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03x02 - Chester Cheeto

Posted: 07/03/15 03:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Easy, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike.


Just let the pain pass.

Breathe, brother.

I can't let you do this.

God damn it, Mike!

You have to stop trying to save me!

I'm moving out.

Are you police?

Amber, please.

I'm pregnant.

Not in the stomach.


None of us want an indictment.

What's it gonna cost me, boss?

Ari Adamian.

He's a lieutenant in the Sarkissian family.

You took his kidney.


There was no cover team. No one was listening.

You hung me out to dry, man.

It is not over until it is over.

Somebody has to be held accountable for Ari's crimes.

I'll be their sin eater.


Hey! Hey!

Lucia stays and the money flows.

This is your fate, Johnny.

It's time to own it.

Charlie: Don't wake him.

Jakes: I bet he knows.

Dale, he's sleep... Dale!

Jakes: Sleeping Beauty?

[snoring] Mm!

Can you tie a bow tie?


A bow tie. Can you tie one?

I can tie a regular tie.

Yeah, you and everybody else.

It's not a special... thing.

Why are you harassing me?

Why are you sleeping on the couch?

Don't you got a room?


Charlie: Morning, Mikey.

Stairs give you some trouble last night?

Yeah. Flat ground's fine, but the whole foot over foot thing, I don't know how you guys do it.

What's with the dress up?

DOJ's giving Paige her big award.

That's today?

Yep, that's today. You comin'?

Yeah. Hey...

Johnny knows how to tie a bow tie.

That'd be great if Johnny was home.

He didn't come home last night?

No, and with Sid gunning for us, I was under the impression that sleeping at Graceland wasn't optional.

Briggs: Everything's optional, DJ.

It's all just a matter of reconceiving one's parameters.

Thank you, Confucius.

I'll remember that next time I'm being assassinated.

That's my coffee.

I brought you a suit, Mikey. Saved you a trip up Everest.


You all right?

Yeah. First rate, Chuck.

Mike: First rate, huh?

What about the Armenian flavored sin eating?

It's a new day, Warren.

"It's a new day, Warren"?

That cannot be good.


Priest: And Jesus said unto Peter, "Flesh and blood has not revealed it, but my Father which is in heaven. And I also say to thee, upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee "the keys of the kingdom of heaven. "And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth "shall be bound in heaven. "And whatsoever... "thou shall lose on earth shall be lost in heaven."

Is this Carlito's passage or yours?

Why the hell would I have a tunnel to Mexico, man?

Once we get on the other side, how do we get to the compound?

Oh, "we" nothing.

Homeland's looking for you at the border crossing.

This is your best option.

[throws switch]

[lights buzzing]

After you, Blair.

Ha-ha, no, I don't think so.

DOJ Speaker: How do we judge a person's character?

We could say that goodness is a product of good intentions.

That it's enough to simply mean well.

We could argue that thoughts are the greater part of conduct.

But I think we should insist upon measuring a person by their deeds...

By the goodness or badness of their self-determined actions.

For the vast majority of us, if reckoning were to come today, we'd find ourselves woefully short of action, that, despite our best intentions, the world is no better off with us in it.

But for our undercover agents in the field, deeds are currency, and action is the state of play.

They're foot soldiers in the fight for justice.

And the best of them are what we see when we imagine heroes.

Ladies and gentlemen, today the office of the Attorney General is proud to present DEA Agent Paige Arkin with the Award for Exceptional Heroism.


Thank you.

[scattered applause]

[dance music]

♪ ♪

I'll grab us a couple beers.

The money's in pesos.

Is this where your girlfriend works or what?

That's funny, man.

We're supposed to wait here?


Enjoy yourself, Sid.

It's gonna be a long day.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪



woman: Honored to meet you.

Well, if it isn't our exceptional hero.

Hey, guys.

Let me see it.

Let me see the hardware.

That's nice. Nice, right?


It's a good thing they weren't giving out an award for exceptional public speaking.

Can you write my next speech?


The only reason this exists is for a photo-op.

It's... it's just a piece of metal.


Hey, come on, you're k*lling me.

There's 7.3 billion people out there who will never get that piece of metal because they didn't save a bunch of girls from sex sl*very.

No? I'll get the car.

Can you talk some sense into her, please?

He's right, you know. What do I say?


Come on. What do I always say?

b*tches get shit done.

Damn right, b*tches get shit done.

Give me some.

Paige, you can't leave me in that house all alone.

The genital ratio's already way out of whack.

Shut up.

[cell phone ringing]

I gotta take this.

I'm gonna throw you a dinner tonight.

We're not done here.


Can we talk?


Are you kidding me?

My psychic aunt could give me more than that.

No, it's okay. Yeah, thank you.

Mm-hmm. Shit.


Yeah, they got jack on Germaine.

A record, some financials, but it's all a decade old.

It's useless.


Well, you could still roll through the DA, have him work up a deal for Amber.

We went through this.

I ain't giving her shit.

It's not about what you give her, Charlie.

It's about what she gives you.

Yeah, well, she almost gave me a miscarriage.

In infinite universes, there is not one in which I let her walk.

Who said anything about walking?

Knock it down to ten and six.

If you don't want to do it, I get it.

But sometimes we're only left with unpalatable measures.

You know?


[moody electronic music]

♪ ♪

Careful with that stuff, Mike.

I know, it's just... more pain than I thought.


Well, then maybe you should be resting in a hospital bed instead of counting oxy on our communal coffee table.


Hey, Briggs?


Do you really think you have Ari Adamian under control?

[exhales] You know, you can't control a psychopath any more then you can the break of a swell, so, for now I'm surfing.

Then why don't you explain "It's a new day, Warren"?

Some things broken can't be fixed.


What are you planning?

Well, Logan won't let me put Ari away, so I'm gonna put him down.


You're serious.

With Ari dead, Logan continues to squeeze me, I'll take a reassignment.

Logan is gonna know it was you.

Ari's got a lot of enemies, Mike.

The Bureau will be watching.

They won't, actually.

By Logan's design, d*ck that he is, I have no cover team.

So, when I'm alone with Ari, I am alone with him.

Okay, Logan is not gonna accept this convenient death as your out.

If you don't do exactly what he says, he's gonna use that Juan Badillo tape against you.

It was in my bag.

If Logan has something against you, it's gotta be Juan's death.

I am already on the hook for one Ari Adamian m*rder, Mike.

[phone vibrating]

In a few months, I'll be drowning in felonies.

I'll take my chances with that tape, thank you very much.

It's Ari.

This is not gonna end well.

No. That part was never up to me.

What I can control is how it doesn't end well.

Watch yourself with that stuff, man.

Really. It's dangerous.



[Mexican hip hop music]

♪ ♪

I was visiting Uncle Tev.

Yesterday, he looked like dead fish.

Today... the shark is back.

That kidney's kicking up.

Oh yeah, he's pinching nurses' asses, joking like it's his birthday.

By the end of the week, he'll be dancing the kochari.

Briggs: Well, next week's a long way off, Ari.

[laughs] Look at this fat boy.

Someone need to tell him you can't outrun an ass that big.

Well, you know, nothing ever got solved by apathy, right?

You say some q*eer shit, Guy.

But you're not wrong.

[laughs] Hey.

Briggs: Ari, what are you...

Jesus Christ.

Chester Cheeto!

Really, you're gonna run like that, huh?


Ari! Ari, hey, hey, hey...

Ari, Ari, Ari, relax! Relax! Ugh...

I am relaxed. Hey, Guy!

This is Ty Gillibrand.

His friends call him Gilly, but I call him Chester Cheeto.

You know why?

I have no idea.

'Cause he's a Chester Cheeto-eating son-of-a-b*tch, aren't you?

What have you got in here, huh? Originals or puffs?

Leave me alone!

Leave you alone? Ha!

I'll leave you alone, when you lick the Cheetos off your fat fingers and sign the freaking paper like you promised, okay?

I didn't promise anything!

There you go.

You and your homeboy can rough me up, but I'm not selling to the Sarkissians.

Man, why'd you do that?



What are you do... Ow, Ari, I don't...

You don't disparage my family!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

[overlapping yelling]

That's a violation! Do you understand?


You understand me?



Yes! Let me up!

Is that good, Guy?

I think we should pull him up, Ari.

Yes, pull me up, pull me up!

No, I think I don't trust you!

I think you sign the contracts like that!



Yes. You hold him. Hold him.


Gillibrand: No!

Freakin' where's my pen?

For God's sakes!

There you are. Okay.

Give it to me!

There you go, fat boy.

There you go.

Give me the contract!

Take your pen.

Don't forget to date it.

What is it? What's the date?

It's June 10th, man, it's June 10th.

Sign it, Chester, come on. - Uh-huh.

Ari: It's triplicate.

Gillibrand: Shit!


Each page.


And initial at the top.

Initial at the top.

Ari, he's slipping, man.

Come on.

All right!

Oh, my God, here! Here!


Let me up!




You drop him?

He was too heavy.

You freakin' drop Chester Cheeto off a bridge?

We gotta go down there, man.

No, Guy, it's fine, he sign.

Look, he sign all three.

This one's a little messy, but I think it's still binding.

Gillibrand: Help me! Help me!

I can't move! Help! Help!

[chuckling] Look at that.

Saved by his fatness.

We gotta go help him, Ari.

No, Guy, we gotta go.

Look at all these people.

Someone called 9-11. Come on.

♪ ♪

[scoffs] No.

Orange ain't your color, sweetheart.

No, no, no way. Screw you.

Take me back. Screw this.

Sit down, Amber.

If you think you're gonna talk me out of the entrapment charges, you can think again.

Entrapment, huh?

Amber: Yeah.

I wasn't gonna rob a bank until you waltzed in.

You kidnapped a federal agent, dummy.

You crashed my car and let that British nutjob beat the shit out of me.

I was protecting you from him, you b*tch.


You and your baby.

If you knew I was a Fed, you'd have put the b*llet in me yourself.

Say otherwise.

I would have put it right in your belly.

This ain't happening.

Send this animal back to her cage.

No deal.

What deal?

[door unlocks and buzzes]


What deal?

I want Germaine.


What do I get?

Ten, chance of six.



You're headed for Federal pen, baby girl.

Flagged for Supermax.

You could rot in that cell or you can give me Germaine.

[exhales] I don't know where he is.

Listen to me, I don't know where he is.

All right, but I know a guy in south Florida.

He's a dealer. [sighs]

Germaine cleans his cash.

How do you know?

We met at a party Germaine had on a yacht.

We went back to his after.

Where's that, Amber?

I don't remember.

But if you bring me to Miami, and get me back to where we met, I think I could track us back to his place.

And I could make an introduction for you.

No way.

Well, we're both out of options, so you can stop acting like Godzilla with tits.

You want Germaine, this is how it works.
[rock music]

♪ ♪

Agent Warren.

Good to see you're feeling better.

"Justice is incidental to law and order."

Excuse me?

Hoover said that.

Of course, when he died, they found out that he'd been blackmailing senators for years.

I know Paul Briggs.

I know what he's capable of.

And you need to stop what you're doing before this goes too far.

Perhaps you're unaware, but this is wildly inappropriate behavior.

Perhaps you're unaware...

I used to work for the Deputy Director.

I make one phone call and Washington knows exactly what's happening here.

Believe it or not, I am familiar with your work history.

But before you place a call to the J. Edgar Hoover Building, let's refresh ourselves.

Since Quantico, you have managed to fail both upward and downward by virtue of a nonexistent arrest record.

I took down Jeremiah Bello.

No, Bello was arrested while you were bleeding out on the floor.

It was my case.

Shut up, Agent Warren!

Your investigations have manifested an almost entirely unprecedented fatality rate.

Truly, I've never seen anything like it.

By any metric, those cases have been failures.

So do you genuinely believe the Deputy Director is taking your calls?

Go home, Agent Warren.

Worry about yourself.

[hip hop music]

♪ ♪

Hey, let me ask you a question, man.

How is Carlito not the last person on Earth you want to see right now?

Now, he already got me.

What does he need a dirty cop for?

My deal with Carlito is done.

I've already ex*cuted my end.

Yeah, you mean k*lling his pops, right?

You and your little 21 Jump Street buddies stole a lot of my money.

Carlos Senior probably would've let me work it off but I don't have ten more years of good luck in me.

And I'm betting Carlito probably told you he'd pay you all in one lump sum, huh?

You're a genius.

I'll give you one thing, Sid, man, you...

You're a hell of an optimist, bro.

'Cause if this shit was me, and I was doin' the numbers in my head, think I'd realize giving you a b*llet to the head's a lot cheaper than giving you a payday, but that's just me.

It's about that time. Let's go.

Carlito wanted me dead, he'd have had you do the job up north.

Yeah, maybe, but, uh...

I ain't a k*ller.

You know, there's no reason for me to buy any of your concerns.

I don't give a shit about you buying my concern, man.

I'm not saying this 'cause I care about you.

I'm saying it 'cause... I need to make a deal.

You help me and Lucia, I'll help you get your money.

Wow, must be a special bit of Mexican cooch.

Stay the hell...

Hey... Hey, easy.

[whispering] Tough guy.

He's here.

You know who that is, man?

Tuturro: That's Flaco.

He don't deliver money.

Well, maybe Flaco's taking on some new responsibilities.

Yeah, I don't think so, man.

Oh, come on, man.

Uncuff me. Uncuff me right now.

I can't, brother, I can't.

Uncuff me right now.

I let you live long enough already!

Tuturro: No, no, look, look, go with me on this, man.

Maybe he's got money for you, maybe he's got a b*llet, okay, but if you go in there and get yourself shot up I got nothin' else.

Tuturro: I'm trying to protect you.

You're all I got, man.

[dance music]

♪ ♪





[people screaming]

Hey! Yo, yo!

Don't sh**t, don't sh**t! It's me.

Give me my money. Huh?

There was no money, there was...

Where's my g*dd*mn money?

There was no money. There was b*ll*ts, okay?

Put the g*n down.

Uncuff me.

Uncuff me. It's down.

[handcuffs clinking]

Look, man, you want your money?

You're gonna need my help to get it.

I'm going down there to get Lucia.

You wanna run, I ain't gonna stop you.

But you want your money?

Yeah, I'm in. I'm in.

[rap music]

♪ ♪

[women squealing]

[breathing slowly]

You are 50 shades of messed up, ain't you?

I'm fine.

Yeah, right. Picture of health.

I'm going to see the Bureau physician.

I just needed to cut the edge so I can get cleared for action.

My brother, I just watched you struggle with a flight of stairs.

I don't know if action's gonna be in your portfolio.

Jakes, I was dead for six minutes.

If I was sent back, I was sent back for a reason, and it wasn't to enjoy an extended convalescence.

Whoa, did you just say you were "sent back"?

You know what I mean.

Okay, listen.

If I were you, I'd take it easy.

Instead, you're you, and you want to hurry your sick ass back to active duty.

Fine, I get that.

My advice, when you go in for your physical, maybe leave out the noise about mission from God.

Go with, um...

"Everything's peachy."


"Everything's peachy."

[rock music]


You're collecting battle scars at a nifty clip.


Some people would say you're lucky to survive all this.



Personally, I think the luckiest folks are the ones who avoid scars altogether.

Lungs sound good.

You were out for quite awhile.

How's the head? Any memory loss, headaches, speech dysfunction?

No, everything's... peachy. [chuckles]

How's the pain?


You've been taking the oxycodone?

As necessary.

Well, you're here, you're moving, and if you're comfortable with the ten pills you've got left, I'm comfortable signing off on you.

Maybe put me down for one refill?

In case the pain flares up?

Well, I can issue another prescription, but not if I'm clearing you for duty.

If you think you need more medication...

No. No, I-I'm good with what I got.

Let's get me in the field.

[door clattering]

Ari: So anyway, the business is international.

My uncle and Martun...

You know Martun Sarkissian, yes?

I know of him.

In my uncle, they have a buyer for whatever computer chip is in surface to air missiles.

The chip is worth more than the payload.

It's looney tunes.

This is what our jogging friend signed for over on the bridge?

The fat man is a billionaire.

Chester Cheeto, king of the computer chip.

Shoulda called him Doritos.

Ah, because it's a chip.

[laughs] That's good, Guy.

You're pretty funny.

But how does a man let himself get so fat, huh?

For me, I could not. It's repulsive.

Ari: I would hire a trainer or get a lapband.

My hairdresser, she got the lapband.

She lost like 40 pounds right off the bat.

She looks great. I almost tried to screw her.

Do you know anyone who had the lapband?

Ari: Are you listening to me, Guy?

[g*n fires]

woman: Ari!

Aw, shit.

Ari, where are you?

Stay here, Guy. Don't move.

No problem.


Layla, baby, you can't be here.

What choice did I have?

I've been calling Colby for days.

Where have you been?

Colby's not on payroll anymore. He's moved on.

Layla: What do you mean, moved on?

Is he dead?

Ari: No, he has left.

Like you need to be doing, okay?

You can't keep ignoring me.


Come here.

You're so freaking beautiful, I want to be with you all the time.

But if your father find out, I'm a dead man.

So, Layla, please, go home, and I'll call you.

Layla: Promise?

I promise.

[door slams]

How much of that you catch?

Huh? Oh, none of it.

Bullshit, Guy. You're a bad liar.

That's a... pretty girl.

Layla, is it?

I swear to God, she is a freaking child.

I had Colby running interference for me, but now I think maybe I want you to take care of her.

Uh... like, take care of her?

No, Guy, that's Martun Sarkissian's daughter.

I mean, get rooms, field phone calls.

I totally get it.

Just help you keep your nose clean, right?

Yes, take care of her.

Can do.

It's a lot of risk for a piece of ass, but...

What a sweet piece of ass.


She'll be going to Stanford University at the end of the summer.

Ari: She'll pledge a sorority, find a fraternity boyfriend.

Not my problem anymore.

You want a drink?

Uh, I'd love to, but I've got other plans.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

[phone rings]

Yo, this is like a $500 bottle of wine.

Charlie: Yeah, I know what it is.

Paige can't leave me alone here with a bunch of undersexed silver backs.


What's the occasion?

Charlie's of the belief that she can get Paige to stay with a little family dinner.

Uh-huh. Well, that would convince me.

Mike: What happened with Ari?

You were right. Plan didn't end well.

So what's next?

Charlie: All right, thanks. New plan.

Bad news, Amber can't tag Germaine.

Good news, there's a guy down in the Everglades who can.



Me and Amber are gonna go down there, big bag of money, get in there with 'im, eventually ask him to clean our profits.

Uh-huh. Did you say Amber and you?

That's how it works.


You're pregnant.

No shit.

The Bureau's taking me off the field in eight weeks.

What, Paul?

Amber nearly got you k*lled, and now you want to run a long-term drug op with her down in the swamps?

Yeah, this was your idea, remember?

Look, it's not happening.

Oh, yes, it is.

Hey, why don't we just have some drinks, tell some...

Charlie: You're not gonna tell me what I'm gonna do...

You almost lost the baby once, Charlie.

No shit, that's why I want to get 'em now.

If you so much as step foot on a bird, I'll have you on maternity leave before you push back from the gate.

Look, you're a mom now.

Okay? Act like it.

You want to get Germaine?

Find another way.

I'm gonna go pack.

♪ ♪

Things had gotten violent.

It was untenable.

Sulla was... frustrated.

Mike: I think he felt impotent.

And Lina...

She bit him, actually.

She was a fighter.

I told him we were leaving.

He said no. I said yes.

Lena was scared, but...

We started for the door.

He was on her so fast.


I didn't even have time to react.

Everything we'd done...

I just couldn't fathom wasting it.

So I committed a selfish act.

And I still see Lina in my dreams.

Don't leave, Paige.

You're lucky, you know that?

You see her in your dreams, but when you wake up, she's gone.

I don't have that luxury.

You... this g*dd*mn medal, is a constant reminder of what I did wrong.

Why don't you let it be a reminder of what you did right?


[gates opening]

[man speaking Spanish]

[man speaking Spanish]

[muffled grunting]


Tuturro: [speaking Spanish]

Get on your knees.


Tuturro: Lucia.

Hey, hey, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me.


Let's go.

He's right. We gotta go, okay?

There's a Range Rover in the driveway.

I've gotta get you out of here.

We're not done here yet. You got your girl.

I get my money. That was the deal.

That's my deal, you piece of shit.

You tried to k*ll my friends. You think I'm gonna help you?

You want your money?

Go wake up Carlito. See if he's feeling generous.

But if I was you...


I'd run...

Johnny, Johnny...

And be happy I'm not doing that shit with a hollow point in my g*n.



- Look, mija, we gotta go, okay?

We can't leave.

My brother owns everything from here to the border.

Now why don't you just listen to your girlfriend?

If he's alive, we won't make it ten miles.

[safety clicks]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[car engine shuts off]


You don't have to do this.

I'm serious, Charlie.

You say one word, and we're outta here.

Something I gotta do.


But is it something that you want to do?

My nonna was a cardiologist.

She worked till she was 74.

It's ironic.

It took two heart att*cks for her to retire.

She had pensions, savings, all that, but she kept going back to work 'cause she said, when people looked at her they saw a doctor.

Like they... they saw someone they respected, and...

Second she hung up that white coat, she was just an old lady.

You ask me what I want. That's the question.


Down one path, I'm Charlie DeMarco, federal agent.

And down another path, I'm Charlie DeMarco, single mom.

And you know, what Paul said, it...

I may not like it, but...

He's not wrong.

It's just a choice I have to make, you know?

And you're sure about this?

No, Paige, I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Charlie: It's just one of those things, man.

Life hands them to you all the time.

You got a steaming heap of shit in your right hand, and a steaming heap of shit in your left, and you look at both and you can't tell one bad hand from the other.

Charlie: You ask me, an exceptional hero?

That's when you know both hands are shit and you choose anyway.

And then you spend the rest of forever getting used to the smell.

[classical music]

[g*n cocks]

Sid: Get up. Slowly.

What is this?

I want you to take me to your safe right now and I want you to pay me my money.


Tuturro: I'd pay the man.

If I die, my sister dies. You know this.

Nah. Not anymore. Get up.

Outta the g*dd*mn bathtub.

I gave Flaco $900,000.

I'm taking it you never saw any of this?

Tuturro: There was no money.

He shot at us.

Carlito: Oh, he shot at you? Verdad?

Flaco? Hmm.

And you saw this?

Carlito: Yeah, I don't blame you, you know.

He's a practiced liar, Johnny.

But you know I'm telling the truth, right?

It's too late anyway now. Come on.


Let's go. Open it.

[door beeps]

Take it and go.

This... misunderstanding does not need to end in bloodshed.


[high-pitched ringing]

[enraged grunting]


[loud punches]

Carlito: [groans]

Lucia: Johnny!


[indistinct shouting]

Tuturro: Lucia!

Lucia: Johnny!

Carlito: [yells]

Sid: [enraged groan]

If I die, she dies.

Carlito: Ahhh!


[Carlito panting] If I die, she dies.

That's a good boy, Johnny.

You know I'm supposed to get a phone call before you go in there, not after, right?

Just take me home, Paul.

This is supposed to be a discussion, Charlie.

This isn't what I meant when I said...

Do you even want to be a father?

Then let's just cut to the part where you're relieved.

You don't have to grow up just yet.

woman: DeMarco?

[engine turning over]


Catherine DeMarco?

[blues music]

♪ ♪

[glass shattering]

♪ ♪

[metal door opening, buzzing]

♪ ♪

[car accelerates]

[glass shattering and tires squealing]

[hyperventilating] Please somebody! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! [crying] No, please, somebody! No, no, no, no, no, no!