01x02 - Blood Lines

Episode transcripts for the 2002 TV show "John Doe".*
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A mysterious man wakes up on an island off the coast of Seattle, Washington, and seems to know everything apart from his own name helps police solve crimes as he searches for his identity.
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01x02 - Blood Lines

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, pianist.

Tommy, Tommy, Tomas ...

You're late.

Hi, Digger.

I thought you said your name was John.

Me too.

Before this.

Cyanoacrylate Got?

Sure. I carry with me where wherever you go.

Wait a minute. I have something better ...

Tommy, Tommy ... I like the sound.

Step back a little as a week.

Who is Tommy?

Was at the pier, eating a Hot Dog.

Then listen ...


She was standing there with turquoise scarf.

Calling Tommy.

I said.

So who was it exactly?

I do not know, I'll find out.

I have to find out.

It sounds like "Fatal Attraction."

Do not you understand? That woman is the key to everything.

I saw in color.

What is that supposed to ...?

It may be a friend family, a sister, my wife.

You are married, and not know how is your wife?

She just know me. Before ...

Before ... What? What are you you escape from an asylum?

Before ...

Who are you?

I do not know.

Not important.

Anyway, when I get to the ship terminal was empty.

I have to find it. The way I recognized ...

What if she is my wife?

It was too late I could not find it.

Had disappeared.

So use a nail file ... to cut a piece of window that she touched.

That was good.

Tell me more dense ... but I'm lost a lunatic in Las Vegas.

Speaks English who is this?

The answer to that is ... here.

Some neighbors, I say that I to find out who did this!

Mr Pickford, let the punishment for us, okay?

What are they looking for? My husband must be vaccinated ... rabies? Is this blood goat or something?

It's definitely human. Someone somewhere is dry.

Anyone? It seems to me that entire swim team.

No. .. This bonded.

Ingredients: Twenty parts of chlorine, some blood components.

Mix and serve.

Mata thirst.

Will you give me a blood type? "DNA?

There are enough chemicals here to confuse them with urine.

Not be easy.

The woman says she and her daughter last night took a bath before bedtime.

The water was crystal clear.

So what? 8 hours Count Dracula comes ... here and empty your load?

The Invisible Man perhaps.

This is the alarm system.

Detector, infrared sensors.

I needed a miracle to come here.

Turning water into wine. The man who clean the pool has an access code?

No, sir. The system confirms that security ... the alarm was in line all night without interruption.

Okay, I want to talk to them.

What got Bobby?

I did a full diagnosis. No traces of blood in the pipes.

That preciousness. I have a pool of blood ... and a dozen explanations how not to get there.

What is the history of Pickford? A rate as high technology ... should be to protect something special.

His wife and daughter. As least that's what he says.

Pickford Walter, Co-Chair with P and P's brother Shipping International.

Imports and exports industrial equipment.

Going to church, do some donations.

A classic family man.

Start making a list of customers.

To see if anyone has a grudge for wanting to start a w*r.

How do you, Nance?

The liquid sample cells isolated show recent use of potassium.

Again, not "Vulcan."

We have a victim. k*lled in the past 24 hours.

Fresh blood, no body.

As if I did not reach a phenomenon per day ...

And now you appear again here?

2 horizontal: Mesopotamia. 13 Vertical: Grover Washington.

Who are you?

Me. I need a favor.

I have an impression of a finger.

The pattern of lines is intact, clear printing.

And I was wondering if you could search the fingerprint.

This is not a convention center.

I know, I know ... but this is important.

Hey, you can not use resources of the city ...

Who is more important you than anything else?

Okay, understood. My wife, my children.

Is it that important? This may be my wife.

I was doing my homework.

It seems that a certain John Doe pled disappeared ... in 150 departments across the country last month.

Can you explain?

In due time.

I'll say the following: I have my own puzzle to solve ...

Call it a favor.

Go to the brain game!

At 7 am Pickford ...

The experts said. That is fresh blood.

Someone k*lled. In the past 24 hours.

There is no smoking inside, no?

A building which prohibit everything.

Eye of Horus, ancient Egyptian symbol.

It represents an ancient quantification system.

Gothic is a symbol.

Exactly. Comes from the album cover. "Vision Things" by Sisters of Mercy.

Released: November 13, 1990.


"You've made yourself on purpose?

Who are you? A private detective? Or what?

Or that.

Any idea how this happened?

My opinion?

A) Any human being who entered contact with my father o. .. b) One of his daughters crazy and drugged o. .. c) Mustard color.

Good luck detective.

HT 3200, 433 MHz 12 sensors of fire, create waves. Like spider webs.

Temperature sensing higher than 92.6 ? F.

Does it work on batteries or something?

Either way that does not explain as was to stop the bleeding there.

Surely not fall from heaven.

Do not be so sure.

Spider-Man! Come back here!

Wait a second, you're saying.

Blood, gutters, hose. Not included.

"From the roof? They fall blood in the gutters?

The question is: why so much trouble.

It is a message, Doe ... The lunatics have to be heard.

What we have here? A ladder?

How much do you weigh?

Okay 85 kg, 95 kg What are you doing?

Surface 30 cm steps. 5 cm deep.

We are dealing with someone. 60, 65 kg A woman.

A thin man is more likely.

To get to the gutters, must have been here.

What color is it?

I'm colorblind.

Really? Take your "Schnauzer."

Cream. Is it some kind of flower?

Cream ... shaped leaves crown, petals linear.

Campanula Apernodes.

Did you find something?

Flowers in a moist environment Is your favorite place.

Around here may be the Skagit River, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley.

"Sedro-Woolley"? My brother has a ranch in Sedro-Woolley.

Where is the brother? Any sign of Pickford's brother?

The house is empty, no one inside. There was forced entry.

A stable!

The jugular vein was removed the nasal cavity.

If you see here really signs of opening.


No, very marked to be a dagger.

Are the drain pipes.

This man was embalmed.

By a professional.

If Mr. McGrath! the Dog solver of crimes.

Why is a civilian in our scene?

What about treating the body question and without wearing gloves?

Because ...

I can not be absent for a minute?

Ister Doe, thank you very much. But their services are no longer needed.

If I may I can ask an agent who will accompany ... to that place which calls itself home.

He was alive, while he was embalmed.

All that blood.

The heart creates enough pressure to expel blood from the jugular vein 30 feet.

Get him out of here.

"A favor" Frank, do not forget of my fingerprints.

Marriage alliances.

Let me guess.

Diamond rings ... "Second wedding anniversary?

No. Not really, I have curiosity on marriage alliances.


Well, my dear.

It is the first prospective groom entering here to see how we are.

Be sure not to get too tight not stop the movement.

Wanted to be our little secret.

What is your size?

Not sure.

But is that fingernails grow 3.8 times faster than toenails.

That's interesting. here it is.

Let's try it.

This fits perfectly.

I think that is the word "Husband" written about you.


They have it on sale.

I do not remember anything.

I think I need more time to think.

I think this ring is trying to say something.

I'll get some lotion.

Who is it?

How do you know my name?

Nobody knows me.

What I can bring?

Whiskey, no ice.


Some range you got there.

Jack of all trades.

One too many, I'm afraid.

Did you know it takes 500 peanuts... to make a jar of peanut butter?

That Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter... sticking to the roof of your mouth?

No, but I know that peanuts are an essential ingredient for dynamite.

Now careful, you might get burned.

Must be a lot of pressure... new in the job...

A woman in the man's world. water cooler chit chat about nepotism.

Your father, I keep up with the society pages...

I am not going to dignify that with a response.

I can help you more than you know.

What I know is that you are not a coal miner from Kentucky...

I ran your social security number.

I don't know who you are trying to kid here but know this: if you are playing some kind of game with us... you will regret ever meeting me.

I think I already do.

Chain g*ng tattoo?

Birth mark.

Very Feng Shui."

I'm talking about! ... you know ...

Very minimalist just you and the walls ...

Wow, this lamp costs more my whole department.

How come you have all this?

A timely investment in Croatian Zagreb stock exchange.

I'm shaking ... everything.

It certainly is not Tommy.

We're ...

She wore a silk handkerchief.

And according to statistics American Association of Garments, 83% of silk garments are acquired by the upper classes.

So I was rich, however I found that the cream... Of which was in their hands footprints, it was quite common, improper for a woman with resources.

Unless you are a brunette.

And according to the magazine analyzes "Ladies Updoom" ... moraines tend to be more conservative than blondes.

So, my furniture is too flamboyant for their tastes.

And therefore, for the taste of Tommy.

To my taste.

Should I worry about whether you cut your ear?

It is entirely logical.

There are exactly 580,100 men with the name ...

Tom, Tommy or Thomas in the Washington.

6840 only in Seattle.

Classified by age, race and height according to the records of traffic piracy, ... Is reduced to 3.025, top one hundred, one hundred below.

Will I follow?

What crap you took last night, John?

This is the only way to find out.

Look for marriage certificates, We have been married ...

Basta! Do not come any closer.

Seriously, what's wrong?

You want the truth?

The truth is I do not know who I am.

I'm nobody.

Is it that you were adopted?

It's cosmic ...

Because I identify completely with that, you know?

I do not know my real mother maybe it was a vagabond.

Okay, you think you have relationship with the unknown ship, What can help fill the gaps?
The b*mb!

In my neighborhood, the sofas that have thrown the broken springs.

Detective Hayes, she is Karen. Karen, Detective Hayes.

A cop, who has been good.

I need the opinion of the two.


It's about Cubism.

What does it say more? Does chaos or order?

Are for each other.

Well, I fly, I have classes.

It annoys me bring bad news, but ...

No coincidence.

While there may be other data to help us.

Can I have a day of your past?

What happened?

Well. Ill remain at large.

Unless you go to the search your fancy car.

And the lieutenant jacket?

Sure you lament.

But I chose this profession to change things.


Help me to change.

She will transfer.

You were right about the embalming.

Forensic experts confirmed that arterial drainage tubes used.

And they found traces of toxic gas on the walls of the stomach.

Poisonous gas makes the lungs flooding and the victim suffocates.

I found it in their cereal, half-eaten.

In other words, the m*rder*r was watching. Is there anything else?

No, that's all.

We are faced with someone very clean.

No prints, fibers, or anything.

Body hair is stuck to the skin. The washed after death.

Sure ... To remove fingerprints.

Can ... Anything else to follow?

There are traces of this strange leaf. Erica ...

Aeric Catechu. O betel palm.

I was on the tracks, right?

Have you looked at the crystal ball, or what?

I guess I'm not just right.


A m*rder*r concerned for the soul of his victim.

Buddhist tradition requires washing the dead before burial.

The Aeric is placed between the hands ... for his journey to the afterlife.

Here is a list of all countries with which P and P does business.


78.9% Buddhist.

There are many immigrants south of Seattle.

The Little Saigon.

How many funeral homes will in the small Saigon?


I forgot my pocket translator.

I said it was police and thou my helper.

Now, lock Mitus 3 / 20. In the early 90's.

I need a hair fork.

Or not.

I can not believe I do this with a civilian.

Ku Kang Yin. Clean blood.

Ti Kwan Wa. Used to treat hemophilia.

He's our man.

Looks like my grandmother's lasagna.

Gwen Lord, I guess.

The pictures help a lot.

Five security cameras Little Saigon charged and ready.


I went with a physical lived in that corner.

Working on a project on kinetics.

Collision of electrons and spectrometry.

At 14:43 we lost to Gwen in the corner of 10 and Jackson, right?

A second, a second less, but ...

There! There.

Let's use the zoom.

In the 10 and Jackson, 5 blocks.

Jewelry, 7 seconds.

Yes, Captain.

We have it here, here and here. The Show ends at the Boulevard Simpson.

In the water.

The port has 15 wharves there could be in ...

Shipping P and P. The company Pickford. Where might be?

1601, Pier 4, Seattle, Washington, 90404.

According to recent Yellow Pages.


Why are you here so early?

Recently, Shane, things not being quite normal.

I'm tired of this.

How long will it continue on the graveyard shift?

That's the attitude that brought you here, dear.



What are you doing?

What is your problem? I could have off.

See this "brainiac."

Sale of the scale. Toxic.

Phosphatina oxidized.

What is that?


How do you know?

Class B extinguisher, chemical model.

The regulation of building requires a Class A extinguisher Lieutenant, was in the trash.

We put on alert all units, catch him.

Meanwhile, Mr Pickford, custody will ... in one of our homes.

So Shane and I?

The further away from its husband will be safer.

Do you have a place to stay?

Yes, I think so. My mother lives in Issaquah.

Mr. Doe ... thanks.

Not sure where to start.

Imagine consequences of your little hunch was off.

Pickford could resume our entire budget.

But ...

I'm glad it was.

I show you mine if show me yours.

What is it?

Gothic symbol.

No idea.

Do you have any idea?

Bad time for you and your family.

Yes, if you knew.

What do you mean?

Not. Is ... are rare. Why not I can have a normal family?

Two of us.

How is your family? Are you married?

My family is indescribable.

Yes, my parents fight 24 hours a day.

My dad has a closet full of skeletons. The company stresses what y. ..

"Skeletons? What kind?

I mean it is full secrets, hidden things ...

Shane. Vamos!

It could be a symbol astrology, your brand.

It's beautiful.


I lost my keys and not I can go home.

I did not know where to go.


Are you okay?


Not good.

It's nothing.

A card that does not give more credit and rent I can not pay.

Yes, just lie down.

Digger "you fired?

I forgot to close the t*nk locusts.

Were receiving the customers in the door.

Yes, and found my fake ID.

I have 18, so what?


But nothing happens.

Really ...

I have it all figured out Mr. "pockets."

Get ready.

Assistant Wanted pianist detective.

No? Imagine ...

John Doe investigation. What I can help?

Type is at least 7 words per minute.

And I can brighten up your magnifying glass better than anyone.

Karen, I'm a loner.

While the company does not carry.

Well ...

Look ...

For a guy who turned his apartment into a DMZ ...

...Because his rack up system was some check on a boat that he has never met befor, look similar to attachment to what exactly you are trying to make.


Why you were at the Ferry? "Where were you going?

"We lived in the suburbs?

Did we have a dog? Children?

Why, it's Sherlock Holmes.

Am I?

I think you need a cure.

May all your ups and downs are under the sheet.

Tequila. I hate tequila.

I know something about me.

2,345,192 certificates of marriage.

Held here in the United States.

Do not tell me. Sounds like a lot of poor b*stards.

Have you been married?

How many fingers do you have?

How does it feel?

Echo Do you have a root canal?

Have you seen a sun bet Mae Tae three above?

It is a mixture of both.


Does anyone intends to make yours?

Maybe it did.

If you're going to k*ll someone Why pretend to drown?

Lack of a container ship.

The container was C48744 the output loading ... but no statement customs entry.

And what happened to him?

Good question. According to daily, was to download.

But never came to earth?

Great, we have containers missing pools full of blood. It's up to Scooby Doo.

You can only hide in the space between the ship and shore.

Immigration is trying to reach to families in the country of origin.

The forensic experts are trying to identify victims.

Where do you hide?

How long will the brothers Pickford smuggling immigrants.

And if Gwen was first to discover ...

It's pathetic. Leave them to die for avoid the consequences?

If you ask me, I have difficult to blame Gwen.

If you knew what was happening, Why not come to us?, Why take that path?

These people come from a world of fear.

And because they trust us if no one obeys the laws?

Truth. Pickford think we're protecting.

Come get some deteng?moslo wives.


Has monitored his every move.

My God.

Our home safe. He knows, we followed ... take the car and reports as soon as possible.

I will not pretend that we do not has helped, but thanks.

But this is now our business.

My mother lives in Issaquah.


Gearbox: 6 speed a*t*matic internal circuit.

Detective. He is here.

He happened to his daughter and brother.


You have to pay!

But not this way.

So ... What had written on the walls?

In her apartment ... photography. I concluded that he had a daughter.

Imagine you had a daughter and a brother in that container. Eye for an eye.

John Doe ... Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe you can help.

Sometimes I have luck.

Are you going to be okay?

"''Who will help me These shadows hide?''

"" Take me through the darkness until dawn?"

Sisters of Mercy. Man After Midnight.

So who are you, really?

I am John Doe.

And your wife Jane Doe?

In a way, yes.

Shane ... You'll be fine.

How do you know?

Because I know everything.

You again!



Do you have concerns?

I am looking for someone.

A woman. Always a woman.

A tip: it will appear.

Only if you stop worrying.

On the house. My special dressing.


I have my stuff.

Than good.


I changed my mind. Maybe be able to support the company.

"7 words per minute?

You'll see! I'll be the assistant more incredible that you had!

First task: help me put my furniture again.

Whatever you do, do not let closer to your aquarium.

It was a pleasure.

Cocktail of soda?

Yes please.
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