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01x05 - O-Mouth

Posted: 07/13/13 00:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland... [Phone ringing]

It's Whistler.


He's a meth head who works for me now.

I got a score, Charlie.

20%, that's what the government pays, and it's plenty of money.

$500,000 for 50 pounds.

Seems kind of low.

He's trying to jack up the price to increase his cut.

You guys can piss off.

Hands up!

You set me up.

Don't move. [Yelling]

I can't use you as a C.I. anymore.

What am I supposed to do?

Go to a rehab or a clinic or something.

Can I get my check soon?

You want me to teach them to sh**t?

My recruits, they are quite savage, but they lack the practical skill.

I'm in.

You called to ask me out.

I'll see you at the drop.


Who are you?

You know who I am.

You are setting me up.

This isn't a bluff.

If we spread that rumor, we are writing his death warrant.

Are you working with the FBI?


This is going to end one of two ways.

Don't... [g*nsh*t]

Hey, what's going on with you?

There was an accident.

Are you hurt?

No. I saw it.

Go home.

[Alarm clock beeping]

Johnny, what are you doing? Get off my bed.

You're not waking up, dude. This ain't like you.

I had a rough night last night, okay?

Oh, right, did you? Did you?

What happened, man? What happened?

I don't want to talk about it.

Good, 'cause nobody wants to hear...


About your shitty life.

Paige wants to throw the football around.

I'm not in the mood, okay?

She's got a new bikini, dude.

Trust me, you're in the mood.

It's worth it.

[Upbeat music]

No, Johnny!


Get back here! Whoo!

Oh, you barreled it.

I thought you played in college.

[Shrieking happily]

Get him!

Get him! [Sighs]

[Laughs] Oh, shit.

I got him!


It's worth it.

No, no, no, no.

Oh, she almost hit his face. Whoo!

Hey, time out, time out, time out.

I'll be back in a minute. Right, babe?

You guys want to stop trading make up tips and just throw the damn ball?


Now what? Now what?

I'm taking the ball. I'm taking this.


Get out of here.

Good talk?

Good talk.

Charlie. [Sighs]

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You caught me, Mikey.

Damn. He caught us both.

Secret 10:00 A.M. skag party in Charlie's room, man.


Hey, you could dial up the euphoria a couple of notches, by the way.

I sold that euphoria.

You bought that, right?

Oh, perfect euphoria.

Sorry, but Mikey doesn't know the difference between brownstone and belushi.

No offense, Mike.

Brownstone is hashish.

Belushi is coke mixed with heroin.

Well, excuse me. I stand corrected, buddy.

Impress me. What's that?

Hemoglobin, courtesy of the bureau.


So this is what you guys use when you need to sh**t up in front of people.

Looks real, cooks real, smells real.

Just wish the needles weren't real.

Hate the needles.

You should practice a little more.


You seen this mug lately?

Euphoria is its default setting.

And I'm just saying, a little more "o" mouth would sell the euphoria, babe. Oh.

I'm a junkie, not a sex doll.


Messenger dropped off your transmitter.


We're good to go.

What's this about a sex doll?

Should I be in on this?

Charlie fake shot up, but she didn't use enough "o" mouth.

You gotta do the "o" mouth.



Oh. [Laughter]

What's going on, anyway?

Is it a heroin deal?

Yeah, Paul and I are doing this... uh, actually, that's Eric and Katie.

Using different first names?

Thought we didn't do that. We don't do that.

This is one of the reasons why.

These aliases go back to before we knew better.

Katie's my first cover at Graceland.

And today, she and Eric are going to be partying with a mid-level dude in a distribution ring out of Playa Del Rey.

Setting up a deal with the boss.

You wanna come?

Listen, I'd love to, but I've got my thing with the bureau shrink, so.

Be strong, Mikey.


This is, uh... this is some heavy stuff.

You watched the guy end it right in front of you.

You doing okay?

I thought you were supposed to be my shrink.

I'm serious, Mike.

If you need to talk to somebody, we can arrange something.

What I need to do is understand what I'm doing here.

You're investigating Briggs.

I know who I'm investigating, Juan.

The thing is, every time I think he's making some play, I find out that he's just doing something for the good of the house, or to save one of us.

Because he is... he's a master manipulator.

You know what I think it is?

Briggs is a complicated guy who does things in an unorthodox manner, but he gets results.

I wish you could understand the scope of this.

Listen to me.

I've done everything that you've asked me to do.

I've followed the money, I've earned this guy's trust, and all it's gotten me is a front row seat to somebody blowing his brains out.

There are really good reasons why we're investigating Briggs.

And I think I've earned the right to know.

[Rock music]

Whew, Q, this new stuff you got is intense, baby.

It's like... [Chuckles]

Puts China white to shame.

Yeah. You know why.

Odin Rossi's mark.

You're the only one in so. Cal that's retailing, dude.


How'd you get so lucky?

Maybe it's my good looks and my charm.



I'd like to meet him.

What's in it for me?

A hefty finder's fee.

We'll stay off your turf and give you a chip off the brick.

[On surveillance radio] I'm thinking.

Yo, thanks for hanging with me tonight.

Yeah, well, Mike's got his head doctor, and now you owe me, so...

I owe you?


For this?

This isn't free.


Explain this to me, because Quinn is not a major player, so... no. No, I know, but right now, he's the only contact we have to Odin Rossi, so.

Honestly, who names their kid "Odin"?

Badass parents, that's who.

That's dope. Odin?

Tell me about this finder's fee.

50k. Clean cash.



Come on, guys. I mean, I thought we were friends.

We are friends.

75k. Are we better friends?

[Whispers] Maybe...

Eric, this is cool?

Hey, man, she does what she wants.

I don't handcuff my chicks. Well...

What happened?

Last time I saw the two of you, I mean, you were all over each other.

Well, you know, it's business now.

Wait, did I... did I miss something?

Charlie and Briggs?


Shut up!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's-who is that?

That dude, that's... that's Whistler.

Charlie's C.I.?


He's not in this op, is he?

No, Charlie kicked him off the FBI payroll.

And if he ain't with us...


You're silly.

How you doin'? What did the cat drag in?

'Sup, son? Got my boy Larry.

He's a little crazy. So, um...

When you gonna set up that meet with Odin?

I'll chat him up tonight.

All right.

See what I can do.

Okay. Make it snappy. [Chuckles]

Yo, Whistler.


We were... we just talkin' business.

Who's this?

A friend.

You know that pharmacy you had your eye on?

Larry, he knows all about the security systems.

Christ, if he makes us, what'll he do?

You really do know everybody.

Well, let's talk business.

Don't forget to tip your Whistlers.

They work hard. Here's a buck.

This... This is not a full buck.

They really feel my coke.

Damn... No self-control.

[Quietly] Let's go, let's go, let's go.

[Dubstep music]

I don't care what you say, there's no way Whistler made us.

I'm saying if Whistler made us.

Do you think that he would rat you out to Quinn?

The guy loves you.

I don't know.

I mean, if he's using, he might just let something slip, if he hasn't already. I don't know. I don't know.

All right, look, use your superpowers, feel him out, find out if he saw us.

Or you could just be straight up with him.

You know? I mean, it seems like Quinn's crew respects his connections. We could use that, right?

No, you know what?

I cut Whistler off for a reason.

I'm not feeding his habit. I'm done.

Charlie, look...

I'm done.

I get that. He's your C.I.

All right, I trust your judgment.

Just handle it how you need to, okay?

Briggs and Charlie only hooked up once, right?

Just once.

Or so the legend goes, anyway.

Well, it's about to happen again.

[Chuckles] Uh-uh.

You know Briggs' mantra. "No love in Graceland."

Still, I mean, it's been a while for both of them.

They're not gonna risk years of friendship for a quick hit.

We could have a quick hit.

Oh, God!

You're lucky I value your brains.



All right.

This is gonna happen.

You wanna bet?

Hell yeah.

You wanna?

Mm-hmm. Let's do this.

Seven days.


In seven days, sex happens, you win.

No sex, I win.

Okay, um, loser pays the winner's bar tab for a week.

Thanks for the free drinks, homie.


Yo, ain't that your girl over there?

Yeah, that's Abby.

She's hot, dude.

You get a second date or what?

We did. Same night as, uh... shut up. You still went out with her?

I don't know, I thought I could power through it.

No! No.

Dude, a second date seals the deal.

You can't be this cool-ass guy the first night, and then be all weird and emo on her.

You're not good looking enough, son.

I mean, I could pull it off, but you?

Okay, okay. Whatever.

I think it's done.

I don't think she thinks it's done.

And her friend is kind of hot.

I think we need to make a move over there.

What... what's the cover you gave her?

I told her I was from the east coast, and I live with you idiots.

Yeah, but what about your job?

It never came up.

For real?

You order a pitcher, I'm gonna be charming as hell.

Yeah, you go do that. [Clears throat]

Excuse me, could I have a pitcher of lite, please?

There he is. Hey, Mikey, this is Marsha.

Hello, Marsha.


I know you.

How are you?

I'm better today.

Good. I'm very annoyed with you.

I know, and you have every right to be.

It's just, I had a really bad day.

We all have bad days. I'm not talking about that.

I want to know how we went the entire night talking, and you never once mentioned that you're a pilot.

Oh, hold up. Not just any old pilot.

My boy flies the gulfstream g55o, Cadillac of the sky.

Yep, that's my bird.

I'm so impressed.

Why didn't you say anything?

Because he's a humble, modest jerk, and I hate him.


Well, whatever. What would I do without my wingman, huh?

Well, I wanna hear all about it. Let's go.

What can I say? I love to fly.

Really? That's badass.

It's badass.


Hey, stranger. Whistler.


My sister tell you where I was?

She's worried about you.

I was starting to think she was the only one.

You know why I had to walk away.

Yeah, I get it. I mean, I guess everybody's got their own line in the sand, don't they?

It's been cold the last couple of nights.

That last C.I. check keeping you warm?

You know, the stock market's not what it used to be.

The stock market?

Yeah, for real. I thought solar was gonna be the way to go.


Charlie, I swear, I'm clean.

I kicked the habit.

This looks like it'll keep you warm.

Try it. Charlie, you don't have to... come on, it's on me.


So, uh... Who have you been hanging out with lately?

A good group of guys.

They like having me around.

And meaning something to someone, it's nice, you know?

Nobody you'd know. They're all clean.


[Chuckles] What do you think?

Clooney better watch out.

Charlie, I know... I know what this is about.

You do?

You want to start using me on cases again, but you're afraid that I'm gonna use the money for dr*gs.


You believe I'm clean, right? Because I am.

I'm sorry, I got nothing.

Then why'd you... Come here?

Because I care about you.

Wanted to make sure you're okay.

To hear you say that...

You're a good person, Charlie.


Hey. Everything good?

Yeah, we're clear.

You're sure?

Yeah. He lied about getting high.

He wouldn't even mention Quinn by name.

Have you heard back from him yet?

Oh, yeah. Quinn's game for tomorrow night.

All right, cool. I'll see you back at the house.

Most guys would lead a conversation with the fact that they're a pilot.

Most guys?

I get it.

You're afraid I'm gonna fall for you because you're a pilot.

Hey, B.D.

Oh, hey there. B.D.?

Yeah, "beach dog." That's what we call him.

But I have to admit to you he's a klepto.

The first day I met him he stole one of my sandals.

Aw. Maybe he was just hoping you'd chase after him.

You could use a bath, bud. Think he belongs to anyone?

I don't know, I kinda always see him out here by himself.

I think you deserve a spa and vet day. Huh?

Trim these nails, brush that hair.

Get him his sh*ts.

You want to come home with me for a couple days?

[B.D. Barks, Abby laughs] Yeah!

She said she's giving B.D. a full canine makeover.

Is she gonna adopt him?

No, she's just helping him out.

Well, that's how it starts, dude.

First it's a dog, then it's a freakin' baby.

A baby?


John, I just met this girl.

I think she wants to fix you.

Fix what?

I think she wants to save you.

You guys are really, really adorable with this constant irrelevant advice, but... why do you...

Look, no, no.

I'm not the dog in this analogy. You're not?


Why do you love to be locked down, dude? Don't be tame. Spread the seed.

Mike, we're not saying you can't go home with her.

We're just saying that she can't adopt you because you have already been adopted.

Both: By us. [Both chuckle]

You're ours.

You guys are both wrong.

We will see.

Yo, we eat there!

You wanted answers. Here you go.

Narcotics recovery report? [Chuckles]

The bureau always has an expectation of the amount of dr*gs we might recover from a boss.


Usually that's...

Word of mouth from a C.I.

Sometimes we get more, sometimes we get less.

According to this, with Briggs it's always less.

And always heroin.

A few times it's coincidence.

This many... Something else is going on.

Well, maybe he's re-selling it to fund his rainy day account, or trading it for intel.

You know, most of Bello's money comes from heroin.

I think that's why Briggs didn't want you on the case.

I'm a glorified camp counselor.

I'm teaching gangbangers how to sh**t straight.


I get in on Bello's distribution side, I can put Briggs in a position to recover an insane amount of dr*gs.

Or steal an insane amount.


Now, see what happens when you keep your knees bent?

Yeah. Makes me feel solid as a linebacker.

Yeah. That's really good.

Let's keep working on your stance.


They like you, my men.

They're doing well.

How much more time do they need?

Two, three months.

That long?

If you want them trained properly.

They are disciplined.

They hit the target. They say "sir."

The other gangs they'll be going up against are just a dumb bunch of cattle.

Dumb cattle.

I don't know about that.

You will end their training soon.

Go do your job.

Yes, sir.
Howdy, partner.

Hey, you got a second?


I wanted to pick your brain about something.


I'm not really moving up with Bello.

You're not mov... [Chuckles]

You just got under, Mike, and you're already training his army.

Right, but I'm nowhere near him when he's making his deals.

Yeah. Okay, well, you know, slow and steady.

Aren't you the one who said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"?

Uh, are we talking about Eddie here?

Yeah, there's a really weird energy around there since then.

Yeah. And Bello had the balls to take out his number two.

You know the rest of those guys gotta be pretty nervous.

I feel like he's gotta be worried about his own safety.

You know, one of his own guys pops him, or one of these other crews senses weakness.


You know what you should do?

Think about positioning yourself to become his new bodyguard.

I mean, he already knows you can sh**t better than the rest of his guys.

Okay. Okay.

Any ideas on how I'd approach him with that?

I mean, I could say that I'm no longer on active duty, and I can be his 24 hours a day.

Yeah, that's a start.

See, Mike, the thing is that a position like that requires a very, very high level of intimacy.

I mean, your bodyguard is the guy that you know will come drag your girlfriend out of the house when your mistress pops by.


Do you have that level of intimacy with Bello?

I don't think so.

Do you play cards with the guy?


Check this out, though.

Bello said something today.


He said that the other gangs were like a dumb bunch of cattle.

It sounded pretty specific, so I looked it up.

It's from this old Western, city of bad men.

Ah, our Nigerian has a good old American rawhide fetish, huh?

[In a Western drawl] I'm aimin' to find out.

sh**t straight, partner.

Half a mil, all real.

That's a hell of a sight. Sure is.

Command post's a little far from here, no?

Well, you know, given Quinn's penchant for paranoia, we thought we might not take any chances.

All right, if this goes sideways, what's the plan?

Semiautomatic under each bed, and yours truly will be 30 seconds away, hearing everything. Okay.

What can I expect from the two of you?

Oh, you know, Quinn wants to party.

He likes to use his own stuff... So do we.

So I brought the rigs and hemo. That's cool. That's cool.

I meant more... Sexually.

Look, I ain't gonna lie to you guys.

Me and Paige heard you the other night.

We got a bet going, and I got a lot riding on the two of you not getting down.

Do me a favor.

Stay out of our business, Johnny.

I'm talking a week of free drinks, Charlie.

You're selfish.

So, Johnny, you bet that we wouldn't hook up?

Yeah. I got faith you walk the walk.

Mm. Quinn's got the room number, right?


He should be en route.

Let's walk that walk, JT. Walk that!

Which one of them is the best from the group?

Randall's got the best attitude.

He's a good shot, and he believes in you.

He does?

He does.

All the other guys are...

A little nervous since Eddie died.

But I think you can get them back.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

No, you're speaking the truth.

I need to hear more of that.


Others don't look past the end of their g*ns, but you see the handwriting on the wall.

It's an interesting choice of words.

They just roll off your tongue like that.

No, it's... Something I caught on TV the other night.

Kind of classic. Stuck with me.

City of bad men. Very good title, no?

It's very accurate.

What did you think?

I thought it was good.

I liked the Johnny Ringo character, but I didn't think the story did him justice.

Dismiss the men. Get in.

Randall. [Whistles]

Where are we going?

To find Johnny Ringo.

Hey, grab me something good.

[Cell phone chirps] It's Quinn.

He's running late.

Running late, huh?


They have rum.

If you really want to see a Johnny Ringo film, it has to be the gunfighter.

The Western was a big reason why I came to America.

You fell in love with the landscape?

No. The cowboy.

Every culture has its romantic hero, eh?

Japan has its samurai, Europe has the viking, and America has the cowboy, but he is different.

Why is that?

Because he doesn't fight for a lord or for government or for silver.

He fights for himself.

That's the America of the past.

No, Mike, America's always the same.

This one... Let's see how it plays.

You, boy, come.

Did you just call me "boy"?

Put this on there.

I want to see the television work.

We don't do that.

Oh, come on, man, we just want to see what it looks like before we buy it.

It's not policy.

It's not policy to help the customer?

We don't let thugs tell us what to put up on the screens.

You're gonna show us the video, and you're gonna apologize, got it?

I'm sorry.

Say "the customer's always right."

The customer's always right.

How did we end up all over each other back then?

Before we met, your reputation preceded you.

You weren't a man, you were a myth.

Sometimes I think you still are.


I mean, you know, I was going rhetorical with that question.


Well, whatever.

We were just some young, crazy kids.



That's better. But wait a second.

I mean, was hooking up with a myth really all that bad?

[Over surveillance radio] Kind of.

I mean, you need something real in your life, you know?

Yeah, Charlie. [Chuckles]

Nothing kills the mood like a girl getting serious.

Team one, team two, we got incoming.

Welcome to La Niebla. You guys checking in?

Where's Pete?

Oh, his kid has the stomach flu, so I'm filling in for him.

I don't know you.

You know everybody that parks your car, sir?

Yeah, actually, I do.

If I don't, I leave.

Back in the car.

Sir, I can grab the manager if you need it.

[Engine revs]

You guys have a good night.

Little paranoid son of a bitch.

Chuck figures you got a little extra consideration coming to you around here. Is that right?


How's that mystery going?

You impressed me today.

I didn't like the way he was speaking to you.

I owe you one, Mike.

You mean that?

Let me protect you.

You want to be my bodyguard?

That's it.

This is what you are asking of me?

I thought you were going to ask to borrow my movie.

Sure. I mean, you can throw that in too.

I like you, Mike.

And he don't mean no real harm, Mr. Ringo.

That's you.

The gunfighter?


Does that mean yes?

You see that?

Yes, sir.

He drew first. You see it?


[Chuckles] "Quinn spooked. Meeting pushed.

No idea how long."

All right, so we're in a holding pattern.

What do you wanna do?

Maybe we should, uh, order some room service, a little pay-per-view.

Bill it to the good taxpayers of California.

What do you say? Let's do it.

All right. [Both laugh]

All right, so I told you why I liked you.

Now you have to tell me.

Tell me. That's easy.

You were beautiful.

Beau-ti-ful... Inside, outside.

You're smart, you're funny... Smokin'-ass hot.

[Voices over radio] There is no down side to you, Charlie.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

This is not the conversation you guys should be having.

Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

And the sex was... Mindblowing.

Mindblowing. Yeah.

Okay, look... okay, guys, come on, look, turn the TV on... Order a pizza.

Shut up and turn off your watch.


Hell no! You... guys, you better not be doing what I think you're doing, I swear to...

[surf-rock music]

[Both chuckle]


Katie and Eric.

Eric and Katie.




You know, um... [Clears throat]

It's a shame.

We almost got Paige a week's worth of free drinks.


You know, it's not too late to give her the win.

How so?

[Passionate moaning over radio] Damn it, Briggs!

I thought you had more self-control than that, man.

[Moaning intensifies] sh**t!

[Passionate moans continue]

Think he's still listening?

Mm, let's give it another ten minutes just to be sure.

You're just trying to inflate your reputation.

Then let's make it an hour.

[Movie droning on TV]

You may have to drive me on occasion.

That's no problem.


Don't you understand, Eddie? This is Jimmy Ringo.

All right, so it's Jimmy Ringo.

What if I need you, and you're off doing a mission somewhere?

I'm no longer on active duty.

There's no conflict.

[Telephone rings]

How's that, Mr. Ringo? You'll have to speak up...

I have to take this.

You want me to pause it?


I think you can tell I know how it ends.

But I will quiz you.

How about letting me go out the same way?



You see that?

Yes, sir.

He drew first. [Door opens]

You see it?

Is everyone dead yet?

Not yet. [Chuckles]

Tell me what I missed.

The gunfighter's taking what he wants.

There's this thing, you know? It's called knocking.

I did it.

You're in?

I'm in.


I got a look at his calendar.

All right.

Talk to me, Mike. What'd you see?

One word stood out...


[Chuckles] Oh, damn, Mike.

What, you know what that means?

Yeah, I know what that means.

I've seen it come through on the com intercepts of the Caza Cartel.

"Bigfoot" is the name of their operation for ducking the new predator drones we've got watching the borders.

And how do they do that?

They bring the dr*gs in by submarine.


You didn't see that coming, did you?


Me neither.

Dude, this is huge.

Look at you... Jugglin' all your shit.

I'll let you get back to it.

[Sings indistinctly] Oh...

Haven't slept that good in forever.

Hey, how'd you two sleep? Hmm?

Johnny, could you relax, man?

We got it out of our system. Okay? It's over.

Back to being just friends?

No, uh... Benefits?



How long were you listening?

Bleh. Way too long.

Because, you know, leaving the wire on was kind of an invite...


For you.

Shut up.

No joke.

Next time, don't be so shy, big boy.


Ugh, this just got way weird.

Oh, could get a whole lot weirder.

Well, that's what we want.


Shut up, man!


You can have all this anyway. Shut up, jerk!

Oh, my God.

Okay, so come on, I'm dying.

What the hell happened with Quinn?

It's crazy. Like, who the hell memorizes every parking guy's name? You know?

Yeah, well, looks like we only got one play left to salvage this thing.

Charlie? Whistler.


Here we go.


[Chuckles] Charlie.

Twice in one week.

To what do I owe the honor?

Remember when you asked me if I had any work for you?

I knew it. I am an asset to you.

You and me, we are a crime-fighting team.

So, uh, who's the... who's the target?

Who we going after? Quinn's crew.



He's out in Playa, right?

Yeah. We had a deal with him last night.

He pulled out. I need you to vouch for me, and I need you to set up a new meet.

Can you do that?

What makes you think that he would talk to me?

Because I saw you with him.

That's why you came to see me yesterday?

You told me you came to see me because you cared about me.

Yeah, and you told me you were clean, so we're even.

Hope you at least got a quarter bag for the shirt I bought you. That's not funny.

Do you want the money or not?

You know I do.

Good. Then do the deal.

How'd you make out at the vet?

We have a very healthy dog.

Yeah, except the only thing is, he doesn't smell like a dog anymore.

He's a boy. Trust me, he'll be filthy again in no time.

Hey B.D., listen to me.

You're very special guy.

Yeah, and if you'd ever like a home, a real home, then I would love...

[bog barks]

I think that's our answer. [Both laugh]


Where you been, man?


Huh? She let the dog go.


Wrong. Wrong.

Kid takes this way too seriously.

Straight up.

[Electronic music]

[Dialing numbers]

[Phone ringing]

[Whispering] All right, gotta get it. Gotta get it.

Hello? Charlie.


Shh. Charlie, it's me, Whistler.

I know. Why are you whispering?

'Cause I'm in the bathroom, and we're talking. Think.

He's still there.

Okay, so did you set up the meet? Are we good?

Come on, they love me, char. Of course I set it up.

Have I ever let you down? [Laughs]

Don't answer that.

Okay, has Quinn got Odin there?

No, but he will be.


As soon as you get here, Quinn is going to get Odin.

Good work, Whistler. I'll make sure you get your cut.

Money, money, money, money, money, mon...

[laughs] Are you okay?

Never better. Oh.

[Phone drops] [Groaning]

Whistler? Whistler?



Sit down, relax.


I'm good.

So let's meet this Mr. Odin, huh?

I'm sensing some tension.

No tension, we just want to meet him already, no bullshit.

You got some passion in you, huh?

She show you that passion in the bedroom?

Well, the best always do.

I'm not in the mood, guys.

Where's Whistler?

He disappeared in the bathroom about a half hour ago.

I told him the first ride would be rough.

This ain't no Nixon-grade, truck-stop trash.

He was so eager to talk my ear off about the two of you... Yeah, where is he?

First door on the left.

Hurry back now.

I like her.

Me too.

[Whispering] Whistler.

Whistler, Whistler...

Whistler, no.

No. No!

Is he okay?


He's dead.

Oh, my God. Charlie...

I k*lled him.


No, no, no. I k*lled...

Charlie, you did not k*ll him, okay, but we're calling this thing off.

No, we're not calling it off.

He didn't... Die for nothing. It's okay. Ch... showtime, folks.


Hey, great.

Mm. [Clears throat]

So where's Odin Rossi?

How's he late? I thought he was a God.

He's the God, right?

Yeah. Change of plans on that.

Change? [Chuckles] What change?

You know what I love about the Internet?

You can literally find everything you want to know about everything on there.

[Laughs] [Chuckles]

[Laughs] What... what are you doing, Q?

Come on, man.

Did you know that undercover cops can't do dr*gs?

Crazy, huh?

Damn it. Hey, be ready to move, okay?

So what, now suddenly I'm a cop? Huh, Q?

You've known me for years, man. You see me swinging a Billy club or eating donuts? [Laughs]

No, but Whistler talked you up, way up.


So what?

That's what he does, he talks. You don't know that?

Yeah, but I remember him saying something about getting cash from the feds and how small of a world it is that we all know each other.

Who cares? Put away your little cooking show, all right? You've seen us use. Here.

Haven't seen you use mine.


Wow. No love in the game, huh, Q?

We used to have trust, man, but I see that's dead now, so you know what? We're done here, bro.

Let's go.

Come on, just use the needle.


It's good shit., come on.

It's on me.

Okay, all right, so it's like this, man? Huh, really?

Everybody relax.

You gonna have these guys sh**t me or something?



I want to meet this God.
