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01x07 - The Quatrefoil

Posted: 11/29/15 20:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Art of More."

Roxanna: It's about Miles.

What about Miles?

He had sex with Monica.

I know it was you that told Clarissa those lies.

Gabrielle: Gabrielle Mukete.

Whatever you're looking for, I can find it.

I have worked hard, and this city has been very good to me, and now it is time to give back.

Detective Washington, NYPD.

You ever see this guy before?

Your friend Hassan is all over the papers.

I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You've been lying to me from day one.

Looked me in the eye and lied to me!

We're done.

♪ When I am laid ♪
♪ Am laid in Earth ♪
♪ May my wrongs ♪
♪ Create no trouble ♪
♪ No trouble in thy breast ♪
♪ Remember me ♪
♪ Remember me ♪
♪ But ah! ♪
♪ Forget my fate ♪
♪ Remember me ♪
♪ But ah! ♪
♪ Forget my fate ♪

Mr. Davenport has generously offered to host a fundraiser for MoMA at his weekend estate. Some of the hottest artists in the modern art scene will be featured. This is a great opportunity to raise money for a good cause and to help one of our most valued clients. Comb through your buyer's list. Get the word out. If you are into modern art, that is the place to be next weekend. Graham, as Mr. Davenport's account exec, I want you to spearhead this event for us.

Uh... That... that won't be necessary, Edward.

No, of course it is. We know how important this is to you. I'll be there myself Saturday night. I'll leave it to you two to coordinate. Let's get to it, people!


Thank you.

You will come up with a polite excuse as to why you cannot attend.

I know you don't want me there, but Mason knows all my projects. What am I gonna tell him?

Clearly, not all of your projects. Make up a personal excuse.

That would raise more reds flags than going. You really want to do that? Chain of title on the pieces I sold you.

Lies on top of lies?

I'm doing this to protect you. If the FBI ever does show up on my door, I throw myself under the bus. I swear my clients never knew the real source of what they were buying. I'd go to prison for life rather than have any of this blow back on you.

How very honorable of you.

Gonzalo Silas. You must really like this guy.

Why do you say that?

This is a big weekend for you. Trying to get on the MoMA board. He's the only unknown artist in the program.

Well, as you know, when I believe in someone, I get behind them 100%. So, he won't remain unknown for long. By the end of the weekend, I want everyone to know his name.

I'll make that happen. Please, Arthur. Let me do this for you.


Arthur... the chain of title.

Just so you know, if the FBI does show up, I'll have no problem pointing them to the bus you so graciously offered to throw yourself under.

Graham: Mr. DeMaio... Graham Connor. I wanted to see if you were free this week for a drink. Or flakka, sure. Uh, I've got some interesting new items and... Let me call you back.

Graham, this is FBI Special Agent Kramer. She wanted to ask you a few questions.

Yeah, sure. Yeah. Boardroom.

Do you recognize this man?


His name is Hassan Al Afshar. He's part of an antiquities smuggling operation. He and an accomplice also m*rder*d a guard in Staten Island.

Yeah. I heard about that.

Then a few weeks later, a Russian mobster named Sergei Volkov was m*rder*d. This photo was on his phone. It's the Mask of Warka. It was reported stolen several months ago in Turkey. You ever seen it before?

Yeah, I've seen pictures of it. I didn't know it had been stolen.

We think Al Afshar is connected to this, too.

You think he k*lled the Russian guy?

Well, it seems like an awfully big coincidence, don't you think?

Yeah, I guess.

You served in Iraq?

I did.

So did I. 2003 to 2005. I worked border patrol on Highway 8.

Oh, no kidding. I got there in 2008.

Where were you stationed?

Baghdad mostly.

That's where all the action was.

The action was everywhere.

I meant the looting.

Yeah, most of that happened before I got over there.

So you didn't see any of it? Meet anyone involved?

Sure. Yeah, a little. You know how it is over there. You meet someone, a week later, they're gone.

Well, still, you know antiquities and you know Iraq. Of everyone I've interviewed here, you're in a unique position to help us.

Whatever I can do. Yeah, I know a lot of art was lost or destroyed over there. I'd love to help however I can.

So, aside from Al Afshar, have you seen any suspicious people or antiquities recently?

No. No. I... I can't imagine they'd be stupid enough to bring something here.

Well, you'd be surprised at the way people slip up, especially the ones that think they're smarter than we are.

Yeah, I'm sure. I'll keep my eyes open.

I appreciate that.


Oh, one last thing. Does your employer know about your criminal record?

Those were juvenile offenses.

But easy enough to uncover if you take the time.

I believe they chose to focus on my honorable discharge after three decorated tours.

Well, if you do see something...

Thank you.

Miles: Six transfers within the week of April 9th. "$50,000." What a coincidence.


Roxanna's voicemail: This is Roxanna Whitman. I'm out of the office at the moment. Please leave a message.

Of course.


Sally: Yes, Mr. Hewitt?

Yes, Sally, a change of plans. I will be going to Arthur Davenport's fundraiser. Please cancel all of my appointments for this weekend.

Tom: They know about the mask.

How do they know about that? You brought it back.

Those geniuses sent Volkov a picture.

So we find a new buyer quickly.

Discount it if we have to.


Anyway, the brochures are upstairs.


Man: Why don't we grab them and then talk about...

What's going on?

Don't show it to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. Who knows how many undercover mooks they've got working on this.

It is our most valuable item.

What do I have to do to get through to you? Unless you're planning to use that money in the prison commissary, it's not gonna do you any good. We're in new territory here.

(party music playing)

Thank you. Thanks a lot.

What a surprise, seeing you here.

What are the odds?

You wanted the contemporary crowd. You'll have plenty of them this week. Oh, look who it is. Hey, how you doing? Good to see you.


(indistinct chatter)

Thank you. So, the rumors are true. Elizabeth. How are things working out for you at Parke-Mason?

You know how it is working in the family business.

Nice to see you again, Roxanna.

Haven't seen you at Daugherty's lately.

Yeah, Brukner's been keeping me pretty busy.

I'm sure. I've been reading a lot about you and him.

I've been reading a little about you and Swift.

Well, you'll be hearing more. Enjoy your weekend.

You too.

There you are.

Here I am.

Ready to rock and roll.

Good. Editors from "Artforum" and "October" are here.


That's all the interviews we do today. If a blogger tries to speak with you, just refer them to me.

Yeah, sure.


Okay! Everybody out.

Yeah, keep going! Keep going! Let's go!

Hello, everybody! Come on, kids! That's it! All right! There has to be a 15 minute photo op, then get them on the bus and get them out of here, okay? All right. Hello, everybody.

Why didn't we think of that?

It's a long weekend, Miles.

I'm here to announce where all the proceeds of my upcoming auction are going towards.

I love the outfit. You're gonna round up a lot of clients here this weekend.

Brukner has me working all weekend.

Don't worry. I'll be your eyes and ears.

Sure you will. Have fun.

You too.

Sam: Fantastic. How is everyone today? Ah, today is all about the kids! There we are. All right, kids!

(overlapping chatter)


Welcome, friends. Thank you all for coming. I hope you're all settling in nicely to your accommodations. I am delighted and honored to be hosting this year's Modern Art Summer Fundraiser. It's a win/win situation. You all get to bid on and potentially own some of the world's greatest modern art. And all proceeds from our silent auction will go to benefit MoMA, so please be generous. All bidding can be done on your tablets. And my staff is here to make sure that your stay is up to par. So, if you want to follow me... the viewing rooms are right this way.


(classical music playing)

This is your turf now. Give me the tour.

You know, not all contemporary art is the same. Any more than all rap is the same, or wine, or sex.

You trying to tell me something?

Ah, Justin Carney's only 25 and people are raving about his stuff. But personally, I feel as though it's been done better by Sassano or Nesbitt. It's kind of a cliché. Oh, but Olivia Riddle, now she has an energy that just pulls you right into it.

How does that make you feel?

Elizabeth: Sleepy. How much do you think it's gonna go for?

Who knows? Most of the buyers I talked to agree that 85% of contemporary art is shit. What they disagree on is the other 15%, which is where I come in.

Is that computer code?

Yep. We're doing a whole auction on algorithm art in the fall. For the right buyer, this is a piece of history.

Do you know this one?


Oh, my.

Gonzalo Silas. You ever heard of him?

I haven't.

You're not alone. But I like it.

And why is that?

Well, the guy who did this, you can tell he isn't faking it. He knows what it's like to really be in pain. You mind if I stick around and try to get a bit of buzz going? I promised Davenport that I'd help the artist.

Sounds like a noble mission.

It is.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Hey. Graham Connor. Parke-Mason. This is a new piece by Gonzalo Silas. We've already received interest from several significant collectors, and a major museum I cannot mention has inquired about Silas's work. I never suggest clients buy something because of it's investment potential, but in this case...

There's the man.

Excuse me for a second.

How about that bus entrance? Oh, the press ate it up.

Yeah well, you can't go wrong with kids, huh?

Exactly. We should do more of that. I've got a lot of ideas. Excuse me.

Business must be excellent if you're considering buying this crap.


Good to see you.

Graham, I want you to meet my good friend, Gabrielle Mukete. Gabrielle is the best hedge fund manager in New York, made a lot of people a lot of money.

We've met before. At your viewing last week.

Ah. We should talk about that hunger thing that you're doing. Gabrielle here is a do-gooder. And now, so am I.

Who are you trying to impress, Sam?

Well, you for the moment. I'm just trying to give back. That's what my auction is all about. Graham can tell you all about it. He's a w*r vet like me. He'll lay it all out for you.

Yes, I know all about Mr. Connor's time in the military.

Really? I have to do an interview, so...

Okay. Go.

Lead the way.

I will see you later.

I didn't think I'd see you again.

I needed time to check you out.

Come on. Let's walk.

Roxanna: And what have we here?

Ah well, this is the work of a very talented young artist by the name of Gonzalo Silas.

Hmm, it's very stimulating. Tell me, do his talents extend to the bedroom by any chance?

Now, now, Roxanna. What would you say if I said something like that about one of your clients?

Fair enough.

Ooh, congratulations on the Van Gogh, by the way. I'm very excited for you.

Thank you.

I'm glad you're here. I've missed you.

You wouldn't have to miss me if you came back to DeGraaf's.

Got something on your mind?

I'm worried about you, Arthur.


Have you had a chance to go back through your other collection?

I have.


There's a clear chain of title on every piece.

Can Parke-Mason say the same?

I don't know. You'll have to ask them.

You may have a blind spot where Graham is concerned, but I can guarantee you the police will not. Cut him loose before he pulls you down with him.

Is that impartial advice from a concerned friend?

I am your friend. I may not be impartial where Graham is concerned, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. You've always looked out for me. I'm trying to do the same for you.

Let it go, Roxanna.

So there is something to let go.

Only in your mind.

Gabrielle: You knew I was friends with Sam before you approached me at Parke-Mason.

Yeah, I did. He said you... You might have an appetite.

How did you get these?

Well, I made a lot of friends during my time overseas.

What kind of friends?

Entrepreneurs. All legit, I assure you, but... different countries, well, they have different rules, so they operate a little more informally than most dealers. So, what do you think?

I think the spoils of w*r should go to those who are smart enough to exploit them, providing the transactions are handled carefully.

Well, you've checked me out and you know I'm careful. So, you're interested?

I am. But I have a process.

Well, how long does this process usually take?

Sometimes hours, sometimes days.

Yeah. I... with an open-ended timetable like that, I can't guarantee I'll still have everything.

I'll take the risk.

Okay, okay. I'll tell you what. Here's what I'll do. If someone makes me an offer, I'll let you match it first, okay?


(door opens)

All day and only one bid. You said this would launch me!

There will be more bids, but you can't be up here panicking. You've gotta get own there and work the room. Look... the art of selling yourself... is as important as selling the art itself. And you can be a good salesman when you want to be, huh?



(door opens)

Sorry to interrupt.

What do you want?

It's okay. I asked him to come up here. Well?

Yeah, he's uh... he can do it now. I've been speaking to one of the writers for "Artforum." He's leaving in a few minutes, but I convinced him to do an interview with Silas.

Gonzalo: Thank you.

No, thank you. I'm glad to have the chance to be a part of your discovery.

Go ahead. I'll be down shortly.

(door closes)

You think you can use him to repair our relationship?

I'm doing what I told you I'd do, Arthur. I'm helping Silas.

If that's the case, then how come no one has outbid me yet?

'Cause it's early. I'm on it. Don't worry.

You sure it won't cut into your time with Brukner and his mission to save the world?

Part of the job.

And what about your other job? Hm?

The Syrian pieces are in the process of being sold.

And what's the latest body count? Or are you saving that for your next surprise?

I should get back to the interview.


You want to make sure we get the story, right?

Sam: It is... something I feel I have to do to give back. This is going to be the biggest auction that ever hit this town. The proceeds are going to go to help children with no medical care, and the construction is going to create thousands of jobs for workers. And this is not gonna be your stuffy, black tie affair. No, the auction itself is going to be streamed live, so that people around the world can participate in it. And that is a first for Parke-Mason.

Wow, that is amazing. That's incredible. Well, where can people get more information about this?

They can go to the Brukner Foundation app. We're also on Twitter and Tumblr and... couple others I've never even heard of.

Great. Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Brukner.

Sam, is this really the best place for an interview?

Thanks for chiming in. I did not want Swift upstaging me.

Yeah, no one can upstage you.

Oh, you heard my silent call. Very receptive.

We have back-to-back events from now until the auction, so... no upstaging is gonna happen.

(phone vibrates)

I am totally tapping that tonight.

Good for you.

(jazz music playing)

So, it's just business as usual with Miles? Is that it?

And why shouldn't it be? Because of your delusions?

My delusions? Did you speak with Alex White or the nanny?

We've already let Monica go.

That's not gonna solve the problem.

Well, you see, we don't have a problem. You do. Keep spreading rumors about Miles. It won't be my life you'll be ruining.

Why would I lie about this? Clarissa, you're my sister. I do care about you.

Don't act like you give a shit about anyone but yourself. You may fool Dad with this whole "12 step, turned your life around" bullshit, but I know you. You might not have totaled any cars or passed out in front of the kids lately, but you're just as messed up as you ever were. You can't bear the thought that we're actually happy. And Dad will never choose you over Miles. If you repeat your lies, I'll make sure you regret it.

I am not easing up on the media blitz, Ed. It's making me a household name. Now, are you going to back me up or not?

Edward: Parke-Mason doesn't betray its clients, but I will not go down for you if it comes to that.


Roxanna: I'll have another, please. Thank you.

I will have whatever she's having.

I don't think you'd like what I'm having.

What? You still on that club soda kick, or something? That's not the Roxy I used to know.

Thank God for that.

Oh, come on, please, let's make nice. All right? Have a drink with me. Help me celebrate.

You're really something, you know that?


You wouldn't even have the deal with the city council if not for me.

Roxy, I think you're over-selling yourself a little bit first, okay? I was cutting backroom deals when you were still in high school.

If you had a shred of loyalty, Sam, you would have given me your account.

Well, you certainly wound up all right. You landed on your feet, did you not? Or on your back, as the case may be.

Okay. All right... It's, okay. I... I deserved it. I apologize. Sometimes I forget what an assh*le I can be, and... you're the only one who can call me on it.

Fine. The next time you need someone to tell you you're an assh*le, you can call me. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it if you stopped with all the texts and e-mails.

Hey, hey. Be careful with him.

I am always careful.

No, you're not. You always have something to prove and sometimes it makes you do reckless things. So, I tell you what, you go out and play your game with Mr. Apricot Pants over there, and then when it blows up, come back to me. I won't even say, "I told you so."


Graham: How many we looking for, Sergeant?

Comm Chief said our guy's been MIA since 1700. Nobody saw him die but, shit, ain't much else to do out here.

This your first C.C., Connor?

Yes, sir.

Have you ever seen a fallen soldier before?

No, sir. Is it rough?

Depends what shape it's in.

Room's clear. Mark it.

Yes, sir.

Found him. He's intact, you lucky son of a bitch. No different than your grandpa's funeral. Help me stand him up.

Yes, sir.

Oh, shit!



(coughs, breathes heavily)

That looks like something I hit with my car.

Yes well, I wouldn't expect you to understand it.

Oh yeah? Well, a lot of other people seem to have the same opinion, because there's not many bids on it as far as I can see.

It's still early.

Later than you think.

Why are you here, Sam? Huh? You don't even like modern art.

I like anything that can make me money. And, uh... this place, I wanted to check it out. I heard it might be on the market.

Yes, well, I don't have much use for it anymore.

Well, what about your place in Ibiza? What do you call it, your pleasure palace? Is that on the market, too? 'Cause the story that I heard, was that when your old man croaked a year ago, that he left more debt than dollars. Nothing stays secret for long.

A concept that should terrify you far more than it does me.

Let me educate you. Nothing terrifies me. But you know what pisses me off?

No, what?

People who go around talking shit about me. And don't you deny it. Don't sh**t those baby blues and deny it. Herb Miller told me what you said.

Herb Miller is an old friend. I didn't go to him. He came to me, asked me if his team should consider backing you in a bid for Governor. And I told him the truth... That you're a train wreck waiting to happen. Avoid at all cost. Clearly he chose not to heed my advice.

Of course he didn't "heed" your advice. He didn't come to you for advice. He came to you because he was vetting me and he didn't find shit! All you "trustafarians" sucking off the hind tit of what some old fart did a hundred years ago, that's what pisses me off! Why don't you go out there and earn an honest dollar before you start judging me?

Oh really? And just how many of your dollars are honest, Samuel? Huh?

I got some news for you. Your trusted family name and all the rest of that garbage you think is so important, it doesn't mean shit anymore. Nothing that you own that I can't buy away from you, So you just stay out of my way, or I might just buy this place, tear it down just for shits and giggles. Sorry about your floor here. I scratched it up a little bit.

You're playing the game just right. The boss's granddaughter, who works in Authentications...

I know you might find this hard to believe Roxanna, but I actually have feelings for her. You remember those, right? Feelings?

I'm sure those feelings must really come in handy when she comes across a questionable chain of title or two.

If you have something to say, why don't you just say it?

I just think it's interesting that Davenport and Brukner both suddenly went with you out of the blue. I wonder why that is.

Ms. Whitman, could I get a couple of sh*ts for the "Art World" summer issue? I could not imagine a more beautiful face for our article on this event.

Of course. I'd be happy to.

Great. Did you want one by yourself or with your boyfriend?

By myself is fine.

(camera shutter clicks)

Could you give me something a little more alluring, edgier?

Roxanna: Of course.

Photographer: That's it. Perfect. Keep that look. That's it. That's great. Thank you.

So, what is it trying to say?

Well, he's saying that it's a privilege for the deer to die on its own terms and not on the terms of the humans that turned its habitat into concrete and acid rain. It's... it's su1c1de as power. To gain control of its life, he's gained the ability to die.

And to write English.


I will think about it.

Graham: (breathes heavily)



You all right?

Yes, sir.

Come on, Private. Y... you got his tags. Nothing left here to bring.

Gabrielle: Mr. Connor? How about tonight?

I can make that happen.

The statue of the priestess and the ram's head. Agreed?


Good. We'll iron out the details later? In the meantime, I should probably bid on something. The modern art market is a runaway train. I don't want to get left behind. Any suggestions?

Well, the best art feels like a piece of you. That's why people are driven to collect things in the first place... To tell the world and ourselves who we are.

How do you suggest I do that?

(overlapping chatter)

(clears throat) How did you do it?

I just asked people to take a look. Silas' work did the rest.

Thank you.

Photographer: Thank you. That's perfect.

Let's hope all the attention doesn't go to his head.




(overlapping chatter)

Photographer: Big smiles, everyone. That's it.


So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night at the museum reception. Good work this weekend.

You too.

And if this deer thing turns out to be the phenomenon that you bullshitted everybody into thinking it's going to be, I'm gonna cut you on the resale. Hm?

What? You, you bought the deer?

Mm-hmm. Impulse buy.

He's gonna be pissed at you. Oh, shit... at me.

Relax. I kept it anonymous. Let him think he accomplished something... for now.

We hit the targets at the auction. I want that car!

Hassan, I keep calling you, man. I found someone and she wants to do it tonight. This has to go smoothly. Call me back.

Miles: Roxanna. There you are. I've been looking all over for you.


Oh, just to say congratulations. Brukner may have grabbed the headlines... but your father told me several U.H.N.W. buyers requested a private viewing of the Van Gogh. So those subtle hints really whet their appetite.

Yeah. Thanks.

And he even said that Davenport's interested...

Oh, cut the bullshit, Miles.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

You know exactly what I mean. You're kissing my ass because the better I do, the less chance you have of getting rid of me if you take over. And that's a big if. My father just might come to his senses and give the company to me and then you will be out on your ass.

You know, Roxanna, it's really not good for you to be carrying around all this hostility.

You mean it's not good for you. Clarissa may forgive and forget, but I don't.

Clarissa's ready to put a bounty on your head, and I'm the only thing holding her back, so you better watch what you say to me.

Or what? I'm not 15 anymore. Your threats don't work on me.

I never threatened you. You were always a willing participant.

A 15-year-old is never willing. That's why they call it r*pe.

I know that you're up to something with Swift. $50,000 for restoration, all wired overseas? You keep messing with my personal life, I'm going to do a whole lot worse to yours.

You okay?

(door opens, closes)

Thanks, guys. What's this?

Your first client. I've been talking with Gonzalo Silas and now that he's trending, he's gonna need an agent. He's expecting your call.

Thank you, Graham. But, just so you know, he'll actually be my second client. I've been working with your friend Nazari.

Yeah, I think you're better off sticking with Silas.

I'll be fine. Thanks for getting it.

Hey, you. Are you ready to go?


Awesome. I'll get the cars.

Oh, thank you.


You bought the "Quatrefoil"?

I followed your advice. I found something that felt like a piece of me. Let's hope it turns out to be worth something.