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01x06 - Worth

Posted: 11/17/12 11:23
by bunniefuu
Catherine: Nine years ago,

I witnessed my mother's m*rder.

I would have been k*lled, too, if it hadn't been for Vincent.

You're him.

The things you've done...

Vincent: I hate myself for them.

I'm trying to decide if I belong in a cage.

I just found... six cases of you trying to save victims around the city.

You're not a monster.

You know, that first night we met in the woods, I knew...
that you would never hurt me.

Vincent, I want to have you over for dinner.

And unless there's something else holding you back, I hope to see you there.

(steady heartbeat)

(distorted, echoing): Vincent?

What are you doing?

(object clatters to ground)


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

Uh, it's okay, I... forgot to turn the security system on again.

What's going on?

Nothing. I... (clears throat)

I just wanted to make sure that, um...

Is everything okay?

Uh, yeah, I just... wasn't feeling so great.

So is... that why you didn't show up for dinner last night?

Uh, yeah.

Because I kind of thought that you stood me up.

No, I just, uh, should've told you that I wasn't gonna make it.

Okay, look, I, um...

I found the present you left me on the windowsill, which... was so sweet.

Thank you.

And I realized that you must have left it during my birthday party, which involved many margaritas, and, uh, I wondered if, maybe, when you left it, you saw me and...

You don't have to give me an explanation.

So you did see it?

Because... Vincent, it was just a stupid, drunken...

You can kiss whoever you want.

No... uh, yeah, I know that.

I mean, it's not like we're...



No, it's not. So...

I'm really sorry about dinner.

No. It's no big deal.

I just wanted to make sure that you're okay.

(quietly): Yeah.

(quietly): Okay.

Feel better.

♪ In the city ♪
♪ Where I'm from ♪
♪ There are lovers ♪
♪ Till the dawn ♪
♪ And you stayed up ♪
♪ To see the sun ♪
♪ I couldn't wait that long ♪
♪ Gonna get up...


(shuddering breaths)

(siren whoops)

Who's the guy?


You only file when there's a problem with a guy.

That is not true.

(Catherine sighs)

Okay, okay, fine.

I knew it; I knew there was a guy.

"Was" being the operative word.

Apparently, I got myself into yet another complicated non-relationship that I think is going somewhere, only to discover it is going nowhere.

Okay, well, first of all, if he's not into you, he's an idiot, and second-- who is he?

Doesn't matter.

From now on, I am sticking to simple.

Simple, like your dad marrying someone young enough to be your sister?

Oh, God. Dress fitting.

Brooke forgot to take your shoes when she left this morning.

She says she'll meet you at the bridal salon at 1:00.

Okay, I meant to call, but since Heather's away in Atlantic City, I thought we could reschedule.

You know, dresses are much more her thing.

Catherine, I wish you'd just give Brooke a chance.

I have.

You haven't spent more than ten minutes in the same room with her since the engagement party.


Great. So I'll see you at dinner tonight.

(sighs, groans)

The reservation's for four, so if you can't bear the thought of being trapped alone with just the two of us, invite someone.


Like that nice man from the engagement party.

Brooke really hit it off with him.


You talking about me?

Mr. Chandler.

Good to see you.

How would you like to save Cat and come to dinner tonight?


No. It would be my pleasure.

What time?

Hello. The person that you are talking about is right here.

7:30. At Per Se.

Still here.

We'll be there.


It means a lot to me.

And to Brooke.

All right, see you tonight.


Okay, before I enumerate all of the ways that that was wrong, we should probably talk about what happened the other night.


We got a dead body down in SoHo.

Looks like we'll have to continue this conversation at dinner.

I'm telling you, your dad did you a huge favor.

I am not having this conversation right now.

Things go south with Mr. Complicated, he gets you a date with Evan.

It is not a date.

Dinner at Per Se?

That's the definition of a date.

You know what I'm thinking, I'm thinking you're so hung up on the other guy 'cause he rejected you, and there's nothing more tempting than rejection.

That is ridiculous.

That's Psych 101.

Besides, Evan's a cute guy and clearly likes you.


Nicholas Varkas, 26, Queens address.

Nicholas is an artist.

Any evidence of a break-in?

No. No forced entry, nothing missing.

And the woman who found the body said that there was some art opening tonight.

It looks like they're still having it.

Well, if we let them, they'd put a velvet rope around him and call it an "installation""

Are you Lauren Harris?

Yeah. The other officers told me I can keep working.

We have 200 people coming here in ten hours.

The show must go on?

He's not gonna cancel.

"He" being...?

Marco. The owner.

How many people have access to this gallery?

Usually, just me, Marco and a few of the assistants, but Nicholas was here loading in the final pieces last night.

If that door was left propped open, someone could've come in from the alley.

Can you think of anyone who'd have a beef with him?

I only met him a few times.

Evan: Cat, Tess.

Evan: Shot in the back.

Two b*ll*ts, low-caliber w*apon.

But the way he fell, he wasn't running away from someone.

So either someone snuck up on him...

Or whoever he was, he didn't think they were a threat.

I also found some white cotton fibers.

It's a long shot, but I could run them back to the lab now.

You two lovebirds go ahead.

I'm gonna check out the art in the bathroom.

Catherine: Okay, look, you don't have to come to dinner-- my dad put you on the spot.

Not that it's a big deal or anything, but the last thing I want to be doing is having dinner with another murky, undefined situation.

This isn't murky, Cat.

It's simple, okay?

I'll pick you up at 7:00.

Unless you don't think you can handle yourself around me.

Of course I can handle myself.

It's just, after the incident at my party...

You mean when you kissed me?

You kissed me.

Your cheeks are turning red.


It's just, I don't want to complicate things now.

We're friends, we work together, and I know what that's like, to think that someone has feelings for you when...

There are absolutely no feelings.

It was just one kiss.


Just one, completely meaningless... kiss.

I'll pick you up at 7:00.


♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x06 ♪

Original Air Date on November 15, 2012

Woman: Nicholas was broken up about a girl.

He met her at an art opening.

She ended it a couple of weeks ago.

But it wasn't serious.

I never met her.

Did your son mention a name?

Was there anyone he wasn't getting along with?

He had a fight, um... on the phone... two nights ago.

About prices.

Prices of his paintings, I guess.

He was yelling.

It woke me up.

11:15 p.m., Nicholas made a call to the Marco Giconni Gallery.

Our still conspicuously absent gallery owner.


He may explain what I found in Nicholas's bank account-- not much.

I thought he'd be loaded-- selling paintings for five grand a pop.

The standard gallery commission's 50%, but Nicholas was only making deposits for a couple hundred here and there.

If Marco was cheating Nicholas out of his cut, maybe he went there to confront him.

(phone beeps)

(groans): Oh, its' my Dad.

Checking in about your big date?

It is not a date.

Look, I know you're still holding out for Complicated Guy, but you and Evan were both blushing when I left.

Okay, that's just because...

(Catherine clears her throat)


(whispers): Okay.

Yeah... he kissed me at my birthday party, in the photo booth.

What are we, strangers?

How could you hold out on me like that?

It was not that big a deal.

Okay, i-it's a mi... it's a minor big deal.

Well, I'm confused.

Is it big or minor?

(phone chimes)

No, no, no, no.

Dinner's in five hours.

Your dad can wait.

It's not my dad.

It is my soon-to-be step... thingy reminding me of my dress fitting.

This conversation's not over.

Oh, I'm glad you feel that way, because you're coming with me.

And you're driving.


Really? Because you don't have to, I mean...

Well, yeah, I'd love to go for coffee.

Ugh, I'm in desperate need of caffeine, and I should probably eat something that hasn't been microwaved in a petri dish.

The coffee at the campus diner is guaranteed to k*ll any bacteria you may have consumed with your lunch.


Vincent: Hey, JT, I need help with these numbers, man.

Who's that?

Uh, no one. I got to go.

See you there?

Okay, bye.

Blood pressure is fine, so please... please tell me why I can't remember what happened last night.

I don't know, but for the third time, everything's normal.

I woke up on the top of Brooklyn Bridge.

I'm not saying that's not a problem.

Come on, man.


This has never happened before.

Okay, let's trace it back.

What were you doing before your sleepwalk down non-memory lane?

I was headed to Catherine's and...


What'd she do now?


She must have done something.

Wait-- is this about her kissing that guy the other night?

You were thinking about Catherine and some jerk in a lip-lock.

Adrenaline kicks in, your heart rate increases-- long story short, you fugued-out because you're jealous.


Fugue-- you're up and walking around but... it's like you got amnesia.

Okay, wait.

Jealousy cannot cause memory loss.


I don't have a right to be jealous anyway.

Free advice?

Take a chance and tell her how you feel.

Okay, wait.

Wait, wait, wait.

Who are you right now?

Look, I know I've been the president of the "Stay Away from Catherine Club," but... she's only gonna wait for you for so long before she moves on.

(sighs quietly)

♪ It'll be just a matter of time ♪
♪ Before you're crawling...


Okay. You ready?

I can't wait to see it on you.

(teacup clinks)

So, what do you think?

It's nice.

It's a lovely shape.

And it will match the flowers perfectly.


It looks like a leprechaun ate too many marshmallows.



Yes, it does.

Okay, all the men coming to your wedding should thank you.

Speaking of... your dad said you're bringing a date to dinner tonight?

Oh, Evan? No, he's just that friend that I brought to your engagement party.

Oh, yeah, that friend that you just kiss sometimes.

He kisses a lot of people.

So did your dad.

Wow, I really don't need to hear the rest of that paragraph.

Well, I'm just saying when the right person comes into your life, people can change.

Let's just say that serial dating isn't my only issue.



I'm half your dad's age.

My parents think I'm crazy.

His friends think I'm a gold digger.

He has two very opinionated daughters, one of whom is warming up to me like it's the Ice Age.

On the surface there are all these obstacles.

But for the right guy, it's worth ignoring them.

(phone chimes)

Oh, I'm sorry.

I have to go.

We'll try again later, Lucky Charms.

You know, she's not so bad.

I think you might need to replace the "thingy" in "step-thingy."

She left her sunglasses.

You ran your stepmom-to-be's plates?

And her driver's license and her name.

Turns out she's married.


I think that's the guy who was kissing her-- her husband of three years.

And your dad doesn't know?

He rented the Fallwyck Hotel for their wedding six weeks from now.

What do you think?

Nicholas didn't just do abstract art.

He also did nudes.

Yeah, don't they all.

Hey, look at these.

Why would you paint the same thing over and over?

To get better at it?

Or sell it more than once.

There's a bunch of duplicates here.

Untitled Number Three, Untitled Number Three...

Maybe we're looking at some kind of art fraud.

Collectors think they're getting a one of-a-kind, but Marco's selling multiple copies of the same painting.

We got to meet this Marco.


Get this.

A month ago, Nicholas sold three of his paintings to a gallery across town for a couple hundred bucks.

But Marco sells them for thousands.

Why the premium rate?

Hey, check this out.

List of clients?

Maybe Nicholas threatened to tell Marco's clients that they were being swindled.

That much money on the line, not a bad reason to k*ll him.


Assistant District Attorney Fred Simpson.

You know him?

Only by reputation-- guy's supposed to be a bulldog.

Tess: So, where you been, Marco?

Trying to disappear?

If I was trying to disappear, I would have.

I was dining in Long Island with witnesses.

Well, I understand you and Nicholas had a pretty heated fight the other night.

Did we?

Well, I guess the union of commerce and culture is not always so unified.

Was he upset you were cheating him out of his rightful cut?

Painters loathe capitalism but they love the rewards.

Or did he thr*aten to expose your money laundering scam?

Money laundering?

How else do you explain the prices you're getting for Nicholas's work?

Art is subjective.

So is the price you pay for it.

Is that what you told Assistant District Attorney Simpson?

'Cause I'm thinking you and ADA Simpson were working together.

You're mistaken.

All right.

Well, based on the invoices we found in Nicholas's studio, and the duplicate paintings, we have enough to hold you on false representation.

I want my lawyer present.

And I need my phone call.

I have to let my curator know to cancel tonight's opening.

The opening?

Huh. You know, I've always been curious about contemporary art.

Oh, and I'll get right on that phone call for you.

Look at me, running out the door.

Fast as I can.
Okay, I guess there's no other way to do this than just say it.

Um... Dad, Brooke is married.


Is that all?

Isn't that enough?

It's not what you think.

She's going through a horrible divorce.

Made more horrible by the fact that she isn't divorced.

Did you run a background check on her?

Yeah, but I...

Well, you know if you hadn't stopped your research when you found something to judge, you would have discovered that the divorce was supposed to be finalized weeks ago.

Brooke's husband's still in love with her, so he made some new demands, that's all.

I saw them kiss.

Brooke told me that he followed her.

He texted her from outside.

Now I'm sure she didn't return this kiss.

Yes, she pushed him away, but she just didn't want anyone to see.

I-I think she's using you.

Catherine, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why I didn't tell you about her divorce myself?

I am worried about you.

Because no one's worthy in your eyes.

Now, this judgmental attitude may make you a good cop, but it also makes it very difficult to have a relationship with you.

Art openings are pretentious.

We just figure out where the money is coming from, and we get out of there.

Tess: Unless we meet some handsome art lover.



I checked Nicholas's credit reports.

He applied for an apartment two days ago.

According to the landlady, he was gonna move in with his girlfriend.

What are you wearing, anyway?

Whatever's clean.

He was moving in with a girlfriend who dumped him two weeks earlier?

That is wishful thinking.

Hey, what are you wearing?

Heather's shoes, apparently.

I'll see you there.


I'm in a hurry, Vincent.

I'm on my way to a case.

A little overdressed for a case.

m*rder*d painter.

Going to a gallery opening.

Vincent... what are you doing here?

I was just in the neighborhood.



It's just, one minute I think we're moving in one direction, and then we're moving in another.

Catherine, I know that... you can't wait around for me; I mean...

You... you don't have to let me down easy.

I get it.

You and I, this, it's just, it's... too complicated.

I don't know what I thought, that you'd... come over for dinner like some normal guy?

I realize that was stupid of me.

It's not stupid.

Look, I should've just told you that I was okay.

I was reading into our connection like it was fate or destiny that brought us together.

Truth is... you've saved other people, not just me.

We should just stick to working on cases.

That's what we are.

(knocking on door)



Um... if you'll excuse me?

It's just, uh... my date.

I thought I'd order the lobster and ask for a bib.

Properly mortify you in front of your father.

I'm sorry I forgot to call.

Dinner is off.

How come you look so stunning?

Thank you. Long story.

But you are off the hook.

And if I don't want to be off the hook?

Well, we're both dressed up in the most electric city in the world.

There must be somewhere we can go.

I wish that I could, but I'm on a case.

Lucky criminal.

Another time?

Actually, what do you know about art?

Coffee or tea?

Was I supposed to pick up something?

Why are you using my computer?

I needed to find a subway map.

A lifelong New Yorker who's part bloodhound, and you suddenly forget how to get to Rockefeller Center?

I'm going back to the old neighborhood.

Why are you going there?

Oh, wait, let me guess: Catherine.

m*rder*d painter.

The article in the newspaper said he was from Astoria, so...


You are so lame.

Oh, as lame as you not telling me you were going on a date with Sara?

Yeah. She instant- messaged you, was wondering why you're late.

So, you never answered: coffee or tea?

Green tea.

Green tea.

Loaded with antioxidants.

Look, Vincent...

After all the lectures you gave me about Catherine.


All right, I should've told you, just like you should tell Catherine how you feel instead of... using a case as an excuse to see her.

No, she told me to stick to cases.

There are two million people in Queens-- how exactly are you planning to help?

By finding the one that knows everything.

Excuse me, is the paper still a dollar?

No wonder I can't retire.

It's $2.50.

Is there any chance you know the, uh, Varkas family?

I just wanted to give my condolences.

Oh, yeah.

Too bad about Nick.

Stopped by every day on the way to work to buy a paper.

Oh, so he worked by here?

Yeah, his mother owns the travel agency on Steinway.

He paints... uh, painted... in a studio on the top floor.


Uh, thanks.

Neighborhood isn't what it used to be.

Loyal customers like Varkas.

People from here to Ditmars used to stop by on the way to work.

You know, you remind me of one of them.

I-I haven't been around here before.

No, who is it, now, uh...?

Michael Keller.

Yeah. Any relation?

Uh, no.

He stopped by on the way to work every day.

Lost two sons in the Towers.

One in Afghanistan.

(sighs) Shame.

Uh, it's-it's nice talking to you.

Thanks... thanks for the paper.

♪ Lying on a fake beach ♪
♪ You'll never get a tan...

Fancy crowd.

Not your usual money-laundering thugs.

Just think, Brooke could've put you in that for the wedding.

I don't mind it.

Evan, focus-- you're supposed to be mingling.

All right, so we know how the money gets clean.

Let's figure out why it's dirty.

(clears throat)

How tall are you ?

Six feet in those heels?

Six one, but who's counting?

Oh. I guess you are.

(laughs): Yeah.

15 grand!

And I'll bet it's worth every penny.

You seem like a wise woman...


It's not art fraud.

I just got propositioned.

That's because they're not paying for the paintings.

They're paying for the women.

Marco's no gallery owner-- he's a pimp.

Now we know why Nicholas knocked out so many of the same paintings and why clients paid so much for them.

You pay big bucks for a painting, and a woman comes home with you.

Hard money trail for the authorities to follow.

Do you think Nicholas knew his art was being used as a front for prostitution?

If he did, maybe he was upset, and he confronted Marco, and things didn't go so well.

Ballistics just came in-- the g*n that k*lled Nicholas was a Lady Smith.

Dozens of sexy suspects, 50 johns--

Vice is gonna have a field day with this.

I have to admit, this is the best-looking room of suspects I've ever seen.

Oh, great.

Then you'll have a good time sussing out if any of them are carrying.

Or if any of them will cop to having a relationship with Nicholas.

Catherine: Do you think she's in on it?

One way to find out.

What I love about this painting is the youthfulness, the freshness.

As if it were uncorrupted by the world.

Excuse me for a minute.

You get all that from an orange canvas?

Nicholas was gifted.

What brings you by, Detective?

Oh, we thought we'd pay our respects.

Obviously, we're not the only ones.

Well, people really respond to his work.

And yet this is the only gallery where Nicholas's work sells at these prices.

Well, that's Marco's gift-- making unknown artists into stars.


I wish Nicholas was here to enjoy it.

Excuse me.

Good evening.

Catherine: A girl's gotta earn a living, but nights like these, I wish I was out of the game.

I'm Cat.


And there's nowhere to go.

At least with these guys, you know where you stand.

Maybe, but I'm still holding out for Prince Charming.

If you're looking for love, take it from me-- it never works out.

Prince Charming is a liar.

I can't believe the artist died in here.

Did you know him?

I heard that he was in love with one of the girls.

I met him... once or twice.

Acted like he was a sensitive artist, but he was "in love" with a lot of girls.

Really? I heard over at the bar that he, uh, applied for an apartment two days ago, wanted to move in with his girlfriend.

I hadn't heard that.

Excuse me.

You know they don't like it when we stand in one place for too long.

Evan: Where's Tess?

Either with the man of her dreams or calling Vice-- your guess.

Making me talk to other women all night, it's a strange tactic, but a memorable one.

Catherine: Evan, can you just excuse me for a second?

What are you doing here?

Are you okay?

I needed to see you.

I'm working.

Well, that's why I'm here.

The, uh, m*rder*d painter, I found his studio and...

You what?

Well, you said stick to cases.

I didn't mean for you to break and enter a victim's private property.

Did you see the paintings?

Vincent, the paintings don't matter.

It's just all a cover for a high-end escort service.

Come with me.

Her name's Daphne.

I talked to her at the gallery.

She seemed... jaded, bitter.

Or heartbroken.

Nicholas's mom said that his girlfriend broke up with him.

Maybe Daphne is just his model.

Vincent: It may have started that way, but it became more.

And look at the way he... captured her.

The curve of her back.

The softness of her skin.

He spent every waking moment painting her.

She was in every brush stroke.

I know I'm not the detective here, but... this man, he loved this woman.

Now, maybe there was someone else, someone that didn't want them to be together.

But they weren't together.

She said he loved a lot of girls.

I find that hard to believe.

You know, maybe she doubted him.

The way he felt about her.

But if he loved her so much... why did she push him away?

She didn't feel worthy.

How can you be so sure?

'Cause I know what it feels like.

♪ But I'm ♪
♪ Still trying ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh...

Tess: Hey, who's Daphne Finnerty?

Nicholas's girlfriend-- those paintings in the studio, all of her.

Was she at the gallery tonight?

Yeah. She said she barely knew the guy.

But when I mentioned the apartment that he leased, she took off.

I don't think she realized he wanted to move in with her.

Well, if she was his girlfriend, wouldn't she know?

Unless someone made her doubt that he loved her.

And the person who wouldn't want her to move in with her boyfriend is her pimp.

No, try madame--

Lauren, the curator, she conveniently left the gallery right after she saw me.

Makes sense.

Found this at the studio.

People are supposed to use those when they move art.

Yeah, "people" as in a curator with a gallery show.

Could explain our white fibers.

I had a unit put on Lauren's apartment.

Our conniving curator got home ten minutes ago.

Anyone else enter the building in the last ten minutes?

Yeah, a woman, early 20s.

Green dress?


Lauren: Just calm down.

We can talk this through.

Daphne: You lied to me!

Lauren: I was protecting you!

That's Lauren's apartment.

Daphne: He was the best thing that ever happened to me!

The only man that I ever loved!

Lauren: I know you're upset.

NYPD! Open up!

Daphne: He's dead, and I can never get him back!

Lauren: It's been a terrible shock, but I swear I had nothing to do with this, Daphne.

Drop your w*apon!

Daphne, don't do this.

You couldn't stand the thought that I might actually be happy.

Nicholas wouldn't want this for you.

She told me I was just a call girl, that I meant nothing to him, that I wasn't worthy of love.

He was gonna leave you anyways.

They always do.

And Lauren didn't want to miss one of her best moneymakers, isn't that right?

He swore to me he wasn't sleeping with any of the other girls, but I didn't believe him because of your lies.

Nicholas knew he had to get Daphne away from you.

That's what that phone call was about; not the price of the paintings, but the price of Daphne's freedom.


It's not true.

But he didn't have the money to buy her out, so what did he do, Lauren, thr*aten to expose the entire operation?

Turn over that client list?

I wasn't gonna jeopardize everything for a stupid whore.

You k*lled him!

And if you k*ll her, you will be throwing your life away.

Daphne, Nicholas, he... he saw your true worth.

He did.

He loved you.

He loved you.

Put the g*n down.

Put down your g*n.


Daphne won't be charged.

I just got off the phone with the DA's Office.

They agreed that her statement will help make the m*rder and pandering charges stick.

Nice work, partner.

Thanks. Hey, I'll buy you a beer if you buy me one.

You are on. I just need to do a couple things.

I'll meet you in, like, an hour?


Careful. Last time I made plans with Catherine, I ended up in a bordello.

I'm gonna finish my report... over there, by myself.

Congratulations, Detective Chandler.

And if I haven't said it already, you were great last night.

Not quite the undercover experience that I'm used to, but I think I acquitted myself quite nicely.

I think you enjoyed yourself a little too much.

Well, I could say the same for you.

I saw you slip out of the gallery with someone.

That was just a john I was interviewing.

He said he knew everything about the scheme, but he didn't want anyone to overhear.

Funny, I didn't peg him as a client.

He shows up to an upscale escort party wearing street clothes and the only woman he wanted to talk to is you.

Evan, a certain kind of woman would take that as an insult.

Then let me make it up to you.

Dinner, no chaperone.

I think I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

Has to rain sometime, Cat.

I'll wait.

You're very confident.

And patient.

You look beautiful.

What are you doing here?

I... owe you an apology.

You think?

Yes. I made, like, a hundred assumptions and I acted like an idiot.

A huge, jumbo-sized idiot.

But you wouldn't have had to make so many assumptions if I'd just been honest.

Your approval means a lot to your dad.

Anyone would be lucky to have you as part of their family.

(both laugh gently)

Catherine: I waited all night for you.

When I left--

No, not, not tonight, um, when you didn't show up for dinner.

But it seems like that's what I do the most with my time these days... wait for the next moment I get to see you.

Vincent, it never even occurred to me that you didn't know that you are the best thing in my life right now.

I guess seeing me kiss another guy doesn't really help my chances.

(both laugh quietly)

I don't know how to do this.


You know, that, uh, artist's studio was, like, six blocks from where I grew up.

Being back there kind of got me thinking about who I used to be.

You know, if that Vincent Keller had seen you with another guy, he probably would've, uh... smacked him square in the mouth.


Does it make me a terrible person to admit that I'm glad the thought crossed your mind?


Who I am makes everything seem impossible.


Who you are... it makes everything worth it.

Vincent, I have to go.



(siren wails in distance)