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02x20 - Ever After

Posted: 06/24/14 21:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty and the Beast

I'm Special Agent Henry Knox, FBI.

What if I can get Vincent exonerated?

(grunts, sighs)

How dare you?!

First you promise to help Vincent and then you try to get him arrested?

Maybe it's time that we dig up something from Gabe's past and put him on the defensive.

Jack Watson?


Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

About a m*rder you witnessed at the museum.

Turn to your right.

That's him.

Number four.

And Ward put Jack into protective custody until after the arraignment.

And the bad news?

Gabe made bail.

Of course he did.

(birds chirping)


(both grunting)



Oh, my God, Vincent, I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?

Yeah, you might've just bruised my ego.

If you want, you could always turn me in, too.

I hear the reward's $100,000 now.

Wait, a hundred grand?

Mm-hmm. Come on, you could be a hero, get your badge back.

Maybe put a little deposit on that house in the mountains you always wanted.

No. You wanted the place in the mountains, I wanted the country.

Well, right now, I would take either.

Okay. When do we leave?


You would really leave?


Gabe has everyone in this city hunting you down; I'm ducking tails just to see you.

What would we be leaving behind?


I don't know, maybe it's just a fantasy, but...

I can't help but think what it would be like to leave all this craziness behind.

Come on, we're making progress, right?

As soon as the witness testifies against Gabe, he's gonna be behind bars and then he'll be off my back and Agent Knox can push this exoneration through.

Everything will be back to normal.

"Normal"? What's normal?

(laughing): I don't know, whatever you want it to be.

It doesn't have to be this or here.

It'll be our normal.

I like the sound of that.

(phone ringing)

Mm, phone.


(phone continues ringing)

It's Tess.

(phone beeps)


Impeccable timing, as always.

Cat, something's happened, Watson's missing.

Wait, what are you talking about, what happened?

The witness, Jack Watson, he's gone.

Gone how?

He was in protective custody.

What happened to the uniform that was guarding him?

Knocked out-- tranq dart.

Peters and Garcia, you're with me.



Just got back from the safe house, signs of a struggle, but nothing else.

No leads on where Watson is.

What about Gabe?

I'm heading to his place now.

I just got the warrant, but, uh...

I'm gonna need help finding the witness.

If you know what I mean.

I'll track him.

You can't.

What if someone sees you?

We don't have a choice, okay?

We lose the witness, we lose Gabe, we lose... our chance at normal.

Be careful.

Tip line's ringing off the hook.

People think they're seeing Vincent everywhere now.

Let me know.


(phone beeps)

All right, let's go, come on.

Come on, let's go, let's go.

(keyboard clicking)

(knocking on door)

(keyboard clicking)

Tess! I'm glad you're here.


Look, I know that Cat thinks that I had something to do with Heather's kidnapping, but you got to talk to her, because she doesn't have all of the facts...


Don't make this harder than it has to be.

(indistinct radio transmission)

What's going on?

I think you know what's going on.

You're wanted for questioning in the disappearance of Jack Watson.

Cuff him.

(handcuffs clicking)

(keys jingling)

All clear.

(door handle rattling)

I don't have a key.


I do.

So much for being careful.

I'm telling you...

Gabe has completely lost it.

I don't know what it is-- losing you, chasing me-- but the guy has definitely snapped.

Yeah, it all feels vaguely familiar, doesn't it?

You really think Gabe took Watson?

No. Just because he's acting like some crazed beast again doesn't mean he is one, right?

Let's see what really happened.



Besides... he didn't k*ll Watson as a beast.

Gabe k*lled him?

Yeah, he k*lled him, all right.

(sighs): Oh, my God.

I promised Jack that we'd protect him.

And that was before you knew how desperate Gabe had become.

He's bleeding.

I should be able to track him to wherever he took the body.

Hopefully before getting spotted.

Gabe: I am telling you, you've got the wrong guy!

How stupid would I have to be to want to hurt a witness who's about to testify against me?

Yet Mr. Watson's mysteriously missing.

Right, because Vincent Keller is trying to set me up.

Don't you see?

He's the one you should be looking for.

Give me a break!

Sergeant Vargas, please.

Think about it, Captain... we were closing in on Keller, right?

Then, all of a sudden, a m*rder witness magically pops up and identifies me, of all people?

(phone rings)

And then he disappears before you even have a chance to question him?

I mean, come on!

So, what, you're suggesting Vincent Keller is behind all this?

Of course he is, Captain.

What better way to divert attention from the manhunt, then to try and blame me for one of his crimes?

How do we even know Watson's still alive?

Think about it.

For all we know, Gabe could have silenced the witness.

Maybe even k*lled him.

And this is just a desperate attempt to save his ass.

What else is she gonna say, Captain?

She is Detective Chandler's best friend.

Of course she's gonna do everything she can to defend her boyfriend.

That's not an answer.

He's knows damn well that Watson identified him in the lineup.

What more motive does he need?

All right, then, Detective, prove it.

Where's the body?

Ward: All right.

You're still under the conditions of your bail, Lowan, which means you don't leave the city without court authorization.

Do you understand?

I am not going anywhere, Captain.

I am innocent. Trust me.

Vincent Keller is the man you are after, not me.

(door opens, closes)

Which way did Gabe go?

You know what?

I don't know, okay, I've lost the trail.

Okay, well, find it quickly, 'cause there are a lot of people here.

(siren chirps)

(siren wailing)

(indistinct chatter)

(car horns honking)

All right, I got him.


That's him.

That's the fugitive.

That's the guy from the television!

That's him.

Somebody stop him!

It's that Keller guy.


Right there.

It's Keller.


Woman: Move it, move it.


♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x20 ♪

Ever After
Original Air Date on June 23, 2014

Are you sure it was Vincent Keller.

Are you kidding?

The guy's face is plastered all over the news.

I recognized him right away.

Did you try to stop him?

Man: Are you out of your mind?!

No way.

But I called out to the cops, and they-they chased him all the way down Third, but he got away.

(TV clicks off)

First of all, you're just jeopardizing my job by even being here.

Second, how the hell am I supposed to clear your name when I turn on the news...

What was I supposed to do, okay?

Just let Gabe get away with it?

You need him discredited, so he can't block my exoneration, right?

And on top of all of that, he k*lled a man.

That's why we're tracking him.

Wait, I'm confused.

How exactly were you tracking him again?

Were you... actually following him?

Yes. No.


No. Not literally.

We're just... trying to figure out where he was taking the body... that's all.

You know, following leads, asking people in the area if they'd seen Gabe or his car drive by.

That kind of tracking.

Wait, so you were actually talking to people face-to-face?

People who could and did recognize you?

Are you out of your mind?

Agent Knox, he k*lled a man, okay, last year.

And we had an eyewitness who was gonna testify against him, but he k*lled him, too.

You say that, but how do you know that?

How can you prove it?

By finding the body, wherever he put it.

That's all we're trying to do.

And then all hell broke loose and you almost got yourself caught.



I owe you both, you know that.

That's why I'm trying like hell to get you exonerated, but if you don't lay low and keep this from getting out of control...

It's already out of control, Agent Knox.

That's why we're here.

There is nowhere safe anymore.

There's nowhere to hide.

We need your help.

I'm pushing the D.O.J. as hard as I can.

Okay, there has to be something else you can do in the meantime.

Talk to the Feds, to-to pressure the local news to get Vincent's face off the front page.


Witness relocation.

You serious?


Why not? It'll get you out of the city.

Keep you from being seen or worse, caught.

Plus... it'd keep you off the front page for once.

Give me some time to work the powers that be without all this heat.

For how long?

However long it takes.

It could be a while.

Look, you'd have to say good-bye to everything and everybody, too.

For all intents and purposes, you'd simply... vanish.

JT: Did he say where he was thinking of sending you?

I mean, if it's the Bahamas or Hawaii, I say go for it, but if it's Queens...

It's not either...

We actually can't say.

Just in case anyone asks, it's better you guys don't know.

Well, could you at least give us a clue?

Is it city? Country?


"Suburbia"? You mean, like, white picket fences and Labradoodles?

Stop, it sounds great.

I wish I could go.

What? At least there's no garbage lining the street.

But they're city people.

We're all city people.

You can't just leave Manhattan; you'll get bored.

That's crap.

Okay, look, we haven't actually agreed to anything yet.

When do you have to decide by?

Right away.

Another couple decided against relocation, so we'd be taking over their covers.

Knox would want us to move in tonight.


Vincent: And the bright side is that Catherine and I would finally get a chance to... well, live this normal life we've always wanted.

More like the FBI's idea of a normal life.

It'll get us out of the spotlight, right?

And who knows?

Maybe the grass really is greener in suburbia.

Tess: Okay, well, whether it is or not, it's definitely too dangerous for you guys to be here right now.

I don't think you have much of a choice.

What about Gabe?

We can't just walk away and let him get away with m*rder-- again.

JT: We'll figure out what Gabe did with the witness.

We'll just pick up where you left off, right?


Uh... no offense, buddy, but how are you gonna just pick up where...

I left off?


Okay, look, I may not have beast sense, but I've got common sense, all right?

Plus, my girl here's got a badge and a g*n, so... have a little faith, will you?



We won't let you down; we'll get Gabe.

Mostly, because we know if we don't... you can't come back and... that's not gonna work for any of us.

What he said.

(horns blaring)

There you go.

(indistinct conversations)


Now, which way did you say that Vincent, um... the, uh, fugitive, was headed?

I'm not really sure.


Why does it matter?

It matters, because he is more than just a fugitive, he is a m*rder*r.

And the D.A.'s office has reason to believe that he is... tracking his latest victim.

I'm just trying to figure out if you knew where he was going, that's all.

The guy's a real creep, huh?

Yeah. He is.

So, north on Third, you say?

If I was to guess, yeah, I think that's where they were headed.


Yeah, uh... him and a cute little brunette.

Although they split up after I spotted him.


(knocking on door)

(door unlocks)


It's Gabe.

You home?

Woman: Is she in some kind of trouble?

No. No. No. Our office is just trying to get ahold of her.

When was the last time you saw Ms. Chandler?

Saw her? I don't know, a couple days ago in the laundry room, maybe.

No. She was heading up to the roof.

She does that a lot.

Must have plants up there or something.

(both laugh)

You're sure she's not in trouble?

Do me a favor... if you see her, give me a call, will you?

It's important I find her.

Sure thing, Gabe.


But it might not be for a few weeks.

I'm sorry?

I mean, I haven't seen Cat, but she called me and left me a voice mail this morning.

Asked me to pick up her mail until the end of the month.

Maybe longer.

She wasn't sure.

Did she say where she was going?

Beats me.

♪ Here, in the familiar place ♪
♪ We got our heads down ♪
♪ And then pretend it's 'cause the night is dark ♪
♪ I'm running out of space ♪
♪ For us to run around ♪
♪ But I said to him that money's tight... ♪

Are you sure this is the right address?


It's huge.


What do we do now?

Get out.

(dog barking)

That guy just flipped me off.

Catherine, he's waving at you, wave back.


You got to blend in, remember?

We can't risk getting exposed.

Okay, I feel like everyone is staring at us.

They are staring at us 'cause we just moved in.

It doesn't look like anyone has (clears throat) recognized me yet, either, which is good.

Still, I feel like we just parachuted into Pleasantville, don't you?

I don't know if I can trust air that doesn't smell.


You want to go back?

Because we can go back.

I know it is a lot to give up your life for me.

Give me a break.

Vincent, I love you.

I would give up anything to be with you.

Even New York?

Are you kidding?!

To get this big, beautiful house?

It's a dream come true.

It is.

All right, I believe you.

(keys jingling)

I do.

(keys jingling)

(lock clicks)


Mrs. Vaughn.

Thank you, Mr. Vaughn.


This is weird, though, isn't it?

Yeah. It really is.

Oh. Okay.

Let's get used to it.

(whistling a tune)

Good news...

I'm not on the front cover... or on any page, for that matter.

I guess what happens in Manhattan stays...(taps a drumroll) Manhattan!


How'd you sleep?

All right, I guess.

I don't know, it's really quiet out here.


Well... the Feds stocked the fridge at least.

Want me to make you some breakfast?

No, thanks.


What are you doing?

Checking crime reports, reading up on our covers.


Why...? (laughs)

'Cause we need to know our cover's cold, that's why.

No, I mean, why are you checking up on crime reports...?

Catherine, come on, New York, really?


I like to stay on top of things, it's a habit.

No, you like looking for trouble.

You don't do that anymore, remember, Mrs. Vaughn?

You're not a cop, you're a writer.

Yes, I know...

A mystery... novelist.

Okay, I know that, but...

No. No "buts," Catherine, okay?

It's "Veronica," Tim.

Right? See, now...

Mmm... now we're talking.

Here you go, read the paper, relax.


I... (kiss) making breakfast.

Okay... fine...

I guess this is gonna be a little more complicated than I thought.

Yankees lost.



I'm not allowed to root for the Yankees?

We don't live in New York anymore.

You are Mrs. Vaughn, Veronica Vaughn, from San... Fran... cisco.

(whispering): Whatever.

Jeter went out for four.

(inhales deeply)

I give up.


(birds chirping loudly outside)

(paper rustling)

Oh, shut up.

(newspaper rustling)

(horn blaring)


Hey! I'm walking here...!

Tess: Hey.

So, I checked that corner market's security cam, there's no sign of Gabe's car driving past.

But, you know, it could be blocked by a bus or something.

And then I also talked to a couple of store owners... nothing.

So I got nothing.

How about you, any luck?

Nope. (sighs)

Why the face?


I don't know what I was thinking, okay.

I thought I could pick up where Vincent left off.

I wanted to, but...

Wait, you thought you could do it in the way Vincent does it?


Of course not. Obviously.

Then, what were you expecting?

I don't know, all right.

I thought something would occur to me. Anything.

I guess I'm just... so used to relying on Vincent to do this kind of stuff.

But you're not Vincent.

I don't...

Yes. Thank you...

Tess, I know that.

So... maybe it's time to step out of his shadow.

Less Robin, more Batman.

(laughs): Really?

A comic book analogy?

I'm just saying.


Use that professor brain of yours, okay?

You've found people before, you even found Vincent.

Look around you, what do you see?

How would you track Gabe?

(cars zoom by)

Man (over phone): We'll need you there by 7:00.

Woman (over phone): Why don't I just come and meet you?

Woman 2: If you could pick up two bottles of red.

Man 2: Yeah, sweetie, I'll just...

Woman 3: Of course I'll go out.

Wait a minute.


Cell towers... that's it.

You're a genius.

Man: Oh, yeah, l-let me give you a hand with that.


Whoops. (laughs)

I got it.


Oh, thanks.


Just moving in?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Just, uh... just yesterday.

From the city?


N... No, no city.

I mean...


Why-why-why do you ask?

Oh, just 'cause you're packing light, is all.

Oh... uh...

No kids, I guess, huh?

No. No.


Uh, well, not, not yet.

Just, uh, just me and, uh, Ah. well, me and-- me and the wife.

Oh, yeah.

Honey?! Honey?!

(door squeaks, closes)

(laughs) Hey.



Oh, hi there.


Right. Just, uh, set it down right there, that's great.


Frank Harris, welcome to the 'hood.


Thank you.

Uh... I am Veronica and you have obviously already met, um...



You know, me and my wife, April, live right across the street.

Yep, it's been 15 years now.

(laughs): 15 years, wow...

(laughs) that's, that's... something.


Just sent a son off to college.


Ah, New York.


Yeah, bright lights, big city.

That's what he wanted.

But not for me, though, I like it here.

It's friendly...

and safe.

Safe... is good.

April: Frank?

Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

No. That's okay.

We were just saying hello.

This is my wife, April.

(nervously laughs)

Meet Veronica... and Tim.


Hi. Welcome.


Thank you.


Thank you.


I'm sorry, but have... have we met before?

Oh, no.

I... don't think so.



Uh... don't mind April.


We're both just a little jumpy, ever since our jewelry store got robbed a couple of months ago.



I thought you said it was safe?

It is safe.

And you don't have to apologize for me, honey.

I was just asking.


(awkwardly laughs)

We'll let you get settled.

Like I said, we're right across the street if you need anything.

Great. Thank you.

We appreciate it.

Thanks, bye!


See you soon!

Okay. - Yup.


Maybe we shouldn't unpack.

You know, I don't think she recognized you.

Really? Then, what was that?


(siren wailing)

(car horns blaring)

(door opens)


What am I looking at?

A road map.

Uh, more specifically, a cell phone road map.

Gabe's cell phone.

Now, all phones communicate wirelessly with the nearest tower, then get handed off to the next as we travel, right?

When you're making a call.

No, but even when we're not.

If your cell's turned on, it's always communicating with the nearest tower, just like Gabe's was.

Well, why wouldn't he turn it off?

Who turns off their cell phones?


And... lucky for us, neither did Gabe.

Now, since Manhattan has such high mobile traffic, it requires an extensive number of towers.

That's what the push pins represent.

Which means I was able to track which ones Gabe's cell was handing its signal off to while he drove past where Vincent tracked him.

So, north on Third.


Then left on 97th and up to the Heights.

To the dungeon.

The dungeon where we once found human remains in a crematorium.

W-W-Wait, are you suggesting that's what Gabe did with the witness? He burned him?

You know of a better way to dispose of a body?

That's sick.

No wrath like that of a lover scorned.

You did it, JT.

You tracked him.

Your way.

Piece of cake... ish.

Now, let's go find proof on Gabe so Cat and Vincent can come back home.

Man: Well, it's going to be a beautiful sunny day today, and we can expect much more of the same over the next few...

Woman: Post-coitus, the female averages...

Man: Dumps it out, but down the ice.

Phillips picks it up and he starts up with it.

He's pinched up at the side boards, but manages to get the puck out...

(dog barks in the distance)

Catherine? Catherine?



Look, that's a cop.

Not cops. He's not even looking at us.

He was looking at me before.

Okay? And he's driven past, like, three times tonight.

Okay, who's looking for trouble now?

Why don't you just help me with the dishes?

If I'm gonna be Barbie, you could at least be Ken.

Okay, well, if he's not looking for me, then who is he looking for?

Especially at this time of night, right?

Catherine: Don't ask me.

I'm just a mystery writer.

(muffled g*nshots nearby)

(dog barking in distance)

Woman: Are you hearing g*nshots?

Oh, my...

What's going on over here?

Man: I-I think I heard g*nshots, too.

Come on!


sh**ting at 1476 South Maple Street!

What happened?

Stand back!

Request ambulance on scene.

Code 3, victim is coding.

Over. Repeat.

Victim is coding!

(crying): You k*lled him!

You k*lled my husband!

Stay away!

What? You couldn't sleep?


Aw, are they still out there?

Where's April?


Mrs. Harris, the victim's wife.

She's not outside with her husband.

Catherine, he's dead.

Right, but normally you have to pry the grieving widow away from the body.

She wanted to go back inside.


Do you want a refill?



How did you know that she wanted to go back inside?

I, uh, I overheard her talking to the detective.

Uh, not from inside here, you didn't.

No, I was, I was over there.

But only for a minute or two.

Come on!

Are you out of your mind?

Don't worry! I blended in.

According to them, I'm just another nosy neighbor.

What if they figure out you're a cop?

They won't!

Why would they?

There's just something about this sh**ting that doesn't add up.

See? Cop!

Mystery writer.

What am I supposed to do?

Just ignore my instincts?

Yes, that is exactly what you're supposed to do.

Ignore your instincts so you don't blow our cover.

Well, I'm sorry I can't do that.

Veronica has a few questions.


V-Veronica, uh...

Damn it!

The victim fired first?

Yeah, twice.

He must've thought I was gonna rob him or something.

Well, he had a permit to carry.

His wife had reported a suspicious vehicle in the area recently...

Yeah, I know.

She told me.

That's why I was doing extra patrols.

I met the Harrises when their jewelry store got hit.

Mrs. Harris called me a couple of times, said she was afraid it was gonna happen again, so...

Wait, she called you personally?

Sorry, sorry.

So, you were on patrol?

Yeah, and then I saw someone jump over their fence.

I announced myself, but Mr. Harris obviously didn't hear me.

Why would he climb over his own fence?

I'm sorry, who are you?

Nosy neighbor.

Why wouldn't he just go in the front door, ring the doorbell?

Where was his wife?

I don't know.

Okay, so you just happened to be on patrol when Mr. Harris was climbing over his fence?

And why wasn't the motion sensor working?

You know they've got one, right?

Look, ma'am, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to step back.

Yeah, but...

Vincent: Honey!

Hey, we got to go.

We're so late.

No, we don't.

Yes, we do.

Church meeting with the pastor. Come on.

You were saying?

What are you doing?

That sh**ting?

It wasn't an accident, Vincent.

I think she set him up.


Ten bucks says Mrs. Harris called Deputy Lewis to come by on his patrol right at the moment her husband was coming home.

Oh, come on.

And she conveniently took his house keys.

So he would have to climb over that fence.

And she knew that he was armed.

And probably jittery, having just been robbed.

Just stop. Okay? Stop.

You don't know any of this.

No, I know that April didn't like Frank.

That is motive.

From the one comment she made in front of us?


And the fact that she's probably sitting in her living room right now enjoying a cocktail while her husband gets carted off to the morgue.

Right, so you've been away from the city for one whole day, and now all of a sudden you've come up with some elaborate m*rder plot right across the street?




Maybe you're trying to find a way to sabotage this whole thing to expose us.

That is crazy.

Yeah, it is.

Because I am a wanted man.

And even if there is something going on across the street, we can't get involved, okay?

Or I am screwed.

No, we have to get involved.

It's called justice.

If we don't, then, then what are we, Vincent?

We're just two people on the run who only care about ourselves.

And that's never gonna work for me.

And I know damn well that it doesn't work for you, either.

Well, this is creepy.

Yeah, I know.

What-what are we even looking for?

Fresh... bones.

Bones? I thought cremations turned everything to ashes?

Yeah, well, not necessarily.

Uh, certified crematoriums only vaporize the body.

Then what's left is run through a pulverizer.

That's how it becomes ashes.


But since this is hardly certified...


Think it could be Watson?

A simple DNA test will tell.

(g*n clicks)

Gabe: That won't be necessary.

Where's Vincent?

Put the g*n down and will talk about this.


What's there to "talk" about?

We all know why we're here.

Gabe, what's happened to you?

What has happened to me?

You're the ones who are trying to protect a beast!

I'm trying to protect Catherine.

Wait, so you think you're actually in the right here?

I am in the right.

Gabe, you k*lled a man.

So did Vincent. Why aren't you after him?

Vincent only k*lled because he had to, not to cover his ass.

But he will k*ll again.

Beasts only get worse.

Just like Reynolds said.

It's why he has to be stopped.

By who? You?

Who else? I'm the only one who can do it.

And I have to.

For Catherine.

Are you kidding?

She's the one who sent us after you!



Gabe, don't do this.

Okay, we know that you k*lled Ray Sheckman and we can prove that you k*lled the witness, too.

Not if I don't let you out of here.

So, what, you're going to sh**t us, Gabe?


You can justify that, can't you, in your warped zeal to protect Cat?


JT: Do you really think this will win her back?

Are you that far gone?

I will expose us all.

Excuse me?

The only way to prove I did anything is to open up this dungeon to the cops, to everybody.

Which means it's only a matter of time before forensics discovers all the buried bodies, your fingerprints, Vincent's, cross-species DNA and beasts.

You're bluffing.

Am I?

Then pull the trigger!

See what happens.

Either way, I am taking Vincent down.


Deputy Lewis?


Remember me?

Nosy neighbor?

Sure, I remember.

Listen, I gotta get back out on patrol, so...

Yeah. I'll just walk with you.

A lot of debriefing, right?

Especially with an officer involved?

Yeah, a ton of paperwork, too, and interviews.

Are they gonna interview Mrs. Harris?

Mrs. Harris?

I don't know.


Is there somewhere we can talk in private?

There's something you need to know about the sh**ting.


Ha, what about my justice?

Like I don't even count anymore.

It's not my fault everybody's after me.

It's not like I did anything wrong.

You know, I didn't even want to leave the city.

She is the one that wanted normal.

Ah, she can't even handle normal.

Damn it, Catherine.

(doorbell rings)

Oh, yeah, that'll be so fun.



I gotta call you back.

Sorry to bother you.

This is completely out of curiosity, but did you have your husband k*lled?


Sorry. Yes or no?


(heartbeat speeding up)


I hate it when she's right.

Catherine: If I'm right, it means you were set up, which makes this a m*rder.


For Mrs. Harris, not you.

She just used you to pull the trigger.

You seem to know a lot about this stuff.

You a cop?

No, no.

No, I'm just a... a mystery writer.

I don't know. It's pretty hard to believe.

I mean, isn't there an easier way to k*ll your husband?

And get away with it?

Not really.

She called you, right?

She asked you to come over?


Right when her husband was coming home from work.

She made sure that he didn't have a key, it was dark, he had a g*n...

She even had the TV turned up really loud so he didn't hear you call out.

Why would she even want him k*lled, though?

They were married forever.

Maybe suburbia isn't as perfect as it looks.

I mean, who knows?

Life insurance, abuse, infidelity...

She obviously wasn't getting along with him very well.

How do you know?

You only met her yesterday.

How do you know when I met her?

I... I don't know.

I guess Mrs. Harris must've told me or something.

Why would she tell you that?

And when did she tell you that?

You're not wearing your vest.

No, I don't wear one on patrol.

But you were wearing one last night, almost as if you knew you might get shot at.

(both grunt)

(tires squealing)





(grunts, groans)

What are you doing here?

Saving you.

Wait, how did you find me?

I, uh...

I... I tracked you.

But what made you decide to do that?

Mrs. Harris.

She confessed.

She did?



I finally figured out that you were right.

Probably going to the cops with it, which you did....

When'd you realize she was sleeping with him?

Right before he tried to k*ll me.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

But I'm gonna have to testify, which means I'm pretty sure I blew our cover.


Are you mad?


No, I'm not.

But Knox will be.

You know, he made it pretty clear if things didn't work out here, he might not be able to clear my name.

We did the right thing, Vincent.

We couldn't walk away and just let somebody get away with m*rder. It's not who we are.

I know.


Come here...


Can we go home now?

(both chuckle)

♪ Words frozen over when I spoke them out loud ♪
♪ Just trying to reach out, but they fell to the ground ♪
♪ Time kept me c*ptive and winter's so long ♪
♪ My sentence grew cold till you made it thaw... ♪

Tess: JT?

Over here.

What, you don't answer your phone anymore?

Not when I'm sulking, no.

Okay. You know, Vincent's been trying to call you.

Vincent what? I-Is he all right?

Yeah, sort of.

They're actually back in town.

Apparently, it didn't work out, wherever they went.

Why? What happened?

Well, it's a long story, but I gather the short of it is you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl.

Plus, they were getting shot at, so...

They can't go anywhere, those two.

So what are they gonna do?

Stay and fight, I guess.

I just hope Agent Knox comes through with that exoneration before Gabe outs Vincent.

Speaking of, did you tell 'em I screwed up?

How'd you screw up?


Not making it safe for Vincent to come back. Hello?

But that's not what you said you'd do.

You said you'd pick up where Vincent left off, and you did that.

You found out where Gabe took the body, right?

You did good.

I did, didn't I?


It's not your fault that he threatened beast exposure.


Besides, you stood up to Gabe, even when he had a g*n pointed at you.

It's very Batman.

(chuckles) Yeah?


(gruffly): Yeah.


Now give me a gummy.


No, I like red, actually.

Oh, my God.


There you go. Red and green.

Thank you.

♪ That one thing ♪
♪ Could be everything...

(car horns honking)

Awfully noisy.

Yep. Music to my ears.


So much for it being greener in suburbia, huh?

Well, if we never would've tried, we never would've known, right?

Come on. It wasn't that bad.

And who knows, maybe one day we can try it again.


Maybe. But not by running and hiding.

I don't think that's ever really the answer.

Look, I love this city, but it's... it's such a tangled mess right now.

I-I don't see a way that I can stay.

But on the bright side, I mean, one thing I have learned is that wherever we end up, you... got to keep kicking ass.

That's not even true.

Oh, yes, it is.


It's okay.

It's who I fell in love with.

It's who you are.

You never walk away from a fight or what you believe in.

That's your normal.

♪ Can't see it if your eyes are closed ♪
♪ That one thing ♪
♪ Could be ♪
♪ Everything Come on, kiddo.

♪ You gave me ♪


♪ Everything ♪
♪ And that's the one thing ♪
♪ I need.