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02x07 - Mommy's Little Monster

Posted: 11/02/15 22:10
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Gotham...

That's for Reggie.

Now, I don't know what you want with Master Bruce, but I'm certain that his life's gonna be a damn sight better without you in it.

I would be honored if you would consider endorsing me for mayor.

If you can give me your word that we won't have to face it alone, you'll have my endorsement.

It's been some time since I've had a meal like this.

You should come over more often.

We can, like, hang out or whatever.

I'd like that.

Let go of me, you freak!

Listen to me. I did it for you.


I've been following the goings-on at Wayne Enterprises.

What have you learned?

That your father was a good man.

But in spite of that, bad things happened at his company.

Looking for Penguin's mother, weren't you?

I have to obey him in all things.

Penguin has brainwashed this poor soul. Can we help?


I'll leave you two to it.

Father Creel.

You have the Wayne boy?

Not yet, but soon.

I found your mother.


In a warehouse down by the port.

You sure this is it?

Gilzean: I'm sure, boss.

Once my mother is safe, we go after Galavan and his sister.

They're gonna pay for what they've done.


Mother. (laughs)


You're okay. Thank God.

Oswald? Is that really you?

Your sweet face.

Like a vision.

I'm taking you home, okay?


Theo: And there I was, thinking you understood the meaning of consequences.

Consequences, yes.

I assure you that my understanding of consequences will be made quite clear once my mother is outside.

But we've had so much fun together.

My sister gets attached to her playthings, so I must insist she stay.

And those bolt cutters are useless.

The only way out of there is with this.

Very well.


sh**t them both in the head and grab the key.


Mother, I'm sorry, but what they've done to you will not stand!

I gave you an order! sh**t them both in the head.


No, no, no, that's not possible.

You have to obey me. You have to!

That time has passed. They fixed me.

Tabby is well-versed in the protocols of conditioning.

There's always a trigger word implanted during the process.

All I had to do was get Butch remember what it is.

I'll admit, it took a few tries.

And now here we are.



I can still be valuable. You'll see.

I so wish that were true.

Then k*ll me if you must, but let her go.

I'm begging you.

Doesn't look like begging to me.

Indeed, half-hearted at best.


I'll do anything.


Perhaps she has served her purpose.

Don't pout.

You still have the former mayor.

He's so dull. He just moans all the time.



I told you everything would be okay.

Didn't I?


And it will be.

(knife slashes)





What is wrong?

You look so sad.


Nothing's wrong, Mother.

Nothing at all.

We're together now.

That's all that matters.

That's all that ever mattered, right?

Ever since... you were a little baby.

My little Cobblepot.

I'm sorry.

This is my fault.

Please forgive me. I'm so sorry.

For what?

You were always such a good boy.

No, no.

Theo: k*ll him.

Dump the bodies... anywhere.

You don't have the stomach to k*ll me yourself?

No wonder your family was run out of town.

You come from a long line of cowards!


Fine, fine.

Any last words?


I'm going to k*ll you.


(breath trembling)

Kringle: You are a psychopath!

I am not the man you think I am!

I would never do anything to hurt you.



Dark Nygma: Rise and shine.


What are you doing here?

I banished you for good.

Almost. Love of a good woman and all of that.

Though, we both know how that turned out. Yikes.

That was an accident.

I'm not that man.

I'm gonna make this right.

See, I knew you'd wake up all boo-hooey.

You probably have half a mind to turn yourself in.

Luckily, I have the other half.

Do you like magic tricks?


Of course you like magic tricks. After all, I do.

Well, guess what? I can make a body disappear.


Where is she?

Where is Ms. Kringle's body?

Open the envelope.

"I hid her body while you were catching some Zs, you'll need a helping hand, so look for her initials down at the GCPD."

You went to my work last night?

Well, technically, you did.

I was just in the driver's seat, so to speak.


You're a figment of my imagination.

A projection of impulse. Nothing more.

That is uncalled for.

Uncalled for?

You h*jacked my body while I was asleep and you stole my dead girlfriend.

(laughs): Okay.

Yeah, that's true.

But I'm doing this for your own good.

If I was you... which, again, I sort of am... I'd get cracking.

You do want to find the body first, right?

Reporter: Reporting live from city hall, as we celebrate the latest mayoral election.

Early exit polling confirmed that Gotham City's new mayor will be Theo Galavan, who is projected to win in a landslide, helped by the endorsement of many prominent citizens, including police union president James Gordon, city controller Edwin...

(TV clicks off)

I can't believe you're gonna be mayor of this sinkhole.

Can I go to the victory party tonight?

You promised me fun.

When are we gonna unleash a little hell?

There'll be plenty of time for unleashing hell and parties once Bruce Wayne has signed over his company and met his unfortunate destiny.

Until then, I need focus.

Young Bruce has become fond of you.

His trust will be crucial when the time comes.

I need you to ensure that no one else is whispering in his ear until I make my offer.

See this finger?

I've got little Bruce wrapped tight around it.

What a vixen you've become.

You make me very proud.

And we have Penguin to deal with.

I'm on it.


I'm about to become mayor.

I'm gonna have an army at my disposal.

Time to use it.

Bullock: Looks like you backed the right horse.

You trust him?

A Gotham politician?

About as far as I can throw him.

But if he gives the GCPD what it needs, he's all right by me.

You know, Selina said Penguin was behind the Wayne Enterprise fires.


First he's going after mayoral candidates, next thing you know, he's burning down buildings.

Doesn't make any sense.

Guy is an abacus of crazy.

Nothing he does surprises me.

What the hell happened?


He tried to k*ll our next mayor.

Mr. Cobblepot knew that I was poised to win the election today, and he came to me seeking an alliance.

And you refused.

(scoffs) I politely declined, yes.

So he stabbed you in the neck?

Gordon: That seems like a pretty extreme reaction, even for Penguin.

We've been trying to build a case against Penguin since I got here.

We assume that he's behind the earlier att*cks on the other candidates as well.

And this is the second time he's tried to k*ll me.

The man is a menace.

And one that I fully intend to put behind bars.

I assume you have something for me?

Arrest warrant for Oswald Cobblepot as well as search and seizures on all his properties and known associates.

Quite a list.

We'll get right on it. Anything else?

Yes. In lieu of recent events, Judge Turnball has declared a state of emergency and granted the mayor's office additional powers.

Meaning what, exactly?

The moment I'm sworn in, I'm implementing a curfew and I'm ordering your Strike Force to begin door-to-door searches until Mr. Cobblepot is apprehended.

You're talking about martial law?

We're talking about bringing a dangerous fugitive to justice.

We'll be acting within our legal rights.

Am I right, Mr. Dent?


You'll have our full support, sir.

Thank you, Captain.

Detective Gordon?

You seem... hesitant.


(sighs) You told me we needed to use every method at our disposal to go after men like Penguin.

Men who don't play by the rules.

Desperate times call for a strong measure.

I have no problem going after Penguin with everything we've got, but if we start kicking down the doors of average citizens and policing through fear, we're no better than he is.

People still need to trust us.

And they will.

Because at the end of the day, all people want is to feel safe.

Just remember, Detective.

You came to me.

Reporter: Theo Galavan will be the mayor of Gotham.

A crowd has gathered outside, and the excitement is brimming, and in just a moment, we'll also be talking to many of the supporters that gave up their time and effort to support...

(TV clicks off)

What do you have against the front door?


It's the ape who opens it who I could live without.

I haven't seen you in a month.

Selina, what are you doing here?

You wouldn't believe the week I've had.

This friend of mine, Bridgit, decided to build this fire suit.


Some people just don't...

Whose is that?

Sorry. I got lost on the way back from...



Silver St. Cloud, this is my friend Selina.

Selina, this is Silver.

Nice to meet you.

You, too.

Are you staying for lunch?


Please say you are.

I just moved here and don't know many people.

Bruce, go tell Alfred to set another place for lunch.

Come on, it'll be fun! Go. Shoo.

While it's just us girls, let me give you a little advice.

You come around here again...

Well, that would be bad.

For you.


Who the hell are you?

I'm Bruce's friend.

His only friend.



And you're a piece of gutter trash.

Now, tell me something, would anyone miss you if one day you were just... gone?


I didn't think so.

Bruce: I told Alfred.

What are you guys talking about?


Just girl stuff.

Nygma: "'ll need a helping hand.

Look for her initials down at the GCPD."

"Look for her initials down at the GCPD"?

"Look for her initials down at the GCPD."

Kristen Kringle. K.K. K.K.

K.K., K.K., K.K.

♪ Closest to the bone ♪
♪ Sweeter is the meat ♪
♪ Last slice of Virginia ham ♪
♪ Is the best that you can eat ♪
♪ Don't talk about my baby ♪
♪ She's slender but she's sweet ♪
♪ Closest to the bone ♪
♪ And sweeter is the meat ♪
♪ Everybody thinks I'm insane ♪
♪ To overlook her faults ♪
♪ But here's the reason I like 'em skinny ♪
♪ Instead of full of schmaltz ♪
♪ Don't talk about my baby ♪
♪ She's slender but she's sweet ♪
♪ And closest to the bone ♪
♪ And sweeter is the meat. ♪



Come on.

Officer: Hey, Mike, can you give me a hand with this?

Putting Penguin in the cross-hairs of the GCPD will drive him underground.

We can't k*ll him if we can't find him.

We won't have to find him.

He's going to deliver himself to us.

And why would he do that?

Penguin's rage will consume his better judgment, leaving him with an insatiable craving for revenge.

All we need to do is keep him hungry and invite him to dinner.

And then I get to k*ll him?

Yes, kitten.

Then you get to k*ll him.

First, I would like to thank this city for the immense trust it has placed in me.

I'm eager to get to work.

I'd also like to address the recent attempt on my life by the man known as Penguin.

It is true that he att*cked me, and as of now, he is still at large.

Men such as Penguin will no longer be tolerated.

These are men who scurry from the light of decency like cockroaches.

Men who... not even a mother could love.

(reporters shouting)


He dies.


Bullock: Yeah. Got it.

Gilzean's holed up in a booze joint downtown.



And get this. Word on the street is Gilzean's started his own crew.

Sounds like they had a falling out.

Maybe he's ready to talk.



I heard about what happened to our new mayor.

Never a dull moment, huh?

No kidding.

You left your keys again this morning.


(softly): Thank you.

What's this one?

A key to my apartment.


I'll be in the car.

What? It's just a key.

Yeah, no, uh...

Do you want a key to my place?

Not even a little bit. Wait. Do you have a place?

I think so. Sorry. Caught me off guard.

I guess I do spend most nights there.

Which I love.

What I don't love is hauling ass out of bed at 2:00 a.m. when you come home from a stakeout smelling of chili dogs.

I love to watch you squirm.

I was not squirming.

Little squirm.

I had no idea we were entertaining today, Master Bruce.

Anyone else popping by?

Bruce: No. Thank you, Alfred.

Silver: This is marvelous, Alfred.

I fell in love with Lapsang souchong when I lived in Fujian.

Driving through the Wuyi region, all you could smell is the burning cedar they use to smoke leaves.

Right, well, technically it's, uh, pinewood, miss, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.


That smell really does slap you in the face, doesn't it, Alfred?


So, Selina?

Tell me about yourself. Any family?

You really buying her act?

I beg your pardon?

Let me ask you a question.

How long have you been a two-faced slut?


No, seriously, what're you after?

It's the money, right?

I mean it's not his wacky sense of humor.

I think I should go.

No, wait.

Is that a tear?

You're good.

I'm sorry. Good-bye, Bruce.


What did you just do?!

I know you're not the best judge of, like, you know, people, but that girl is bad news.

I just did you a favor.

I want you to leave.




Maybe you're right.

Maybe I'm not the best judge of people.

Because all this time, I thought you were my friend.

But clearly, you have no idea what that means.

"I'm tired of hiding and want to be free. To locate her body, find the two things missing from me."

Dark Nygma: The back of our head kind of looks funny.

It's like the top of a pencil.

Why are you doing this?

Because... it's fun!

And it's good for you.

How is it good for me to be tortured?

To be driven insane!

I'm trying to show you who you are.

How have you not realized that yet?

Though, to be honest, I'm surprised you haven't figured out this riddle yet.

Should I have made it easier?

You could start by using proper grammar.

A period at the end of a sentence is...

"Find the two things missing from ME..."

M, period, E, period.

Oh, God. M.E... medical examiner.

You didn't!

I did.

I say we wait and see if someone can walk us inside.

Try and keep things civil.

Did I tell you I was thinking about getting a cat?


Hey! How are you?

Why don't you get your head in the game here?

I'm sorry.

It's just...

Do you believe Galavan's story?

Questions like that are above my pay grade and below my sense of wonder.

Penguin's a pragmatist.

Hitting Galavan for refusing an alliance?

That doesn't get him anything but heat.

So, what really happened do you think?

A few months ago, nobody knew who Galavan was, right?

Now, all of a sudden, he's mayor?

Doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning.

And it takes help.

Guys like Galavan are born on third base.

Stealing home's practically a birthright.

Think about the timing.

He shows up just after Mayor James disappears.

The m*ssacre at the gala turns him into a hero.

Penguin's assassination attempts on mayoral candidates launched his campaign.

Everything that's gone down up to this point, you could argue was orchestrated.

Look, what you're talking about is Machiavellian-level crazy, even by Gotham standards.


There's our door pass.

Man: Yeah, so your mother tells you.

Yeah, his mama stopped talking to me ages ago.

(laughter) Oh, finally.

Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey!

Bullock: I wouldn't!

Aw, come on.

(laughs): I really wouldn't.

That's a lot of firepower there, Butch.

You expecting company?

Neighborhood ain't what it used to be, Jim.

Where's Penguin?

How should I know?

You're the boss' lapdog and you don't know where your owner is?

I ain't nobody's lapdog. Not anymore.

Prove it.

Tell us why the hell Penguin went after Galavan.

I ain't telling you anything.

And unless you have a warrant, I'm gonna have to ask you boys to leave.

Yeah, see the thing is our newly elected mayor kind of wants results on this.

So we drag you in, chances are that's where you're gonna stay.

Zsasz: I'm here for Gilzean!

Anyone who leaves now leaves alive.

Anyone who stays dies!

You have 60 seconds to do the math.

Sorry, Butch.


No honor among scumbags, huh?

Hey, don't sh**t! I'm out of here!


What are you doing?

You tell us what the hell's going on with Penguin or we leave you with Zsasz.

You can't do that.

Bullock? We can totally do that.

Galavan was telling Penguin what to do.

Knocking off the candidates, torching the buildings...

It all came down from Galavan.

The hell was Penguin taking orders?

Kidnapped Penguin's mother.

He was keeping her for leverage.


Jim? I think we need to go.

I didn't think Galavan actually go through with it.

Go through with what?

Go through with what?!

GCPD! Put down your weapons!


We're out-manned here big time, partner.


But not out-gunned.

Oh, hell yeah.

(siren wailing in distance)

Zsasz: I'll take that as a no!

See you later, Butch!

(door slams)

(tires squealing)

That's a new one.

You think he was telling the truth?

Nobody's telling the truth.

This is Gotham.


What a lovely surprise.

Hello, sir.

I was looking for Silver.

She's here.

Seemed a bit upset when she came in.

Yes, a friend of mine stopped by the house when Silver was there.


Say no more.

I was your age once. (chuckles)

Your feelings do you credit.

I never met your father, but it's clear that he instilled in you a sound moral compass.

He did.

You know, we're both... very alike.

Born into wealth and privilege, yet forced to walk our lives alone.

Haunted by loss.

Driven to prove ourselves worthy to those who came before.

Be careful, Bruce.

That way of thinking...

The need to fill a void...

It can consume you.

Does it every go away?


But you can find closure; a way to move on without letting go.


Well... (chuckles)

I don't want to make any promises, but when the time is right, we'll talk again.

(footsteps approaching)

I, uh, need to get ready for the party.

Excuse me.

I knew you'd come.

No one's to k*ll Galavan but me.


Boss, I get what you're feeling.

Mother's love... It's the most beautiful, most simple...


Cops aren't gonna let you within a hundred feet of Galavan.

Let us whack him for you, please?


He's mine.


Now, let's get dressed.

We've got a party to attend.

Listen up, people!

(indistinct chatter)

Our newly elected mayor is going ahead with his victory celebration tonight.

He will be exposed.

He will be vulnerable.

And he will be protected.

By you.

The brave men and women of this police force.

You all have your assignments.

Detective Gordon here will be running point.


Penguin has already made one attempt on Galavan's life today.

We should be ready for anything.

Let's show this city what it means to carry a badge.

As you were.

Gordon: I want check-ins from perimeter teams every five minutes.

Martinez, how's the avenue looking?

All clear.

sn*per Teams Alpha and Bravo report all clear as well.

Copy that.

What you find out?

Spoke to the super at Gertrude Cobblepot's building.

Turns out, no one's seen her for two weeks.

Timeline matches Gilzean's story.

Maybe or maybe the old broad's on a sunset cruise, hmm?

You know, there's something that Gilzean said that I can't shake.

He said he never thought Galavan would go through with it.

Go through with what?

I don't think Gertrude Cobblepot is on a cruise.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to officially introduce you to the honorable Theo Galavan, the new mayor of Gotham!

(crowd cheering)


(gasps) Oh...

What are you doing?

Dr. Thompkins, hello.

Uh, I'm just... double-checking notes for a Jane Doe case I'm working.

Do you need help?

No! No, no, no. She's all gone.

Or she's... I'm sorry, I'm...

I'm all done with checking my notes.

Uh, what notes?

It's all up here. (quiet laugh)

Do you realize that by assigning simple mnemonic devices to case files, you can produce recall capacity equal to that of photographic or even eidetic memory?

Ed, what's going on?


(chuckles nervously)

Um, truth be told, uh...

I was hoping to run into you here.

Alone. It's Miss Kringle.


We had a fight.

I'm sorry.

(chuckles) Every relationship hits a rough patch now and then.

And you've been so supportive.

And I was hoping that maybe we-we could go grab a coffee and you could give me some advice.

Uh, do you want to finish up what you were doing first?

No, no, no, no. I... I can come back another time.

It's not like they're gonna go anywhere, right?


You'd think so.

(chuckling): Yeah, okay.

Theo: Detective Gordon.

Woman: Hey. That's it, sir.

Perfect. Thank you so much.

I, uh, heard about your sh**t-out today.

Something about one of Penguin's former Lieutenants, a Butch Gilzean?

Some men ambushed us as we were questioning him.

He escaped.

Did you get anything out of him? Before the attack?


That's a pity.


Martinez: Detective, I have a large group of men approaching from off the main road.

I have eyes on the target.

Appears to be Cobblepot, sir.

Hold your fire.

Perimeter units, prepare to engage.

(g*n fires)

The target is down.

Martinez, I said hold your fire.

It wasn't us.

We have an unknown sh**t on the roof.

I repeat: we have an unknown sh**t on the roof.

Gordon: Martinez. Is Penguin dead?

No, it wasn't him.

Gordon: Find the other sh**t and find Penguin... We need him alive.

Martinez: Detective, all the targets are dressed as Penguin, and all are heavily armed. Positive I.D. is impossible.

Martinez, you're clear to engage.

All perimeter units, crash our location now.

Drop it.

Turn around.

Hands above your head, now.

So forceful.

I like a strong confident man.


(g*n fire continues)

Gordon: We got to get you out of here.

Radio his driver, have him pull the car around to the back service entrance.

Got it?


Cover us?

No problem.

(speaks indistinctly)

Man: Remaining officers stay inside and clear the lobby.

Man 2: Confirmed. Primary is on the move.

Initiating exit plan using the south entrance.

Man 3: Roger that, Detective Gordon is en route to the rear entrance with the mayor.

Need that limo at the back service entrance, stat.

Man 4: Copy that.

Get him out of here!

(g*n fires)


Hello, Jim.

Please step aside.

You know I can't do that.

You would if you knew what kind of man you were protecting.

sh**t him, Detective.

Oswald, listen to me.

You have to put the g*n down.

He k*lled my mother, Jim.

I know.

Detective Gordon, I am ordering you to put that man down now.

He had her m*rder*d in front of me.

I held her.

Watched her die.

Do you know what that's like?

It changes a person.

(footsteps approach)

Bullock: Sorry about your mother, Penguin, but I'm gonna need you to put the shotgun down on the ground, slowly, now.

One of us is gonna die tonight.

I have made my peace with that.

I suggest the new mayor does as well.

Don't make us sh**t you.

sh**t me and you have no idea what his endgame is, Jim.

And you should.

Because it concerns someone you know, someone you care about.

(whispering): sh**t him.

(g*n fires)

Gordon: Down!

Bullock: Jim, Oswald!

Penguin smashed the mayor's ride through the main checkpoint.

The good news is...

With the g*nsh*t wound to the shoulder and the APB, I doubt he'll make it out of the city.

He won't be trying to make it out.

We lost more people tonight.

Good people, including Martinez.

Sometimes the good guys have a bad night.

This ain't your fault.

I know.

It's his.

(reporters clamor)

My ancestors were swordsmiths.

They knew that to good steel, it had first to be forged.

I look at tonight...

I look at tonight as a baptism of fire.

A fire from which we will emerge stronger.

Our resolve forged to bring about a new day in Gotham.

(listeners applaud, clamor)

(TV clicks off)

I've felt pretty alone since moving here.

Until I met you.

But I-I don't want to come between you and a friend.

You won't.

Selina is never going to like me.

I don't care.

I like you.

Theo: Detective Gordon.

Mr. Mayor.

You catch my speech?

I think I've heard enough speeches.

I had high hopes for you.

I thought you were prepared to make the hard choices, to do whatever it takes to rid Gotham of its monsters.

I am.

I've just decided...

I'm gonna start with you.

Dangerous words... when addressing the man who now controls this city.

Desperate times.

They are, indeed.

I want to know why you did this.

When Dr. Thompkins walked in the room, how did it feel?

I was terrified.

She could have discovered the body.

But she didn't.

You got away with it.

That's not the point.

(echoing): That is absolutely the point!

You can still feel the rush, can't you?

Coming so close to getting caught.

Knowing what you would have been forced to do if she had discovered the body, discovered what you had done.

Standing... standing at the edge of uncertainty and peering into the void.

Now tell me, how did it feel?
