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02x12 - Recipe for Disaster

Posted: 02/03/14 19:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on

Beauty and the Beast...

My husband was an archaeologist, he was helping us on a case, and whatever he discovered got him k*lled.

London, 1836.

Is that the same gem?

Scotland Yard found it at a m*rder scene.

In fact, it's been found at many m*rder scenes ever since, including one that your father investigated.

There is something about this gem that is definitely connected to you, Catherine.

JT: It's a beast collar.

A collar?

Which implies somebody was controlling it.

Why would someone want a gem that controls beasts?

You have to get it back.

No, we do.

Well, you know what's not fair?

What, that my mother didn't teach me how to cook?


I agree to take a celebrity cooking class hoping to get some action...

(whispers): Tess, shh!


And you are like catnip to every single guy.

Including Chef Raymond.

Okay, no more vino for you.

It's not fair.

Okay, it's not my fault. I didn't realize this was gonna be an aphrodisiac theme when I was the one to host the class.

I just hope that my canapes don't make JT's party into...

An orgy?

I was going to say disaster.


You need to eat something.

Not oysters.

How's it going over here?


Good! You know, as long as my canapes don't go up in flames.


(laughs): Flambé.


It's also an aphrodisiac.


I've been single too long.

Guys can sense it.

No, they can't.

Yes, they can.

It's a proven fact.


Okay, it's anecdotal, but it's true, all right?

They don't... they don't like desperate, and they don't like to wait.

Like Gabe, for example.

What do you mean, "like Gabe"?

Well, you know he's leaving, right?

Not, like, for good.

He's just leaving the precinct.

He didn't tell you?

No, he didn't.

Why is he leaving?

Well, his work is done.

He cleaned up Joe's mess, he arrested your dad.

Now the D.O.J.'s bringing it back to command.

Like I said, guys don't wait.

Tess, I am not going to get into a relationship so soon.

Hey, if you don't like him...

No, I-I like him, it's just...

Look, Cat, I'm all for self-discovery, okay?

God knows I'm the queen of it right now.

But it... (sighs) it doesn't keep you warm at night.

And it doesn't curl your toes.

Curl my toes?

I'm just saying, use it or lose it.

(phone ringing)

Hey, is everything all right?

You know what?

I'm not sure.

Uh, am I calling too late?

No, I'm, uh... I'm just cooking.

Cooking? Really?


Okay, be nice.

Any sign of Agent Landon?


No, and that's what worries me.

You know, I know she's, uh, suspicious of Tori and, you know, maybe me, too.

She knows something strange happened and she knows that we're hiding it from her.

If she finds out, then I'm exposed and you are completely screwed.

Yeah, but I still think that if we can figure out who k*lled her husband all those years ago, maybe she'll go away.

You know, I know if we find the stolen gem, then we will find the k*ller.

Okay, but how do we find the gem?

Well, same way that your ancestor did.

Rebecca followed the same gem when it was stolen back in 1840 to get this: "a dark, gothic dungeon filled with a treasure trove of artifacts... and creature-like skeletons."

A dungeon? In Manhattan?


Now, the problem is it's in a part of the city that doesn't exist anymore on any map.

Okay, but why would whoever took this gem be holing themselves up there now?

Well, because it's full of these unique artifacts that this guy's been stealing for years, right?

Besides, what better way to hide from the FBI than a place that is impossible to find?

I don't know, it's sounds like a long shot.

Well, it's the only shot we got.

Look, Catherine, right or wrong, I have chosen a completely different path than you.

Which means as soon as we solve this, you can finally go back to your own life and get away from all of this.

Vincent, we've had this conversation.

Because of Rebecca, this is as much about me as...

(fire alarm beeping)

Hey, what's going on?

You okay?

Flambé. I got to go.

Tori: Who was that?




"Again?" Tori, come on.

"Come on," what?

You talk to her every day.

What am I supposed to think?

That we're trying to get the FBI off our backs.

Okay? That's what.

It's not her back that we have to worry about, it's ours.

That gem can hurt us, not Catherine.

Well, Agent Landon can hurt Catherine, okay, a lot for trying to cover this up, all right?

She's just trying to help us.


She's not helping us, she's helping you, Vincent.

Listen, I'm...

I'm sorry.

I don't know, I guess I'm just nervous.

I know you never promised me a future, but... we have been in some kind of relationship, and...

I guess I was just hoping that... you'd stop sneaking out of bed every night to call her.

Okay, I'm sorry.

What do you want me to say?

That you don't want to go back to her.


Do you?

You know, right now, all I want is to find out whoever has that damn gem and stop them before Agent Landon finds out what's really going on.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x12 ♪

Recipe for Disaster
Original Air Date on February 3, 2014

(crowd cheering)

Thank you. Thanks.

Please, you're embarrassing me, okay?


He's blushing.

I don't think he's used to the limelight.

Well, he better get used to it.

Winning the Brady Wright Research Grant is like winning the Super Bowl for a scientist.

It's, like, a $500,000 grant, isn't it?


And he gets his own lab.

He deserves it-- everything he sacrificed for you-know-who.

Wait, what do I get for my sacrifice?

Curled toes.

So, Gabe, I hear you're leaving.

I'm going to try one of your canapes.

Wish me luck.

Weren't you going to tell me?

Of course I was.

I just, um...

I didn't, because...

I didn't want you to think that it had anything to do with us.

It doesn't?


Catherine, I told you that I'd wait for you, and I will.

At the same time, I just...

I feel like I need to move on with my professional life.

See what else is out there for me.

Especially after everything I've gone through with you-know-who.

Vincent: Hey.

Speaking of.

Hey, Vincent, Tori.


Yeah, sorry we're late.

Nice dress.


Hey, Gabe, have you had a chance to look at Agent Landon's files yet?

Well, she has a list of possible suspects who could be responsible for the heist, but it's a long list.

We're going to have to narrow it down.

Wondering who might just happen to own a dungeon.

Vincent: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about.

I was hoping maybe we could cross-reference the names on Landon's list with the, uh, locations of Rebecca's files.

Maybe we could try and figure out where this "dungeon" could actually be.

Uh, I'm sorry, "dungeon"?

Oh, um, Rebecca-- she found the same gem there back in 1840, but we don't know where the dungeon is today.

City's different now.

Tess: Hey, look who I found.

Man of the hour.

JT, I'm so happy for you.

Thank you, thank you.

Gabe: Yeah.

When do you finally get to see your lab?

Uh, they're coming to pick me up in a couple minutes.


Vincent: Oh.

I'm just saying.


Getting a little cocky there, huh?

Damn right!

Still can't believe this is actually happening to me after all these years.

I love you guys.



Okay, okay.

Vincent: Come on.

Bring it in.



(clears throat)

Okay. Excuse me for one second.

Did I miss something?



(muffled): Really good.

Really, very good.

Vincent: Victoria.

Hey, Tori.

No, it's fine.

Just go back to your friends.

Come on, talk to me, tell me what's wrong.

What's wrong?

Are you kidding?

Did-did you see the way they were treating me in there?

What do you mean?

(chuckles): Never mind.

No, come on, tell me what's wrong.


I feel like I'm losing you, Vincent.

And I don't know what else I can do to stop it from happening either.

Look, I'm just...

I'm a little preoccupied, okay, with finding this gem; we all are.

No, we aren't. You are.

Catherine is, your friends are, but I'm-I'm not a part of it.

As though it has nothing to do with me, when actually it has everything to do with me.

W-With us.

We've been through all of this.

No, it's not just about the gem, and you know it.

Be honest.

I can sense how you feel.

I can sense your heartbeat.

You taught me, remember?

I don't want to lose you, Vincent.

You're all... you're all I have.

I don't have anybody else.

I don't have any friends.

You're all I've got.

And I think that might be part of the problem.

All I know is that when we're together, there's something about your power that...

It doesn't just amplify mine, okay, it affects everything.

The way think, the way I feel...

I don't... I don't understand.


I don't know.

I chose a path with you and... I think maybe we just need a little time apart from each other so we can think things through, okay?

You mean, so you can think things through.

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Where you going?

To see my new lab.

Want to come?

Oh, uh, I wish I could, man, but I just got stuff going on.

Say no more.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.

Is everything okay?

You bring Rebecca's case file?


No, I left it at my place.

We were thinking of using it to track her path to the dungeon using an old map.

Yeah, and compare it to a modern map with the suspect list, see if any names match locations.

Okay, according to the file, Rebecca was last seen heading uptown, to a place called, uh, Carmanville.


Yeah, well, it doesn't exist anymore, but in the scheme of things, it'd probably be Washington Heights now.

Let's go.

I will be right there.

All right, th-thanks, guys.


Are you okay?


Everyone wants to move on with their lives, but, you know, I just feel bad because they can't.

They got to deal with this first.

That's what friends are for.

Is that what we are now?


It's better than enemies.

Vincent, just 'cause we're not together anymore doesn't mean that we don't still have a history together, that we don't still care about each other.

And that is why I'm going to offer you some friendly advice.


Talk to Tori.


Well, it wasn't easy for me being with you at first either.

You tend to shut people out.

You want to solve everything by yourself.

Keeps her guessing, worrying.

Trust me, I know.

Sorry I was such a pain.

(both chuckle)

I should go.

All right.


What are you doing?

I got it.

Professor Forbes.

Tony Barnes.

I work for the Brady Wright Foundation.


Hi, cool, thanks.

Uh, this where the lab is?

Just downstairs.

By the way, thank you for forwarding all your research files in advance.

It'll help expedite things.

Sure, no problem.

I guess I was kind of figuring it would be more downtown, you know.

SoHo, Wall Street.


OSHA's clamping down.

After you.

There's not any mold down here, is there?

No, no mold.

Good, you know, 'cause I'm kind of allergic.

Also I'm, uh... more of a window guy.

So, um, there isn't a chance we can move the lab above ground, is there?



Get out while you can!


They did the same thing to me.

Five years ago.

Or, uh, was it six?

Hey, what year is it?


Is it 2013 still?

No, '14.

What the hell?


Somebody help me!

Hey, hey, hey. It's no use.

This dungeon's been here for, like, a couple hundred years.

It's solid stone.

I don't understand what's going on.

Why are they doing this to me?

This isn't right!

I won the Brady Wright Grant for God sakes!

They cut you, and they took your shirt.

I don't know why they did it, but they did.

Who the hell are you?

I'm you.

I mean, before they put me in here anyways.

Couldn't mix the right serum the way they wanted, so they caged me, the rat bastards!

So that I could help you figure it out, I guess.

Figure what out?

(clattering nearby)

(whispers): Just do as they say.

Ah, good, you're awake.

Look, pal, I don't know what you want...

Let me tell you what I want.

I want you to replicate the serum Muirfield used to make...

How did you refer to them in your secret research? Beasts.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on, you're a smart guy.

Brilliant, actually.

But I'm a pretty smart guy, too.

So, let's not play games.

By now, you figured out I tricked you into thinking you won the grant, only to gain access to your encrypted files.

Especially those on cross-species DNA.

See, now you know I'm telling the truth.

And now you understand what I want.

Do I?

I also know you got hold of Windsor's creature skeleton and the collar.

How do I know that?

Because I'm the one who's been paying people to steal artifacts.

And once they took that from you, I began to wonder.

How did you get it?

Unless, of course, you knew something about beasts.

Or better yet... know one.

I've pulled every ingredient from my research, Muirfield's and yours.

Which means that here is everything you need to figure out how to make the serum.

And the sooner you make it, the sooner you can go.

Look, I may be an idiot for getting duped, but I'm not stupid.

Even if I knew how to make this serum, which I don't, you wouldn't let me go anyway, so screw you.


Are you sure you don't want to at least try?


Please, dear God.

Don't let him sh**t me.

Do what he says.


Just do what he says.

(muffled grunting)


She was going through your things!

Are you out of your mind?!

What was I supposed to do, let her go?

Yes, Tori! She's FBI!

You said she was a threat!

So you tied her up instead?!

No, don't let her...

Get off me!

Damn it, I said no!


Did Vincent bring Rebecca's file?

No, and I can't get ahold of him either.

Are you worried?


Okay, well, here's what I got so far.

Seven of the names on Agent Landon's suspect list match up with properties inside of the old Carmanville.

Are any of them dungeons?

No, no dungeons.

And none of them mentioned in any of my research in Rebecca's time either.

Well, there has to be one somewhere.

She was pretty specific.

It's strange having an ancestor involved in all this, too.

Makes you think.


About fate, destiny.

I mean, it's a little eerie.

I'm following the same investigation she did, looking for the same gem she was.

Trying to figure out who's after beasts, 200 years later.

Maybe you're meant to solve something she couldn't.

So you can move on.

Like you are?

Catherine, please don't take it personally.

I'm just, um...

I need a change.

We both do.

I mean, if you think about it, we have spent most of our time together dealing with... beasts.

I mean, me, Vincent, good, bad, it's defined us.

It still does.

I know.

It doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you.

But I am also trying to honor what you want.

I'm still trying to figure out what it is I want exactly.


Don't you ever knock?

Not when I think JT's just been kidnapped.

You have anything stronger?

What would you like?

I don't know.

I don't really think anything's gonna help.

You're not gonna hurt me, are you?

No, I am not gonna hurt you.

I just...

I need to explain, okay?

Look, my friend-- he has done a lot of research on what it is that I am.

It is all here and I will show it to you, everything that you need to know.


Because my only other option is to k*ll you.

I'm sorry... I'm joking.


I mean, I knew something was going on, something that exceeded all of my training, but what I saw...

What did I see?

Well, something that some people would pay a lot of money to see for themselves.

Somebody like whoever k*lled my husband?

And who's behind these heists?


Look, now that you know about us, I was hoping that we could work together to try and find them.

So this whole secret, this must have been what Sam stumbled across in his last dig and what got him k*lled.

I mean, why do they want this gem so badly?

Because it can stop us.

It takes away my power and my strength.

Look, I had no idea about this thing until you brought it to our attention.

And now that I know, I need to get it away from whoever has it before they use it against me.

And I need to stop them for what they did to Sam.

(door opens)

Catherine: Is JT here?

JT? No, why?

Agent Landon?

It's okay, she knows.

About what?

Enough to help.

Is JT okay?

No, he's been kidnapped.


Yeah. Someone got his contact list.

They sent out a mass e-mail; they wrote it cryptically so that everyone else thinks it's innocent.

Everyone except those of us who knows about beasts.

Does it say what they want?



Sending the mass e-mail's smart.

They're casting a wide net to see who will bite.

Plus, sending it from JT's account keeps anyone from tracing it back to them.

Catherine: "23rd and 7th. Sense sweater."

"Sense sweater."

What does that mean?

It means they know that beasts can track using their senses.

Which is exactly what I'm gonna do.

No, Vincent, wait.

Why, Catherine?

They're after me, not JT.

Yeah, but they don't know it's you for sure.

Otherwise they wouldn't have sent an e-mail to everyone.

They want a beast, okay, and that is me!

Gabe: Okay, but why would they lure you if they didn't know they could already handle you?

The gem.

They've obviously got it.

Otherwise, it'd be su1c1de to want you.

We should follow Vincent while he follows the clues and back him up.

It's too risky.

If they're following him, then JT...

Vincent, this isn't your fault.

The hell it is, okay?!

Everyone is here wasting their time because of me!

Now JT-- JT is kidnapped!

The man thinks he won a grant, for God's sake!

You need to calm down and think this through.

No, we need to save JT.

And we will, together.

(phone ringing)


No, it's me.

Tori, hey.

Look, I can't talk right now.

Something's come up.

No, I screwed up.

I exposed us to an FBI agent for God sakes. I'm sorry.

I just feel like I can't do anything right anymore.

Tori, come on.

Everything is out of control, a little messed up right now, but I will talk to you about this a little later, okay?

Did something happen?

Yes. JT's been kidnapped.


Look, we got it under control.

Don't worry about it.

I'll talk to you later.

Wait. I-I could help.

I saw him leave the party; I could track him.

(dial tone humming)

Look, I got to find JT, okay?

I can't let them hurt him.


Gabe: He's right.

We're running out of time.

They just sent another e-mail.

It says, "Tick-tock."

Dana: Is Tess still at the precinct?

Gabe: I think so.

I'm gonna go narrow down the suspect list.

I know it better than anybody else.

Vincent, did you bring Rebecca's files?

Yeah, it's behind the bar.

Great. Okay, we'll head up to Washington Heights.

We'll keep in touch with you via phone, and try and figure out where that dungeon is together.

Okay. I can't wait for you though.

That's fine. You save JT.

We'll save you.


(tires screeching)

You've been down here a long time.

What do you know about this Barnes guy?

Um, he cheats at cards.

But he's a Yankees fan, so...

I meant about all of this.

Why he wants the serum, why he's holed up down here.

He wants to make one of those, um-- what do you call it?

A beast?

Yeah, that.

He wants to make that.

And why here?

I don't know.

I guess so he can... contain it.

Um, I wouldn't do that if I were you.

I know what I'm doing, thank you.

Yeah, but that's not gonna fool him.

Look, it's not just your ass on the line, okay?

It's mine, too.

You can't just combine synthetic transuranic elements.

You know that and he knows that.

So, what?

So, what if he tries that concoction on one of us, huh?

You want to die?

'Cause you will.

I was hoping that he'd try it on himself instead.

Well, he's not stupid.

He's mean, but he's not stupid.

I'm not doing what he wants.

Yeah, well, then he's gonna k*ll you and he's gonna k*ll your beast.

Yeah. They know you got one.

They sent out a ransom.

I heard them. You for it.

That's why they want to make the serum.

They want to combine it with beast blood.

They want to make a better mousetrap.



Tori? What are you doing here?

What does it look like I'm doing?

Who's that?


You have to get out of here now!

Not without you.

You don't understand.

It's a trap!

Whoa, is she it?


It's a girl?

Come on!

(silenced g*nsh*t)

(silenced g*nsh*t)

Isn't it nice to know you've got friends who care?

(groans weakly)

Never imagined you were a beast.

Your father, sure, but...

We should've known.

Would've saved us an awful lot of time and money.

Take care.

(tires screeching)

(siren whoops)

Okay, we're in Washington Heights.

Did Rebecca mention any landmarks we can try and reference?

Um, she mentioned having to cross Milstone Brook.

That's where... that's where Hamilton Square is now.

I know where Hamilton Square is.

Turn left on 139th.

(engine revving)

You sure you know what you're doing?

Shut up.




Nicely done.

I don't know if it's right.

I'm not sure I replicated anything Muirfield did.

Better than I was able to do.


What am I doing?

You're saving your friend's life.


Hey, you okay, buddy? You okay?



Who's he?

Uh, I don't know.

A prisoner.


Another one?

Another one?

What do you mean?

JT, what does he mean?

Tori. They have Tori.

What? How?

I thought you knew.

She came to rescue me.


All right, uh, take my phone.

Get out of here, call Catherine, tell her where I am, okay?

Where are you going?

To find Tori.

Okay, we're approaching, uh, 149th on Riverside.

Rebecca mentioned a huge factory nearby with a smokestack.

There's an abandoned meatpacking factory off 153rd.

Tony Barnes.

He's one of our suspects.

What? Who?

He owns a lot of buildings in Manhattan, but he happens to own one at 153rd and Riverside.

We're coming up on 153rd now.

Smokestack. There.

(siren whoops)

No, stop! Stop!

(tires screech)

No, stop!

Vincent: Tori?

Tori. Hey.

Tori. Tori, wake up.

Tori, come on, wake up.



Tori, come on.

Stick with me, okay?

It's Vincent.


Yeah. You okay?

Come on. We got to get you out of here.


All right, where does it hurt?


I guess I screwed up again, huh?

No, Tori you did real good, okay? JT is safe.



You did real good, okay?

Now I'm gonna get you to the hospital.

Come on. Come on!

No. No!

It's too late.

It's okay.

No, no, it's not.

Tori, I'm so sorry.

I should've protected you.

I... I should've known.

No. No, I should've known.

You belong with Catherine.

Two beasts-- such luck.

I never imagined.

Open the gate!

She needs to go to a hospital.

I think we both know she's past that.

(growls, roars)

Why do you think I picked this place?


Built hundreds of years ago, built specifically to hold, frankly, the likes of you.

(roars, growls)

But I got what I need from her, so I don't need you.

I don't want to worry about you trying to track me down either.



(whispers): Tori.


(siren wailing)

You know, she was just trying to help.

She did.

If it wasn't for her, then Barnes would've gotten to you, and then you wouldn't have been able to save JT and I wouldn't have been able to save you.

Well, at least Tori would still be alive.

Vincent, it's not your fault.

You didn't ask her to come here.

No. No, I didn't, but she came because of me.

You know, she came hoping that she could make things right between us.

You know why I shut people out?

Why I shut you out at first?

Because I was so worried that something like this would happen to you.

People close to me, they get hurt.

Yeah, but that isn't your fault either.

You didn't ask to become what you are.

No, but I chose this path and I took Tori with me.

Anyone close to me is always going to be in danger, 'cause there's always going to be someone after me.

Okay, but Barnes is dead.

He's the one who was behind all the heists; he was behind everything.

Yeah, but what about Muirfield, and your father, and... the next guy after that and the next guy after that until someone finally catches me?

You know, just like someone caught him.

How do you know Rebecca didn't save him?

How do you know she didn't die trying?

You know, Catherine, you gave me a chance to walk away from all this, to choose my humanity, to choose us... and I made the wrong decision.

And it cost Tori her life, and it almost cost JT his, and I don't know what I would do if something happened to you, too.

Vincent, that isn't your choice.

This is my story now, too.

I want to figure out how I'm connected to all this.

It's part of finding out who I am.

Gabe: Hey.


Look, I'm going to try and keep this as quiet as I can, but it's gonna depend on what the other kidnap victim's gonna say.

We're taking him down to the precinct now.

Did you find out who it is yet?

No. He's pretty traumatized.

I might need you to make a statement.


Yeah, well, you know where to find me.


You want to be alone?


I want to be with you.

Look, you know, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before about the beasts, it's just...

Trust me, now that I know, I understand why you didn't tell me.

It's one of those things you got to see to believe, you know?


Does it help you, though, at all?

You know, 'cause of what happened to your husband?

Honestly, it helps more to know that we stopped these heists and we got Barnes.

If I can actually link him to Sam's m*rder, all the better.

Then maybe you can move on.

God forbid.

It's been six long years trying to figure out what actually happened to Sam.

I haven't even thought about what happens next.


Man: Excuse me, Detective Vargas?


Hi. Uh, coroner just sent this over.

Apparently, the I.D. on that kidnapper doesn't match.

What do you mean, it doesn't match?

Well, his real name's Frank Darnell.

He's got quite the rap sheet.

Racketeering, wire fraud...

Let me see that.

He's a con man.

He's right.

Looks like this guy was just a front man for whoever Tony Barnes really is.

Where's the other victim, the guy in the cell?

He's being debriefed downstairs.


Excuse me, I need to ask you a few questions about Tony Barnes.

I'm Agent Landon, FBI.



Sam, you're still alive.

Oh, my God, Sam.

Is it you?

Sam... your husband, Sam?


How about that, huh?

Yeah, it's incredible, really.


Want to get drunk?


I don't know, man.

Just go away.

Sorry, can't.

You saved my life.

It's a cultural phenomenon, actually.

Life debts.

Technically, I can only repay it by saving your life in return, but since that's probably never gonna happen, I brought Scotch.

Except I'm the reason why your life was in danger in the first place, which should cancel out any credit I have for saving it.

Normally true, but in this case, I am the real reason I got kidnapped.

Thought after eight years of trying, I'd actually won that stupid grant, so it was really my fault.

Still, Barnes used you to get to me, so technically it is my fault.

Excuse me.

But they also wanted my beast-serum-making expertise, thank you very much.

It's not always all about you, you know.

Speaking of which... did you ever figure out how to make that serum?

I don't know.

I never got a chance to try it.

Thank God.


Anyway, back to whose fault it is...

No, JT, forget it, okay?

You are wasting your time.

You will never win this argument.

You have protected me for years.

At great expense, too.

I mean, no way, buddy.

This one is all mine.

Actually, not really.

Okay, here goes.

So, the truth is...

I'm the one who volunteered you for the Muirfield experiment originally.

Yes, me.

With good intentions, I might add, but I'm still the one responsible for you becoming a... you know.

In hopes of keeping you safe in battle, but... obviously it didn't work out that way.

You're right, you win.

("I Have Made Mistakes" by The Oh Hellos playing)

♪ All the doubts I've faced ♪
♪ All the doubts I've faced ♪
♪ I continue to face them...

Well, I'm glad that's settled.

So, uh... what'd you do with the gem?

I buried it.

Somewhere where no one will ever find it again, I hope.


I don't know, man.

I'm so sorry I even ever found that damn thing.

You know, Tori-- she never did anything to deserve what happened to her.

It's not like she volunteered for this beast serum to be injected into her; she was born that way, you know?

She just...

I don't know.

She never figured out how to live with it, I guess.

Who knows?

Maybe you never can.

You have.

No, you have.

I mean, come on.

How many lives have you saved over the years?



That's what you do, Vincent.

That's what you are, that's what you'll keep doing.

That's a good thing.

To Tori.

♪ And our fear has betrayed us ♪
♪ But we will overcome...

To Tori.

♪ We will overcome ♪
♪ The apathy that has made us ♪
♪ 'Cause we are not alone... ♪

Well... looks like we're back where we started again.

Just you and me, buddy.

You are not living here.