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02x08 - Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Posted: 08/07/14 20:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Defiance...

I wish to conduct business with your spy master.

So what do you want from the Votanis Collective?

Defiance exists in a state of ongoing political flux.

And what direction do you envision?

Away from the Earth Republic.

I am going to tell your husband everything.

This will end very badly for you.

Drink it.

All of it. Now.

The poison was on the flask.

I keep telling myself that I'm just holding down the fort for Kenya, but all along I have this terrible feeling that she's...


I've done terrible things.

What terrible things?

She'll wake up. They always do.

I made a deal with something.

It said it was a god, but now I'm not so sure.

You sh*t yourself in the head?

More like the neck.

Barrel slipped.

I taught you better than that.

Don't do that again.

I deserve to die.


Stop talking like that.

Anyway, you didn't.

Irzu won't let me die.

Would you stop that?

This thing inside you, it doesn't come from Irzu or any other kind of god.

How do you know?

Because I do, okay?

Because there's no such thing as magic.

It's Arktech.

It's Indogene nanorobots or some such thing like that.

It's science, and it can be fixed with science.

I don't trust that Doc Yewll, but maybe we can find a decent doctor in Cedars.

You're wrong.

I'm never wrong.

You're always wrong.

I'm occasionally wrong.

But my heart's always in the right place.

I wish that was enough.


That thing, that kid, Irzu, is she here right now?

She's inside me.

Yeah? Can she hear me?

You, in there.

Irzu or the Kaziri or Robby the Robot, whatever you wanna call yourself, you leave my little girl alone.


Or I will come in there, I will force you out, and I will take you apart.

That make you feel better?

Little bit.

[Hailer chirps]

Viceroy Mercado.

What does he want?


[Whispers] What's going on?





Come here, fella.

Mahsuvus Gorath, you're under arrest for collusion with the Votanis Collective...

That's a lie.

For acts of terrorism and espionage against the Earth Republic.

This makes no sense.

Got him?

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey! What's going on?

Your boy Mahsuvus is a Votanis Collective spy.

He was using his job as night porter as cover.

So since when are we political?

The Collective has planted a b*mb somewhere in New York City that's gonna detonate in the next 12 hours.

Oh, my God.

Mahsuvus is a conduit between Brazil and the operatives in New York.

He knows the plan, the players, and the location.

Now he's gonna tell us, one way or another.

[Hailer chirps]


Amanda Rosewater?

Yes. Who is this?

Free Mahsuvus Gorath from Earth Republic custody, or your sister dies.


Disobey us, and she dies.

Tell anyone about us, well, you get the picture.

Who is this?

I'm the man holding a g*n to your little sister's head.



Don't do anything this son of a bitch says!




[Call ends]

[Dramatic music]

Madam Mayor.

Are you sure the b*mb is real?

We intercepted the schematics.

It's a dirty nuke, what they used to call a suitcase b*mb.

What we don't have is a specific location, and that is where our friend in the box comes in.

And you have evidence that he works for the Collective?

We floated a bogus transmission, and he bit.

I've been his boss for the better part of a year.

His tolerance for intense pain makes him one of my more popular night porters.

t*rture's not gonna work.

We don't have a choice.

49,000 men, women, and children live in Manhattan Valley.

There's no safe way to evacuate.

And even if there was, where would we put them?

New York is surrounded by ocean and raiders.

Have you considered a soft pitch?

Let him think he's safe.

I'll play the loyal boss.

Send me in with a solicitor.

We'll thr*aten legal action.

You'll release him into my custody, but I'll be wearing a wire.

What is your interest in Mahsuvus?

He's a Votanis Collective spy, and I want to save as many people as possible.

Well, that's very admirable, but we will handle this our way.

Of course.

State your name for the record.

Forgive me, but I'm still unclear as to what exactly your interest with me is.

Am I under arrest?

No, ma'am.




But where are my manners?

Congratulations on your promotion, Deputy Lasalle.


And it's more of a career change.

Now, how long have you known Mahsuvus Gorath?

I'm afraid I don't know him.

Really? Because we have witnesses that saw you visit the prisoner on several occasions.

My husband was incarcerated.

As you say, a woman has needs.

And were those needs spy-related?

Miss Rainier...

Captain Rainier.

My life here in Defiance has never been more prosperous, in large part due to the stability that the Earth Republic provides.

Why would I take action against them?

Because playing both sides would be a good strategy.

Oh, perhaps you are right.

I should consider that.

Have you ever given scrip to the Votanis Collective?

I like to acquire scrip, not give it away.

You were there when the Lawkeeper saved my life, weren't you?

Yes, I was.


Such a unique man.

There's a certain air about him.

Leather, bourbon, g*n grease.

I'm sorry, but I really don't know what this has to do with our investigation.

Not a thing.

Simply that Miss...

Captain Rainier wears it well.

She's good at being a gangster, but she's not a spy.

We'll keep an eye on her, but Mahsuvus' client list is deep.


Are you two dating?

God, no.

We're just having lots of sex.

You know I'm not going to give you the information that you want.

Yeah, I figured.

I can't stop trying, though.

You know that.

I know you do.

It's not personal.

No hard feelings.

Had our positions been reversed, I would have the shrill drilling through your arm.


You know, my daughter's Irathient.

Am I supposed to care?

Common ground.

I also know you send half your paycheck home to your two kids in Brazil.

You'd do anything for 'em, right?

You're breaking my heart.

Human father, Irathient daughter, just saying, anything's possible.

It's you and me, Mahsuvus, we decide what kind of world they inherit.

Now I'm not saying that I'm carrying any water for the E-Rep.

You ask me, they're a bunch of puffed-up clowns.

Be funny if they weren't armed to the teeth.

But there's a lot of innocent folks living in New York City.

And your people hit 'em with a nuke, humans will never forget it.

You're setting up everybody south of the armistice line to be a target for retaliation, including your kids.

Now is that what you want for them?

w*r's over, pal.

Nobody won.

You know, at the Battle of Defiance, we laid down our arms.

The soldiers decided to end the w*r.

The soldiers were the ones who decided not to follow orders that didn't make any sense anymore.

I like you, Nolan.

Perhaps in a different life, we could've been friends.

Doubt that, pal.

But I might have been persuaded to buy you a drink.

Mahsuvus Gorath, where's the b*mb?

What time is it scheduled to detonate?

I have nothing to tell you.



Where is the b*mb?

What time is it scheduled to detonate?

How's his heart?

Strong as a bell beast.

We're clear to go again.


All right.


[Hailer chirps]

[Screaming continues]

Listen, I need more time.

Once your man moves into lockup, I'll be able to get him out of town.

That isn't fast enough!

Look, he's strapped to a chair in the middle of a guarded building right now.

You didn't give up that easily when you were h*jacked on that land coach.

How'd you know that?

Tell her.

Tell your sister.

He claims to have his people everywhere.

Ask him how his V.C. managed to sneak a b*mb through border security into New York, and yet they can't manage to boost Mahsuvus themselves.

'Cause maybe he isn't man enough.

Maybe none of his people are.

Are you looking to die?

Kenya, don't.

If it's gonna save a city full of innocent people...

I think you should sh**t me.

Do not hurt her.

Go ahead, do it.

Do it!


Get to work.

You can keep going at him, but I'm telling you now, this guy, not gonna break.

We're done asking politely.

E.G.O. extraction?

It is the only way.

Have Pottinger recalled from the Dakota Reach.

Do make sure the findings from the prisoner's procedure are couriered back to my office for immediate decryption.

Of course, sir.

What do you mean by "E.G.O. Extractions"?

I have a history with E.G.O.s. A bad history.

A dozen state-of-the-art E.G.O. devices will suck the information right out of his mind.

Without all of that shrill unpleasantness.

That could k*ll him.

Oh, it will k*ll him.

[Door closes]

[Knock at door]

[Soulful rock music plays]

[Knocking continues]

[Charge blade hums]

[Knocking continues]

Oh, it's you.

Expecting someone else?

In the wake of the b*mb thr*at, I heard the Earth Republic was interrogating the usual suspects.

You heard right.

I was questioned.


They came to you?


And not me. That's disrespectful.

Put your vanity aside.

We have a serious problem.

They're planning to pluck every dirty secret from the head of Mahsuvus Gorath.

They can t*rture Mahsuvus until the arks rise.

He'll give them nothing.

He won't have a choice.

Giemo has learned that they brought in an E.G.O. extraction unit.

Well, I have nothing to hide.

I know Mahsuvus has been helping you supply Rafe McCawley with weapons to use against the Earth Republic.

Mercado will know too.

They'll throw me back in Reverie.

Actually, I should think they'll execute you and Rafe and me.

No, you had no part in this.

A nuance likely lost on the Viceroy.

I will see Mercado flayed like a river otter before I allow him or anyone else to hurt you.

That's good to hear.

Don't be complacent, love.

It may simply be that k*lling you is a pleasure I've reserved for myself.

My life is in your hands.




[Muffled thuds]


That's my property. I better get it back.

Hey, hey. Please just step back.

Let us do our job.

Nice uniform, E-Rep.

Yeah. It's a good fit.

Nolan, I need to talk with you.

What is it?

Kenya's alive.

I talked to her.

I heard her voice.

The V.C. had her.

I have to deliver Mahsuvus alive, or they're gonna k*ll her.

Amanda, are you clean?

Come on, I haven't touched Adreno in weeks.

This is real, Nolan.

Kenya's alive.

Time is running out, and I've been working on a plan to free Mahsuvus, but I need your help.

No, Mahsuvus is staying right where he is.

What he's got coming, he brought on himself.

That is not the deal, Nolan!

If Kenya is alive, then we're gonna bring her home to you.

Give me your hailer.


Amanda, you said it yourself, you're running out of time.

Give me your hailer, please.

So what's the plan?

Someone's trying to extort Amanda, claims to be holding Kenya prisoner.

And you believe that?

Given what I've been seeing lately, anything's possible.

So our hailers are now tied to Amanda's.

Blackmailer calls her, we get pinged.

Hailers only have a limited range, so...

We triangulate it.


I'm gonna head out to Cuthbert Ridge.

You stay here and available.

Lots of sabrewolves out there.

Let me go.

No, no way.

No, you need to stay put until we get a handle on whatever it is that's happening with you.

I want you safe in Defiance.

I'm not safe anywhere.

Yeah, okay, but...

And I can't be k*lled.

Okay, but...

And Amanda needs you here.

What do you need?

Keys would be nice.

Be careful.

[Door closes]

I know you will not fail me.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]
You do yourself a disservice by warning him.

Your opinions are, as always, welcome.

We will not stand for reconciliation.



The men.

We stood up to Datak.

And I am very grateful for that.

He would forgive you and Alak.

Us, he would k*ll.

We risked our lives taking your side.

A decision for which every new day can be considered its own reward.




[Tires skid]


[Breathing heavily]



[Branch cracks]



No! No, no, no!

I'm not here to hurt you!

No, no, no! Don't!

Who will save you now?

You can gut me if you want, but I won't die.


I know your smell.


I have visions. That's what brought me here.

It's what brought you here.

You and I... we're alike.



When I resist the hunger, I see a ship, the Kaziri, crashing into Earth.

Then I wake up, standing over my victim.

It's terrifying.

I understand.

I am a monster.


You aren't k*lling people.

They wake up, and they're okay, perfectly fine.

How... how can you know that?

[Both grunt]

'Cause I'm the one who att*cked you in AngelArc.

I'm the one who started it all.


[Ratchet turning]

[Dramatic music]

[Both struggling]


[Engine sputters]


[Hailer ringing]


I'm working as fast as I can.

Amanda! Don't do it!

I got away.

It's Kenya.

Keep her talking.


Kenya, where are you?

Tell me what's around you. What do you see?

I don't know. [Panting]

Uh, I see a roller, um...

I see a greenhouse.

Um, metal frames, plastic tarps.


I don't know.

Do you see any roads?

Just one, and it's heading west.

Amanda, I miss you so much.


I miss you too.

I'm gonna come get you, I promise.

Okay. Okay.




[Blows landing]




I sincerely hope you're half as resourceful as your sister.


I'm going with you.

Kenya will want me there.

Come on, kid, pick up.

What happened?

She's not answering.

We need three points to get a fix.

Where is she?

I wish I could tell you.

[Sighs] I can't waste any more time.

I need to get him out.

And then what, hmm?

New York gets destroyed?

Kenya comes home, but Amanda goes to jail?

One person's life is not worth a thousand.

What if you got the call and it was your little girl?

That's a decision I hope I never have to make.


Can't let you do something crazy, Amanda.


You're right.

I'm sorry.

No need to apologize.

Come on, I got some V.C....


[Drops extinguisher]

Like I said, I'm sorry.

Of everyone in this world, why come after me?

I don't know.

I have a vision of myself as a child.

She calls herself Irzu.

She tells me who to choose.

My girl, she calls herself Rayetso.

She told me to leave AngelArc.

She made me abandon my family.

Led me all the way out here.


I don't know.

But you are the one that did this to me.

You have to know.

I'm sorry.

[Unsheathes sword]

No, wait!

He's with us.

Somehow I knew I'd find you here.

[Suspenseful music]

Who are they?

I don't know.


[Grunts, yells]

Amanda! [Sighs]


Hey, puddin'. What are you doing here?


I tried getting in touch with you, but you were busy at the interrogation center.

So you decided to break in and burgle my medicine cabinet.


[Sighs] Listen, Doc.

I'm at my wit's end here.


Couple of my porters are still shaken up by the raid.

They need to, you know...



Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading back.

Don't lie to me.

You need help.

You're an addict.

Come back tomorrow once all this E.G.O. business blows over.

I'll put you on withdraw meds, start you on a program.

[Dance music]

What the hell, Treasure Doll? Someone took my things.

Where are they?

Come on, where's my stuff?

Where's what?

My uniform, my g*n.

They're gone.

I'm supposed to escort the prisoner.

I can't do that in my underwear.

They must be here somewhere.

[Yells] [Grunts]

Time for a walk down memory lane, traitor.


Easy, Sergeant.

What's about to happen to him is awful enough.

At least give him some... dignity.

I'll go tell Yewll we're on our way.

I'll go start up the roller.


It's his heart.

I'll get him inside to a med kit.

Go take point out front!

Roger that.


Amanda. [Coughs]

What are you doing?

I'm your ticket out of here.

There's a roller waiting two streets away.

We need to hurry.

[Indistinct shouting]

[Alarm blaring]

My sister?

You were gonna k*ll my sister?

How long have you had her?

Where did you find her?

I swear by Irzu I had no knowledge of this.

Oh, and let me guess.

You don't know anything about the b*mb either.

Jesus, Mahsuvus.

I don't want this any more than you do.

I'm a spy, not a t*rror1st.

Then why?

Kenya is not the only one being used as strategic leverage.

I have a family!

[Laughs] Well, I bet they're proud.

That's far enough.

Nolan, no! Please!

Don't do this!

I'm not gonna let him blow up New York, not even for Kenya.



[Cocks g*n]

[Cocks g*n]

Here's what's going to happen, friend.

I get back to Brazil, I make sure my kids are safe.

Then maybe you can buy me that drink.

You and I both know that's not gonna happen.


Amanda, move!


My people keep their word, Lawman!

She must do as I say.

Stand down, both of you!

I have to save my sister, please!





Come on!

No! No! No!


[Indistinct shouting]



Come on. Where?

Union Station.

Maglev platform. Westbound.


Track... Two.




Union Station. Maglev line.

Westbound. Track Two.

Go! Go!

Kenya's dead, and they're gonna k*ll her!

And it's your fault! It's your fault!

Come on.

She needed me!

Come on.

She needed me!

Come on.

She needed me!

[Crying] She needed me! She needed me!


[Hailer ringing]

Answer it.

Mahsuvus is dead!


But he doesn't know that.

Answer the hailer!

We're gonna get Kenya back.



You had me worried.

Where's my sister?

She's close.

Where's Mahsuvus?

Get out.


Pull the hood.


Show me his face!

Look, I did what you asked!

[Cocks g*n] Show me his face!

Did you hit him?

Stay down.

He's got backup. I'm gonna take a closer look.

Ah, body armor.

[Bikes driving away]



Kenya, I'm here.




Hey. Come on.

Come on.

[Metal clangs]

Gonna be okay.





Kenya! [Laughs]


[Laughs] [Sniffles]

Did they die? Did everybody in New York die?

No. No, no, no. Everything's okay.



Everything's gonna be just like it was.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Solemn music]

I didn't ask for this.

The honor is not in being asked, but in being...

Chosen, I get it.

And this is where it will begin.

Where what will begin?


[Music intensifies]