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03x06 - Chasing Ghosts

Posted: 07/13/15 01:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Will you marry me?


Heather: Finally!

Where have you two been?

We have a wedding to plan.

People are dying, Detective.

Somehow somebody's getting ordinary people to do extraordinary things, things that nobody should be able to do.

They're experimenting on them-- they're pushing the limits of their body and mind.

We have to stop whoever's behind this before someone else gets hurt.

I think we should be a little bit worried, especially now we know whoever's behind it all is after me.

Except... I don't think that they know who you are yet.

♪ This is a short race ♪
♪ And this is a short life ♪
♪ Let's run, not walk... ♪

So... what do you think?

I don't know. You like it?


You know, I think it's beautiful.

Although I thought the last four places we looked at were great, so...

Well, maybe you're not as picky as I am.

Or as indecisive.

I just, I want to get married to you as soon as possible, you know, in a place just like this.

I know, but...

But what?

Whoever Bob and Carol were trying to deliver you to?

They're still out there.

And if he knows you're a beast...

We know for a fact that they didn't have a chance to tell their boss before they died.

But he's still gonna want to know who took out his superhuman assassins, and that's gonna lead them to us.

Okay, Catherine. I thought we agreed we weren't letting any threats get in the way of us getting married.

So, what's really holding you back?

(Heather humming "Bridal Chorus")



No? That's okay.

We'll just keep looking.

That leaves the Armory Hall and the St. Boniface Atrium.

But the Atrium only seats 120.

I'm sure we could squeeze into that.

Heather: Are you sure? 'Cause Matthew and I had a headcount of, like, a hundred each.

I mean, remember you have to invite Dad's partners from the law firm and there's all of Mom's cousins in Toronto.

Okay, why do I have to invite Mom's cousins?

I don't even really know them.

Because if Mom were here, that's what she would want.

Yeah, but she isn't here, is she?

I'm sorry.

No, that's, it-it's fine, You don't have to apologize.

I went through the same thing when I was planning my wedding.

It's hard not having her here for things like this.

Okay, I've got to get to work.

Wait, I thought you had to pick up your mom's sisters from Grand Central?

Well, I have that case, remember?

What case?

Cat, Aunt Lily and Aunt Claire came in a day early before the shower just to see you.

So, please do not blow them off.

Okay, fine, I'll meet you there.

But I got to go, okay?

But if...

What is her problem?


Do you really have to go to work or are you just trying to get out of picking up your aunts?

You heard Heather.

This is all about Mom for her.

And it's only gonna get worse when Mom's sisters are around.

I'm seriously regretting having Heather plan my shower.

Yeah, well, still.

Family and weddings tend to go together, don't they?

Whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry, you've got your own family issues right now, don't you?

Have you called your cousins yet?

No. No, not yet, but I'm going to.

Vincent... It's not that easy, all right?

I feel like I left it too long. I should've called them last year when I came back from the dead, right?

I-I didn't know what to say to them then and I sure as hell don't know what to say to them now.

You tell them that you're getting married and you want to reconnect.

It is the perfect time.

I don't know. I haven't seen them for years, you know? Not since my brothers' funerals.

I know they're not your brothers, Vincent, but they're the only family you've got.

Hmm. Wait, you're just trying to fill up my side of the church, aren't you?

Maybe, I am.

(quiet laugh)



What? Nothing.

Man: Cousin Vinnie!

There he is. (laughs)


Come here, huh?

Look at you.

Ghost from the freaking past.

Hank. Hank, what are... what you are doing here?

At least you still remember my name.

Vincent: Yeah, yeah. Of-of course.

I just, I wasn't expecting you.


Hank: I was starting to wonder when I was gonna hear from you again.

You're not too good for the ol' g*ng, are you?

Vincent: No, no.

No, not at all. I just...

Things have been complicated.

Hank: Look, I'm just messing with you, man.

Family's where they got to let you in, right?


I brought a couple distant cousins.

These are my sister's boys.

They were just kids when you enlisted.

This is Lou.

He's going to law school.

Hey, how's it going?

Following in his Uncle Hank's footsteps.

Of course. And this here is Damon.

He works on Wall Street.


Hey. Nice to meet you.

Hey, somebody has to, right?

So, uh... you-you tracked down the family?

Catherine, uh, knew about this, huh?

Ah, yeah, the professor told us about the lucky lady.

We're looking forward to meeting her.

We both thought it would be a good idea.

Think of it as an early wedding present.

Couldn't get your nephew 'cause he's overseas.

But I was able to track down your cousins.

And presto!

Instant bachelor party.

"B-Bachelor party"?

Surprise again!

Hey! Hey, Vin.

It's great to see you, man.


(both laugh)

Tess: ...extra patrols on the Heights through the weekend, all right?

What are you doing here?

Aunts, train station... any of this ringing a bell?

Yeah, Heather's picking them up.

So, I scheduled you for two days off why exactly?

I know, and I appreciate it.

All right, then scram.

Hug your aunts, hang crepe paper.

I'll see you at the shower.

Hey, should I bring a karaoke machine?

Actually, Heather's plan is more high tea at the palace.

And she's even making cucumber sandwiches.

So what? I got to, like, wear a hat?

I just want to check out Bob and Carol's place one more time.

Why? We've been over this.

What do you think you're gonna find?

Hopefully, something that gives me a clue as to who hired them.

I think maybe we missed something.

Do not give me that look, Tess.

I cannot justify going for tea with my mom's sisters when somebody's hunting Vincent.

They're not hunting Vincent. They're hunting beasts.

They don't even know that he is one. (cell phone ringing)

So you're gonna have to come up with a better excuse...


Hey, Heath. How's it going?

"How's it going?"

I've got two tiny little aunts here with two giant suitcases and no sister.

And no sister!

I'm sorry. I'm just got hung up at work.

They're here to see you, not me!

Hey, Heather. It's Tess.

Yeah, you know what? It's my fault.

It's a, it's a case.

Mm-hmm, but it's just one thing.

She'll be home in an hour.


All right, you got one hour.

See what you can find. Then... go make nice with your aunts.



Double top!

Got some catching up to do, little bro.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Until you choke and go bust like always.

Remind you of couple other brothers?


You know, I still miss them every day.

Yeah, I know.

Listen, um, you're not mad at me about all this, right?

No. No, not at all, man.

I just...

Look, I wanted to connect with my family.

I just, I didn't know how.

Hank: Well, here we are gentlemen.

Oh! Triple distilled, 30 years in sherry casks.

Top shelf.

Eh, uh, thanks, Hank.

But I think I'm okay with beer.

Oh, come on.

One last blowout, right?

Only the best.



Mm. Hmm.


Damon: Oh!

Pay up, little brother!

Oh, come on! Double or nothing.

Where's your money?

Now that really reminds me of the old days-- those Keller family softball games?

Loser always bought the beer.

Which was usually your team 'cause the Keller brothers were always winning.

(scoffs) Revisionist history, am I right?

Yeah, not really ringing a bell actually.

What? Come on, uh, every Labor Day, Prospect Park, whole family.

You really don't remember?

I guess I must've been at law school at the time, huh?

Too bad. It was good times.

Jt: Yeah.

Woman: I'm looking for Vincent Keller.

Hey. Yeah.

Yeah, what's going on? Is Catherine okay?

Mr. Keller, you're under arrest.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You got the wrong guy.

(music playing)

Oh, no, my orders are quite clear.

You have the right to remain silent.

Oh! Oh! Okay.

Uh... JT?

(crowd gasps)


Both: Oh!



I heard you like a woman in uniform.

You're welcome.

I don't know anything about this, I swear.

Hey, guys?

You know, this is, this is completely unnecessary. Guys?

It's all covered, sweetie.

You're calling the sh*ts.

(g*nshots outside)


(g*nshots continue)

Hey, get down! Get down!

(woman screaming)

Get off of my street!

Step back!

Get back!

Back! Get back, man!

Clear out, all of you! Get back!

Whoa! Did you see that?

No, uh, we got to go! Vincent!

Vincent! No! Hey, Hank! Hank!

Hank! Hank!

Get down, man!


(both grunting)

Jt: Vincent, down here!

Hank's been shot!


You all right?

I'm okay.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x06 ♪
Chasing Ghosts
Original Air Date on July 16, 2015

How's Hank doing?

Uh, he's doing okay.

Well, the b*llet went clean through.

So he should make a good recovery.

But I just, I don't know.

I can't believe I let that happen to him.

You can't blame yourself, Vincent.

You didn't even know he was gonna be here.

No, but apparently you did.

Sorry. Was it so bad?

No. But in a perfect world, it would've been a nicer surprise if it was my brothers.

But it was fine, you know, until Hank got shot.

All right, speaking of which, how's our superhuman sh**t doing?

Well, he's isolated and sedated, but it's strange, you know, unlike all the other experiments, it seems like he's getting better.

What do you mean?

Well, he wasn't trying to escape or climb the walls, you know?

It's as if he was slowly returning to his natural state.

That doesn't make any sense, though.

Yeah, I know, which why I'm getting JT to test his blood, see if there's any differences.

I don't like the fact this happened right outside your bachelor party-- it's too close to home for it to be a coincidence.

Come on, okay, I wasn't his target, all right?

In fact, it was like he didn't have a target at all.

Yeah, but just the fact that it was on that street in our neighborhood, it might mean that whoever hired Bob and Carol is closing in on us.

Or it might mean that you were trying to avoid your mom's sisters.

I am not avoiding them.

(imitates buzzer) I'm sorry, try again.

Okay, I am just saying that when I went to Bob and Carol's apartment, it had been cleaned out, professionally.

Which means that's it's possible that whoever's behind this is doing everything they can to figure out who's stopping their experiments.

The sample on the left is from when the sh**t was first put in the ambulance, and the one on the right was taken less than an hour ago.

Cells are normal.

Which means he's normal now, too.

How can that be?

You said that he climbed the fire escape like Spider-Man or something.

Doesn't that mean he has to be enhanced?

Could he have burned it out, like what happened with you?

I'm still working on what happened with me.

But what happened with this guy wasn't caused by that serum.

That's the result of a blood-borne parasite.

A parasite, like a bug?

So he caught this like a cold?

Well, I don't know exactly how it got transmitted, but it did.

And this parasite's fast-acting, too, which means he had to have contracted it a day or two ago at most.

So somebody enhanced a parasite so it would spread?

That's a more efficient delivery system than the serum, right?

And potentially more widespread, too.

Whoever's behind this is accelerating things.

In our backyard.

We should track the movements of the sh**t over the last 24 hours, see where he contracted it.

Before it becomes an outbreak, and we've got superhuman maniacs coming out of our ears.

Okay, I'm gonna go back to the precinct, see if I can put a profile together, where he lives...

No, I'm doing that.

You're going home.


Cat, I promised Heather you'd be there an hour ago.

Yeah, that was before someone shot at Vincent.

Not at me, near me.

Okay, but the point is...

The point is-- you're the one who keeps bitching about having to hold her life back for this crap, so don't.

So far, it's an isolated incident, the sh**t's under control.

Come on, it doesn't take two cops to run a background check.

Okay, but you're captain, you shouldn't have to...

Pull rank and order you to go home?

Okay, uh, how about you go deal with my cousin, and I'll go deal with your aunts?


Go, both of you, I'll stay here and keep working on the samples, see what I can figure out.

Okay, promise me that if you find anything, you'll call me.

Of course.



(phone ringing)

Catherine, hi.

We've been waiting for you.

(whispering): Where the hell are you?

Catherine: Um, yeah.

I'm in the hallway, and I don't want to come in right now.

Can you just handle things for a little bit longer?


No. Look, I don't know what your issue is, Cat, but they're here to see you, so you better get in here and deal with them, or I swear, I will tell them you're engaged to a beast.

You wouldn't.

Although I think Aunt Lily would find it sexy.

Ask me how I know.


Oh, look, here's Cat now!

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, my God!

Aunt Claire, come on, up you go.

Get some water, Heather.

You all right?

Um, yeah, I'm okay.

I'm sorry, I just... when I saw you come in through the door, I thought I was seeing a ghost.

You look... you look just like her.

Lily: It's true, Catherine, you really do.

I can't even imagine how much you must miss your mother.

Especially at a time like this.



So am I gonna live, Doc?

(chuckles) Yeah, it looks like it.

Thanks to you.

Heard you called in a chit, got me the same surgeon who does the mayor.

Don't think I won't return that favor.

I am not looking for favors.

Oh, and don't worry, I learned my lesson.

No more strippers-- that is for sure.


Not to worry.

Look, uh...

Hank, I got to apologize to you, man.

I, uh...

I'm really sorry for being out of touch for so long.

You know, it's just ever since I got back from Afghanistan, a lot has changed for me.


Yeah, a lot changed around here, too.

You know, I got married, had a kid.

He's, uh, he's four, by the way.

Oh, yeah, that's awesome.


You know, I'd like to meet them someday.

Yeah, well, just what you need, huh?

Another distant cousin.


I mean, look, we both know I can't replace your brothers.

I-I don't expect...

Yeah, but that's life, right?

You know, we... we hung around together, then we grew up, went our separate ways.

Me to law school, you and your brothers to the firehouse.

I mean, God rest their souls.

Pretty damn hard to compete with that.

Yeah, well, there's no need to compete.

I mean, you're a big shot lawyer now.

You're doing pretty well for yourself.

I do okay, yeah.

Especially considering nobody expected me to.

Yeah, the truth is Grandpa never thought much of my old man, either.

Come on, Hank, I don't think that's true.

(scoffs) You know, your father, your brothers, you guys were the real heroes of the family.

No amount of success on my side could ever compete with it.

Especially after the martyr thing.

What are you talking about?

Oh, I-I'm just saying, you know?

Now I get to be my kid's hero.

You got to be kidding me, right?

You know, my brothers, they died on duty rushing into those Towers.

Hey, Vinnie, come on, relax.

I-I didn't mean anything by it, I'm just...

Man: Dr. Keller.


They need you in E.R., stat.

Woman (over P.A.): All available physicians, please report...


All available security, please report to Emergency.


You and your mom were always so much alike, Catherine.

Always had big things going (chuckles) Worlds to save.

Apples don't fall far from the tree.

Eh, sometimes they do-- depends on the slope.

Must have been hard for you two growing up, what with Vanessa always off doing such important work for the government.

Vaccinating children in Africa, helping wounded soldiers in Afghanistan.

Yeah, wounded.

Oh, there you are.

Just a month old.

You and your mom were virtually inseparable from the day you were born.

You would scream bloody m*rder if anyone else tried to hold you.

Even your father.

(sighs) Poor Thomas.

Well, she was a baby.

(laughs nervously)

Babies cry.

Who else, uh, wants more tea?

Oh, no, I'm just gonna float away.

I wouldn't mind a glass of wine.

I'll get the bottle.

I'll help you pour.

Don't you dare ruin this.

By what, telling them that Thomas wasn't my biological father?

And what good would that do?

You need to do some forgiving and forgetting, or you need to start faking it.

Oh, what's that?

For the shower tomorrow.

It's a memory lantern.

For your mother-- you write the name of your ancestor on it, then you light it and launch it into the sky to invite their spirit to visit.

You're the bride, you should write her name.

You know, Mom never taught me calligraphy, she was too busy doing other things.

Well, we'll all do it together.

It'll be like all our voices calling out to her.

You know what, I'm more concerned... (phone rings)


It's Vincent.

Have some wine?


How are things going on your end?

Hey, not good.

Know that outbreak that JT warned us about?

It's happening.
Man (over phone): Ow, sir, stop moving!


Tess: Whoever they are, they're definitely targeting our turf.

Every outbreak's in the 125th.

How many so far?

Ten and counting.

It doesn't make sense.

The innocents that were chosen for serum experiments before were specifically targeted.

Why change to this outbreak approach?

What are they trying to accomplish?

I don't know, but if they're trying to make things worse and fast, they're sure as hell doing that.

I've got detectives backtracking the victims' movements for the last 24 hours, see if we can find patient zero.

Right now, everybody just thinks it's a new street drug, but the wider this breaks...

Okay, just, it doesn't make sense.

I don't think they'd want exposure any more than we do.

So what is it that they do want?

Look, I hate to say it, but maybe you were right.

Maybe they created these supercharged experiments to flush out whoever k*lled Bob and Carol.

Maybe they figure whoever recognizes the pattern is who they're looking for.

I don't know.

If they infected one sh**t, then maybe.

But infecting all of these innocent people?

Tess, I cannot believe that when Vincent called me for a second I was actually relieved.

My first thought was-- at least I don't have to hear any more about Saint Vanessa.

Was it really that bad?

My aunts are trying to invite the ghost of my mother to my bridal shower.

Yes, it was.

Poor Heather, she doesn't understand, and I don't want to burst her bubble and tell her that our precious mother is the one that turned Vincent into a beast.

But it was an accident, though, right?

Does it matter?

Look at what it's cost him, Tess.

Look at what it's cost us.

For all we know, this outbreak really is all about trying to find Vincent.

Thanks again, Mom.

(door opens)


How bad is it out there?

Ugh, we got 12 more in isolation beds as we speak.

And it's getting worse.

You know, Catherine's right.

This thing can't be a coincidence.

Our neighborhood, her precinct, the hospital--

I mean, it's all too close to home for my liking.

Yeah, well, it's closer than you think.

Take a look at this.

Studying the parasite sample, I thought I recognized something in the way it mutated the victim's DNA.

I wasn't sure, but then I compared it to the serum sample in the earlier victims.

Notice anything?

Nucleotide repeats.

So minute I didn't see it at first, but there it is in every victim, which means...

Which means they're using proto-beast DNA.

From the original species from 10,000 years ago.

How is that even possible?

I don't know.

Whoever these guys are, they're using the same mutation that made you... you.

Catherine: Proto-beast DNA?

Are you sure?

I thought they were making superhumans, not superbeasts.

Well, that might explain why Bob and Carol thought I was so valuable to whoever's behind it all, right?

I can't believe this is happening.

I thought we were done chasing beasts.

Believe me, I wish we were.

Well, at least this'll narrow down who we're looking for.

I mean, there can't be that many people that even know about the proto-beast.

No, which is why I think we should go and see your father.

My father? Why?


Because he's one of the few people who does know, that's why.

No way.

I have enough family drama right now without adding my biological father to the mix.

Okay, look, I am not his biggest fan either, all right?

I know this is gonna be hard, but if someone is using proto-beast DNA, then Reynolds may be our only hope at finding out who it is or where the hell they got it in the first place.

Okay, fine.

We'll talk to him.

Reynolds: I'd rather talk about that ring you're wearing.


I had no idea you two were engaged.

We're not here to get your blessing, Dad.

You tried to get the groom ex*cuted, remember?

That doesn't exactly reserve you a spot on the Save the Date list.

All right, then why are you here?

Someone is experimenting on innocents, trying to push the limits of what's physically and mentally possible.

By using proto-beast DNA.


Who the hell has access to that?

You tell us.

Reynolds: I don't know.

We only used proto-beast to make super soldiers.

This sounds like it could be even bigger.

This sounds like somebody is actually getting close to perfecting Vanessa's formula.

Meaning what?

See, your mom had this theory that, in success, her experiments could skip a couple of steps in the evolutionary chain.

Turn humans into superhumans.

And you really have no idea who could be behind it all?


Everybody I know in that line of work is dead.

Yeah, including Mom.

Vanessa didn't mean for things to turn out this way.

You know that.

But things did turn out this way, didn't they?

Which means Vincent is in even more danger than he was before.

Well, don't blame your mother.

Why the hell not?

And who are you to defend her?

She'd dead and you're in prison for the same reason.

You are both to blame for this mess.

You shouldn't be mad at her.

Well, too bad, because I am.

And I'm mad at you, too.

The only difference is, she's not around anymore to answer for this, is she?

Okay, look... you're telling me that you have no idea how we can figure out who is behind it?


Although, if the victims have proto-beast in their blood, you could track them, maybe even all the way back to their source.

No, I mean, there-there are barely trace amounts, I can hardly get a fix on them.

Hey, that's all you got.

You're connected to these experiments by blood, Vincent.

Use that.

Hey, Catherine.


I gave you a box from your mom after I sold the house.

Have you looked inside?


You should.

You might find some of the answers you're looking for.

Catherine: All right, so we go back to JT, see if he can put together enough proto-beast DNA so that we can track down...

No, so I can track down the source.

I am not letting you go by yourself.

Whoever's behind this may not know that you're a beast yet, but if you show up on their doorstep, they may find out.

I will never let that happen, okay?

I will call you before that happens.

Hey, listen to me.

I thought we promised each other that we wouldn't let this kind of stuff get in the way of us living our lives, right?

How am I supposed to go to my shower and even pretend to care about ribbon bouquets and paper lanterns with all of this going on?

Listening to my sister and my aunts talk about what a great mother I had, how much good she did.


Hey, you deserve to have this shower, okay?

And it's-it's about you, it's not about your mom.

Vincent, there is an outbreak going on.

People are getting hurt.

Yeah, and what's new?

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I-I don't mean to minimize the situation, but there's nothing you can do about it right now.

All right?

Let me deal with it.

You go see your family.

'Cause trust me, don't let anything take that away from you.

Come on.

(chattering, laughing)

You know, the wedding's kind of sudden. but it'll be great.

She's doing dishes at her own shower.

Can you please drag her back to the party, because I am out of a*mo and I'm about to do a toast.

Thank you.

Tess: Hey, how's it going?

I was just cleaning up a bit.

And avoiding.


Cat, come on, I know that there's a lot going on, but if you're not going to enjoy the wedding stuff, why even have it?

I would love to have nothing on my mind but naughty charades and choosing between fondant and buttercream, but that is not my life.

Okay, well, you got to turn it off sometimes, all right?

Or you're going to burn yourself out.

And it's buttercream all the way.

I'm not really sure why this is even a question.

(fork dings against glass)

Heather: Uh, attention.

Attention, everyone.

Um, I'd like to propose a toast to my sister Catherine and her Prince Charming, Vincent.

If anyone deserves a "happily ever after," it's them.

Hear, hear!

Woman: Cheers.


Congrats, Cat.

Mm. And I'd like to thank my Aunt Lily and my Aunt Claire for coming out from Albany.


I know, like them, we all wish that my mom could be here today to celebrate, too, um... but in our hearts, she will always be here.

(quiet applause)

And I know one thing for sure.

I know she'd be so happy for you, Cat... for finding the love of your life.

For finding Vincent.

No thanks to her.



What? You think Mom would be happy for me, Heather?

Despite the fact that she all but tried to destroy Vincent?

Cat, don't do this...

Catherine: No! I am...

I am sick of hearing about how wonderful Mom is, how special Mom is, how much good Mom did.

You don't know what she did, Heather.

None of you do.

I can't--

I can't stand this anymore.

I won't.

Heather, Mom is the one that hurt Vincent.

Do you understand me?

Mom did that to him and he and I have been paying for it ever since, so I will be damned if I am gonna sit here and write on paper lanterns and wish that she was here, because I don't!

I am glad that she isn't here, because I will never forgive her for what she did, ever!


(door closes)

♪ Since you're falling away ♪
♪ Since you're hiding your face ♪
♪ There's nothing I can do about that... ♪

Okay, if you're here to tell me what a bad sister I am, you don't have to.

I already know.

Oh, okay.

I'll just go, then.

Come on, Cat.

Give yourself a break for once.

You had a lot of pent-up emotions and it just came out, that's all.

Yeah, at the worst possible time.

Yeah, well, weddings tend to bring out the ugly truth in families, Cat.

That and Thanksgiving-- at least in my family.

Heather must hate me.

No, not at all.

She's rocked, for sure.

I mean, she had no idea about what your mother really did, but I think she gets it.

And besides, she's your sister, she has to forgive you.

Come on, Cat, you're a great sister.

You just have a lot on your plate.

I see it every day.

That's why I'm always telling you to live your life, regardless of this crap.

And you know what?

What happened last night, how you felt, what you said... that is life.

And now that it's out, it's a good thing.

Yeah, it doesn't feel so good.

It will, with time.

You have enough secrets, Cat.

Being mad at your mom shouldn't be one of them.


I still don't understand how infecting over, what, a dozen people, with a parasite that doesn't last very long accelerates their experiments.

It doesn't.

It may affect more people faster, but it's certainly less efficient.

Yeah, then why do it?

Uh, the only way to find out is to backtrack the proto-beast.

Use the scent in one of the victims and see who he caught the bug from.

Okay, so there's enough in there for me to identify it in a victim?

Extracted it from my own blood.

I mean, from when I had the serum in me.

Good thing I'm a neurotic hoarder and held on to all of my samples.


So you had proto-beast in your blood, too?


Guess that makes us blood brothers, huh?

Yeah, man, I guess it does.

Hank: Hey!

Long time no see.

Vincent: Hank, hey.

I-I didn't know you were being discharged today.

Hank: No kidding.

I haven't seen hide nor hair of you since you ran out yesterday for your big emergency.

Yeah, look, I'm sorry about that, but it really was an emergency and it still is, so I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Hey, don't worry about it.

Never expected much anyway.

For... for my campaign.

I'm running for councilman and, you know, I figured I could use a little help from the family hero, but...

Wait, is that why you showed up?

To use Vincent for publicity?

Hank: Well, why not?

Well, it's not like I'm asking to borrow money or anything.

This guy is something else.


Hank: You know what? Forget it.

I don't need you anyway.

Well, that makes two of us, Hank.

Listen, you know, JT called you because I'm getting married and he figured a guy should have some family around on his big day, right?

But I think we both know that we may have the same last name, but that doesn't make us family.

So, on that note, thanks for coming, sorry about your leg, man, best of luck, but don't expect my vote, okay?

Let's go.

What he said.

So far, we've got four out of 12 victims getting coffee or bagels at Schwartzman's Deli on Spring Street in the last 24 hours.

Tess: Yeah, I'm pretty sure four out of 12 people in the whole neighborhood did.

I got coffee there yesterday myself.

Okay, what about the local buses?

According to MetroCard, these three were on the same bus between 8:45 and 9:15.


No, JT said the delivery mechanism needs to be more specific than that.

Otherwise, half the area would be infected by now.

Okay, what are we missing?

There's gotta be some common denominator, but where? What?

Hold on, hold on.

A few of the vics contacted Wheels Down Messenger Service.

Do you see any receipts?



One, two, four, six.

And they're all from the same messenger.

All right, that's a 50% hit rate.

That's pretty convincing.

And insidious.

Pump an innocent messenger full of contagious parasites, send him out with a full load of packages to deliver, and that would infect every single person he touches.

That could reach every corner of the neighborhood.

Right, but even if this guy is patient zero, how do we find him?

I mean, sure, you can get a manifest from the company, but these guys, they set their own route.

We have no way of knowing where his next delivery will be.

You won't have to.

He's got proto-beast blood.

I can track him.

(crowd chatter)

Are we getting close?

Look, maybe I should take it from here, okay?

If he really is patient zero, I don't want you getting infected.

What about you?

I'll be fine.

We're both proto-beasts, I probably should be immune.


Vincent, you're gonna have to do better than that to chase me off.

This way.

He's making a delivery around the corner, let's go.

(tires squealing)

(siren wailing)

(tires screech)

Police, stay away from him!

(tires screeching)

(siren wailing)


(tires screeching)

Police, freeze!

Vincent: Hey, hey, hey!

Listen to me, okay?

You've been infected.

You need to get into quarantine.

Come with us.

You think I'm sick?

I'm invincible!

So you're the ones they're looking for.

Who... All right, who are you talking about?

(engine revs)


Who gave you that camera?

Came with the juice.

No, listen-- listen to me, man.

That "juice" is deadly, okay?

It is messing with your head.

Let us help you.

I don't need help, I just need to fly.

Vincent: Hey, no, no!

Do not make that.

Listen to me!

You will not make that.

Do not do it!

They say I can.

Vincent: No, no, no, no!


(truck horn blasts)

(car horns honking)


(brakes screeching, horns honking)

Who would do that to somebody?

I don't know.

But whoever it is, they just made us.

Woman: He came from up there!

He's not breathing.

Man: Get an ambulance!

Tess: Sorry, bad news.

We checked the messenger's camera, but the site it was linked to is gone, and the registered owner is a post office box.

Of course it is.

Which means whoever's behind these experiments knows who we are, but we still don't know who they are.

But on the plus side, we solved the puzzle and stopped the epidemic, so, yay, team.

Vincent: But on the minus side, they got what they wanted, right?

That whole outbreak was just staged to try and flush us out, see who was after them.


So what's our next move?


I'll drink to that.


What about you?

What are you thinking?


I think we're screwed.

The experiments were bad enough, but now that there are targets on our backs...

Hey, it'll be fine, okay?

We will fix this.

I've gotta go talk to Heather.

Okay. You sure you're okay to drive?

Yeah. Yeah.

Call you later.


She'll be okay.

Yeah, I hope so.

Hey, V, about Hank...

If I'd' have known he was such a loser, I never would've...

Ah, don't worry about it.

It all worked out just fine.

Yeah? How?

Well, you know, I've been feeling pretty guilty lately about not reconnecting with my family, but like old cousin Hank said, he can't replace my brothers.


I finally worked out who my real family are.







There's so much I need to tell you.

But I didn't, because the people I've been working for, they can't be trusted.

And I was afraid that if you knew, they might hurt you-- or Heather, too.

So I'm taping this, because if something happens to me, I just want you to know that I did... what I tried to do, I did because I hoped things would be better, safer.

For you, for everyone.

Someday you'll find out what really happened, because that's just who you are.

You'll want answers, justice.


Just, please, be careful.

I don't want you to have to go through what I'm going through.

I love you so much.

You mean everything to me.

I want to make amends for my mistakes, but if I can't...


...take care of your sister, Take care of yourself.

Find love, Catherine.


Don't just try to save the world.

(phone ringing on video)


Stay where you are, Catherine.

I'll, um, I'll bring the jumper cables.

Do you have a sweater with you? (sobs)

Keep the doors locked till I get there.


(muffled g*nshots)

(Heather sobs)


I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

(crying, sniffling)

(door opens)

Got your message.

You okay?

I am now.

What's going on?

I don't know-- I've been so angry at my mother for so long, it's strange not being angry at her anymore.


So what's changed?

I guess I got answers.

I understand now.

And I miss her.

God... it is a lot easier holding onto being angry than being sad.

I suppose all this wedding talk brought it up.

That's a good thing, right?

Yeah, it is.

I just wish she was here to see this.

To see us.


So... are you ready to do this?

Pick a place, get married?

No more obstacles.

(glass shattering)

Come on! Come on!

(glass shattering)
