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01x09 - Bridesmaid Up!

Posted: 12/15/12 04:46
by bunniefuu
Nine years ago, I witnessed my mother's m*rder.

I would have been k*lled too, if it hadn't been for Vincent.

You're him.

Vincent: I was part of an experimental special forces group.

Their goal was to create the perfect super soldier.

I blacked out again.

The blackouts
are a random side effect of the experiments, but they might stop if we have a serum.

I need you to do this.

You need to make that serum fast.

Tess: Leaving early 'cause of your new intern?

What intern?

The dude who was in your lab today.

Vincent: I am not gonna spend my life in a cage.

We don't have to stay away from each other anymore.

The serum worked.


♪ Sneakers on the blacktop You know, for bridesmaids dresses, these aren't that bad.

Wow, okay, who are you right now?

You wouldn't even fill out the RSVP card and now you're gushing over dresses; you are hosting the brunch tomorrow.

Our father is getting married in two days.

I am excited.

I am, too.

And if you want, you can totally hang out with me and Josh.

Heather, I am fine that I don't have a date.

Dad has found happiness after everything he's been through.

We have to make sure that everyone has a good time.

We are the daughters of the groom.


We are bridesmaided up!


Vincent: "Bridesmaided up"?


(quietly): Is that even a verb?

You are clearly still feeling better if you are calling me on my grammar.

Yeah, well, I haven't blacked out since I got the serum.

Now I'm relieved.

I'm so relieved I feel as festive as you look.

Yes, yes, I am trying.

Not that I'm not happy, but... you know how weddings are.

And now I show up, almost 30, by myself?

So, uh, you're... overcompensating?


Yeah, I don't know.

I guess I've been so caught up with my mom that I haven't always been there for my dad.

Vincent, I just...

I want this to be amazing for everyone.


I wish you could go with me.


Yeah, I mean, there might be a few obstacles with that.

Oh, you mean the whole...

Yeah, they run out of pigs in a blanket, and I just kind of...



And it would be kind of difficult to explain the whole... dead thing.


Although... you could go as Vincent Zalanski.



I had this huge crush on him in kindergarten.

Okay. Where's this Zalanski from?

Somewhere that I have no relatives.


Denver. So...

I'd probably be a skier.

When you aren't busy saving lives in the E.R.

I like the sound of my Denver life.


Uh, well, I-I came here 'cause, um, I have another case for you.


It is always work, work, work with you, Zalanski.

Yeah, well, look, I was out walking, and, uh, I saw this guy heading into his brownstone but he reeked of blood.

Was he injured?

No, he didn't seem to be, but the smell, it was coming from his briefcase as well.

And the thing is he was... nervous, you know?

He was having trouble putting his keys in the door.

His heart was racing.

Heather: Cat?

I've got the perfect shoes!

Uh, great! Yes!

I'm just gonna bring out the party favors!

Hey, um, here's his address, for what it's worth.

It was great seeing you, Dr. Zalanski.

Go bridesmaid it up.




So, someone saw a guy coming home with blood on him?

How much blood?

Caller didn't say, but it seemed legit.

They gave me an address though.

Hey, where do you want these?

Uh, over there by the quiche.

I can't believe you're hosting this thing.

Uh, just do a reverse look-up, see who lives there, the address is 621 23rd Street.

I got to go. I'm gonna go sprinkle some confetti.

I'm eloping.

Evan: You busy?

Sort of.

Okay, I need you to I.D. that guy that you saw posing as my intern in the lab.

I.D. him? I barely saw him.

Well, that's more than anyone else.

So, we don't have security cameras down there, but I pulled the footage from the rest of the precinct for that day.

You want me to look at an entire day's worth of footage?

Tess, I found a broken test tube.

He was obviously using my DNA analyzer.

Is that a chargeable offense?

Look, I haven't talked to anybody about this, and you can't tell anyone, but I've been working on a personal project on genetic mutations and it's big.

Publishable big.

Well, how does that relate to...

I think he was trying to steal it.

Or sabotage it.

I don't know.

The timing's too coincidental.

All right, I'll tell you what.

You get one of those big research grants, give me a finder's fee.


You guys, this is so sweet.

And to take the morning off of work...

Of course. This way, we can go through all the details.

Which reminds me: shoes.


Yes! Heather, she tried on this great silver pair.

Silver is kind of hard to match.

Can we do nude?

Check out my new Louboutins.

(women cooing)

Ah! I have the same ones.

I'm just afraid of scuffing them on the dance floor.

Oh, just seal them with nail polish.

I do it to all of my shoes.

But you know what, Brooke, you're the bride, what do you think?

If you guys don't mind...

Oh, no, no, nude is great.

Yeah, we can all buy the same shoe, and then we can be matching from head to sole.

(women giggling)


Brooke, your future stepdaughters are adorable.

Meanwhile, Catherine, how is it you don't have, like, 18 guys to take to this wedding?

(phone ringing)

That's work.

What's wrong with you? I told you not to talk about that.


Okay, so the building's owned by Drake and Sabrina Meyer.

You got to go online.

Sabrina's this crazy matchmaker for millionaires.

Who's the husband?

Some finance guy. Apparently that's her specialty, which is why he's the poster boy for the business.

You know, follow her dating advice, you get a guy just like Drake: ultra-educated, ultra-successful, ultra-boring.

And if our tip is right, in ultra-trouble.

See if you can find a victim.

I'm here at bridal headquarters, making very important decisions about shoes.

I'll see you soon.

All right.

Catherine: So, what'd I miss?

Are you using Sabrina Meyer?

Who's Sabrina Meyer?

She's the famous matchmaker.

You're using a matchmaker?

No, I don't need a matchmaker.

But if you don't have somebody to take to this wedding...

And Brooke knows all the cutest guys.

At least, let me sit you at the singles table.

I am happy to sit with Heather.

Heather is going with her boyfriend.

So you're going to be sitting alone, directing the cater waiter on who's having chicken or steak.

And weddings can be t*rture by yourself.

That's it. I'm changing your table.

No, I have someone in my life.

You do?

Who is he?

What does he do?

He is... a doctor.

Wait, you're dating a doctor?

And why aren't you bringing him to the wedding?

It-it is... it is too early in the relationship for me to bring him to a wedding.

Oh, please, it's just a big party.

Yeah, it's not like I'm in love with Josh.

Brooke: I am gonna get him a place setting.

What is his name?

No, Brooke, really, you don't have to.

Look, your dad's been really nervous about how you're handling this whole wedding thing.

I think it'd be really nice for him to see you there with someone.

Tell her his name.

Yeah, come on, Cat.

Bridesmaid up.

His name's Vincent Zalanski.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x09 ♪

Bridesmaid Up!

Original Air Date on December 13, 2012

Hey, I'm working a tip on a potential perp, but we don't have a victim.

Has anything come through your precinct, you know, stabbings, g*nshots?

Okay, let me know if anything changes.

What happened?

You burn the quiche?

I told them I have a boyfriend.


And now that boyfriend is supposed to come to the wedding.

Tess, I know it was the way that they were looking at me.

It was like we look at families who've lost their loved ones.

Like they felt sorry for me.

Or there was something wrong with me because I don't have someone to take.

Listen, this is why I don't go to weddings alone.

For one of my brother's weddings, I was so hard up I took Joe.

Joe, like-like our boss Joe?

Well, his wife was on a business trip so...

Oh, my God, how did I not know this?

Does she know this?

Yeah, I'm sure Joe told her, and it was before you and I were partners. Whatever.

(phone rings)

Listen, take Evan, okay?

You took him to the engagement party.


It's Heather.

She probably wants to know more about my fake boyfriend.

Who she knows isn't Evan because I gave fake boyfriend a name.

Okay, so just tell everybody he's busy.

They'll be so distracted by Evan's accent, they won't ask questions.

Besides, that guy's got to get out of the morgue.

Tess, who's Neil Mendel from Chadmore Capital?

You can't take him 'cause he's unofficially missing.

And he's a finance guy, like our potential perp. What's his story?

All right, well, he, uh... he missed an important meeting this morning, so his lawyer phoned it in.

It's only been a few hours but, you know, it fit the timeline, so I put him on the list.

Okay, I know this is a total stretch, but what else do we have to do?

Well, besides find you a date?

Whoa. You're right. Let's go.

Catherine: So, preliminary reports say that Neil Mendel is single, 33.

33? We're so in the wrong line of work.

Well, maybe this holds the secrets to his success.

Catherine: So much for him being single.


There goes a wedding date option.


Tess: Blood?

(clanging sound)

Mr. Mendel?

(clanging continues)

Vincent: Hit me.

Here, take the stun g*n just in case.

You hit me, nothing happens, then maybe I can go out and...

Oh, my God, you think you're cured?

Because your DNA is what it is.

I know, I know, but maybe... maybe I have more control now.

Catherine's dad's wedding is this weekend.

She wants me to go.

Clearly your new lease on life has landed you in lala land.

Maybe, but we won't know until you try.

I'm the reason you don't have a girlfriend.

I have a girlfriend.

Or at least, I'm on my way to having one.

Yeah, actually, I saw her picture online. She is hot.

You know, maybe I'll sleep with her, too.


Your prom date, Jill McManahan?

She was spectacular.

Nice try.

Come on, man. JT!

Come on. Okay, you know what? Thanks!

Because now I'm more pissed than if you'd actually hit me.


(door closes)

Look. Nothing. I'm fine.

I'm okay.

I know it's a dumb test, but I passed!

I passed!

Okay, this guy, Drake Meyer-- what is his beef with Neil Mendel?

We don't know that yet, but we do know the vic had a date last night.

Unmade bed, condoms, wine glasses.

Any prints? DNA?

The apartment's been wiped down.

I couldn't even get partials of the glasses.

Did you see the blood on the floor?

Actually, it's some kind of contaminant.

But lucky for us, Mendel's financials show monthly payments to Finest Matchmaking.

And guess who's married to the owner of Finest? Drake Meyer.

Chandler, you may have some anonymous tip on this Meyer guy, but if I were you, I'd start by finding your date.

Okay, he is talking about the case, right?



Tess, have you had a chance to...?

Could I talk to you for a second?

About the wedding?

I said yes.

Really? But did Tess...?

Tess? No. Heather.


She was trying to call you.

She asked me to go to the wedding.

Uh, Heather has a boyfriend.

Had a boyfriend.

Apparently, her and Josh just broke up.

I thought she was calling me about something else.

Were you going to ask me to...?

It's okay.

It's fine. Just save me a dance.

Your sister?

It's my own fault.

I told her I had a boyfriend.

Hey, you know what I'm thinking?

You should go talk to our matchmaker alone.

So you want me to interview a suspect's wife just so I can get a date?

Well, not just so you can get a date, but as an added perk.

Listen, if we go in there with our badges out, she'll clam up.

But if you go in with your wedding angst, you know, she might offer some intel on the hubby.

Besides, I've got a day's worth of security footage to go through.

Don't ask.

Are you promiscuous?

I don't have time to be promiscuous.


You're funny.

Don't be too funny.

Men don't like that.

The reason that I asked is, there's no sex on the first three dates.

You break the rules, you're out, no refunds.

Men don't like whores.

And I need you to fill out a profile.

No padding your resume or your bra size.

And then I can get a guy as great as your husband?

I saw on your Web site.

He's a finance guy?

Real estate.

Luxury resorts.

Ah. Wow.

This thing is crazy detailed.

Do you have to get all your clients to fill this out?

Mm, it's mandatory.

Do you think I could get a sneak peek at my options first?

I'm sorry.

We guarantee our clients' privacy.

Ah. Well, that's good.

Oh, my God! Your shoes.

I was literally just drooling over a pair of nudes this morning. (laughs)

You know, truth is, uh, I've got my dad's wedding in two days.

You know, I'm not expecting you to work any miracles, but it's just hard.

You know, I, uh, saw the other bridesmaids this morning, and not only do I not have the guy, I don't even have the shoes.

But being here with you-- it...

It just... it gives me so much hope.

That is why I do this job.

Come on. Let me show you hope.

(computer chirps)

Sabrina, Neil Mendel's a client?

You're his type. Uh...

But he is not available.

No, um, he was found dead in his apartment this morning.


Yeah, I heard it on the news.

They think he might have been m*rder*d.

Drake, Neil Mendel was m*rder*d this morning.

Oh, my God.

Um, Catherine, this is my husband Drake.


He was with Britney McCabe last night.

Who's Britney?

Somebody that we set him up with.

She called here really upset.

Do you think something happened on the date?

No. Oh, no, no way.

I want to reassure you that we screen our clients very carefully.

Why don't you take... you take, um, this packet home, look it over?

I promise you, we will find you a great guy.

I am sorry about what happened to Neil.

So, Hot Date is Britney McCabe.

She called Finest after the date, sounding pretty upset.

Speaking of, I got to go. Hey.

Where have you been?

I have been trying to reach you.

Evan told me what happened with Josh.

Can't believe the jerk didn't wait till after the wedding.

I know. But you're okay with me bringing Evan?

Because I can not be the only one alone at that wedding.


And I've had this huge crush on him.

Wait. You have?

You're not mad, are you?

No, no, no, I just didn't know.

Oh, okay, good, because I never would've acted on it, but now that you're bringing this boyfriend, Vincent Zalanski...

You'd thought you'd make your move.

Yeah. I know. Almost as crazy as you suggesting we run out and buy Louboutins.

(phone ringing)

You have ten minutes to get ready.

Okay. Hi.

Vincent: So I'm your boyfriend now?

I did not say boyfriend.

She misinterpreted.

And this is starting to become a habit.

So, sounds like I'm going to a wedding.

Ah. That was just a dumb reflex.

It's okay.

You don't have to explain.

No, I'm going to get out of it.

I'm gonna tell them at the rehearsal dinner tonight, which I have to get ready for.

Oh. Um, okay, yeah.

Oh. Oh, um, we found a body.

Yeah, there was a guy in a steam room.

You know, uh, maybe you don't have to get out of it.

The wedding?

You know what?

You might be right.

Mr. Blood-on-his-hands is married to a matchmaker.

She said she'd find me someone for the wedding.

She doesn't realize that I am trying to arrest her husband for m*rder.


Okay, maybe I could go with you.

Everyone thinks I'm coming anyway.

Vincent, I was kidding before.

But I'm not. Uh...

Look, I did a test today.

Wasn't a scientific test, but in med school, you learn that if a patient says that they feel better, then they're usually right.

Doesn't matter what the test shows.

And... I... feel... better.

Much better.

But are you gonna risk all of that because I don't want to go to a wedding alone?

It doesn't feel like a risk.

Vincent, there are going to be 150 people there.

Drunk people.

Yeah, I'm not going to hurt anyone.


No, I'm... I'm just concerned about you.

What if you're exposed?

I mean, let's say you are better?

What about your identity?

You have been working for years to fly under the radar, and then you're gonna introduce yourself to a bunch of people from all over the place.

And what about my dad?

You're gonna talk to him about your fake li in Denver, and-and then what?

Then you're Vincent Zalanski to him forever.

It's not fair to you.

I can handle being Vincent Zalanski.


But if anything bad ever happened to you because I didn't want to go to a wedding alone, I would never be able to forgive myself.

Thank you, but I cannot let you do this for me.


And then we live happily ever after.

(whooping, cheering, and applause)

And then we get to eat, which I suggest we go do now.

See you, boys.
Uh, can I talk to you guys for a second?

Oh, Cat, I actually have something for you.

Oh. Wow, this is... wonderful, uh, but...

What? We didn't spell it right?


It's-it's perfect.

Phew. Okay.

I have to go talk to the wedding planner about our song list.

I'm sorry if she pushed a little hard about...



Actually, I just... I wanted to talk to you about this...

No, no, you're taking him.


Well, what's the problem?

What, you think it's too fast?

He'll be in the pictures, and what if it doesn't work out?

Yes, that's exactly it.

Honey, you're thinking too much.

Ever since your mom died.

The same thing happened to me.

When I first met Brooke, I kept thinking of all the reasons that it couldn't work.

I'm too old. She's too young. Your mother.

And then I just realized-- what am I waiting for?

And here you are.

Right. Proof that there's no reward without the risk.

So... you're taking him.

Besides, I can enjoy my wedding now, and not worry about you.

Tess: "Strong, vulnerable, intelligent, heroic?"

Okay, I filled it out late last night.

You filled up the whole thing.

You didn't see my dad's face.

He was almost in tears when he found out that I was bringing someone.

So you want to turn this in?

I don't know.

It's a case.


If we were undercover at a salon, we'd get our hair done.

Besides, your little visit with Sabrina proved incredibly profitable.

I just called her to follow up on that message Britney McCabe left after her date with Neil.

Don't worry: I didn't blow your cover, but listen to this.

Sabrina, it's Britney.

Look, I guess I had too much to drink and things got out of control and I did something really bad.

Almost sounds like a confession.

Maybe Neil forced himself on her; she fought back.

Hang on, Tess.

She and Neil had sex.

Maybe that's the bad thing she's talking about on the message.

Sex is a bad thing?

Maybe that's why you don't have a date to the wedding.

No, Tess, it's one of Sabrina Meyer's rules.

Looking for Watson?

Hey, JT.

What I want to know is, when's he getting on the payroll?

'Cause he's living on my salary, even though he's doing your job.

Okay, what is he talking about?

I figured, if I can't be your fake boyfriend, then maybe I can be your fake, uh, detective.

You went to my crime scene?

It's bogus.

A resort in Kuwait.

This must be what Neil was talking to his lawyer about.

Here's the thing: He alibi'd out. That's what I came to tell you.

Maybe it wasn't blood on him, and it was that paint you were looking at.

JT, it was blood.

Okay, wait, what paint?

I found some red particle in the floor.

It was paint. It just...

Look, you just seal them with nail polish.

I do it with all of my shoes.

Unless it was red polish on the sole of somebody's designer shoe.

I'm lost.

Okay, so let's say that Drake found out that Neil was going to expose him.

He told his wife, whose livelihood depends on his reputation.

She takes matters into her own hands.

She kills Neil, panics, so her husband comes over and cleans up the evidence.

Which is why the blood was on him.


You're not fake.

You're the real thing.

(phone ringing)


Sabrina, hi, no, I just answer my phone like that sometimes.

It's her.

Uh, no, I didn't get a chance to fill out the entire thing.

Oh, you did?

She found a date for me for the wedding.

No, he sounds great, but I'm going to go alone.

Yes, I will be in touch very soon, I promise.

I'm kind of bummed she's our k*ller.

Now my dad's gonna have to worry about me the entire wedding because I cannot find someone to go with me.

Okay, JT, do you still have your tux?


No, you're not going.

No, it's not for me.

You are going to take Catherine to her father's wedding.



Your dad wants to see you with someone.

JT has a PhD.

He cleans up pretty nice, so he can be your fake boyfriend-- no strings, no risk.

Food'll be good?

All right, I'm in.

Hello, Sabrina.

You've got to be kidding me.

I spent hours finding you a wedding date.

She posed as a client.

We're not here to talk about my love life; we're here to talk about yours.

My client's love life is none of your business.

Except for when she's a person of interest in a homicide.

Oh, and your perfect catch hubby-- he's next door telling my partner everything about his Ponzi scheme of a business.


Ms. Meyer doesn't have any knowledge of that.

Drake's business is 110% legitimate.


You sell "happily ever after" like it's a recipe.

No sex, don't be funny, fix your flaws, and then you can have someone as great as Drake.

So how dumb do you look if it's exposed that your grand prize is a booby prize?

And I don't think that's padding it.

You bitch.

You knew Mendel was unavailable even before the news of the m*rder broke.

I meant, he was already fixed up.

Oh, with Britney, the woman that you set up to be your fall guy.

Neil said that he liked petite brunettes.

She's a curvy blonde.

So why even set them up, except for the fact that she has a record?

So, how helpful is that if she's the last one with him before you sh**t him?

Oh, and you, uh, you left your red nail polish at the crime scene.

I don't wear red nail polish.

Not on your nails.

Okay, Sabrina, let's go.

It's clear they don't have anything to hold you.

Not yet, but we are holding your husband on fraud charges.

You have spent your entire career telling women that if they are single, they are broken.

Look who's broken now.

Evan: You did really well with that footage, by the way.

I showed a sketch artist the image that you picked out.

What do you think?

I wouldn't hang it on my wall, but, yeah, it looks like him.

I'm gonna find this guy.

JT: I'm from Denver?

I don't know anything about Denver.

You're an E.R. doc.

It's okay.

You don't get out much.

I don't know anything about E.R. medicine either.

This tux isn't going to fit, and I hate bow ties.

Her ideal date... is dinner on a rooftop or hanging out on a fire escape.

What are you talking about?

This is about me.


Uh, he's having the steak...




...chicken, and that's another steak.

Is he still not here?

Nope, just me and the cater waiter.

I don't understand how he couldn't get his shift covered at the hospital.


Paige, there is no Vincent Zalanski.


I made him up.

The music here is so good.

Your sister doesn't have a boyfriend.

Oh, God.

Yeah, I lied.


You guys kept threatening to put me at the singles' table.

Our dad got married today.

It's his wedding.

Maybe we should focus on that.

Maybe I should get us some cocktails.

There is just so much pressure to have a plus-one, like if you don't, you're damaged or broken.

We don't think you're damaged or broken.

Maybe I am.

I don't know if I'm ever going to have that.

(indistinct chatter)

We all feel like that.

Yeah, my fiancé tried to call our wedding off twice.

Yeah, and I just got dumped right after our brunch.

Tom and I are separated.

Heather: Oh, my God, Paige.


Come on, really, are you okay?

I, I'm just so embarrassed...



What are you...?

Well, uh, you said in your profile you like to dance, but, you see, JT doesn't.

Do you?

♪ So lately been wondering ♪
♪ Who will be there to take my place? ♪
♪ When I'm gone, you'll need love ♪
♪ To light the shadows on your face ♪
♪ If a greater wave shall fall ♪
♪ And fall upon us all ♪
♪ If I could, then I would ♪
♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪
♪ If I could make you mine ♪
♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪
♪ If I could turn back time ♪
♪ I'll go wherever you will go. ♪
♪ Tell me if you feel it, too... ♪

So, what happened?

JT beg you to take his place?

No, I begged him.

(glass clinking)

Hey, everybody, uh, my wife...

(cheering and applause)

Thank you.

...would like to remind everyone that dinner is served, and it's actually pretty good for wedding food, so, please...

Okay, come on.

Hey, what are you doing? Hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I didn't come here to hide.

I'm here because I want to be.

Besides, I did my Denver research; I got my story down.



I confessed.

I told them that there is no Vincent Zalanski.


It doesn't matter.

My dad-- he is so happy.

Who cares if people think I don't have a plus-one?

Hey, I am standing right here.

At least introduce me to the people you didn't confess to.

I don't think I need to.

I think... that I lied because... I feel like I do have someone in my life.

And it wasn't that I wanted to show him off; it's... just that I wanted him to be here.

But there are things about you that neither of us can change, so...

So it wasn't really a lie then.

You just got his last name wrong.

And his hometown.


You know, um... he is hungry.

Oh. Steak or chicken?

Uh... surprise me.


Heather: Oh, my God, I think I'm in love.

Evan's, like, the smartest guy I've ever dated.

Okay, I think you need to slow down.

Wait, why?

Are you in love with him?

No. I told you, he's... he's a flirt.

Oh, my God, you are in love with him. I can tell.

Heather, you are drunk and you are rebounding, and I just don't think that he is the person for you to do that with.

Yeah, but he's so smart.


Did you know that he just got some major grant on DNA research?

DNA? No, I...

Yeah, apparently, there's some weird DNA that's mutating or something.

Mutating? How?

I don't know. I was too distracted by his hotness.

But listen to me, you're here alone, and I'm blabbing about... Evan!


I see I should've got two.


Heather, could I talk to your date for a minute?

It's just... it's about work.




Thought that your coming out was very brave.

Yeah, listen, Heather said that you're doing research on DNA.

I thought you'd let that go.

Actually, you let it go.

Which I understand.

So it's on cross-species DNA?

Too much has happened for me to just dismiss it.

I mean, I know what I heard in that subway.

And the corrupted samples.

Now I've got someone breaking in to my lab.

Wait. Do you know who?

I don't.

I've got a sketch.

I think they're trying to access what I'm finding.

What are you finding?

Heather said something about mutations.

The samples from the cases that I collected, including your mom's, indicate that the L2 capsids are targeting changes in the basic structure of the DNA.

Okay, what does that mean?

They're coming from the same being.

Are you sure?


And whatever it is... it's changing.

It's changing how?

It's complicated.

But basically, the animal nucleotides are taking over from the human ones.

He's becoming less human?

Or it.

Anyway, this isn't... wedding small talk.

How about that dance?

Actually, I am starving, so, um...



Got you both.

Wow. Thanks.

Do you, uh... want some?

No, I'm good.

(amplified rapid heartbeat)

No, you're not.

You know how you said you felt different?

I think I know why.

I ran into Evan, and it turns out he's been studying you, your DNA.


He says it's mutating.

How do you mean?

He mentioned this...

L2 something?

L2 capsid? Yeah, what about it?

He said it's becoming more...

More what?

What did he say?

He said it's becoming more animal.

(laughs softly)

No. No, I feel great.

What if that's what the blackouts were?

No, JT would've caught it.

JT... wouldn't know; he doesn't have the equipment.

That's why we had to break in to the morgue.


I'm pretty sure Evan knows about.

Seems you were right.

This was... too big a risk.

But nothing bad has happened.


I should probably go.

This is what I was afraid of.

That you would... come here and that we would have fun, and...

And remember the fact that there's no Vincent Zalanski.

I guess this was just too much of a risk for both of us.


Hi. Um, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Catherine Chandler.

(laughs): Um, I'm my dad's daughter.

His oldest daughter.


Okay, I wrote this speech, like, a week ago.


And... seeing the way that my dad and Brooke look at each other, it... sums up more than these four pages can.


You know, the funny thing is, is that...

Brooke and my dad shouldn't even be together.

(laughs): No, it... it's true, you know?

For starters, they are complete opposites.

And not to mention, she is a Mets fan, (laughter) so... I don't know how they're gonna deal with that.

(laughs) And then there's the age difference.

And for a lot of people, that would have held them back.

Especially... given everything we've been through.

Not that being with Brooke is a risk. It's not.


(laughs softly): she is amazing.

But... it's just being in any relationship is that it-it's a... it's a risk.

It's... it's accepting that there are no guarantees.

I mean, who knows what the future brings, and-and... going for it, anyway.

(laughs softly)

Even if she is a vegan, and he eats cheeseburgers.


So... to my dad and Brooke... for jumping in.

You guys are an inspiration.


Especially to me.

(people clapping)

Okay. (laughs)


(clapping continues)

Hey, Heather, uh, I need your keys.

You're leaving?

Dad's okay with it.

I just, I need to go and find somebody.


Evan, you're taking her home, okay?

Uh, okay. Bye.

(busy signal beeping)

(line ringing)

(engine revving)

(tires squealing)

(loud crash, tires squealing)


(steam hissing)

(engine turns off)

How was the wedding without a date?


Not so good?

You ruined my happy-ever-after.

I'm gonna ruin yours.




(labored breathing)

Vincent: Catherine!




(metal creaking)


(echoing roar)

So, tell me about dead bodies.

(chuckles) I mean, you must really know your anatomy.

(panting, low growling)

(car approaching)

(low growling)

Oh, my God.

Is that my car?




Stay in the car.

Wait, Evan!

(low growling)
