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02x14 - Redemption

Posted: 02/18/14 08:27
by bunniefuu
Vincent: Previously on

Beauty & the Beast...

You okay, buddy? Who's he?

Uh, I don't know.

A prisoner.


Honestly, it helps more to know that we stopped these heists and we got Barnes.

Apparently the ID on that kidnapper is Frank Darnell.

Tess: This guy was just a front man for whoever Tony Barnes really is.

Where's the guy in the cell?


Oh, my God, Sam.

Catherine: We found bone chips.

Darnell has been burning bodies underneath Sam's cell.

And when I asked him about it, he denied knowing anything.

Let him think that his plan is working.

Con the con man.

This con is to make us think you're the bad guy.

Gabe: I think we need to let this thing go off.

If I die, then the bad guy is gone.

Case closed. He'll think that you guys will stop investigating and he won't have to k*ll you.

(beep, trilling)

Catherine, what are you doing here?

I wasn't going to leave you.


(Catherine grunts)

("The New Black" by Moon Taxi begins)

♪ I've seen it all ♪
♪ All before ♪
♪ It's the new black ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ What you want ♪

(knocking at door)


♪ Me to do ♪
♪ Now you got...

What are you doing here?

Is everything okay?

Did Sam do something?

No, this isn't about Sam.


Where's Gabe?

I came alone.

I wanted to talk.

Okay. About?

About us.

I didn't think there was an us anymore.

Do you want there to be?

♪ It's the new black ♪

(echoing): ♪ And what is that? ♪


Tess: Vincent?

You called him Vincent?


And Gabe reacted how, exactly?

He just smiled.

Smiled as in he just let it go, or smiled as in he wanted to k*ll you right then and there?

I think it was the former, but it could've been the latter.


Wait, it didn't happen during...

No! No.

It happened at dinner, thank God.

After a few too many margaritas, obviously.

Gabe is very understanding.


I, on the other hand, would've gotten on the next plane and flown straight home.

But I'm not the forgiving type.

Probably why I'm still single.

Tess, it was an innocent mistake.


And it's not like it was supposed to be a romantic getaway anyway.

What? It wasn't.

We had to make Sam think that Gabe was really dead, we took off, that's all.

To Cancun.

You stayed in a luxury resort, you got massages, you made love...



It was a little romantic, all right?

And clearly I still have issues with Vincent.


It's just hard to let it go after everything we've been through.

All the more reason why I need to stay away from him for a while.



I need some space, see if there's actually a future with Gabe.

Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Yeah, well, that's easier said than done with all of us trying to bust Sam.

And, of course, with Gabe dead...

Priest: Gabriel Lowan was a man of peace, a man who stood up to evil and faced it head-on.

A man of strength, a man of courage.

Unafraid and unwilling...

Good thing he doesn't know about the beast part.



We are at a funeral.

Gabe's not really dead, remember?

Yeah, well, Sam needs to think that he is.

Priest: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, for thou art with me.

Act a little sad, will you?

The only thing I'm sad about is that I froze my butt off to get here.

Clearly, I'm not the only one.

Yeah, I think Gabe expected a better turnout.

Let's not tell him.



Excuse me.

Priest: ...thou hast anointed my head with oil...


(clears throat)

Priest: Surely, thy loving-kindness shall follow me all the days...

How's it going?

Act sad, you're at a funeral.

But he's not really dead.

Be strong...

You know, I'm sorry I'm late, but I, uh, I overslept.

Rough night?

Yeah, yeah, you could say that.


You know, you were right, Sam is here.

Yeah, well, we knew he thought Dana was dead.

But I figured he'd want to make sure that Gabe was dead, before he continued with whatever his plan is.

And hopefully we can track down this Tony Barnes...

Yeah, we can all move on with our lives.

So, how was Mexico?


(blowing nose)

(solemn music playing)


Sam: Detective Chandler.

I just wanted to offer my condolences.

Despite what he did, I am truly sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

How are you holding up, Mr. Landon?

Sam: I don't know.

Can't believe Dana's really... gone.


I just got her back, too.

Catherine: Well, I'm sure she's in a better place.

Any luck finding the man responsible for this?

Tony Barnes?

Tess: No, sorry.

No leads at all.

The guy really knows how to cover his tracks.


I guess we'll just have to somehow find a way to move on.

Good luck.

You, too.

Don't lose him.

Not a chance.

JT: I can't believe you're just walking away.

Oh, come on.

I'm not about to tell her how I feel at her boyfriend's funeral.

He's not really dead.

Whoa, okay, that's beside the point, okay?

You know it's not just about wanting her.

It's... it's more than that, you know?

Even if she wasn't with Gabe, I'd still have to find a way to prove to her that I would never choose... beast again.

But you are a beast, at least partly.

You can't change that.

No, but I can at least somehow show her that I can control it better.


How are you going to do that?

Go beast cold turkey?

That's a really good idea.

(knocking at door)




So... how was my funeral?


You would've loved it.


Lots of people?

You know... we only threw it together pretty last minute, it was really cold outside, so...

So not a lot of people.

No, there were people.


How many?

Okay, Gabe, first of all, you didn't actually die, so there's that.

And secondly, we didn't give people much notice, so they just... they sent flowers.

They sent a lot of flowers.

I sent the flowers.


Well, they were beautiful.

You are a lousy liar.

But thanks for caring enough to try.

Did Sam show up, at least?


And I think he bought it, too.

Tess is trailing him as we speak.

Good. 'Cause I am going stir-crazy in here.

The sooner we find something concrete to nail Sam with, the sooner I can be reborn... again.

Any luck finding Tony Barnes?

No, but get this...

We don't know much about him, except that he amassed a huge fortune in Manhattan real estate.

But he liquidated his estate right after Sam went missing.


So, he's like a modern day Howard Hughes.

Nobody's seen Barnes since.

Yet he's still buying things... expensive things.

Hey, Tess, where are you?

St. Benjamin's Hospital.

Sam's visiting a patient here.


Someone in intensive care, the quarantine ward.

Sam's leaving.

I gotta go.

Okay. You stay with him, I'll figure out who's was visiting him, and why.


What does that mean?

I don't know, but I'm going to go to the hospital and find out.

Well, y-you can't go alone.

Why? Sam's already left.

He'll never see me.

Yeah, but you don't know who you're gonna find there.

For all we know, it could be Barnes.

Okay, but I can handle myself.

Sam tried to blow us all up.

He will do anything to save his ass, including k*lling you.

At least take Vincent.


Yes, Vincent.

He will protect you if anything goes wrong.

Plus, he knows that hospital inside-out.

Didn't he do his residency there?

Look, he is in our lives, and he is not going anywhere.

So unless you tell me I have something to worry about, I won't.

I gotta admit, I was a little surprised that you called.

It was Gabe's idea.



All he cares about is nailing Sam... which is all I care about, too.

Copy that.

Look, don't go through Admitting, okay?

Too much red tape.

Just flash your badge at an E.R. nurse, and they'll let you through.

They're used to cops.

Must feel like old times here.

Actually, it feels like a whole lifetime ago.

This one's stable, but we got more inbound.

Hey, guys, let's go.


What's the matter?


Hey, buddy, you okay?

My stomach hurts.

Okay, show me where.

Around here.

Okay, just take a deep breath in.



Okay, okay.

You're gonna be fine, hang in there, okay?

What are you doing?

He's not stable at all.

Hey, orderly, come here.

Get this kid to the O.R., stat, okay?


Thanks, Doc.

Yeah, quickly.


It's nice seeing the old you.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x14 ♪

Original Air Date on February 17, 2014

(woman speaks indistinctly over P.A.)

Hey, how's that kid doing?

The one with the internal bleeding?

Oh, right, sorry.

Yeah, he had a burst spleen, caught it just in time.

Good call, Doc.

Bad news, I couldn't get into quarantine.

You okay?

Yeah, actually, I am. Uh...

Sorry, what were you saying?

Okay, so I got the nurse to give me the patient's name, Jacob Sutter, but not much else.

She said CDC's taking over the case, that they're putting him in lockdown.

CDC is?

Well, what disease?

They don't know.

Designer drug, maybe, but none of the symptoms match anything they've ever seen before.

High fever, memory loss, psychotic rage.

Okay, wait, wait, wait, slow down.

What does this got to do with Sam?

I don't know, but I'll bet it has something to do with the fact that he's the second patient named Jacob Sutter to have been afflicted.

Two days ago, a man-- same name, same age-- was admitted to Hudson University Hospital, similar symptoms, but he died.

He died?

So, what, you think Sam is injecting them with the serum that JT made?

Well, if he is, why people with the same name?

And why isn't it working? Why haven't they turn into beasts?

Man: Vincent Keller.

I can't tell you how happy I was when I found out you were still alive.

It's good to see you, Doctor.

You, too.

Doctor, this is Catherine, Catherine, Dr. Markus.

He was the attending here when I was a resident.

Oh, it's nice to meet you.

You, too.

So, what brings you here?

You looking to get back into it, I hope?

Your boyfriend was one of the most gifted doctors I had the great pleasure of mentoring.

Oh, uh, no, no, we're not, we're not together.

We're just friends.

Oh, well, I'm sorry I assumed.

(pager beeps)

And I am late for rounds.

So, you, don't be a stranger.

Let's catch up.



(scoffs) Wow. You know, this actually used to be my life.

Why didn't you ask him to get us into quarantine?

On what grounds?

He's not gonna risk getting in trouble with the CDC just to try and sneak us in.

Okay, well, you have to find out another way 'cause we have to figure out how Sam's connected to all this before the other Jacob Sutter dies.

Gabe: I knew Jacob Sutter's name sounded familiar.

You knew him from the orphanage?

Yeah, although I don't know if he was one of the kids Muirfield experimented on before your mom got us all out of there.

So, you think that Sam is going around trying to find that Jacob Sutter, specifically?

Maybe. It makes sense.

After all, he knew about the orphanage.

That's how he tried to frame me.

Though, he obviously doesn't know which Jacob he's looking for.

Okay, so he's going around injecting every Jacob Sutter he can find until he finds the right one?

One that he can turn into a beast.

A beast?

Why else would he have forced JT to make the serum?

And if Sam's injected two other people already, what else could he want?

But why does he need to have somebody from the orphanage specifically?

Why can't he just inject anybody?

I don't know.

Obviously, Muirfield had their selection process.

We were all handpicked, but I don't know why.

I know somebody who might.

(line beeps)

Excuse me, Jacob Sutter?


Sam Landon, Local 127.

The union sent me down.

I guess there's been a couple grievances.

Got a minute?


Woman: Doctor.

How's he doing in there?


You one of Jacob's doctors?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

Can you help him?

Ma'am, we are doing everything we can, believe me.

Do you have any idea how this may have happened to him?

No, I don't.

He just... went to meet somebody, then they found him on the streets later all crazy like.

He's confused, raged.

He doesn't even know who I am or who the kids are!

Look, I know this is very frightening, but he is in very good hands, okay? The best.

You know, why don't you go for a walk?

Get some fresh air.

Let us take care of him here so you can be ready to take care of him when he gets back home, okay?

Bless you, Doctor...?


Dr. Keller.

Reynolds: What do you mean someone's trying to make a beast?!

Do you mind keeping your voice down?

I'd rather not get locked up, too.

I'm sorry.

The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you.

You know that.

Okay, I'm not here for us, Dad.

I'm here because you know everything that Muirfield did.


I'm in here...

I took the b*llet so you could be free of beasts.

I'm not interested...

No, you are in there because you deserve to be!

Because you helped create Muirfield.

And then you took the law into your own hands and you hurt innocent people.

Including you.

Okay. Do you or do you not know how they selected people to be experimented on?

That was your mom's job, she was the scientist.

Apparently, there's a certain gene that a small percentage of the population had... have.

It makes them predisposed to becoming beasts.

That's how they chose the kids for the orphanage.

They all had that gene.

Yeah. Except, not all of them got the serum.

Because as soon as your mom found out what Muirfield was really up to, she helped the rest of those kids escape.

Right, like Gabe.

Except he was already injected.

Which is why he became... one.

And now Sam's trying to create another one.

Okay, so what happens if somebody gets injected but they don't have the gene?

It overwhelms the nervous system.

They'll die.

Is that what's happening out there?

Not for long if I can help it.

Hold on. Wait.

Listen, Catherine, you've got to stop this, finish this once and for all, or you're never gonna have a life, this Vincent, everything.

What are you talking about?

Because if you don't, it will consume you the way it consumed me and your great aunt...

That is crazy.

No, it's not! I tried to save you from it, to spare you, but I can't now.

You gotta do it on your own.

You gotta k*ll the beasts before they k*ll you.

Especially Vincent.

Okay, guard!

Wait! Listen, don't let him fool you.

He is not gonna get better.

They only get worse, and only you can stop him!

Sam went up with some construction worker, but no one came out.

Where'd he go?

I don't know, but I thought I'd stay here and call you.

You think he found another Jacob Sutter?

God, I hope not.

Tess: You okay?

You mean other than the fact that my father says I have to k*ll Vincent?


Never mind. It's stupid.

Sir, are you okay?





Sorry, I'm almost done.

You know, you're lucky it wasn't worse.

I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't just sh**t him.

Ah. I'm just upset because I'm stuck in here hiding while you're out there fighting beasts.

We didn't know that was Sam's plan when we came up with the idea to make him think you're dead.

Yeah, but I should have figured it out.

I mean, getting JT to make the serum, experimenting on Muirfield orphans to figure out how to turn one into a beast?

Well, he finally found one.

The question is, what does Sam want a beast for? I mean, after all, he's gone to a lot of trouble to make one.

It took him years.

We might find the answer to that if we can find the elusive Mr. Barnes.

I've been trying to follow his money trail, which is extensive.

I mean, this guy bought lab equipment, cars, stayed at luxury hotels, but no actual sign of Barnes.

I've never seen anything like it, especially in this day and age.

He's obviously doing everything he can to conceal his identity.

Which brings us back to Sam.

We have to find him, stop him from doing whatever it is he's about to do.

I thought Tess was looking for Sam?

She is, but it'll be faster to track his new beast to him.

You mean, have Vincent track his beast.

I'm coming with you.

Gabe, you can't.

The hell I can't.

I'm not risking you getting hurt again.

No, you have the gene, you're predisposed, which means this isn't just about Sam figuring out you're still alive.

It's about him turning you back into a beast.

You really want to risk that?

You know, it's one thing to be an actual doctor and take patient's blood, it's another thing to pretend to be one and steal it.

I believe, in New York, that's called a felony.

Yeah, and so is m*rder, okay?

So keep looking for an antidote.

We gotta figure out a way to save this guy's life.

And considering how fast the other Jacob died, I don't think I got much time left.

"I"? I mean, you're taking this awfully personally.

I mean, it's not like it's your fault.

Yeah, well, it's not about that, okay? It's just...

I don't know, you know?

Remembering what I used to do, being an actual doctor and remembering what that felt like, you know?

Maybe your human side's coming back faster than you thought.

Anyway, this Jacob's definitely been injected with the serum I made. I recognize the markers.

Okay, so why is it not turning him into a beast? Why-Why is it k*lling him instead?

I don't know, but an antidote might work precisely because he's not a beast.

Although I have no idea why he's not.

It's because he's not predisposed.

Unlike you obviously were, and Gabe.

That's what Sam's been searching for, others who are predisposed.

He finally found the Jacob Sutter he wanted.

Wait-- you mean, he's made a beast?

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

What, did he attack you?

Let me take a look.

No, it's okay. I'm okay.

The point is he got away, and you are the only person who can track him to Sam.

Is that a problem?

No. No, not at all.

We're trying to figure out how to save this other Jacob Sutter.

You know, the one who's actually in a hospital.

Leave that to the real doctors.
Vincent, Sam has a beast.

And whatever he wants him for, it's bad.

And it will undoubtedly cost people lives, and you're the only one who can stop him.

Okay, okay, yeah, I'll do it, okay.

So much for beast cold turkey.

Just find the antidote, okay?

It's hard to be Doctor Jekyll when everybody keeps wanting Mr. Hyde.

Man: Hello! Can anyone hear me?!

Oh, thank God.

Hey, can you get me out of here, please?

You don't remember, do you?


A little something extra I put in the serum.

Now, unfortunately, you att*cked a woman whose boyfriend undoubtedly will come looking for revenge.

Unfortunate, because it delays what I really need you for.

However, bright side?

We'll see if you can handle him.

I don't know who you are or what you did to me, but you can't make me do anything I don't want to do.

Trust me, you won't have a choice. When Vincent att*cks, your animal... beastly instincts will take over and you'll fight back.

And, considering how potent the serum is, hopefully, you'll kick his ass.

Come on!




(distant growl)


Jacob, listen to me, man.

I'm not here to hurt you, okay?

I'm here to help.

(low snarling)

Jacob, wait.

Don't let this thing take over you, man, okay?

I know what you're going through, trust me.

But I promise you, you can fight this.







(Jacob growling, Vincent gasping)

(growling and gasping continue)


Did you finish him off?

(low growl)

Let's go.

(phone rings)

Detective Vargas.

Hey, it's me.

Any leads on Sam?

No, nothing.

The guy's super slippery.

Any word from Vincent?

No, not yet.

You worried?

Just let me know when you find Sam.

(line beeps)

How's that antidote coming along?

Where you been?

I was getting worried.

Did you find Sam's Jacob?

Yeah, yeah, I found him.

So, what happened?

Did you stop him?

Where is he?

Uh, he-he got away.

He got away? How?

How? I don't know how, man.

He was a hell of a lot stronger than I thought he'd be.

Whatever you put in that damn serum.

Tori's blood. Still, you should've easily been able to stop him, so what really happened?

I hesitated.

I tried talking to him, helping him out, and he caught me off guard.

Bad time to try and get in touch with your human side. Hey, look, forget it, shake it off.

Even Rocky lost to Clubber Lang the first time they fought.

Next time you'll be ready and you'll take him down, bam!

I don't think so.

Why not?

Why not?

Because I can't keep juggling this line between beast and man.

It's just, it's too confusing.

Come on. I gotta choose one or the other.

Especially if I ever hope to get Catherine back.

But you can't just quit.

Yeah, I can.

Who says I can't, man?

I want my life back, my old life back.

But Sam's got a beast, and you're only one who can stop him.

By how, by k*lling the guy?

Come on.

Jacob isn't just beast, okay, he's human, too, you know?

That sounds more like Cat talking than you.

Well, that is a good thing.

Because it means I'm on the right track, right?

The more human I feel, the more human I am.

The less beast, the better.

So is this it?

Um, yeah, but I have no idea if it'll actually work.

It doesn't matter.

I'd rather try saving one Jacob than k*lling another.

Thanks, buddy.

Gabe: You know, it's all right to worry about him.

Worry about who?

Okay, yeah, I'm worried.

Don't you think we should've heard from Vincent by now?

I think if we really want to make this work, we have to be honest with each other.

About everything, including Vincent.

Cat, I don't expect you to suddenly stop caring about him.

You have history together, we all do.

But you can't just keep avoiding it.

I know. You're right. I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

'Cause ever since you came back from visiting your father, you have been a little quiet.

Did he say something to bother you?

Doesn't he always?

(phone rings)

It's JT.

Where's Vincent?

What the hell are you doing in here?

What is that?


Vincent, what are you doing?

Dr. Markus, let me explain.

Mrs. Sutter said a Dr. Keller told her to go home.

I'm just trying to help, Dr. Markus.

What is this?

Please, Dr. Markus, there's no time left.

You're not even wearing a mask!

I don't need a mask.

Just let me explain.

I'm calling security.

Do, and he will die.

There is no time left, okay?

Please put down the phone.

Please, Dr. Markus, I cannot tell you why I know what I do, but you know me, Dr. Markus, okay?

You know that when I was working for you, all I ever cared about was doing absolutely everything I could to help the patient, to save lives.

Come on.

His labored breathing, his pulse is thready, he's dying and he's dying fast.

And this hospital can do nothing more for him.

You know that.

This is his only chance, Doctor.


This better work, or it's both our asses.

Thank you.

What do you mean, Vincent quit?

How else are we gonna stop Sam?

I don't know, but apparently he's more concerned about the innocent Jacob than the beast one.

Okay, how is that possible?

What's he thinking?

Honestly, I think he's thinking about you.


Look, I'm probably breaking the bro code here, but since we're talking about life and death, Vincent's trying to go straight.

Beast straight.


To win you over, to get you back.

By proving he's more man than beast.

JT, that is crazy.

Is it?

Isn't that why you two broke up in the first place, because it was the reverse?

Yes, but I'm with Gabe now.

But only because Vincent went beast. Look, I don't want to get in the middle of this, but all I'm saying is with Vincent trying to show you he's made a mistake, who knows?

Maybe destiny will prevail.

Yeah, if I don't k*ll him first.

Never mind.

(phone rings)


Hey, I think I might've found something. both. Cat, I think they might be the same person.

Think about it.

Both Barnes and Sam went missing on the same day six years ago, right?

And up until Dana found Sam, she thought that Barnes had k*lled him.

But now that Sam's still alive, Barnes is nowhere to be found.

You think that Sam k*lled Barnes instead and took his identity?


It's the only thing that makes sense.

Plus, I found a loft that Barnes used years ago on the West Side.

And there's never been a title change, but somebody's still making the payments, and in his name.

Okay, so the whole reason we were following Sam is in the hopes that he would lead us to Barnes, but if they're one in the same person...

Then we need to grab him, stop him.

We may even know where to look for him.

Okay, the only problem is that Vincent's gone MIA.

What do you mean?

Long story, but the short of it is we're on our own, and we have no way to stop Sam's beast.

Well, maybe I can.

Gabe, we've already talked about this.

I'm not talking about fighting Jacob, I'm talking about appealing to him.

Look, we're both from the same orphanage, right?

That means we know each other, okay?

I know what he's been through, what he's going through.

He's not gonna hurt me.

But Sam will if he catches you.

You are just as predisposed as...

He won't catch me.

I'll be careful.

Look, Catherine, I am done sitting on the sidelines.

This is too important.

Gabe, wait.

If I can save Jacob, then we can finally nail Sam.

(line beeps)

What's going on?

What's going on is that everything's falling apart.

Time for a Hail Mary.

(running footsteps)

(phone rings)


Who is this?

Not your dead wife if that's what you're wondering.

And by the way, she's not really dead.

Detective Chandler.

I'm done playing games, Sam.

We're onto you.

We know you k*lled Tony Barnes just like you thought you k*lled your wife.

I don't understand.

Dana's alive?

You're not the only one who knows how to play dead.

I don't believe you.

How else do you think I got her phone?

Do yourself a favor, Sam, turn yourself in before it's too late.

It's already too late.

For 6 years, I've been trying to get revenge for my son.

I'm not going to stop now.

So that's what this is about, your son?

Isn't that enough?

It won't bring him back.

At least the people who did this to him will finally pay.

Well, you'll never get away with it.

Sam: Lowan?

What was that? What happened?

Looks like my wife's not the only one still alive.




(phone clicks off)

(indistinct P.A. announcement)

He's going to make it.

Okay, talk to me.

I think Mr. Sutter is going to make it, Vincent.

I don't know how, or why, but... he's definitely improving.

Thank God.

CDC's going to want to open an investigation.

They will need to know how he survived and what this hospital did, exactly.

And what are you going to say?

Well... wouldn't be the first unexplained medical miracle we've ever seen, right?



Thank you.

Look, Dr. Markus, I'm sorry I got you involved.

Involved in what?

You saved a man's life, Vincent.

That's all that matters... especially to you, I'm gathering.

I don't know if you're trying to make amends for something... but that's the way to do it.


What are you doing here?

Sam has Gabe.


He went after Beast-Jacob, hoping to...

Look, the point is with Gabe being predisposed...

Sam can turn Gabe back into a beast.


Listen, JT told me about what you're trying to do.

How you're trying to redeem yourself for me.

That guy's got a big mouth.

And I appreciate that, I really do, and I know that it isn't fair for me to ask you to do this, but if you don't help Gabe...

Where is he? Come on.

You gotta believe me, I never wanted it to come to this.

I'm not a madman, I just want...

Gabe: Justice?

I can get you justice, for your son, for everything that's happened.

No, you can't.

No one can.

The people who took my son's life... they're too powerful.

This is the only way.

Gabe: Who?

Who are you talking about?

Let me help you.

You're going to.

By keeping your friends away from me while Jacob helps me finish what I started.

The good news, for what it's worth... you won't remember what you're about to become, what you're about to do.

Please, don't do this to me.


I'm begging you, okay?

I don't want to...

I don't want to become a beast again, I don't want to go back there.

I know.


No, please.

I'm sorry.

Forgive me.





Inject him!

Get Sam! Hurry!

Gabe: Catherine!






Are you okay?


Still no sign of Sam, huh?

No, he got away again.

Can you sense him?


He's a hard man to track, you know?

Don't worry, we'll find him.

Yeah, before or after he completes his revenge mission?

Well, at least he doesn't have a beast to help him out any more.

Come on, you had no choice, okay?

You had to sh**t him to save Gabe.


That's not what's bothering me.

I didn't even hesitate, I just pulled the trigger.

Well, it's not like you haven't shot a beast before, all right?

Yeah, but it's the first time that it didn't even cross my mind that I was sh**ting a person, too.


For the first time, yesterday, I hesitated, too.

I got my ass kicked, but I... I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob, the person.

I don't know, I guess it's a fine balance to work out, huh?

At least you're still trying.

Well, I'm glad you're still noticing.


Hey, are you okay?

Still human... thanks to you.

Guess I should've stayed dead a little longer, huh?

No, no, not... not at all.

Everything seemed to work out just fine.

Except for Sam.

We gotta find him before he finds another beast.

Can I help you?

Xavier Wright?


From the orphanage?

Do I know you?

You want to talk about it?

It's just you hardly said a word the whole ride home.

I guess I just feel bad, that's all.


It's nothing, really. I'm okay.

Hey, I thought we decided that we were gonna be honest with each other.

I... (chuckles) I feel really bad about what I did to Jacob.

And about asking Vincent to help.

You didn't have much of a choice.

I know.

I know, but he's been trying so hard to redeem himself, to... become more of a man.

But he's not a man, Catherine.

He's a beast.

You don't really believe that.

Look, do you want to know what I believe?

I believe that your relationship with Vincent is getting in the way of ours.

No, that's not true.


You sure about that? Be honest.

Okay, so what do you want me to do about it?

Cut him out of my life completely?

Look, I'm the one who said that we have to accept the fact that Vincent is in your life, in our lives.

But it doesn't mean I like it, because I don't.

It feels like there are three of us in this relationship, and, sooner or later, that is gonna have to be resolved, Catherine.

Vincent has to go.

We have to talk.

Come on in.

We have to stop seeing each other.


Not... romantically, um, because we're not romantic anymore.



It's also confusing, and it's just so hard with you still being in my life.

It's not fair to me, it's not fair to Gabe.



You know what I think about that?


I think... screw Gabe.


Catherine, come on.

We both know that you're not supposed to be with Gabe, okay?

You are supposed to be with me.

Come on. Please, no.

I'm leaving.

Vincent, we tried to be together, okay?

We did everything we could and it didn't work and it's not ever going to work.

We're just not meant to be.

Okay, this is your father talking, not you.

Let me go.

No. Come on.

Let me go.

No, come on. I love you.



You okay?