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03x11 - Unbreakable

Posted: 08/17/15 16:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Liam k*lled my sister, all right? He's an animal, all right? We've got to stop him.

I don't do this because I want to.

I do this because I can't risk anybody else being enhanced.



What's the matter?

My boyfriend still has a superhuman target on his back, and beasts are back in our lives.

No wonder Julianna wanted to capture Vincent so badly.

She thought only a beast could stop a beast.

A superhuman beast, let's not forget.


Sensing a beast again for the first time in a very long time, it made me feel like I used to.

Like what?

Like a predator out for my k*ll.

All right, come on, come on, we got to move fast.

Really? You think I'm choosing this speed?

Yeah, well, I got to keep you moving.

This is crazy. How long you think we can keep this up?

As long as it takes.

No, I'm serious, Vincent.

Look, I've been bounced around from safe house to safe house for days, and since I'm the last serum-enhanced person left on the list, you know it's only a matter of time before Liam finds me.

Okay, I will not let Liam find you, all right?

Right, but aren't you a little more concerned now that you know he's a beast, too?

What do you mean?

I mean... You know what I mean.

You thought we were done with beasts just as much as I did.

Doesn't this bring up issues?

Have you been talking to Catherine?


She might have mentioned something about it.

Well, whatever.

I got caught off guard when I first found out, you know?

I got a little out of control, but it won't happen again.

Still, Liam can get to you in ways no one else can-- primal ways.

Okay, that was before I knew he was a beast.

Besides, I've already proven that I can keep myself from going primal, thank you very much.

Once, maybe.

But I like the confidence, I do.

By the way, any luck finding the gem?

Be nice to keep his beast side in check.

JT, I told you, I went to the dungeon; it's not there.

Are you sure? I-I swore I hid it there.

You didn't. Until you find out where you did hide it, I got to get you somewhere safe, and fast, so Catherine and I can try and figure out how to stop you know who.

(engine starts)

(squeals softly)



How was London?

Ah, Sarah's wedding was awesome.

But I'd hold off on buying her a gift 'cause I don't think the marriage is gonna last.

Oh, crap, I was supposed to pick you up at the airport, wasn't I?


So you owe me 86 bucks in cab fare.

You're a big tipper.

Are you mad?

Well, in the old days, yes, but now that I know everything that you're dealing with...

Beasts?! Shh!


Wait, what's going on?

Did something happen while I was away?

Other than trying to stop a superhuman maniac?

Who also happens to be a beast.

What? You mean Liam?

You mean he's like Vincent?

No, he is not.

But you just said he was...

It's-it's not the same thing.

Liam is a lost cause, he's crossed the primal line, and Vincent hasn't.

But you're worried he could?

No, of course not.


I mean, I wasn't worried, but after we found out about Liam, I think that Vincent is.

I just wish there was a way to put this worry to bed once and for all.

Well, I personally think it's silly that you're worrying about it at all anymore.

You and Vincent have come so far, you're not gonna lose him to that.

Although, I must say, the fact that Liam is a beast might just tie in perfectly with this whole destiny thing.


Well, I looked into your ancestor Rebecca while I was in London, and apparently Alistair wasn't the only beast in 1854-- although the newspapers called them "monsters" back then.

Okay, what does that have to do with...?

Rebecca and Alistair were up against a beast back then when they were engaged, and now here you and Vincent are up against another one-- now, engaged.

Liam: Buy you a cup of coffee?

Or would you prefer to arrest me now?

What are you doing here?

This must be your sister.

It's Heather, right?

Leave her alone, Liam.


What do you want?

I want to talk, in private.

And seeing as how I'm a wanted man, I figured the best way would be for you to arrest me.

Or I could just k*ll everyone here.

Aren't you gonna read me my rights?

You wanted to talk, talk.

Let's wait for Vincent.

He'll be here in a minute.

What makes you say that?

Well, I told him to come.

Not in so many words, of course, but beast to beast.

It's like dog hearing.

You wouldn't understand.

Don't be scared.

If I wanted to k*ll you, Catherine, I would have by now.

Besides, hurting you would only anger Vincent, and I wouldn't want to do that, now, would I?

What do you want?

(growls) Vincent, don't-- not here.

The yin and yang of love.

It's a beautiful thing.

I envy that.

You give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you here, right now.

You think you can?

I don't think so.

But be a hell of a battle, wouldn't it?

And such a waste, too, for perhaps the last two beasts alive.

We have so much in common, you and I.

The last of the pack.

We're nothing alike.

You're a cold-blooded k*ller, Liam.

And you're not?

Tell me, Vincent, how many people have you k*lled?

It's not the same thing.

Vincent doesn't k*ll innocent people.

He doesn't blow hospitals up.

A k*ll is a k*ll.

Just like a beast is a beast.

And let's face it, the only thing keeping him from being more like me is you.

It's a thin line, brother.

That's why I'm here, and why you're gonna want to help me-- to preserve everything you two have together.

What makes you think that we would help you, Liam?

And why would you even need our help?

Not your help, Vincent's.

My client is done answering questions.

Wait, client?

Tess: It's legit, Cat.

We can't hold him. That's impossible.

He's a t*rror1st, he's a wanted man.

Mistaken identity-- happens all the time.

Trust me, Vincent, you're gonna want to help me.

If not for yours and Catherine's sake, then certainly for JT's.

Tess: Look, there's nothing I can do.

The D.A.'s refusing to press charges.

But why?

Did you ever hear of the Ellingsworths?

Yeah, the philanthropists.

One and the same. They are protecting Liam.

They even used their influence to block his extradition to Interpol, so there is no way the D.A. is touching this.

Why would the Ellingsworths protect Liam?

Th-They're saints and he's...

Using them.


And not just to get out of jail.

For something bigger.

Julianna said that he had an end game, right?

And that's what her superhuman experiments were designed to stop. You think that Liam's after the Ellingsworths?

Look, whatever he is after, he is willing to k*ll everything and anything that stands in his way.

Including JT.

Okay, what do we do?

Vincent: It's the only way to find out what he's really up to.

By what, helping him? To what, k*ll people?

Okay, obviously not that, but we can't let the guy keep playing us like this.

He's already playing us, Vincent.

Why else would he let me arrest him knowing full well that he's protected? I don't know, okay?

But we just got to figure out what he wants.

He wants you, Vincent, that's what he wants.

Whether it's to use you, k*ll you or-- I don't know-- form a pack.

For whatever reason, he wants you.

And that worries me, especially after what happened last week.

And I know it worries you, too.

Okay, yes, he caught me off guard, all right?

Completely surprised me.

But I promise you it won't happen again.


Look who I found.


♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x11 ♪
Original Air Date on August 20, 2015

Like I said... you're gonna want to help me.

You think you're fast enough to save him before his neck snaps?

Let's see.



You're slow.

(growls) Vincent, don't!

Why would I help you with anything?

Because you don't want to be exposed as a beast any more than I do.

What are you talking about?

Alton Finn-- remember him?

One of Julianna's experiments?

Yeah, we remember you k*lled him.

Which is something Homeland Security would like to know, too, and why they acquired a vial of his blood.

They discovered certain abnormalities in the serum Julianna used to inject him.

What kind of abnormalities?

The proto-beast DNA kind-- my DNA-- which Julianna used to make her experiments.

Fortunately, DHS hasn't identified it as proto-beast yet, but they will; and when they do, they'll expose me as a beast.

How'd they get your blood?

It's not your concern.

But more importantly, if DHS discovers beasts are alive and well and terrorizing the cities in today's world, all hell will break loose.

For both of us.

For both of us?


Because I made sure DHS acquired some of your blood samples as well-- to tie our fates, and to force you to help me retrieve the samples from the high security lab before all our future plans are lost.

How do we know you're telling us the truth?

Why else would I go through all this?

That's a good question, actually.

Even if he is telling the truth, he certainly doesn't need Vincent's help breaking into DHS. Right.

I could simply lay waste to any agents who stand in my way.

Which makes Vincent the only one who could save them.

And also responsible for them if he doesn't.

Since when do you care about saving innocent lives?

I don't.

Then what's this really all about?

Never mind.

I'll just do it myself.

Thought he'd never leave.



Well, well...

Maybe you're not as domesticated as I thought.

All right, just for the record, if I agree to this, you gotta promise me that you don't hurt Catherine.

Now why would I hurt her?

We can't very well be beast buddies if I harm the love of your life, can we?

I give you my word.

You know it's good.

You can sense lies. Okay.

And JT. You can't touch him, either.

I don't care about him anymore.

He's dying anyway.

What, you can't smell it on him?

Serum poisoning.

Love really is dulling your senses.

Il Cantuccio, 8:00.

If you're not there, I act alone.

Vincent's all right.

Catherine: Really?

Have you forgotten what Liam can do?

No, I meant about the primal stuff.

Liam can't sway him to the beast side, Cat, not anymore.

(door opens)


He even used the front door.

What happened?

Why'd you follow Liam?

Vincent: Liam wasn't bluffing when he said what he'd do if he had to act alone.

Well, still, he is obviously baiting us, baiting you.

Yes, and also threatening us with exposure, which we cannot let happen, or we are screwed.

He is putting us in a corner that we'll never be able to get out of.

Maybe there is.

Look, if I go with him and I help him, I will save agents' lives, I can destroy the blood sample, and who knows?

Maybe even figure out what the hell his end game really is.

His end game is to try to get you to cross the primal line, to destroy you.

Look, he knows that together we are the biggest threat against him doing whatever he's planning on doing to the Ellingsworths, okay?

And I sure as hell want to figure out what that is.

How are you going to do that? He's not gonna just tell you.

He might.

If he thinks that you're on his side.

Something like that.

Look, Catherine, he doesn't know us, okay?

He doesn't know how far we've come, okay?

Otherwise, he would never think he had a chance.

So this gives us the advantage, okay?

Liam thinks that he is playing me, but in reality, I will be playing him.

Look, just trust me, okay?

Trust us.

I do. But we still have to figure out a way to stop him.

And I've gotta somehow convince the Ellingsworths that Liam's playing them, too, so they'll stop protecting him.

That's not gonna stop him, that'll just save them.

Well, maybe the gem will stop him.

And if it doesn't stop him, it'll at least slow him down.

And if I can get Tess to put a strike team together in time, we can catch him breaking into DHS without protection or beastly powers.


I can't remember where I hid the gem.

Well, you'd better, because that's the only thing holding this rickety plan together.

Okay, maybe, uh, JT has bigger things to worry about.

Like serum poisoning?

What are you talking about?

Come on, buddy. You know what I'm talking about.

Liam could sense it on you.

He told me everything.

Yeah, well...

...with everything going on, I didn't want to say anything.

I thought it was all out of my system, but... apparently, it's not.

Oh, JT...

It's okay. It is what it is.

Besides, I still believe somehow, some way, I'm gonna find a way to beat it, but for right now, we need to stop Liam.

Keep him from k*lling anyone else.

And please don't tell Tess.

I don't want her to know, I don't want her to... worry.

Tess: Tell me.

How did Liam even find him? Is JT okay?

Yeah, he's fine.

Considering everything he's been through.

Where's JT now?

He's at home, looking for the gem.

Home? Liam is still after him.

Actually, right now, Liam is more focused on Vincent than JT.

Which is why I have to get to the Ellingsworths.

Get them to stop protecting him.

No. Not as a cop, you can't.


Because their lawyer has filed a harassment claim against you for false arrest.

What? That-that is crazy.

Liam's the one who wanted me to arrest him.

And apparently, he doesn't want you to get to the Ellingsworths either.

Look, Cat, Liam is smart.

Okay? He clearly has a plan. He's playing everybody.

Yeah, well, I like to think I'm pretty smart, too.

I'm gonna have a little chat with Helen Ellingsworth.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm in enough hot water, okay?

Not as a cop.

As a private citizen.

Cat, if she figures out who you are...

It's a risk I'm gonna have to take.

Tess, somebody has got to warn her about Liam.

Maybe you ought to go and help JT look for the gem.

He shouldn't be alone right now.

(knocking, door opens)

Hey, uh, what are you doing here?

Is something wrong?

Yeah, Cat says you can't find the gem, so I'm here to help.

Any luck?

Uh, no, not yet.

Uh, did she say anything else?

Well, just that you're finally off Liam's radar, which is the best news I've heard in a while.

Welcome home.

What's the matter?

Nothing, I'm just... frustrated I can't find the gem, that's all.

I could've sworn I hid it in the dungeon, but checking calendars, password folders, hoping I wrote something down, but I don't believe that I can't remember.

Okay. Okay, just relax.

Give yourself a break.

Do you remember the last time you had it?

Uh... after Cat used it on Gabe.

She gave it to me to hold onto. All right.

Do you remember where? She brought it here and then I put it...

In the dungeon?

No. I was going to, but I couldn't drive yet, so...

I put it in a safe deposit box.

(exhales) See how easy that was?


Which one is it?

Not a clue.

(indistinct talking, laughing)

Right on time.

♪ She put your toys away ♪
♪ You carry them Let the games begin. ♪
♪ You leave with the dogs... ♪

Are we gonna go inside?

I didn't realize it would be invite only at their museum party, or that they'd have so much security.

Well, downside to being billionaires, I guess, even charitable ones.

People try to hurt you.

Yeah, and superhuman beasts, too.

I have to get in there and convince Helen Ellingsworth that Liam's a fraud, tonight.

I say we just stick to the plan.

Use my PR credentials to get in.

After all, it is a charity event.

More publicity equals more donations.

It's totally worth a try.

I don't have time to try. I have to get in there now.

Otherwise, this whole plan falls apart and Vincent is left on his own with Liam.

Are you still worried about Vincent?


Look, I don't want to be worried about him crossing the primal line.

I want to believe that I'm past all that.

But Liam is luring Vincent.

It's so hard not to worry.

He has never been tested like this before.

Well, bright side, what better way to find out you're really past all of it once and for all?

♪ She said a diamond wouldn't hurt... ♪
♪ Free me ♪
(indistinct chatter)

♪ Free me from my... ♪

(sighs) And game.

You used beast vision.

(chuckles) No, I didn't.

Yeah, your eyes glowed. I saw 'em.

No, they did not. But you should have.

You should use every sense and every power that you got, Vincent.

I mean, why hold back?

Why deny yourself? (chuckles)

Come on. That's all you got? That's your best pitch?

No. Actually, I'm just getting started.

(phone rings)

You better get that.

Might be the little lady calling to tighten your leash.


Hey, it's me. Are you all right?

Yeah, don't worry about me.

Did you get in?

No, that's why I'm calling. It's gonna take me longer than I thought. You've got to stall Liam.

Don't let him break into DHS until I get to Helen Ellingsworth.

Look, I don't think that...

Time to go.

I'll call you back. I'm leaving.

After you.

(indistinct chatter)


Ooh. Sorry.

(indistinct chatter)

(grunts, exhales)



You're sure you don't have the master key?

I'm sure.

What is all this?

What? Zinc, flavonoids, oil of oregano, what?

Is this to boost your immune system?

No. Those are... from before.

Old. Y-You can toss 'em.

JT, is there something you're not telling me?

No. Why?

'Cause the trash is full of bloody tissues, that's why.


Here it is. I got it.

I was right.

How about that?


You're charting your blood pressure again.

And don't tell me that it's old.

Because it's marked every day this week, every hour.

What's going on?


I'm a hypochondriac, remember?

Look, we-we're on the clock.

You-you'll need this for when Vincent and Liam come out of DHS.

We can talk later.

No. I want to talk about it now.

But I don't! So just go, will you?

Are you serious?!


That's DHS over there.

So, what are we doing up here?

We can't very well walk through the front door, can we?

I mean, I guess we could. Be easier.

But innocent lives and all.

Just tell me the plan, please.

Shift change is on the half hour.

Should give us just enough time to rip open the roof access, drop down in the back corridor, and get in and out of the secure vault with the blood samples before anyone notices.

So, how are we supposed to get on the roof?

We jump.

Come on, you're-you're kidding me, right?

No, I'm not.

That's a jump you should easily be able to make.

Although you may have to dig a little deeper.

Tap into your inner beast.

Of course, you're gonna have to let go of a certain tie that binds first.

I will never let go of her.

Then you won't be able to make the jump then.

And people will die.

You're one depraved guy-- you know that?


I'm a beast, Vincent.

Just like you are.

Just like you used to be before love polluted every fiber of your primal being.

It's not natural.

What would you know about love, Liam?

I know enough to know that it doesn't last.

It tempts, it seduces, it promises.

And then it betrays, and all that's left is who you were before.

And who you should've been true to all along.

We hunt, we k*ll, we move on.

That's who we are, Vincent.

And nothing or nobody can change that.


You obviously had your heart trampled all over, huh?

You want to know what I'm really up to?

Why I met Julianna in the first place?

What I want with the Ellingsworths?

The only chance you have of knowing and saving lives... is by following me.

Liam: Hobson's choice, brother.

Either follow me and risk losing your love, or stay put and risk losing lives.



Let's get to work.

(classical music playing)

(indistinct chatter)

Helen: Senator, thank you so much for your donation, and I want you to know 100% of the proceeds go directly to the school, we take no overhead.

Oh, I have to take this call.

Forgive me.

Liam won't answer.

He's too busy breaking into the Department of Homeland Security.

Who are you?

Someone who is trying to protect you from Liam.

I'm sorry to bother you, but time is of the essence.

Oh, more so for you than me.

Security will be here in less than 30 seconds.

Whatever Liam told you about himself, it's a lie.

He's a wanted man, not just in our country but in others, too.

That's old news.

He had his passport and his identity stolen, but the authorities have cleared him, so...

Okay, wait, just... see for yourself.

Every file, every crime that he has committed is on this drive.

Please, just... just look at it.

Why are you trying to persecute him?

Because he has insinuated himself into your family, Mrs. Ellingsworth.

Why? I don't know.

But I can guarantee that it's to hurt you.

Hurt me?

Liam saved me. He saved our family.

He single-handedly stopped a hostile take-over that would've left us bankrupt and, along with it, all the good we do in the world.

Liam is a savior.

No, he is a monster.

He's my brother.


No! Please, Mrs. Ellingsworth, listen to me!

Just.. listen to me, please!

I shouldn't have to bail out my own detective, you know?

I was detained, not arrested.

Yeah, by the Ellingsworths, who then called the chief, who then called me.

Do you have any idea how bad that looks?

He is trying to hurt them, Tess.

I understand that, but Helen Ellingsworth is convinced that Liam is her brother.

Half-brother, who she apparently only met four years ago.

To a shared father, who suspiciously died before he could say it was a lie.

Liam passed a DNA test.

That I am already having JT try to debunk.

He's hacking into the lab.

Is that what he's hiding from me?

Look, Tess, we're running out of time, okay?

Vincent and Liam are probably breaking into DHS as we speak.

Look, Heather, I'm sorry, but there is no "we" here, okay?

You're a civilian. You really should not be a part of this.

Well, I am, and not just because I'm Cat's sister, but because I'm a part of the whole destiny thing, too, you know.

Oh, yeah? Well, be careful, okay? Because your sister, I'll suspend. You, I'll arrest.

Move. (scoffs)

Tess, listen to me, if I can prove to Helen Liam's not her brother, she'll stop protecting him and we can bust him.

You got the gem, right?

Yes, but Liam still has a get out of jail free card.

And if Vincent is breaking into DHS with him, how do I not bust him, too?

I can't worry about Vincent.

I mean, I can't worry about Vincent being with Liam-- about losing him to his beast side.

I've got to let this go.

I can't keep defining my life by protecting him anymore.

We're supposed to be past all that, right?

And it might give you a better chance at saving him than Rebecca had saving Alistair.

I mean, didn't you say that one of the main reasons why the beast of 1854 was able to expose Alistair and get him k*lled was because Rebecca tried too hard to protect him?

Yeah, somebody's got to break that chain.


Congratulations, now can we time warp back to today?

What am I supposed to do?

Just stick with the plan, it's already in motion, right?

Get the gem, assemble SWAT, and we'll capture Liam the moment he comes out of DHS.

This will blow up in our faces if Helen Ellingsworth can still protect Liam.

She won't.

Liam is not her relative and I am going to prove it.

Liam: We'll have two minutes before they circle back.

You did your homework.

Got a lot at stake.

We both do.

You know, we never discussed what happens after we destroy the blood samples.

You know I can't just let you go through whatever it is you're planning.

We'll see.

You'll either be with me or against me.

You can't possibly think that I'd actually team up with you.

Why not? You're teaming up with me now, aren't you?

Admit it, Vincent, part of you felt good making that jump.

A part you've been suppressing, but to what end?

Love? That won't last.

Speak for yourself.

I'm speaking for you because I know better. Because I've been around longer, been a beast longer.

And this-- who you are, who you really are-- that will last.

Great. And if I don't team up with you?

I'll destroy you.

Then I'll destroy her.

That pisses you off, doesn't it?

Makes you want to k*ll me.

Good, that's real. That's you.

Let's just get this over with.

Sure thing.

Electromagnetic lock, lab's on the other side.

The only problem is even I can't get into there.

We're gonna have to work together.

They're gonna be here any second.

Either we both go primal on this door, or I go primal on them.

Let's go.

Come on. Push!

(grunting, growling)

We did it.

JT: Okay, here we go.

This is Liam's DNA test.

According to the lab report, Liam and Helen match on every one of the genome markers tested.

Meaning there's a 98% chance they're siblings. Sorry.

There has to be something wrong. Liam is a beast.

Well, hey, can't you check for that?

I can... I can try.

This doesn't make sense.

Liam's not only a beast, he's also superhuman and he became that way for a reason, a reason that has gotten a lot of innocent people k*lled over a lot of years, which is the last thing any Ellingsworth would ever do.

So, who the hell is this guy?

Holy crap.

What? What is it?

Uh, hi-his markers-- I don't think they're sibling traits.

I think they're hereditary.

Liam's not Helen Ellingsworth's brother, he's her ancestor.

What the hell are you talking about?

I-I don't know how else to explain it.

But that's impossible, isn't it?

What, Liam being 200 years old? Yeah.

But there it is.

Oh, my God.

I knew he looked familiar, but look.


No, uh, maybe.

That's a photo from an old London newspaper.

But that's who Rebecca was engaged to before Alistair, and the chief suspect of their murders.

So Liam is the beast from 1854?

If you compare mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from a common ancestral mother, it's a perfect match with Helen.

Except in Liam's case, his autosomal markers show he's several generations removed.

English, please?

Okay, in English or in any other language, Liam's 200 years old. Ish.

But that's crazy.

Uh, no, not really.

Life spans vary in every species.

Whales can live over 200 years.

Giant tortoises, too.

I mean, who knows how long beasts live?

Too long in Liam's case.

It explains why he's so cocky at least.

Why he's been able to pull all of this off.

Imagine how much he's learned, what he knows.

Yeah, but he also seems like a creature of habit.

I mean, he's doing to you and Vincent what he tried to do to Rebecca and Alistair.

Divide and conquer.

Another chain we have to break.

What, where are you going?

To warn Vincent-- he doesn't know what he's up against.

Well, make sure Vincent doesn't let Liam destroy the blood samples.


Because those samples are the best way to stop him.

Liam's not just worried DHS will expose him as a beast, he's worried they'll find out he's a 200-year-old freak.

Seriously, they'd Area 51 his ass in a nanosecond, lock him up and dissect the hell out of him.

So if we have the blood samples, we have leverage over him.

You didn't give DHS my blood samples, did you?

Oh, y-you sure they're not here?

Okay, I lied.

Thanks for helping me find Alton's blood.

And thanks for helping me contaminate it.

This it?

This where it all goes down?

You can't beat me, Vincent.

It's su1c1de.

Well, obviously, you think Catherine and I can.

Otherwise, why lure me into this crap, huh?

Why separate us?

Because I'm too close to ending my endless suffering.

And I'm not about to risk letting anything stop me now.

You are-- you're afraid of us.

Don't you want to end your suffering, too?

The never-ending struggle to keep yourself from losing it, beasting out?

You're holding back, Vincent.

Just... let... go.

Love can't save you, nothing can.

This is our fate, this is who we are.

And you can't save yourself any more than you can save Catherine.


Tess, we got to get inside.

No, we can't-- Liam hasn't come out, yet.

It doesn't matter-- we've got to stop him before he destroys the blood or Vincent.

(alarm sounds)


Oh, damn it. Let's go.

Let's go, move, move. Move.

Team three around back.


Move, move, move.

Hold back, hold back.

(alarm continues)

You can stay here and try to explain your way out of this.

May be a little tricky considering your current state.

Or you could stop fighting it and fighting me.

Last chance, Vincent.

You're either with me or against me.

On my signal.

Go. Police! Don't move.

Move, move move!

Police! Don't move! NYPD!

Left side clear! Right side's clear!

Room clear!

(alarm sounding)

Cat, where's Vincent?

I don't know.

Welcome, brother.

You made the right choice.

I know.

So JT is 100% positive it's the same guy?

No, not 100%.

Not until he tests Liam's blood himself.

Still, if it walks like a beast and talks like a beast.

Cheers. Cheers.

Well, this Liam guy really is full of surprises, isn't he?

He does have a knack for that.

It's hard to believe this is all real, isn't it?

Yeah, and on the bright side, this means that I might live to be 200 years old.

Great, but you'll be a widower.

But that is a tomorrow problem. Mm.

For now, all that matters is that you're home safe and that no one else got k*lled.

Well, I'm still worried about Liam.

He's still out there, and the Ellingsworths are still protecting him.

Maybe you ought to try telling Helen.

That Liam is her ancestor? How?

He destroyed the blood samples, and besides, I highly doubt that she would believe that.


Did you figure out what Liam wants with them?

No. No, but I can sense revenge.

Specifically what or how, I don't know, but it certainly drives the guy.

Because Rebecca rejected him all those decades ago?

What's the connection? Well, maybe none.

You know, I get the feeling that his pain precedes Rebecca.

It's more primal or something.

If it was my guess, I would say it has to do with his family.

Well, according to the their genealogy, if it's the same kid, they abandoned him and put him in an orphanage.

Probably after they found out what his other half really was.

Even so, Helen's not responsible for what her relatives may have done back in the 1800s.

Fruit of the poisoned tree.

Who knows?

Well, we've got to figure it out soon, because now that Liam knows he can't turn you, he's gonna have to escalate whatever he's planning.

Now, that is a tomorrow problem.

Do you want to go, uh, maybe take a walk?

Yeah, sure.

Um, hey, can you do me a favor? If Tess calls, let me know.

She went to go see JT. I want to make sure she's okay.

Yeah. Thank you.



Why didn't you tell me?

Why would you hide this from me?

I didn't want to worry you.


It is. Go on, tell me why.

I guess I just don't want to be weak around you, okay?

I don't. I mean, let's face it.

You started liking me, really started liking me, when you thought I was...


Yeah. That's-that's crazy.

I never cared... What is the matter with you?

What's the matter with me?

I'm dying, Tess.

Look, maybe, but I never cared about that, never.

I love you.

I never cared about whether you could hit a bull's-eye, or see without your glasses, or leap tall buildings, never.

I care about you. I love you.


I love you, too, okay?

(crying): Then don't push me away when you're hurting, okay?


Okay. Okay.

(sniffles) Look, it's not like this is the first time we've gone through this. (sighs)

I thought I lost you once, and I didn't.

You were saved.

Yeah, by the very same serum that's k*lling me now.

I've gone over and over again.

The same T-cells that accelerated my healing are now accelerating... JT, we'll figure it out.

I can't lose you.

Come on, how worried were you, really?

I told you, only at first.

I knew that you'd be tested, and that I'd have no control over it.

Yeah, well, it was the first time the test involved a beast.

And not just any beast.

I know.

And then I started to think that it was a test for me, too.

To see if I could... be myself.

Not make all my choices based on worrying about it all the time, worrying about you.

Come on, you don't worry about me anymore?


I mean, now I'm worried about you outliving me by a few hundred years.

How about you? Were you worried?

You know what? No.

That's what I wanted to tell you.

Neither of us have to worry about that anymore.

So, Liam did us a favor trying to tear us apart.

He made us stronger.

That's not the only favor that he did us.

You know, he tipped his hand.

If he was so afraid of us stopping him together, then, we know that means that we can.

Yeah, we just have to figure out how.

It can't be a coincidence that the beast who k*lled Rebecca and Alistair is back in our lives, can it?

Either way, we can't let history repeat itself.