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02x07 - Girl Meets Rules

Posted: 06/14/15 07:22
by bunniefuu
All right. Where's your father?

Are we getting a sub?

I don't want a sub. You never know where they've been.

Will you calm down? He's one minute late. Stop overreacting.

What if he never shows up?

What if I never learn anything else?

I'm going down, sir!

Oh, he's not even here.

We lost Farkle.

A little help, Maya?

Matthews is out, Farkle is down, it's Maya time.

Farkle's fixed. No Maya time.

You may proceed.

During Maya time, we open the confiscation drawer and take back all the stuff from the land of unfairly taken toys.

(Scoffs) Maya! I don't think anybody really wants...

(All cheering)

All right, whose is this?

What'd I miss?

Maya! He is going to walk in and catch you and you're going to be in trouble and I am here to keep you out of trouble, and I will have failed. Do you want me to fail?

Do you want me to show you how to have fun?

Behaving is fun.

Come here!

I really don't want to.

You come here right now. Ring power!

When we say "ring power" you have to. It's a rule.

Tell me this isn't fun.


Yeah, that seems like fun, but now you did it, so I don't get to do it, so are we sitting down now?

Of course there's another one!

Do it.

There is nothing in this world that can make me do it.

Ring power.

What'd I miss?


(Students quiet down)

When did you guys decide there are no rules in here?

When did my generosity in allowing you to express yourselves make you think you could turn my class into a zoo?

Both: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

All: I'm sorry.

Lucas. Why are you the only one here that didn't say I'm sorry?

Because I never do anything.

No. Because you respect the rules.

Because you know without them, civilization becomes chaos.

The rest of you are gonna spend the afternoon thinking about that, with the exception of Lucas the good.

Oh, boy! Is that gonna stick?

I'm already making t-shirts.

You put me in a real bad position here, sir.

I gotta do something.

You can fight this, Lucas.

No, I can't, sir. Everyone's looking.

Okay. Do what you gotta do.

(Cell phone bleeps)


Oh, thank you, sir.

Feel better, huckleberry?

I'm just like you now.

Yeah, we're exactly the same.

Yeah, you're all the same.

Detention, all of you!

What do you want?

I'm going to be home late today, daddy.

I know, honey.

(Theme music playing)

♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ for a day ♪
♪ like this to come ♪
♪ struck like lightning ♪
♪ my heart's beating like a drum ♪
♪ on the edge ♪
♪ of something wonderful ♪
♪ face to face with changes ♪
♪ what's it all about? ♪
♪ Life is crazy ♪
♪ but I know ♪
♪ I can work it out ♪
♪ 'cause I got you ♪
♪ to live it with me ♪
♪ I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world ♪
♪ light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn ♪
♪ I'm singing "go-o-o" ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ take on the world ♪

I've always allowed you to bend the rules.

But the best of students know just how far they can push before those rules are broken.

Today you are not the best of students.

But you know we're good people most of the time, don't you, daddy?

Daddy? You're my daddy.

Why do we need rules at all?

You think you could make it in a world without rules?

I think I could do fine in any world.

The rest of you believe that?

Okay. Well, guess what, guys. School's out.

You've got the whole place to yourselves.

No rules.

One hour to behave however you want.

Let's see what becomes of you.

Well, I think we'll be perfectly behaved ladies and gentlemen.

And I think within one minute you'll be eating each other.

Where are you going?

I'm locking you in.

The best punishment I can give is to force you to spend some time with yourselves.

I'll see you in an hour.

Whoever's left.

I can't believe it. He locked us in.

That's fine. I don't have a problem with that. I'm not claustrophobic or anything.

We're trapped. (Gasping) I can't breathe.

There's more carbon dioxide than oxygen!

The ratio is all wrong!

Okay. Farkle gotsta go.

I gotsta?

Stop. This is exactly what my father wants.

He wants us to panic and fall apart.

We have to show him that we can get through this without turning into a pack of wild animals.

I'm hungry.

What do you mean by that?

Nothing. I'm just really hungry.

Because we're best friends.

Yeah, you know what else?

I don't think I've ever been this hungry.

I feel ya, ranger Rick. I'm kinda hungry, too.

And it's not like a regular kind of hungry, right?

No. No. This one's deep.

It must be attended to.

Oh, guys, can we just show a little discipline?

I mean, how much more time in here could we possibly have?

You know, I could eat, too.

What? What are you looking at?

Guys! What are you seeing right now?

Stop talking, chicken.

All right, come on! Let's prove my father wrong.

Let's form our own perfect society.

Rileytown is a land of goodness and rainbows where everybody folds their hands nicely like so.

Who wants to live in Rileytown?

Nobody wants Rileytown! It's too lollipop!

You're lollipop!

Sister, I'm a lot of things, but I ain't lollipop.

Rileytown has order, structure and our hands folded like so!

What do you got?

I got Mayaville! No rules, no laws, no hand folding and nobody says no!


You got chaos is what you got!

I got order, you got chaos!

You got lollipop, I got whoo!

Okay, detention may be bringing out the worst in us, but at least we're making the time pass.

Eat Riley!

Okay. But no biting.

(Knock on door)

Oh, yay, it's you.

Go easy on me, Topy. I'm vulnerable today.

Ava? What happened?

What happened?

Emma Weathersbee happened!

She's makin' inroads, man!


(Scoffs) Ava, whatever's going on, it's not worth shoving your face in the cake.

Dude, why would I do that? This face takes hours.

Join me?

No, I couldn't possibly...

Oh! There's actually not gonna be any left, is there? Okay, shove over.

Emma Weathersbee does this thing I can't even begin to compete with.

What does she do?

(Screaming) Oh, it's all just so obvious and your dopey son is falling for it.

Okay, what does Emma do?

She's nice. She's polite. She says "please" and "thank you" and "may I" and... (Screaming)

I don't want to live in this kind of world!

(Scoffs) Okay, Ava, what do you want me to do for you?

Could you make me likable?

Honey, I don't see how.

(Sobbing) Topanga, I know how I come across.

But I also know that if you just give me a chance, deep down inside me, there may be a beautiful, shining soul.

Oh, honey!

(Loudly) How was that?

Oh, you just want me to help you be fake nice?

I ain't lookin' for miracles. I just want your kid back.

Here's what I know, deep down inside you, in your beautiful, shining soul, you actually see the good in me.

Aw, honey.

How was that?

Why are you guys over there?

Why can't we just be one happy society that runs the way I think it should?

Because you want us all to be you.

We're not all you, Riley.

I mean, you know the reason I've never been able to choose between you?

Because if it was you all the time, life would be like...

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

Both: ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

And if it was you all the time, life would be like...


Descensus in cuniculi cavum!



I need to be both of you guys.

But who are you going to be with right now, Farkle?

Before you answer that, you may want to consider a little thing I call... this.

He forgot to lock the back door?

Maya, we're in detention. You can't leave.

Hey. School's out. He said we got the place to ourselves.

He said to make our own rules.

Rule number one: See you around, suckers.


Hey. What part of "descensus in cuniculi cavum" do you not understand?

All of it.

It means we drop down into the rabbit hole, man.

I never do anything, Riley.

(Excitedly) Yeah!

Okay. We don't need them. We can just be in here, hands folded like so.

So, what do you guys want to talk about?

Oh, that's right. You guys don't talk, do you?

Well, the first rule of Rileytown is that everybody in here gets to talk.

You there. What do you have to say?

Hi. My name is Dave.

I like corn chips and I'm sorry I didn't go with the other group.

(Angrily) Dave!

I mean, don't get us wrong. We really respect you and everything.

You do?

We always have.

You're one of the good ones and we'd follow you anywhere.

Thank you.

It's just that without the others, we're kinda bored out of our minds.

(Angrily) Dave!

We're safe and sound and not getting into trouble.

Yeah, but the problem with that is, all the good kids are in here.

We just know that they're having a lot more fun out there.

What're you doing in here?

They're having a lot more fun out there.

We're in detention, janitor harley.

How 'bout that. Little zippy crossed the line.

Maya influenced me.

I've noticed that over the years.

You do realize the back door is wide open don't you, little zippy?

We're aware.

And yet this group stays in here, while the other group is rampaging down the hallway.

Well, what do you make of that?

I'm sure we'll find out. This lesson has your father written all over it.

You're supposed to lock the front door.

Actually, I'm not.

It's time to find out what Maya is up to. Goodbye.

Maya will be fine.

Lucas and Farkle won't let her get into trouble.

She's stronger than them.

She's better when you're with her.

Oh, please. 14 years of good influence can't possibly come apart in...

(Screaming and ululating)

Okay, well, this is less fun when there's no one to chase.

Everybody else is in detention.

I'm finally cool and nobody notices.

Okay. Okay. Watch this.

Huh! Also, ow!


If there's no good kids out here noticing us, then, what's the point?

You questioning my leadership, hop-along?

Okay, these names you're calling me are k*lling my street cred.

Aw! And what would you like me to call you?

I'd like you to call me "mad dog."

You don't seem like a mad dog to me.

What do I seem like to you?

You know that lamb that Mary had?

I don't like the way that this is going.

I think what mad dog is saying is what good is being bad if there's no other kind of people around?

(Menacingly) I'm Batman.

(Wheels squealing)

Who's that?

I agree with mad dog and Batman.

For me, it was very important for us to be amongst the good.


Because even bad kids have good parts.

But without the good kids, you may never find out what they are.

You told us you were one of the bad kids when you were younger.

Well, you know, I used to intimidate people. Make 'em see things my way.

Did they?

For a while.

Then what happened?

I met a good kid.

But you seem like such a nice guy.

It's hard for me to believe you ever intimidated anything.

Oh, yeah?

Okay. Maybe he's right.

Maybe we need a good kid around.

To find the good in us.

Yeah. Let's go steal one.




She's actually too nice to make someone the goose.

Without Maya around, she's actually getting worse.


(Screaming and ululating)





(Continue ululating)

Why are you guys lookin' at me like that?

Help us.

Make us more like you.


You guys want to have some fun?

(Screaming and ululating)

Everybody clean off your faces, you look ridiculous.

Lucas, I'll get you.

Thank you.

You know, they call me "mad dog".

Of course they do.

Would you call me "mad dog"?

Would you call me "princess dancing sunshine"?

No, I would not.

Well, there you go.

I'm home!

(Groans) What a day!

(Sweetly) We all have bad days, August.

Please. I'm sure you did your best.

Thank you. May I?

What the...

I told you I didn't think I could do this.

What did you do to her?

Honey, she asked me to!

(Softly) I would change myself completely if it meant not losing you to miss Emma Weathersbee.

Ava. You're not Emma.

Be Ava. I don't want two Emmas.

I can't stand being polite all day.

You can't?


It makes me want to draw with a black crayon.

You want two Avas?

Both: No!

"Please" and "thank you" are all right, but sometimes a guy's gotta hear "give me" and "I want!"

Well, I want to take off this stupid hat! And I want to take off this stupid dress!

And I want cheese! Give me!

Ava, we're having tea right now.

Let me tell you what I think about tea...

No! I will get you some cheese.



Thank you.

Wow, Ava.

You know, inside of there, there really is a sweet little girl after all.

Aw, Topy... (Loudly) How was that?

(Sighs) Pretty good.


You have fun?

I did. It was quite enjoyable. And you?

Someone had the idea to put me in a bag.

Did you hear about that?


Well, you know, there's some bad kids out there.

Okay, guys. Detention over.



Remember how you told us that people change people?

Secret of life.

Well, when you're not with those people, how do you keep from changing back?

You went a little wild, did you?

Whatever I got is strong in me, Matthews.

Yeah, me, too, but the other way.


Right here.

You watched them?

Like a hawk.


You're with him?

Yeah. He's my good kid.

What do you got?

Everyone went nuts, except for zippy.

Why didn't you go nuts, zippy?

I was without Maya.

Without Maya, I don't think I'd ever unfold my hands.

What about this one here?

Maya was the ringleader.

Maya was the first one out the door.

I was without Riley.

Without Riley, I may never come back.


Well, detention over, guys. Everyone out. Except Maya.


Everyone out.

So, you were like me. What changed you?

Well, it turns out there is always two doors.

He showed me the other one.

It's good to know there's someone like that around.

Okay, so... How long did it take for you to go full-blown Maya?

Five minutes.

Five minutes. That's four minutes better than last time.

So, you weren't there this morning?

Yeah, the subway was late or something...

Or something.

You know, Maya, it's a good thing to know, I don't always have to be in this room to give my students a test.

And it's a good thing we got people who check up on us every once in a while.


Okay. So, what's next?

I sit here another hour.

Maya, whatever you end up deciding to be, the best thing I can teach you right now is that there are consequences to our actions.

The rules are there to help us.

I'll try harder next time.

I know.

Hey, Matthews.


Next time I'm gonna put some w*r paint on Riley's face.

Yeah. I'm sure she's counting on it.


Right here.

Thanks for coming over, Ava.

I had a real good time.

Me too, Auggie.

Tomorrow, I want to talk about me more and I want to watch my TV shows and I want to talk about me more.

Sounds good. See you tomorrow.



Throw me out!

(Gasps) I had the same idea.

Both: Whee!

Thank you!

My pleasure.

I never thought I'd say this, but she is really starting to grow on me.

Really? Because I decided that if you still didn't like her I was never going to see her again, because your happiness is more important than anything to me.

Aw, honey... How was that?