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01x15 - Any Means Possible

Posted: 03/15/13 23:42
by bunniefuu
Catherine: Nine years ago, I witnessed my mother's m*rder.

I would have been k*lled, too, if it hadn't been for Vincent.

Vincent: I was part of an experimental special forces group.

Their goal was to create the perfect super soldier.

But something went wrong.

You're him.

Vincent: Muirfield is still out there, and they want me dead.

I am scared for you.

You don't have to be.

If you're not gonna protect yourself, I will.

I'm Dr. Sorenson.

You would be an asset to our organization.

I'd like you to meet my brother.

This is Darius.


Heather: Darius?


You brought her in. It's your finger on the trigger.

Vincent: I k*lled him.

Who? Darius.

Well, I'm standing here waiting to hear the amazing reason you're destroying evidence.

I'll put in for a new partner in the morning.

I want for you to have what you want.

What I want is to be with you.

I love you.

♪ Sometimes I slide away ♪
♪ Over and over ♪
♪ Take comfort in my skin ♪
♪ Endlessly ♪

(both panting)

♪ Surrender to my will ♪
♪ Forever and aver ♪
♪ I dissolve in trust.


Vincent, are you okay?

(thunder rumbling)

Just wait a sec.

It'll pass.

Vincent, it's me.

Just calm down.


Vincent, just breathe.

I said get away!






Vincent, please.





Vincent, you awake?

Hey, yeah.


Look who got her own house key.

Who knew?


Uh, what's going on?

Not much.

Just in the neighborhood.

You're seriously going with that?

I thought that maybe the two of us could hang out.

If you're not doing anything.

Right now?


He's not doing anything.

Right, V? (chuckles)

In the day.

I mean, you're like Mr. Nocturnal Guy, right?

I have class, anyway.

Let me just grab my things.

Probably won't be back for several hours.

(door opens, closes)

Uh, I'll just put a shirt on.


Yeah, of course.

I was just thinking about that.

Not-not about that.

Um, just... about the kiss.

I just...

Hey, you know what?

I-I actually have got to get going, so...

Right now?


What are you, like, running errands these days?


Grocery shopping?

Okay, I just...

I thought that we, um...

After the other night...


Don't you...

Yeah, I do.


Believe me, I do want that.


The way you are trying to race out of here.

Come on, I'm not racing out.

Vincent, is this about what happened with Darius?

Because you didn't have a choice.

I want you to know that if you didn't act when you did, Heather would be dead.

Yes, thank you.

Uh, I will see you later, okay?

I promise.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x15 ♪

Any Means Possible
Original Air Date on March 14, 2013

This is very interesting.

I had no idea the creature was mutating so quickly.

You have our phone number.

You think of anything else, you let us know.

That's it?

I gave my research to Muirfield because h-he promised me a position.

He said that we would find the cross-species creature together.

I don't care what deal he offered you.

He doesn't make that call.

I can do more than just pass off thumb drives and autopsy reports.

I-I don't understand.

W-Why is this so important to you?

It almost seems personal.

Maybe I just don't want to see anybody else get hurt.

That's noble.

But noble isn't the same as useful.

You're not Muirfield material.

Says the man who was just gaping at my research.

Careful, Dr. Marks.

Look, you-you are desperate.

You need me.

I'm desperate?

Look at you.

You're nervous, you're breathing quick, you're wiping your sweaty palms on your pants, and at one point, I'm pretty sure you stuttered.

To the trained eye, you are a nervous wreck.

(g*n cocks)

Time for you to leave, Dr. Marks.

Unless you want to go feet first.

Brooke: Is this about the mystery guy at your dad's wedding?

Catherine: I don't know, Brooke, I just thought that we were finally ready to move forward in our relationship.

(over phone): Oh, my gosh, have you two not gotten freaky yet?

It is not about that.

It's been months.

(laughs): It's more complicated than me stripping down naked and saying, "Do me, do me now."

Man: Can I take a shower first?

Uh, I-I got to go.


N-Not to worry, but you should know you are in the wrong locker room.

You sure about that?

Uh, okay.


(clears throat)

Just for the record, anyone who passes on the chance to get naked with you is out of his mind.

Dry cappuccino, double shot.


Yes, I realize this coffee is not gonna fix our entire partnership.

I just need two minutes of girl time to vent.

You don't even have to say anything.

Okay, I'm at the gym.

I just...

I needed to work out some frustration.

Yes, because of Vincent, who I know that you're not a big fan of.

But, um, I don't know, I thought that we were taking things to the next level, but instead, he--

You know the, you know the trophy with the hand?

The Heisman?

(laughs): Yes.


This is making me feel better already, thank you.

That's what I'm here for.

At least, that's what I used to be here for.

Okay, but it gets worse.

So, then I go into the showers, and I run into half-naked guy.

As if I needed any more reminding that my love life is in rewind and that the "mystery ma"" would rather go grocery shopping...

(clears throat)

(clears throat)


I was just telling our new district attorney here how professional you were.

Highest clearance rate in the city.

You mention that?

He did.

Gabe Lowan.

Detective Vargas.

And this is my--

This is Detective Chandler.

It's very nice to meet you.

Yes, same.

Lieutenant, shall we?

I'll show you to your office.



What's the new A.D.A. doing setting up shop here?

The vigilante's been stacking up bodies.

And the rumor is Lowan's investigating Joe for not putting more resources into catching him sooner.

That's why he brought on those guys.


Great to have you here.

Who are they?

Garnett and Newell.

On indefinite loan to Special Crimes.

They're here to help catch the vigilante.

Maybe find the missing assailant in Darius's m*rder, finally get a witness to I.D. this bastard.

Okay, so Joe's hired assassins.


He brought in guys to help put away a dangerous psycho.

Sometimes you need a little "sh**t first, ask questions later."

Joe: Vargas, A.D.A. needs to speak with you.

Upstairs in the conference room. Hustle.

So how's Joe doing?

Just curious.

I'd say extremely well, given the circumstances.

Right, but it's got to be hard.

A case like this hits so close to home.

Is this a social call or official business?

'Cause I've got a m*rder*r to catch.

You sound defensive.

Defensive? Please.

Try insulted.

The whole friendly facade, like I've never conducted an interrogation.

If you're asking if Joe's up to the task of catching the vigilante, the answer is yes, he is.

Fair enough.

But it's not just Joe I'm looking into.

It's the entire Special Crimes Unit.

I prosecute cases based on evidence your team provides.

I'm concerned that process is being compromised.

Now, I see in your file that you recently requested a partner transfer.

So what did Detective Chandler do to ruin the partnership?

Nothing. Cat's great.

It was just time for a change.

"Change." Really?

Right after evidence was tampered with in a questionable su1c1de case you two handled.

I've combed through every one of your cases.

A page was torn out of a dead reporter's notebook.

Last chance.

Is there anything that you want to tell me about Detective Chandler?

So... how'd it go?

Uh, it didn't.


I just spent three hours in my office throwing pencils at the ceiling.

Even I get laid by the 23rd date.

Come on, man.

You know it's not like that.

I just... I don't know.

I guess...

I'm afraid, you know?

That was years ago. You're...

You can handle things better now.

Hey, there.

I was just leaving.


With more pencils.

Vincent, I'm... I'm afraid.

Things, they're getting out of hand.

I know, and I need to explain.

No. Joe, he... he brought in these two trigger-happy cops.

To hunt you.

I'm sorry.

I always knew that I would take a b*llet for what I was.

I just... I always thought Muirfield would be the ones pulling the trigger.

What, you just accepted that?

Having them hunt me is the easier part to live with.

And what part of getting shot can't you live with?

Oh, you haven't seen?

Uh, what they say about me in the papers, that I'm a cold-blooded k*ller, that I will hunt innocent people.

They're looking for the assailant that got away before you k*lled Darius, the one that ordered the hit on Heather.

If we can find him, maybe we can...

What, convince him to say that the police chief's brother wasn't some stand-up kid?

That he deserved to have his neck snapped in two?

No, he can testify that you were just trying to protect my sister.

Vincent, we're running out of time.

I convinced Tess to talk to Joe.

You know, maybe they should just lock me up.

Every time I try and save someone, I end up k*lling someone instead.

You know, public enemy number one.

Okay, we are going to get through this.

Vincent, I am trying to help you.

You keep pulling back because of what, some headline?

No, I keep pulling back because I don't want to hurt you.

This will sound strange, but I had this dream.

We were starting up, and it was good.

It was, it was great.

But I began to change, and, uh...

It was, it was a nightmare.


'Cause nightmares you wake up from.

Okay, two years ago...

I was with a woman.

And, uh, we were getting close, and my adrenaline kicked in.

I tried to fight it, I did, but...

I couldn't stop from changing.



What happened?

Did you...

Did you k*ll her?


But only because she got away.

Vincent, you... you have always been able to control yourself with me.

Then I've been putting up a good front.

The truth is, I've never felt so out of control than when I do when I'm with you.

Catherine: Deejays, lighting systems, top-shelf liquor.

Vincent: Doesn't sound like my kind of party.

It was Darius's kind.

Three months ago, he opened a VIP lounge with 100 grand of operating cash from an unknown source.

The club never turned a profit.

Which makes it hard to pay off debt.

Yeah, and it isn't good if the loan shark you owe is Gregory Cole.

He's the guy found dead with Darius.

He's a known associate of the East River Crime Syndicate.

You mean the guy I k*lled.


Sorry, one of the guys that I k*lled.

Okay, which saved Heather's life.

If we find the guy who fled the scene, we find the guy who can prove that you are a hero.

I'm sorry.

Uh, no, I get it.

Probably should have told you, uh, before things got this far.

I just, I didn't know how, you know?

I just couldn't handle the fact that you might pull away, or you might hate me as much as I hate myself right now.

How could I ever hate you?

It would be like hating a part of myself.

So what do we do?

'Cause believe me, it's not like I don't want to.

Preaching to the choir.


Until we figure this out, maybe we just need to keep our hands to ourselves.

Check out this guy.

His name's Curtis Roth.

He's a mid-level money guy in the syndicate.

Was he the one who...?

Put the screws to Darius that night? No.

Catherine: Okay, well, I'm sure he knows who did.

These guys all talk.

He's got a bar in Tribeca.

Okay, so, what, you bring him in now?

If Joe finds out that I'm trying to prove the vigilante innocent, he's gonna kick me off the unit.

But if I go in there and quietly ask some questions...

No. They'll know you're a cop, and these guys are dangerous.

I'll do it.

No. I've done this before.

So have I.

Let's just leave it at I know how they operate, okay?

I don't want you risking

Now, is there anything in here about Curtis's associates?

He was arrested in April with this guy Stocky Green.

Vincent: Heard you're the guy to see about a loan.

Straight up, I need 80 grand.


There's an ATM around the corner.

Yeah, you see, uh...

Stocky sent me.

(clears throat)

Doesn't mean I know you.

May I?

I'm out of the service now, but I got myself in a little bit of debt overseas, and I got to make it right, and fast.

Now, the thing is, I'd rather deal with guys that would break my knees before they broke my neck, if you know what I mean.

Plus, I got collateral.

I can get my hands on M4s, M14s, XM25s-- all untraceable.

I need to run it by my boss.

Call your boss.

You got 24 hours.

Otherwise, I got to go someplace else.
(line ringing)


I got a big order here.

Let me talk to Ray.

Catherine: Ray Sheckman.

Evan: You really think that this well-known portfolio manager is our missing assailant?

He's been investigated twice for loan sharking, both in cases connected to the East River Crime Syndicate, but no arrests.

I was hoping that you'd found some evidence linking him to Darius's m*rder.

In all of those?

Not even close.

Those are all from the crime scene?

Minus the six boxes I've already been through.

But if you want to get your man, you better find some other evidence, fast.

What do you mean?

Garnett and Newell were just here.

Your boy Sheckman is on their list of possible suspects that they've also linked to the syndicate.

They're trying to get warrants.

Even for Sheckman?

I don't think they've got enough to present to a judge, but I wouldn't put it past them to fabricate evidence.

How'd you get onto him?

Ah, just a hunch.

A hunch?

If you're right, Ray Sheckman might be the only person who's ever seen this vigilante's face.

He could be the key to this whole investigation.

Then I better hurry.

Wouldn't want to lose a collar to the new meatheads on the block.

(line ringing)

Kyle: Dr. Marks. This better be good.

It's better than good.

I've got a witness.

And he's seen our cross- species creature up close.

If I can find him and learn what he saw, would you be willing to expand our working arrangement?

Give me a name.

If he's as big of a threat as you say he is, we can discuss it.

Right. Don't call me, I'll call you.

No, I'll take care of this myself, and then we'll talk.

So how's your little investigation coming along?

Is this your way of telling me you're not worried?

And seeing what I'm up against.

It's going fine.

And it's just an informal appraisal, it's not a witch hunt.

So when do I get pulled into one of your "appraisals"?

Tell you the truth, I'm kind of avoiding you.

Look, I know you must have done something major to end things with Tess.

No one walks away from the number of collars you two had.


Is that supposed to lure me into a false confession? 'Cause...

But I also know that you believe in getting justice, even if it means crossing some lines.

You obviously feel some kind of greater purpose.

We are not on the same side.

Not even close.

We're closer than you think.

My mother was m*rder*d, too.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I was pretty young.

Uh, much younger than you were.

But I still live with it like it was yesterday.

What can you do?

Anyway, um, back to avoiding.

(grunts softly)


Thanks for coming.

So you found Ray Sheckman.

I did.

Are you sure that he's the one that ordered Darius to k*ll Heather?

From the photo you sent me, absolutely.

Okay, it's not gonna be easy to prove.

He has friends in high places.

Well, that explains why he hasn't been arrested.

It also made him really easy to track down.

He's, uh, on the board for the Whitmore Museum.

They have their open gala tonight.

Okay, so what, in the morning we...?

No, it's gonna be too late.

Remember those trigger-happy cops I told you about?

They're onto Sheckman?

Yeah, they suspect he was there the night Darius died.

If they arrest him before we get to him, you know what he's gonna say.

Yeah, that he was an innocent bystander who saw me k*ll Darius in cold blood.

Which is why we need to convince him to tell the truth, jog his memory.

You like the dress?

Yeah. It's beautiful.

Good. I was hoping you'd say that, because I need some backup tonight.

And... this is what you'll be wearing.

Shouldn't you be looking for Ray?

I was trying, but it's hard when you're distracted.

Isn't that Sheckman?

Yeah. Great.

Yeah, that's him.

I'd better go.

Are you sure you're okay with this?

Planting evidence?

If it's gonna get you justice.



Want to join me?

Maybe this should wait till tomorrow.

Um, hmm.

What is it?

Look, I know you're going through a lot right now.

I can't begin to imagine.

But we've got an A.D.A. camped down the hall, and you're bringing in Garnett and Newell?

Whoa, whoa, they're good detectives.

In a demilitarized zone, sure.

But not here.

Maybe you need to take it easy, and... not just with hunting down this vigilante, but with us, too.

Where is this even coming from?

I don't know.

Maybe it's the giant microscope hovering over you.

The last thing you need is an affair with a subordinate blowing up in your face.

Okay, okay, so we will be discreet.

Like we always have been.



(door closes)

(whispers): Don't.

Why not?

This whole world is going crazy.

A week ago, my baby brother was standing outside this door, watching me get an award.

Now he's dead.

You... you were the only thing that makes any kind of sense to me.

Am I the only one that feels this way?



Nice to see you again.

And you.

Oh. (chuckles)

Wow. (laughs)

My bad. That's all you.


You know, you have amazing eyes.

Thank you.

You look so familiar.

Uh, Ray Sheckman.

You're even cuter than in your photo.

You're on the charity's board, right?

The Youth Education Initiative?

Yeah. That's what this is all about.

Got to get drunk for the kids.

(both laugh)

You're so funny.

You know what the one bad thing about this party is?

What's that?

I'll make it right.

I wanted to see the Asian gallery exhibit, but it's closed.

I could arrange a private tour.

If you want.

Grab a drink and meet me there?



Are you out here?

Catherine: Yeah, but you have to find me.


I can do that.

What's taking you so long?

Just trying to find you, like you said.

You're getting warmer.

I'm still looking.


All right.

I think I'm gonna need a hint.

(g*n cocks)

What the hell is going on?

Darius Bishop, the club promoter.

He owed you a hundred grand.

And when you tried to beat it out of him, the girl he was with, she threatened to tell the police.

So you ordered him to k*ll her.

Is that what you think?

Let's see, you want proof, so you're a cop.

And you got a g*n to my head, which means you're a desperate cop.

I don't need evidence.

I have you.

Remember that martini glass you picked up?

I took it from you for a reason.

What if I lifted the prints off that glass and I said they came from the m*rder scene?

I don't know.

Maybe you k*lled Darius.

You stupid, stupid bitch.

Yeah, you shouldn't say that right now.

(Vincent growls)

(g*n cocks)

(Vincent snarling)



Unless you want to be next, you're gonna go to the police, and you're gonna tell them that you ordered Darius to k*ll that woman.

How the vigilante saved her life.

How he was just a guy trying to do the right thing.

Just a... a guy?

You didn't get a good look at his face.

But he saw yours.

Anywhere you go-- your girlfriend's studio in Chelsea, that cheesy dinner club you bring your clients-- he will find you.

(Vincent growls)


So... do we have a deal?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We got a deal.



Sir, are you okay?

I just saw...

I just saw...

What did you see?

D-Did you see someone?

I don't know, it's...

Some... thing?

Gabe: Evan.

I didn't know we ran in the same circles.

That makes two of us.

Gabe: Gabe Lowan.


Assistant District Attorney.

You're Ray Sheckman, right?

Yeah, your office investigated me for loan sharking.

Listen, you got, you got a minute?

There's something I want to explain to you, all right?

To an officer of the court.

Well, this should be interesting.

Okay, sure.

Enjoy the rest of the party, Evan.

All right.

Vincent, he saw you.


Okay, maybe not so good, but... it's better than you trying to plant evidence to protect me.

You know, I thought for sure we'd be picking up pieces of Ray.

Believe me, me, too.

But you were in control.

Yeah, I was.


I don't know, I guess...

I kept thinking about tomorrow's paper.

The whole city reading that I'm not such a monster after all.

Thank you.



Um, I should probably go.



So no one sees us together.


Catherine, wait.

♪ I'll be like sugar ♪
♪ Call me ♪
♪ Tell me how you like...

You're right, you should probably go.

♪ Baby, I'll follow your lead ♪
♪ Take me to the wild ♪
♪ I've been lonely.

Full immunity.

That's what I want in exchange for what I'm about to tell you.

Which is?

I saw what happened at that double m*rder in SoHo last week.

That cop's brother, Darius Bishop.

Lieutenant Bishop's little brother.

It didn't happen the way you think it did.

He only k*lled Darius to save the girl.

And the rest I will tell you when I see our deal in writing.


Before I grab pad and pen, let me ask you one thing.

Did you get a good look at him?

This vigilante?

No, he was just some guy.

Ray... something tells me you're not telling the truth.

(phone ringing)


Dr. Marks. It's me.

About your little soiree last night--

I take it you found your witness?


I found him, but he was about to talk to the damn assistant D.A.

Well, congratulations.

You did the right thing, much to my surprise.

I'd rather you silence a witness than have him talk to the authorities.

Just, next time, try to keep it off the front page.

Corpse in a museum basement isn't exactly discreet.

Yeah, my mistake.

You're right.

I should have been more careful.

Don't beat yourself up.

You did a good thing.

Our agreement... it's on.

I'll be in touch.

Chandler, let's go!

Fellas, come in.

As of this minute, your partnerships are dissolved.

You're being consolidated into a new unit, the sole purpose: the apprehension and prosecution of this son of a bitch known as "the vigilante."

And yes, this is personal.

Don't think for one second that it's not.

And honestly, I don't care how it happens, as long as we get him before he gets his next victim.

Does anybody have a problem with that?

Like you said, I just want him off the streets.

Joe: Evan?

Fine by me.

Whatever you need.

How's this gonna sit with the new A.D.A.?

He has been investigating us.

I wasn't investigating you, I was vetting you.

Joe: A.D.A. Lowan and I have been working together since the beginning.

We needed to make sure we had the right kind of cops for the job.

And what kind of cops are those?

Cops who put justice above all else.

I'm hoping you're one of them.

You'd be right.

I'm in.

The vigilante is just one man, with no one to protect him, unlike you guys, who protect each other no matter what.

Considering how dangerous he is, I value that more than a bunch of Boy Scouts.

(reporters clamoring)

Reporter: Don't you think it's taken too long to catch him?

Which is why we've assembled this task force: to do everything in our power to keep the people of New York safe and to bring the so-called vigilante to justice.

And rest assured, we will succeed.

So who k*lled Ray?

I don't know.

And based on that coroner's report, I doubt that we will ever find out.

I'm sorry, it gets worse.



Caught the press conference.

As if Muirfield hunting me down wasn't enough, now I have New York's finest after me.

Including you.

I didn't have a choice.

But I think it's a good thing; I can... keep an eye on things from the inside.

Vincent, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

Catherine, you can only do so much.

And now, let's face it, with this task force, things aren't gonna end up so well for me.

I don't want to break your heart.

The only thing that would break my heart is... looking back on my life and wishing that I had done things differently.

And as far as the rest of the world goes, if we're together... we can overcome anything.

Vincent... whoever that girl was... she wasn't me.

And... whatever your fears are... they aren't mine.

♪ We are stars ♪
♪ Fashioned in the flesh and bone ♪
♪ We are islands ♪
♪ Excuses to remain alone ♪
♪ We are moons ♪
♪ Being controlled by the pull of another ♪
♪ And I just wanna be loved by you ♪
♪ Yeah, I just wanna be loved by you ♪
♪ I just wanna be loved by you ♪


(shallow panting)

♪ Yeah, I just wanna be loved by you... ♪