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03x07 - Both Sides Now

Posted: 07/19/15 22:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

This matters to me.

You matter to me.

Barnett: People are dying, Detective.

Somehow, somebody is getting ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Things that nobody should be able to do.

We have to stop whoever's behind this before someone else gets hurt.

So you're the ones they're looking for.

All right, who are you talking about?


Catherine: Who would do that to somebody?

Vincent: I don't know.

But whoever it is, they just made us.

I think we're screwed.

The experiments were bad enough, but now that there are targets on our backs, I don't know.

Vincent: Are you ready to do this?

Get married?

(glass shatters)

Come on!


Ooh, that could have left a mark.

Would have served you right.

What are you doing sneaking up on me?

I whistled. Didn't you hear me whistle?

It's our code, right?

Codes. We shouldn't need codes.

We should be getting married, planning our honeymoon, not running for our lives.

We're not running for our lives.

We're just... we're buying time, okay?

Until we can figure out how to...

Stop a superhuman assassin?

Yeah, that.

We've been on the run for three days, and somehow he keeps finding us.

It's not looking good.

Well, come on, he hasn't gotten us yet, has he?

Yeah? 'Cause he jumped through a stained-glass window and landed like a cat.

Mm-hmm, I can do that, too.

He has superhuman strength.

Well, I have super-beast strength.

b*ll*ts can't even stop him.

He's got me there.

This isn't a joke, Vincent.

We're not moving forward. We're moving backward.

W-We're living in the shadows, just like you used to.

Yes, until you rescued me, right?

Yeah, but now we have to rescue each other.

Whoever is behind these experiments knows who we are now.

That doesn't just put us in danger.

It puts everyone we care about in danger, too.

Which means he's not gonna stop coming after us until he succeeds.

Which is why we got to put our focus back on whoever sent the guy, okay?

Cut the head off the snake, stop them before they stop us.

So we can finally get married.

That's if you still want to get married.

No, of course I want to get married.

I love you, Vincent.

You know that.

It's just-- sometimes I wonder if it's ever really gonna happen.

(cell phone ringing)

This is Detective Hamlin.

Please don't touch my things.

That includes my gummy worms.


Hey, uh, can you talk?

Can you believe this guy?

You on a burner phone?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

What's going on? Any problems?

No, I like having roommates again.

It's so not private.

Protective custody sucks.

I'm sorry, JT. We just can't take any chances.

Not for you, Tess, Heather...

I know, I know, but I don't have to like it, do I?

This is not the cop I want to be sleeping with, if you know what I mean.

Uh, o-okay.

Well, you know what, as soon as we find out who's behind these experiments, the sooner we can get on with our lives.

Any progress?

I ran genome sequencing on some of the outbreak victims, the ones that were enhanced by the parasite.

Okay. And?

I identified trace amounts of methyl aldehyde in the delivery system, aka formaldehyde.

Okay, I don't understand-- how does that help?

Distribution is highly regulated, so not many labs are gonna have it.

Okay, so if we can find the lab, then we can figure out who's behind this.

Yeah, someone's got to be making these highly complex serums, right?

How-how many labs, JT?

Uh... around 200.

200, a-are you kidding me, man?

You got to narrow it down.

Hey, give me a break-- don't you think I'm trying?

I don't have the processing capacity to do it here, and I can't very well sneak off to the university towing bodyguards.

Okay, I'm sorry, man. I'm just... I'm frustrated, and I'm hungry, and I'm cold.

It's okay. I-I understand.


Wait, doesn't the hospital have supercomputers?

Yeah, they do.

But how are you gonna get in without somebody noticing?

Especially the guy who's trying to k*ll you.

We got to get out of here. Come on.



You there?


(phone beeps)



What have we got?

Chemical accident, third-degree burns.

O.R.'s prepped and waiting.

What? On whose order?

Dr. Keller's.

Oh, Keller.

Okay, fifth floor.

Thank you.

Fifth floor, gentlemen.

(elevator dings)


All right, I owe you guys. Thanks.

No way. You saved my son, Doc.

You guys gonna be all right?

Yeah, we'll be okay.

All right, take it easy, guys.

Let's go.


Okay, hopefully I can access the mainframe from here, cross it over to JT off-site so he can narrow down the list of labs.

Okay, I found a candy bar and an apple.

Whoa, living the dream.

I'll take the apple.

Oh. Okay, here.

Ugh. Any, uh, clean clothes in there?

Uh, yeah, scrubs.


And hibiscus pink.

No wedding dress or tux, by chance?

No, sorry.

You know, JT was right.

I mean, there are so many labs.

This is gonna take days to narrow down.

Hey, we don't have days.

Neither do our friends and family.

Tess can't protect them forever.

So what are you suggesting?

I'm suggesting that we stop running.

That we leave town.

I-I hate to break it to you, but the assassin's gonna keep following us.

Right, and if we draw him out, at least everyone else will be safe.

And give JT time to narrow down this list and try and figure out who's behind it all.

Actually, I'm thinking that we can figure out who's behind this ourselves.

By leaving town?

By controlling the situation.


Think about it, Vincent.

We have been on the defensive ever since his first attack, and it isn't working.

We have got to turn the tables.

Go on the offense.

Control where and when the next attack happens.

Surprise him for once.

Catherine, we're gonna need a pretty good reason to leave town.

Otherwise, he's gonna think it's a trap.

Yeah, well, maybe we should elope.

No, you-you got to be kidding me. No.

Not actually elope, obviously, just make him think that we are.

Come on, we're barely one step ahead of him as it is.

All of a sudden, he's gonna believe that we're just taking off to elope?

Because he knows how desperate we are.

He first att*cked us in a church.

Maybe he thinks we're desperate enough to want to get married before he kills us.

(sighs) Look, I don't know.

I'm just... I'm tired, and I'm hung...

(screaming, clamoring)


Don't. Someone might see you.

(fire alarm ringing)

Woman (over intercom): All personnel, we have a code silver.

Code silver, all hospital personnel.

Come on, we got to stop him.

That's it.

We're definitely eloping.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x07 ♪
Both Sides Now
Original Air Date on July 23, 2015

Well, no sign of him.

Yet. Uh, don't forget to bring two forms of I.D.

For the marriage license.


Come on, a-are you really serious about going through with this?

Do you have a better idea?

Than luring him out of town?

No, but eloping?

Okay, it's just a ruse, Vincent.

It's a reason for us to get out of town so he doesn't think that it's a trap.

Unless he thinks that's exactly what it is.

But if he does, he's still gonna follow us, and we can control the where and the when.

Okay, but what if we actually have to go through with this before he att*cks us?

Then we do.

Uh, don't forget a tie.

We need to make it look legit.

Okay, w-wait a minute.

Are you...? (sighs)

Are you completely okay with this?

Relax. I already told you...

Yeah, I... Okay, I know it's a ruse, but it also sounds like you're okay with it if it's not.

Okay, I don't know if you're aware of this, Vincent, but there is a superhuman assassin after us.

Can we talk about this later?

No. No, we can't, okay?

I don't want to elope.

I want to get married the right way.

The way we deserve-- in front of friends and family.

But we can't invite our friends and family.

That's the whole point of us going to Niagara Falls-- to protect them.

I'm not talking about the plan.

I am talking about our wedding, okay?

Or at least the wedding that I thought that we would have.

Vincent, it is just a ruse.

O-Okay, yes, but would you or wouldn't you be okay if it wasn't?

I don't know, maybe.

Vincent, all I know is that I love you and I want to be your wife, and the sooner the better.

Don't you want that, too?

Yes, of course it is, okay? But...

Okay, the only way to do that is for us to get our lives back first.

What are we gonna tell your sister?

Or JT or Tess, for that matter?

We are not going to tell them anything-- we can't.

For their own safety.

Especially Tess.

She's already risked too much trying to get everybody police protection.

I don't want her to get hurt helping us.


Okay, I think we've got everything.

Are we doing this thing or not?

I guess.

Vincent Keller, I love you.

And I don't need a piece of paper to prove it, but the bad guy might.

All right.

Let us go and get our happily ever after back.

Man: The, uh, chief's still holding.

All right. Tell him I'm in a meeting.

That's what I told him last time.


What are you doing here?

Oh, hey, sorry.

I... I need a minute.

Yeah, but the chief sounds really upset, Captain. I think he wants to...

I know what he wants. I'll call him back.

In case you're interested, he wants to know why I've authorized the extra police protection.

He wants to know what it's for, but I can't tell him, of course, because it's about all this superhuman crap, which brings me to: What the hell are you doing here?

You're mad.

Oh, JT, see, that's why I love you.

You always pick up on the tiniest detail.

I know. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Look, I'm sorry. I just... I don't know how to juggle it all, okay?

I am... I am responsible for real cases, police cases, and I keep getting sidetracked by... Formaldehyde.


Uh... I think I just narrowed down the list of labs for Vincent.

We're trying to backtrack who infected all those innocent victims a few days ago, to try to find who's behind the experiments.

Not what I was talking about, but okay.

Hold on.

Are you using my security clearance to gain access to classified information?

Well, yeah, that's why I'm here.

I couldn't do it from my place, certainly not with those thugs breathing down my neck.

Thugs? Those are cops, JT.

They're my cops, and it would've been nice if you had told me you were coming here so I could've taken them off the clock, saved myself a little grief.

Well, hopefully, it'll all be over with soon.

Gotta be one of these three labs.

(printer whirring)

You're not even listening to me.


Come on, a-a superhuman crazy is trying to k*ll Cat and Vincent, and they need my help. What am I supposed to do?

Never mind.


(phone chimes)


Cat and Vincent are leaving?


Call Heather. Maybe she knows something.

Woman: I see on your résumé you were working PR in the city.

Heather: Pretty consistently, yes.

And then you relocated to Miami.


And now you're back.


Yet no permanent address.

Oh. Well, actually, I'm... I'm in between.


Ms. Keaton, I know how it looks, but, um, you can check my references, and they'll tell you that I'm driven, I'm dedicated...

(phone chimes)


I'm focused and 100% ready... for this job.

Sorry. Um...

You can see on my résumé that I assisted publicity for two of the largest firms on Wall Street.

I also... (phone ringing)

Uh... I am really sorry.

I don't know what's going on here. Um, this is certainly not the norm.


And are they part of the norm?


No, they-they're temporary.

Um, my sister's a cop, and she's sort of going through this thing, and, um...

(phone chimes)

I... I'm sorry, Miss Chandler.

I've heard good things about you, but I need someone who's a little less distracted.

(Heather sighs)

Hey, Cat, it's your sister, responding to your text message-- which, aside from being rude because it was a group text, pretty much just cost me a job.

Or was it the g*ons who are shadowing me because someone's after you?

Or maybe it was JT and Tess calling to see if I knew why the hell you decided to bolt town without telling anyone first, as if that would make me worry about you any less. God!

I didn't even get a chance to pitch my totally cool throwback idea on how to mix old Hollywood and young Hollywood pinups to help them sell their cosmetic line to both demographics.

But thanks to you, I...


I'm so sorry.

Um, I was just leaving.


That was actually an interesting pitch-- the pinups idea.

Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?

Looks like he's taking the bait.

Man: It's me.

Looks like they're going to Niagara Falls.

It could be a trap.

Should I still follow?

Don't worry.

I'll bring them back alive.

Wait. He's not trying to k*ll us?

I know. Might explain why we keep getting away from him.

Catherine: Yeah, but why would whoever's behind this want us back alive?

Vincent: I don't know, but whatever the reason is,

I think he knows it's a trap.

Look, maybe we should just head back, right?


He's still following us. We stick to the plan.

At least we know he's after us and not our friends.

Till death do us part, right?


Till death do us part.

(indistinct chatter)

Catherine: He could be here already.

Watching us.

Waiting to make his move.

Well, hopefully, he does before we elope.


What? I don't have to like it, do I?

We're not here to elope. We're here to trap the guy who's been chasing us, protect our friends and family.

By eloping.


And even if we have to go through with the ceremony, it doesn't have to count.

Not if we don't file the marriage certificate afterwards.

Are you completely sure about that?

You are such a romantic.

Well, I'm trying to be.


Okay, let's say he does fall for this ridiculous plan.

How do we capture the guy?

Well, I'm starting to think we don't have to.


The more I think about it, the more I think that we should let him catch us.

That's what he wants anyway, right?

Yeah. What?

So we make him think that he succeeded?

Something like that, yeah.

And then what?

Okay, let's say he takes us back to whoever sent him.

Now, how do we get out of there?

You know, we've seen what he can do with b*ll*ts.

I hate to think what else he could do.

Yeah, but he hasn't seen what you can do yet.

For one reason or another, every time that he's att*cked, you haven't been able to beast out.

So I say, let him bring us back to whoever's behind this, and then surprise.

Okay, you're banking a hell of a lot on thinking that they don't know that I am a beast.

We know that Bob and Carol didn't have a chance to tell them, so how could they know?


Oh, welcome to the beginning of the rest of your lives.

Credit card or cash?

Uh, debit.

All righty.

I need two forms of I.D.

I got it.

Okay. Fill these out. The spaces are marked in red. Did you bring a witness?



Okay, that'll be 35 bucks extra.

There you go.

Okay, sign here and here.

Bring them back to me when you're done.


Tess: No, I understand your concerns, Chief, but every person assigned a protective detail needs one, believe me.

Look, all due respect, sir, you gave me the job because you trusted my judgment.

I'm just asking you to trust it now.

Thank you, sir. I won't let you down.

Look, if it's JT, tell him, whether he likes it or not, the detail stays, all right?

Actually, it's Officer Suarez.

The detail assigned to Heather Chandler.

Is she all right?

She's fine, but apparently she sent her detail away.

Insisted, apparently.


I am putting my ass on the line to protect her and...

Get her on the phone now.


Ms. Keaton: So, have you shared the good news with anybody yet?

About the job?

No, um, but I can't wait.

(phone ringing)

My sister will be so surprised.

I am so sorry.

This, um... won't happen again.

Now, we're going to have to talk about your security guards, because I-I can't have them.

Actually, I already sent them away to prove to you that they are definitely not a part of my norm.


So, uh, how is this building connected with the main office again?

It's not, actually.

So is this where you make your cosmetics?

What are you doing?

Let go of me!

What is going on?

I need you to tell me who your sister's working for.

What-what are you talking about?


I want to know who your sister and her fiancé really are and why they're after me.

You're the one who's been after them?

Believe me, I don't want to hurt you.

I don't want to hurt anybody, but sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.


Oh, you need to sign here and there, too.

Uh, do I sign my maiden name?

Are you changing it?

We haven't actually discussed that yet.

Well, then just sign your maiden name.

You can always change it before you file your marriage certificate, right?

Right, which means it doesn't actually count, though, until we do, right?

Is he a foreigner?

You know you can't marry him just to make him a citizen, you know that?

It's against the law.

That is not what's going on here.

Okay, good.

All right, here you go.

Just line up over there and wait till your name's called.

Thank you.

Okay. Next!

What's going on with you?

I just...

I asked a question.

Why are you acting so weird?

I'm not.

(phone rings)

Come on.

My, uh...

Hey, JT, what's going on?

Tell me you're not eloping.

No, no, not-not really.


Okay, how do you know?

Debit card, wedding kiosk, Niagara Falls.

Either you're intentionally leaving bread crumbs, or you've gotten really bad at covering your tracks.

Is everything okay? Heather?

Yes, yes.


Look, I can't really explain right now, but, well, everything's fine, and-and we... we know what we're doing, right?


'Cause luring a superhuman assassin sounds pretty insane right now.

Besides, why didn't you tell me?

Because we just... we wanted to keep you guys safe, okay?

We didn't want you to follow us.

So what, eloping is your plan to lure him?

Come on, Vincent, I know you.

That's the last thing you'd ever do.

Yeah, I know, I know, but, um...

At least tell me you're not really gonna go through with it.

That can't be the way you two get married.

I've already got my best man speech ready.

It's memorized.

Okay, we're next. Come on.

Listen to me, uh, the good news is that I think I might have found the lab that made the serum, and if so, then you won't have to go through with any of this.

Okay, wait, are you sure?

Well, I'll know as soon as I go check it out.

No, no, don't go on your own, okay?

It's too dangerous.

Just wait for us to get back.

I can't.

Tess is totally pressuring me.

Besides, I need to show her why this is more important than those damn police details she's so bent out of shape about.


Can... hear me?


Hello? You still there?




If you can still hear me, I'm heading to the lab, but don't tell Tess.

What are you doing?

I got him!


Oh, damn it!

Stop. Ow, wait.

I can explain.

(sighs) No, you know, maybe we should just let this couple go ahead of us.

No, if he's watching us, we should make this look as real as possible.

It's feeling pretty real to me right now, so...

Man: Congratulations to you both.


Step on up.

I-I-I... I can't. I can't do it.

No, okay, come on, you have to.

Uh, Catherine Chandler and Vincent Keller?

Uh, that is us.


Okay, ready?

Sure. (grunts)

We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Catherine Chandler and Vincent Keller.

Today you arrived as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife.

Oh, Catherine, I can't.

I can't do it. I can't do it.

No. He might be watching us, Vincent.



Yes, yes, there is.

Uh, this... this isn't right.


I'm sorry. I really am.

I-I-I'm sorry.

Excuse me.


(chuckles) We'll be right back.


Do you realize what you just did?

Yeah, yeah, I just stopped us from ruining what should've been the best day of our lives.

No, you may have just ruined our best chance to find out who's behind all this, and for what?

Because you don't want to elope?

Yes, yes, that is exactly why I did it.

But, Vincent, we were never really going to do that.

Yes, we were.

Okay, maybe not technically, but we were about to recite the vows, Catherine.

So what if we did?

What difference does it make?

It's just a piece of paper.

No, no, it's not.

Okay, it's supposed to be one of the most important things that we can do in our lives, okay?

It's not us applying for some damn driver's license.

We're getting married, okay?

It shouldn't be some stupid ruse.

I don't understand why you're acting this way.

Exactly. Exactly.

You don't.

You don't understand.

You know, that in there, that may be enough for you, but that's not enough for me, okay?

I want us to remember our wedding day just like my parents did.

You know, the whole time I was growing up, that's all they ever spoke about, you know, their wedding, like it was something magical.

And I know it's corny, it is, but I want it to be magical for us, too.

I just, I can't believe that you don't.

Man: Okay, nice big smiles, everybody.

(shutter clicking, organ playing)



That's close enough.


Just don't hurt her, all right?

Tell us what you want.

I want you to come with me.

Or your bride dies.

Okay, all right.

All right.

Is this really necessary?

You're detaining me, really?

JT, you tried to run away from your detail.

I couldn't let them follow me, okay?

I had to ditch them because I think I might have found the lab behind all the experiments.

So what, you can't pick up a phone and call me?

You would've let me go?

To check out the lab by yourself, no.

Exactly. Tess, you don't understand.

This-this could be everything.

If this lab's what I think it is, it can lead us right to whoever's behind it all.

Look, JT, all I know is that I'm risking my job to protect you, and you and everybody else are just trying to get rid of your protection, and you don't think about how it reflects on me.

You don't understand.

This could be it.

We could be this close to solving all this superhuman crap and getting it out of all of our lives once and for all.

But that's not what I'm talking about right now.

But that's all that matters right now.

Look, Tess, don't worry.

I-I already figured out how to get around lab security so I can see what's really going on inside.

Without Cat and Vincent?

Yeah, but just to check it out until they get back.

Trust me, Tess, this is important.

I know what I'm doing.

You know what, JT, this is important, too, and so is my job.

Doesn't it matter to you at all?

Of course it does, but...

I got to do this.

For Cat and Vincent.

Thanks for coming.

Well, we didn't have much of a choice.


Okay, you want to tell us who you are?

My name is Julianna, but I'm more interested in who you are and why you've been trying to stop me.

Because that's what we do-- we stop people like you.

You have no idea who I am.

That's why we let your friend here capture us, to find out.


(w*apon fires quietly)




How'd you know?

That Vincent's a beast?

Truth is, I should've probably figured it out sooner.

Luckily, though, my new assistant came through.


I'm sorry, Cat!

My sister has nothing to do with this.

Please let her go.

You need to start answering my questions, Catherine, and you need to tell me who you're really working for.

I already told you.

I work at the 125th.

I'm a detective in the NYPD.

And Vincent's just a doctor at New York General, clearly.

What do you want me to say?

I want you to say how you were able to take down Bob and Carol Hall and how you subdued Zane, Alton and all my other enhanced test subjects.

Except for him; he's a little more enhanced.

You know who Vincent really is.

You know what he's capable of.

Doesn't that answer your questions?

It doesn't answer who sent you or how he found out where I am.

I don't know who you're talking about.




No, please stop!

Please don't do this!

That's enough.

(Vincent coughing)

You're gonna tell me exactly where he's hiding, or we're gonna find out how much you're willing to see your fiancé suffer.

(whispering): JT?


Shh! They might hear you.

What the hell is going on?

I don't know, but I think they might k*ll them, JT.

We have to do something.

What happened to you?

Are you okay?

I don't know; I've never been beaten up before.

Wait, how did you know I was here?

I didn't. I just came to see if this was the right lab.

But what are you doing here?

Julianna tricked me.

I thought I got a new job, but... she forced me to talk. I...

God, I didn't mean to say anything, but they... they threatened to k*ll me, and I didn't know what else to do.

What do you mean? What did you say?

I told them about Vincent.

About... what he really is.

What did they do to him?

They shot him with the tranq g*n before he could...

Shh. Here she comes. Uh...

Put your hands behind your back like they're still tied.

(door closes)

Julianna (faintly): If I'm wrong...

So what are we gonna do?

Uh, we gotta get Vincent to wake up somehow.

Beast out.

Maybe find a little something to give him a boost.

Julianna: You are running out of time, and I am running out of patience.

What is that?

The enhancement serum you're familiar with is the product of years of trial and error, all to try and stop the man who sent you.

But this... this is a failed attempt.

Pushed the nervous system too far, caused a painful overdose.

Please don't.

I am telling you the truth.

In a city of eight million people, you zeroed in on my test subjects by chance?

I don't think so.

DHS knew about your experiments long before we did.

We were just helping them.

DHS hired a beast? Really?

Yes, they did.

What'll that do to him?

Hopefully, make him beast out, kick some ass.

What's in it?

A lot of things.

Epinephrine, testosterone, steroids.

It'll give Vincent a hell of a jolt, that's for sure.

We just need to find a delivery system.

Will this help?


Who... who are you talking about?


Vincent, I'm sorry.

I don't know what to do.

It's okay.

No, it isn't.

You have to wake up.

You have to fight. You have to do everything you can.

I can't lose you.

I love you.

No, Vincent.

Last chance.

What are you waiting for?


We only get one shot at this.

Please, you have to believe me.

We are not working for anyone.

I don't know who you're talking about.

Wrong answer.






(Catherine grunting)

Cat, don't!

Woman (over intercom): Dr. Moline to oncology.

Dr. Moline to oncology, please.

How is she?

Well, she's... she's in an induced coma until she can recover.

Will she recover?

It's hard to say.

Look, Catherine, it's not your fault, okay?

She was going to k*ll me, and after everything she's put us through...

I know, I know.

But there's supposed to be a difference between people like her and people like us.

I guess I just... lost it.

Well, better you than me, right?

Do you believe what she was saying?

That she did all this to stop somebody else?

I don't know.

I think that's more her problem than ours.

Besides, it's hard to believe that there is someone out there that's worse than her.

At least she won't be experimenting on innocents anymore, whatever the reason.

Well, that's all we set out to stop when this first started, right?

(door opens)

You guys okay?

Can we get back to you on that?

Yeah. Hey, how long do you think we can keep her on the jail ward for?

Hey, you're the doctor.

You tell me.


If it's all right, I...

I'd rather not admit her as a Jane Doe.

It's just kind of dicey with all the covering I've been doing lately.

Yeah, I am so sorry, Tess.

No, no, no.

Don't apologize.

It is what it is, and... most importantly, you caught the Big Bad.

Well, actually, it was your boyfriend who helped us out.



Yeah, without JT and Heather, we wouldn't have made it.

Vincent wouldn't be alive.

Yeah, well, I'm not surprised.

JT always comes through for Vincent.

No matter what.

(knocking at door)


No need to apologize.

And you can hold the congratulations.

It was a team effort.

What's going on?

I really love this sweatshirt.

Yeah, I noticed.

That's hard to believe.

Well, you sleep in it almost every night.

And I love to see you in it.

It looks good on you.

Where are you going with this?

Tess, talk to me.

Look, JT.

You saved the day.

You know? You solved the grand mythological mystery.

It's... it's just that you didn't give a rat's ass about what I was going through or what I needed.

I'm sorry, I...

No, don't.

Look, Tess, I admit, I-I...

I was preoccupied with finding the guy-- woman, as it turns out-- behind it all.

But it was worth it, right? I...

I was trying to help.

I was trying to keep us safe.

And you did.

You did, and I'm grateful, I really am.

You... you did a good thing.

So what's the problem?

(sighs) I don't know.

I don't know what the problem is, okay?

Maybe it's because you've been helping Vincent for years.

Maybe it's guilt because he's a beast, or loyalty to him, I don't know, but all I know is that you're not loyal to me, JT, at least not emotionally.

And maybe... it is, it's selfish of me to want that, and if it is, so be it, but...

I want to be with someone who puts me first.

Who cares about what I need first.

And that's not you.


♪ I've been seeing all ♪
♪ I've been seeing your soul ♪
♪ Give me things that I wanted to know ♪
♪ Tell me things that you've done... ♪

I can't believe I almost lost you.

What's new?

Yeah, but this time it was different.

Julianna was going to k*ll you, and there was nothing I could do but watch it happen.

But it didn't happen.

I just kept thinking about you dying-- us dying-- without ever getting a chance to get married.

Well, it's a good thing we didn't elope, then, right?

Yeah, it is.

My parents, they, uh... they didn't romanticize their wedding the way yours did.

Oh, well, you know, everybody's different, you know?

Doesn't mean they didn't love each other.

No, I know. And they did.

It wasn't until it hit me that we might not get a real wedding that I realized that I might want one.

Do you?


Yeah, I do.

♪ Drop the game, it's not enough... ♪

Especially after everything we've been through to get here, against all odds.

I don't want to lose you without celebrating what we have together.

I want to marry you, Vincent Keller, and treasure those memories forever.

I love you.

I love you, too.