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03x09 - Hand of Glory

Posted: 08/21/15 03:31
by bunniefuu
Charlie: Previously on Graceland...

So you like it rough.

Come on, mama.



Secretly, I liked it.

But next time, maybe not so rough.

I think I'm gonna be running everything that has to do with the Sarkissian family.

And I'm thinking a great man can use a beautiful woman by his side.

Charlie: I want Germaine.

If he tries to bolt, don't be afraid to kick his ass through a door.

Jakes: Copy that.

Somebody want to tell me what the hell happened?

He's an informant.

Jakes: He's an informant for whom?

Charlie: A*F.

Look, the feds, they have to have a mole, but you're never gonna know until you ask.

Ask who?

Grab a federal agent, tie his ass to a chair, and make him tell you who the mole is.


Who you tailing?

Briggs: One of the Sarkissians.

Logan: Agent Warren, what is Paul Briggs capable of?

Mike: I wish I had more to tell you.

If Paul's up to something, it's news to me.

[dramatic music]

[door opens]

[door shuts]

[footsteps approaching]

I know you've had a hell of a day, Logan.

But I'm gonna ask you some questions.

And I want you to exercise some sober reflection before you answer me, because if you say what I think you're gonna say, well, things are liable to get a whole lot rougher.

Are you gonna k*ll me?

Briggs: You don't get to ask the questions.

What'd he say? Anything?

Well, nothing good.

We just got to keep working him over.

He'll break.

Nothing good. Phrase of the night.

This has been going on too long.

You know what happens if they catch us with the head of Los Angeles FBI?

Nothing good?

It ain't no joke.

We got to get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

Hey, Ari, the FBI is up your ass, brother, and you don't know how far.

Now, you want to go in there and put a slug in this guy's brain?

Fine, let's do it, but I think it's a waste.

He's a source of information.

We find out what he knows first, and then we bury him.

I hate to see a half-smoked cigarette on the ground.


So frustrated, guy.

Don't know what I'm fighting for anymore.

What do you mean?

I talked to Tev.

Martun is giving Toros his Artsiv yev Arryutsy tomorrow.

His Eagle and Lion?

He shake hands, kisses babies, receives his initiation tattoos, and then it's over.

Leadership is passed on.

He is the new prince.

That's bullshit, man.

So you keep working over our friend.

I'm gonna go home and get some sleep.

You know what?

I think we should let him stew in his own filth for a night.

Maybe that'll loosen his dumb ass up.

You're sick, guy. I like it.

Dale, get up.


Charlie, it's dark out.

Listen, A*F won't let us bust Germaine because they're building cases on all his g*n-running clients, right?

What if we bag his ass without laying a finger on their investigation?

Mm-mm, I'm sleeping.

No, you're not. Get up. Come on.

Why are you bothering me?

Because I want Germaine.

Yeah, well, I want a big house, I want a million dollars, and I want the love of a beautiful woman.

It's not in my cards.

Then you need a new deck, boo. Let's go.

Listen, you're gonna go there.

You're gonna tell Germaine that the oxy business crapped out when the Windgates got busted and that you want to get into money laundering.

I don't think Germaine is taking interns, Charlie.

Let me sleep.

I'm not talking about an intern. I'm talking about a buffer.

A*F is protecting this guy.

He knows that deal with A*F is bullshit.

One minute, they got his back.

Next minute, they got him in cuffs.

But what if he has someone else doing his dirty work?

You go in. You meet his clients.

You learn his network.

The more you know about his business, the easier it'll be.

So you want me to become him?

Yes, yes.

Wheels up in two hours, all right?

Just... here.

Just... just get up.


Let's get ready.


Hey, Paige.


Have you seen Briggs?


Heard from him, anything?



'Sup, bro? What's going on?

Briggs kidnapped Logan.


What are you talking about?

They grabbed him off the street and threw him in the back of a van.

Wait, wait, wait, who is they?

I'm assuming Ari Adamian.

No, no, he's not under with the Sarkissians anymore, so no.

Well, if Briggs grabbed Logan, he's got to have a good reason for it, right?

I know, and that's why I haven't called this in.

But I've been trying to get ahold of him all night, all morning, nothing.

And if the SAC of the FBI doesn't show up for work...

Yeah, they're definitely gonna notice it.

I might need your help with this one.


Uh, guys, I have a little problem.

I kidnapped Agent Logan.

Briggs on recorder: Ari pulled me in.

He handed me a mask.

I had no idea where we were going.

Logan on recorder: Bullshit.

Briggs on recorder: I warned you, Logan.

I told you they wanted to question somebody.

Remember that?

They're trying to find out how deep the federal investigation goes?

Well, here we are.

Logan on recorder: What do you want from me?

I don't want shit, man.

I didn't want this in the first place.

It wasn't my design.

Then get me out.


You want out?

Okay, man, I'll get you out.

You say the word, Logan, and I'll sh**t us out of here right now.

Matter of fact, I'll do you one better.

I'll call in the cavalry, how's that, hmm?

Tacked-out agents, flash-bangs, birds in the sky, the whole nine.

But if we bring Ari in now, we can't touch Martun, and you and I both know it.

[sighs] Look.

I have no idea how many people have suffered for this case, but I do know this.

Between Paige and myself, we have never been closer to getting Martun Sarkissian than we are right now.

We are so close.

So you have a big decision to make.

You hold your cover.

I want Martun.

You do whatever you have to do, but the second you can get me out... the second... you do it.

Logan on recorder: Paul, I do not want to die here.

Wow, Jesus Christ.

Dude's got balls, I'll give him that.

Mike: Come on, Briggs.

Ari isn't driving this.

Three days ago in your room, I heard you give Ari Logan's plate number.

[chuckles] No, Mike, that... that's not what you heard.

What you heard was Ari giving me Logan's plate number.

Listen, I know what I heard.

Mike, you were about to vomit your way through withdrawal.

Mike: Yeah, that was before.

You had a full-blown psychotic breakdown, Mike.


Look, I know what I heard, okay?


That's what you said on the phone.

I didn't make it up.

Yes, I did say that, because I was repeating...

I didn't make this up, okay?

I don't know what game you're playing here, but whatever it is, you don't have to...

Mike, look in my eyes.

This is not a game.

Hand of Glory

Paige: What time does it start?

Toros: It's tonight, but I want you to come early.

Mm-hmm, and who's gonna be there?

Toros: Leadership, important people.

Well, sounds intimate.

You sure it's not inappropriate if I come?

If it were inappropriate, I wouldn't invite you.

Paige: I mean, I don't know.

Toros: Paige, I'm gonna ask you this now, one last and final time.

Do you want to be with me or not?

Paige: Yes.

If you're holding Logan here, we could set up surveillance here.

Yeah, looks like a good vantage point, so...

I don't know, guys.

You got too many blind corners. I can't take the risk.

Even if Logan wants to stay strapped to the chair all day, we should still have a team in place.

Tuturro: Yeah, at least as a precaution, right?

Well, hello.

Did you not get the memo?

We're gearing up for an op, not a dinner party.

Yeah, the Sarkissians are having an initiation ceremony for Toros tonight, and he wants me there, so, uh...

What's that?

It's a sort of a baptism.

He's getting tattooed to show his ascension into the Sarkissian upper ranks.

And you're gonna be on his arm, so that makes you two, what, a couple?

I will be in the room with Martun Sarkissian, so this is exactly what we've been working towards, right?

If it were any of the guys in this position, no one would be trying to stop him.

You know that, right?

Didn't say anything.

Mike: No, she's right.

If you lock in your cover with Toros tonight, there's no strategic advantage to keeping Ari in play.

Tuturro: True.

She's gonna be at the ceremony.

We should move in now.

Mike, it's all unstable ground with the Sarkissians.

We wait till Toros gets his tattoos.

That's when we move.



Then Logan just needs to survive the night with you and Ari.

Yeah. Yeah, I need you two to stay tight to Toros.

For what?

Paige: This ceremony is at a church with little kids and old ladies.

I don't need babysitters for this.

Briggs: Come on, Paige, it's not that.

I mean, look, I can handle Ari on my own, but with Toros, it's a tightrope.

He'd put a b*llet in Logan just to spite me.

Tuturro: Okay, so we make sure Toros doesn't head your way.

And as soon as he gets tatted, you call in a team, get Logan out.

The very moment.


See you tonight.

All right.


Anything else we should know about?

No, Mike, the plan's all on the table.

Jakes: I know you hate the humidity, but South Florida ain't bad.

It's like living in somebody's crotch.

The food's good.

Women are distractingly attractive.

Ugh, don't remind me.

The Cubans are real.

Glad you're enjoying yourself.

This ain't no friggin' vacation.

I know, Charlie. I'm just saying.

Far as covers go, playing rich in Miami ain't half bad.

Is that a real Cuban?


You know, when you're pregnant, the booze, the smoke, all the horrible shit you were happy to consume yesterday, when you're thinking for two, you won't touch it.

We're so stupid, people.

You would've been a good mom, Chuck.

Charlie: There's your guy.

Remember, Germaine knows A*F is covering his ass, so he's not gonna be so easy to spook.

And I guarantee he's also gonna think...

Charlie, I know how to do my job, thank you.

All right.

TAC SUV's around the corner.

Mm-hmm. [chuckles]

Be careful.

It's all wrong, mate.


Well, firstly, you don't come into a cigar lounge with your own cigar.

Put it out.

Furthermore, you don't set a meeting with me unless you've got a great big pile of cash to move, which I know you don't.

You're all sixes and sevens, mate.

You hear about the Windgates?

Are you asking whether I've heard if my clients got pinched by the feds?

Of course I have.

They were my income stream.

You've got a problem, don't you?

Yeah, well, I got a solution.

I want to work for you.

Now, hold on, 'cause I think I know how this conversation's gonna go.

You see, I would argue that the Windgate bust puts you in a very precarious situation.

And if your name gets out, it's bad for business.

And you're gonna say, "Mate, if I was concerned with coppers, what would I be doing smoking baccy in Little Havana?"

But I know two things.

I know it took you three days to get here when the Windgates reached out, which means you live abroad, and trips here are risky.

What else do you know?

That you're a hyperintelligent individual, that you understand acutely that the heat's always on, and that every step on U.S. soil could be your last as a free man.

So let me be your buffer, your boots on the ground here in the States.

If shit hits the fan, I get sprayed.

Because we both know... the fan's always spinning.

[keys jingling]

Wasn't sure you'd come.

I said I'd be here.

You say a lot of things.

What are you implying?

I've barely been able to get you on the phone for the past couple weeks.

You're avoiding me.

No, no, that's not it at all.

I-I'm not. I've just...

I've been scattered at work and being sick, and...

It's not like I wasn't thinking about you.

[keys jingle]

You're tense.

Yeah, well, you know, it's just always been Ari next in line for this.

It's a family nepotism thing.

No one's considered my merit for years.

And now today, getting here to these doors, it's been a... it's been an uphill battle.

Just take a breath, okay, and relax.

You've earned this.

And whatever uphill climb you have, I will be by your side now.



You look beautiful in that dress.

You wear that for me?



I don't just want to be your arm candy.

I know.

What do you want?


Bring what I told you?

Mike: Why did Briggs need two of us to watch Toros?

Tuturro: I don't know.

Stakeout's usually a two-man job, right?

What if I got to piss or something?

You're saying you couldn't do this alone?

I like having you here.

Let me ask you something.


Since the Sarkissian case got handed to Briggs, what's been his biggest obstacle?

I don't know. Ari, maybe?

No, man, it's Logan.

Logan's making him finish this case no matter what happens.

He told us that weeks ago.

I mean, even if he arrests Martun, Briggs is still gonna get nailed for everything that Ari's done.

All right.

What are you trying to say, Mike?

Yesterday Logan had me in his office, and he asked me what I thought Briggs was up to.

It's like he could smell something was off.

Okay, but whatever, that doesn't necessarily mean...

And the plate, it sounded like Briggs was giving Ari directions.


Stop, look, I hear what you're trying to say, but what are you really saying?

We're sitting here doing surveillance on somebody who's not even a liability.


Johnny, Briggs didn't want us here to watch Toros.

He wanted us here so we wouldn't watch him.

God damn it, man.

You better be right, Mike.

You're late.

Yeah, Ari, the guy's strapped to a chair.

I didn't exactly think we were in a rush.

Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?

That's a gourmet ice cream sandwich.

I paid $4.50 plus tax.

Get your own.


Yeah, I'd rather do this on an empty stomach anyway.

You got power tools?

Nah, man, I'm old school.

Hand tools only.

I say we give this guy, I don't know, a couple hours with these toys.

If he still doesn't want to talk, maybe we run out and get some of that stuff that Martun used on Colby.

Acid, huh?

Oh, yeah.

I wouldn't mind hearing this guy scream.

[dogs barking]

Can't lie.

When you said meet me at your office, I was expecting something a little more... upper crust.

Well, I'm heartbroken it didn't meet with your approval.

You wanted to see how I do business.

This is it.

How much you reckon this house is worth?

Jakes: I'd say 500 maybe.

55 max.


I just paid 1.8 million for it.

Sounds like you got screwed.

We'll see about that, won't we?

Holy shit.

You were saying?

This whole house is brimming with hard cash, most of it in the walls.

My client estimates its value at...

2 million.

You bought it for 1.8, minus the half a mil it's actually worth, leaves 1.3, which is 2 million minus your 35%.

Your math is good. That's a bonus.


You paid well over market value.

Maybe some county clerk clocks it, probably not.

Either way, your client leaves with $1.8 million, clean and accounted for, and you, my friend, you...

Jesus Christ, this is all your bounty.

My bounty and my burden.

Yeah, tell me how $2 million is a burden.

I'd like to know.

Len... take the day off, mate.

Take Zoe to the aquarium or something.

Thanks, Len.

You got Len's job now.

I ain't pitching myself as a day laborer.

I hope you're wearing underwear.

Germaine: My client, his name's Swiggy.

Don't ask me how he got a name like that.

Frankly, I don't care.

All I care about is his money.

Swiggy brings in about a million cash every three months.

But since he trades in hand-to-hand drug deals, pimping, and petty theft, most of his bills are small denomination.

2 million in small bills weighs about 700 kilos.

Jakes: How much is that in pounds?

Germaine: A shit-ton.

Once the cash is sorted, tallied, strapped, set into something more manageable, then it's just a matter of getting it back out into society.
[reggae music]

That's where my little team of Smurfs come in.

They may not be little blue men, but they are very, very loyal.

Smurfs deliver cash to a number of front companies I work with.

Cash businesses, all of them, ones that can account for a fresh influx of liquid capital... and ones just illicit enough to not have any smart ideas.

Germaine: Then the entire process begins anew.

A fresh house is purchased by our friend Swiggy, and he begins filling it with his dirty money.

Everybody's richer.

Everybody wins.

Where's your friend?

Well, he took off.

He's running some errands.

Listen, Logan, um... let me ask you a question.

You remember what they used on Colby?

[breathing heavily]

Paul... you got to call this in.

I had enough. I had enough.

Now, you said when I said the word, you'd pull me out.

I'm saying the word, Paul.

I'm saying the word.

Now, listen to me.

Listen to me.


I've got a better idea.


Paul, call it in.

Don't do this.

Paul, don't do it!

Here will be Artsiv, the eagle.

He looks over all Armenian people.

It will show that I am a protector.

And what about that one?

Here will be Arryutsy.

He represents the power of my king, of Martun.

These are the same marks that Tevan Adamian wears and other great men that came before him.

What about that mark?

Oh, that's just... that's just my...

A gift from my father, for protecting my mother.

You don't have to talk about it.


Him beating her was nothing new, but that night, he'd broken four bones in her face.

And he wasn't finished.


I came at him with a knife, but I was 11.


After he sobered up, Martun told him to come back to his office to discuss medical arrangements.

No one ever saw him again.

That day, I swore my life to the Sarkissians.

I may not be born of their blood, but my loyalty to them, to Martun...

He gave my mother and I a chance to start over, to trust.

But every time I look in the mirror, I have a reminder.

I better go get ready.


You can clean up here, yes?


Tuturro: You still got any room for the benefit of the doubt, man?

'Cause I could sure use some right about now.


If Logan even makes it out of there, all he's gonna do is continue to manipulate Briggs.

If you had a problem you couldn't fix, wouldn't you just try to eliminate the problem?

You talking about m*rder?

Yeah. Is that new for him?

A bigwig at the FBI?

I'm tired of sitting around and theorizing about this shit, man.

I'm going in.

Gonna find out for my damn self.

We just got to call a team first, okay?

We can't just run up in there.

Didn't you talk me into coming here?

This is Briggs.

We don't know what's going on in there, all right?

No matter how good your shot is, or mine, that guy is better.

We got to have a team.

[touch tones beeping]

Don't know why you got me in this shit, Mike, man.

[line trills]

You know, back in the olden days, they would take the severed hand of a dead man and turn it into a candle with the fat from his body.

It would be a hand, but it would be on fire.

It had magical powers, and it could unlock any door.

They called it "Hand of Glory."

Mine is different.

Still a burning hand, but it's gonna unlock your fricking mouth hole.

Hand of Glory.

Ari, don't do this.

You don't want to do this.

Roll up his sleeve, guy.

Don't do it.

With pleasure.

Hey, uh, take it from me.

You could save yourself a lot of pain and misery, and you could save us a lot of time if you would just open up that mouth of yours and start talking.

Well, what do you want me to say?

Just tell me what you want me to say, and I'll say it.

Colby was an informant.

You tried to get him to be an informant.

Yes, I did.

Who else are you hiding in our organization?

No one. There's no one else. Who else would there be?

Tell me.

There's nobody else.



Just tell me who.


Spit it out.

No one.

Spit it out!

There's nobody else.

Tell me who else!

No one!


Oh, he smells.




Our Hand of Glory's gonna touch your face now.

I just want my family.

I just want to see my family.

You hear me?

I'm gonna touch your face now.

Then maybe your balls.

The DEA! The DEA!

They have an agent under with the Sarkissians.

The DEA?

Yes, Paige Arkin. That's her name.

She's a blonde.

The lesbian?

He's talking about the freakin' lesbian.

I don't know anybody else named Paige, do you?


Why would the DEA have an agent under with us?

She's tracking shipments through Clear-Line, getting close to Toros.

Mapping the Sarkissian pipeline, all the ins and outs.


She's trying to take down Martun.


Holy shit.

This is fricking bad, guy.

Yeah, if we believe him.

He knows her name. He knows Clear-Line.

He knows she's cuddled up with Toros.


And the fricking ceremony, guy.


Toros' ceremony.

He invited the DEA bitch to his ceremony.

She's probably there right now.

And you said Martun and Tev were gonna be there.

I got to call them.

Call who?


Call your uncle, Ari.

If Toros can't handle that bitch, what can he handle?

Listen, Toros is the only thing standing between you and Martun.

That ceremony that's happening today, those tattoos that he's getting, they should be on your skin, man, not his.

Tev and Martun feel differently.

Oh, yeah, well, how would Tev and Martun feel if they knew that he was working with a fed?

I told you what you wanted to hear.

Shut up!

Listen to me, Ari.

Maybe this is an honest mistake, and maybe, just maybe, Toros is selling you guys out.

But you know what the good news is?

He'll never be second in command now.

Tevan. Hello?

[dramatic music]

Tev was on the way to the church when he got my call.

Another ten minutes, and Martun would have been in the same room with a DEA agent.

You did good today, my guy.

Tev wants us to go get Toros and bring him here.

Hmm, sounds good.

Go get him.

I'm gonna tie up a loose end.

Hey, whoa, whoa!

Hey, wait!


We got to go now.

Hold, hold, hold, hold on.

Ari's coming out on foot.



What do we do?

Take half the team, follow him, take him down.

What about Briggs?

Ah, damn it.

All right, B team, come with me.

We're gonna follow the Chrysler southbound toward Los Angeles.

Alpha, you're with me.

Suspect Agent Paul Briggs may be armed and dangerous.

We may have a body.

It's quite the turnout.

That's good, right?

They were expecting this to be Ari.

I can see it on their faces.

And where the hell is Tev?

Okay, here, come here.

Hey, listen to me.

They may have been expecting Ari, but who they got is so much greater.

You made everybody in this room realize your strength.

Do you know how much I admire that?


Do you know how rare that is?

I want a man who takes what he wants.

You're exactly what I need.

Thank you.

[phone buzzing]


[buzzing continues]

Just give me a second.


Paige: How's Logan?

You need to go.

It... it's less than an hour to the ceremony.

I understand that, but Logan gave you up.

You're burned.


Briggs: Burned.

Tevan Adamian knows you're DEA.

Soon Toros is gonna know.

You need to get out of there now.




Everything okay?


Yeah, I'm just...

I'm gonna go to the washroom and just freshen up before everything starts.


[cell phone ringing]

[speaks Armenian] Tevan.

Yes, I'm here.

Yes, she's here.

Leaving? No. Why would we go anywhere?

No, we'll be here.

Yes, both of us.

Okay, I look forward to seeing you.


Toros: Paige, I just got a call from Tevan.

He's actually excited to meet you.

How crazy is...



I'm so sorry, Logan.

Mike: Don't move.



Mike: Let me see your hands.

Mike, what are you doing here?

Back away from the body.

Warren, what are you...

Back away.

[Logan coughing]

Agent Warren.

What the hell is this?


Hey, speed up.

I don't want this assh*le to see us coming.

[engine revving]

Sir, are you okay?

No, Warren, I'm not nearly okay.

Agents, stand down.

Mike, you want to tell me what the hell you're doing here?

You put me on Toros so that you could...

So that I could what?

God damn it, Mike, would you please put the g*n away, unless you're gonna sh**t me?

Pull out your cell phone and call Johnny.

Tell him that Paige has been burned.



Her cover is blown, okay?

He needs to stick tight to Toros in case he tries to follow her.

Logan: I didn't go through all this shit for nothing, Warren, do it now.

Johnny's following Ari to arrest him.

What the...

I need a walkie now.

Give it here.

This is Special Agent in Charge Sean Logan.

I am ordering you, do not engage Ari Adamian.

I repeat, do not engage Ari Adamian.

You're kidding me, man.

Can I ask you a question, Mike?

Who's on Toros?



Would you please get the car now?

All right, let's move.



I want you to know that nothing changes.

This still ends with you burning.

Paul, I just got home.

What the hell happened? Call me back.

[dramatic music]

Didn't think I'd come.


Gonna let me in, or... do you want to play more mind games?

[thumping club music]

He's trying to grab the rope.

He's flapping around and whatnot.

You know, so he's kind of like... like a dog, when you grab him up by the collar and he can't breathe, you know what I'm saying?

Then Trina here...

Trina, what was that you said?

She says, "Cut him down. He's strangulating!"


Yeah, I cut him down, all right, right after he shit his pants.

And I still ain't give him the rock neither.

Nothing more fun than a basehead, right?

All right, pal?

Swiggy, I believe you know my friend Dale.

What's up, my brother?

I don't think we formally met.

Right, well, I will leave you to the festivities, my friend.

Cheers. Thanks for the party.

No doubt.

I don't know how you work for that guy.


Yeah, he's right proper scum.

But tonight, this is his boat, and he's your host.

Besides, he's a vital part of this ecosystem.

Without him, none of this exists.

Without him, a lot of stereotypes don't exist.

[camera shutter clicking]

You think I'm having a laugh, but I'm not.

Men like me cleaned bootlegging money from the Micks and created the Kennedys.

The goombahs laundered racket money from the mob and built Vegas.

And Miami, all of this, that's cocaine money from the Latins.

That's what I love about this business.

Doesn't matter where you're from.

Any man can build a kingdom.

What am I doing here?

What are you doing here?

You climb out from the window.

You know what?

I wouldn't even be here, but Tevan called asking for you.

You spoke to Tev?

Yeah, we're supposed to be meeting him outside of the church, like... now.

Can we go?

Toros, I can't.



I'm not Armenian.

I'm not part of your family.

I'm not even in your close circle of friends.

Tev will know that the moment he meets me.

I am an outsider.

I can't be there.

You're an outsider?

That's how you feel? An outsider?

No, look...

I welcomed you in.

I opened the door, and I let you in!

How are you an outsider?

What are you saying to me right now?

That is not what I'm saying.

After all the trust, after all of the things that I told you, that I swear to God I've never told anyone, you left me there in a church by myself.

That is not what... I am so sorry.

I did what I thought was best for you.

I did what I thought was best for us.

Okay, you have to trust me.

Trust you?

Stop bullsh...


Briggs: Come on, Paige, come on, come on, come on.

Voicemail, she's not picking up, man, God damn it!

Bro, can you please drive faster?

[engine revving]


[tires squealing]

Just drive, Mike.

Don't talk to me about trust!

You've been bullshitting me.

Since the very beginning, you've been bullshitting me.

The most important day of my life, and you got me here...
