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02x02 - Connects

Posted: 06/19/14 19:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland.

How's it feel to be back?

I missed it.

Welcome home, son!

Is he still doing the whole labeling thing?

Why did you stop labeling everything, bro?

Maybe I grew up.

I've been thinking about making another go with this, Cassie.

It's just the two of you?

Yeah, me and my son.

This is Agent Juan Badillo.

I am undercover as Jangles.

I am about to approach Agent Paul Briggs.


You're no longer a suspect.

Jangles k*lled Juan Badillo.

Found the origin of his infamous keys.

They were trophies.

This one's to Juan's front door.

This is Agent Juan Badillo.

You know, you're the one who got me started on these buses.

No, no, you shouldn't have gotten a field op in the first place.

Listen, I'll be moving back in.

For the next eight weeks, you guys will be working for me.

Caza cartel has a hit out on you.

The line. The bus line.

[Shouting in Spanish]


Looks like you got hit by a couple of newbies.

These are some raw recruits.

This wasn't Caza.

I got your text. What's up?

Anyone see you leave?

Look, I don't have time for this, okay?

I have, like, a thousand Mexican mug sh*ts to go through.

Johnny's setting up with AFIS.

We're not gonna I.D. the guys that came after you with our usual methods.

We're just not, okay?

Do you have a better idea?

I made a call... some of my old Mexican contacts.

What contacts?

The kind that put me in touch with Caza cartel leadership, Mike.

They agreed to a sit-down.

It means I cross the border, I offer them a deal, FBI takes the heat off 'em, they tell us who ordered the hit.

You think Caza knows who ordered the hit.

Well, if they don't, they sure as hell can find out.

Jesus Christ.

Tell me this isn't about you chasing down the cartel that got you hooked on heroin.

I leave tonight.

Charlie's not gonna be happy.

Please don't tell her.

[Spanish rap music plays]

♪ ♪

Paul Briggs. Leave it. [Voice mail beeps]

Where are you? I'm starting to get worried.

Call me back.

[Man speaking Spanish on radio]

Put this on your head.

[Engine turns over]

[Engine turns on]

[Goat bleats]



[Goat bleats]

Hey. [Clicking tongue]

You my contact?

You know who's been impersonating Caza K*llers?

[Bell clangs]


Now I'm frisking goats.

Hey, hey, hey.

[Latin music plays in distance]

♪ ♪

Señor armas.

[Goat bleating]

[Goat bleats, thud]

The leader of the cartel is Alfredo armas.

He was pushing for deeper diversification into meth...

Still trying to figure out who tortured Mike?

Yo, enjoy your breakfast.

Now it's rumored that armas is the mastermind behind the theft and reselling of Mexico's...

Jakes, could you just turn that down a little bit?

You guys could debrief somewhere else other than my living room. There's been absolutely no word... Okay, so these guys, definitely not Caza, all right?

AFIS doesn't have 'em. Analysts can't place 'em.

DNA's a no-go, so I'm stuck.

Okay, maybe they're too new to register.

Or two mopes without priors answered an ad.

They were very good at their jobs.

You don't send in mopes and expect any kind of success.

I see your point.

No one's seen Briggs?


No, sorry.

No one?


Paul Briggs, are you in this house?

Yo, his bronco's not out there.

Someone tell me where Paul is.

We don't know, Charlie.

He knows.

Right, Mike?

You might want to sit down.

I'm not sitting down.

Where is he? Briggs is in Mexico.

[Electronic music]

♪ ♪

You let him go? Caza wants to k*ll me.

He's probably dead already, Mike.

Unless, like, Briggs k*lled them all already.


This was his call.

He wouldn't have gone if he didn't think he was gonna come back.

It's Briggs.

Now, when we get the name of whoever came after me, I need you all to be ready to hit the ground running.

You've all spoken to your supervisors.

It's time to either finish up what you're working on or pass it on.

Yeah, I'm trying to wrap this Finch case up.

But seriously, Mike, Briggs reached out to Caza?

No, he reached out to people who... who reached out to Caza. Still...

Word came back that they wanted to talk, so he went.

Without backup, just...

That's the only way they'd do it.

For what?

For a deal, okay?

Caza's punishment ends if they find out who came after me.

Oh, it's for you.


Yeah, it's for you. He went down there for you, you little D.C. sucking son of a bitch.

[Glass shatters]

I was actually still drinking that, but...

Honestly, I disagree with your profession.

I'm sure you do.

No, enforcing the law... I get that.

But it's the method... pretending to be something that you're not is despicable.

Like your friend Jangles, aka Cortes of the Policia Federal Ministeria?

The worst kind of friend, the kind that never trusts, never loves, only lives to see other people die and everything they worked for destroyed.


You've destroyed plenty.

Who holds g*ns to their heads and forces them to take my offerings?

No one! Señor armas, your man held a g*n to my head, hooked me on heroin, forced me to give up my friends, and then k*lled them.

There was that.

So my problem now is your people running around, smashing and taking.

Causing problems.

I sent no one after your agent.

We're clear on that, yeah?

I'm here to help.

I can make your problem go away if you can tell me who came after our agent, pretending to be Caza, caused you all this pain.

You do that, and I'll do what I can to stop it.

You know, when I find out, and I will, I'll let you know.

If Roosevelt can sit with Stalin, then anything is possible.

[Truck horn blares]

Hey, baby. Show me something good.

I always have something good for you.


So when are we meeting Moreno?

Soon. Give me the keys.

Mm. Expect me to walk?

Yeah, you young. Shit.

I'll call you once I got arrangements.

Don't even think about screwing me, Finch.

Oh, only every single night of my dreams.

No, of course not.

Keys are in the ignition.

I got it, cuz. Yeah.

[Knock at door]




Didn't you used to have some ugly-ass memento thing from Argentina right there?

Chile, actually.

Same thing.


It's Chile.

Hey, man, why'd you stop labeling everything?

Maybe I'm just not feeling proprietary these days.

Maybe you're leaving.

Oh, dude, you really gonna leave?


You were gonna bounce without saying anything?



Because living in a coed frat house with loaded g*ns wasn't exactly my life goal.

You always go to that. It ain't no frat house.

We do good work here.

When was the last time you did good work, Johnny?

You head up tactical, and sometimes Briggs lets you play dress-up.

At a certain point in your life, you got to figure out what's important, and you got to go make that happen.

Come on, bro, with the important stuff.

Look, what's so important that you're gonna leave here?

Look, I'll stop messing with your stuff, okay?

I'll leave you alone for all...




His name's Daniel. He's nine.

You have a son.


You have a son?


For how long?

Nine years, Johnny.

That's not what I meant. Like, who's the mother?

Her name's cassandra.

Her and Daniel actually got a place in town.

Okay. All right.

So you're moving in there with her.

No, no.

I met Cassie when I was out in El Paso.

We got pregnant, had Daniel, but I'm spending all my time in juarez fighting the fight, and one day, I nearly get lit up in this raid, dude.

I freak out.

Same night, I go to Cassie, I tell her I'm toxic goods.

I don't want my son getting to know me only to have me k*lled the next day.

So you left.

For the best.

Except it wasn't.

And just as I'm realizing I really want to be a father to this kid, you know, I hear she's taking him out to California.

Okay, so you moved into Graceland to be with her.

But the job, Johnny... the job's still the job.

So I need to remove myself from the toxic environment, put in for a desk, make a home Cassie approves of so I can spend time with Daniel.

Little man needs to know his pops.


Keep your trap shut until I'm out.

You understand me? All right, yeah, yeah.

Hey, look at me. I'm not playing, man.

I don't need no "blah, blah, Jakesy, don't leave," okay?


And this stays private.

Yeah. My word.


Damn, son, so is this, like... Like, good-bye?

Good-bye, Johnny.

You want a hug?

No, Johnny.

No hugging, Johnny. Ah.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Hey, Mikey, can you hear me?

Briggs, you okay?

I met with Alfredo armas.

The guy cooked me goat stew, just me and him.

Holy shit. You got to the boss himself?

Is that him?

Is that Charlie?

She knows.

Put her on. Let me holler at her.

[Door slams] She's gone.

Yeah, I heard that.

Is the door still on its hinges?

More or less.

No, I-I understand.

I'm-I'm talking about the video guest.

I'm-I'm waiting on some audio-enhancing thing.

Well, can you move it up in the queue?

You're the one who approved my transfer over to Warren's operation, so I would assume that you understand the ongoing...

[click, beeping] Eh, hello?

God damn it. I can come back.

Don't come back. I mean, don't... don't go.


What's the problem?

What's the problem?

The problem is this...

I-I have spent the past four months of my life trying to take down this n-b*mb lab, and I'm this close to taking it down.

So do it.

Well, I've got this guy, Benny Moreno, on the hook to buy my partner's benzyl cyanide, but I-I can't rush it.

You don't have to. Just hand it off.

It's mine, Mike.

I can't do that, and you know I can't.

Let me take a look.

This is Finch.

I think he's setting up a meet with Moreno, but I don't know when.

The audio is bad.

You can't pull any of it?

Not with the toys that I've got.

You FBI guys get all the goodies, so I am shit out of luck.

You mad at me?

No, I'm not mad at you. Just...

You show up, and suddenly I'm yanked 90 degrees into your stuff, and I'm just...

I'm not ready.

So, yeah, I am mad at you. [Chuckles]

I'm sorry. Just give me a copy of this... no, it's all good. I got it.


No, I... you go do your stuff. I'll do mine.

I... it's all good. I-I got it.

It's all good.

[Siren wailing]

I got to say, I didn't care for it.

It's a classic movie.

It's alienating.


Yeah, it means that...

I know what it means.

What? I can't use big words?

It's a dumb-ass stupid movie, yo.

That better? Ah!

What was that for?

I like the movie, all right?


Did you hit an artery or something?

You're fine.

You were stabbed five times. You'll live.

Sonya, give this man a tampon and... I don't know... hold his hand.

You're an assh*le.

He's gonna help us.

Who's he?

Alfredo armas. I met the man himself.

You didn't.

I kind of did.

What the hell were you doing with Alfredo armas?

Well, we ate a goat, smoked some BBMFs.

Are you out of your mind?

There was no reason for you to go down there, no reason.

There's a hundred different ways that you could I.D. Mike's guys.

There's no time, Chuck. We're at a dead end.


You were trying to put your ass back in a snake pit so you could have a do-over.

Charlie, this thing Mikey's got going is good for all of us, okay?

After that shit storm we went through, this is what we need, babe.

This could put us right back where we need to be.

But you set up a meet with Caza without telling me.

You left me out.

True. [Machine buzzing]

So what now?

Am I supposed to trust you with my heart?

Oh, we're talking about trust now?

Really? You? Sneaking out at night, not telling me where you're going or what you're doing?

What am I doing?


I'm starting to realize that there's no such thing as a do-over, not for you, me, or anybody.

You want to know what I'm doing at night?

This is what I'm doing at night.

[Machine buzzing]

[Telephone rings]


It's me.

Yeah, you're not supposed to be calling here.

No, I know.

Just confirming tomorrow afternoon.

We're expecting you.

I got the apartment.

There's a room for Daniel.

It's gonna be a good thing, Cass.

I'm telling you, it's gonna be good for everybody, especially our son.

We'll discuss all that tomorrow.

I have to go. Oh, one more thing.

Um... hello? [Phone line clicks, beeps]

[Knock at door]

How'd you find me?

Johnny tell you?

Come on, now, bro, who you talking to?

You should know by now you can hide from anybody but me.

Come in. Close the door.

Huh? Not bad, right?

Look, I got his soccer stuff here.

I don't know if he's into baseball or football yet, but I got a little bit just in case.

You know, I don't want to disappoint him, but I...

I think he's gonna like it, man.

Yeah, it's dope.

What's going on?



You are looking at Kelly Badillo.

That's Juan's Badillo's wife...


Charlie's been staking her out, investigating her.

Why is she doing that?

The key swap convinced everybody Jangles k*lled Badillo.

Well, maybe not everybody.

If Charlie's digging into this...

Yeah, I know it's bad.

So what are you coming to me for?

What, is the next step burying Charlie in the desert?

Come on, man.

Hey, I'm not going down for this Briggs, you understand?

You got a plan?

Now, that's a first.

You need to find out what she's planning, man.

Take care of this. Get ahead of it.

Find out how bad this is. You need to find out.

[Whispers] Yeah.

You took my file.

Made a copy.

I thought you'd want to see this.

Is the audio enhanced?

Not exactly.

[Knocks twice] Then why am I here?
Hey, guys. This is Tony and Chris.

Hey, glad we could help you guys out.

Chris says, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

They've enhanced your video.

Aren't you brilliant?

You guys ready?

"Hey, I have it, cuz."

"We can meet whenever you want."

"Fine ass? Understatement."

"But I think you probably don't need to meet her."

Son of a bitch. I knew it.

He's cutting you out.

That little shit. I'm going to brain him.

"Great. See you Thursday, 4:00 P.M."

Two days... okay, I can work with that.

Easy. We can get all set up at Finch...

We? Who's we?

You don't want my help?

I got this.

Excuse me. Is everything okay?

Uh, evidently "Tuesday" and "Thursday" look the same from a lip-reading standpoint.

Today's Tuesday.

Is it Tuesday or Thursday?

The man in the video says Tuesday.

Are you sure?

I'm sure. It's Tuesday.

4:00's in 1/2 hour. We're gonna miss this meet.

We're gonna get there. Call your guys.

Get them all over to Finch's now.

Thank you.

Thank you.

What are you doing, Chucky, huh?

What's this about?

What's it about?


What's it always about, Paul?


She's got a kid... a daughter, nine years old.

Someone's responsible for that man's death, for making her a widow and making that kid fatherless.

Yeah, and we both know who that is, don't we?

And he k*lled Juan Badillo, and he left those two alone without even a body to bury.

Jangles, Cortez, whatever his name is... he didn't k*ll Juan.

I did.


I sat next to that federale for weeks without a g*dd*mn clue that he might've been something else because I was so caught up with making you the villain.

Chuck, please don't do this.

There's nothing else to do, Paul.

I let a psychopath destroy that family.


It just...

It just feels like everything I touch turns straight to shit.

That's not true.

Charlie, you got to think about what we do for a living, okay?

People get hurt.

They do.

I mean, we do our best, but people get hurt.

People stay hurt.

It doesn't get better.

She's drinking again.

Juan helped her sober up ten years ago, and now she's back at it.

She's a mess.

The kid's a mess.

I'm a mess.

I can't... I can't pull it together.

Charlie, listen to me, okay?

As your friend, huh?

You got to let this go.

It's gonna drag you down.

Trust me. I know.

[Police radio chatter]

Nice outfit, boys.

You got my gear? Yeah.

What's with the bad news bears?

Softball game called on account of Finch here being a d*ck.

Yeah, if only Tuesday was Thursday.


Who's got me on this?

Yeah, I got you.

Okay, loud and clear.

Let me know when Moreno shows. Z..

Z, any sign of Moreno?

[Clears throat]

So I'm gonna say, "Francis looks hungry" when the deal's done.

Who's Francis?

Finch's pet.

Don't worry. It's not a dog.

Finch is a pushover, but I hear Moreno has a mean streak.

So, if you can move in fast... Right.

Well, if this guy's such a bad dude, why don't I come with you?

They don't know me. I could play your boyfriend.

I don't have a boyfriend, Mike.

I know, but...

Gonna take this.

No, that... that's lunch.

Is that gum?


Remember, "Francis looks hungry."

We got it.

Zelanski's hungry.

[Playing electric guitar]

♪ ♪

Come on, Francis.


I'm coming. I'm coming.

Timeliness is next to godliness, and you, my friend, whoo, you are...


I think you screwed up your aphorism.

I brought pizza.

Uh, I'm a tad busy right now.

You and Francis expecting someone?

Nah, we just...

Having a good time.

Yeah, hey, you know what?

I got a new mic, a hot one.

You want to check it out?

Cool. Is it set up?

Yeah, yeah, go check it out.

It works.

I'll get some beer.

I'll get us set up.

[Heavy rhythm music continues]

♪ ♪

[Whack] Uhh!

Four months, you piece of shit!

Four months we've been working together and explain to me how you have the balls to cut me out.

I can't hear you!

You're gonna have to speak up a little louder.

There's movement.

[Paige muffled under loud music]

All right, Paige, we got movement.

Our boy Moreno's here.

[Rock music pounding]

[Music stops]

Okay, you've got two options.

Either we go and talk to Moreno together, get our money, or I beat you unconscious, lock you in here, go get my money, and then maybe come back and sh**t you.

You didn't tell me you lived in a frickin' reptile house, Finchy.

You said not to expect your girlfriend.


I wanted to meet the guy who's buying my chemicals.

Where is the stuff, Finchy?

Where's the money?

It's right here. It's all there.

You don't mind if he counts it.

Hurry up.

But in the meantime, why don't you have a beer?

Francis looks hungry.

That's it. Let's go, go, go, go, go, move!

You're wasting yourself with Finch.

You know that, right?

My mom said it takes all kinds, so...

She was an idiot too.

All right. [Crash]


You son of a bitch! You set us up!


Cut him off!

He's out the window!

Oh, shit.

You sic the feds on us and then you run?

I didn't sic no one on no one.




Don't move.

You too, on your knees. Hands up.

Get up, get up. Hands behind your head.

Manos ar yeah.

You got him?


Up. Come on.

Turn around there, sweetie.

Did you have fun with that or what?

Hmm? Yep?

[Cell phone ringing]

Agent foster. Agent Warren...

You told me to be on the lookout for anything coming from Caza.

Yeah, what you got?

A tip came in.

A C.I. in Orange pointed us towards a Caza cut house in Huntington Beach.

Used to be an old envelope factory.

We moving?

Tactical's already rolling.

They're gonna hit it hard in case it's a setup.

It won't be.

I told them to hold until you arrive.

Great. You got an address?

You lit the match!

Stay back.

g*ns now?

[Men grunting]

[g*nsh*t] Who got shot?

I can't tell.

What are you doing in my car?

Sorry, dad. We needed a tape player.

Here check it out.

g*ns now? [Men grunting]


What is this?

You think it's real?


No such thing as snuff.

It's an urban legend since before my day.

Never been a real one.

You want it back?

Nah. It's not real.




[Bell clanging]

[Goat bleating]

[Briggs chuckles]

[Clicking tongue]

What the hell is this?


A messed-up sense of humor.

Here's our guy.


All right, guys, let's wrap it up.

[Goat bleats]

[Laughs] Okay, okay. Wait, wait.

So bear with me while I try to figure this all out.

Now, we find a photo, stuck in goat shit, mind you, in a warehouse that's supposed to be full of dr*gs, and we think the guy in that photo is the guy who try to have him k*lled.

That's what you want me to believe?

That's the long and short of it, yeah.

So who is it?

Carlos solano, head of the solano cartel.

Carlos sol... dude, that's not Carlos solano.

Carlos Solano's a young dude.

He's got that place in eagle rock, right?

Yeah, Johnny's right. He lives with his sister.

This is Carlos solano, Jr.

His friends call him carlito.

His sister is Lucia, but she's not part of the family business.

And this is their old man?

Carlos senior runs the cartel out of Tecate, ships everything north via buses to Carlito.

At least, that's my theory.

Trust me on this part.

It has to do with a motor-oil additive we found in some of the heroin. Okay, so what's our play?

Do you know any solano dealers, street level?

Yeah, a few.

Well, we're gonna want to piece together a supply chain from the buses to carlito, connect the money to the man.

No, that's not gonna work, man.

Dude doesn't handle the day-to-day.

We're not gonna find him talking to corner boys.

Unless we're embedded.

Feel like making a new boyfriend?

Yeah, I can do that.

Okay, well, listen, carlito is a special kind of dangerous, so I want you running backup, John.

So you want me to run buses?

I want you to move out.


Gonna need your room.

Yeah, I thought that was coming.

So I got nothing to play here. I want Jakes on the buses.

Jakes moved out.


Yeah. He's off field work too.

He's, uh, pushing a desk now.

When did this happen?

Probably when none of you were looking.

Okay, well, Zelanski, you get Jakes' room and the buses.

Any more questions?

Yeah, how did we miss Jakes?

Okay, let's get to it.

Cassandra, Derek...

Can I come in?

Here's the situation...

I can handle this.

Dale, this isn't going to happen.

Excuse me?

Man, you've been warned plenty of times.

You keep pushing and pushing, and all... nobody's pushing, cassandra.

Daniel doesn't need you.

No, you're wrong. A boy needs his father.

I'm his father.

I don't know who the hell this guy is.

Look, we've got all the family we need...

I'm his father, man!

Dale, you were warned. You kept harassing us.

Cassandra, nobody's harassing, okay?

I just want visitation. That's all I'm asking.

Mr. Jakes, step back.

We've got a restraining order. We need you to go.

Cassandra, why are you doing this?

You can't do this!

Okay, all right.

All right! All right, fine.

You can't do this! Get off of me, man.

Dad? Dad!

Daniel, you weren't supposed to be meet. Who's that man?

Daddy, who's that man? It's nobody.

I'm your father!

Come on.

Who's that man?

I'm your father!

Get off of me!

I think I know you.

Sorry, no.


Yeah, you're a churchgoer.

Sorry, no. Name's Kelly.

I don't remember you from meetings.

Yeah, I pretty much keep to myself.

I don't talk much, you know?

They say your heart will tell you when the time is right.

I've been listening to mine, but so far, crickets.

Yeah, it took me a long time to open up.

Yeah, about your husband, right?

Yeah, I lost someone too.

Another thing they tell you is that time heals all wounds.

Yeah, time does a better job than, uh, Tequila.


A single-malt reserve works pretty good.

So here we are...

Two drunks off the wagon.

I'm back on. [Sighs]


Yeah, as of this moment, it's been three days.

Three days.


I got you by two.

Five days?


Make it six, and I'll get you a coffee around the corner.

You got a deal.

If you stare at it long enough, what happens?

I want this one bad, Charlie.

Thanks for helping with this.

It looks good.

Johnny, you get anything from surveillance?

Yeah. Yeah, I hit 'em up.

They said there's a good chance Carlito's gonna be at the Black Book tonight.

It's a little nightclub. He's part owner.

All right. Charlie, make contact?

I'd like to do more background.

You have this face. What more do you need?

I agree. Let's get to it.



[Hip-hop music plays]

♪ ♪



You think he's even here?

He's probably online shopping for Mexican antiques.

[Laughs] What does that even mean?

Did you even read the stuff I put together?


Yo, yo, yo. Don't look, okay?

Dude that just passed, that's Esteban.

I have to look.

Okay, look.

That's Carlito's right-hand man.

All right?

Now, go over there and talk to him.

Do whatever you got to do. Get in with him, okay?

Do that thing you do with your lips.

You got it.


What do you mean maybe?

Yo, he's gonna have a drink and then bounce.

Go talk to him. All right, all right.

Go talk to him. Go.

[Rap music continues]

♪ ♪

[Music and background noise fades]

[Sound returns to normal]

It's not right.

It's just not right. Let it go.

Can I have another drink?

I can't... I can't do this right now.

We got orders, Chuck.

Okay, then you follow them.

And when it turns to shit, that's on you.

You gonna say that to Mike?

I can't. I can't.

Charlie... Charlie...

I just can't right now.

Yeah, me and the, uh, old wagon have had a love/hate relationship these past few weeks.

So this is... Better.


You said you lost someone?


A house fire...

There were no survivors.

[Sighs deeply]

She and I were very much in love.

Oh, that sounds so good right now.

Which one are you on? My second.

Been dulling the anger I've been feeling.

What did I do besides get us solano?

I wasn't looped in.

And you risked Briggs on a long shot.

Paid off.

Speaking of paying, getting the director to keep up the Caza charade wasn't easy.

You're lucky you got me looking out for you.

Thank you.

Run the solano thing.

If it's real, we work it up, and then we take it down.

Just stay focused, Mike.

We're doing good.

And we can keep on doing that if we play this right.

We will. We make a good team.

Don't you forget that.

Look, I know you're back there and it's like a thing.

I just don't want you getting lost upstream on me, you got it?

I won't get lost.

Get some sleep.

I will. Good night.

[Mellow rock/pop]

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