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03x07 - Bon Voyage

Posted: 08/07/15 03:00
by bunniefuu
Paige: Previously on Graceland...

Every chance you get, you overstep me.

[Toros speaking Armenian]

He just said he's going to k*ll him.

We should call TAC.



What are you doing here?

I think I'll go.

No, no, no, no.

We're gonna go.

We came here to talk business.

We're going to leave because of a hookup?

So you like it rough?

Come on, mama.


Oh! Ow!

You broke my nose.

Jean.. Cash.. This is my boy Dale, the guy I was telling you about.

I need more supply.

Charlie's missing oxy, man.

Charlie: Someone in the house. Question is, who?

This is Madison, my wife.

I really needed that pill, Mike.

I don't know how you knew, but thanks.

[exhales] This is what freedom feels like.

[exhales deeply]

[upbeat Latin music]

You're drowning those damn pancakes.

I am not drowning anything.

This is how I like 'em.

I guess if my clock was running out, I'd be smothering shit in sugar too.

About that, uh, about that clock running out, ahem, this arrangement's been good, right?

I mean, Jakes comes in a few days, meets Germaine, you wrap up the whole mess, Charlie's victorious.

Get to the point.

Let me stay out.

Come on, I'll be an informant for the FBI.

I'll help you take down assholes.

It's not that easy, Amber.

Yeah, it is.

No, it's not.

I've seen it.




You just wave your little wand, and I'm a CI.

You know, my dad was a wise guy.

What, like a real-deal mobster?

Like real deal.

Running protection, extortion, that kind of stuff.

When I was 14, he got into some crazy beef with another family over Lord knows what.

They wanted to k*ll him.

My dad, he's not going to run.

He's not a rat.

I know this.

I'm a kid. I don't want a dead dad.

So one day, the FBI gets an anonymous call.

Come to the house, find 100 grand hidden in the rafters in the basement.

Doing 15 to 20 in Raybrook.

You dimed your own dad?

I saved him.

God damn, Charlie.

That's some...

Judgment of Solomon shit right there.

I send him one of these every week to show him that I care.

It's a frog.

It symbolizes safe travels or something.

I have to send you back, Amber.

It's not personal.

I want you to know that.

Mike: Do you ever miss it?

Do I miss modeling?



Must be some kind of rush.

You know, being onstage, being the center of attention.

You mostly concentrate on not tripping.

You could still do it, you know?

What are you, Mike?


You know what I am?

I am 18 inches of carbon fiber and titanium attached to a residual limb by a suction cup.

A suction cup, Mike.

When people look at me, they don't see a model.

They see an amputee.

That's not what I see.

[chuckles] You're not looking hard enough.

Want to spark it? [door closes]

Shit. Gusti.

[whispers] Hey, why are we hiding?

He doesn't approve of this.

Paige: You cannot do this.

Okay, Toros wants you dead.

Yes, Toros does. Ari doesn't.

I heard Ari, Briggs. I was listening.

He defended you for ten seconds.

Mm-hmm, which means I can convince him.

No, Briggs, just how are you gonna do that with a b*llet in your head?

Come on.

Briggs, no.

Toros wants you in the ground.


And he wants me in his bed.

And I don't want either of those things to happen.

What do you want to happen?

We take 'em all down at once.


Set up a buy bust.

Okay, we take down Toros, Ari, even Uncle Tev all at the same time.

I think you're forgetting somebody.

What about Martun?

If we take down his entire organization, what's he got?

Okay, if we were to do this, we would need Jakes and Johnny on board, and they're not exactly in love with me right now, you know?

We tell them it's my plan. It's my call.



Paige: I want to get all three of them in the room at once: Toros, Ari, and Martun's right-hand man, Tevan Adamian.

Well, uh, Ari might recognize you from Nancy's, Jakes, so we'd have you oversee ops, nothing face-to-face.

Johnny, you'd be our buyer. - Mm-hmm.

Paige: Yeah, I'm thinking Barrio 18.

They've been trading blows with, uh, Mara Salvatrucha for the past few months, so, uh, a big-ticket arms deal makes sense.

Mm-hmm, I'd make introductions, and you'd offer top dollar for RPGs.

Paige: But you have to insist that you only work with the boss, Tevan.

And when Tev shows up for the exchange, we take 'em all down.


When we walked out on you, what part of the walking out was unclear?


Not doing your dirty work, man.

Wow. Okay.

[woman speaking on TV] [music plays on TV]

(female newscaster) When !sis captures a city, the blood shed is not over and the militants begin executing....

That's about 150 miles...

Briggs: What about them, D.J., hmm?

Because no matter what you might think about me, the fact remains, the Sarkissians are international arms dealers.

That means that they move a*mo and weapons to tyrants and t*rrorists all over the world.

Do you guys care about that?

Bro, we're not gonna stop !sis from raping and pillaging.

Well, how about the people here in Los Angeles that profit from it?

And the point of all this is to make arrests and to stop Briggs from being k*lled.

That'd be nice.


You guys are a couple of assholes.

What do you need?

All right, well, it all starts with me getting Ari and Toros to agree to meet our man Johnny here.

I hate you, man.

(male newscaster) Link to !sis, that... that's very disconcerting.

[door closes] [bell rings]

Ari. Hey, listen, man.

We need to talk. I was approached...

Sit down, guy.


What's doing?

My father was a real artist.

Carved beautiful chess sets.

I don't have his talent.

Well, that's not so bad. I mean, what...

What's it supposed to be, a wolf?

A horse.


I know, it's terrible. Look more like a pig.

I want you to know, I don't want this.

You know, just... Just reimagine it as a wolf, and you're already starting from an advantage, you know?

I'm not talking about wolves.


[ominous music]

♪ ♪


I-I didn't know this was a party.

Hey, hey, hey! Get your hands off me, man!

Big mouth.

Let me go.


Oh, God.

You've become a liability in my life and a nuisance, and he's got enough chaos in his life as it is.

Let me go, man. Hey, hey, hey.

You know what else?

You got a big mouth on you, act like you're special.


You're not special.

Ari's going to have another mutt to drag around with him tomorrow.

What are you talking about, man?

Get this done with.


Get what done with?

You just gonna cut me open after all I've done for you?

After all I've done for you? Ari, don't listen to him, man.

Brother, don't do this to me.

Don't make this harder than it has to be.

Look, I-I came here with good news.

Ari, I was approached by some guys who know that I work for you, okay?

They want to make a deal.

Heavy arms, man.

Not interested in your deal.

Ari, cut his throat.

Since when are the Sarkissians not interested in a heavy arms deal, huh?

That's where you guys make your bread and butter, right?

Ari, okay, look.

If you just give me two seconds before you open me up all over your nice Armenian carpets, then you can decide if you still want to "do me."

What kind of a deal?

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

Here you go, ladies.

Thank you.

Hey, you know, I don't know if this will do anything for you, but Gene came ahold of something called Ibogaine.

You ever heard of it?

Charlie: Ibogaine? No.

Yeah, psychedelic made from some kind of tree bark.

Supposed to be like taking an elevator to the 25th floor and cutting the cables.

You land really hard, but they say it's worth the ride up.

Sure, we'll take that.

No, Amber.

We're good with the oxy. Thank you.

This little system we got going is locked up pretty tight.

You don't really need the two of us, so Dale's going to take Amber off.

Well, that's a shame, isn't it?

Nah, it's bullshit, what it is.

If y'all only need one of you, Amber can stay.

That's not your call.

And why not? We're half this.

We ought to get a say who we work with.

[exhales sharply] Sweet man.

What's it they say?

If you love something, you should let it go?

Screw that.

You want something, you kick and scream until you get it.


He's cute.

You can kick and scream all you want, playboy.

This is her last run.

I tell you what.

You're delivering our take in two days.

Why don't we toss a little going-away for Amber?

You don't have to do that.

Windgate: Yeah, we'll drink, we'll talk.

It'll be a nice evening.

All right, I'll run it by Dale.

All right.

Thank you.

See you in two days.

See you.

Charlie: Go.

Ari, Toros, this is Raro Gomez.

[Mexican accent] So who am I doing the deal with?

Toros: Me.

And who are you?

[exhales] The boss.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. No, no, no, no, no.

Tevan Adamian's the boss, no you.

You want to buy, you talk to me.

Your man here says you're in the market for heavy arms.

RPGs. You going to w*r?

You want to blow up some Eastside cholos, I don't care.

Nobody cares.

But you use my weapons on LAPD, I'm looking at terrorism charges.

Can't have that.

I look stupid to you, fool?

Yeah, you look stupid with that shit all over your face.

I deal with Tevan Adamian, the boss.

Not some small-time bitch.

All right, Mijo, don't do that.

Hey, hey, hey, gentlemen.

Don't do that.

This is not the time to start measuring your dicks.

Put the g*ns away.

Ari: Yeah, come on. Chill out.

No need to act like children.


At 4 1/2.

Ari: 50 at 4 1/2 is 225, man.

250K if the g*ns are in my hands by tomorrow night.

[mocking Mexican accent] You bring the money, homes, we'll be here.

Tevan will be here.

[normal voice] He'll give you the details soon, ese.

Should be gardening my yard.

Small-time bitch.

Okay, guys, so...

I mean, the one on the left is pretty bad.



It's ugly and shit, but, like, the pants are still slim.

It'll, like, cup your ass.


No good.

Okay, maybe I can get baggier pants.


Paige, honestly, there's not an outfit in the world that's gonna make you look ugly.


Toros is coming to pick up the RPGs today.

Maybe he's just going to Clear-Line for a visit, you know, check out the merchandise.

He doesn't need to pick up his own merchandise.

He's coming to see me.

Can't you just say no?

No means no.


Because the way I left it off last time, if I suddenly became a prude, it would raise an antenna.


What if you suddenly became a slut?

I'm sorry, what?

No, like, okay, uh...

Dude's hella proud, right? - Mm-hmm.

He's trying to stake his claim on you.

If he thinks you're all of a sudden ho-ing it up around town, he'll back off.

That's kind of brilliant.

Thank you, sir. I mean, I would.

Okay. I need one of you to suck on my neck.


You... you... you mean, like, at Clear-Line or right now?

No, I mean, like, here, now. I... ahem.

I need a hickey.


I mean, I'll do it... if it's for the case.

I'll do it.

You're gonna do this?

Yeah. It's not like I'm giving her a sperm donation.

Oh, no, nothing that bad.

So how about you relax?

Where you want it, up high, or you want it, like, lower, like I'm going down...



Just give me a hickey, just...


Tuturro: You're not really going to do this...

Johnny, shh.

Oh, this is hella weird.

Don't do it! Don't do it! Ugh!

What the hell is going on here?


Every time I come back from Florida, it gets weirder around here.

That's exactly what I'm trying to tell these two freaks.

Please, you're the one sitting there with a big-ass smile on your face.

It's for a cover, Charlie.


Cover? Remind me to adopt that cover next time I'm feeling lonely.

Mike get back?

Nah, Briggs has been trying to get at him.



[alternative music]

♪ ♪

I never remember my dreams.

I wasn't dreaming.

Got some strange stuff in here.

Like wacko strange.


It looks crazy, but...

I was desperate to get down what I was thinking, you know, to make sense of it, to not forget what I saw when I was... wherever I was.

You know you didn't see anything, right?

Yes, I did.

No, but literally, like, you didn't see anything.

No, that's what I'm saying to you is that I literally did.

I saw this.

And this.

Those are your neurons firing out.

Whatever you think you saw is just shapes in the static.


That bird.

Vin has it tattooed on his side.

Tell me that's static.


He got that tattoo in Pomona, Mike.

On a dare.

I thought I could talk to you about this.

Well, you can, but...

I'm not going to humor you.

Other people might, but...

I spent months trying to find reason for this.

But it didn't happen for a reason, Mike.

It happened because some assh*le was texting and driving.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

I'm not looking for your sorry.

It is what it is.

[inhales deeply]

By the way, who's Paul?


He's called you, like, a dozen times.

He's a friend.

Jesus Christ.

We've been here for two days?


No, I don't...

I don't want that.

All right?

I gotta go.

Mike, what... Mike, hey.

Wait, Mike, stop.

We don't have many pills left.

Get some more while you're out?

I'll see you around.

[plane engine running]

Whatever it is, you don't need to hide it from me.

It's for your own good, slugger.

The less you know, the less you can be incriminated.

Yeah, well, my fingerprints are all over the shipment, so if you go down, I go down with you.

That's right. We both go down.

How's your nose?

My nose is busted. How does it look?



Secretly, I liked it, but next time, I don't know, maybe, uh, maybe not so rough.

I can't make any promises.

You like a powerful man?

What do you think?

I think I'm gonna be running everything that has to do with the Sarkissian family.

It's going to be mine to manage.

And I'm thinking a great man can use a beautiful woman by his side.

Don't you think?

I do.

But until then, I have to work.


The runaround?

Rea... [grunts]

Does that feel like a runaround?


Tell me. Hmm?

Okay, stop. Somebody's going to see us.

Getting that urge to bite again.

What the hell is that?

What's what?

That, on your neck. What is that?

Oh, shit. I told him not to leave a mark.

You're letting some other dude suck on your neck?

You thought I was a virgin?

I didn't think you were a whore.


I showed up at your house in the middle of the night to screw and you didn't seem to mind, so save me whatever pious head trip you're on right now, okay?

I like you.

And if you want me all to yourself, we can discuss.

But until then...

I have to work, so...

To be continued.

To be continued.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Mike.

You want to come sit with us, bro?

Come on. We want to talk to you.

Yeah, sure.

Tuturro: 'Sup, Mikey?

What's going on, guys?

[clears throat]

Kind of, uh... kind of freaking me out here with this little circle.

[Tuturro chuckles]

Hey, bro, you know we're all here for you, right?

Like, whatever you need.

Jakes: Anytime.


And that we love you.

Great. [chuckles]

Look, Mike, there's no easy way to say this, so... we'll just say it.

Uh... we need you to stop using.

Are you serious?

We know you've been skimming oxy off my supply.

Skimming? I'm not skimming anything.

Mike, we're just trying to get you right, bro.

You've been gone for two days.

Your eyes are bloodshot.

Tuturro: Look who you're talking to, bro.

I mean, you know, we deal with junkies all day long.


I didn't... I didn't mean that.

You know, actually, [whispers] we already have one junkie in this house, so...

Charlie: Mike.

Mike: If anybody took the pills, it's probably him.

We just want to help you.

Well, thank you very much, but...

I don't need your help.

Briggs: You know, Mike, I noticed your hand shaking kinda like on the Richter scale, you know?

Well, it's 'cause I'm under attack here.

I think it's 'cause you got the shakes.

You know, I've seen that before.

You know what comes next? The sweats.

Hot, cold, then exhaustion.

That's fun. Mania, terror.

I know the beginning of this, I know the middle, and I do know the end.

All right.

Look, the truth is, I took the pills, okay?

I took the pills, okay?

They're for my cover. Madison's a user.

Come on, man. You stole evidence from Charlie.

Johnny. Listen, Mike.

After what you went through, we should have been there for you, and we weren't.

That's our bad.

But we love you, man, and we're here now.

Oh, man, you must be getting a real kick out of this, huh?

Paul Briggs. Paul Briggs, the savior.

I mean, where would any of us be without the great Paul Briggs?

Listen, Warren, don't take this personally, all right?

No, you know what, I'm not going to listen to you 'cause you're a drunk, so...

Okay, this isn't about him.

Maybe it should be about him.

I mean, he's the one whose family won't even talk to him.


Come on, Mike, man.

He doesn't want our help...

I can get my mom...

I'm not gonna listen to this bullshit, man.

See, I'm not the one with the problem here, so if we really want to talk, we can talk.

You know what the problem is, Mike?

The problem is that no one in this room is perfect.

No, nobody's perfect.

Like you.

How many murders have you covered up at this point?

Well, let's see. We have Colby.

We have Lisa.


And your baby.

Charlie aborted your baby.

Tuturro: Mike, shut up, dude. Enough, man!

I don't think it's enough, actually, so I'm just going to keep...

Okay, there is a clinic in Palm Desert...

You know what? You don't get to talk to me!

Unless you want to talk about why I started using in the first place.


'Cause I don't think that's going to go over too well.

What the hell does that mean?

All right, everybody shut up.

Bottom line is, if I tell the Bureau you've been using, you never work again.

Career over.


Thank you so much for your help.

Charlie: Mike.

Let him go.

Get out of here, all right?

Get out!

I'm about to take off to Florida.

I don't want us to leave off like this, Mike.

Hey, it's me.

Talk to me, please.


Where are you going to go?

Where you going to go? You going to run?

Going to go be a frigging junkie on the street?

Mike, look at me.

Look at me.

You're strong.

You never let anything beat you, Mike.

What are you doing?

This isn't you.

This isn't what you want.

[crying] It hurt, Charlie.

It hurt so bad.

It was like... [sobbing]

It was like my insides were ripping out.

And I just... I needed to get back to work.

I needed to stay upright, and so...

I kept taking the meds.

And I don't know what happened or when, but it was like a switch flipped.

[snaps fingers]


It's like I've been living inside somebody else's body.


Every pill I take I think is going to be the last one, but it's just the last one and the last one and the last one...

Come here.

And I'm just so sorry.


It's okay, baby.

It's okay.


I'm still pregnant.


Yeah, it was either lose the case or lose the baby.

I did what you did.

I split the difference.

Does Briggs know?

No one knows.

Look, I know what it's like to want to keep driving.

Sometimes you gotta pull over and take a rest, you know?

This place we found for you is anonymous.

No work, no pressure.

You can just... You can go tonight.

I gotta finish the case, Charlie.

No, baby, you gotta get well.

You gotta get well.

You gotta be ready to quit this shit.

And I'm ready.

I don't want to do this. I don't.

Hey, thank you.

Don't miss your flight.

Get out of here.

[plane engine roaring]

[rock music]

♪ ♪

[laughter] [coughing]

All right. No, no, no.

We had three granddaddies... Three, mind you...

That died from moonshine one way or the other.


Grandpa Billy blew himself up.


Still expl*si*n.

Grandpa Glen Allen was gunned down in a bootlegging run, and...

Grandpa Wendell, well, he just drank himself to death.

Hell of a way to go, I say.

Another virgin.

You guys know that people usually have only two grandpas, right?

Generally speaking.

Gene: Yeah, well, uh, Grandma Windgate wasn't exactly known for her, uh... [snorts]


[laughter] [coughs]

Amber: A woman of virtue. I'll drink to that.


Hell, yeah.

Hear, hear.



(distorted male voice) Yeah.

(distorted male voice) Boom, there goes the dynamite.



[indistinct chatter]


You all right?

I feel a little light-headed.

Windgate: What's all this now?

She ain't been drinking, right?

Charlie: No, just...

I need to... I need to walk for a minute.

Whoa, you okay, sweetheart?

Oh, hell.

I'm not feeling so good.

Well, go on, take her inside and lie her down.

Maybe that'll help.

Come on, doll.

Let's get you inside, huh?

There's a class of people who simply refuse to be team players, who want what they want, all else be damned.

What did you do to me?

Rodney: You could have gone and been happy in Hollywood, but no.

You gotta be a big shot.

You gotta take Amber away.

Well, that just don't sit right with me.



I think he gave me something.

Rodney, what the hell's going on?


Nothing. Go on back outside.

Cash! Gene! Get in here, now!

God damn it, Amber.

You can't k*ll Charlie.

We... we're gonna get out of here.

Windgate: What the hell's going on?

F... ing g*dd*mn Rodney dosed her.

He was going to sh**t her.

Give me that.

I will beat you blind, boy.

I swear to God.

You gave her that Ibogaine, didn't ya?

How much?

I don't know. A lot.

She's in for it now.

I don't want to go with you.


Hey, we gotta get her to a hospital.

She's pregnant.

Oh, please tell me you are sh1tting us.

Amber: No, I'm not sh1tting you.

Shit, shit, shit!


Look, she can sleep it off, right?

No baby is going to survive Ibogaine, you dumb shit!

How the hell do you think her boss is gonna feel if we send her home aborted, huh?

That's why I was gonna walk her into the swamp and drown her.

You ever think before you act?

We gotta clean this up now.

So come on, genius, get her out back.

Hey, hey, hey! No, man!

Come here, come here.

Now you listen to me. This is happening, Amber.

Look at me! This is happening.

All you gotta do is let it.

Now you keep your ass right here, and don't you move.

[boat engine running]

[boat engine stops]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[boat engine starts]

All right, boys, as far as busts go, this one should be pretty painless.

TAC, you're going to set up here.

Johnny, you and your boys will meet here for the deal.

You got the cash?


250 thou, scanned and logged.

Our undercover agent, Paul Briggs, will arrive with the targets and the merchandise.

Now we're after three of the top dogs in the Sarkissian family.

Jakes: We got Ari Adamian, Tevan Adamian, and Toros Berbarian.

We want all three of these b*tches.

Yeah, now look, once the money changes hands, I'll give the signal to move: muchas gracias.

Jakes: Muchas gracias.

Gear up and get ready to go.

When Johnny gives the signal, I want y'all there in seconds.

Let's go!

Be safe.

Hey, man.

We're about to take down the Armenian freaking mafia.

Come on, son.

This is a big deal.

Jakes: Let's go.

[haunting music]

♪ ♪

Amber: Charlie! Charlie!


Charlie. Charlie.



Charlie. Please, wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up, yes.



Oh, my God. Thank God.


Thank God. Oh, God.


I'm right here.

You're okay. You're okay.

[heavy breathing]

You're okay. You're okay.


You're okay. You're okay.

Shh, it's okay. It's okay.

Headlights approaching.

Game time.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

What's up?

What up? They here?

What are you talking about, man? You're the only one here?

Ari and Toros went to pick up Uncle Tev.

They sent me to get the RPGs.

They said they'd be here before me.

Bro, you're the only one that's been here.


Are you ser...

Hey, radio out and see if we got any other action.

(man) Any movement?

Negative. Just you guys.




What you think?

Something ain't right.

What's that?


Oh, bro, we're getting played.

Briggs: Shit.

What do you want to do?

I guess we gotta pull out.

Ten-four. Yo, pulling out.

You got something?

Jakes: We got live ones coming in hot.

Two... three black SUVs.

Go, go, go, go now.

Yo, yo, hey, post up! Post up!

What's going on?

I don't know.

Briggs! [tires screeching]

What's going on, Briggs?


Easy, easy.

Fall back. Fall back.

Briggs: Easy, guys, easy, easy.

Hey, hey! We're FBI! We're FBI!

Fall back, fall back.

Put 'em down! Put 'em down!

We're FBI.

Put 'em down!

Put 'em down! Put 'em down!

We're FBI!

These guys aren't our cholos, man.

Put your g*ns down!

Same team, same team, same team.

Put your g*ns down.

Put 'em down.

Briggs: God damn.




Come on.

Vin here?

No. He's been gone all day.

We have to stop.

Stop what?


We can't crash in your room for two days smoking OxyContin.

What happened to you out there?

Nothing happened. I just...

We're not drug addicts.

We have a problem.

We're doing something that makes us feel good.

I don't see how that's a problem.


This is not what I want with my life.


We're stronger than this.

We can quit.

They told me I couldn't quit smoking.

You know cigarettes are more addictive than heroin?




What the f...

This is the last one.

Last one.

Can't we start stopping tomorrow?

But we're gonna stop, right?


We made that decision.

Yeah, it's... It's like a...

Like a farewell party to our old lives.

Exactly. Exactly.

It's like a... bon voyage.

Okay. All right.

[shower running]


Amber: Charlie?

Charlie, can you just tell me if you're okay?

I'm coming in.

Oh, my God, Charlie.

Okay, come on. Let's get you in the...

Don't touch me!

The water will...

You left us there!

It's already done.

It's done.

You don't know that.

I know.

When something's inside you, like a life, you know when it's gone.

He's gone.

I-I didn't want to call an ambulance till you came down, but it's probably...


No. No.

No.No, we have to get home. No.

We have to get Jakes, and we got to come back... Please.

Please slow down. Please slow down, please.

Bury those pieces of shit.

Just hold me for a second.

I should have stayed.

I should have stayed. I could have...

I could have stayed.

I just...

I just thought I had more time.

I just... I just needed more time.


I know.

I just...

It's okay.

Oh, my boy.

Oh, God.

Oh, my sweet boy.

I saw him in the water.

He was so beautiful.

It's all my fault.


It's not your fault. [exhales deeply]

It's not your fault.

And I brought my baby there.


I'm sorry.

How about I'll shut up?

When was the last time...

Jakes: It's always the same story with you, Johnny!

Tuturro: Is it the same? You've never done what I did.

You're so caught up in this bullshit...

Man, shut the hell up, bro.

Tough guy cholo fantasy...

Mm-hmm, all right.

That you blow the freaking case.

I didn't blow nothing, dude. Were you there?

Small-time bitch. - No, so shut the hell up.

"Small-time bitch," how did you think he was gonna react?

Small-time bitch is what I said.

He liked it, right? He agreed to it.

Did he? Then why did he renege?

Briggs: They didn't renege.


They didn't renege.

PD got an anonymous call.


Briggs: Toros and Ari were messing with us.

It's over.

Sammy, Colby, all of it for nothing.

These sons of b*tches are gonna walk.

God damn it!

What about Paige, man? She's still under.

What are you gonna do?

Jakes: Yeah, how's this gonna work?

'Cause at some point in time, Toros is gonna expect her to put out.

Yeah, well, we can't let it get that far, can we?

I gotta walk this off.

You're gonna what?

Yo, bro, I don't know if this is the best time to take a walk, Briggs.

Yeah, I'll see you guys at home.


Keeps on walking.

Good old Briggs.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Get in.