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03x10 - Patient X

Posted: 08/10/15 01:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Liam sent you.

Who is Liam?

Julianna: He tricked me into making him superhuman.

And I have been trying to figure out how to stop him, and now you have to.

Quickly, go!

(alarm sounds)

Where'd he go?

He's gone.

Liam's going after more victims.

What are you talking about?

There aren't any more victims.

Yeah, well, try telling that to Liam's hit man, okay?

Get this-- I just tracked him to Alton Finn.


But the serum isn't even in him anymore.

I know-- which means that Liam's now going after anyone who's had the serum in them.

♪ Ain't got a clue about ♪
♪ Why I drive this road ♪
♪ I got no clue ♪
♪ Pack my suitcase ♪
♪ Hurt my baby ♪

(door opens)

♪ I got no clue ♪

Hey, hey, sorry I'm late.

I had to go check in on Alton, make sure he's okay.

Of course. How is he?

Scared-- you know, another minute, and Liam's hired g*n would have drained enough blood to put him into hypovolemic shock Well, it's a good thing you got to him in time.

And a good thing that you did not listen to me.

(scoffs) Would you stop beating yourself up about that, okay?

Wanting DHS back on the case, it made all the sense in the world.

Especially after what Liam did to our wedding.

Yeah, still, I was wrong-- it is our responsibility to stop Liam.

And forgetting that almost cost Heather and JT their lives.

Oh, listen to me.

We are a team, okay?

And there is no easy answer here.

Which is why sometimes you rely on me, and sometimes I rely on you.

And since I've been a little bit behind on that front, this time you get to rely on me, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Now what's all this stuff?

DHS files, our files.

I'm trying to profile Liam.

Figure out who he really is so that we can find him.

What's there to know?

Julianna turned him into some superhuman k*ller-- unfortunately, that's all he is.

Well, if we can figure out why he's k*lling, what his endgame is, it might help us to track him.

Look, I'm gonna track him way before he gets to his endgame, okay?

As good as he is at covering his tracks, k*lling anything and everything that's been enhanced.

Which is why we're protecting JT and Alton, I know.

But, okay, look at this.

Three hospice bombings.

All since Liam came to the city.

Okay, what's that got to do with him?

Maybe nothing, but it matches the same type of targeted attack in four of the countries that Liam was in before he came to New York.

I'm just saying-- his M.O. is to hide, cover up his superhuman tracks and enhanced blood, right?

So maybe these bombings are connected somehow.

Maybe he's looking for somebody else.

Look, with all due respect, we tried tracking him the police way, it didn't work out, all right?

But I'm gonna go get changed, get back out there and track him my way.

Vincent, I am telling you, something tells me...

Look, we know what he wants now, okay?

JT and Alton.

It means he's probably out there stalking them somehow, which means I can pick up his trail, okay?


Just trust me this time, okay?



Hey, JT, you all right?

No, I'm not all right.

This is like bad déjà vu.

Can't believe I'm under police protection again.

Mind if I use your restroom?


Look, just hang in there, okay?

We're gonna get Liam, buddy.

Great, when?

Because I just got an e-mail from my dean saying he needs my tenure package tonight.

Okay, look.

I'm gonna go track Liam right now.

Please tell me you had some luck on those blood tests.

No, nothing.

There's no trace of enhanced serum in either my blood or Alton's.

Which means it doesn't make any sense why Liam is still after us.

Well, maybe he just doesn't know, you know?

He wants to make sure.

Or maybe he knows something about the serum that I don't, and I'm just missing it.

Wait, why'd you say you got that e-mail?

What do you mean?

Well, you're still on sabbatical, right?


So why the sudden tenure rush?

I don't know.

D-Do you think it's a trap?

To lure you out in the open, yeah, possibly.

Buddy, this could be the break that we're looking for.

But why don't you give Alton a call, see if he can help figure out why Liam's still after your blood, okay?

Okay, but what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna make sure Liam's little trap works.

Woman: Dr. Davis, telephone, please...

Dr. Davis, telephone, please.

(phone rings)


It's okay.

Still alive, are you, JT?

JT: So far.

Looks like we're the last of the Mohicans, Alton.

How are you feeling?

I'm still a pint low, I think, but I'm getting there.

As long as that bloodsucker doesn't get me again.

Yeah, uh, about that-- um... are you, you know, still getting any... symptoms, by any chance?

What kind of symptoms?

From the serum.

But I thought you said it all got transfused out of me during my operation.

It did, or at least I think it did.

Just like I thought it was all out of me.

Wait, isn't it?

I don't know. I mean, yeah, according to all my tests, but I just wish I knew what was going on.

I'm getting a little cabin fever here.

Plus, I got a girl I'm trying to patch things up with, and SWAT's kind of cramping my style, if you know what I mean.

No, I get it, believe me.

So, then... no superhuman relapses, right?

No, uh, delusions of grandeur or weird headaches, shorting stuff out with your brain?

Nope, nope, none of that. Just, um... a few nosebleeds, that's all.


Yeah, but the doctors think it's probably just a reaction to the attack.

Wait, you don't think it's a serum symptom, do you?

No, no, I-I don't think so.

I mean, I'm not getting any, so how could it?

I just wish I knew why the hell that maniac's still after us.

Who are you?

You're not the regular doctor.


I'm just checking on your oxygen t*nk, making sure it's full.

How are you feeling?

Still pretty achy from the surgery, I guess.

I'll take care of that for you.

There's nothing worse than suffering.

Thank you.

(sirens wail in distance)



Don't sh**t, please. I didn't mean anything.

Who the hell are you?

Jason. I'm Jason, I'm just a student.

Okay, do you want to explain what you're doing here, Jason, sneaking up on people?

I wasn't. I mean...

Some guy, he paid me 100 bucks to come here, said Professor Forbes was in on it.

In on what?

I don't know. The prank, I guess.

Okay, go.

Get out of here, go.


All right, well, obviously Liam set us up, made us believe that he was after JT.

(phone rings)

So he could go after Alton instead.

Tess, hey, I was just about to call you.

You have to move Alton.

Liam's going after him now.

He already got him, Cat.

He didn't just get Alton, either.

He k*lled a lot of innocent people to get to him, Cat.

Including cops.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x10 ♪
Patient X
Original Air Date on August 13, 2015

I doubled up on SWAT, but I'm still worried about JT.

You should be. He isn't safe, not from this. Liam doesn't care how many innocent people he kills to get what he wants. He's inhuman.

I got to move him.

Yeah, and fast.

Okay. Be careful.

You, too.

I'll call you.


I haven't seen anything like this in a long time.

That makes two of us.

It looks like a w*r zone to me.

Vincent, I'm scared.

How are we gonna stop this?

We will stop it.

Okay? We have to. I... I will stop it.

But how?

We can only protect JT for so long. Liam is a monster.

I know, but there's something about him, something that I can't put my finger on.

I just know that we can take him down somehow.

Are you sensing something?

Yeah, I'm just not sure what, exactly.

You know, you might be right about those hospice bombings being connected.

Why do you say that?

Thermite expl*sive... according to your files, is the same used in all the hospice bombings, right?

You read my files?

You said that investigating this like a police case wouldn't help.

Right now, I don't care about that.

I just want to catch the guy.

Well, if the bombings are connected, that means that maybe JT isn't the only target.

What, you think Julianna maybe had another experiment that we don't know about?

Maybe. And if so, it could lead us to Liam.

Okay, good, good.

You go, go check it out, see what you find.

Okay. What are you gonna do?

Look, this guy is good at covering his tracks, but something tells me I can track him down.

I can feel it.

Just trust me, okay?


SWAT Officer: Let's go!

JT: Wait, hold on!

Move, move, move!

(officers shouting)


Hold on.

Ow. Okay, okay.



All right, let's go, let's go!

(siren wailing)

What the hell is going on?

I'm saving your life, that's what's going on.

Next time, answer your phone if you want a heads up.

Liam got Alton, didn't he?

Yeah, he did.

But he's not getting you.

(speaking indistinctly)

(phone rings)



Vincent, are you all right?


I am. Sorry. I, uh...

I was just finally picking something up on Liam.

Well, that's good, right?

Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's just... it's different, you know?

It's like...

I don't know.

It's-it's like I'm...

I'm channeling him or something.

What do you mean?

I don't know, but something's going on.

How about you?

You find anything?

Patient X.


Yeah, I kept skipping over it in Julianna's files because there wasn't a name attached to it.

I just assumed that it was part of a control group, but now I think that Patient X was the first victim that Julianna experimented on.

Okay, but why no name?

I don't know.

Maybe she was trying to protect him for some reason.

Okay, well, that makes sense, right, if he's an experiment since they all ultimately die if the serum's not removed.

It might explain the hospice connection, too.

Yeah, and why Liam's after him.

A John Doe just checked into a hospice in Queens with nosebleeds, possibly leukemic, but... his symptoms don't exactly fit the profile.

Okay, well, what does your gut say?

Go to Queens.

That's my girl, right?

Just please be careful, okay?

Because if you're right about Liam, then he could be right behind you.

Yeah, well, if you're right, you'll be right behind him.

(chuckles) Any idea how we're gonna stop him?

Hey, I haven't found a superhuman experiment that I can't stop yet, have I?

Still, I wish we knew who Liam really was, what he can do.

Well, it's your turn to trust my gut on this one, okay?



Liam: There's nothing worse than suffering.

I'll take care of that for you.


(crickets chirping)



This is the best safe house you can come up with?

Hey, next time date a Fed.

They have a bigger budget.

All right, you guys can take off.

I don't want to attract any attention, okay?

We'll be in radio contact if you need us, Captain.


(hums softly)


Are you out of your mind?


The bedspread. Do you realize how many germs are on that thing?

Oh, my God. I love it.

You're being chased by Liam the Serum Slayer, and you're worried about the bedspread?

(chuckles) That's the JT I know and love.


Calm down. I just meant as a friend.


(sighs) Relax, will you?

Turn on the TV.

We may be here a while.

"We"? Shouldn't you be off, you know, helping Cat and Vincent find Liam?

No, not after what he did to Alton.

You're his last target.

I got to protect you until they can figure out how to stop him.


Now relax.

(train horn blowing)


I can't. I'm worried.

JT, I already told you.

I'm gonna be...

Not about getting k*lled.

Uh, I mean, yeah, I am worried about getting k*lled, but...

I'm also worried about...


Why Liam wants to k*ll me, why he even wanted to k*ll Alton.

Doesn't he know there's no serum left in me?

Apparently not.

Wait, you're not having symptoms again, are you?

No. Nothing.

Which is why I don't understand what the hell I'm doing here.

You're driving me crazy-- that's what you're doing.

Now turn on the TV and be quiet.



Don't be scared.

Who are you?

What do you want?

I want to help you.

I want to protect you from Liam.

What are you doing?

If you can find me, so can he.

You can't keep running.

I don't have a choice.

Yes, you do.

I am your choice.

No, you can't protect me.

Not from him.

Your nose is bleeding.

(groans) Damn it.

Not again.

Is that a symptom of Julianna's serum?

How'd you know about that?

Wait, you knew my sister?


You're Julianna's brother?


Russell Keaton.

Why would she experiment on you?

She didn't.

I injected myself to protect her from him.

Look, two years ago, Liam came to her, claiming to be suffering from some kind of rare neurological disease. He knew that she'd been experimenting on cell regeneration on a evolutionary scale, and he tricked her into experimenting on him.

So she didn't want to turn him into a...

What, a monster?

No, she was trying to help him, save him. She didn't know what she was really dealing with or who he really was.

Which is what?

I don't know.

Julianna wouldn't tell me.

She just wanted to protect me from him.

And then she became obsessed with trying to find a way, any way with trying to stop him.

So you wanted to stop him for her.

Yeah. Except it didn't work on me like it did for her other experiments.

And now Julianna's gone, and...

I'm next.

But I'm not gonna quit trying to find a way to stop that son of a bitch before it's too late.

Get down!


What are you doing here?

I'm more concerned about what you're doing here.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Who's he?

Any sign of Liam?

No, did you track him here?


We need to leave now. Go! Go!

(coughing) Are you okay?

That was close.

We got to get you out of here.


He's nearby.

I know it.

Forget Liam.

We got to save Russell.

Let's go.

As far as we know, Liam thinks he succeeded, that he got Russell.

Yeah, maybe.

But I think underestimating him at this point is a big mistake.

Agreed. But I don't think that even he would attack the precinct, so we're gonna keep you here until we know one way or the other.

Good. I'll go back out and trail Liam.

Wait, how are you gonna do that?

Same way I always do.

So you're one of my sister's experiments, too?


I'm just...

He's very good at tracking.
Have a seat.

Are you hungry?

Uh, no, I'm-I'm fine.

Do you need a tissue?

It's the serum.

She means I'm dying.

I only wish it had the same effect on Liam.

I don't know why he's not dying, too.

Did Julianna use the same serum on him?

No, but it had some of the same properties.

Which is why I assume he could do what he could do.

And yourself? Are you...

What, superhuman?

(scoffs) I wish.

How much do you know about Liam?

Only as much as Julianna did and for the same reason: to try to k*ll him.

A man after my own heart.

Okay, Russell, listen.

I need to know everything that you know about him.

Because I want to k*ll him just as much as you do.


You call Tess.

You get her on the move.

If he thinks he's got Russell, then JT is next.

Vincent, wait...

Just hurry, okay?

Man: The helpless zebra runs.

But it can't outlast the powerful lion who only has eyes for the k*ll.


That's enough, that's enough.

Hey! I was enjoying that!

That's because you're not the zebra.


What do you mean what?

Come on, that's like exactly what I'm going through right now-- don't you even see that?

Come on, it's a TV show.

No, it's not!

That's real!

The... Just like this is.

I can't believe this is happening right now.

(cell phone ringing)

Hey, is everything okay?

Catherine: Maybe not.

Vincent thinks you should keep moving.

"Moving"? Why?

What's wrong? What's... what-what's going on?


Is Liam after JT?

Long story, but we found another target who's been able to stay alive by constantly moving, so move.

Okay, where?

Um, maybe across water, make it harder for Liam to track.

Staten Island, the abandoned brewery?

Okay, all right. Got it.

What's happening?

We're leaving, Zebra, that's what's happening. Let's go.

Okay, every other experiment started with something, something that your sister's serum amplified, okay?

So what was Liam's?

I don't know, I-I just know he wasn't like the others. He was different.

Different how? This is what I'm trying to figure out.

I said I don't know, okay?

He's not normal, that's all I do know.

And that's why he went to Julianna for help, and after she did, he tried to k*ll her.

Okay, well, this is not helping me stop him, Russell.

If I knew how to stop him, don't you think I would've done that myself by now? (coughs)

Are you all right?

No, I'm not all right.

How's JT?

They're moving to the abandoned brewery on Staten Island.

Okay, good.

Across water, that's smart.

That buys me more time to try and find him.

Find him?

I'm telling you, you can't keep trying to play catch-up, you barely saved me in time.

Yeah, well, I'm getting close, I can feel it.

And like you said, he's cocky. Predators never think they're the prey, which is to my advantage.

Vincent, I don't know how to explain it, but I have a bad feeling about this. I think we need to know more about what we're up against before...

All we need to know is that we're running out of time.

We take the fight to Liam before it gets to JT.

But even if you find him, how the hell are you gonna stop him?

I will stop him. Trust me.


Sorry, we only have a vending machine.

Have you heard from Vincent yet?


Okay, wh... what if he can't find Liam?

Okay? What if he can't stop him?

Vincent knows what he's doing, believe me.

Then why did you say you had a bad feeling about this, Detective?

Okay? I-I'm dying.

And without those meds that Julianna made to keep me alive, I-I don't have much time and I'll be damned if I die before Liam does.

I understand what you're going through...

No, you don't.

You can't.

All right?

Liam k*lled my sister, all right? He's an animal, we got to stop him, do you understand? We can't just sit here and hope that-that Dr. Keller's gonna... just gonna somehow find him, that-that's crazy.

We can't just sit here, we have to do something.


Here, drink this.

Russell, what are you doing?

Sit down, cuff yourself to the table.


Okay, okay.

What now?


Now I make sure Liam knows I'm still alive.

Russell, that's su1c1de.

Maybe, but at least you and Vincent will know exactly where to find Liam.

Help. Somebody, stop him.

JT: This is getting worse and worse.

Where to next, the sewers?

If that's what it takes.



(sighs) I don't suppose I could just tell Liam there's no serum left in me and he'd just leave me alone.

Yeah, he seems like the kind of guy you can just talk to.

Which makes me nothing but a sitting duck and this a waste of time.

Will you quit complaining?

I don't like this any better than you do.

Yeah, well, you can go, I can't.

Look, I already told you, I'm not letting anything happen to you, all right?

No, I'm serious, Tess.

You got me here and I appreciate it, but you've risked enough.

You got to get out of here.

This is not your problem.

I'm not leaving you alone.

But you have to, damn it.

A superhuman k*ller is after me, not you.

Now, I'm not gonna pretend like I'm not scared to death, but you know what scares me even more?

The thought that something might happen to you.

Especially because of me.

Listen, the thought of something happening to you scares me, also.

There is no way that I'm leaving you here alone, so just get over it.

You're stubborn, you know that?

Yeah, well, we have that in common.

And you still love me, don't you?



You're not just saying that because I might be dead soon?

No, idiot, it's 'cause it's true.

And if I have anything to say about it, you won't be dead soon, so stop with the martyr act.

Does this mean... we're back together?

Russell: Hey.

Are you JT?

Who are you?

The other target.

Then what are you doing here?

Making sure Liam comes after us.

Tess isn't answering.

They're here, somewhere.

Liam's here. I just can't figure out if he tracked JT or Russell.

But we drove here, how are you tracking him?

I'm not.

I don't know.

I can't explain it, okay?

But there is something familiar about him. It's like...

It's like I can constantly sense him or something.

What do you think that means?

I don't know.

All that matters is, he's here.

And he's on the hunt. Come on.

Okay, just out of curiosity, how are we stopping him again?

sh**t him, stagger him, then I'll go in for the k*ll.

The k*ll? Vincent.

What? What, do you want to arrest him?

Ideally, yes, but...

Okay, well, that's never gonna work, okay?

Tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to this.


Listen, you're scaring me.

Yes, he's a monster, but this isn't like you.

Maybe how you used to be, when we first met, but not anymore.

Catherine, he is different, okay? Forget the fact that he destroyed our wedding, but he is out to k*ll and JT is next if I don't stop him.


Let... go.

Vincent will follow you, you know.

That's the point.

He said that he can handle Liam and I'm counting on it.

You get nosebleeds, too?


That's why I'm doing this.

I don't have much time.

I'm sorry, but Liam has to be stopped.

Whoa, whoa, what do you mean you don't have much time-- because of the serum?

Yeah, why?

(Russell coughs)


Vincent, wait.

Run. Find Vincent. Go!

All due credit, Keaton.

You've been a hard man to find.

Go to hell.

Where do you think I've been?


(crunching, squishing)

Vincent: JT!

Think Liam's dead?

No. Let's go!


Catherine: Russell.


Russell: Go!


He didn't get Tess or JT.

(Vincent sighs)

Vincent, wait!

I know why it feels familiar!

Do you think we're okay?

Who knows?

Just keep moving.

Where the hell is Vincent?

Tess, I'm begging you, get out of here!

He's not after you!

Shut up! He'll hear you.

Tess, please...

(phone chimes)

Could be Cat. Shut up.


(phone chimes)

What'd she say?

Okay, they're close.

Come on.

Hey, guys.

Please, please, don't hurt her.

Let her go.

She has nothing to do with this.

JT, relax.

I don't do this because I want to.

I do this because I can't risk anybody else being enhanced.


I have bigger fish to fry.

Get out of here! Go!


JT: What are you waiting for? sh**t him!

I can't get a clear shot.

Get him!




You're a beast.



Surprise, surprise.



What the hell?

(growling continues)


(Liam growling)

(Vincent groaning)


Catherine: Vincent!

Are you all right?


(panting) Oh. Well, this changes everything, doesn't it?


See ya.

Wait. Wait.

You can't do this on your own.

We have to trust each other now.

(footsteps approaching)

What's the matter?

Are you kidding?

Now I have heat on me to solve the hospice bombings and the brewery, my boyfriend still has a superhuman target on his back, and beasts are back in our lives.

Boyfriend, huh?

That's a good sign.

Really? That's what you focus on in all that?

Cat, why did I tell myself we were past all this beast crap?

You weren't the only one, believe me.

No wonder Julianna wanted to capture Vincent so badly.

She thought only a beast could stop a beast.

A superhuman beast, let's not forget.


So, are you guys really back together?

I think so.

I mean, JT changed. He really started caring more about what I needed from him, but I still wasn't sure until I realized I just...

I didn't want to leave his side, no matter what.

That's romantic.

It's actually suicidal, given Liam's still after him.

That reminds me.


The next safe house is ready by now.

(sighing): I got to go move him again.

Tess, this will end, I promise you.

How, I don't know yet, but... but it will.

And in a good way, too, for both of us.




Uh, almost.

Hmm. Packing the essentials, I see.

No, actually, I wish I could bring some lab equipment, too.


Oh, JT, will you stop worrying about the serum?

How can I? Liam's after me for a reason, isn't he?

Look, we talked about this.

It doesn't mean the serum is still in you.

He probably doesn't want to take any chances.

Still, after seeing Russell bouncing around hospices, knowing he's gonna die...

I just had to fall in love with a hypochondriac, right?



How about I promise to go to therapy if I live?


I was joking.

So was I.

It's gonna be okay.

Yeah? Says who?

Says me.

And, you know, Cat.

What was that for?

For trying to save my life.



Let's go.



Yeah, yeah.

You didn't answer your phone.

Sorry, I... I didn't even hear it ring.

♪ And I Are you all right?

♪ Will hold you tight...


I'm not really sure.

Well, at least we both know now why I was acting so strange the last couple of days...

I'm so sorry.

Look who's beating themselves up now.

Come on. You didn't know you were tracking a beast, no one did.

I didn't even know there were beasts left anymore.

I thought your father got rid of them all.

Not all of them, thank God.

It was a little disturbing, you know.

The whole time I was tracking Liam, I knew something felt familiar, but I just...

I had no idea.

Well, now you do know, and next time, you can be prepared.

Next time?

Come on. He's not just like me, Catherine.

He's also superhuman.

Yes, well, again, now we know.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I guess... sensing a beast again for the first time in a very long time-- it made me feel like I used to, before you, before us.

Like what?

Like a predator out for my k*ll.

Well, that's not who you are anymore.

Vincent, you're different now.

We are different now.

We've grown.

We're stronger together.

And that's all we have to rely on.

♪ And it's all to come ♪
♪ For now we're still young ♪
♪ Just building our kingdom ♪
♪ For now we're still young. ♪