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02x08 - The Ends

Posted: 08/07/14 06:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

I'm your control officer for your investigation into Paul Briggs.

This is Agent Juan Badillo.

I am about to approach Agent Paul Briggs.


You are looking at Kelly Badillo.

That's Juan Badillo's wife.

She's a mess.

She's got a kid, a daughter, 9 years old.

You said you lost someone, too.


Lucia, put it down, okay? Look, what if the cops come?

Every guy I meet, he scares them off because he's jealous.

Your family as messed up as ours?

Never mind. Don't answer that.


Hi, ma.

My friend, she needs a place to stay for the night.

You're putting your mom in serious danger.

You cannot mix work and life.

You hiding something from me, pretty?


Mexico shorted us.

They've never shorted us before.

Sulla, call Carlito.

We picked up a call an hour ago on Sulla's burner.

Carlito Solano.

Lock the place down. No one in or out.

We need to wait until Carlito reopens the pipeline.

Turn around... the feds are gonna hit the garage.


[Tires screech]

Detective Sid Markham. He's our insider.

I know you're working with the Solano cartel.

This is Paul West, just transferred in from El Paso.

Ask around on him. Anyone new we look into.

We're gonna need more than theory to track Markham's cash flow. What about his bank?

Maybe that's where he's keeping his cut from Solano.

We rob the bank... if his nest egg goes up in smoke, he's got to make a move.

And you know we know a guy who runs with that kind of crew.

You mean Billy?

What do you think, Charlie?

[Light rock music]

♪ ♪

So that's not gonna mess with Billy's situation?

No, cover's tight.

He's introducing me as an old partner asking advice on hitting a bank.

Mm-hmm. You haven't crossed paths with any of these assholes before?

Nope. All out-of-towners coming in for this one hit except Billy's genius logistics guy who's local, not on our radar. Wants me to meet him today.

Mm-hmm. You need backup, babe?

Nah, it's just me, Billy, and the guy, public setting.

Hopefully get in, find out how to get Sid's money, and get out.

How far are you takin' this, Chuck?

Straight to the m, baby.

What's goin' on with you?

You got stars in your eyes? Sid the new love of your life?

You are the love of my life, and I'm worried about you.

Hey, I'm worried about you, too, goin' back under with that son of a bitch.

You know, he's done a pretty good job of keepin' the peace.

No, actually. He's a lying, murdering, payoff-taking dirty cop, and he needs to pay.

Screw that. He's gonna get robbed.

Ends justify the means, huh, DeMarco?

Isn't the title of your playbook, Paul Briggs?

Who, me?

Wax my sh*t.

You talkin' about the surfboard?

[Reggae music]

♪ ♪

18 months ago, you come here to buy dr*gs, and now... you do good work.

I'm exhausted, buddy.


This is like the lion king on cr*ck... I'm done.

I'm ready to put in, take my family, move off to an island.


There he is. See the guy to the right?

You know that guy?

Yeah, his name's basco Finn.


Yeah. Ha ha.

Short for Tabasco. It's his given name.

He was paroled from lompoc two weeks ago.

Yeah, looks like a hostile takeover, man.

I'm gonna introduce you.

You know, I think you like the strife, Sid.

Oh, I love it. That's my curse.

That's one word for it.



Don't make me sh**t you!




[Grunting] Stay down!

Stay down.

[Man groaning]

Ah... hold on!

What's the problem? Are y'all a cop?

Yeah, I'm a cop. Stay down.

Well, sh*t, man, you got to announce that, man.

You can't just go chasin' a brother down.

Basco, hey.

Hey, Sid. How you been, man?

Better than you.

Sorry, man. If I had noticed it was you, maybe I wouldn't have to... are you carrying, Basco?

Oh, no, man. I just got out the pen. I can't carry.

Uh-huh, bingo.

Look at me!

Is that all you got?

All right, that's it. That's it.

Basco, let's talk about where you got that g*n.

I'm screwed, ain't I?


Turn around. Turn around. Turn around.

[Electronic music]

♪ ♪

Billy boy, how you been?

I'm doing well.

How are things with you...

And Paul?

About the same, but different.

Yeah, I'll bet.

Did you just wink at me?

I guess we could high five over you finally getting what you wanted.

That'd be too much like high school.

Give me some.

Congratulations to both of you.

Thank you.

I'm sure you two make a sweet couple.

All right, enough. Where's your logistics guy?

I don't have a logistics guy.

You said you had a guy who could help me pull this bank job.



I said I had a genius.

Hi, Amber. This is Charlie.



What's the problem today?

Our powder man sucks.

Couldn't blow his nose if he were snorting blasting caps.

And the transponders?

Just crap. You bought the Chinese sh*t.

I told you Japanese.

They look the same. I know. They aren't.

That it?

No. Anderson's pneumatics are hit and miss.

I mean, he's not a good number two, man.

He can't keep the schedule.

Well, we, uh, we talked about this, Amber, and I'm considering making the change.

When are you done considering?

Well, I can be done now if you keep pushing it, can't I?


Hey, what about me?

Oh, yeah, you. This thing.

You're in luck.

Got a lot of options here, but if I were you, I'd thank the city for finally digging the subway to the sea.

Tell me about it.

All right... your bank's in the Wilshire corridor.

It's less than 1/4 mile from farmdale station.

No one's gonna hear you coming.

30 feet from the vault under this the corner of the parking lot's a dead sewer line.

All right? It's a possible entry point.

The soil there is inland sea sediment, so a water pool'll get you close.

After that, it's a misznay-schardin or an efp, and you're at the safe-deposit boxes and it's pop and pull out the door.

Misznay what?

Oh, it's a, uh, it's a shape charge. Cuts a nice hole.


You've hit big before, yeah?

I do warehouse robberies.

Up against rent-a-cops with cap g*ns and you grabbin' whatever's on the shelf?


Safe-deposit box, it's a little more complicated.

Blow those the wrong way, you're gonna lose the contents.

So because they're Mitchells, I'd recommend a water back charge, 4-person crew at least.

You got more questions, my number's on the back.

Oh, yeah. Anderson's a d*ck.


Oh, come on, guys. All work and no play... makes you kind of look bad.

Yeah, what's all this?

Carlito told Sulla everything's on hold until they can figure out a new method to replace the buses.

Or the Solanos lose their place at the table.

If we own whatever they end up using... we own the Solanos top to bottom.

You know what? I like this sh*t.

Mm-hmm. - You guys got a favorite?

Tunnels, no moving parts.

We bust 'em up, make some noise, and I'ma check into some tunnel cases already in progress, see if we can commandeer one of 'em.

Can I talk to you for a sec?

Yes, sir.

How's it goin' with Sid?

It's goin' pretty good.

Grabbed a couple beers the other night.

[Door opens]

Good morning.

Good night.

Mike, upstairs now.

What's up?

Me at Sulla's all night.

That's it?

I'm kind of in the middle of something.

You're bat sh*t crazy for not shutting Sulla down.

Sulla's our only connection between Carlito and Sid.

Both Briggs and Charlie are working Sid from two angles, so you don't need another one.

I need everything I can get, and Sulla works for Carlito.

Have you considered getting these girls out without shutting Sulla down?


Buy them. All of them.

He's taken your money once. He'll do it again.

That'll cost over a million dollars 1.5 million.

1.5 million, huh?

I filled out the requisition. It just needs your signature.

File it within the hour, or I'm gonna hurt you.

Sex slaves.

So if the tunnels work, how do we sell it to papa Solano in Mexico?

Johnny's our way in.

He lost Carlito.

We still got the girl.


Mm-hmm. - She's not about that life.

She's a Solano. He could use her to get to the father.

Do you think he's in any position to talk her into it?

Call him and find out.

[Numbers beeping]

[Shower running, cell phone buzzing]

You cold?


You sure?


Mm. I swear you do things to me, babe.

What's wrong?

My father wants me home with him in Mexico.

Tell him you're safe with me.

He won't listen, Johnny.

All right, forget your dad, then.


I'll keep you hidden.

You know Carlito, but my father... It's always death.


Death and blood and I'm done.

Done with Mexico. All right. Okay.

I don't want to go.

Okay. Okay, okay.

So no Mexico, then.

Me and you... We'll figure it out, right?

I got you.

Lucia says she's not gonna go to Mexico.

She won't do it. She just told me.

Can you change her mind?


She's trying to cut ties, man.

She wants to get away from that life... let her do it.

That's not the question, Johnny.

Can you change her mind?


She doesn't want to be alone with that family.

You'll be with her.

I'm sorry, what now?

Your relationship with Lucia and Carlito is ready-made for an introduction with their father.

It's not ready-made for nothing.

I'm just some dude they know.

Hey, you're the best we got.


Okay, look.

You just get 'em to buy our idea towards reestablishing their shipments north.

Do we have a method?

We're lookin' to co-op the drug tunnel investigation and then take it over.

You want me to sell that to them?



You care. I get it.

But there's no innocents here.

They need to buy our method before they figure out their own.

I need an expensive watch.

Phone room, top right drawer.

Look, man, it's not like I can't do it.

I just don't want to do it to her.

Lucia still at your mom's?

Oh, that's beautiful.

You sleep with her, Johnny?

I look stupid to you? Don't answer that.

She's a cartel connected subject of a federal investigation.

She kind of stopped bein' a subject a while ago.

So you had to go and screw her?

Yeah, I did. So what?

So what? Best-case scenario, you're on the stand sending her father and her brother to the gas chamber... best case.

And she's watching you.

Don't tell me the worst then.

You blew your cover.


This stays between you and me.

What'd I miss?




I'm gonna go see Sulla.

Oh, I figured out how to get Lucia movin' to Mexico with you at her side. How is that?

I'm gonna make her a person of interest in a triple homicide.

According to Basco, the g*ns are in a closet in this corner of the house.

Recon has lookouts here and here.

We're gonna wait for Hodges to breach, and then we are all going in front and back.

How many g*ns? [Phone buzzing]

20 to 30 according to Mr. Finn there.

How many trigger fingers? [Phone buzzing]


Uh, yeah.

I'm sorry, guys. I got... I got to take this.

Hey, west, we're not finished here.

The lookouts have their thumbs on speed-dial...

Kelly? Kelly, you there? What's happening?

I can't live without him.

Where are you?

I'm saying good-bye.

Kelly, listen to me very carefully.

I need you to tell me where you are, huh?

I'm with Juan.

I bought him a headstone.

Kelly. Kelly.


Kelly, what did you take, huh?

Huh? What are these?

All right. Kelly, sit up for a second.

Sit up, sweetie. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up. Shh. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Shh.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Where's Maia, huh?

Kelly. Kelly, where's Maia? Where's your daughter?

Mom. My mom.

She's with your mother? Okay.

I need you to stand up, sweetie.

I'm here with him, where he should be.

Kelly, I'm sorry, baby, but I'm gonna have to get you to a hospital.

They'll take Maia away from me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay awake.

Come here. Easy.

Just lean on me. Lean on me. Lean on me. Right here.

We're going this way, okay? I got you.

[Whispering] Take it easy. We're just goin' there.

When you gave me a place to meet, I was expecting something different.

I want to show you something.

It's the reason we're here.


I thought we were here to negotiate.



I told you on the telephone, no.

I'm not selling the girls.

You insisted. Hmm.

You want more? Here's more.

He's my kid brother. He's a vegetable.

What happened?

My employer b*at him with the butt of an antique r*fle.

What'd he do?


Just a product of my disobedience.

Your boss b*at him to remind you who's in charge?

My boss b*at him for fun.

This, this place... this is the reminder.

And this is why there's no sale.

Not for lack of desire.

You see, my boss is having trouble with the FBI, doesn't want to attract attention.

The girls go nowhere.

Just be a bit difficult to spend your money as a vegetable.

They want me, Johnny.

There's no getting out of this.

Listen... we have to go.

We have to get out of here.

We have to get as far as we can. Lucia.

Or do we stay and hide? I can cut my hair...

Mexico. It's the safest place for you right now.

Johnny, you said I wouldn't have to go back.

I know. I know I did, but I was in the house, too.

They probably already got my DNA or fibers or whatever.

They're gonna blame the m*rder on us, babe.

So you're a coward.


I just don't want to lose you.

Your father's place is protected.

Mexico is the best place for you and me.

It's too late.

It's not too late.

It is.

I can't cross the border with the last name "Solano."

I can get us across.


We need passports, good ones.

I got people.

If I can...

You cross with me?

You're gonna make me do this?

Baby, just... stop.

[Knock on door]

You wanted to talk to me?

Yeah, come in.

You guys have a new delivery method?

Workin' on it.

What is it?


No, absolutely not.

dr*gs and g*ns can travel through tunnels easily, and so can women.

Mike's not gonna give Solano another way to traffic these girls. It's not gonna happen.

We have to figure something else out.

All right.

A couple years back, a major cartel started droppin' contraband from a big cargo plane, tons of stuff.

They dropped off dr*gs, g*ns, everything vegetable and mineral, never animal.

No illegals, no human trafficking.


They tied everything to these big pallets and dropped 'em out the back of the plane attached to parachutes.

sh*t, I wouldn't risk the ride.

Okay, we go with planes. The tunnels are out.

Mike's hot for it.

No. Not an option.

You tell Mike that the tunnels are out.

We're goin' with planes.


Well, then I guess we got to find ourselves a plane.


Sit up. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up. Sit up.

Stop, I can't.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, look, look.

All that stuff that's inside you, I need you to get all of it out.

Stop, I can't.

Yeah, you can.

Look, it... it's not... no. [Crying]

Look, you just... Kelly. Kelly, shh, shh, shh.

Just take a sip, just a sip, okay?


Kelly. Kelly, trust me.

Hey. Hey, trust me.

Just a little bit. Just a little bit.

Okay? One sip. One sip.

There you go. There you go.

[Cell phone buzzing]

Answer the g*dd*mn phone.

[Breathes deeply]


Hey, I've been calling you forever.

Yeah, I'm... I'm in with Sid. Sorry. What's up?

So I met Billy's guy who's really a girl, and she's the real deal, Paul. What does that mean?

Means I want to steal her from Billy.

So do it.

[Gasping, gagging]


What the hell is that?

I'm in a downtown flophouse takin' in the local color.


It's Sid's thing, okay?

I'm waitin' to find out. So what do you think?

You think I should steal her from Billy?

Yeah, can you?

I mean, she's miserable there.

You know she's gonna help me cr*ck your boy Sid's piggyback. [Knocking on door]

Hello? You there?

Uh, Chuck, I got to go. Do what you gotta do.

Are you okay?

[Click, beep] Paul.

[Knocking continues]

Paul, open up.

[Knocking door]

West, open up.

[Whispering] Hey. Hey, hey, Kelly.

Kelly, I need you to look at me. Look at me. Hey. Hey.

I...I am Paul west.

I'm a cop.

We met in El Paso. Do you understand me?


Hey, Paul west.

El Paso. Cop. Say it.

West. El Paso. Cop.

Oh, what are you doing?

All right. [Banging on door]

Paul, come on.

[Laughs] You don't look so happy to see me.

What are you doin' here?

What is this? Beside a sh*t hole.

I'll hire a decorator.

How'd you find me?

Archie tailed you, and don't get all whiny about that.

Looked like you needed help.

[Kelly moans, coughs]

What's this?


This her place?


Well, let's get her off the floor.

So what's she on?

Bag of benzos. Washed it down with scotch.

She suicidal?

Nah, it's, you know, cry for help. First time.

How come she's not in the hospital?

She's got a daughter.

Not mine. Dad's dead, but this stuff goes into the public record, you know what happens with custody.

Yeah, yeah. It gets all messed up.

And that can't happen.

Maybe it should.

How you doin', sweetheart?


That's good.

That's good 'cause we want you to be better.

What's your name? Kelly.

Good. Good.


Can you tell me what day it is, Kelly?

It's Tuesday.

Good job.

And do you know what state we're in right now?

El Paso.

Do you know who that is, Kelly?

That's Paul west.

Well, she gets a b-plus.

Well, hey, that's a passin' grade, right?

Listen, Sid, I got this under control.

No, you don't.

This is a problem, Paul.

[Cell phone keypad beeping]

[Reggae music]

♪ ♪

How you doin'?

Feelin' like a very bad man.

You sell Mexico?

You got the rope I need to hang myself?

Here are your passports.

That'll get you through, no problem.

And we're workin' on gettin' you somethin' else to pitch.

It's not gonna be a tunnel.

Yeah, what is it?

A plane.

A plane?

You found a plane?

Not yet, but we will.

Good luck. Thanks.

[Reggae music continues]

♪ ♪

[Knock knock]

What did Sulla say?

No sale.

Fine. Then we blow him up.

Just letting the FBI know that it's time to move in.

No. The requisition came through.

I'm gonna bring him the money, let him smell it.

I can make this happen.

Do you know what's actually happening?

The perimeter picked up audio of Lina being beaten this afternoon.

How do you know it was Lina?

Are you serious?

Paige... no, Mike.

I'm gonna get 'em out of there, all of them, and I'm still gonna keep Sulla in play.


I'm not asking.

This one has had some truly remarkable experience.

Its primary pilot was awarded multiple medals, including a silver star, and the aircraft itself played a significant role in the Tet offensive.

The Tet offensive.


That aircraft is older than life.

Well, it is a bit of an antique, but she... but I got more technology in my pocket.

I can't fly in like I'm at an apocalypse now convention.

Well, we have some other options.

Yeah? Anything from the invasion of Normandy?

Kitty hawk era? I'm joking.

Well, yeah. Okay. Um, we have some more up here.

So what's the deal with west?

Yeah, I took care of it.

Last time you said that, I had to get my sawzall out of storage.

And whose fault was that?

It's under control.

All right. Fine. By the way, read that.

Two Salvadorians, one family associate, b*ll*ts in all of 'em... bing, bang, boom.

What's the approach?

I think the approach is there is no approach.

I think we let homicide handle it.

Carlito's in Mexico. His sister is clueless.

Mm. So you sayin' we're out of the Solano business?

We are.

I think it's time we take our chips and we walk away.

All right, copy that.

Did I wake you?


You gonna let me in?

Oh, what, like I know you?

Like we're old friends? Nope.

Okay. So I'll keep it simple.

You've got skills, and I want to use 'em.

Mm. Oof.

Well, I guess I'm flattered, but if I gave in to everyone that flattered me, I'd have a dozen kids and a vaginal echo chamber.

You said I need four people to take a bank.


How 'bout hypothetically, you and me take it? Right.

Yeah, well, I'm good, but I don't have superpowers.

You and me plus two more, though, that's solid.

So that's 80/20 split.

80 for us, 20 for them.

Okay, so in this purely hypothetical situation, I'd be getting 40% of what?

Couple mil, easy.

In safe-deposit boxes? - Yes.

Is that drug money?

Is that a problem?

Spends the same.

You'd be callin' the sh*ts.

You'd be a partner, no hired help bullshit.

Let me think about it.

Hurry up.

All right, I'll meet you at 6:00 with the answer.

Pop noxon's.

You need a new spot.

They put Rosemary on their fries.

Why would I go anywhere else? Hey.

Take a cab there. Why?

[Upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

What the hell was that?



You talked to Mormons...

For that long.

I almost converted them.

I'll bet you did.

This is it, right?

It's all right. It's gonna be okay.

We're gonna wait this thing out, and it's gonna be just fine.

Promise. Who are you? What are you?

[Knock on door]


Paul west?

And you are?

I'm a friend of Sidney's.


What are you, his racquetball partner or something?


I'm here to help with that.

These are good.

I got friends.

Who are you, Johnny?

You know who I am.

Let's find an island where they won't extradite.

We can go and eat papayas.

Little cottage overlooking the water, nude beaches.

Whether it's legal or not.


We can't.

We'll go to your father's.

Airports are too risky, so we'll drive across the border at San Isidro.

That's the best thing.

We'll see if that's true.

I got to be honest with you. Rosemary on fries sucks.

Yeah, I know, but it's a good place to meet.

Pop's is safe.

You know, he's got surveillance cameras everywhere to keep out the riffraff.

Looks pretty riffraffy to me.

That's 'cause the regulars know there's no recording going on.

Cameras are for show. Tricky.

[Clicks tongue]

Tricky. What's the word?

I'll do it with you, just you.

Okay, we'll need a wheelman, but it'll just be me and you on the inside.

Splitting it two ways sounds nice, but is it safe?



How well you handle yourself. You talk big.

Warehouse hits and all, but if I'm goin' in with you, I got to know one thing. What's that?

Will you get me a cheeseburger and everything in the cash register?

Remember, there's no cameras.

Everything on it?

Surprise me.

Got a second?

That how long I got before you disappear again?

That will never happen again.

All right, you get one, and that's it.

Yes, sir.

Someone gave me one once when my wife was done being mother of the year for a while.

What happened?

I don't think I know you well enough to tell you that, but I will say the people she got caught up with...

They're walkin' a little funny.

How's your girl?

She's, uh, she's better. Sleepin', thank God.

Thanks for the doctor. You're welcome.

When you said she was your ex, maybe you guys can work it out.


All right then, Paul.

Unless you want to help me with my spelling, I need to get these done.

We're good here now, Paul, so go keep her company.

I appreciate it.

[g*n cocks]

Open the register, one hand.

Hurry up.

That guy behind you's gonna be picking your teeth out of his face you don't drop it.

Drop it!

Cash now, hurry up!

Somebody get me a g*dd*mn cheeseburger!

[Tires screech]

[Country rock]

♪ ♪

The girls can't leave with me, but doesn't mean I still can't buy 'em from you.

[Whispers] Stand by.

You have trouble getting the point.

Take a look at this.

That's $250,000.

It's a down payment.

We'll call it a layaway plan.

I'm listening.

I know this doesn't buy the girls' exit.

When the girls leave with me, you get the rest of the money.

And the fish stay here until my boss says they can swim away.

So does the cash.

And so do I. When you sign a layaway plan, you don't sleep at the Kmart.

This is a lot of money.

This isn't a hotel.


[Locks click]

My clients want their product undamaged and healthy.

I need to protect their interests and their investment.


It's what they pay me for.

Pick a room.

There's plenty to choose from.



You're looking better.

You lay down. I got it.


I called my mom.

Maia's gonna stay there for the rest of the week.

That's good.

You need time.

I need a lot of things.


Why did I lie for you?

It's better that you don't know.

Better for who?

Are you a cop?


Then what's your name? Your real name.

It's not west or whatever, is it?


You knew my husband.

I didn't know him.


I did not know him.

[Scoffs] You met him.

I can see that. Are you FBI?


Were you on the same case that got him k*lled?

Tell me.

Tell me what happened to him.

Is he dead? Is he?

What happened to him?

Oh, God, what happened to my Juan?

Kelly, I'm sorry.


How did my husband die?

How did he die?

Kelly, it's...

Get out.

Get out!

Hey, Paige, it's Dale.

Um, listen, I'm strikin' out here.

I've been to hell and back, and all I'm gettin' is sh*t-up sh*t. that's either too small or permanently grounded.

I think I'm gonna call it.

I got to get some sleep, so I'll try again when I wake up.

All right, bye.

Listen, I got one that came in this week.

The wheels are a little wobbly. The window shakes a little bit, but other than that, she... she should fly fine.

Yeah? How many wings has this one got?

Look, man, if it looks like something snoopy would fly, not interested.

No, it's right out here, just outside.

All right, let's make it quick.



In here, babe.



What happened?

I went out of a broken window after a guy, and I don't know.

I guess a piece of the sill must've caught me or something.

Let me see. You did a number.

Mm-hmm. Help me.


How'd it go?

I got the girl.

Good for you.

Looks like I might officially be a bank robber after all.


I need a shower.

You want company?

I want you waiting in bed for me after I get done.

I just got up.

Come on.

Shower quick.

Sid didn't get to you, did he?

What? No, baby. No, come on. Uh-uh. No.


Oh, mama.


What's wrong?


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, baby.