you found her, what was she wearing?

She was only wearing a dress.

The coat wasn't nearby?

No, no.

No, I would've seen it.

Did anyone ever question you about that coat?

I don't think so. How...


On another matter, how would you feel about dropping the complaint against Dwayne Dunn?

He was trying to k*ll me.

Threatening to k*ll. He just lost his father.

He's addicted by medication.

He's an emotional wreck for lots of reasons, not the least of which is the belief that his mother was having an affair with you when she died.

Yeah, okay, that's a completely baseless accusation.

Is it?

Yeah, I did not sleep with Evelyn, I swear.

But you wanted to.

It's always a very messy business when the details of someone's love life get played out in court.

It's a small town, remember?

Yeah, the cancer spread from my lungs to the other organs.

They're saying six months.

I think they're optimistic.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Not as sorry as I am, I'll bet.

Do you want one?


10 years ago, um, a few days after the hit and run, Nate Dunn reported a missing coat.

An old oilskin or something, yeah.

You ever follow up on it?


Nate thought that Phillip Henderson had stolen it.

He was a paranoid.

Probably in a cupboard somewhere.

But you never followed up on it.

Didn't seem important.

Nate was a drunk.

Everything's important until it isn't.

You suggesting something?

You dropped the ball, Gary.

Evidence compromised, leads not followed up.

It was a coat.

A coat that Evelyn was wearing that night.

What if the person that k*lled her thought they were k*lling Nate? And if that's true, they then remove the evidence that pointed to them.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize for doing your job.

I'm sorry, you're right.

You need to lay off that stuff.

Can't be helping.

What does it matter now?

Thank you, Detective Shepherd.

It's not every day somebody turns up to help me park my plane.

You're quite the gentleman.

So, is it business or pleasure?

I thought you might need a ride back home since I dropped you here.

So, no country music today?

You can't have too much of a good thing.

Here's a random question.

So, it is business.

Do you ever remember Evelyn wearing an oilskin coat?

No. Never.

You seem very sure.

Wasn't her style.


Just following up a lead.

A lead you won't tell me about?


She was my sister, Detective.

Yes, she was.

It was a tragedy.

Uh... for the record, I never asked where you were on the night Evelyn died.

I was in Palmerston North for the three days prior at a farming conference.

I cut my trip short when I heard the news, but... then my original statement to that effect would be in the file, wouldn't it?

Thanks for the lift.

What the hell did you say to Gary?


He just called.

He sent his resignation into head office effective immediately.


In fact... I don't care what you said.

You need to know I am sick of this lone wolf, corpse whisperer crap.

You barge in here, take over.

You don't need me.

You don't need help. Good luck.

I can't take that.

Oh, why, is it beneath you?

My hands are full.


I already have one.

Silly me.

That'll teach me for not being very observant, being too caught up in my own lone wolf crap.

You're right. I should've been more...

"Inclusive" is the word you're struggling with.


So, you're saying, "I'm sorry"?




You haven't actually said it yet.

Gary has... cancer.


Oh, my God.


Poor Gary.

How did you...

I kind of stumbled upon it when I was making inquiries at the hospital.

I thought it might be relevant to the case, therefore, I thought you should know.

Relevant how?

I said it might be.

Anyway, it's all the more reason to get a result for Gary.

Come on. I've had a thought.

Oh, yeah.

I'll just follow you, then.

Lie down.

How long have we known each other?

This isn't very comfortable.

Mm-hmm. Look up.

It's a natural amphitheater here.

The slope stops the light from Brokenwood interfering with that.

Got to imagine it's night.

And November the 17th.

The Leonids meteor shower.

The Leonids meteor shower?

November the 17th.

Every year without fail. Meteors.

In a good year, up to two every minute.

Every year, Nate and Evelyn walked over here from the farm.

Perfect place to watch it.

How do you know?

Remember Dwayne told us that Nate proposed to her here?

Imagine these two youngsters happy, in love.

This was their special place, their... anniversary place.


Nate was a collector.

And November 17 was the night he died.

You got it.

Someone knew he would be coming here that night.

But who would even know that, apart from Dwayne?

Whoever did is Nate's k*ller.

Dwayne Dunn has been released on bail.

Seems that threatening to k*ll charge against Henderson has been downgraded to firearms offenses.

Any conditions on bail?

He's to reside with Jacinta O'Connor.

A loving aunt.

I know this must seem a bit odd.

It's like we're strangers, but I never meant it to be like that.

You and dad didn't get on.

Well, I wasn't alone there.

Nate was a difficult man.

It must've been really hard on you.

It wasn't.

Dwayne... he's gone.

There's no reason for you to be scared anymore.

I loved my dad.

I know everyone used to think he beat my mother.

He got violent when he drank too much.

You have no idea how much he loved mom.

Dwayne, I want us to be close.

I know he beat you, so you don't need to...

He never beat me!

It was me.

I used to lose control, lash out.

Blind rage, they called it.

Mom was so embarrassed.

She wanted to protect me.

Didn't want to be the mother of the uncontrollable son.

That was our big family secret.

Oh, my God.

So dad copped the blame.

But now they're both gone.

Doesn't matter so much, does it?

I'm gonna go see Sal.

Come on.


So, what are our lines of inquiry today?

Mm. Inclusive.

Too much? Am I overdoing it?

No, I like it.

Hmm, must be the Brokenwood vibe.

Vibe? Wow.

That's hip.


Next, you'll be saying "groovy."

I won't be able to cope.

I remember groovy.

Uh, yesterday you mentioned the Leonids meteor shower.


I found this report.

Nate was picked up five years ago... drunk and disorderly, November 17, on the road.

He told the constable he was going to the river to watch the meteors "like I do every year."

This was in Gary's file?


He wasn't the arresting officer, but he must have known it was relevant, so he put it in there.

So, Gary knew Nate went there every year.

Has he ever mentioned that?


So, as we decided yesterday, whoever k*lled Nate knew he'd be there.

We didn't decide anything.


Don't go there, okay? It's offensive.

I'm asking for your professional opinion.

I'm sorry.

Gary had reason to blame Nate for his biggest failure.

He... He felt he'd gotten away with m*rder.

He's dying of cancer, and he's got nothing more to lose.

Are you telling me that there's no way he could've k*lled Nate Dunn?

Be objective. Take away the personal.

What do you see?

It's possible, but highly un...

It's got a bit more complicated up here.

There might be a serving member involved.


How? Are you sure?

No, I'm just giving you a heads up.

Jesus, I thought I said no surprises.

What a PR nightmare.

I'm just flagging it.

I'll get communications up to you pronto.

No, too soon.

Mike, if this isn't contained, it'll be made to look even worse than it is.

Don't send Wilmott.

Like it or not...

This was left at the front desk.

Wilmott is our senior media advisor.

What choice do I have?

Yeah, yeah.

Does it have to be Wilmott?

Get over it. And buckle yourself in.

So, I just give her my station?

She's the head of media communications.

She likes things a certain way.

When she arrives, I want you to go through all this with her.


Piece by piece.

So, I'm distracting her?

I like to think of it more as getting her up to speed.

While distracting her.


Um, I'll leave you to it.

What? And where will you be?

Oh, no, don't worry.

I know... out.


Thought you'd be over this place.

I wanted to say, um, thank you.

I had reason to believe it was a momentary lapse of judgment.

Don't let me down.

Never again, I promise.

You said to tell you when I had the answer.

About Dwayne? Could he have k*lled his dad?

Oh, no.

He gets mad sometimes.

Really crazy mad.

You have to lay a complaint.

He needs help. I can't help him anymore.

You woke me up to that.

That's why I wanted to say thank you.

I still don't know the answer.

Breen? Mm.

Yeah, get a car over to O'Connor's.

Book Dwayne Dunn in for a breach of bail.

Mike. How are you, man?

I sold Nate the shotgun a month ago.


Well, he never paid me.

I asked him 20 times and nothing.

The night Nate died, I was at his house.

I went there to take it back, but I couldn't find it.

They came back earlier than I thought, so I snuck out the back.

Geez, did you whack Dwayne the other night?

Nah. No, I didn't.

But you were there.

I was at his house.

Dwayne turns up pissed, stumbling around.

Tries to whack me with a steel bat and runs into a doorframe in the process.


He's still breathing, needed to sleep it off.

So, you mentioned that Dwayne was in jail.

I thought, now's the chance.

I went back.

He'd hidden it up the chimney.

Tricky bugger.

You don't say.

So, you stole it.

I repossessed for nonpayment.


So where is it now?

Kia ora, Ms. Graves.

A touch of spring I think, Jared.

Yeah, no. True that, eh?

That's the truth, Mike.

Mr. Shepherd, I didn't have anything to do with Nate's death.

I promise.

Why is the g*n so important, Jared?


I never come across this shotgun strictly legally.

If it was found and traced back to me...

Jared, um, I suggest you hand it over to me.

I'll take care of it.


Well, the thing is, it's worth about 800 bucks.

I'm leading a horse to water here.

Care to take a drink?

All right, yeah, no. Yeah, good idea, eh?

So... who took these?

Clearly, the idea was to draw attention to you as a suspect.

No idea.

Well, I do, actually.

Someone with a flash camera, for a start.

And has a really long lens, right?

Phillip Henderson has one.

Why would Phillip want to...

Ah, he's always been a bit dark on me, bro.

I'm competition... for the ladies.

And the thing is, I was with this chick, Tania Freeman, and the thing is, he likes her, too.

But, uh, she kind of prefers her coffee black, if you know what I mean.

Tania Freeman?

Yeah. You know her?

My job, you hear a lot of names.

Ah. Interesting chick.


But she's got an Aussie accent, yet she reckons she's never lived there.

Bit of an enigma wrapped in a puzzle, then.


Hot though.


Was Tania Freeman with Phillip the night Nate died?

Yeah, no, she was.

How did you feel about that, then?

Ah, easy come, easy go, bro.

Besides, I prefer more than one kid in my rock pool, if you know what I mean.

You're not making this up?


Everything I told you is the truth.

The night Nate died, I was at home.

I wasn't getting any action, so I was in bed by 10:00.

I remember, 'cause I was drifting off to sleep when Gary drove past at about 10:30.

I was still awake when he came back about half an hour later.

His lights always flash through my window.

Uh... you can check with him, if you like.

I already did.

Gary said he was home all night.

Well, he was, except for that half hour.

I seen the car when it came back.

You said you weren't seeing anyone.

I'm not.

Phillip Henderson?

Was just a casual thing. It's over.

So why'd you lie about it?

He asked me not to say anything.

To me?

To anyone.

And why do you think that is?

So he's a player? Can't a girl have some fun?

And Jared Morehu?

Jesus! Are you spying on me or what?

Phillip Henderson is a suspect in a m*rder case.

He's been shot at.

Jared is dealing in dodgy firearms.

These guys are the last thing you need in your life right now.

I really miss Calvin.

I know, and the guys that did that to him are doing a very long stretch in Brisbane.

What you did was incredibly brave, but witness protection is...

A life sentence.

And it's probably the only reason that you're still alive, that your kids have a mother.

You get caught up in this, you get exposed, you have to move again, uproot the kids.

You want that?

Right now, only four people in this town know your true identity... you, your kids, and me.

Let's keep it that way.

Know who you're getting into bed with.

Where the hell is Mike Shepherd?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I didn't come here to play guessing games, Detective...

Sims. Sorry.

Um, can I get you a coffee before we get started?

He told you to take me through all this, did he?

Yeah, he thought it would be a good...

He thought it would be a good idea to distract me, Detective Sims, please.

I know Mike Shepherd better than you.

I see the name Gary McLeod all over these reports.

Is this the serving Shepherd mentioned?

Uh, as yet, there's no definite proof.

Where can I find him?

You were out for half an hour on the night Nate Dunn died.

Not at home all night, like you said, alone.

You weren't straight with me, Gary.

If I want to go there, and believe me, I don't, you had motive, opportunity, 10 years worth of resentment.

They sent you, didn't they?


You said our body brought up a flag on the computer.

Wasn't just the body, was it?

It was me.

What are you?

Some kind of bloody cleaner brought in to fix my mess?

You're sick. That explains a lot.

Not a lot left after life on the force.

Not even respect.

But why did you lie, Gary?

Because... I did it.

Did what?

It was me.

I k*lled Nate.

Well done.

You got me.

In here.

Mike, finally looked to turn your phone on, eh?


Gary, this is Meredith Wilmott, senior media advisor.

Meredith, this is DSS Gary McLeod.

Hello, Gary.

You lot don't waste time, do you?

So, what's going on?

The Senior here has just confessed to murdering Nate Dunn.

It's simple.

I k*lled Nate Dunn because I knew he k*lled his wife all those years ago.

It's been eating me.

It's probably what gave me the cancer.

That's why you k*lled him?

I'm dying.

It's a chance to right a wrong.

I knew Nate would be going to the bridge that night.

He always did on the 17th.

I drove there.

I parked off the road and waited.

When he arrived, I pushed him off the bridge.

After you clubbed him with the edge of a tire iron?

That's right.

And the note?

Well, I wrote that.

Planted it on him.

Brushed away any telltale footmarks on the bridge and left the scene.

In any case, I wore the same shoes the next day when I examined the crime scene so, if any prints were found, I wouldn't be suspected.

I'm sorry, Kristin. I let you down.

That woman's got her work cut out for her, eh?

You okay?


In the three years I've been in Brokenwood, Gary McLeod has taught me more about what it is to be a cop than any...

It just seems impossible.

Full confession.


Meredith, can you keep a lid on this for now?

Why would I do that?

'Cause I asked you to.

You know we should front foot, that way I can control it.

24 hours.

If we delay, it looks like we're hiding.


You've got that look in your eye.

You have a hunch.


We also have a confession.

Jesus, Meredith!

Just give me a break.

Well, when you sweet-talk like that...

It shouldn't be hard.

Does this place even have a local newspaper?

Uh, yeah.

The... Brokenwood Courier.

Staff of one, I'm guessing.


Well, that journalist is about to chase some wild geese.

Or a possible quail stranding out west, maybe.

I owe you one.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

Infuriating, though, isn't he?

He's not conventional.

I should know.

I was married to him for five years.

Has he played you country music yet?

Oh. Well...

I knew it.

Used to drive me nuts.

Where's Wilmott?

She's getting coffee.


Remember the letter Dwayne said Nate received?

The one we never found?


What if it was the CD?

It's possible.

Have they cracked the password?

Not yet. But I did just get these.

Phone records from Nate's mobile phone.

Did I ask for that?

No. I did.

And it seems, on the day he died, Nate called every one of our suspects.

Short calls, all under 30 seconds, one after the other.


Jacinta O'Connor, Phillip Henderson, Dwayne, Sally, and others, too.

Just assume, for a moment, that Nate didn't k*ll his wife, and that he found out who did, and then he phoned everyone to tell them he knew.

And everyone that's in this town!

Was Gary on this list?


You're covering for someone.

That's ridiculous.

You were gone for half an hour.

That's barely time to go to the river and back again.

But you actually waited until Nate got there, then you pushed him off the bridge and fished around for him in freezing water until you found him so you could plant a note on him... a note that matched his handwriting.

Come on, Gary.

All that takes longer than half an hour.

Obviously, I was there for longer.

Witness says you were gone for half an hour.


Did you know that Nate worked out who k*lled Evelyn?

That's impossible!

If I couldn't figure it out, how could that drunk bastard?

He's persistent.

He was waiting till after November the 17th to tell the world, and I know you didn't k*ll Nate with a tire iron.

Because he died of wounds consistent with the impact of a wide, flat rock.

If you had bothered to read the pathologist's report, you would have known that.

Somebody, I need some help here!

I need help here! Somebody!

Just breathe out, breathe out. Somebody!

It's not looking good.

They need to monitor him before making any decisions about treatment.



You know, you have this way of getting people riled.

Did you push him for more information or what?

What the hell were you doing?

Well, I was trying to...

Question him again!


To get him to admit that his confession was bogus.

Gary's innocent, but now, with him in a coma, we need to prove it.


The IT guys have cracked the password.

The files have been e-mailed.

It's a single file, PDF attachment.

Looks like some sort of farming magazine.

Scanned copy.

Don't tell me this is just an edition Nate missed.

Kristin, it's 10 years old.

Well, so, why...


Farming conference.

Jacinta O'Connor mentioned she was at...


That's her.

That's metallic gray. It's a Falcon.

And a hire car, look.

That number plate...

It's one of the three that Nate narrowed it down to.

My god.

That's the car that k*lled Evelyn Dunn.

Gary covered for her.

But why?

At every opportunity, she'd insult him.

Gary felt guilty. He felt he deserved her insults.

He never caught her sister's k*ller, and he held a candle for her.


I told him Jacinta said she was home all night the night Nate died.

So if Gary went to Jacinta's that night, half an hour's just long enough to be there and back.

So he gets there, she's not home, he comes back.

Then, later, he finds out that he's lied to you.

And he thinks he knows why.

The tragedy is that Gary thought she cracked and k*lled Nate after 10 years of frustration.

Because of him, because he couldn't solve that hit and run.

Except that wasn't why she k*lled him.

She k*lled him to cover up her earlier m*rder.

This is Sims. I need backup now.


She's gone to the airfield.


Is that her?

Come on, come on!


What are you going to do?

Cut her off.

Uh... you are aware that she's in an airplane.

Yeah, just a small one. Ah.



See, we've got four wheels, right?

She's got three, so...

You're... insane.

It's fine, it's fine. I've done this bef...

Well, I haven't, but...

Look out! Look out!

Lost her.


She has to take off into the wind.

Stop! Police!

Get out.

When did you know?

About Nate?


Only when I found out that you k*lled Evelyn.

It was an accident.

An accident that it was Evelyn, you mean?

Yeah, I came home early from that conference.

I was driving, and I saw a figure in a coat.

The man that I thought had ruined my sister's life, so I did what I wanted to do for years.

He called me.

I have proof, you bitch.

To tell me he was going to tell the world the truth.

I couldn't let that happen.

Even though I know now I was wrong.

I was so damn wrong.

Wrong about what?

Ask Dwayne.

Jacinta O'Connor, I'm arresting you for the murders of Nate Dunn and Evelyn Dunn.

You have the right to remain silent.

It's a little late for that.

She knew he'd be at the bridge that night because she'd read Gary's files.

So she just pushed him off?

Easy, he was drunk.

Clobbered him with a rock and 10 years of fury.

And the note? "I'm sorry"?

Was in Nate's handwriting.

Maybe it was something that he wrote to Evelyn every year and dropped it in the water.

You make him sound like a romantic.

Well, anyone who goes to the same spot every year to watch a meteor shower is a romantic, trust me.

Why are we in such a hurry?

I want to tell Gary.

He's been racked with guilt for 10 years.

He needs to know it's over.

Gary's been taken into the city.

He's in a bad way.

We made an arrest. It wasn't Gary.

So, the confession?

He was covering, out of professional guilt and odd association.

That was your hunch.


Just as well, the local journo's on a whale hunt.

This could have been very embarrassing.

I'll make a trip into town, then.

Let Gary know.

Yeah, you do that.

In his state, it might all seem like a bad dream.

While I'm down there, I'll be handing in my resignation.


I'm quitting the big smoke.

Don't want to leave my run too late.

Run for what?

Good life.

Country air.

The vibe.

Are you mad? What are you going to do?

I'm guessing that we have vacancy for the head of the Brokenwood CIB.

You're totally overqualified.

I'll probably get it, then.

But you'd have to drop rank.

And why would you do that?

Why wouldn't I?

Um, hello? Yeah.

Meredith here.

No, that's fine. I'll get it now.

How would you feel about that, Detective Sims?

See you tomorrow.