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08x07 - Week 7 (Season 8)

Posted: 06/28/12 06:55
by bunniefuu
Tonight on...

Arie: That is so cool.

Emily: I am so happy to be here in Prague.

Look at that.

The city is so romantic.

John: Emily is everything that I want in a woman.

Arie: I feel like I've been waiting my whole life to find Emily.

It's been a long, long time since I've had feelings like this.

Emily: You've just made me, like, the happiest girl.

If things keep going this way, nothing would make me happier.

Jef: I think I'd be the luckiest guy in the world to have a future with her.

Emily: Next week is hometowns, and I can't help but think about meeting these guys' families.

This became, like, super serious.

Chris: I took time with Emily for granted.

Tonight's definitely a big night.

I don't feel right.

I don't know what to do with myself.

I'm going crazy.

So I'm really worried now.

Uncertainty is one of the worst feelings you could possibly have.

There's definitely some-- some things I wanna talk to her about.

I could miss out on this opportunity but I just had no idea what to expect.

I feel like I have the best group of guys ever.

Last week I didn't send anyone home, because I just didn't know.

I didn't feel confident.

I want to get to know them better.

I want to know next time I send someone home that they are definitely not the guy for me.

I am way more nervous now than I was at the beginning, just because next week is hometowns, and I can't help but think about going home and meeting these guys' families, which is something I'm looking forward to, and how serious that is, and I'm at a point now where I want to meet their families.

I want to see what makes these guys who they are.

Jef: Holy cow, that's crazy.

(Chris B.) Wow.

John: Beautiful.

Gentlemen, good morning.

How's it going?

Men: Good.

John: Good. Yourself?

Welcome to one of the most beautiful, historic cities in all the world--Prague.

You are the six men that Emily definitely sees a future with.

And I hope by this point you feel the same about her, because this is by far the biggest week.

Your relationship is about to take a huge step forward.

The four of you who receive roses this week will get the opportunity to take Emily back to your hometowns to meet your family-- a huge step in any relationship.

This week, there will not be three, but rather four dates-- three romantic one-on-one dates and a group date.

On the one-on-one dates, no roses.

Those dates are just about you spending as much time with Emily as possible without the pressure of a rose hanging over your head.

On the group date, there will be a rose up for grabs.

The man that gets that rose-- guaranteed to take Emily back to his hometown to meet his family.

You guys ready for this?

Men: Yeah.

Go find your hotel.

Your first date card from Emily will be waiting for you there.

Gentlemen, enjoy Prague.

I'll see you later.


Thanks, Chris.

I'm definitely falling for Emily.

Emily possesses all the qualities that I look for in a girl that I want to be with.

Last time I had Emily all to myself, I was in London.

I really need more time with her.

The hometowns are right around the corner, and if I do take her home to meet my family, you know, that will be a big deal.


It's all pink!

It's all pink in here, huh?

This is awesome. This place is cool!

Cool, man.

Sean: The suite's beautiful.

It overlooks these expansive gardens.

Hello, Prague!


Men: Whoa!

Look what I got-- a date card.

Man: Whoa-ho!

I've never been here, and I just want to soak up the culture and, most importantly, spend time with Emily.


John: Ooh!

"Let's Czech out Prague together..."



Very cool. I'm stoked.

Yeah, that's cool.

I didn't expect that.

Men: I didn't expect it, either.

I'm actually-- I'm super excited about it, though.

Let me see that thing.

Oh, nice.

Chris: It's disappointing.

I-I want to hear my name on that date card.

All right, guys.

Well, I better get ready.

Chris: The stakes are huge, you know?

There's hometown dates next week, so...

It's very important to get that extra alone time with Emily to not only confirm the feelings that I have for her, but confirm the feelings that she has for me.

Yeah, rose or no rose, I think there's just as much pressure.



(Razor buzzing)

I'm nervous. I'm just-- my heart's pounding.

Emily is totally the woman of my dreams and somebody that I've fallen in love with after a few dates.

I want a hometown so badly.

I want Emily to meet my parents.

I'm a little anxious.

I have a lot invested in my emotions, my feelings, and so... I don't know.

I'm excited to see her.

Man: Hey.

What's going on?

Good to see you. How are you?

Good to see you.



How are you?

Emily: The fact that hometowns are so close-- they're next week--

I feel like I have a lot of pressure on myself to make the right decision.

I have six guys here, and I'm only gonna be able to go to four hometowns.

Once we get families involved, like, that makes it that much more serious, and I want to know that I'm picking the right guys.

Where are we going?

We are gonna go this way.


You look beautiful today.

Thank you. You look very handsome.

Going into the date with Arie, I'm so excited.

I don't really have a plan.

I just want to go and have fun and pretend like it's just my husband and I on vacation in Prague, and this is what we would do.

Thank you.

I am gonna be your tour guide for the day.

All right.

You're in trouble.

(Laughs) Okay.

Good thing we brought our book.

Wow, look at this.

This is so cool. Wow.

Isn't it wild to stand here and look at that and think about how many people have stood right here...

I know. And looked at that exact same clock?

That's cool.

Isn't that cool?

English? English?

(Man speaks indistinctly)

No? Yes? English? A little?

Little. Little.

Uh, two hot wines.

Have you ever had hot wine?

I never heard of it.

(Laughs) Me neither.

It feels amazing walking with Emily arm in arm through the streets.

Wow, look at that.

It would be very romantic if we got married in one of these giant cathedrals.

You are so beautiful.


I'm glad you're here with me today.

I'm glad that you brought me here.


Today is just probably the best day I could ask for.

I'm definitely feeling more and more in love with her every moment I hang out with her.

I like to kiss Arie.

I feel like I let him know that a lot by kissing him a lot.

But, at the same time, I know something about Arie that he's not telling me.

He doesn't know that I know, so it's like a lot's been weighing on my mind--a lot.

There are two things on this statue that you should touch. The lady on the right is for good luck in love, and the dog on the left is for... loyalty."

It's weird to rub a dog that... represents loyalty, when I know in the back of my head that he has a secret that he is hiding from me.

All right.

Should we do it together?

Yeah. You should do it twice--extra.

(Laughs) Okay.

Does that mean we'll have that-- you have to rub it. No, it just-- oh. There you go. There we go.

And then--and this is loyalty.

The dog?


That's a big one.

Coming up...

Do you feel like you're really open with me? Totally.

Emily: I know something that he's not telling me.

Chris Harrison: Arie had a very brief relationship with bachelor" producer Cassie lambert.

Woman: It's obvious there's something on your mind.

If he's okay with hiding that he even knows you, much less dated you, what the (Bleep) Else is he hiding?

Hi. I'm Chris Harrison.

I wanted to take this time to talk to you about something you may have heard or even read about.

It involves Arie's past romantic relationship with one of our producers.

Some time ago-- in fact, several years ago--

Arie had a very brief relationship with bachelor" producer Cassie lambert.

Emily had no idea about this relationship when production began.

But Cassie took it upon herself to tell Emily about it as soon as it became apparent that Emily was developing some serious feelings for Arie.

In the interest of full disclosure, we taped a sequence with Cassie interviewing Emily about this touchy subject.

We want to show you that sequence now.

Cassie is the producer putting the microphone on Emily, and she's the one asking the questions.

It's obvious there's, like, something on your mind.

Like, if he's okay with hiding that he even knows you, much less dated you, and we've been hanging out for so long, like, what the (Bleep) Else is he hiding?

You know?

He's a good actor.

Yeah, but I don't think he's hiding that he knows me.

Like, we've been very cordial--like, cool.

It's not like...

But-- we're asking--at first, I think, too, like, it's been so long, we don't really know each other that well.


It's like, I haven't--

I haven't-- like, in ten years, I've seen him, like, twice.

Yeah, I just--

I don't know.

I feel st--I feel, like, stupid, you know?

I guess I probably said it from the beginning, but I thought you'd really like him.

I wanted you to get to know him and not associate me with it.

But I didn't want it to be weird.

Yeah. Had I known, it would be like...


But I just didn't tell him that I was gonna tell you.

So he probably doesn't know-- yeah, but I just wish that, you know--I am so glad you told me, don't get me wrong.

But I wish that it just would have happened, like, you know, first day, like, "oh, yeah, Cassie and I have known each other forever."

I just don't think it's come up.

It's like a weird thing to, like, say.

It's come up.

"Oh, Cassie my producer is so great.

She's engaged to Pete," and-- that would have been the perfect time to be like-- he didn't even know I was engaged till he came on the show.

"Oh, yeah, I know Cassie.

Cassie, you're engaged?

That's so crazy," or, "oh, this is Cassie, my producer.

Oh, yeah, I know her."

Oh, I don't think he would, for fear of, like, it being weird.

But it wouldn't have been weird if somebody would have just said at day one, "hey, we know each other."

Not even, "we dated."

Don't care.


"Yeah, we know--we've known each other for a long time.

I thought he'd be great for you." Well, that's my fault.

I should have done that.

I'd be like, "cool.

Somebody's setting me up.

Cool." You know?

Yeah. Yeah. I would be like, "Cassie, you missed out."

Right. You're right.

Like, "he's a great kisser."

Right. Like, I mean, I would totally-- I wouldn't care.

Like, I'm--I wouldn't care, but now I feel like an idiot, 'cause I feel like I'm the only one.

And this isn't like a production thing.

It's like a real life thing, you know? Yeah.

It's not like it's for the show.

Well, the production doesn't even known.

It's like producers--no crew knows or anything like-- these two do now.

They've put it together.

But, like, it's not a thing.

Yeah, I just-- yeah, that's the thing. Like, it's not a production thing.

It's like a real life thing, you know? Yeah.

I know something about Arie that he's not telling me.

Do you feel like you're really open with me?

Yeah. Totally.


I feel like I'd tell you anything.

I just want to make sure that, like, I really, really know...


Who you are, you know?


I think I am a good reflection of who I am...


You know, back home.

I think I've been the same person, you know? Mm-hmm.

And, you know, you just have to, like, trust in somebody until they give you a reason not to.

Now do you think you're trustworthy?

I think I'm very trustworthy.


Mm-hmm. I've always--

I've always been, like, a very trustworthy person.


And we rubbed that dog on the bridge.

That's true.

I think you have to just trust, like, in your relationship so much and trust in your partner.

Me, too.

It's the most important thing, 'cause if that's ever broken, then it just-- it's all-- and, like, having no secrets.

I like that.


That's good.

Me, too.

It's better to be upfront and honest-- almost too honest, you know?

I agree.

Like, if--if someone's, like, really-- sometimes... it sucks when someone's really honest.

You know? But I think it's-- but there's a difference between being honest and rude.


What is another important thing for you?

Being, like, totally open about everything and not having any secrets.

Um... that's huge.

And I have to be honest--do you want me to be honest with you?


I had a-a tattoo of a girl's name on me, but I got it covered up.


The w-- who?

The ex that I was--that I lived with, with two kids.

Hmm. That's interesting.

So, you know, I have to--

I just have to be honest with you about everything.

I have sort of-- well, thank you.

I wish he would have said from day one, "hey, yeah, Cassie and I have known each other forever."

It kind of makes me feel a little bit insecure, like, "why is he not telling me?"

And that scares me, considering hometowns are next week.

Welcome back to the bachelorette."

I'm Chris Harrison.

Emily just found out in Prague that many years ago, Arie had a very brief romantic relationship with our producer Cassie lambert.

What concerned Emily the most was that Arie didn't tell her about it.

Now, again, in the interest of full disclosure, Emily, Arie, and Cassie then had a very honest conversation about the issue.

Unfortunately, this conversation took place off camera.

But here's what was discussed--

Arie told Emily that he felt the relationship was so brief and took place so long ago, it didn't matter.

Emily agreed.

And she realized her feelings and her relationship with Arie wasn't affected, as you're about to see.

I really did have--have a great day with you today.

I know you had a lot of things on your mind, and I know that it's my fault that I didn't say anything.

It's not because I wanted to be dishonest. You know?

It didn't even cross my mind.

That's cool.

Good. I'm glad.

There was just a misunderstanding.

You didn't do anything wrong.

And I'm sorry.

No, you shouldn't apologize at all.

No, but I should have given you the benefit of the doubt.


(Speaks indistinctly)

Good. Me, too.

Thank you.

But I'm glad that...

We're able to, like, you know, talk about stuff and figure it out. Yeah.

You can ask me anything.

For me, it's--it's, like, getting kinda-- it's getting serious, you know?


I'm just, like, finding myself thinking about you all the time and I'm just trying to, I don't know, just sort through my emotions, you know? Mm-hmm.

And I love it.

It's just intense, you know?

Yeah, I know.

Thank you.

Jef: What do you think they're doing?

Almost for sure they're having dinner somewhere cool.

It's beyond painful seeing these guys go on dates.

I feel like it's-- it's my turn, you know?

I've waited the longest.

I haven't had a date since Charlotte, and I'm going a little bit crazy.

I think this is-- this week is teeing up probably the biggest week of maybe this whole thing, 'cause obviously a big step in any relationship is-- is bringing her home to your family.

Yeah, if I don't get a one-on-one this week, I don't like my chances of getting a hometown date, that's for sure.


(Knock on door)


Whoa. Door.

Someone's at the door.

Ho, boy!

This is it, guys.

(Man shudders) This is it.


What we've all been waiting for.

Let's see what we got.


In Prague, all you need is love... Emily."

(Exhales deeply) (Laughter)

You've been waitin'.


How you feelin'?

Extremely excited.

Now the question is, who's getting th-the last one-on-one?

I don't know.

That's a tough call.

I was livid, you know, with him getting the date, but I don't show it, 'cause I don't want to, you know, show guys that I'm kinda losing my cool over it.

But, uh, it's k*lling me inside, that's for sure.

I hope I get to meet your family.

I w--I really, really, really want you to come.

I gotta start planning out my outfit.

They're gonna love you.

What if they didn't?

Believe me. Tr-- would you trust me?

Okay. Okay.

They'll-- they'll love you.


All day long, I've been waiting for the right moment to tell Emily how I feel.

It does make me nervous, because this is about Emily and I.

You know, it's about the possibility of a future.

And I want to make sure that it's the perfect moment.

Can I tell you something?


I've just been thinking a lot about all of this, and you.


And, I don't know, somewhere in between Bermuda-- no, actually Croatia I think did it for me, and I think that's why I like cro-Croatia so much, because I think I realized that I love you.

And I always thought after our first date that I was falling in love with you, but I definitely realized it when we were in Croatia.

I just want you to know where my heart is.

That makes me really, really happy.

And it's--it's kinda crazy, you know.

And I think that's why today I was a little bit more nervous with you, you know, 'cause I know there's a lot on the line with my heart, and...

If things keep going this way, nothing would make me happier.


Hearing Arie tell me that he loves me is, like--

I mean, it was so amazing.

But it scared me a little bit, because I'm like, whoa.

Like, it just got-- it just changed everything.

You've just made me, like, the happiest girl.

I just have so many things going through my head that I don't know where to focus my thoughts.

I don't--I can't stop on one thought for that long.

It was everything I had wanted to hear.

It made me so happy.

And I love that he said it tonight.

I love that he is so confident in the way he feels, and I don't feel like Arie is somebody that just throws that around.

I-it makes me that much more excited and really believe in all of this.

I have a little surprise for you.

(Fireworks popping)

(Chuckling) That is so cool!

Arie: I'm just, like, so giddy right now.

Like, tonight was a huge step.

Tonight has completely changed my life, and now I can completely see myself married to her.

I feel like I'm on top of the world.

Coming up...

John: Lovers will write little messages on these locks and lock it on the fence.

It solidifies our love for each other.

Push it in together.

All right.

Will it go in there?



Does the key need to be in it?

This isn't a good sign.

This is not a good sign.

It's real hard not to have time with Emily.

I'm not gonna stay here and make myself crazy.


Tonight's the night to really let her know what's on my mind.


I've gotta see Emily.

If you'd like to date the next bachelor or bachelorette, go to and click apply."

Hey there.


You look awesome.

Thank you!

Good to see you.

Good to see you, too!

How are you?

Today I'm taking John out on our very first one-on-one.

My relationship with John has definitely been a slow starter, and there have been times, honestly, that I thought I was gonna send him home.

But he's really showed me a sensitive side to him last week at the cocktail party in Croatia.

But at the same time, I hope that John realizes that time is running out.

Hi. How are you?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I know he's trying, and I feel like he really does want to show me who he is.

(Boat horn blowing)

But next week is hometowns, and a lot of other guys are dealing with the exact same thing, but are being a lot more open.

So today needs to be kicked into high gear.

The architecture here is insane.

Yeah, it is. Like when you think about how old this stuff is.

I want to go in that building.

It's really pretty.

Today's make-or-break for me.

It's tough for me to open up and be vulnerable, but my goal today is just to let her know why I've been on the quieter side through this whole journey.

You know, hopefully today, at the end of today, you--you'll feel like...

(Horn blowing) I'm not so mysterious to you anymore.

You do have like a, you know, a bit of a guard up.

Yeah. I have a very hard shell, and I get that from my Dad. Really?


Extremely important to express yourself in a relationship.

You know, that's something I think I struggle with in this.

We had an extremely serious conversation in Croatia, and I completely opened myself up and was vulnerable to my emotions, and I think that was a great jumping-off point for today.

Look how cute this is.

It is.

It's so cute!

We're out walking the streets of Prague, and we see the John Lennon wall.

This is so cool.

During communism...


Music was censored here.


And this is their tribute to music and all the things they missed, because they felt like John Lennon and the Beatles represented what they were missing out on.



I like this.

This is so cool.

I don't know how much of an artist I am.

I actually do.

I'm a terrible one.

But I'm gonna try my best, and I hope that John does, too.

Let's try to tie in our dates.


So we can paint a boat.

Bermuda is special to me, so I figured, hey, let's paint a boat, 'cause that's where it all started.

Big boat.

To be sharing this unique moment with Emily is amazing.

It's incredible, you know, to be writing on the Lennon wall in Prague-- who would have thought?

Emily: I think we did a great job.

The more and more I hang out with John, the more I like him as a person.

But now I feel like, you know, I need to figure out my romantic connection with him.

This is where people bring their locks.



What does the lock represent?

Do you know?

It represents eternal love.

You're getting pretty deep on me today.

I know. I know.

John: Lovers will write little messages on the locks and they will lock it onto the fence, and solidifies their love for each other.

Ready? Push it in together.

All right.

One, two, three.


(Giggling) (Chuckles)

I had a little... (Laughs)

A little problem struggling a little bit with the lock.

Will it go in there?


Well, this isn't a good sign.

This is not a good sign.

I feel like John trying to close our lock reminds me of our relationship.

We just haven't been able to really connect.

Does the key need to be in it?

Ohh! Awesome! Ooh, boom.

Now you turn the key.


Other way.

It's not a good sign.

I think John's got an uphill battle today.

A progression, you know?

It's just easy to be around each other, and we can just hang and have fun, whereas, like, John is gonna feel like he needs to, like, turn it on and--you know?

How do you--how do you honestly feel? Like--

I feel like you're, like, off today or something.

I'm tired.

I'm tired of doing this.

Tired of t-talking about it.

I'm just driving myself crazy sitting here.

I just want to hang out with her.

It's been a while since I've had time with her, and I've been making a point throughout this whole thing of just keeping to myself and-- and not worrying about other guys, but now it's kinda hard to, you know.

I think it's getting to the point where it's like-- it's tough, because we all know that we share, like, this amazing connection.

It's hard. It's a--it's an emotional roller coaster.

I'm--seriously, I'm gonna have to make myself a drink.

I'm very... On edge.

There's a lot going on as far as dates.

Arie just had his date, and John's having a date, and, you know, I'm just kinda hanging out, you know, just wanting to spend time with the girl that I'm here for, and I'm going a little bit crazy.

I try to stay back in the shadows and not let it bother me, but it does.

It bothers me a lot.

John: How beautiful is that church?


We are gonna go...

I still am confused as to how I feel about John.

After today, I really don't know if I know him much better than I did yesterday.

But tonight I have a little surprise for him.

You're going first.

Okay. Whoa!

Oh, no, I'm scared.

(Water dripping)

Tonight we're having dinner in a dungeon.

Careful. Careful.

What is that?

I don't know, but I don't want to be stuck down there, that's for sure.

Me neither.

I want this to work...

(Creaking) But, um, I am nervous that John won't really let himself fall in love and that he will get to the end of all this, and he won't have been open.

I really need to go deeper with John to see if I can figure out who he really is.


Wow, this is pretty.

It is.

This ain't so scary now, huh?

No. No, it's good.

John: Today was amazing, and tonight-- looking to build on it.

The pressure is definitely on, and I hope after tonight I answer some of her questions and, uh, lock up a hometown date.


Today was pretty awesome.

You think so?


Honestly, I wouldn't change anything.

Mm-hmm. Like, literally, I love that the one-on-one date is now.


I do.

Good. I think it's--I think it fits me perfectly.

I'm just very...



Do you normally date girls that are like that, or-- um, I-I think as I age, I date girls that are more like me, for whatever re--

I told you this before.

Like, when I was younger, I would try to date girls that I feel like I would have to-- fix.


I remember.

The last girl I was in love with-- like, I didn't feel like I needed to fix anything with her.

But she cheated on me one week after our one-year anniversary.



It's like a crazy story.

She turned her phone off for three days.

Like, when she cheated on me, she said she was going to happy hour with a girlfriend.

I was like, "okay, cool."

Like, midnight I woke up.

I hadn't heard from her, so I'm freaking out.

I call her.

She's gone. Nothing.

Call her. It rings again.

Nothing. Then her phone's off.

I mean, it's a crazy story.

I'd be worried something happened.

I did. I called hospitals.

I called prisons.

I was like freaking out.

Oh, my gosh!

It was like the worst night of my life. It really was.

Anyway, that was the whole deal.

Her sister ended up telling me that she was with this doctor dude, and, um, like, it literally was like the worst feeling in the world.

I'm on the phone like, "are you kidding me?"

No one ever thought she would've cheated, and that's why, like, that was like the most shocking thing.

You know, I do have a tough shell, and it's--it's nice to trust somebody to open up and to be vulnerable and to let her--let her in.

I'd rather put it all out there than get sent home and be at home kicking myself for not being open and vulnerable.

Do you think that that has changed the way you are in relationships?

Um, it's changed-- you know, I might take things a little bit slower, but, um, you know, I know what I want.

You know, I went in with like an open mind, being like, yeah, okay, you know, maybe I could fall in love with this girl.

And it was always just like maybe."

And now, like, today, it's like, yes, I definitely could fall in love with this girl.

Now it's hitting home hard.

This whole time, I've been thinking that John was just, like, a slow mover and took a little bit of time to get to know and time to open up, and now I know why.

He got his heart broken.

It makes me feel sad for him, and, um, I feel like I have gotten to know John so much better and feel so much closer to him tonight.

So I would love--love for you to meet my parents.

You would look at me a little differently if you met my parents.


It would be a good thing.

You think so?

I know so.

I think you'd get along with my parents extremely well. Yeah?

They're pretty cool.

My mom and you would...

Be two peas in a pod.

I want to take Emily home.

I think taking her home to my parents would be huge for us.

And I'm definitely 100% confident that my family and Emily would get along.

You know, it's like, with us, I feel like we've just taken little steps.

And, you know, I like taking little steps... Mm-hmm.

And then making big strides towards the end.

I'm not a starter.

I'm a closer, so...

Well, I like that.

Emily is everything that I want in a woman.

I think I can be the guy to make all her dreams come true.

I'm falling for Emily.

It's happening.

It's a slow process with me.

Coming up...

We all wanna know how it went.

It went well.


It went really well. Yeah.

Sean: I've gotta see Emily.

If I run around the city of Prague and I don't find her, I'll be absolutely devastated.

Man: Hey, hey.


Hey, guys. I have a fun day planned for us.

Pissed, to be honest.

The last group date.

I wanna spend time with her, and here I am, on a group date.

We're all gonna fit on there.

There's two big guys here.

I don't know.

Just got a bad feeling.

How do you guys think John's date's going?

I'm sure they're having fun.

You know, it's kinda hard to not have, you know, fun with Emily.

I'm sure we'll hear about it later.

Chris: I've been sitting around since Charlotte, you know, waiting for another one-on-one date.

She gave Arie one and--and John one, and it's been brutal.

It's been awful.

(Knock on door)

Oh. There's a knock at the door.

Oh. Hoo-hoo!

Date card.

The moment of truth.

Date card time.

This is the moment of truth.

Chris: With hometowns coming up next week, it's very important to get that extra alone time with Emily.

Uh, you know, I got my heart on the line right now, and, you know, you just want to spend as much time with her as possible.

Date card.

Check it out.

Tonight, if it's a one-on-one, then we know the three people who are going on the group date.

And vice versa.


I definitely want the one-on-one date.

(Doug) This is a big deal.

Let's go, buddy.

All right.

It's a group date.

All right.





This is it right here.


Oh, jeez.

"Let's find our happily ever after.


Sean: Chris is upset he didn't get the one-on-one.

He's definitely showing some signs that he's crumbling under the pressure.

Jef: Oh! (Chuckles)

What's up, boys?


Oh, my.

Have a seat. We all want to know how it went.

You're back, dude.

You're back.


(Sighs) I am back.

It went well.


It went really well. Yeah.

Uh, like, if I go to 1 to 10, then I give it a 10.

It really couldn't have gone any better, so I feel confident I'm gonna get a hometown.

Yeah? More confident, obviously, than before.

You know, it was good, and we'll leave it at that.

Sean: Chris is visibly upset after hearing that the date went extremely well.

You know, it is real hard not to have time with Emily, and I'm not gonna stay here and make myself crazy like Chris.

After that, we walked out of there and walked up here.

It was cool.

I've gotta see Emily.

I know she has to be close 'cause she just dropped John off, so tonight's the night to really let her know exactly what's on my mind.

I have no idea where she is, but I've gotta see her.

(Door closes)

Sean: Emily!


(Indistinct conversations)




Sean: If I run around the city of Prague and I don't find her, I'll be absolutely devastated.

Emily! (Panting)



What are you doing?

What are you doing here?


Coming to see you.


This is a nice surprise.

I know.

I, um... had to see you.

I'm--I don't know what to-- are you gonna be in trouble?


Are you gonna be in trouble?

No. No one's gonna know.


I had to see you.

I-I--this is an awesome surprise.


Did you have a good day?

I did. I... I missed you.

I missed you, too.


And, you know, we got the group date card, and I was on there.

Wasn't thrilled about it, but I just...

I mean, I had to see you.


I wanted that one-on-one time, so I had to see you.

Good. Well, I'm glad you surprised me.

What are you doing walking out here by yourself?

Sean: Words cannot describe how good it feels to have Emily in my arms, and even more than that, words can't describe the--the look that she had on her face.

This is awesome.

I mean, the look she gave me was just, like, "I've missed you," and, you know, that's a great feeling, to see that look on her face.

I'm so happy.


If you don't have to get back, maybe we can go somewhere.

Emily: I love that Sean just had the confidence to come out and find me, and I had just dropped his roommate off from one date, and he doesn't care.

I really had to jog around the town to find you.

Ohh. (Chuckles)

I was, like, "where..."

There is absolutely nobody that I'd rather see more than Sean right now.

I just like hanging out with him.

I just like being around him.

He makes me happy.

This is, like, the best surprise.

I know.

My face hurts.


I'm smiling so much.

I'm so happy.

I'm so glad you're happy.

Thank you. I'm sorry about the group date.

It's okay. I told you-- you know I want you all to myself all the time.

I know.

If I could.

I know. You don't have to say sorry...

(Singsongy) Mm.

But if I have to share you with 20 guys just to get five minutes with you, I will, you know?

Not for long, though.

I can only share you so long, but right now I'll do it.


(Chuckles) Thank you.

Sean: I was bummed when we got the date card.

I did not want to be on the group date.

That all changed.

I made the move to find Emily and spend some alone time with her, and it could not have gone better, and now, you know, I'm on top of the world, and I'm excited about the group date.

I could see myself marrying this girl.

It's an exciting thought, and I can't help but smile when I start thinking about spending my life with someone that would be such a great companion, such a wonderful person.

Emily: Every time I'm around Sean, he just always makes me feel like I matter to him and that he thinks about me a lot, and not just me in Prague, and not just me on our dates, but, like, me in life after all of this, and, I mean, I think that he would be a great husband.

Coming up...

This will be the most important rose that Emily's ever given out.

The last group date.

Whoever she gives this group date rose to will lock up that hometown date.

I'm definitely emotionally on edge today.

It's just been getting worse and worse, and now I'm at a boiling point.

First, I'm gonna ask Emily why I didn't get a one-on-one date this week.

I wanna hear an explanation.

I don't like seeing guys come home from dates with you.

It drives me crazy, actually.

If I don't get a hometown date, I'll be scared for anybody around me.

I feel really good going into the group date.

Sean: Hey, hey.

(Doug) Hello.

Hey, guys.

Sean: I spent some really good one-on-one time with Emily last night, and the guys have no idea, so I feel really good.

I'm looking forward to spending more time with Emily.

Good to see ya.

It's a huge day.

There's a rose on the line.

This will be the most important rose that Emily's ever given out.

The last group date.

Whoever she gives this group date rose to will lock up that hometown date, and I'm crazy about this girl.

She has to meet my family.

I have a fun day planned for us.

So any chance I get to spend time with her, I'm gonna take it.

And I have the perfect mode of transportation for where we're going today.

Chris: All right.

(Horse whinnies, hooves clomping)

Sean: How cool is that?

(Doug) That's impressive.


Chris: All right.

All right, guys.

Oh, we're all gonna fit on there.

I mean, there's two big guys here.

I'm definitely bummed, because I'm on a group date--

Sean, Doug, and myself.

This is probably gonna be worse than going on a group date with ten other guys.

Go ahead, Chris.


I'm pissed, to be honest.

I haven't had a date since Charlotte.

I want to spend time with her, and here I am, you know, on a group date, and, you know, I've just got a bad feeling.

Are you getting wet?

Emily: No, I'm all right.

Thank you, though.

This little town is kinda cool.

Sean: Yeah, it is.

This town is really cool.


All right.


Chris: All right.

(All speak indistinctly)

(Doug) You know, we take a horse-drawn carriage to the top of a hill, and there's this magnificent castle.

Can you guys believe that this was built in the 13th century?



Isn't that wild?

I never, in a million years, thought I would get to be roaming around an old castle in the middle of the Czech Republic.

Sharing this with Emily-- are you kidding me?

How much fun is this gonna be?

Today is gonna be an awesome day.

Emily: Isn't this so cool?

(Doug) Holy smokes.

This is where we're gonna be hanging out today.

Sean: My son would be in seventh heaven if--if he were here today, exploring dungeons and towers, and--this would be an 11 1/2 year old's dream.

(Emily and Sean) Wow.


(Doug) That's picturesque.

Sean: That is...

Emily: Yeah.


First of all, thank you, Emily, for always being the most gracious host...

Thank you.


You know, I just--I just really appreciate everything, especially you, but to you guys...

Yes. Cheers.


And especially you.

Sean: Cheers.

(Glasses clink)

Thank you.

Thank you.

Emily: Doug is just such a great guy.

He is so sweet, and he's so sweet to me.

He has so many qualities that I'm looking for, but I don't know if we have that chemistry that I want.

How are ya?

(Sniffles) I'm good.

How are you doing?

I'm good. It's cold.

I was really conflicted last week.

I was gonna send Doug home, but in the middle of the rose ceremony, I just realized, like, I couldn't do it.

It's freezin'.

Doug has told me that he misses his son a lot, and I know what it's like to be in his position here as a single parent, and it's hard.

Would Austin love this?

Yes. He would.

Is he into, like, castles and...

He just loves anything that's...

Boy stuff?

Yeah. All boy stuff.

Today is gonna be a true test to see if he is really open enough to fall in love and be my guy.

I don't like those rose ceremonies.

I thought last time I was gonna go home, and I keep really-- like, I really don't want to go home.


But at the last rose ceremony, I couldn't make up my mind, 'cause I see so much in--in you that I-I want to get to know better, you know?



Well, um, I don't know.

I want you to get to know me better.

I want you to get to know me, like, really, really well.

Mm-hmm. You know, um, would I love for you to meet Austin and see that side of my life and meet my best friend?


What different side would I see?

Nothin', but, you know, the thing is, is you'd, like, you'd see that this is the way I really am.


I'm old-fashioned, too, you know?


Oops. Sorry.

No. You're fine.

(Sighs) No, Doug, don't-- don't worry.

Our legs are touching. No, I-- no, no, no. It wasn't that.

Oh, no.

I just didn't--

I wasn't in the way.

We're good. Um...

Uh, we're, like, getting off track.

That's okay.

Emily: Doug's body language in the tower is not giving me the feeling, like, that he wants to even sit next to me, much less put his arm around me and give me a kiss.

I just am interested to see, like, where you see the relationship being, if it's you and I in the end.

How do I want to say this?

I think we'd be, like, starting out.

If Doug doesn't want to get close to me now, he's never gonna want to, and now I know what I have to do.

(Thunder crashes)

You asked me up there, like, if there was anything else, you know, like...


Anything else going on in my head...


And... (Sighs) Honestly, like, I'd be lying...

And I don't feel like you're fighting for me.

Like, you--I told you I want to end up with a good guy, obviously, but I want to end up with a good guy that wants to be with me just as bad and, like, wants to put himself out there for me, and, like, I-- did I do something wrong?

No, it's not-- no, no. You have been, I mean, such a gentleman, like, almost to a fault, and we're not opening up in a way that we should be at this point...

Okay. In order for me to feel confident in going home and involving your son, and I have way too much respect for you to, like, keep you away from him another day and make you stand at a rose ceremony, and I think it's best if I, you know, walk you out, and you get back home and cuddle with your--with your boy.

I'm really stupid for just giving you a kiss.

No. No. No.


I don't want you to feel that way.


I, um, wow. It's okay.

Thank you so much.

Yeah. No. No problem.

Have a good one.

Thank you so much for-- yeah. Take care.

All right.

See ya.




I did not see that one coming today.

I finally went for that kiss, a day late and a dollar short.

I think my girl radar is just totally broken.

I came here hoping that I might meet the girl that I spend my--the rest of my life with.

I really thought, in my heart of hearts, that Emily would appreciate somebody just wanting to get to know her and the real her.

I took a risk.

I'm bummed out.

It's tough being a single Dad trying to find the right person.

You know, I definitely want to find the love of my life.

I don't want to be alone at all.

Someday I think I'll find the right girl, and--and then Austin and I will have that--that safe place.

We'll have our own family.

That's what I want, man...

(Crying) And I feel bad about that every day, man.

(Sighs) Man.

Will y'all sit down?

Sending Doug home, I know, in my heart of hearts, is--was the right decision...

It's weird, only two of you guys here.

I know.

But because Doug's no longer on the date, here I am, back in that awkward two-on-one position.

It's a little bit awkward.

Yeah, it's a little-- three of us. (Chuckles)

It's a weird dynamic.

Emily: Dates like this make me want even more to be with one guy for the rest of my life.

Well, what else are y'all thinking about?

I think we're both thinking the same thing. (Chuckles)

We just want--want to spend some time with you.


Well, there are two keys on the table.

One of them opens the spot for the very first one-on-one chat, so... here you go.


Y'all want to head down there and...

Emily sent Doug home, and that definitely makes things a lot different.

You coming with us, or are we going by ourselves?

I'm coming.


Come on.

Be patient.

There's one rose, and there's two guys.

It's me and Sean.

All right.

So who's gonna go first?

I'll go first.

And getting the rose will mean that she wants to come home and meet my family, and I feel like that would make me the best man so far.

(Keys jangle, doorknob rattles) I don't think this is the winner.

Definitely not the winner.

So it might be mine. (Sighs)

I'm not intimidated by Sean at all.

(Keys jangle, lock clicks)


There it is.

Send Sean home, too. Why not?

(Door creaks)

This is us.

All right. All right.

Well, I will see you upstairs.

See you in a little bit. Okay.

It's a big key.

It's a man's key.

I woke up smiling today, so thank you.

Me, too.


Yeah. Yeah.


Did anybody figure out...



Yeah. I wasn't saying anything, anyway.

Good. I don't like hanging out with you in big groups...

Me neither. I hate it.

Even with just two other guys.

I hate it. Well, it's like, earlier today, I was standing next to you, and it was cold outside, and I-- normally, I'm gonna, you know, put my arms around you, but I just had to stand there, but, I mean, you know how important family is to me.

Like, family comes first always.


And this is gonna be serious, and, you know, it just-- it's natural for you to meet my family.

Meeting parents is a huge deal for me. I don't do that.

This won't be a big deal.

It is a big deal.

I promise you, you will love 'em...

Okay. And they'll love you.


Well, you ready to head back upstairs?

I guess.

Oh, I know.

Chris: The setting's very romantic, and I'm going crazy, 'cause I will be interested to know what's going on and what kind of connection they're sharing, because I don't want to have an uphill battle to this.

You know, I want to feel like I'm on top of the hill right now.


This date would be 1,000% better if Sean wasn't here, uh, just because I know it would just be me and Emily, and I wouldn't have to worry about, you know, what's going on right now when they're talking.

(Knock on door)

We got a knock on the door.

Oh, a date card.

A date card.

Date card.

"Jef, this is your chance to pull at my heartstrings.


Nice. (Chuckles)

I'm stoked.

I can't believe that I'm the last guy who gets to hang out with Emily before the hometown dates.

This is the last chance any of us get to see her.

I can't wait to go spend time with her.

It's gonna be cool.

Well, I think Arie and I are pretty jealous because we didn't want to be here tomorrow.

Yeah. It's gonna be a weird mood in the house.

It depends who comes home with the rose.

If Sean comes home with the rose...


(Sighs) It will be awkward.

If Chris gets the rose, he's gonna be so giddy and happy tomorrow.

Ohh. I'm so--I-- if he gets it, I'm-- that's the thing.

Like, that--I-I don't know what would be worse-- if he doesn't get the rose or if he gets the rose.

Yeah. No, get--

I don't know.

I promise you, if he gets the rose, it'll be worse... You know?

I think so, too.

'Cause he just will throw it in everyone's face, like...

He would.

He loves to show that he thinks he's got a better connection with her than everybody else.


Oh, yeah.

I think Chris is out of it and going home, but if he gets the rose tonight...

Maybe I'm the one going home.

You want to go chat in the other room?



Let's--let's go.


Chris: I'm definitely emotionally on edge today.

I mean, the past couple days, it's just been getting worse and worse, and now I'm at a boiling point, so first I'm gonna ask Emily why I didn't get a one-on-one date this week, and I want to--I want to hear an explanation.

So how is your day going?

Very interesting yeah?

If I don't get that rose tonight, I'm gonna be freaking out a little bit, like, bad.

Like, bad freaking out a little bit.

I am a little upset with you.




I thought that I'd be able to have a one-on-one date with you this week.

I know.

And you made me wait all-- ever since Charlotte.

I know.

And, uh, you know, I don't like seeing guys come home from dates with you, and--it drives me crazy, actually.

Really? Like, I was about to go crazy yesterday... (Chuckles)


Especially, you know, I was sitting there, and the date card was being read, and my name wasn't first or second, and then I was, like-- then I was last, and I'm like, "sh**t," but...

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

But after last week, I wanted to give you back that confidence...


And-- you did.


Tonight, I'm like, oh...

A two-on-one is the second-best thing, next to a one-on-one.

I don't know.

It's pretty weird.

You don't think?

Yeah, it is kinda weird.

This one was really weird, but, you know, I'm not gonna dwell on it.

You know, honestly, you always make the best of everything, and that's one of the many things that I love about you, so thank you for that.


Thank you.


Thank you.

Emily makes me feel...

Better about myself.

She makes me feel better about my feelings towards her.

She makes me feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world.

I am falling in love with Emily.

I think bringing her home to my family would definitely be the next step of-- towards falling in love.

All right.

It would mean the world to me if I got the rose tonight.

Hey. (Chuckles)

Hello, Sean.

How's it going?


Just sitting here, contemplating.



Did you guys enjoy the castle today?

(Chris and Sean) I did.


For sure.


I know that today was supposed to be a group date with three guys, and as sad as I am that Doug left, I feel like this rose really is the most important one that I've given out so far, but there is only one, and I've had such a great day with both of you, um, but this rose really just, um...

Is just a symbol of the person that I am ready to meet their family.


This is so awkward.

Sean, would you accept this rose?


Thank you.



And, Chris, there's only one rose, and I hope you don't take it personally.

I don't.


I am... pissed off.

It's insulting to hear her say that she's ready to see Sean's family, not mine.

That is freakin' crazy.

I know that, as much fun as I've had today, um, you know, it's also been a hard day.

Chris: What kind of (Bleep) Is that?

I'm just really glad that I never had to sit here and do any more toasts on a group date.

Chris: If I don't get a hometown date, I'll be scared for anybody around me.

Coming up...

I got upset at the end of the whole thing.

Did she see it, do you think?

Oh, yeah, she saw.

Going into tonight, I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm terrified. Chris is nervous.

Chris should be nervous.

Jef: You can sense it.

I mean, a lot of tension.

This isn't supposed to happen like this.

Emily? I'm sorry, but I really--

I really need to talk to you.

How was your date last night, guys?

Very interesting.

Chris: I thought I had a great conversation with Emily last night.

I laid it out there.

We had a great talk.

It was fun, and it was just me and Sean.

I was pretty confident I was gonna get it.

I didn't get the rose.

It sucks.

Down to five.

Down to five. Yeah. Down to five, guys.

This is it right here.

This is it. What do you think you're doing?

I-I don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing today.

(Door closes)


Man: Hey, hey.

Man: Hello.

Hey, guys.


How's it going?

Good. How are you?


How are you?


It's good to see you.

You, too.

Chris: I know that she's not there for me.

She's there to pick up another guy.

It's upsetting.

She knows how I feel, but I've just gotta remind her of how strongly I feel about her.

Emily: See y'all.

See ya.

Jef: See you guys.

(Door closes)

I'm excited.

Me, too.

Which way do we go?

We are gonna go this way.

Today with Jef, I am just looking forward to just hanging out with somebody that I like to be around.

What's been your favorite place we've been to so far?

London was fun because we had a date there.



It was really cool. Hi.


May I invite you in my store?

(Chuckles) Yeah. Sure.

Yeah. For sure.

All right.

That's what I look like whenever I put my rollers in.

That's what I looked like when I had an afro.

(Laughs) (Chuckles)

Emily: Jef has so much fun with everything.

I can definitely put Jef in any situation, and he can totally handle it.

What's Ricki's favorite animal? Cats?

She likes cats. She loves-- she loves any kind of animal.

I know that a lot of the guys have given Jef a hard time, saying, like, "he's not ready to be a Dad," but I could not disagree any more.

I think he would be a great Dad, because he's just a big kid himself.


That is really impressive.


Nice. (Chuckles)

Oh, yeah. There you go.

There you go. (Chuckles)

You're good at that.

Good job.

(Laughs) (Chuckles)

That's me. That's you.


You look like a princess.

This--this is fitting. Thank you.

You have, like, your own style.

You're very trendy.

We switched eye colors.

That's good, though.

Mm-hmm. You know, we see a little bit of each other in-- yeah.


See the world through each other's eyes. Right.

I think I'd be the luckiest guy in the world to have a future with Emily, and I--and I can see it.

I mean, there's just something there.

(Chuckles) Hey, wait.

Will you hold this for a second?

I need to run somewhere.


The more I'm around her, the more I want to be around her, and the--the more I'm with her, the more I could see my life with her, and sometimes it's hard for me to just come out and say some feelings that I have.


Aw. We couldn't leave Ricki hangin'.


You are the sweetest thing.

She has to have one, too.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

That was really sweet of you.

She's a princess.

She will love that.

I feel like I have worked really hard to get Jef to notice me and know that I am really interested in him, and I feel like today I'm noticing a huge change in him, in just the way he is towards me, and I am so happy that we're finally at a place where we're seeing beyond all the wonderful things I saw in him the very first night.

Hey, look. I'm giving Ricki a shoulder ride.

(Chuckles) She's on my shoulders.


It's crazy, but I really can picture myself walking into Jef's office one day and seeing pictures of our family, and I love that.

Emily: Thank you.

Jef: You're welcome.

Whoa. This is crazy.

Pretty cool, huh?


Reading books-- this is ridiculous.

I know, right?


Jef and I found our way into this beautiful library with these intricate murals on the ceiling, and we happened to have our marionettes with us, so I figure, what better place to put on a puppet show and reenact every highlight from our relationship than here?

So this is me, standing here really nervous.

Yeah, right. You didn't look nervous at all.

If I could play with my hair any more, it probably would have fallen off.

(Chuckles) "Do I look okay?

Oh, my gosh."


Uh, this is me over here...


Standing, waiting to meet you.


"Uh, what--what do I do with my hands?"


"Oh, no. I'm freaking out."

And I go, "hi," and I hug the skateboard.



I'm so glad I didn't wreck on that skateboard."

That's what I said to you.

"Oh, my gosh. I wanted to ride it."

"Maybe someday."

"Maybe we can find it."


And then flash-forward to...

"Oh. Oh, hey, Jef.

Um, you wanna go talk?"

"Um, thanks, but no, thanks."

"Oh, where's Jef?

"I really wanted to talk to Jef. Oh, wait.

Oh. Oh, wait.

Come back." (Chuckles) (Chuckles)

"Oh, my gosh. So...

I'm so excited you're here, and you make me really nervous, and you make me say really awkward stuff."

"I really like your nail Polish."

"Oh, thanks.

I'm never gonna change it."

"This is weird. I don't know what I'm doing here.

I like you, but I don't know how to..."

Okay. It's gonna happen.

He's gonna kiss me, and then you're like, "okay. You ready to go inside?"


I was nervous.

I don't know if I've ever been that nervous in my life.

All day long, I'm sitting and thinking, ugh! Ugh!


"Why have I not kissed her? Ugh!"


"So dumb!

Don't do that ever again."


There's so many things I-I want to build up the courage to say, and, uh, since we have these puppets, it--it somehow makes it easier to be able to express some big feelings.



You look very handsome."

You look amazing. Every time I see you, you look so beautiful.

"This whole thing has blown my wildest dreams out of the water..."

(Chuckles) "And...

I... I am 100...

I'm one million percent..."


"In love with you, and I can't even imagine what I would do without you in my life."

"Can we..."

"Get a dog together?"

(Laughs) (Chuckles)

"Jef, that's so crazy.

That's exactly what I was thinking, too..." "Oh."

"But I thought maybe we'd get another cat."

(Chuckles) "Okay."

(Laughs) (Chuckles)

N-nose to the eye.

(Both laugh) Mm.

I really like you.

(Whispers) I like you, too.

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(Sighs) I mean, I have so many things going through my brain right now.

You do? Like what?

You make me really happy, and I've had a great day with you.

Me, too.

Jef: I feel terrific right now.

I feel like I'm crazy about a girl, and I'm falling for her, and she's falling for me, and I'm in that place where, like, people always hope to get to, where you, like, are so excited to see them and you're so excited about what's to come.

So tell me, you know...


Next week, hometowns.


Pretty big deal.

Pretty big deal.

I can't think of a cooler thing for you to do than meet my family...


And, like, you're gonna love it.

So my parents are in South Carolina...


And they're-- they won't be there.


They're, like, committed to some stuff for a few years up there... Mm-hmm.

So my brothers will be there, and then I have three younger sisters, but the youngest one is in China, and then the two older than her, Julie and Melissa...


Will be there.

Do you introduce a lot of girls to your family?

No. My family's really private about stuff, really private...


And so I don't, like, open up that world, I guess, to them ever...


But the more I think about it with you, like, I want to.

I feel like what you want and what I want is, like, a family that's really close and tight-knit and...


Fun siblings that hang out together, and christmases are full of, like, kids and presents, and it's just, like, a family environment, you know, and two parents who are, like, crazy in love, and that's how I grew up, and I want to show you that, 'cause that's, like, what I want.

Have they ever not liked somebody that you dated?




And what happened?

Uh, I broke up with her.



No. Because of that?

Um, pretty much, yeah.

So what would happen if they didn't like me?

(Clicks tongue)


No, I'm kidding.


They're gonna love you.

First of all, you don't have anything to worry about.

They will love you.

That's a little nerve-racking.

When Jef told me that he broke up with a girl because his parents didn't like her, I was a little bit surprised, and it worried me a little bit.

Uh, it's a lot of pressure.

I want his parents to like me.

How are you feeling going into the rose ceremony?

I'm just a nervous (Bleep) wreck.

You know, I-I hope she doesn't think, like, I'm selfish, and, you know, I knew she was in an awkward situation.


I got upset...


At the end of the whole thing.


That's-- did she see it, do you think?

Oh, yeah. She saw it.

She did?


Chris: After the--the group date, when I didn't get the rose, I did not handle the situation maturely, and, uh, I want to let her know that that's not me.

This is, like, the first time I ever felt stressed.

Yeah. I don't know.

I'd probably be a little bit more nervous if our date didn't go so well.


I don't know.

I mean, you know, I feel pretty good that I'm gonna get a rose.

I'd be kinda surprised if I didn't get it.


There aren't many people I can lay on the floor with and still be really happy.

Me either.


Not many people I could do it with either. Good.

So let's say--let's say this works out with us...


And we decide to get married...


Would you want to--would you want to live together first?

I've thought about that a lot, you know?


I think it's hard to say, "yeah, let's just move in together because that's, like, what everybody does."

I think it's one of those deals, like, whenever people live together before, it makes it so easy to be able to get out.


You know?



I feel like that, too, actually.

Mm-hmm, and it's like, if you're already married, it's like, you have to work on it, and it won't be fun sometimes, but you-- but you've committed to do it.

Yeah. What about you?

Like, I mess around a lot, but stuff like that I take really seriously, you know?


And I want the person I'm with forever to, like, know I'm theirs forever.


What about kids?

How soon after we got married would you want kids?




Me, too.


Yeah. I can't wait--

I-I keep telling you this, but, like, I can't wait to be, like, the fun Dad.

Mm-hmm. I picture, like, you and I fighting because you won't discipline, or you are like, "no, it's totally cool.

You can, you know-- here's your phone back."


"Go have fun.

Yeah, sure.

Totally take the car."

I would be like that.

"Just don't tell your mom."

No, I wouldn't say that.

Well, maybe.

Depends on how mad you were.

(Both laugh)

Jef: I mean, we're in the middle of a library, and it doesn't matter where we are.

I don't ever want it to end.

Like, I seriously want to grow old with Emily.

I want to have, like, a family with her.

I mean, it's crazy.

I'm completely falling for her.

I really like you.


I really like you, too.

Do you really? Promise?

I'm completely head over heels for you.





Coming up...

John: My date was phenomenal.

I feel like I knocked it out of the park, so I think that's why I'm not nervous.

Chris: I'm terrified.

This isn't supposed to happen like this.

(Exhales deeply)

I'm not ready for this to be over between me and her.

Emily... I really--I really need to talk to you.

(Owl hoots)

There are five guys going into this rose ceremony, and only four guys are gonna get hometowns.

Sean already has a rose, and so there'll be three roses on the table tonight.

The two guys who should be nervous and are kinda on the hot seat, I feel like, are John and Chris.


John: It's awesome.


Jef: You can sense it.

I mean, a lot of tension.

Like, they feel it.

Ready to go inside?


Let's check it out.

Let's do it.

Chris: Going in tonight, I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm terrified.

I'm terrified because I didn't really bring it on the group date.

I took time with Emily for granted, which was...

My fault.

This is unbelievable.

Chris is nervous.

Chris should be nervous.


My date was phenomenal, so it'd probably help his nerves a little bit if I was showing some nerves, and I'm not.

I feel extremely confident that--that I'm gonna get a rose.

Tonight's obviously huge.

I mean, I think we all have, in the last week or so, sort of, I don't know, at least for me, this became, like, super serious, because next week, you know, she could meet our parents.

There's definitely some-- some things I want to talk to her about tonight, and, uh, I just feel like I-I finished the date real bad.

I should've been more accepting that she was in an awkward position and understood better that it's not easy for her, and she said it, you know, she said, "this is very awkward," you know, and--and she told me not to take it personally, and I did.


I took it personally, and, uh-- well, you could probably lead off with that tonight.

Yeah. No, I'll talk to her about it, definitely.

I've definitely got a lot to say, that's for sure.

Hey, Emily.

Good to see you again.


You, too.

I heard you wanted to talk.

I did.

Good to see ya.

You, too.

Thank you so much.

Have a seat.

What's going on?

A lot has happened this week, I feel like, and-- it's been a big week?

Yeah, it has.

It's been a huge week.

I've had a lot of great dates...


So I was able to spend a lot of time with-- with each of the guys, and a lot of my relationships have really been kind of confirmed in my mind...


And that makes the relationships that haven't really been-- you know, have--have moved at a slower pace be even more glaringly obvious to me.


I feel like I have my mind made up, and I don't--I don't want to go through a cocktail party, and I don't want to put the guys through that, either.

Chris: I need to talk to her.

I'm worried.

I'm really worried that, uh, I'm gonna be the man up there that doesn't get the rose, but I feel like I'm one of the best men for her, so... I just need a couple minutes with her to talk to her and, uh, remind her why I'm here.

Men: Chris.

Hey, guys.


I know you're all anxious to talk to Emily tonight, but that's not gonna happen.

There will be no cocktail party.

She said her mind is made up.

She knows exactly what she wants to do here tonight, and in just a few moments, if you would, join me in the next room, 'cause we're gonna go straight into the rose ceremony.

All right, guys?

Man: All right.

Man: Okay.

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

Well, the wild ride continues.

I'm really worried now.

I-I wouldn't beat yourself up about it.

Man: Yeah.

There's no cocktail party.

She's got her mind made up.

I just closed the deal.

Game over. Rose is mine.

On our one-on-one date, I felt like I knocked it out of the park, so I think that's why I'm not nervous.

I thought I was gonna talk to her and really tell her how I feel and how I think we have a future together.


This isn't supposed to happen like this.

(Inhales deeply)


It would be a terrible feeling to think that you've gone all this way, and you leave with regrets, so I feel for the guy.

Chris: I don't feel right.

I'm not ready for this to be over between me and her...

(Voice breaks)

And I feel like...

(Exhales deeply)

I'm a good man for her.

I'm the best man for her.

I know that.

He has already planned what he was gonna say.

This was his worst nightmare, not having a chance to say, "sorry."

(Arie and John) Yeah.

Chris: I could miss out on this opportunity with the perfect girl, and that's gonna k*ll me, because...

The way I treated this week is not the way I am.

I took this week for granted...


And, uh, I'm gonna pay for it.


Chris: Going in tonight, I'm a nervous wreck.

I thought I was gonna talk to her and patch things up, but Chris said that we're not gonna have any time with Emily, and, uh, I think I really need it, and it's k*lling me.

I don't wanna go home without her.

And, uh, I'll do anything I have to do, 'cause I believe in me and her, so I'm gonna fight for her and see if I can do something before, uh, she makes her decision.

Gentlemen, I know tonight didn't exactly go as expected, and while you've had a great week here in Prague, it's also been a very intense week.

The four of you who leave here with roses tonight get the opportunity to take Emily back to your hometown to meet your family.

That is a huge step in any relationship.

Sean, you already have a rose.

You're definitely taking Emily home to meet your family.


Thank you.

As for the rest of you, just three roses to hand out.

One of you will be going home tonight.

(Exhales deeply)

I wish you all the best, and if you're ready, here's Emily.


(Whispers) When you're ready.

Thank you.

Emily: Hey, guys.


Y'all look very handsome.


I know that y'all came here expecting a cocktail party, and I hope that y'all aren't disappointed.

I have to say that I did miss talking to each of you tonight, um, but the whole point of the cocktail parties, for me, is to have any unanswered questions answered, and I'm really happy to say that at the end of this week of dates, any questions I had were answered, and the only reason for that is because y'all were so open and honest with me about how you were feeling, and I can honestly say that I feel real love, and that makes every second that I'm away from Ricki completely worth it, so thank y'all for that.


Jef, would you accept this rose?

Of course.

Thank you.

(Whispers) Thanks.




Arie, would you accept this rose?

Of course.

You look so beautiful tonight.

(Whispers) Thank you.

Thank you.

(Clears throat)

Emily, gentlemen, this is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

(Whispers) Thank you.



I'm sorry, but, uh, I r--

I really need to talk to you, if that's okay.


Yeah? I'm sorry.

No, it's all right.

I just have to talk to you.


I'm sorry. (Inhales deeply)

(Chris sighs) Sorry.

It's all right.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Yep. Kind of okay.



Arie: Wow.

Emily: Are you all right?

Mm... (Clears throat)

It's crazy. Chris just interrupted the rose ceremony, and I think we're all a little bit surprised, and now I know that John is stressing.

Tensions are high.

(Chuckles) I'm really dying inside today, 'cause, uh...

I feel like yesterday I was...

I acted like a boy yesterday.

I really--

I feel that way. I do.

You were in an awkward position, and, uh, I know it wasn't easy for you, and, uh, I should've been more respectful, you know, when I didn't get that rose.

I apologize for that.


I... I really do, and, uh, I really took this week for granted.

I did. I did, and that's-- that's not who I am.

Um, I want to let you know that-- that I'm ready to be the man that you deserve.

I'm ready to, uh, be the man that--that Ricki deserves, and, uh, I'd be lying if I said I-I wasn't falling in love with you.

I have unbelievable feelings for you, and, uh, if I wasn't able to say that, it would--it would k*ll me.

I-I want you to know that I am so grateful for you, um, putting yourself out there.

I really do believe in me and you.

I really do, and I do not want this to end right now between me and you.

I-I'm never ready for it to end, and I need you to know that.

Oh, man. This is intense.

Oh. Coming in hot.



(Clears throat)



(Whispers) Chris, would you accept this rose?


Thank you.

(Sighs) John, I'm sorry.

Take a moment.

Say your good-byes.


Bye, dude.

(Men speaking indistinctly)

Can I walk you out?


(Clears throat)

(Chuckles and speaks indistinctly)

I am seriously the happiest man in the world right now.

(Chuckles) So happy.

I feel amazing.

Like, I can't even tell you the last time I felt this happy.

(Whispers) I'm sorry.


A lot of my relationships, to be honest, have, like, moved at a much faster pace...


And I was just kind of waiting for that from you...


And meeting families is a huge deal to me...


And I couldn't do that...


Like, and feel good knowing that I don't know where you and I stand.

After our date, I thought, you know, we really had something.

I mean, I'm completely shocked right now.

I'm not gonna lie.

Um, but, you know, if you don't see it, I can't force something that you don't see, you know?

I mean, I'm definitely hurt right now, but...

I'm just really sorry, and I-I-- yeah.

It sucks.

I thank you for opening up to me...

You're welcome.

So much.


Thank you.


John: I'm a little disappointed right now.

I mean, Emily is a great girl, beautiful, and I...

I'm--I mean, I'm shocked, you know.

Just didn't see it coming, 'cause I felt like we really connected the other night, and I thought we could have something really great.


Man. (Grunts)

She kept wanting more, wanting more and wanting more and wanting more, so I gave her more.

I shared things with her that I don't share with a lot of people.

You know, I put myself out there, and I was expecting to bring her home.

I don't know what Chris told her.

I think she made a mistake.

I want to find somebody, and I thought Emily was the right person.

She wasn't, but maybe I'll find my cinderella someday.

Sending John home was really hard, but I am so confident in the four guys I have here tonight, and I'm just so flattered that all of you guys want me to meet your family, um, 'cause I can't wait, and I am just so honored, and, um, trust me when I say, it's not something I take lightly.

You know, I know how much your families mean to you guys, so, um, I hope they like me, so here is to meeting your families.

(All) Cheers.


Next week on the bachelorette"...

You make me feel really good.

Me, too.

Like, crazy good.

I am, uh... sorry.

It's okay.


I don't know.

I feel like time has just gotten away from me.


Everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me.

Everything I've ever prayed for right in front of me, and I'm just choosing to pass it by.

I just think about my own family...


And, um... how I would feel if I had just introduced the person I feel like I'm falling in love with to my family and how I would feel if, um... I get s-- got sent home this week.

I don't wanna hurt anybody and I don't wanna make the wrong choice.