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01x04 - Just Say Faux

Posted: 11/25/15 22:00
by bunniefuu
Roxanna: Previously on "The Art of More."

Brukner: Come on, get on the plane.

Let's see how well you roll with the punches.

Some of my collection didn't come through the normal channels.

Whoever works with me would have to be ready for that.

Where are we with the Swift Collection?

The volume isn't quite as extensive as we'd hoped.

What about the Van Gogh?

That painting your father gave you?

The fake Renoir?

Does your father still know how to get in touch with the guy who did it?

Well, show me what you got.

My brother. He brought it home from the place he works.

I need the mask back.

These people don't play, Ryan!

I just made a deal for it with a man you don't want to disappoint.

I need that mask back.

It'll cost you.

Chittenden: We estimated this from 3100, BC.

One of the earliest representations of the human face.

The asking price?

600,000 pounds. Quite a bargain, really.

(in Arabic)

Here in the West, we call it the Sumerian Mona Lisa.

(in Arabic)

We can't exceed 500.


And only because I feel strongly that this wonderful piece belongs in its own country.

If you so strongly it belongs in our country, why don't give it to us.

580 is as low as I go.

(in Arabic)

You are a merciless negotiator, my friend.

Please tell President Hussein that I am thrilled that his generosity will allow this wonderful cultural touchstone to be viewed publicly for decades to come.

Miguel: I knew that mask was worth something.

I hear about those auctions you throw. A million dollars for a soup can?

You hear about that one? Rich assholes will buy anything.

This is the spot.

If you knew the mask was so valuable, why'd you bring it to this sh*thole?

'Cause Mr. Chen sells this kind of stuff.

This guy?

Yeah, this is the guy.

Mr. Chen. This is our man.


For what? You had it on consignment.

Take up table space. It's 200 for what would sell, it not there!

Table space? Table space fee's on you.

That's mine.

Heinrich! Thank you for meeting me and on such short notice.

Guten tag. Welcome to Germany.


I am flattered that you admire my work.

I have several new pieces I would be very happy to show you.

Actually, I'm interested in your other talent.

Other talent? I don't understand.

You painted a foolproof Renoir for Michael Pearson.

I'd like you to do the same for me.

For your private collection? A Renoir?

A Van Gogh.

Van Gogh. Which one?

I once did a "Starry Night" for a gentleman in Shanghai.

This would not be a duplicate. It would be an original piece. Unknown.

Just discovered. We would come up with a likely subject matter, technique and of course, you would have to use the exact supplies he would've used. Canvas from the period...

I am well aware of what I would need.

But again, this is an original for your own private collection?

I would auction it. As I said your work is...

Nein. Too dangerous. I am not in...

I can offer you $50,000 for your services.

Fraulein, I love it here. Why would I risk going to prison?

A hundred thousand.

And another hundred thousand if it passes inspection and sells at auction.

All of it deposited into whatever off-shore account you choose, payable to whomever you want.

I would need half up front.

Not a problem. And I assure you, this will be handled discreetly.

How much time do I have?

48 hours.


I have the mask. Tell them to relax.

Hey, excuse me. They said I should talk to you.

I'll drop it off this afternoon.

Sure. How can I help you?

I'm interested in the hat.

Yeah, it's incredible. It was formerly owned by the Napoleon Museum in Havana, then a Russian oil magnate and now the Camilleri in Malta.

I'm Graham, by the way.

Yeah, Joey Silver. You don't have to sell me on it. Just tell me how much it is.

Well, I can tell you the reserve's over a million.

Oh, I don't want to reserve it. I want to buy it.

And don't worry, I'm good for it.

It's... It's not that. By the way, I love Sub Attack.

Probably had a thousand Sonar Specials.

Oh, you're my kind of guy.

I'll tell you what, the next one is on us.

Thank you. Well, this is an auction house. So we won't know the final selling price until the auction's complete.

Hey, at least now I know what being a moron feels like.

Well, no, no, no. I keep telling them to put a sign out front, so people know.

Listen, I can make the owner a pre-auction offer on your behalf.

Or you can come back in a couple of days and bid on it.

No. I know myself all too well for that. If I start bidding, I'm going to keep on bidding until I win. Which means that, uh, nah... things could get out of hand.

Well, now that's too bad. This guy's my role model.

He's shrewd and relentless. Short.

Hey, no, you know that's... That's one of history's great misconceptions.

Napoleon was 5'6", which in his day was a very average height.

So what are you saying, I'm the only short guy?

No! Come on.

Relax kid, I'm just busting your balls.

So you're saying that I can offer money for it before the auction.

That's right.

Has it passed muster with Authentication?

In process. I don't foresee any problems.

And you just happened upon it.

At the Rhode Island estate.

What about the family? Any push back? I mean, relinquishing half the profits from what could be a half billion dollar sale.

I've been in contact with the executor, Richard Swift.

I want him to feel like he's a part of the team. Seems to be working.

I told him about the Van Gogh and he's thrilled.

Keep him thrilled. But you know, under control.

Miles, come have a look at Roxanna's new Van Gogh.

Miles: Don't recognize it.

That's not surprising. It's never been seen.

Clearly Arles period.

Something from the wheat field series.


It's impressive.


Oh, um, are you still trying to get the Brukner account?

Of course.

Because I just read on Artsnitch that it includes several stolen pieces.

According to whom?

Oh, you know, the usual...


Belinda on phone: Have you seen Artsnitch?

What the hell is Artsnitch?

It's a blog about the art world.

I'm going to forward it to you. I think you're gonna want to have a look at this.


"Sam Brukner hasn't decided to go with DeGraaf's or Parke-Mason. Or is it the other way around? Insiders tell Artsnitch, both houses are looking into reports that more than a few pieces in his collection are stolen."

(phone ringing)

Brukner: What the hell is this?

I have no idea, Sam. I only just saw it myself.

But I promise you I have not shared anything you told me with anyone.

And why would I? I'm still trying to nail down your account.

Find me the low life that wrote this.

Give me a few hours.

I'm so sorry about that.

Okay. Uh...

I think the reserve price on the Napoleon bicorne is pretty aggressive, so an offer of $2.3 million is more than fair.

Perhaps. But as I told you, The Camilleri Museum does not see itself as the owner of a 19th century bicorne.

It sees itself as the conservator of a historic artifact.

We are parting with it only because we are in need of operating funds.

We need the next conservator to be one who treats it with the respect and reverence it is due.

Well, Mr. Silver is a true Napoleon aficionado.

He cares deeply about his legacy.

Is he an academic? A curator?

Ah, no. No, he's, uh, he's a restaurateur.

Does he plan on displaying the hat in his restaurant?

I do not think this will please my colleagues.

This is not about money.

No, no, of course not.

He's a very serious student of the Napoleonic era.

In fact, I invited him here so you...



How you doing?

Mrs. Zammit, this is Joey Silver.

(Silver clears throat)

(in French)

That means I bring you greetings from the battlefront.

You must be Ms. Zammit.


He lives and breathes Napoleon.

Yeah, well you said Giovanna here wanted to make sure that whoever she sold it to is a big time fan.

So, a picture's worth a thousand words, right?


Yeah. Looks great.

Roxanna: Isn't it amazing?

That is an understatement.

We're estimating it'll go for 40 to 50 million.

And half of it goes to my great uncle's art education program?

Of course.

The auction's already being called the most important of the decade.

Which is why I'm glad someone who knows what she's doing is handling everything.

And looking amazing as she does.

Were you close with your great-uncle, Richard?

Not really.

But apparently he was impressed, that unlike most of my relatives, I was capable of making a small contribution to society.

What do you do?

I'm a carpenter. I design and build chairs, cabinets, tables.

Well, I'd love to see your work.


Oh, well, I'd love to show it to you.

And I'd love for you to tell me where you got the fake Van Gogh.

See, a year ago I cataloged every piece in every basement and attic.

And this painting wasn't among the 786... that I recorded.

Well, you must have missed it.

It was in storage behind some of the lesser known pieces at the Rhode Island estate.

Why don't we talk about this over dinner?

Somewhere, where we can speak a little more honestly.

More honestly?

If you have concerns, I can have Authentications take a second look, but I assure you it will delay the auction.

No, no. There's no need for that.

But we do need to talk. Too many ears here.

Hey, Solomon!

How's it going?


Thanks for getting me that Druzinsky address. How's school?

Boring. You needed to come all the way across town to ask me that?

There's a website called

You think you could get into their e-mail?

You want me to explain what Instagram is, too?

Were you always this cocky? 'Cause what I remember is, "Oh, that's tough! I'm not sure I'd know how to do that!"

Cleaning your credit report was a lot harder.


Okay. How much you paying?


They posted an article about a guy named Brukner. B-R-U-K-N-E-R.

I need a listing of all e-mails containing that name and a street address of the computer that sent them.

That's it?

That's it.

Got my SAT scores back. 2400! That's a perfect score.

You do that legitimately?

More or less.

Come on, Solomon.

A guy with your talents could write his own ticket in the legitimate world.

You know, I could even...

I'll call you when I have the info.

Richard, I think I gave you the wrong impression at the office.

I was so shocked by your assumption that I probably...

Don't you think this would be more enjoyable if you stopped circling the wagons?

I mean, I'm sure we can work out an agreement that doesn't involve the police or any of the Swift clan.

Let me ask you something, if the Van Gogh were a forgery, why would you want any part of it? You don't need the money.

There's a casino in Macau that thinks otherwise.

Besides, giving away half the proceeds is the perfect... cover.

I assume that was your idea.

It was your great-uncle's idea.

Also perfect. No one can ask him now, can they?

I don't understand what it is you're trying to accomplish here.

There are scores of fake masterpieces auctioned every year.

Researched, authorized and sold for hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Van Gogh is genuine.

Uh, you take some time and you think about that.

But know this. That anxious feeling that you have in your stomach, that will go away.

I won't.

(car alarm blaring)


(alarm chirps)

Typical messed up Connor move.

Rides up from New York at the crack of dawn. No notice.

I wouldn't want to let you down.

Hold on.

Hey, man, I'm glad it's you.

I thought it could have been my landlord.

Seriously, man, you're always welcome.

How you been? Everything good?

Tell you about the girl I was seeing?


She worked the drive-thru window at McDonald's. So one day I asked her out.

She was a lot of fun, man. k*ller body.

But with the leg, I don't know. It's like, she didn't know whether to ignore it, feel sorry for me... I think it kind of freaked her out.

She's the wrong girl for you.

Hey, you still working at that warehouse?

I got fired.

So, I took some IT classes. I'm looking around, you know.

It seems to be the only gig I'm qualified for these days. Just looking around.

You should come down to the city.

I know you'd get something down there.

You could crash with me.

I'll think about it, man. You seeing anybody?

Nah. I've been out a couple of times with this girl from work.

Her grandfather owns the joint. So, it might get kind of complicated.

Well, things got kind of complicated with Sanaa, too. You ever talk to her?

Not for a long time.

I've been having those dreams... a lot.

Mostly Tikrit.

I k*ll everyone in the house.

You can't do the shit we did without having it affect you.

A couple of weeks ago I kicked the shit out of some crackhead.

And it keeps happening.

Most of the time every thing's cool.

Doing well at work, going out.

Sometimes it feels like I'm pretending in the real world.

And those dreams are what's really real.

Have you been to the VA?

They got shrinks to help deal with that PTSD shit.

I don't have that.

Hell you don't, man. Hey, look at it on the bright side.

You might be eligible for some disability money.

No. The place I work, if they found out, they don't want some Iraq vet psycho on the payroll.

They're not really into the whole ex-military thing.

I just needed to talk to someone who's been there.

Hey. We're brothers, man.

I'm sorry I woke you, man.




Is there some kind of Parke-Mason detention center?

Because that's where I'll be if you don't do what I told Melissa you said you would.


(sighs) Davenport?

Come on.

I talked to Davenport about Huntzinger.

He tried to stall me, but eventually admitted that he made them up because he has no documentation.


Look, Arthur Davenport's a great guy who doesn't know where a few of the 42 pieces he sold came from.

A lot of these big collectors are so focused on getting what they want, that they ignore a chain of title with a few holes in it.

Graham, I may be new here, but I know that's wrong.

Look, it's not as if it's a question of authenticity.

You know, it's not like anyone gets ripped off.

It's just sometimes how the game's played.

I'd like to give Davenport the benefit of the doubt, but I completely understand if you're not comfortable with that.

If you feel like, you know, you have to tell Melissa.

Nice reverse psychology.

Okay. Let's say that I was willing to bludgeon my integrity for the sake of Graham Connor and his favorite client.

I'm still pretty sure that "he made 'em up" wouldn't be the end of the discussion for Melissa.

Okay, well how... How about this?

You could say that he realized the dealer was Eggert Meyer in Bruges, who, for all Davenport knows, was the actual dealer.

I happen to know that all of Meyer's business records were destroyed in the fire before he died.

You know, you've never let me take you out to dinner?


I could fill you in on all the details then.

Dinner? To discuss a dead Belgian dealer's business records. Sounds exciting.

That's going to be like 5% of the conversation, max.

And you know my interest in you has nothing to do with work.



Well then, maybe we'll start with lunch sometime.
They said I should wait here.

Dad still acting like he could run a marathon tomorrow?

Yeah. He's in complete denial, like the heart attack never happened.

Our reservation's at 8:00. We should probably leave. I need this dress.

Uh... I received a troubling phone call today.

From who?

Alex White.

East Hampton Alex White?


Apparently her nanny is friends with your nanny.

Did she say that Monica was smoking pot?

Because I could have sworn I smelled it on her the other day.

No. It's about Miles.

What about Miles?

That he had sex with Monica.

That's ridiculous.

I'm just telling you what she said. I thought you should know.

She's a very flighty girl, Roxanna.

Maybe she said she'd like to have sex with him.

I doubt that, Clarissa. Look, I heard something else last year as well.


Something about an intern at work.

I didn't want to say anything because I heard it was a rumor...

It's no secret that you don't like Miles. You never have.

But to spread hurtful lies is really despicable.

Maybe you should ask him if it's true.

So he thinks I don't trust him? No way.

Not wanting to believe something doesn't make it untrue.

You know, I think I'd rather have dinner with Miles.

(knock on door)

Hey, hey!

See? You're not the only surprise visit guy.

Look who it is.

I decided you were right. More opportunities down here.

Crash as long as you want. I poured you some coffee.

Dude, tell me we're not sharing a bed.

Yeah. Is that cool?

(chuckles) No. You get the bed. I'm going to stay with a friend.

Oh, man, if I had known I was throwing you out of your own place...

Forget it. We're brothers, remember?

How you doing? Better?

Yeah, a little. You know, I think I am.

So what's the plan? What're you going to do down here?

I have an interview tomorrow.

You do? That's great!

Do you know anywhere I could score some blow?

I thought you quit that.

I'm just nervous about the interview. I just want to be high energy, on my game.

And I thought your brother might know someone.

No. No, I don't like owing him any favors. But I'll figure something else out.

Great. Yeah.

Listen, I got to get to work.

Yeah, man.

Mi casa, su casa.

All right.

All right, man. Good to see you, buddy.

See ya, man.

So, did you like that outfit?

I picked that up at a serious costume joint.

And I'm not talking Halloween serious, I mean a place that movies use.

Joey, Ms. Zammit decided against the pre-sale.

She wants to go ahead with the auction.

But didn't you say I made a dynamite offer?

What has she got, a screw loose?

Well, I mean, she just thinks that she can make more money at auction. I disagreed, but...

She didn't like my French routine.

Doesn't think that the short guy who didn't go to college is worthy.

Look, I thought it was pretty funny.

If you're such a regular guy, like me, what are you doing here?

Earning a living.

And I love art.

You know why I love what I do?

There's no pretending, no looking down your nose at anyone.

If what I've seen here is any indication, I, uh...

I think I'll stick to the sandwich business.

You know what Zammit told me?

"It's not about the money."

We both know it's always about the money. Right?

If you want to have the last laugh, auctions is the great equalizer.

If you win, you win. There's nothing they can do.

Yeah, I don't feel comfortable with that bidding thing. When to start, stop...

It doesn't matter. Let me handle that for you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

If, hypothetically, I had been in contact with the greatest forger of our lifetime...

Then I would be at your service.

There's one thing I'd ask you to change.

What's that?

The number.

The number?

Of forgeries. Right now we have one, the Van Gogh, which by your estimate would bring in 40 to 50 million dollars.

But no one knows what else is in the collection.

If there's an undiscovered Van Gogh, who's to say there isn't an undiscovered Vermeer?

You're crazy.

There's already a Metsu and a Mieris in the collection.

A Vermeer would be entirely plausible.

Or I could express my authenticity concerns.

Look, even if all the experts that the estate could bring in are fooled, I'm assuming it's that good. But if it's not...

One more.

Outstanding. So, when do I meet him?

Look, if we're going to be partners, we need to be open and honest with each other.

He's in Germany.

Avery's Challenger 650 is at my disposal and standing by.

So, when do we leave?

You come here without the vase.

I am starting to wonder if you really have it at all.

The vase was damaged. But we have something even more valuable, that for your understanding we would give to you for an even better price.

The Mask of Warka.


Should I imagine it? Where is it?

Where it can't be damaged like the vase. Now the price we agreed on...

50,000. No more.

What if the price became nothing? Zero?

This mask, which is easily worth a million, in exchange for this price reduction, you or someone of your choice, would provide to us a service.

What kind of service?

We have an untrustworthy partner.

I'm sure you can appreciate how his removal would make our lives easier.

You want me to k*ll him?

Why don't you do it yourselves?

That would cause complications with our other partner.

How you doing?

All right.

That's the guy's name, address, phone number, D.O.B. and social. That enough?

Yeah. Great. Now listen, I want to talk to you.

Can I get my money and talk later?

Come on. Sit down. I want to talk to you.


Yeah. Come on. Sit down.

I don't want you doing this stuff anymore.

It beats the shit out of working at Starbucks.

You wanted me doing it when you needed something.

Yeah, well, now I don't. Okay?

Plus, you know, I feel like I got you in on it.

Take credit if you want, man.

But I was wiping my mom's parking tickets when I was 11.

I want you to focus on college.

Have you thought about where you want to apply?


How 'bout this, okay?

Instead of the 500 now, I pay all your college application fees?

I checked on-line, they can be a hundred bucks a shot.

You apply to five, six places...

I'll take the cash.

Hey, look, I'm trying to help you. You don't want my help?

Come on. You're k*lling me, Sol.

Do you really think you could ruin my marriage?

You're more than capable of ruining your marriage without my help.

I know it was you that told Clarissa those lies.

Maybe you should be more concerned about me telling her the truth.

Jesus, Roxanna.

This 15-year-old grudge thing is getting a little stale.

You're so delusional! It's sick!

That bullshit... about the nanny and me... that could only come from you.

So now we can add "liar" to "sleeping with clients," to whatever the hell you're up to with the Swift account.

If you don't get your hands off of me, I'm calling security.

I'll be running this place one day.

Who the hell are you? I thought you were a delivery guy.

I lied. We need to talk, Henry.

What do you want? I don't have any money, okay? Take the computer!

Relax. If I wanted to rob someone, it wouldn't be a slacker like you.

Then what do you want?

You lied... and told Artsnitch that the Brukner Collection included stolen items.

That was a bad idea.

I'll retract it. I just heard it from...

Shut up and listen. Here's what you're going to do.

You're going to tell Artsnitch that it was only DeGraaf's that thinks some pieces are stolen.

And the next day you're going to write that the whole thing...

DeGraaf's, the stolen items... is wrong.

You will write that after checking your sources, you now know that the whole thing is fabricated.

Who are you?

I'm the guy that's going to smash your face in with this ashtray if you don't do exactly what I told you.

The guest room.


Why don't want to stay at your mother's again?

The mattress sags. It's like sleeping in a crater.


You want a drink?

Yes, thank you.

And the real reason?

I don't know. I don't really want to talk about it.

How much have I taught you, Graham?

Yeah. You've taught me a lot.

About art. Art collectors.

Your stock-in-trade. Your pathway to success.

So, don't you think you owe me at least a modicum of honesty and openness?

Can't help if I don't know what the problem is.

There's a lot going on... right now.


And more.

And I don't think I've had a decent night's sleep in two weeks.

Well, that part's easy. I mean, I have virtually every single sleeping pill known to man.

I've been... I've been thinking a lot about Sanaa, too.

From the museum?


Have you, um... Have you ever seen a shrink?

No. Have you?

For over 30 years, dear boy.

(Graham laughing)

What? What? What's so funny?

Yeah, it must really be working.

Well, if I hadn't it'd be a lot worse than this, I can assure you.

Yeah, too bad.

You should think about it.


I'll, um... I'll get that Ambien.

And I don't recommend taking it with this.

Not unless you want a massive hangover in the morning.

(phone ringing)

You are not Iraqi. How do you know Sanaa?

Yeah. We worked together a few years ago.

I see. Can you hold, please?

Yeah, I'll hold.

I'm sorry, Sanaa no longer works here.

Thank you. Thanks.


(Graham chuckling)

It's good to be king, huh?

I needed a diversion after that blog post bullshit.

Yeah, that's why I'm here.

Does DeGraaf's have some kind of beef with you?

Why would they? They're kissing my ass.

They want my account just the same as you.

They're the source of that blog post.


Who told you that?

A former employee who still has friends over there.

And the same blogger posted it today.

Look, see for yourself.

(Brukner scoffs)

Are you kidding me? First the Swift account and now this.

I mean, Roxanna and I go way back. I can't...

It wasn't Roxanna. It wasn't her, it came from their London office.

What I don't get is why.

I mean, it pretty much hands us the account, which I'll take, but...

That's why I asked if they had a problem with you.

But like you said, it might not be true.

I'll ask her.

Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you didn't.

I don't want them to trace it back to my source.

Look, if you want I'll have the blogger post a retraction.

Oh, really? And how're you going to do that?

Because I can tell you right now, I am not showing any sales receipts and I am not paying out any bribes to any p*ssy scumbag hiding behind a computer keyboard.

I'll convince him it's the decent thing to do.

Trust me. He'll see the light.

I would appreciate that.

A lot.


Mmm. Ah... there you go.

Volkov wants the mask delivered to his office.

You know, the more I learn about this deal, the less I like it.

We already made the deal, so we are not backing out.

He's too powerful a man to make an enemy.

But if we treat him as a friend, we could...

Guys like him don't have friends.

You know, what... What if he made a deal with the Feds, huh?

How do you say... (in Arabic)?


Is that how you choose to live your life? Paranoid?

Yeah. It is. And that's why I'm going with you, 'cause I don't want you changing the price or making some new deal that screws me over.

(in Arabic)

assh*le doesn't trust us!

Of course he does.

It's assh*le, not "ass-hole."

Keep your cock in your pants.

Tomorrow at 10:00 P.M.

I still think you should let them go alone.

(Graham sighs)

You said yourself, Volkov is a dangerous man.

I'm not ready to delegate, at least not to them.

At least take this with you.

Is that...

No, of course not. It's a different one.

You're not coming?

No. This is their crazy deal.

Watch your back, Tommy.

Sold! For $1.2 million!

Up next is item number 422.

Perhaps the most notable bicorne hat of this or any other age, worn by no less a personage than Napoleon Bonaparte himself.

Shall we start the bidding then? At one million dollars.

I have one million. Thank you, sir.

You see this?

Brukner went with Parke-Mason.

That's very disappointing news.

The turnout's pretty good.

We'll highlight the Diebenkorn, the Vermeer and of course, the Van Gogh.

Brukner went with Parke-Mason.

Confidence is a very admirable trait, sweetheart.

Overconfidence is not.

Do I hear 2.1? I have 2.1. Thank you. Do I hear 2.2?


From the lady in the blue dress?

I have 2.2. Do I hear 2.3 from the gentleman in the front row?

2.3? 2.3?

Anyone? Fair and final warning then.

Sold! To the young lady for $2.2 million!


So, it's really mine?

Yeah. It's like I told you, you can have whoever you want bid for you.

Can I hold it again?

Do whatever you want. It's yours.


(clears throat)

Excuse my French, but being a douche bag just cost you a hundred grand.

(Silver laughs)

Sir, if you wouldn't mind celebrating off of the stage?


Lift arms. Lift!

(clicking tongue)

This way.

You like?

She's my wife.

The mask is for her.

Yeah. It's nice.


(in Russian)