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02x03 - Tinker Bell

Posted: 06/26/14 19:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

[Shouting in Spanish]


Looks like you got hit by a couple of newbies.

These are some raw recruits.

This wasn't Caza.

Briggs reached out to Caza.

Word came back that they wanted to talk, so he went.

Now, when we get the name of whoever came after me, I need you all to be ready to hit the ground running.

This is Carlos Solano Jr.

His friends call him Carlito.

Carlos Sr. runs the cartel out of Tecate.

Ships everything north via Calcoast buses to Carlito.

Do you know any Solano dealers, street level?

Yeah, a few.

We're not gonna find 'em talking to corner boys.

Unless we're embedded.

Feel like making a new boyfriend?

Yeah, I can do that.

It just feels like everything I touch turns straight to shit.

We got orders, Chuck. But I guess you're...

I can't, I can't.


I just can't right now.

Oh, dude, you're really gonna leave?


We do good work here.

When was the last time you did good work?

You head up tactical, and sometimes Briggs lets you play dress-up.

What's so important that you're gonna leave here?



Jakes moved out.


Okay, well, Zelanski, you get Jakes' room.

I just want visitation. Cassandra, we can... excuse me, Mr. Jakes, step back, please.


We've got a restraining order, Mr. Jakes.

[Overlapping shouting]

Who's that man?

I'm your father!


[Peaceful music]

♪ ♪

I'm onto you.

Hey. [Banging on door]

Hey, it's Dale. Open up.

[Banging on door] Hey!

Open up! Open up!

I'm an agent of the federal g*dd*mn agency!

Whoa, Jakes, Jakes.

What the hell are you doing, bro?

Johnny, shh.

I think someone's in my room, man.

Yeah, hey, hey, it's Zelanski. He moved in yesterday.



Yo, Bates! Open up!

I got my g*n, Dale. It's loaded.

Jakes, Jakes, no, no.

What are you doing, bro? Look, relax.

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Chill, chill, look, look.

Hey, get off of me, man.

Look, look, listen, listen.

Shh, Johnny, Johnny.

Where's Daniel?

Shut up.

Where is he? Is he okay?


Shit. Do not say his name, man!

What's going on?

What did you do? Whoa, Johnny! Wait!

Johnny, stop!

Come with it, lucha libre!

Come with it!

Shut up!

That's what you wanna do.


[Overlapping shouting] Hey, guys!

Guys! No!

Back up, man! Back up!

Hey, it is way too early for this.


I agree with the chiquita.

Chill out!

Now who's tanked?



Well, then take the high road, Johnny.

That makes this half as hard.

He headbutted me!

You headbutted him?

I'm gone five minutes, and you guys give bates my room?

Probably in there, painting the walls as we speak.

Oh, yeah, I am now, assh*le!

Okay, okay, let's bring this downstairs.

We can sit down. We can talk about this.

Let's go. I know, baby, come on.

Just want to go to bed.

I know.

Just want to go to bed, Briggs.

I know.

Zelanski, the coast is clear.

What are you doing, bro?

You were actually gonna sh**t him?

There's two things I won't abide by... being threatened in my room and being threatened in my underwear.



So what do you think... asleep, dead, indifferent?

I thought you put in for a transfer.

Yeah, and then I changed my mind.

You can't just change your mind, man.

And yet here I am!

Miracle of miracles.

Boys downtown know you're rewriting your ticket?

I'ma call 'em in the morning.

It is morning.

Hey, I heard a commotion.

Commotion? Yeah.

Princess and the frickin' pea here, this guy.

Jakes decided to stay, but his paperwork's still in process.

Meanwhile Zelanski here has already planted his flag.

It's a quandary.

DJ, my man, what do you say we call you a cab, get you in a nice, comfy hotel... no!

I still live here.

I switched rooms literally yesterday.

Don't we have a spare room now that you and Charlie are, you know... No.

I'm back in my room.

Guess that means too many corpses, not enough coffins.

Man, why don't we just vote somebody off?

Over this task force... it's his call.

No, this is a house thing. It's not operational.

Actually, Graceland is the operation, Warren.


Mike, look. Dude, listen, bro, it's easy.

What do you like more... an awesome, freaking stand-up DEA agent or...

A sorry-ass drunk. Johnny.

No, he's right. I'm drunk.

Jakes' paperwork is in limbo, so Jakes is in limbo.

The room's yours.

Hell, yeah!

Until such a time as we've determined who stays permanently.

You're wise and sage-like, Mike Warren.


What about him?

All right, one, two, three.

[Both grunt]

So are these the kind of upper management skills they teach you in D.C.?

HR's not my strong suit.

Nah, you're doing great.



[Electronic music]

♪ ♪


I had an uncle who died of lung cancer.

It was not pretty.

This room here is a sanctimony-free room.

I just want an update on Carlito Solano.

How was the party?

Party was a no-go.

There was no play at all?

Just said that, didn't I?

And Johnny says he has a couple of ideas, so...

What kind of ideas does Johnny have?

Have to ask Johnny.

I can't ask Johnny because he's out somewhere with Zelanski.

Mike, I don't know what to tell you, I'm sorry.

All right, well, just let me know what happened at the par... if it was up to me, I'd pick Zelanski.

I thought you liked Jakes.

I do.

It's not that, it's just Dale is like a stray cat.

He's only here for the free food and a warm place to stay.

And Zelanski?

He's much more dependable.

Sure it doesn't hurt that he fawns over you.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

You do not get to start being possessive.

This guy's name is bates.

I don't think I have anything to worry about.

And one night together doesn't mean you can be cocky either.







That dress is doing a lot of things to me, by the way.

There's a lot of deer out there.

Helps to be the headlight.

So it's like a...

It's like a...

You wanna be my deer?


I'll be your head... Light.

[Clears throat]

What's up, Briggs?

Mikey Mike.

Stopped by the field office.

One of the nine-to-fivers had these for you.

You, uh, planning a movie night or something from, like, 1984?

It's security footage from the Calcoast terminal.


Once Charlie gets in with Carlito, we still need to be able to link him to the contraband on the buses.

The problem is, I don't know which buses to knock over.

Ah, and you're thinking of spotting 'em on those?



That is a lot of hours, Warren.

That's why I'm counting on Paige here to help me narrow it down.

Ah. I wondered why you had on... the dress.

You know about this?

Everybody knows about this.

You got a coke deal, you call the lady in white.

So who's the lucky dealer?

Uh, Solano dealer up in Echo Park, Lil Top.

Isn't that the stupidest name you ever heard?

Little Top?

No, Lil.

Lil Top or Just Top.

Look, I don't name these idiots.

Ah, so cozy up to top, then dig for intel.


Actually, no. Clock's running out.

No time to cozy.

I need you to press Lil Top to sell more than he can handle.

A kilo, maybe.

And when he can't, we'll find out when his next shipment is.

No, it's not gonna play.

I've never bought more than a few grams from top.

Money talks, right?

Actually, Mike, these guys are like field mice.

They're creatures of habit.

They spot one little thing out of pattern, they're likely to run right back into their hidey-hole.

All right.

Well, if our lady in white here doesn't have the capital, I know you're off narco.

Would you mind being her sugar daddy?


Well, we're setting up a deal, not making one, right?


I've always wanted to buy you shiny, pretty things.


All right, I'll brief you on the ride.

Bye, Mike.


Dale, wake up.




Huh? What's... what's... what's today?

Ah! Jesus!

I need your help.

What am I looking for?


Something that points to a specific bus.




[Indistinct chatter]

[Dog barks]

[Dogs barking]

Lady in white, I missed you.

I missed you too, top.

This is my friend I was telling you about.

Lil Top, what's up, B? My name's Paul.

You black?

[Speaking Spanish]

My dad was dark-skinned, my mom was light... both halves of the D.R.

You're from the Dominican?

I wasn't raised there, but in the wintertime, we used to go down to Barahona.

He's good, top.

[Whispering] He has green.

All right.

Come on.

After you.

[Reggae music playing]

Okay, so get this.

Paul gets this buck ticket at the grocery store... a pick five, right? Pick five!

Pick five, and he hits all five numbers.

Mm. All five.


Lucky guy.

Yeah, man.

I wanna rent a house up in the hills, spend the weekend sprinkling stardust on bad b*tches in bikinis.

You know?

You'll have to invite me then.

Yeah, B.

What Barrio?

In the hills?

In Barahona.

What neighborhood?

Oh, I wasn't in the city proper.


No, up the highway a clip.

Little village by a lake.

Lady in white...

You want a taste?

Not if it's your usual stuff.

How much you looking to move?

Oh, this is the best part.


Just a little bit.

20 grand.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

What's the problem?

The problem is that every other time you come in here, you buy a gram, and today you a high roller?

No, I... it's not my money, it's Paul's.

I told you he just won it.

I know.

The pick five, the pick five. [Speaking Spanish]

Okay, well, if it stinks, we can take it back, right?



[Crying] Don't.

Top, you're making a huge mistake.

Oh, the mistake was his.


Coming in here with some bullshit.

[speaking Spanish] about the D.R.

Wasn't no fairy tale, Hermano, never was.



What's the name of the lake?


"Little village by a lake," you said.

Ain't that many lakes on the island.

Lago Enriquillo.

Right up highway 46, you know it?

You get there early enough, you can catch pavon.

Listen, Lil Top, this pick five... it pays big.

There's a lot more where that came from.

[Crying] A lot more, Top. There is a lot more!

20 gs is almost a key. I ain't got no key.

Can you get one?



I'ma hold on to this in case you two run into some unsavory element.




[Speaking Spanish]

Bro, these are awesome! Homeboy's gonna flip yeah, he better.

Can I ask, if Warren finds out... he's not gonna find out. Don't say that.

Yeah, all I'm saying is the man doesn't seem like the take-in-the-stride type.

Look, we're in the cone of silence here.

He ain't gonna find out unless somebody tells him.

Somebody tells who?

No... nobody.


What's in the box?


It's, uh, backgammon, man.


What's in the box?


Maybe this whole thing is my fault.

I should've told you more.

But you don't understand that this entire operation is a house of cards.

Guys, we have two weeks, okay? Two weeks!


So if Solano even caught a scent of this...

He didn't catch of scent of this, Mike!

Johnny's been doing this for way longer than you, Mike.


This is not a question of tenure.

This was dangerous, irresponsible, and frankly insubordinate.


Oh, oh!


I think we hit the core issue.


Is that what it was?


Do I have to break up another fight?

It's not a fight.

Not yet.

Hey, by the way, you said that there was no play on Solano.

I don't... the play came after she left, man.

It's not her fault.

I found out Carlito is into antique Mexican weapons.

He was supposed to act in support of you, but instead, he went in...

Mike, at some point, you have to stop acting like you invented undercover.

Thank you!


Thank you.

All right, guys... exactly what I wanted to say.

Carlito Solano doesn't just m*rder people, he eviscerates them. We know that, Mike.

And then he strings them up for public consumption.

We know that!

This guy's not one of your Malaysian street toughs, John.

Oh, is he not?

He's a grade-a psychopath.

So seriously, unless you wanna see what the inside of that pretty little stomach looks like... okay, Mike, wait, wait, wait.

Did I make contact?


Did I set the meet?


Did I get the pistols all ready?

What more do you want?


Carlito's into Mexican shit.

Yeah, he is.

Certificate of authenticity.

Les pistolets sont francais.

They're French?


Oh, God damn it, my boy screwed me.

Hey, whatever. Look, man.

He's a banger, he's not gonna wanna see the certificate.

Look, I'm... it's good. Don't worry about it.


You're an assh*le, man.

Did you figure out your personnel issue?

I don't know. [Sighs]

Zelanski's recalcitrant, but Jakes...


You think ice would push back if I kick him out?

They'll do their obligatory jurisdictional d*ck swinging, but let's be honest, that's ice.

Any advice?

Yeah. Don't screw up.

Terrific. Thank you.

[Knocking] Dude, I figured it out.

Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon?

No, no. Napoleon's cousin.

I'm on the phone.

Yeah, but I figured it out.

Johnny, please.

I'm on the phone.

What was that?

I have made a personnel change.

I think that Johnny...


Is better for the Carlito Solano angle.

I thought you said you didn't have a great deal of confidence when it came to Tuturro.

I'm coming around.

[Knocking] Johnny, I'm on the phone!

I need to let you go. Is everything all right?

No. I gotta go.

Are you okay?

Relative to what?


It still has mobility.

It'll be fine. It just hurts.

What happened?

We're moving too fast.

There's no hurry-up offense in undercover work.

I know, I know.

Washington is a results-oriented place, and with this money that they're pumping in... the shipment comes in Sunday.

Wait, you got it?

I got it.

You're incredible.


Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.

Okay, if Lil Top gets this thing Sunday, that means the buses are gonna come anytime.

I need to check with Jakes and... Mike?




Buses don't run that late.

Right. Yeah, right.


Sorry. I... mm. Hand.



[Funk music]

♪ ♪


What's up?


Nice digs.

Always thought natural light was overrated.


Warren's got you on videography, huh?

Looking for outliers.


Feel like I made it.

Not sure bum fights count.

Damn, they're getting it in, huh?



So things went South with Cassandra, huh, bro?

Listen, man, I... [Sighs]

I know you're hurting. I've been there.

You've never been here.

You have no idea where here is.

Fair enough.

Listen, man, the point is that self-medication is not the move.

Briggs, let me just stop you right there.

You really gonna come in here, spewing that granola bullshit about finding your center?

[Takes deep breath]

Man, I know you.

I know you.

You're looking for somebody to save, you better look in the mirror.



[Grunting playfully]

You got a sec?

Yeah, uh... [Laughs]

Yeah, come I so... You're going with Jakes, right?

I, um...

I need to go with ice.

It's a sphere of resources and expertise I can't afford to lose.

Don't give me a line, Warren.

There's nothing wrong with being loyal.

Johnny know?

Not yet.

Do me a favor.

Don't tell him before the op.

You're not gonna say good-bye?

Brother's heading into the lion's den.

You don't need any extra bullshit floating around up top, okay?


He'll be upset.

Yeah, probably.

But he'll be alive.

Well, we got a whole big bag of nothing.

That's what we got.

Eyes on low-traffic exteriors are good for security but bad for reconnaissance.

So you got nothing.

Nothing bus-related.

I could show you the tinker bells.

Tinker bells?

Which one's tinker bell?

Wait for it. Boom.

That's a toddler's backpack. She's a little too old for it.

Well, L.A. is full of misguided fashion statements.

Wait, wait.

That is a different girl with the same... The same backpack.

What bus are they riding?

Welcome to the stone age.

These time codes are all over the map, so I can't tie any specific girls to any specific lines.

Right. [Sighs]

Okay, do we really think that these white girls are involved with the Solano cartel?

Cartels like to use markers to label their mules.

Red hat, blue sneakers, pink backpack.

That way, the runners stateside can spot them.

Those aren't drug mules.

Seen it a thousand times, Jakes.

Yeah, that's your problem. That's all you've seen.

You DEA, you only got one thing on the brain... dr*gs.

You don't use an ass like that to haul the product.

Ass like that is the product.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go to Calcoast, see what there is to see.

Great. You think you can sober up?


I want you two to look for that bus.

Let me take Zelanski.

Still here, guys.

It's Jakes.

Jakes it is.

"Declared himself king of Spain..."

Okay, if you need the team, all you have to say is...

"it's hot in here." I got it.

"Peace offering to Jose de Iturrigaray."

And I just have to say, this whole French-Mexican p*stol thing is making me very nervous.

Yeah, well, you're not the one going in, are you, Mike?


Check one, two, one, two.


This whole case hinges on Carlito Solano.

If I have to send that team in there, it's...

Mike, just keep your team back, all right?

I got this.

I've seen Briggs hold shit. together plenty of times.

I know how it's done.

You're not Briggs.


Yeah? Well, neither are you.

[Dance music]

♪ ♪

Wait here.

Whatever you got you can leave it.


Hi, uh, my name's, uh...

I don't care what your name is, just leave my brother's silly crap and go.

Actually, I think I might have been invited.

Little man, if you were invited, I'd know you.

Little man?


He's with us. With you?

With Carlito.

Lucia was giving you a hard time?

Your sister?

Nah, she, uh...

She seems nice.

Don't lie.

My sister's a bitch.


Ah, so, uh, you met Esteban at the club, huh?


Yeah, you know, we were sh**ting the shit.

He says that his boy's got a hard-on for Mexican antiques, so...

Honestly I wouldn't have cared as much till I saw his friend was you.


I seen you around, bro.

You seem like a good guy to know.

Show me.

Late 18th century. Near perfect condition.

Wow, the silver inlay is exquisite.

Where did you say you got these again?

Old cat out of Santa Anita with a lousy-ass eye for thoroughbreds.

A degenerate gambler with a pair of 200-year-old pistols, huh?

Yeah, apparently his great-great something or other was a revolucionario.

These are ninth generation hand-me-downs.

From the Mexican revolution?


And you would, say, stake your life on that?


Yeah, I would.

Well, it looks like your friend in Santa Anita is not the only one who makes bad bets.


Nicolas-Noel Boutet.

He made firearms for the manufactory of versailles.

These pistols are French, not Spanish.

I told you not to lie to me.

God damn it, Johnny, I told you.

I freaking told you.

I didn't lie to you.

I just wasn't finished with the story yet.

There's more.

You weren't finished with the story?

Let's see... I always enjoy watching a stupid, little man with a big mouth dig himself deeper.

In 1808, Joseph Bonaparte declared himself King of Spain.

He offered these as peace offerings to Jose de Iturrigaray, the Viceroy of Mexico.

But Iturrigaray was deposed, and the pistols fell to Juan Bautista de Sonora, a Mexican lieutenant who fought with zapata in the revolution.

That's my friend's ancestor.

[Laughs] That's a good story.

Okay, I guess I was right about the big mouth part, at any rate.


Do they work?

If you know what you're doing.


I've, um...

I've never packed a barrel like this one before.

Show me.

This chamber takes about 50 grains of black powder.

Set the ball on the lubricated patch.


And then press it into the barrel with your starter.


Then your ramrod.

Jam it in, and you're all set.

So let me get this straight.

You want me to jam it in with my ramrod, huh?

You're not my type.

So now it's ready to fire?

That's right.

Ay, amigo. You insult me.

And you lie to me.

You still have to put the firing cap on the percussion nipple, like so.

Right? That's right, I forgot.

Uh-huh. Yeah, you forgot.

You too. Cap your nipple.


Cap your nipple, p*ssy.



We are ready to do battle.

I'm not doing this, bro.

That's right.

I forgot, you cannot just ask for a duel.

No, no, no. You have to provoke it.

[Light laughter]

Oh, mira, look.

His face is all red. Oh!


Stand up, little p*ssy.

I'm not doing this, bro. I already told you no.

And I told you to stand.

[Crowd murmurs]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. [Laughing]

I'm gonna sh**t you right here in my living room, okay?

Right here! I'm gonna do that.

But you got a couple choices.

I can do it right here point blank, or we can walk our paces and see what happens.

What do you say?


[Dramatic music]

Eight paces, no cheating.

[Speaking Spanish]

You ready?


Okay, here we go.



[Breathing heavily]






[Distant screaming]

Carlos, stop it!

What the hell are you doing?

Uh, we were just playing a game.

A game.


What's the name of the game where you sh**t someone in the back?

I wasn't gonna sh**t him. I... ask him.

I'm not asking him.

All of you, get the hell out of here.

Get out of here!

I can't wait to hear what papa says about this.

Oh, no, no. We're not gonna tell papa.

Oh, like hell.

You were about to k*ll your friend.

He... he's not our friend.

We don't even know him.

My God!

You were going to sh**t a stranger in our living room?

He wasn't gonna sh**t me.

You see, I wasn't going to sh**t.

You don't even know him, you dumb-shit Bonobo.


Don't laugh at me.

Carlos, no!


I need to see! I need to see!

I need to see!

Shit. Hey, call an ambulance!

Now! Go!

Call Simon! Tell him to get the van here now.

No, don't call Simon! Call an ambulance!

An ambulance will bring the police.

So will a dead body, okay, which is what you're gonna have when he bleeds out.

Tell Simon to bring a tarp and some bleach and maybe something sharp.

He's not dead!

Push hard, push hard, push hard, push hard!

Hey, bring the econoline. Now.

Five, ten minutes.

[Mumbling] Okay.

Press hard, press hard, press hard!

Hey! I can hold it.

I can hold it till the van gets here, okay?

But when it does, we drive him down the block, right?

Drive him down the block.

Drop him off in a lawn, I don't give a shit, okay?

Just... just call an ambulance for him.

Go help him!

Let go, I've got it.

I got it.


I got it!

Get out of my house.


What's your name?


Go home, Johnny.

I'll call you.

How was that, Mike? I hold it together for you?

You know, I hear that stuff tastes like shit.

A lot better than going cold Turkey.

Ah, good point.


[Sighs] What do you mean, what?

I'm just checking on a friend.

Ask me what you wanna ask me.

Why'd you bail on Solano, Chuck, hmm?

I mean, if JT could weasel his little ass in there, I'm pretty sure you could too.

Maybe it's better to go cold Turkey.


You never once got angry at me, you know that?


My best friend.

I put you through the ringer, accused you of m*rder.

And it's all hugs. "No harm, no foul, Charlie."

That's 'cause there was none.

No, there was harm, and there was foul, and I gotta wear it.

I gotta wear it till it fits.

It's driving me crazy.

How am I supposed to go in with Solano?

How am I supposed to go anywhere when I got my lines so crossed that I'm pointing fingers at you?



Don't have to go anywhere.

I talked to Kelly Badillo.



About what?

Uh, things.

I wish I could convince you that you and I don't need any fixing, but I can't.

Maybe we can help her.


I'm still working on that part.

[Indistinct P.A. announcement]

This is stupid.

What are we looking for if we don't know what we're looking for?

We're looking for a bus, Jakes.

Hey. Whoa!

Stop drinking if you're gonna be here.

Is not being here an option?

Yeah, Dale, it is.

You didn't have to come back.

And pass up on an oceanside mansion with free rent?

You don't even like the ocean.

No, I really don't.

You know, there's this old, uh, Looney Tunes.

Daffy, I think.

Yeah, daffy.

And he's out in the desert, and he's thirsty.

But just as he's about to give up, he spots this oasis.

So he runs over there, and he sticks his hand in the water, takes a big gulp.

Then he starts coughing and hacking.

Turns out it was a mirage.

You and Daffy are real martyrs.


I know you feel it.

We eat, we work, we die.

There's no glory here.

Just a mouthful of sand.

Shut up, Dale.

You asked.


Look, it's tinker bell.

Oh, shit.

She just got off bus 118.

118 comes in from Tecate.


That's gotta be our bus.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'm gonna go talk to her. No, no, no, no.

We gotta see where they unload it.

She's involved.

Even still, the bus is the target.

And she's a human being.

Okay, hurry. Go.

Attention, please.

Bus 220 will be boarding in five minutes.

Attention, please.

Bus 220 will be boarding in five minutes.

All passengers traveling southbound from Mexico must carry a valid passport.

All passengers traveling southbound from Mexico must carry a valid passport.

[Speaking Spanish]


Hey, do you need help?

No. No, I wait for bus.

It's okay, I know you're in trouble.

But we can't talk here, okay? Come on.

Come with me. I am-I am American.

I know. Come here, come here.

Okay, I need you to tell me.

Were you with anyone? Was anybody watching you?

You are police?


No, I'm a friend.

[Knocking on door]

Okay, we don't have much time. Give me your backpack.

Come on.

Is lina your real name?

And you're from the Ukraine?

Okay, who gave you this?


Lina, I need you to talk to me.


[Speaking russian]

[Speaking russian]

Sylmar. What is in Sylmar?

He says go!

I don't know why!

I don't want to go.

I want to go home. I know, I know.

I know you do. I need you to take...

[knocking on door]

I need you to take this, okay, and show no one.

What... what... what is...

You said you help.

I need you to take this and go to Sylmar.

I tell you everything.

I know.

I know you did, okay? Don't...

[knocking on door] Hey, open the door!

Don't be afraid. Everything is gonna be okay.

This is what the men say to me also.

For my father.


You send.

No, I will send, okay? And I will find you, I promise.

I promise.


Come on.

Unlock it.

[Sighs] Shit.

Move! Move!


Move! You're drunk.

She had a forged passport, and the driver of 118 is definitely in on it.

We have our bus. What about the girl?

She's on bus 220.

I'll catch up with her later.

Hey, I'm calling about a g*nsh*t wound.

No, no, no, no. Esteban Garcia.

Esteban with a "b."

Yeah, he should've come in a couple hours ago with a throat wound.

Oh, "fair" is good?

Yo, Z!

Oh, please tell me some good news.

Well, we got something.

Bus 118 drops all its passengers off and ends up here.

Large body garage, under the hood stuff.

S.I.C. eight threes and I.S.L. nines, mainly.

I'm an engine guy.

Is it still in there?

Goes in, comes out 30 minutes later.

Scheduled maintenance?

Called Calcoast.

Not due till next week.

[Sighs] Man.

I've been tracking this son of a bitch for a long time.

We finally got it.

Jakes, we finally got it, man.

Go us.

Hey, where's Paige?


What's in Sylmar?

A human being.


[Accelerated beeping]

[Phone vibrating]