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03x09 - Freak Show

Posted: 06/05/15 03:25
by bunniefuu
Taking it out on everyone isn't fair.

Before you get completely carried away playing Jesus, just spare a thought for Liz Birdsworth.

You f*cked up any chance I had of a life with my kids.

I don't think I can do this.

Don't forget I'll be there with you, every step of the way.

Jodie Spiteri's making serious allegations against you.

Well, Bea should be here.

I want Bea!

Just as long as you enjoy it, Jianna. I need you to find out who this Jianna is.

I think Ferguson was in love with her or something.

She really is a freak.

Slot her.

You're a f*cking battered old whore!

I've been getting these flashes.

I'm not sure if they're memories.

You've lost time because of the accident.

Your brain's trying to find it.

Who's this?

He's the man who drugged me.

He works for Ferguson.

He's her thug.

<font color="#3399CC">Subtitles by </font><font color="ffffff">MemoryOnSmells</font>

<font color="#3399CC"></font>

Will there be pain?

How much can I take?

Why do I have to suffer?

Because you're nothing!

Be good to get back into general, wouldn't it? Have a shower.

I don't know how you look in the mirror. You're so ugly.

How do you look at yourself?


Liar. Liar.

All it takes is a moment of courage.

Do you have the courage?

I have the courage.

I have the courage.

I have the courage!

Hey, Mr Fletcher.

You know that sketch that you took?

You know who that is, don't you?

Just tell me. Come on.

I saw him in the carpark the day you said you got abducted.

He got into a white van.

I think that was the van that hit me. He was the driver.

So, if he's Ferguson's thug that means that she was behind it.

Why would Ferguson want to hurt you?

I have no idea.

You know, obviously she didn't want me around.

But there's a whole lot of stuff I don't remember before the accident, like how you got hold of my swipe card. The day you escaped, how'd you get it?

I found it.

See that lie right there?

That's why I don't trust you.


Now get back to work.

'Housing affordability - it's certainly a hot topic. Most people want to grow up and buy their own home at some stage. It's a mark of independence and it certainly lets you start to build a future. But it's becoming harder and harder, particularly for young people to get into the market. Happy to take your calls, as always...'

Let go of me! You f*cking bitch!

Come on, Anderson.


He's beautiful, Anderson.

Hand down. Thank you.

You look like you're 50.

What are you wearing?

It's my job interview suit.

What jobs did you go for?

Bakery. A jewellery shop at Chadstone. That was cool.

And your solicitor's got all that?

Yeah, he said he's gonna say something.

And I did volunteer work at an old people's home.

Community-minded, even better.

I hate this.

Look, your solicitor will do all the talking for ya, OK?

And if the judge asks you anything, it's "Your Honour."

No "sirs, ma'am's, Your Majestys." They get pissed off when you get it wrong. OK.

You're totally stressin' out.

I wish you could come with me.

Ah, you'll be right.

f*ckin' five!

Yeah, yeah.

It's five. Even I know...

Even I f*ckin' know it's five.



I'll be alright from here, thank you.

Nah! But no!

You're shit! This is shit!

Oh! f*ck!

Dor! Oh, hello, love!

Oh, my god!

Darling, he's beautiful!

Oh, he's awesome.

How are ya, love?


You're good?

Dors, come. Come.

What is it?

Come and have a look. Surprise.

OK. What is it?

It's a surprise. Hey?

It's alright, isn't it?

Guys, this is amazing.

Oh, thank you.

He's gonna be right at home here, Dor.

I hung the mobile.

Did you? Aww!


Good-looking kid.

Sure I'm not the dad?

Soph, isn't he gorgeous?


Wasn't that long ago I was bringing you home.



You look nice. Good luck.

Yeah, thanks.

Hey, you want to have a hold?




Oh, go on.

Let Liz.

She looks like she wants a hold.

I'd love a hold, Dor.

Oh, little thing.

Little, tiny man.

Little, tiny man.

Little, tiny man. I don't think he's smiling at you, Booms.

I have the courage.

I have the courage.

Jodie! Sarah!

'Code black, psych unit.

Code black, psych unit.'

Darling, no-one's going to hurt you.

We just want to get you to a hospital, OK?

I've got the courage! I've got the courage! I've got the courage!

Listen to me. What'd she do to you?

She bit me. What have you done, Spiteri?

I've got the courage.

Get up. OK, we're gonna get you to the hospital, alright?

It's OK. It's OK.

Come on, it's OK.

It's OK. It's alright, it's alright.

Nice and easy, nice and easy.

Did you see it happen? No.

No, I don't know how it happened.

I see here you recommended she be released back into general.

Yes, she seemed ready. She was keen to get back to the other women.

So this has come as a surprise to you?

Yes, it has.

I'm merely trying to understand how you... got it so wrong.

The psych staff said you paid her a visit earlier this morning.

Yes, I did.

And how was she?

Well, she certainly didn't present as ready for release.

She seemed quite agitated, of all things, about the way she looked.

I mean, perhaps trying to destroy her vision is a way of coping with that.

Well, it is possible your visit prompted her to self-harm. I mean, she is progressing well, and then you step in and pay her a visit.

I have been checking in on Spiteri regularly and without incident.

How often?

Most days. Time permitting.

I can't imagine how stressed that would have made her feel.

She's in my care and I am concerned for her, and as the facts bear out, with good reason.

She's just brought serious charges against you.

Your concerns could quite as easily be interpreted as intimidation.

I am merely trying to do my job, Ms Westfall.

I suggest you do yours.

In your report, make sure you include her recommendation on Spiteri. I mean, it's borderline criminal negligence the way she missed the signs.


Is there something else?

This incident has made me realise I should exclude myself from level three procedures.

My hep-C status.


I'll mention it at the next staff meeting.

Is that wise?

You're an executive officer. If you don't want to perform a level three, you don't have to explain why.

You have aspirations for a governorship.

They won't give it to you if they know about your condition.

Oi. Have you heard about Jodes?


Hacked herself up, apparently.

And not just her arms. She went for her face as well. She's got a bandage over one of her eyes and they've taken her to hospital.


You shouldn't have pressured her like that.

She wasn't up to it after everything Ferguson did to her.

I wish I'd never f*ckin' listened to you.

Well, Ferguson could be behind it.

She's done it before.

We said we'd protect her.

Oh, he's beautiful, Dor.

Oh, darling, he's so gorgeous.

Oh, must bring back memories of Artie and Soph, eh?

Yeah, it does, love.


Hey, it'll be OK.

Sophie will come back to you, honey.

Do you reckon?

Well, it might take some time, but yeah, I reckon.

Hey, Jess. Welcome back.

Jess, come and meet the little one.

He's here.


Hey, this is Jess.

I've gotta hold him.

You can hold him.

Just support his head. I know.

He's so perfect.

I could eat you.



Hello, little Joshua.

You know that nasty Ms Ferguson, she tried to keep me from you.

But I'm here now and I'm gonna take good care of you.

Hey. Come on, I'll show you her room. Hey.

How're you doing, Dor?

Yeah, good.

How's bubba?

Oh, he's going well.

Hey, has Ferguson seen Joshua since she's been back from the birth?

She completely blanked me and didn't even look at him. Really? Oh, that's weird.

I don't want to ask her any more questions about Jianna, OK?

I don't want her anywhere near him.

OK, fair enough.

The cold bitch wouldn't even let Nash visit in the hospital.

I'd better check on bubs.



You keep an eye on her and baby at all times, OK?

Don't leave 'em alone.

Ferguson wouldn't hurt a baby, would she?

That looks hard going.

Pet project.

You ready for your parole hearing?

Well, I've got a lot going on.

I hadn't given it much thought.

Well, don't leave it till the last minute.

I thought we weren't doing this anymore.

We can still talk.

What do you want to talk about?

Jodie Spiteri.

What do you know?

Did Ferguson stick her in the eye?

In a way. Possibly.

Come on.

You said you saw Ferguson visiting Jodie in the slot.

It all fits with what Jodie told us and what we put in the complaint.

Ferguson was torturing her.

Do you believe Smith's story about the man in the boiler room?

Do you?

I'm starting to.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

I don't know.

Oh, god, I have to be careful.

Do you miss me?

I can't...

I know. this.

I know.

I can't. I know.

Not here. Not yet.

Ms Westfall. Can I speak to you?

She didn't see anything.

So, what can I help you with?

It's true, isn't it?

You and Franky Doyle.

Nothing has happened between Franky and I.

The moment the rumours started, I debriefed my supervisor and, on his advice, I stopped my sessions with Franky and referred her to another therapist.

So why were you hiding in the bookshelves?

We weren't hiding.

We were talking about something of a private nature.

And Franky felt more comfortable talking there instead of out in the open.

What were you talking about?

I can't tell you. I'm sorry, it's confidential between Franky and me.

If you had any integrity, you'd hand in your resignation.

Now you're just responding to the rumours.

You plant an idea in someone's head and they search for confirmation of it wherever they look. You can make people believe anything.

You tell me, Ms Bennett, what do you think happened to Jodie Spiteri?

Don't change the subject.

No, no, come on.

You must see the pattern.

Ferguson visits her in isolation, and she shivs Bea Smith.

She visits her in the psych unit and she self-harms.

Spiteri is a liar and a known self-harmer.

Yes, I know she did that to herself because Ferguson made her.

Wow, you'd say anything to keep your job.

Well, what would you do to keep yours?

Anything Ferguson asked you?

She is a formidable character.

I bet she's hard to say no to.

Ms Ferguson has her own way of doing things.

But it is always within the rules.


And for the benefit of the women, even if it might not seem so at the time.

I deal with a lot of victims of abuse, and a lot of them make excuses for the people who hurt them.

They enable them.

And they do it because they think that fits with who they are and what they deserve.

You are another one of her victims.

There's been some news on Jodie Spiteri.

There's been some news on Jodie Spiteri.


Yes, Governor?

You're preoccupied with something?

No, I'm just thinking.

Um, overtime budget. I don't think we'll meet it this month.

Oh, we can beat it into the next.

As long as we're right for the end of the quarter.

Thank you.


You're all busy, so we'll move through these items quickly.

Jodie Spiteri.

Now, her doctor tells me that her right eye is permanently damaged.

She may yet lose it.

Now, there was a no-sharps order on her cell.

The instrument she used on herself was apparently a pencil.

Now, according to the safety regulations, a pencil does not qualify as a sharp, so technically, there's no breach of duty of care from our end.

So, how did it come to be in her cell and who left it there?

Well, that is my question exactly.

Nice and loose for the nappy.

They're good, aren't they?

Yarn. Yarn...

Oh! The knitting people. It's not easy. It's not f*ckin' relaxing!

Do you want me to help?

Would ya?


Here. OK, let's have a little look.

So, the first thing you've gotta do is cast on.

Oh, yeah, it says that in the book.


Now, the number of stitches you cast on depends on what you're making.

So, what are you making?

Oh, booties, for Joshy.

Can I suggest a scarf?

Nah, I need it to be booties.

You know, it's your first time, a scarf is a lot easier to...

Look, are you gonna help me or are you just gonna boss me round?

I'm gonna help ya.

Good, cos I want it to be special, right?

It's all good.
There you go.

This is our son.

Look at him.

Hello, mate.

Here, do you wanna have a hold?

Yeah, alright.

Grab him.


Got his neck?


You're a natural, honey.

Hey? Thank you, baby.

Thank you so much.

My little Joshua.

You're gonna have a good life, mate.

I'm gonna make sure of that.

You've got the best mum in the world.

And your old man?

He's not gonna put a foot wrong, ever, mate.

Hey. Hey.

What's that in your hand?

It's just this.

Oh, they're cute.

Oh, they're beautiful!

Hey, doing a good job, Booms.

Thank you.

I'd die before I'd let anything happen to Josh.

I always wanted a kid of me own, you know?

And I tried to get Daz to knock me up, but he'd always pull out at the last second.

You know, I think he thought I wanted to trap him or something, but I didn't.

Anyway, now... with everything, I'll be, ah, 43 before I get out, so it's too late.

Too late? No, no, it's not.

I know plenty of women who get pregnant in their forties.

Who's gonna wanna get me pregnant?

You'll find someone.

Oh, bullshit.


No, no-one's gonna want me. I've got a feeling you'll have guys lining up.

I s'pose it must shit you, too, eh, not being able to have a bub?

I have put some sperm away, just on the off-chance.

What? So, what, you got your spoof frozen or something?







How'd you go?

Yeah, I get sentenced in two weeks.


Hey, what do you reckon about that?



Victim's wife wants to meet with ya.

Well, do I have to do it? It says it won't affect my sentence if I don't.

Well, even though they say it doesn't, it always does.

And the judge'll definitely take it into consideration.

Yeah, but if it's just about being angry with me, then I'm not gonna do it.

Well, it's up to you.

But if you really are sorry, then telling her face-to-face, it'll give her closure.

And maybe you, too.

You'll be right.

Hey, that that was good advice.



So, who'd you have lined up for your spoof?

To have the baby?

We had this girlfriend who was gonna do it, but it all fell to bits once Gary and I had our breakup.

What, she took his side?

Well, in her defence, I... I did s*ab him.



Back to see the little bub?


Have you seen him?

Yeah, he's gorgeous.

Yeah. There'll be a little wait to check these.

We're short-staffed, so...

I'll do it.

Hey, Ms Ferguson?


I'm Nash.

Doreen Anderson's partner.

Thank you for letting me come and see him again today.

I think, for a newborn, we can make an exception, yes?

Wait here.

What's this?

I don't know.

Closer inspection revealed more hidden dr*gs.

The police have arrested him. He'll be charged and sent back to Walford.

He's not into dr*gs.

I do not understand, with so much to lose, how could you risk something like that?

Ms Ferguson, there's been a mistake.

I didn't know anything about that, and there's no way Nash is...

Was it Doyle?

Did Doyle put you up to this?


Was it Bea Smith?

Of course not.

Bea hates that stuff more than anyone. Really?

Wasn't that long ago she was so high on dr*gs she had to be restrained for her own safety.

She's top dog now.

Her priorities are different.

And she's certainly not above using those closest to her to get what she wants.

And the question you have to ask yourself, is she using you now?

Warner's here to mind the baby until the police have taken a statement. No.

Doreen, it's for the best. You don't want Joshua surrounded by all this upset now, do you?

I'll take good care of him, Dor.

Go on.

Come here, handsome.

Come on, little fella, let's get some fresh air.

Hello, Mr Fletcher.


Have you met Joshua?

Uh, no.

You know, I miss us.

I miss your smell on me.

I miss you inside of me.

What... what are you talking about, Warner?

Don't you remember what you said to me?

No, I... I don't.

You said that you loved me.

No, I didn't.

And I love you.

Stop playing games.

I'm not playing games.

Hey, check that out.

I thought Doreen and her baby were supposed to be having a visit.

Well, they are.

Well, they were.


What was that about?


I was just showing him Joshua.

Where's Doreen?

Something bad's happened.


I don't know anything!

Tell us about the gear.

What gear? I...

Overtime sheets from last month.

Thank you.

Yes, Vera?

It was a fairly amateurish attempt, by most standards.

Well, these people are hardly Mensa material, are they?

Well, if you don't mind me saying, I don't think Anderson would be knowingly involved.

On what basis?

Her excellent record as a peer worker.

She's never returned a positive drug test.

She's never been implicated in any drug activity during her time here.

Well, that's debatable.

She's in here on a drug conviction.

She's close to Bea Smith.

Her boyfriend is a dealer, both now, and obviously during the garden project.

You don't agree.

If she's guilty of anything, it's aligning herself with the wrong people.

With so much to lose, you'd think she'd be more careful.

Hey, Dor, are you OK?


Where's Josh?

Jess is putting him to bed, love.

Hey, so what's happened?

Nash has broken parole, so he's going back to Walford.

They're gonna charge him with drug trafficking.

They wanna charge me with it.

They called me an unfit mother.

Hang on, but did you see the dr*gs?

Did you touch 'em? No.

Well, then, they're bullshitting you. They can't prove anything.

Did Nash give you any idea he was bringing dr*gs in? No.

He was so excited about being a dad, he never would have.

Never! Ferguson thinks you were behind it.

She what?

Were you?


So it could have been Ferguson.

She set him up.

What, she set up Nash?

Because you made me get close to her.

No, we don't know it was her for sure.

Well, she was in medical when the baby was born.

Maybe she heard us when I told you about Jianna.

Oh, this is... this is payback.

This is on you. This is your fault!

Because you started a fight you can't win.

Mr Fletcher, can I have a word with you, please?

About what, Smith?

Not here.

In private.


No way. Forget it.

You wanna know the truth about your swipe card or not?

It was in here, in that cubicle.

You were with Jess Warner.

That's how I got your swipe card.


I set it up.

I knew you had a soft spot for her.

All I had to do was put her in your way.

Where's my swipe card?

f*ckin' just give me my card back!

It was easy.

If you're gonna blame anyone, you blame me.


OK, I set this up.

That is not true.

We need to find out who owns that van. Mr Fletcher...

Stay away from me!

Oh, f*ck.

Hey, what's going on?

I need to... Yeah.

And, look at me. You're gonna go into your breathing, alright?

In through the nose, out through the nose.

Look at me. That's it.


f*ck it! What happened?

I saw you in Bridget Westfall's office. You looked upset.

She's, um... she's helping me with a few things.

Like what?

Not here in the prison.

I see her outside.

She has outside clients.

You're a client of hers?

So? It's not a problem, is it?

Oh, no. It's...

Is it helping?

Hey, come on. You know you can talk to me, don't you?

The work that we're doing, it's confronting.

It's trying to remember.

The accident?

Yeah, and all the stuff around it.

I mean, it's like hypnosis, but it's not.

It's more like a visualisation technique that opens up your memory.


So, how does that work?

She gets me to visualise a situation then she suggests things and sometimes things come back to me and I can compare them with the things I already know.

Like what?

I had an inappropriate relationship with an inmate.

I'm not telling you who.

I feel really disgusting.

Hey, Fletch.

You've been struggling with your memory.

You said yourself you don't know what's real and what's not.

How do you know that this is real?

I think it's real.

I'm gone, aren't I?


Yes, Vera?

I have evidence of an inappropriate relationship between a staff member and an inmate. Oh, yes?

Stop what you're doing.

Step away from the desk. What?

Do as I say.

Am I being fired?

You're resigning.

Believe me, it's far better than the alternative.

And what would that be?

Imagine the board.

They put you in here to spy on me and you take up with an inmate.

That is rubbish.

Ms Bennett has furnished me with a statement of what she witnessed between you and Doyle.

Which was nothing.

You don't really want to go through a formal investigation, do you?

I mean, you realise how damaging that would be for you?

I'll take that risk.

It will hurt you, your reputation, people close to you. I mean, your assessment of Franky Doyle, that's critical to her parole.

These allegations, you know?

It would be impossible for the Parole Board to consider your report on her.

I can see another, what, at least 12 months getting the proper assessments and paperwork ready for her to lodge another bid.

You would do that.



Do you want to come in?

Yeah. I'll...

Nah, it's alright.

Hey. You try me out.

What's up?

We should have a baby together.

You and me?

Yeah. Well, you know, with good behaviour and, uh, you know, a bit of luck, we'll both be out around the same time.

And, you know, if you still wanted to have a baby and you didn't have anyone to, you know, put your... your sperms into, then I'll be cool with helping you out.

I'm... I'm not really sure what to say.

Well, you still wanna have a baby, don't ya?

I mean, cos why else would you have your sperms frozen?

Well, that was when I was with Gary.

You still want to have a baby, though, don't ya?

Well, a lot's changed since then.

You know, I'm...

Oh, Booms, I'm not really sure what I want anymore.


Well, maybe if you... if you held the baby in your arms, then you would know, and it'd be good. Booms...

No, you're unreal.

Right, I didn't know it before, but, um, I do know it now.

And all I want is to have a baby one day.

And, um, if all I've got to offer you is, you know, the right plumbing, then...

I'm sorry, that's all I got.

But, um... but it's there and I reckon I'd be a really good mum. I would.

I reckon I'd be a really, really good parent. Boom...

No, I'd be a really good parent.

We both would.

So... so you have...

Don't cry.

Why did you do that?

Just cos you're having inappropriate relations with a prisoner doesn't mean everybody else is.


You planted ideas in his head when you know how vulnerable he is.

What would I stand to gain by doing anything like that?

I don't know.

I can't discuss clients with you, but I promise you, I did not plant anything in his head.


Have you submitted the incident report on Jodie Spiteri yet?

Not yet. Before you do, have a look in her file.

After you.


What's going on?

Back away from the fence, Doyle.

They getting rid of you? f*ck!

What about my parole?

I'm never gonna get out of here.

You'll be right.

I'm sorry.

You did nothing wrong.

Ms Westfall!

I'll be at your hearing, OK?

Don't worry. Now.

Vera, when Ferguson goes down, and she will, be careful you don't get sucked down with her.


Please go away.

Look, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry...

You used me.

I didn't mean to.

Yeah, you did.

And my son.

I should have left you guys out of it.

Josh won't have a father until he's seven. Seven.

I'll be raising him on my own.

What am I meant to tell my son?

She's the governor, Bea.

What did you think was gonna happen?

Well, I'll make it right.

Oh, like you did with Jodie, hey?


Get out.

Get out!


I'm stepping down.

Are you serious?

I can't do this anymore.

I'm so tired.


I never wanted this anyway.

And Doreen's right.

I've picked a fight I can't win.

Bullshit. Because of me, Ferguson is picking you off one by one.

Right? She is beyond evil.

I can't beat her.

Love, you're not fighting her alone.

I'm here. You can't stop now, Bea. You can't.

I won't let you.

'Have you submitted the incident report on Jodie Spiteri yet?'

'Before you do, have a look at her file.'