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03x05 - The Most Dangerous Beast

Posted: 07/05/15 22:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

You think we should close the window?


Because we are no closer to figuring out who's behind all this, which means Bob and Carol are still out there.

(groans) Bob and Carol?


Vincent: Superhuman assassins.


Who's behind these experiments?

Oh, you really think you're gonna stop us?


(grunts, gasps)




Carol: Wait. We might need her alive to help us catch him.

Look, this isn't just a cleanup job anymore, this is about saving our asses. We can't go back there empty-handed.

You know what codependency is?

Catherine: Codep...


Yeah, uh, it's, uh...

You lose yourself in the relationship.

Frankly, that's what the underlying issue is here.

Did you get those concert tickets yet?

Concert tickets?

I'm still working on it.

Oh. What else are you working on, hmm?

Maybe things that go bump in the night?

Okay, give me a break.

Yeah, should I call the marriage counselor now or later?

After two years of defining ourselves mostly by whatever those things are, it's hard to break the habit.

Especially when there are still superhuman assassins out there after us.

Catherine, come on, it's been weeks since Bob and Carol tried to attack us, right?

Yeah, they didn't try to attack us, Vincent.

They tried to k*ll us, and just because it's been a while, it doesn't mean that they're...

I'm doing it again, aren't I?

Yes, you are, but you-you caught yourself. That's awesome.

I know. Thank you.

Still, we can't just ignore the fact that there are people still experimenting on innocents out there, can we?

Oh, we can't just let the world's great evils keep overwhelming our lives all the time, either, okay?


We'll lose ourselves along the way.

Right, which is why we need to learn to... break the cycle.

Which is why we're gonna go our separate ways today, okay?

Doctor's orders.

I get it.

What are the rules again?

We can only text or call each other at noon and late afternoon?

I'm fine with noon.

Late afternoon, I don't know if I'll have cell reception.

Cell reception?


Wait. You're going upstate today?

Is that a problem?


Okay, look, I-I love what the hospital is doing with their outreach program, but you leaving the city?

What if something happens... to your car on the way?

I love you, okay?

Mmm. I should probably hit the road.

I'll be back before for dinner, but... what time do you think you'll get...


(sighs) Here we go again.

(groans, sighs)


(horn blares, tires squeal)

Do you know how many blonde women there are in Manhattan?

Okay, but you have to admit that could have been Carol.

Along with the other three random blondes that you thought were her, too.

I know. Codependency or not, Bob and Carol are still out there, and if they catch us off guard...

They won't. Besides, if I remember correctly, we're pretty good at kicking ass on our own, if we have to.

What if you have to go primal, and I'm not there to pull you back?

You can't save yourself.

Catherine, that's the whole reason we went to counseling.

You needing to save me, my needing your love to control my inner beast.

Okay, if we keep living in fear of the worst case scenario happening every time we're apart, we'll never break our codependency.

Come on, repeat after me: Everything is okay.

I am okay.

Everything is okay.

I am okay.

Tess: You are so not okay, Cat.

I thought the whole point of therapy was to redefine yourselves, separate from one another, not be so codependent.

It is, and I am trying.

It's just an adjustment.

And it's difficult because I worry about him.

Okay. Well, I think I have just the thing to get your mind off of him.

An armed robbery on 98th Street?

Yeah, a real case.

No beasts.

No serum victims with crazy powers.

Just some good old-fashioned police work.

This could be good. I could use this.

Great. Glad you agree.

Catherine Chandler, meet Detective Wesley Atchison, your new partner.

Captain Vargas tells me you're one of the 125th's best.

I'm stoked to be working with a seasoned veteran.

(laughs) Okay.

Could you just give us a minute, Atkinson?

Oh, Atchison, ma'am, like, uh, itch, but with an "A."

Oh, yeah. Mm.



Baby-sitting duty?

This is not just about distracting me from Vincent, is it?

All right.

Okay, so I buried the lead.

Come on, Cat, ever since I took over this precinct, I am under a ton of pressure to get the numbers up.

And that means, I need the next generation of detectives up to snuff.

Okay, but why me?

Because it's my ass on the line.

I need you here. I need you present, Cat.

Not hunting beasts or mutants or whatever freaky things are threatening the world.

I can't always cover for you.

Okay. Anything else?

Yes, actually.

Do not go pestering JT, either.

I know that he is helping you track down Bob and Carol, but he... he has his own issues to deal with.

Oh, what's going on?

It's that, uh... the healing factor in that serum.

It's... it's accelerating.

Is he okay?

Better than okay.

His-his vision's suddenly perfect.

He doesn't even need his glasses anymore.

Wow, that is huge.


And scary, 'cause he can't figure out a way to extract it from his system.

So that's what he needs to be doing with his time, not figuring out the mythological mysteries of Catherine Chandler.



Itch with an "A", you're with me.

(phone ringing)


If this is about Bob and Carol again...

Catherine: How do you know I'm not just calling to see how you're feeling?

Because I know you, Cat.

Once you latch on to a mystery, it's like a dog with a bone.

You never let go.

I let go.

Jt: Oh, yeah? So, you're not trying to use the threat of Bob and Carol to convince Vincent not to leave?

Catherine: Is that what he told you?

This is the problem when everyone knows your business.

Okay, fine.

This is about Bob and Carol.

Have you found anything yet?

Maybe. Been following some surveillance leads that might help narrow down who they are, where they live.

It looks like they keep crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.

Well, that's good.

Anything else?

Yeah, I've also been working on the serum, trying to figure out how to get it out of me.

But more importantly for you, I think I came up with a theory about how Bob and Carol's enhanced power works.

I think they can slow down their heart rates and speed up their brains' processing power to such an extent that they see the world in slow motion.

Meaning they can anticipate and adjust to anything.

That explains why they seemed to be one step ahead of us in our fight, and why they can make impossible sh*ts.

Yeah, but remember, they have to see for their powers to work, which means if you could somehow impair their vision, blind them...

It might make it a fair fight next time.

Jt: Exactly.

(phone ringing and buzzing)

Uh, I gotta go now.

So, about that armed robbery...

Vincent: Hey, buddy.

Look, I need you to do me a favor, okay?

Jt: First Cat, now you. I swear, you two are incapable of letting things go.

Look, maybe I'm not so worried about her, okay?

Maybe... maybe I'm worried about me.

Is this about you going primal?

Dude, seriously, think about the odds.

Also, think about how far you've come, how much control you have over your inner beast now.

Yes, okay, but only when Catherine is there to pull me back, right?

Even when she's not, her love is still with you, Vincent. Always.

You got to start trusting that.

Man: Now, why should I trust you people when you're never around?

I've been robbed three times in the past month.

Never a cop to be seen.

Sir, if you can, please just try and describe the assailant?

He's a victim. Ask him if there's anything he needs first.

Oh. Sorry.


Uh, is there anything we can do for you first?

What? First?

(laughs) Yeah.

The first thing you can do is catch the son of a bitch that did this to me.

That's what you can do!


Uh, Detective... uh, just don't go anywhere, sir.

(tires squealing, horn honks)

Detective... you do realize you just totally abandoned me back there.

Is something wrong?

No, nothing's wrong.

Everything is okay.

Carol: Bad news, honey.

Cat's still not taking the bait.

Bob: Carol, babe, the plan is in motion.

We've got them separated, Vincent is already on his way.

Carol: I know, and I keep trying to lure her, but she keeps stopping for some reason.

I don't get it.

Bob: Well, you'd better figure it out before Vincent gets here, because we've both seen firsthand how well they work when they're together.

You got to k*ll her.

I know, but she's a cop.

I can't just sh**t her in broad daylight.

We'll have half the force breathing down our neck.

It's tricky.

Bob: Carol, listen to me.

Our only hope to make up for not k*lling them last time is to bring back the beast, and a very, very special beast.

And the only way to find out if that's Vincent is to make sure that Cat isn't alive to save him.

I won't let you down.

You never do.

Come on, buddy.

Let's go get Vincent.


♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x05 ♪
The Most Dangerous Beast
Original Air Date on July 9, 201

(phone rings)

(static) Hey. Cat? Cat?

What's wrong? You okay?

Yeah. Everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?

It's 11:48. We said we'd talk at noon. You're breaking the rules.

By, like, 12 minutes. I didn't realize that was a crime.

All right, just come on, if we don't follow the rules, we'll never break our codep...


Do not use the "C" word.

This is not about codependency.

(sighs): Okay.

What's up?

Someone got saddled with a new partner.

(sighs) I mean, I get that Carol is trying to prove herself as captain, but...

Uh, you mean Tess, right?

That's what I said.

Uh, no, no, you didn't.

I'm pretty sure I did.

Catherine, I distinctly heard you say "Carol."

Okay, why would say "Carol" if I was talking about Tess?

I don't know, maybe you got Carol on the brain.

Have you been chasing ghosts again?

That's why you're breaking the rules?

Okay, fine.

Maybe I did think I saw Carol again, but you, you will be happy to know that I did not go down the rabbit hole.

Well, that's good, right?

That's progress.

I guess so.

You don't sound so convinced.

I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen.

Well... that's basically our reality, you know?

What, I'm just supposed to accept that?

No, you just got to have faith that we'll get through it, right?

We both do.

Remember what the counselor said?

(staticky): We have to have tru... other... apart.

Vincent, you're breaking up.

I said, we got to trust each other...

(staticky): while we're apart.


(staticky): Hello? Can you hear... Are you there? Hello? (groans)


Everything okay?


Couldn't be better.

Back to work.

Bob: How can you be sure this is gonna work?

She's a cop, isn't she?

She follows clues.

Well, this one she won't be able to ignore.

You got to make it look like she died in the line of duty, like, g*ng crossfire or something.

If you tell me that one more time, Bob, we are going back into counseling.

I'm sorry, I'm just... a bit nervous is all.

You worry too much.

Always have.

Well, still, if this doesn't work, there's no place for us to hide, Carol.

Which means the boss will never give us the antidote to get this damn serum out of our blood.

We'll end up just like all the other experiments.

Then we'll go down together like Bonnie and Clyde.

Always a romantic, aren't you?

But we're not going down without a fight.

Make sure Vincent checks out.

Put him through all the tests.

If he passes, we're all good.

Don't worry about Cat.

I'll take care of her.

I love you.

I love you, too.

(line ringing)

Operator: 911, what is your emergency?

I'd like to report a m*rder.

I'm sorry, did you say a m*rder?

Ma'am, hello?

What is your location?



Are you able to speak?

(sirens wailing)

Here's what we know.

Victim is male, mid-40s.

Owner of this restaurant.

k*lled by a single g*nsh*t.

Not witnesses, no signs of forced entry.

Right across from Il Cantuccio.

We were just there.

That's so weird.

Victim was upright and standing when he got shot.

At, uh, point-blank range?

No, from a distance.

High-powered r*fle, from the looks of the blood spatter.

Well, there's no b*llet holes, no broken glass, so where'd the shot come from?


No way.

A Navy SEAL sn*per couldn't make that k*ll.

That's an impossible shot.

What'd you just say?

Well, I said that's an impossible shot.


Carol could've made that shot.

Uh, who's Carol?

One half of a husband-wife assassin team wanted for the m*rder of a DHS agent.

Whoa, why would an assassin want to k*ll a random restaurant owner?

I don't see the connection.

I'm the connection.

She could still be out there. I want...

I want uniforms on all the adjacent rooftops.

Go. Go, go!

You've reached Dr. Vincent Keller.

Please leave a message.

Damn it.

Vincent, you have to trust me.

I am not just seeing ghosts.

Carol is back, which means that Bob is, too.

Call me.


Mr. Daniels!

It's Dr. Keller from New York General.

(g*n clicks)

Bob: Not bad, Vincent!

Now let's see what else you can do, huh?


Eddie: Somebody help me!

Now, what's it gonna be, beastie boy?

Save the innocent or save yourself, huh?

Eddie: Someone please help!


Catherine: I need to find Vincent.


The homicide at the restaurant, that Vic was shot, from a distance, through an opening of less than an inch.

That's impossible.


And which two people do we know that are capable of the impossible?

Cat. Listen to me, all right?

Ever since Carol and Bob disappeared, I've had this sinking feeling that she's been stalking me, trying to draw me out.

To do what?

The same thing that she and her husband tried to do last time: k*ll me, k*ll us.

Tess, please, trust me, take me off babysitting duty, and let me go after her.

Cat, I'm not saying that you're wrong, but now that I'm captain, I have to play by the book here, okay?

That means I need evidence.

I need proof.

You get me that, I will personally help you take her down, okay?

Tess, okay, but...

It's an order, Detective.

Aye, aye, Captain.


(phone ringing)

(door closes)

Can I call you back, JT?

It's not a good time.

I mean, not really.

It's about Bob and Carol.

Of course it is.

Wait, what happened?

What's wrong?

No, no, it's...

I got into it with Cat, and I-I had to pull rank.

How'd she react?

About as well as you'd expect her to.

It's definitely not my favorite part of the job.

That's for sure.

That's why I thought I better call you instead of Cat.

Let you decide what to do.

Okay, I'm listening.

I think I found where Bob and Carol live, and not a safe house, but in a family neighborhood.

A Brooklyn brownstone.

Think we should loop in Cat?


Not yet, because then she is not doing her job, and I'm not doing mine.

All right, I will come and pick you up, and we will search this out off the record.


I've got a theory, but I need evidence.

Uh, fingerprints, ballistics, anything. What have we got?

Well, forensics found a bag of meth on the deceased.

Maybe some kind of deal gone bad.

Maybe, and if it was, it'll lead us to the sellers, but if it wasn't, it'll lead us into whatever trap Carol's trying to pull me into.

Again with this mysterious Carol person?

You care to clue me in?

Okay, addresses, suspected meth labs.




Eddie: Somebody help me!

Help me.

Hey, easy.

Hey, Eddie, okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?

How do you know my name?

You're not with that other guy, are you?


No, unfortunately, I'm the one he's after.

Okay, look, I'm gonna untie you, all right?

He's just using you to get to me.

I don't... I don't understand.

What do you mean?

Look, we got to move fast, okay?

We're both in danger.

Can you walk?

He beat me pretty bad.

He moved so fast.

I didn't even see him coming.

I'm gonna help you up, all right?


One, two, three.

Got to move fast.

All right?


Move fast.



You didn't have to k*ll him!

And you didn't have to try to save him.

But you did.

Unfortunately for you, you're passing all the tests.

Why you doing this, huh?

Come on, spit it out.

What do you want from me?

Knock, knock.

Just because you're dating a police captain doesn't mean you can kick in other people's doors.

Vincent does it all the time.

Why can't I have some fun, too?

Because Vincent's a beast, Bob and Carol are super assassins, and you're just a dude who heals himself.

Gee, thanks.

Sorry, I'm a little cranky.

Did you figure out how to get that serum out of your body?

No. Although, when it worked on the heart a couple weeks ago, I think it's because, uh, the transplant pushed the serum past it's limits, like, shocked the system.

Overloaded it.

All right, well, uh, just don't go shocking your system, okay?

I know you're desperate, but don't be stupid.

Geez, you are cranky.

This is not what I expected.

It's very homey.


Uh-oh, what?

You don't... see it, those markings?

What markings?


You can see in the dark now, too?

Looks like it.
All right.

That is the restaurant across the street from Il Cantuccio.

That's the precinct.

New York General.

This all falls within 125th's jurisdiction.

And Lake Placid where Vincent is.

(sighs) Cat was right.

Bob and Carol are after her and Vincent.

Yeah, and by separating them because they know they're stronger together.

Call Vincent.

I will call Cat.

(recorded): You've reached Dr. Vincent Keller...

(recorded): You've reached Detective Chandler...

Damn it. (sighs) Voicemail.

You got to get to Cat.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna find Vincent.

Someone's got to warn him.


Don't do anything stupid, all right?

Don't worry about me.

I can heal, remember?


(door opens, shuts)


You sure this is it?

Traced the type of meth we found on the Vic.

Matches a lab that used to be here.

Ten bucks says it isn't anymore.

Then why are we here?


I've got no signal.

Give me your phone.


(phone beeping)

Damn it.

She's jammed our reception.

Oh, let me guess.

Carol again?

Yeah, she, uh, she planted the meth so that I would find it and lead me into a trap.

You got to get the hell out of here, you got to get your ass back to the precinct, get Captain Vargas, bring in the cavalry.

Wait a minute-- is this some kind of new partner test to see if I'll abandon you in the middle of nowh...?.

No This is not a test.

We have been compromised.

You need to get the hell out of here before it's too late!


If someone is seriously trying to k*ll you I'm not just gonna sit here and leave you by yourself...


Oh, God! Come on!

Get in the car!

Damn it.

Get in.

Put pressure on it.

Don't let go.

You think you can drive?


Get out of here.

Don't look back.

Drive! Drive!

(car engine starts)

(engine revs, tires screech in distance)

All right, Carol.

You want me?

You got me.

(g*nshots nearby)


Bob: Run, beast, run.

(both grunt)

For the record, it was Bob's idea to blow you guys up last time, not mine.

(both grunting)

I thought you guys operate as a team.

Where's your other half?

Well, we don't need to be joined at the hip like you and Vincent.

How is couples counseling going, anyway?

So this was your plan, huh?

Instead of k*lling me from a distance like Agent Thomas, you lured me out here, somewhere isolated, where everyone would think that I died in the line of duty.

Don't want to leave any tracks, right?

Besides, k*lling from a distance is so impersonal.

Here, in these close quarters, I can see your every move.

Unless you can't.

(both grunting)


Bob: Sorry, Vincent!

But I'm not gonna be that easy to find.


Got to admit, though, you're quite the tracker.

But I want to see more.

I want to see what you can really do.


I'm more valuable to you alive than dead?

Yeah, but only if you can stay alive.

Only if you're the beast that I hope you are.

Why didn't you try and capture me a couple of weeks ago, huh?

Why'd you and Carol try and k*ll us instead?

Bob: Because.

We didn't know who you were.

Or, rather, what you were.

But that's what we're here to find out.

Suppose you don't care to tell me who you're working for?

Hmm? Who it is that thinks I'm so valuable?

Why don't you show yourself, huh?

And I'll tell you in person.

Why would I do that?


It'll give you a chance to save your beloved Catherine.

Unless, of course, Carol's k*lled her already.

I swear... if anything happens to Catherine, I'll...

You'll what, huh?

Go primal?

Lose your humanity?

What do you think I'm waiting to see, huh?

You want to see?!




(huffing, growling)


You passed every test, Vincent.



My boss will be surprised to know you actually exist.

(growls, huffs)

I'm sorry about Catherine.

I know how I'd feel if I lost Carol.


(groans in pain, grunts)

(sirens wailing)

Make a perimeter!

No one goes in until I say so!

Officer: Got it, chief!

Going around back.

Thanks for the backup, but I got it.

Get her in the car.


He made it to the station.

They patched him up. He's fine.

Thanks to you getting him out of here, he's gonna be okay.

I know, I should've listened to you, I should've believed you.

No, it's okay. Forget it.

I was starting to think I was chasing ghosts, too.

Yeah, but Cat, they weren't just after you.

They split you up on purpose.

Bob's after Vincent, too.

What? Where?

Lake Placid.

JT's heading there now.

But the chances of him finding Vincent...

Where's Vincent?

Somewhere not even your love can save him anymore.


(line ringing)

Tess: Leave a message.

Tess, if you get this message, Bob's got Vincent and he's getting away.

Don't hate me.

But I've got a stupid plan of how to save both Vincent and maybe me.

If it doesn't work... uh, I've been meaning to say something.

So here goes: I love you.

Carol: I know how much you love Vincent.

Guess I should say "loved" him.

I'm not worried about Vincent.

He can take care of himself.

No, he can't.

Not without you there to save him, Cat, you know that.

And Bob and I know it, too.

We saw it first hand, when we were all working together.

Yeah, we were never "working together."

You were trying to figure out what we knew before you tried to k*ll us.

Still, we got to know you.

You reminded us so much of us when we first got engaged.

Inseparable, to a fault.

That's why we came up with this plan.

To separate us, so that you could k*ll me and capture Vincent?

How do you know that we haven't changed, grown?

Codependency is not something that changes overnight.

It takes more than a few weeks, trust me.

No, you trust me.

In the end, it is gonna be Vincent who walks through that door, not Bob.

And then we'll see how much you "loved" him.

Or you can tell me where Vincent is, help me to bring him back, and maybe I can help you.

You can't help us now.

Not against this.

The experiments?

Is that what you're so afraid of?

Or is it whoever's behind it?

Carol, come on, just give me a name.

Help us to catch whoever's behind it, and I-I promise you I will do whatever I can to help.

Only Bob can help me now.

And only if Vincent turns out to be the beast that we think he is.

And, if he doesn't, then we're all dead.

Tess: Where is he?! Where is he?!

Tess! Tess!

I want to know where he is now!

Tess, what's wrong?!

What's wrong is that I just got a message from JT who all but said good-bye to me trying to save Vincent from Bob.

So I want to know where he is!

It's too late.

Hey, Captain, you need to get a grip.

You can't do this right now, do you understand me?

Okay, just let me do my job.

Let me keep working on her, all right?


And in the meantime, you and I both have to have faith.

In Vincent and in JT.



If JT's dead, you're dead.

Bob: Good news, babe.

I got him.

The antidote is as good as ours.

What the...?

What the hell are you doing out here?

Saving my friend.


Jt: Yeah!

You okay back there?!

JT, get out of here, man!





Move, or you're a dead man.

JT, listen to him!

Don't be stupid!

I'm tired of people telling me that.

Remember, you can save yourself!

Remember Cat's love, it's always there!

Vincent: JT!

(engine revs, roars)




(deep growling)

(groans) Vincent?

(growls, snarls)

Hey, don't move.

(groans) I'm fine, I'm fine.

All right, where does it hurt?



That's actually good, I think I'm healing.


But not very fast.

Guess my stupid plan wasn't so stupid after all.

That was your plan, getting hit by a truck?

To make you go primal to stop Bob, yeah.

How'd you know that I would turn back?

Banked on you trusting in Cat's love, whether she was here or not.

Frankly, it was a Hail Mary, for both of us.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're burning up, man.

Come on, I'm gonna get you to a hospital.

Come on, let's get you out of here.

All right, slowly, slowly.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Vincent, y-you keep breaking up.

Is JT okay or not?

I don't understand, what do you mean he didn't heal all the way?

Vincent's safe. Yeah, he called me.

But JT's gonna be okay, right?

Okay, good, thank you.

What? V-Vincent, if you can hear me, call me back when you're in range, okay? Hel...?

All right, at least they're on their way back, and they're fine.

Well, no.

Apparently, JT is not so fine...

Tess... JT is going to be okay.

Yeah, until I kick his ass.

I don't... I don't know, Cat.

With all this crap going on, maybe I am just not cut out for this job.

What? Are you kidding?

Tess, you were born for this job.


Then why do I feel like I'm having a heart attack?

That is probably because you are dating a hypochondriac.


I'm really sorry that I doubted you about the whole Bob and Carol thing, Cat.

Forget it, we've already talked about this.

Still, it won't be the last time something like this happens, you know?

And we got to figure it out, too, because now that I'm captain...

You've got a job to do, I get it.

And we will figure it out-- we have to.

Example-- with Carol in custody, we just busted the k*ller of a DHS agent.

That's a pretty good-sized feather in the cap of a new captain, wouldn't you say?

I like it.

See how well it can work?

Does Carol know what happened to Bob, yet?


But I think I'd rather you be with me when I tell her.




Somebody call an ambulance!

Tess, it won't work.

What do you mean?

She knew she lost him.

She stopped her heart.

She's not gonna start it again.

The hell you talking about?

Tess, I know Carol.

She loved Bob more than anything.

Looks like they were inseparable after all.

What, is it, like, 9,000 degrees in here?

No, no, don't touch that-- I-I'm freezing.

How are you possibly freezing? And are you all right?

Vincent said that you couldn't heal.

He took me to the hospital, took some X-rays.

No broken bones.

So you can still heal yourself.

I don't know-- I don't think so.

Otherwise, I wouldn't still be in so much pain.

Getting hit by a truck must have pushed my healing power past its limit.

So, by shocking your system...

I overloaded the serum.

Maybe even burned it out.

Although I still don't know why...

I'm fluctuating between burning up and freezing now.

But you're gonna be okay, right?

No more crazy powers, healing, night vision?

I got to run some tests to be sure, but, yeah, I think I'm gonna be okay.



What'd you do that for?

Because if you ever do something stupid like that again, I'll run you over, got it?



And, by the way, I love you, too.

I don't suppose you got those concert tickets, yet.

Concert tickets?

Oh, you mean on the 25th at the Garden, sixth row, center.





See what happens when I'm not obsessed with things that go bump in the night?

I know, but I think we should still be a little bit worried, considering.

Especially now that we know whoever's behind it all was after me.

Except, I don't think that they know who you are, yet.

It doesn't sound like Bob and Carol got a chance to tell them.

Yes, but eventually they're gonna figure it out.

And when they do, then...

What, so you're the worrywart now?

What happened to not wanting the world's evils to overwhelm our lives?

Okay, I think you enjoyed this separation thing a little bit too much.

I admit, it was nice not having to save your primal hide for once.

You really did that all on your own?

Just like you got Carol on your own.

You know, maybe there is hope for us yet.

Would you ever stop your heart for me?

Every time I see you.
