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03x08 - My Name Is Datak Tarr and I Have Come to k*ll You

Posted: 07/25/15 03:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on Defiance...

May I ask what business you have in Defiance?

I'm going to k*ll all the humans and burn the disgusting place to the ground.

You and your wife will act as my saboteurs, destroying Defiance from within.

My mom and dad, they're working as spies for the VC.


Go! Go!

Amanda: Datak Tarr, you've been found guilty of high treason.

You are sentenced to die.

This town will turn on us if they learn you're protecting a spy.

You're more trouble than you're worth.



Eat it.

[dramatic music]

We might just have the beginnings of a strike force.

We'll take the battle to Rahm Tak, catch him with his pants down.

Why is the Amazing Goddess not fighting by their side?

My daughter is not capable of picking up a w*apon.

I have to go back.

No, not today.

The endgame is coming, my friends.

In a few days, we will ride into Defiance.

Our Indogene lieutenant, Bebe, has assumed a human face and has tunneled in beneath the stasis nets.

♪ ♪

[exotic music]

♪ ♪

[gentle music]


[breathing heavily]


Isn't that Rahm's spy?

Bebe: So it is.

Too bad it had to end like this.

Come on.

Targets have entered the NeedWant.

Is the sphere online?

Fully operational.

Well, let's do this.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

He was brave in the end.

Datak Tarr? [scoffs]

Yeah, well, he chose to suffer on the rack, to atone.

I hope it works for him.

I hope it makes him right with his god.

I hope his god shoves a giant lightning bolt up his ass.

[chuckles] I'm not saying I forgive him.

I'm just saying that he was brave.

Braver than his wife.

Braver than Berlin?


I don't want to talk about her.

You two got pretty close while I was gone.

I just expected more from her.

When the E-Rep fell apart, she was lost.

I gave her a badge. I let her into my life.

I treated her like a sister.

Well, that was your first mistake.

Kenya would have never run.

[panicked chatter]


Drop the w*apon, Lawkeeper.

Eject the mag, and slide the g*n over.

They're gonna k*ll us anyway. Just sh**t him.

sh**t through me if you have to.

They're wearing body armor. Wouldn't work.

Votans, stay in the back.

Humans, on your knees behind the bar, fingers interlaced behind your head.

Move! Faster!

We have an important message for you all.

[device beeps and whirs]

People of Defiance, as you no doubt know, I am General Rahm Tak of the Votanis Collective.

Sorry about the mess, but I need Mayor Amanda to understand that I am serious.

Do you understand that I'm serious?

Can you see me?

Age of miracles, huh?

I have a proposition for you, Amanda, and I wish to make it in front of witnesses.

The w*r is over.

The humans lost.

The Butcher of Yosemite lost.

My demands are simple: drop the stasis nets.

Let me in.

In return, I will allow the humans safe passage to find a new home.

You're lying.

If I drop the nets and send the humans through Bissel Pass, you will pick them off like a turkey sh**t.

Ah, I would love nothing more than to get all the pink-meats into one spot, and pew-pew-pew.

But I won't.

Why not?

Because I'm a rational man.

A bloodless coup protects the lives of my soldiers and keeps you from setting this town on fire to spite me.

You plan to live here?

It's the perfect home base with the perfect security measures.

After you've left, I will turn Defiance Valley into a training camp where no one will dare oppose me.

If the price of that is setting some humans free, then so be it.

Half of you will die in the Badlands without me lifting a finger.

So it's either that, or the humans die one by one.


[all scream]

So what do you say?

It's the best deal you're gonna get.

We will fight you to the bitter end.

We may not win, but we will make your victory an unbelievably costly one.

I just hope you have the balls to show up, so I can sh**t them off.

[laughs] Funny joke.

sh**t the hostages.



sh**t him!

Nice sh**ting, Tex.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Kindzi? Are you here?

We both know your father showed poor judgment by strangling you.

That much is clear.


I'd love the opportunity to ask him to apologize.

I'd like to apologize as well.


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

How did they get through the stasis nets?

No idea.

But we have to be better.

Hey, Tex.

You're good in a fight.


Got a name?

Christopher Beckman.

Appreciate the assist. Where you from?

I'm just heading south looking for mercenary work.

I ran security for an APS transport, smuggling cargo across the Shipton Desert.

That's a rough haul.


It's not for the faint of heart, I can tell you that.

Look, I'm just gonna come out and say this.

I know this isn't your fight, but...

You don't have to convince me.

What happened here, it was wrong.

These people deserve justice.

You can count me in.

Thank you.

Alak, get the militia together, get them gathered in Darby Square in the next 20 minutes.

We're going hunting.

Come on, kid. Let's get moving.

Yeah, right, sorry.

Show Beckman around, make sure he's geared up.

Hey. I'm Alak.


Have we met before?

Not that I know of, but I guess us humans all look alike to you, huh?

No, that's not what I meant.

Relax, kid, I'm just having fun.

Let's go meet this militia of yours.

I heard.

What do you want to do?

I want to fight. I have to.

What if you panic, freeze up again?

I won't.

I should have k*lled Rahm when I had a chance.

It would have changed everything.

Look, about that, I think I rode you pretty hard.

I never took into account your feelings about New York, Tommy.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that as a father, I've had better moments.

Did you actually just apologize?

Let's just put it down to me getting soft in my old age.

Militia's assembling in Darby Square.

Why don't you get your ass down there and report?

And, kiddo?

You didn't give up.

I'm proud of you.

[door opens and closes]

Citizens of Defiance, as you've probably heard, this morning our town was att*cked by V.C. t*rrorists.

Both gunmen were k*lled.

Tragically, so were ten innocent citizens.

People you may know.

Friends, parents, siblings, spouses.

We don't know how the gunmen entered our town...

Let's go!

Amanda: Or how many are currently hiding among us.

At this moment, Lawkeeper Nolan is organizing a manhunt to identify and neutralize the Votanis Collective infiltrators.


We're not really open, sir.

I'm hungry.

Haven't you heard?

The V.C. sh*t up the NeedWant.

Pancakes, I think. With fruit.

Amanda: At risk of being destroyed.

As the lawkeeper's militia is searching for these criminals, I need the streets clear.

I am issuing a mandatory lockdown for the entire town.

If you are home, please stay there.

If you are out, you need to get yourself to the nearest building and stay indoors until I announce it's safe to venture outside again.

This is for your own protection.

It will ensure that you are not hit by friendly fire and will aid our militia in seizing our enemies.

No, no!


The sh*ts came from that way.

All right, you, with me.

Let's go.


That came from Carter Street. You two, go.

Come on.




Are you gonna k*ll us?


But the stories...

Old stories.

You're safe now.

Thank you, Omec.

You saved my children.

You did that with your teeth?

I had no other w*apon.

You did good here. You could do more.

I told you already.

We need you.

This is not my fight.



This is our family.

I wanted you to see them.

Once we have re-powered our ship, we will wake them up.

Do you want to know what will happen after that?

We will conquer the Earth and enslave you all, do with you what we wish, feed upon your delicate flesh on a glorious Dread Harvest.

Why are you telling me all of this?

Now that you know our secrets, my father will be forced to k*ll you.


[gasps and grunts]

What did she see?

Is it true?

I have lost one home planet, and I will be thrice-damned before I lose another.

Is it true?

For a time, I intended to take this planet and claim it for our people.

And now?

I have seen many things in Defiance and its people.

Things that I admire.

Our path has changed to one of inclusion.

She is dangerous.

Kindzi will never accept peace.

If you truly desire an accord with the people of Earth, she must be stopped.

Stopped how?

That is not for me to say, but it does need to happen.

I am fond of you, Stahma, but we are not a team.

You are not Omec.

Don't ever thr*aten my daughter.

I shame myself.

False Casti humility does not suit you.

Nor does willful ignorance suit you.

I think we should both aim higher.

Tread lightly, little Castithan.

Tread lightly.


Did he say anything?

Anything that might help us find their accomplices?

The Omec said that we would be safe now.

Is that true?

Course it is.

You're gonna be just fine.

Found something.

Was in his coat.

What is it?

It's a map of the town.

They didn't come in over the mountain.

They tunneled in.

Nolan: All right.

Alpha team moves in from the west, hits that camp with M-19s, and smokes Rahm's troops south by southwest towards the tree line and the sn*pers.

What do we got?

Me and Zero on the ridge, rest of Baker along the tree line.

Good job.

Stop. I've heard enough. No.


No, I want this tunnel sealed up from this side.

We'll hunt down whoever's left in town, and we'll live to fight another day.

We're badly outnumbered.

This is our chance to take the fight to him, to take him by surprise.
[hailer chirps]

Alak. What do you got?

It's 2, maybe 3 miles long.

It's all clear out here.

Nolan: Nothing suspicious? No booby traps?

I'm still in one piece.

All right.

I want you to lay up somewhere safe, keep your eyes open.

You spot any V.C., chirp me a warning.

Will do.

And, Alak?


Took guts to volunteer. Good job.


This is the closest thing to a guarantee we're gonna get.

No, it's a huge risk.

So was crossing the Delaware, but Washington was game.


All right, do it.

All right.

Bring that son of a bitch down.

All right, Beckman, you're up front with me and Irisa.

Zero and Dell, Barnes are next and my three EMC guys.

After that, we're gonna go with squads one through four.

Amanda, you're gonna take the remainder of the troops.

You're gonna surround the building.

Nobody gets in or out.

Anything suspicious at all...

Chirp your hailer.

Good luck.

Okay, everybody, bring it in.

No. I don't want him in there.

It's not your choice.

You're staying with me.

I'm going.

Just be careful.


All right, everybody. Come on in.

We get down there, stay alert.

Check your equipment then check the equipment of the trooper next to you.

We're gonna be moving in fours, so we want clear lines of fire.

We're gonna move slowly, we're gonna move by the numbers, and safely.

And remember, I chose each and every one of you for a reason.

Together, we're gonna make Defiance proud.

All right, let's line 'em up.

Move out.


Sorry, sorry.

This is all new to me.

Keep it down.

It's okay.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Everyone, hold position here until you get my signal.

You're with me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Ranikar: What is it?

Bebe: I heard something.

Stay here.

I'm gonna go check in with Nolan.

Hold your position.

Do not come forward under any circumstance.

All right, let's go.

[twig snaps]

Beckman, I told you to hold position in the tunnel.




[grenade beeping]




No! No! No!



You stupid pink-skin.


Thank you for leading your men to slaughter.

Your head will make a wonderful trophy for Rahm.



[somber music]

♪ ♪


[breathing heavily]


Irisa: You just gonna stand there?

Amanda was right.

If we had just blown our end of the tunnel, they'd all still be alive.

You gambled.

If it had worked, you'd be a hero.

Yeah, but it didn't, so what does that make me?

They trusted me, they followed me, and now they're dead because of me.

You didn't k*ll them. Rahm Tak did.

You can carry that weight on your shoulders, but it doesn't make it right.

That's what you've been telling me all along, right?

Nice try, kid.

You get yourself some rest.

Nolan, we've got trouble.

What is it?

Rahm Tak is setting up camp right outside the stasis nets.

He's trying to squeeze us.

It's a blockade.

I've got an idea.


If it works, it's a surefire way to destroy Rahm and his army.

But there's a catch.


It's a su1c1de mission.

Still listening.

A stasis net is comprised of tenser particles.

When chained together, they're stable and can form an impenetrable barrier.

If you use a device to reverse the electromagnetic charge, the tenser particles unhook and explode.

Same principle used in the net cutter.

Gold star for cowboy guy.

Rahm Tak has done us an enormous favor by setting up his camp next to a gigantic b*mb.

If we can contain and focus the force of the expl*si*n... say, using a localized singularity field, then...

We can blow him to hell.

And you get a sticker that says "teacher's pet."

See me after class.

I can throw together a targeting device.

It's small, so I can surgically implant it into the volunteer's forearm.

Into my forearm.

It's nonmetallic, and it will be invisible to the scanners.

So you'll talk your way into Rahm Tak's camp, and when you're dead center, I'll blow the nets remotely.

Bye-bye, Rahm Tak. Bye-bye, Army.

And bye-bye, Nolan. Unacceptable.

It's necessary.


I'm not letting you throw your life away.

If this plan fails, I need you alive to decide whatever plan B is.

There is no plan B.

There's always a plan B.

You know, put the gizmo in my arm.

both: No.


If it fails, I become a martyr.

You can use it to bring humans and Votans together.

That's the most ridiculous idea.

No, we're not doing it.

I'm not arguing about this.

You guys are ignoring the obvious.

You should be resting.

Rahm Tak knows we're desperate.

He's expecting a trick.

The minute he sees either of you coming, he'll have a sn*per pick you off from half a mile away.

And who do you think can get close enough?

Only one person I know of.

Amanda: Drink.


How nice to see you.

Rahm Tak has stripped you of everything.

Alak and your grandson have to bear the burden of the Tarr family name for the rest of their lives.

Why are you here?

I'm offering you a chance at redemption.

And Stahma?

She's still missing.

But if she turns up alive, I will pardon her crimes, as I will pardon yours.


Ah, there's the catch.

Rahm Tak's men sh*t Alak.

We almost lost him.

Now, I'm giving you a chance to k*ll Rahm Tak, a chance to save Defiance, a chance to save your son and your grandson.

Will you help us?

I could not be prouder of you.

I hope I can live up to your example.

I've seen all I need to.

Let's go.

He's through.

Re-engage the nets.

[device humming]

Someone's heading this way.

Rahm: sh**t 'em in the head.

I think it's Datak Tarr.

What? No.

Should we take him out?


He's got me curious.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[speaking native language]

Nolan: Well, they didn't sh**t him.

He's clean.

Welcome home, lover boy.

I think he's in, but I can't be sure.

Blow the nets.

Blowing the nets.

Tenser particles will hit critical mass in four minutes and counting.

[computer beeping]

You look like a little working class these days, aren't you?


The shaming rack is a great equalizer.

What diluted form of the Shaming ceremony are they practicing in Defiance?

Your arms and legs seem curiously attached.


They cut me down to send me here with the mayor's surrender terms.

Why you?

They assumed you'd sh**t whomever came out.

Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't.

Call me a sentimental old fart.

These surrender terms are garbage.

I'm not gonna draw back, I'm not going to provide a hostage, and I'm not going to negotiate.

You go back, and you tell Amanda her only option is to drop the nets.

What are you still doing here? Go.

I'd like to stay.

I kidnapped your son.

I b*at you senseless.

I got you put on a shaming rack.

If I let you stay, you will try to k*ll me the first time I turn my back.

Your reputation for shrewdness is clearly well deserved.

But I promise you, General, I am a broken man, coming to you in my hour of need.

Granted, I like the humility.

It pleases me.

But I am not in a position to take any chances with victory so close at hand.

May I prove my loyalty?

I will require my charge blade.


You want me to arm you?

[scoffs] I don't quite see the joke.

I'm fighting for my life, General.

There is no joke.


You push my buttons, you know that?

[orchestral music]

♪ ♪

Watch him.

[computer beeps]

The shaming rack would have ripped my four limbs from my body.

You have rescued me from this fate.

Therefore, my body is yours.

[all murmuring]

Including my good left arm.

[all yelling]

Holy crap!

That is some gangster-ass sh*t! Oh!


Rahm: I am impressed!


I think he's in, right?

all: Yeah!

I mean, on a probationary basis.

Thank you, Favi Tak.

May I take a moment alone?

The pain is tremendous.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Don't go too far.

Oh, my God! Crazy-ass haint!

This is definitely going in the collection, right?

[laughs] Wait, wait a minute.

There's something in here.

[The Doors' When the Music's Over playing]

[computer beeping]

♪ Yeah! ♪

Oh, sh*t.

[overlapping shouting]

♪ ♪
♪ When the music's over ♪
♪ When the music's over, yeah ♪
♪ When the music's over, turn out the lights ♪
♪ Turn out the lights ♪
♪ Turn out the lights ♪
♪ Well, the music is your special friend ♪
♪ Dance on fire as it intends ♪
♪ Music is your only friend ♪
♪ Until the end ♪