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01x04 - Liftoff

Posted: 07/10/15 04:45
by bunniefuu
Your husband's going to space, and you need all the friends you can get.

Previously on "The Astronaut Wives Club"...

I just got grounded.

You have an irregular heartbeat, hon.

If it was up to me, Alan would be next.

I should find my husband.

If you ever get back into my bed, it's gonna be because you earned it.

We're gonna fight for that Gemini mission.

We won't quit until we get it.

I'm gonna be first up in Houston!

Aah! [Laughs]


The society parties are legendary.

Who would have thought L.B.J. would be moving us to Houston?

We choose to go to the moon.

[Crowd cheering]

We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

Because that challenge is one that we're willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.

Honey, do you remember the flowers you bought me on our first date?

Don't even try to answer that.

Hint, Wally, we're in Houston.

I don't know, roses?

Don't guess, deflect. Redirect. Watch.

Sweetheart, the only thing I remember from the night we met is the sparkle in your eyes.


Flowers? What flowers? I forgot the question.

Magnolias. They were magnolias, Wally.

And now here we are in Magnolia City, like it was our destiny all along.

Strange thing is, I haven't seen a single magnolia tree here.

That's because they were all destroyed by urban sprawl in the '20s.

Kaplan, you're a walking encyclopedia of doom.


I can't help it. I'm a New Yorker.



That's your excuse for everything.

[Clears throat]

Too spicy?

Too messy. I'm not sure how to approach it.

Oh, Max, sit next to me.

Of course.

Wally, scoot.

[Blows air]

[Balloon splats, air squeaks]



Come on. Even Louise found that funny.

Do not be fooled by my husband's juvenile humor.

He is the most serious, skilled pilot at NASA, and he's gonna be up there twice as long as anyone else.

Oh. Look, Louise. It's Beverly Davis.


She is the queen of Houston society, married to the pecan king of Texas.

Would you look at that rock on her finger? It's blinding.

I hate this. Barbecue ribs without the barbecue sauce, gin and tonic without the gin.

I never asked you to go on this diet with me.

Honey, I'm here for you, suffering in solidarity.

Just a few more weeks until the hearing.

All we need is willpower.

[Indistinct conversation]

I see the Vice President is here.

You think with all the noise the Russians have been making that he'd have more important things to do.

Well, of course he's here.

Johnson's the reason why NASA moved to Houston.

Well, if it means that much to him, he should know that his finest astronaut's been wrongfully grounded.


Let's just find a seat and eat our... flavorless food.

The manned space flight center's gonna house all our operations, be the flight control center for our Gemini missions.

Yeah, I can't wait to see those Gemini eggheads in a flight simulator.

Lotta good a schoolbook's gonna do you in the vomit comet.

Mrs. Glenn, there's no need for politeness here.

We're among friends.

In any case, we'll see soon enough.

The Gemini men are arriving in a few weeks.

That soon?

Gordo hasn't even been assigned a mission yet.

We need more bodies to get the 2-man flights up and running.

Don't worry, babe, those guys are the "B" team... lab rats testing the gear so the real astronauts... the test pilots, I.E. us... can land on the moon.

Are you from around here, Mr. Cooper?

You got some, uh, Texas swagger.

Sir, proud to say this swagger hails from the other side of the Red River.

Good God, that okie astronaut.

Oh, hell, yeah. [Slaps]

Oh! Oh.

I'll get you a refill, dear.

Mr. Vice President, Marge Slayton.

May I have a word?

Yes, you may, Mrs. Slayton.

Now I have promised the Senator and his wife that I would introduce you.

She even brought her autograph book for you to sign, but she's took embarrassed to ask.

A Senator's wife wants my autograph?

I couldn't.

Oh, I think you probably could.

Oh, everyone in Houston is just wild about astronauts and their wives.

Oh, look how cute they look.

I'd love to have you both on my radio program. [Camera shutter clicks]

You're on the radio?

My, my, that's impressive.

Oh, honey, this is Texas, everything here is bigger.

[Chuckles] Especially dreams. All you have to do is say yes.

Guess what just became my new favorite word?




How long are you going to be on that contraption?

[Breathing heavily] Just a few more minutes.

It's shaking the whole house.

It's time for your B-12 shot.

And I've got good news.

L.B.J.'s very own cardiologist, Dr. Smythe, is going to see you next week.

[Squeaking stops]



And, of course, he'll say that you are healthy and fit to fly because you are.

Stronger even. Fitter than you were when you volunteered.

When he looks at you, he's going to see superman.

I gotta finish my workout.

[Squeaking resumes]

I still need to order curtains.

Haven't been able to sleep past 5:00.

That's all right. Leave it packed.

You're heading back to Florida already?

No, it's a go-bag. Just in case.

Just in case?

Yeah, I mean, these are crazy times...

Khruschchev, b*mb threats, just wanna be ready.

I see.

So that's some kind of anti-nuclear device in there?

No, a toothbrush and some clothes.

But you and the girls should pack one, too.

I'll see you tonight.




You asked me to strip.

The sheets off your bed.

When is it gonna be our bed again?

I really wish you'd stop askin' me that.

Well, too bad because I won't.

Don't you miss me? Even a little?


[Lawn mower whirring]

Man: [Amplified voice] And our right, we are now approaching the home of Gus Grissom and his wife Betty.

Woman: Is that her? Is that Betty Grissom?

Betty Grissom!


That's Betty Grissom!


Woman: Get out of my way!

No, no, no, no photos, please.

I'm not dressed and my hair...

Woman: Wait!

Man: Mrs. Grissom!

Wait! Mrs. Grissom, wait! Come on. Get a picture.

[All speaking at once]

Is this really your first home?


I can't imagine moving around so much. It must be hard.

Like my mother used to say, home is where the husband is.

It's just a part of Navy life.

And I think that new experiences are an important part of personal development.

Mm. I think you're gonna fit right in here.


In fact, the Junior League is throwing a gala for the Texas Children's Hospital, and you ought to come.

It'd be a wonderful way to introduce you to Houston society... your debut.

Oh. My debut. Goodness. I can't imagine having...

I don't mean to just barge in, but there is a whole bus full of astro-tourists on my front lawn.

Betty, dear. What a nice surprise.

You know what I think?

We should cut a hole in the fence.

A-a what?

A hole! So we can get to each other's houses without having to use the front door.

[Inhales deeply] Oh, my.

Jo, are these your devils on horseback?

Mm-hmm, uh, Betty, this is Beverly Davis.

Oh, hi.


Betty Grissom. Sorry about the curlers.

It's Thursday.

No need to apologize. You're adorable.

[Chuckles] I was just telling Jo about the Junior League gala.

And I would love for you to come.

Well, in fact, I think it would be marvelous if we could get all of the astronaut wives to come.

Wonderful! We'll all have our debuts.


Jo: Max is very happy with how my profile is coming together.

And if some Junior League members should happen to read about it...

What's Junior League?

Oh, here we go.

You and your handbooks.

It's ladies who have lunch together.

Fancy ladies.

My mother ran the Auxiliary Club, but any military wife could join.

The Junior League is different.

Invitation only and membership requires having a certain...

Je ne sais quoi.

Whatever that is, I guess we all have it 'cause we're all going to the party.




Me, too.

Hey, Jo!





Thank you so much for the welcome note.

It was so kind.

Oh, please.

Everybody, this is Jane Conrad.

We were stationed at Pax River together.

And this is...

Susan Borman.

And Jo, Trudy, Louise, Rene, Annie, Marge, Betty...

I know all of you, well, from your pictures, of course.

Some of us are over there, but we didn't wanna overwhelm you.

Some of you who?

The Gemini wives. "The new nine"?

Oh, gosh, meeting you all is so exciting.

And how are you settling in?

Perfectly, no thanks to our husbands.

All they can talk about is Gemini... the M.S.C., training, flight order.

Now Mercury's over... it's go time.

Not yet, but soon.

And the guys... they're so competitive.

Get used to it. It only gets worse.

Well, I'm just staying out of it.

Join us for a swim?

Uh, well, I actually have to finish up some notes for my article.

Pleasure meeting you.

Just what we need. More competition.

You talkin' about the guys or us?

I sure do wish you were livin' out by the lake with the rest of us.

Alan's more of a city person.

He likes to be beside the restaurants, museums.

When's the last time Al went to a museum?

Well, they did name their dog Picasso.

Actually, that was me.

Betty made them. What do you say?

Both: Thank you, Mrs. Grissom.

Of course, ladies.

Please go pack your go-bags like I asked you.

You can have a look in your father's to get an idea of what to put in.


[Blender whirs]

Chocolate crinkle?

No sugar, no cocktails in solidarity with Deke.

Oh, good lord.

That's not all.

[Blender stops]

No sex, no laughing, no conversations lasting longer than three minutes, eye contact is questionable.

It's... Th-that bad?

He's never taken anything harder in his life.

This appeal doesn't go through...

I don't know if we'll survive.

The good news is L.B.J.'s cardiologist says he is fit to fly.

Then, he'll fly.

Cu... cumber milk.

You saw those G-Gemini... bikini girls.

It's just clothes, some mouthwash.

What's a go-bag anyway?

It's for if we have to go to a b*mb shelter or something.

Do we have to go to the society thing?

I have nothing to wear.

I c-can't drink this.

Well, I heard there's a sale at Foley's.

We can't buy dresses for a society gala at Foley's.

We need designer gowns.

The only difference between Oleg Cassini and the sale rack at Foley's is the price tag.

Not true.

It's the fabric and the tailoring.

I saved a Balenciaga from my cotillion days.

I'll get it and I'll show you.

[Whispers] Of course she did.

What are these?

Put those down.

Girls, go to your room.

[Zips bag]

The angle has to be perfect.

If I'm off by even 2 degrees... you like the white shirt or the beige?

Are you even listening to me?

Nobody has ever attempted this before.

If my theory about manual flying is right, I'll have enough fuel for six orbits, but if I'm wrong...

Wally, you have flown a P-51 through a hurricane.

You've shot down Migs over North Korea.

And now... now you are gonna fly "Sigma 7" 6 times around the planet earth and make history.

And as for all that stress...

Maybe I can help you with that?

["Alive" by Guards plays]

♪ Holdin' on ♪
♪ what I did before ♪
♪ you always needed more ♪
♪ more ♪

[cork pops, screams]

Happy splashdown!

Here's to 6 orbits.

9 hours.

Breaking... records.

Jo, you must be really proud.

I am.

I really, truly am.

My Wally.


Excuse me, here you go.

Meat loaf cupcakes.



Oh, my goodness. That is so clever.

Betty's a big fan of clever food.

Ooh, wait! Mashed potato frosting.

It's a little bit messy, but delicious.

Louise avoids anything messy.

Well, thank you very much. [Laughs]

Yeah, I-I did it better at home.

[Indistinct conversations]

Why are you always making fun of me?

I'm sorry, sarcasm and mockery, it's how my people relate.

"Your people."

New Yorkers.

Well, you're in Texas now. People here are friendly.

I'm afraid I'm not familiar.

Well, it's never too late to learn. Start slow.

And be nice.

So no comment on how you just chucked Susan Borman's beef in the trash?

Definitely not.

Or how you cleaned your own glass back at the table.

Do you do anything at these things but watch me?

No, not really.


Mmm, yeah.

Well, I'm glad someone's enjoying those.

Us Geminis are all starving ourselves to fit into our dresses for the gala.

We're putting our Neiman's gift certificates to good use.


I mean, that's really generous.

[Under breath] Guess our gift certificates got lost in the mail.


So... Y-you may not know this, but back at Edwards, I was the main party planner for us girls.

That's a big surprise.

And I was thinking, we should have rotating assignments for launch parties.

'Cause that way the wife who's hosting doesn't get stuck with all the responsibilities.

And run out of clean glasses.

Forgive me if this is a sore subject.

Why would it be?

Well, I-I just mean... With Deke grounded now.

[Sighs] You'll probably never host your own party.


Honey, this is your first launch.

We Mercuries have been through five.

So please stop trying to fix things before you even understand what they are.

As for Deke, he's being reinstated.

Thank you very much for your concern.

[Cults' "Always Forever" playing]

♪ We could stay alone together ♪

They denied the appeal.


[Exhales deeply]

But Dr. Smythe said that you were fine.

Dr. Smythe also agreed that if there are other viable candidates who can do my job, then they should go ahead with a guy who doesn't have an arrhythmia.

[Sighs] With the new nine here, there are 15 other viable candidates.

No. We'll get a second opinion. I can...

Marge, I'm grounded.


It's done.

I'm done.

Alan: They can't do this to you.

Deke: Apparently, they can.

You're as good a pilot as any of us guys.

Gordo: You deserve your shot.

They gave you the okay once already.

It's not like anything changed.

Committee said the Gemini guys "deepened the bench."

And with the expanded roster, they didn't see a reason to take a chance on me.

How can they even compare us to those eggheads?

According to NASA, the Gemini and Mercury astronauts are interchangeable.

Eh, never mind the fact we beat most of 'em out for Mercury slots.

Screw NASA they can all go to hell.

Gus, you should drink more often.


Another round?

So unfair, huh?

Thanks for the beers.

Think I could pull this off?


But it's got feathers!




Louise: When I was a girl, Mrs. Du Pont would buy an expensive gown, wear it to an event, then sell it to a consignment shop.

Well, I can't believe those Geminis are off spending thousands at Neiman's, and we're here buying used dresses.

Not "used." They've been worn once.

Well, what if the original owner's at Beverly's party?

Well, then, she'll see that you look better in it.

Louise: Marge hasn't left the house in days, says Deke's hardly talking to her.

It w-w-will take time.
[Indistinct conversations]

This would look perfect on her.

[TV playing indistinctly]

Hey, have you seen my tie?



Oh, it's just a dress.

Frenchy designer thing.

No, it's you.

Most definitely all you.

Hey, I-I've been meanin' to ask you.

[Drawer rattles]

Do you know what this is?

I found it in your drawer when I was lookin' for my bow tie.

Oh, my God. Give that to me.

"Massage company of New Jersey."

Honey, do you have a backache?

Why don't you let me help work out the kinks?

Gordo, I do not appreciate you looking through my things.

Baby, I'm not mad. You miss me.

Man: We interrupt your regular programming...

This is proof.

To bring you an address from the president.

President Kennedy: Good evening, my fellow citizens.

What it proves is that I am doing just fine without you.

The government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance...

Trudes, it's time. Let's end our cold w*r right now.

You and me.

Shh, shh, shh.

...of the Soviet military buildup on the island of Cuba.

Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive m*ssile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island.

The purpose of these bases can be none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability
against the Western hemisphere.

What the hell is happening?

The Russians are trying to start a nuclear w*r.

...and our commitments around the world.

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it.

And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.

Hey. I, uh, just talked to Deke.

We've been raised to Defcon 3.

The guys are heading into the M.S.C. In case there's a deployment.

But you're not in the Navy anymore.

Technically, we're still military.

And we've got no business being at a dance tonight.


I guess I'll stay home, too.

No, no, you should go.

It's better for the girls if you act like everything is normal.

I'll call you as soon as I know anything.

All right.

Uh, wait. Um...

Don't forget this.


[Inhales and exhales deeply]

It's Khruschchev and J.F.K. In a game of chicken, just like me and the guys used to play at Edwards.

Well, people died playing that game.

You be careful, okay?

I'll get home as soon as I can. I promise.

And in the meantime, go to the party.

You cannot let that dress go to waste.

Dunk: Can somebody explain to me what you're all doing here?

We're ready for deployment, whatever NASA needs.

What NASA needs is for you to get your asses over to that society gala and do your jobs.

Look, we are the best trained, most skilled pilots in America.

And you're tellin' us to pose for pictures?

Guys, right now...

You are more useful as a symbol of hope than you could ever be flying a jet.

Go to that party.

Get your photos taken.

Show the world that nothing scares an American hero.

I'm heading over now.

I expect to see you all there.

The Jack Kennedy I know will not be intimidated by a Russian bully.

You know the president?

Beverly: Of course she does.

Jo went to the White House after Wally's perfect mission.

Well, did Jackie take you shopping? That dress is divine.

Thank you.

Oh, Betty! Betty.


So good to see you.

This is quite a party. [Chuckles]

How much money is this gonna raise for the hospital?

Betty, now is not the time or the place to talk about...

[Whispers] M-o-n-e-y.

It's a "fund"-raiser.

It's all right, darlin', it's too soon to tell anyway.


Ladies, this is the one I was tellin' you about, Jo's neighbor.

The one mowin' the lawn in her curlers.

[Chuckles] Oh, Betty, you're a riot.

Thank you. [Chuckles]

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch the band.

Good to see you.

You, too.

[Whispers] Isn't she darling?

[Indistinct conversations]

Maybe someone will ask us to dance.

Might be our last chance before we all get turned to dust.

That's not funny.

You know, I-I'm gonna get a taxi home, just in case Gordo calls.

Oh. Cold w*r, warm heart.


Thank you.

I didn't kn-kn-know... [Chuckles]

Know Max was coming.

I'm surprised to see you here.

My editor found out you were all attending this...

Asinine event and forced me to cover it.

I feel like shouting at them... go home, hug your kids, swim naked, anything but this.

Are you all right?

No, I'm not.


I need to find a radio.

Come on.

[Indistinct conversations]

Well, if tonight's my last night here, I just wanna say...

[Glass clinks]

You're the best.


Oh, look.

Duncan Porter.

Nice to see you again.

He was on Deke's appeal committee.

[Sighs] Bad idea.

They cut off our balls.

So you're not in combat anymore.

At least you can still fly.

They won't even let me up in a jet.

Marge: Deke gave NASA everything he had.

He put the program before his family, before his health.


He would die for the program. Can you say that?

Marge. We...

NASA just can't cast him aside.

He is the best astronaut you've got.

He veers a hundred miles off course, and I'm the one being kicked out.

Oh, we can't do this again.

If all you're gonna do is drink and insult Scott...

All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow. [Pats shoulder]

If there even is a tomorrow!

Gus: Do you have to be like that?

We all went to bat for you, including John and Scott.

Went to bat for what?

Dunk: The guys made an impassioned case about how important Deke is to the program.

We can't let him fly. We're not letting him go.

Okay, then, what?

We were gonna wait for the press release, but you might as well be the first to know.

He's being promoted.

Deke: Promoted?

Alan: Yeah. You may not be going up in Gemini, but from now on, you decide who does.

Gus: NASA shouldn't be making those decisions.

So we convinced them it's gotta be an astronaut.

Which is what you are.

Chief astronaut.


I don't know what to say.

"Thank you" will do it.


To the astrochief!


I like the ring of that.

[Indistinct conversations]

The Russians are probably jamming our airwaves.

[Radio static crackling]

I bet it's "Sputnik."

[Static continues crackling]

Calm down. You... you sound crazy.

Calm down? How?

I need information. That's how I calm down.

[Static continues crackling]

I prefer to distract myself, look the other way.

Look the other way?

[Chuckles] At what?

Two states over, a row of buildings were destroyed in a riot and two men were shot in the head after Ole Miss admitted a black student.

Over there, that's where hurricane Carla hit.

It's been a whole year.

People are still living in tents.

And that way? There's Cuba.

They've got missiles within striking distance of us right here, right now, that could end the human race.

You can't look the other way because it's everywhere you look.

[Switch clicks, static resumes crackling]

This radio has to work.

We can't leave the party.

The world is about to end.

We can do whatever we want.

[Footsteps depart]

[Whispers] Oh, yes.

[d*ck Flood & the Pathfinders' "Jammin' the Blues" playing]

I thought you wanted to listen to the news.

Oh, what I really wanted was to get the hell away from all of those people.

[Horse whinnies]

This place reminds me of a cabin I used to go to upstate.

My first real girlfriend had a car.

I was 19. She was 24.

Introduced me to beat poetry and barn smell.

In the end, she dumped me for a Wall Street banker.

I almost married my first boyfriend.

He was studying to be a dentist.

Alan wasn't your first?

He wooed me away.

How'd he manage to do that?

He wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Life with him just...

Felt like it would be an adventure.

So you're adventurous and stealable.

[Pours liquor]

Good to know.

Marge: He's going to be the chief astronaut.

What does that mean?

Who cares?

You and Deke are stayin' in Houston and you never have to worry about whether he's gonna die up there.

I'm sorry, I've barely been able to talk to you tonight, but it has been such a whirlwind.

M-Marge has big n-news.

I've spoken to every member of the Junior League committee and I have to say, it is going well.

Very well.

People are dropping hints all over the place.

I'm gonna be invited to join.

Well, Jo, mission accomplished. [Chuckles]

Forget Cuba. We'll all sleep easy tonight.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Switch clicks]

Gordo: Damn, I love my wife!

Alan: You are a sentimental drunk.

Gus: I don't know if it's charming or sad.

You should've seen her dress.

I gotta get home before she uses her massage thingy.

Wally: Her what?

You know, she says it's for her backache, but we know what it's really for.

Found it in her pajama drawer.

That's your job. [Laughter]

Do not concede to the power tool.

No, I know, I know. You're right. You're all right.

[Engine starts]

I'm gonna go home and throw that thing out the damn window.

[Engine revs]

Whoa! Whoa! Hold on!



Good night, Gordo.

[Laughter continues]

Whose car is this?

I got the keys.

[Turns off engine]

I got it!

Deke: Yeah, right up on the curb.

I'm just thrilled y'all came. Thank you so much.

Thank you for a wonderful evening.

Jo, you comin'? The car's waitin'.

Betty, what are you doing with those flowers?

Oh, well, the waiter said they throw them away, and I just thought it seemed like such a waste.



Bye-bye. Good night.

Jo: Waste not, want not. That's our Betty.

[Women chuckle]

Let's go.

Oh, such a great party, wasn't it?

How does anyone know that they're on the right road in life?

Whatever path we're on, that's where we're supposed to be.

You have to trust in it or end up a New Yorker.

That's easy for you to say.

Your life seems perfectly charmed.

My life's not charmed.



Has anything truly terrible ever happened to you?

I had a sister.

She died.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I asked such a stupid question.

Alice is our niece, not our daughter.

Alan and I are raising her.

That's kind of you.

Man on radio: This is KMZR Houston, and next up is Bertha Tillman's "Oh My Angel."

♪ Oh, my angel ♪

It's getting late.

And you never found any news.

There's music. There must still be a world.

Unless it's prerecorded.

♪ And I will love you ♪

Wanna dance?

♪ Till eternity ♪

Uh, we're in a barn, and it's... it's dirty.

♪ I have nothing to hope for ♪
♪ life for me has no meaning ♪
♪ darling ♪
♪ if I... ♪

I have a confession to make.

♪ Without you ♪
♪ oh, my angel ♪

The magazine didn't...

Send me to the party tonight.

♪ Me ♪

I was afraid it might be our last night on earth, and I knew I didn't wanna spend it alone.

We should go.

♪ Eternity ♪
♪ oh, my angel ♪

I can't believe she's sitting over there all alone.

[Children shouting playfully]

Good morning.

Mm, not really. The Russians still haven't backed down.

And I got a splittin' headache.

Well, I was thinking of putting together an astronaut wives cookbook.

You two have any recipes you'd like to pitch in?

Oh, no, I'm... I'm a terrible cook.

Oh, that's not what I've heard.


Oh, no. No, don't look at me.

Always mixing up the salt and the sugar.

Well, maybe another time.

So... I said "yes."

To what?

The Junior League membership committee.

To be honest, I really didn't want to join, but they insisted.

There's a crew of seven sisters girls... Princeton wives... but I'm glad we'll have you, too.

Uh, well, actually, I was never serious about that.

Where would I find the time?

I've got so much going on with Wally and the kids.

[Inhales deeply]

Will you excuse me a minute?

Of course.

[Glass clatters]


One minute he's grounded, the next, our fate is in his hands.


Someone's lookin' out for you, that's for sure.

Hey, someone flip the burgers for me.



Give it! Give it! Hey, Red! Red.

Man: Don't burn it, Scotty. Don't burn it.

[Sighs deeply]

I know it's been rough.

Thanks for sticking it out with me.


You know, since I'm in charge of the Gemini guys, that means you're in charge of their wives.

Oh, don't think I haven't thought about that.




["Oh My Angel" playing]

♪ Oh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ whoa, ooh ♪
♪ oh, my angel ♪

I love this song.

♪ Oh, ooh ♪

Me, too.

You only listen to classical music.

♪ To me ♪

Well... people change, I guess.

♪ And I will love you ♪
♪ oh, ooh ♪

♪ till eternity ♪

Okay, come on.

Let's get washed up for dinner.

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ oh, my angel ♪
♪ whoa, ooh ♪
♪ come back to me ♪
♪ whoa, ooh ♪
♪ and I will love you ♪
♪ whoa, ooh ♪
♪ till eternity ♪


♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

So that's why you're upset? 'Cause of this club?

Come on.

You know what they say about any club that would have you as a member.

But they don't want me as a member, Wally.

My husband orbited the earth, my stepfather was a four-star admiral, and my mother was a perfect Navy wife.

I know this seems small, even silly, but...

I just... I wanted something of my own.

♪ Apart ♪

[doorbell rings]

♪ I have nothing to hope for ♪

Oh, it's you.

It is.

Does this mean you've forgiven me, for... forgetting who I am and who my real friends are?

It does.

We have an idea.

♪ If I have to live it ♪
♪ without you ♪
♪ whoa, my angel ♪

You're not really gonna use that thing to cut a hole in our fence, are you?

No, I'm not.

You are.

♪ Come back to me ♪

Oh! [Chuckles]

♪ Whoa, ooh ♪

Ooh! [Chuckles]

♪ And I ♪
♪ will love you ♪



[Grinds, motor turns over]

[Saw whirring]

♪ till eternity ♪

[both laughing]