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06x06 - Week 6 (Season 6)

Posted: 06/30/10 21:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on...

Ali: Iceland was incredible.


It's just been so great being with all these guys.

I should be happy, but I'm not because Ali's over there.

Frank: There's never enough time. Group dates don't cut it.

Ali: I have other great guys here that want to take the time to get to know me.

Frank: It's driving me insane.

Like, I'm--I'm just--

I'm an emotional disaster.

And Ali giving that rose to Ty shows me what I need to do to get the rose next time.

Kasey: I'm Kasey Kahl.

I'm a dreamer. I'm a believer.

I think this is your time to shine.

Send the wrestler back to the ring.

Justin: It's gonna be a showdown at the O.K. Corral.

Kasey: If I get sent home, that's gonna destroy me.

I'm gonna give Justin the rose.

Justin: There was actually two roses given--

One to Justin and one to "Rated-R."


And tonight... whoo!

Frank: There's no more romantic way to fall in love than traveling around the world.

Being in front of the Hollywood sign, a Broadway stage in New York, cave diving in Iceland, and now here we are in Turkey.

Being here is surreal.

Turkey, baby! Whoo!

Ali: It's incredible.

Ty: This place is phenomenal, but it's even more unbelievable that I actually have a date with Ali.

I am falling in love with her.

I feel like this could work, but, like, you still wonder how.

Ali: I feel like things have been sort of up and down with Frank.

What are you thinking?

I think my relationship with you scares me.

(Craig) I'm ready more than I've ever been for anything to fight for her heart.

Ali: Oh!

Kirk: Oh!

Woman: One of the guys there has a girlfriend.

It's unspeakable what you've done.

I came here to find a husband, and you're (bleep) with that.

No, no, no, no. Sit down and talk like a man.

(bleep) Chill out.

Ali: Are you seriously gonna walk away from me?

You're gonna go out like this?

This is how you want to be perceived?

You're gonna regret this.

Ali: I'm thrilled we are in Istanbul, Turkey, this week.

It's incredible.

I didn't realize that 13 million people live here.

There's so much energy around me, and the city could not be more beautiful.

The buildings and architecture is breathtaking.

It's gonna be a good week, and I-I have really high hopes for moving forward with a lot of the guys this week.

Up until now, I've been trying to figure out what guys weren't right for me.

And now, I'm feeling really confident about these seven guys that I still have here.

Gentlemen, good morning.


Welcome to one of the oldest, most beautiful cities in the world--Istanbul, Turkey.

Ali: They're interesting and smart and driven-- everything that I want.

You'll be continuing your journey to find love with Ali in this historic city.

Ali: So now it's really just about finding out who do I see as my husband and who do I see as my friend.

I think I'm gonna get there in Turkey, and I'm really excited about it.

We are gonna have such a good time here in Turkey, and I hope they're as excited as I am for what's to come.

(Craig) Wow.

Man: Yeah.

Man: Whoo!

I feel better right now than I think I have throughout this entire journey.

And, uh, I don't think anything could go wrong at this point.

(knock on door)

Hi. (laughs)


Welcome to Turkey.

Oh, my god. Thank you.

How you doing?

Good. How are you?

You got a second to talk?


I'm scared.

Why are you here?

Don't be scared.


Ah. So something I do need to tell you, though...


Um, something that, uh, was brought to our attention.


Oddly enough, a former cast member who you know--Jessie-- who you became friends with last season...


She contacted us...


And, uh, gave me some information that...

Is legit.

I've checked it out--

A real story that I think you need to hear.

So, uh, I want to give her a call real quick and let you, uh, talk to Jessie.


All right?

Oh, my gosh.

So let me see.

I'll grab the phone here.

(keypad beeping)

(clears throat)

(beeping continues)

Ali: my heart is racing.


(telephone rings)

(speaks indistinctly)




(rings, line clicks)

(Jessie) hello?

Jessie, hey.

Chris Harrison.

Hey. How are you?

Good. Good. Hey, uh, do you have a second to, uh, talk to Ali?

I do.

All right. Thanks, Jessie.

Thank you, Chris.

It's Jessie. All right.

Hi, Jessie. How are you?

Good. How are you?

I'm good. It's so good hear a familiar voice.

I know.

You must be going through Quite the adventure there.

Oh, my gosh.

Yes, it's been great.

But I'm a little nervous.

What's up?

Listen, um, I have some information about somebody that is on the show That I don't think is there for the right reasons.

In fact, I know that he's not there for the right reasons.

One of the guys there has a girlfriend...

Oh, my God.

How do you know this?

'cause I'm sitting with his girlfriend right now.

(gasps) are you serious?

Yeah. Her name's Jessica.



Hi, Jessica. This is Ali.

(sobs and sniffles)

I don't even know where to start.

Um, basically, me and Justin have been dating For the past-- almost two years now.

And a couple months ago, he said, "you know what, Jess?

"I'm going on the show, but it's solely for the purpose of getting my foot into the door Of the entertainment industry," And, you know, his wrestling career.

(voice breaking) and he assured me that when he would come back, That we would be together and finally set our plans to get married.

And I did--I believed him.


What did he say his plan was?

I don't even understand.

He was gonna...

(normal voice) um, basically he said to me, His is something that's gonna benefit the both of us, Because it's gonna open a lot of doors for me."

And he said, "I really want to get into top three, "because once you're in top three, you're well-known."

I helped him buy his suits. I helped him take his head sh*ts.

He broke his leg.

I took him to the hospital.

You know, I really didn't want to do this from the beginning.

I didn't want to almost...


Cause trouble and drama.

(sighs and sniffles)

And the fact that you could potentially choose him To be your husband and then what?

(crying) he actually contacted me last night...

And he said... (sniffles)

He said that he still loved me, and that's when I kinda put my foot down, Because a couple days after he left, I found out that he had another girlfriend.

For the past two months-- another girlfriend.


Nobody--nobody should feel what I'm feeling right now.

And this is really, really hard for me to talk about.


You know what? I'm really trying to be strong through all this.

Um, I'm...

I don't know what else to say, Ali. I'm sorry.

I hope you can stay strong, and thank you for giving me this, Because this is...

The most important thing I'mev.

I really, really, really do want to meet my husband here.

Neither of us deserved this, and it sucks That someone would be here...

Like that.




(clears throat)

Ali: I just can't believe it.

Justin was acting the entire time he was here.

Justin has painted this pretty picture Of how genuine he is and he'll climb mountains for me.

I mean, everything he said was basically a lie.

You know... (sighs)

Like, from night one, the guys--

They voted him off in the ballot box. Remember?

Yeah, that's right.

That's right.

And... I really just thought, like, maybe he's misunderstood.


And he was so sweet and so nice and hiked up to my house on his crutches.

Like, you know, he seemed so perfect on paper and-- did all the right things, yeah.

I think the thing that upsets me the most is just how much he just said how he wanted to find a wife and he's here for the right reasons.

I mean, he said "I'm here for the right reasons"

So many times, and he said that knowing That he was planning on leaving if he was in the top three.

What... A jerk.

I have given up everything to be here, and... To think that...

I could have had someone here till the end? I'm just pissed...


You know?

This is Jessica. That's a picture of the two of them.

We found out he's contacted her, like, secretly, Snuck off, used phones.

He's been calling her while he's on the show with you.

Do the guys know?


I just found out and came straight to tell you.

I mean, honestly, the question is, what do you want to do?

Um, it's up to you.

I'm--I am beyond pissed. I...


I want to get him out of here and as quickly as possible.


Ali: it's disgusting, what Justin did.

It just makes me sick to my stomach, and I'm not gonna let him get away with it.

You ready?


All right, I'll take you up to the guys' room.

I'm gonna go downstairs and confront Justin.

I want him on the first plane back to Canada.

If he wants to come on here and embarrass himself, Then go ahead, but he's not gonna embarrass me.

(door closes)

You know what you're gonna say?

I have an idea.

Ali: unexpectedly, I just spoke With Justin's girlfriend Jessica.

This is ridiculous.

She told me that Justin's plan was to come on the show, Make it to the top three, then leave me and then go marry Jessica.

Just be strong and let him have it.

Oh, I will. I will.

This has been my fear from the very beginning, and I feel like his deceitfulness is even worse.

I'm just pissed.

I believe in being good to people and putting people in their place When they're not good to you.

Okay. You ready?

Oh, my God. My heart is just, like, crazy.

Take a deep breath.

(inhales and exhales deeply)

Okay. Okay, let's do this.



I get a knock at the door and I open it, and I see Ali standing there with Chris Harrison.

Where are the rest of the boys?

Man: hey, fellas.

Chris L.: yo, Ali's here.

Kirk: oh, my gosh.

Kirk: Ali walked into the room with Chris Harrison.

That hasn't happened before, so I don't know what's going on.

Ali: so, yeah, guys, It's been quite the road getting here so far.

You know, Justin, I think it's been Especially difficult for you, 'cause...

You probably really miss your girlfriend in Canada.

(mouths word)

She called me this morning.



And she was really upset.

(mouths word) you promised her that you were gonna come here and get to the top three, and then go home, Promote your wrestling career, have a life with her.

You sat here and cried to me about your mother and respecting women, and you think this is the way to respect women?

No, no, no, no.

Sit down and talk like a man...


First of all.

No, because I'd rather just not say anything, and...

I'm shaking right now, I'm so angry.

Roberto: here. Sit down.


It's okay.

He told me how he's so much about respecting women and...

Justin: I don't have a girlfriend.

All this stuff about his...

I'm out.

Chris Harrison: what are you gonna do, Just walk out without talking to her?

(bleep) you, straight up.

Chris Harrison: Justin.

...I got my passport.

I got my wallet.

That's all I need.

Uh, I'm gonna go talk to him for a second, Just to see what he has to say.

Ali--she was pissed at Justin, and there was fire in her eyes.

(Craig) a lot of good people went home...

Man: although...

To have his ass stay.

That dude is a (bleep).

That (bleep) wasted everyone's time. It's horrible.

Chris Harrison: he just left.

He went down the stairs.

Going down?

Frank: this is Ali's journey to find love, and Justin--he is screwing With a very kind of sacred thing to her.

He is nothing but a jerk.

Kirk: if Justin had anything to deny, Justin would have sat here like a man and argued his case.

Man: yeah.

Justin dug his own grave on this one.

Ty: he's out here.

Shut up. Get one last look at that (bleep).

Camera all in my face.

If you wanna talk off camera, I'd be more than glad to talk to you. Don't touch me. Don't--

You want to talk off camera?

J-Justin, you seriously are ?

You're gonna go out like this?

This is how you want to be perceived?

Justin, talk like a man, first of all.




Man: where?

Man: there he is right there.

Roberto: yeah, that's Justin.

Ty: uh, his wrestling career might be over After Ali body slams him out there.

Kirk: what is say-- gonna say to her?

I want to know what he has to say for himself.

Man: is he really running from her?

Man: yeah.

Chris L.: I look out the window and I see that the wrestler's, Like, jumping over things.

Like, I mean, who does that?

Ali: Justin, you're gonna regret this.

Believe me, you'll want to talk it out.

Kirk: Justin's wrestling character--

It shouldn't be rated-r."

If you bust out a wrestling t-shirt, It should say "Justin--liar."

Ali: Justin, you're gonna regret this.

(Craig) there's Justin. Oh.

Kirk: can't open it. ...Where?

Right down here.

Chris L.: where's Ali?

Going in and calling out Justin--

I think Justin was shocked.

I think the way he reacted to the situation says it all.

He got up and walked away.

What kind of man does that?

Chris Harrison: he's coming back.

Ali: hobbling over.


Here goes nothing.

You know, when you're caught in a lie and not expecting it, You need a little time to gather your thoughts To come up with a story, and I thought that's what Justin needed--time to run away So he could come up with what he was gonna say to me.

I know you probably want to rip my head off right now, but, um, basically, with me and Jessica, I never, you know...

You know, yeah, I have, you know, strong feelings for her, but, like, honestly, she's like someone that I would say is like my best friend.

And I--and I truly--I didn't--

I thought I was going in this with 100% of my heart, but as the process, and, you know, the weeks went by, My--my heart became less and less into this.

You know, the weeks and weeks-- so when did you realize this...

T-- the other day when I gave you a rose and sent Kasey home on a two-on-one date?

I mean, I just think it's so unfortunate that...

I am--

Someone who wanted to be here and was so ready To be here for me--

I-I wanted to, the day after, give you bacthe rose, and I even actually still have it in my pocket, ironically.

Yeah. No, I don't want it back.

I--well, to give it to somebody else, but--

Well, it's a little too late for that, Justin.

Yeah, I know.

Jessica told me you guys had been planning this from day one.

She said that...

Not at all.

You came here and told her it was just to become famous and that you were gonna have a life with her, marry her.

Not at all.

Well, then you're telling me your best friend...

Not at all.

This girl that you supposedly care about, just lied to me?


Threw you under the bus and lied about a man that she loves?

You think she did that to you?

Because the girl I talked to On the pne was bawling her eyes out.

I felt so sorry for her.

And she told me that you have Another girlfriend that she found out about.

That's not true. Not at all.

You know, I am-- you've been calling her...

Hang on.

Numerous, numerous times, though, right?

Throughout this whole thing.

No, absolutely not.

N-n-no, period.


Absolutely not.


Is she lying?

I have not-- is she lying?

Is your--is this girl a liar?

Tell me right now Jessica's a liar.

But about, like...


I'm--I'm not gonna-- about what? Like about what?

That you came he to get famous and that you guys were gonna be together and get married.

No, I did not--no, look, I did not come here to get famous.

Did you tell her you were gonna marry her?

I did not--I don't know I-if that's--

I-if that's a poss-- like, honestly--

Justin, you know what?

No, no, but this is the thing.

Like, no, but this is...

Oh, my God.

The thing, though. It's not-- that's why it's not that simple.

It is that simple.

No, it isn't.

You come here to find a wife.

I came here to find a husband, and you're (bleep) with that.

Absolutely not.

'cause I came here with--

And someone went home--someone went home the first night That could have been here for me.

I gave up my job.

I gave up my apartment.

I gave up everything to be here.


For you to do this, it's awful.

's unspeakable, what you've done...


Not only to me, but to her.

Okay, so on that note, I'm sorry For everything.

I'm sorry for--

You could've just owned up like a man, Justin.

Owned up like a man...

Wait, hold up. I'm only-- hang on.

And leave here with a little bit of honor...


And a little bit of integrit okay. Well, whatever you think.

(Ali sighs deeply)

Justin couldn't even defend himself.

I said, "this is what Jessica just told me.

Tell me she's a liar," and he couldn't. He wouldn't.

And that speaks volumes.

To me, he left like a coward.

He hung his head, put his tail between his legs and walked out.

I think Justin made it very clear That everything Jessica told me was true.

I hate Justin for doing this to me.

You know, this has been my fear from the very beginning, and the fact that he might have been calling This girlfriend of his all along, It just makes me sick to my stomach.



(electronic female voice) next saved message.


(electronic female voice) next saved message.


(electronic female voice) next saved message.


Kirk: I can't wrap my mind around it. What he said...

Ty: I still c--I can't still believe that that just happened.

Man: a shocker.

Man: to say the least.

Kirk: I am shocked Justin has a girlfriend.

I would never in a million years guess That things would have happened the way it did, but I hope that what happened with Justin Doesn't make her second-guess or question any of us.

He sat here and actually cried to us.

He's an entertainer.

Ty: he's an entertainer, man.

Roberto: he's done a good job.

Wato go.

I'm so glad that Turkey is Gobbling his way home to Canada right now.

It's a long way from Turkey to Canada.

I hope he has to swim with that broken leg.

The first night--he got voted off first night.

Justin should have been gone weeks ago.

I mean, there's always been some drama with that guy.

But, uh, drama's not why we're here, you know?

I believed him. Unless I'm the most gullible--

Man: no, I believed him, too.

That he is not--

I bought it.

That's what I mean.

That's what I'm saying.

(knock on door)

Kirk: oh, boy.

Chris L.: date card?

What are you waiting for?

I'm gonna jump up, grab that card and read it.

I want a date this week.

I haven't had a one-on-one date yet.

I don't want the group date this week.

I've had enough of the group dates. I want a one-on-one date.

It's a one-on-one.

"let's get steamy."


Kirk: oh, Ty.

Let's get steamy?

Hey, all I know is, this is gonna be fun.

Ty's got the date, and I'm... I'm like, are you kidding me?

See you guys later.

Man: all right, Ty.

"Ty, let's get steamy. Ali."

That's a lucky man right there.

Ali: I am done with Justin.

I just wanna wipe my hands clean of the entire situation and move on.

I'm just not gonna let him Occupy any more of my time.

This morning was really rough, and I'm doing my absolute best So I can just focus on my date with Ty now and have a really great time.

Ali had to deal with Justin this morning, and I hope that seeing me today Makes her realize that I have her back.

After the drama this morning, I really want to protect her from being hurt and show her that I'm here for her, and that's all I'm here for.

(Ali laughs)

There you are.


Welcome to town.

Well, thank you.

I'm so glad to have you on this date all to myself.

Me, too! Finally!


So you've--this is your first time to Europe?


That's so exciting.

I know. Isn't that crazy?

Yes. That's awesome.

Ty: I-I think that the connection That I already have with Ali is really good...


Ooh. Holy cow.

So my expectations are really high.

I-I--they really are.

What would you like?

This. (chuckles)

"I love Istanbul."

I cod fall in love with Ali, no doubt.

The blue mosque.

This one is called the hagia Sophia.

Hagia Sophia.

I never, ever, ever thought I'd be somewhere like this. Hmm.

This is perfect.

This is perfect.

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad I'm here.

Thank you so much.

Well, it started out as quite an exciting day but turned into a very nice afternoon.

But you know what? This is so great. I love this.


Ali: Ty is the perfect person For me to have on this date today, Because he always makes me feel good, and he's such a positive person, So I have a really great surprise for him.

This building is, like, 300 years old.

Ali: I'm taking him to a place Where people used to go to just relax...

Ty: wow.

(Ali laughs)

And that's exactly what Ty and I need to do today, Considering the morning we just had.

Hello. (laughs)

(laughs) wow. Whoa-- you're good. There you go.


I like that. You look cute.

That's awesome.

Are you ready?


You show me the way.

Ty: wow.

(Ali laughs)

Ali: Ty a I had the entire bathhouse To ourselves.

The hammam is usually an exclusive place Where only men are allowed to go, So I feel really fortunate and grateful That they're making an exception for our date today.

You sit there.

The Turkish bath is breathtaking.

There's these little, sort of, stars and holes cut out In the ceiling of the dome that--

Light is pouring through them, and there's old fixtures where the water comes in, and it's crazy to think That people have been bathing here for 300 years, and I feel... Empowered being here.

There's something very magical about this place.


I know. I-I'm just, like, in awe right now Of this building.

Oh, the building's just the half of it.


This is nice. (kisses) thank you.

You're welcome.

It's very cool.

I'm glad you're here with me.

Well, I'm glad I am, too.



Come here. Turn around.


Ali: the Turkish bath is so hot and steamy and sexy.

You know, I have a feeling we're gonna get close Al quick.

(whispers) feels okay?

Feels good?

This is perfect.

(normal voice) it's just what the doctor ordered?


Frank: obviously Ty's a great guy.

She might say, he would be an awesome friend--

You know, the kind of guy I'd want to hang out with but not the kind of guy I'd want to marry. I mean, that's--

(knock on door)

Man: ohh!

Man: we've got a date card, gentlemen.

Frank: date card!

Chris L.: craigger!

What do you think, craigger?

(man imitates parrot)

Craig r.


Chris L.: I'm thinking one-on-one.

I still wanna be the guy that Ali chooses in the end, but I know that I have a lot of competition For Ali's heart, and that worries me, Because I still haven't had a one-on-one date with Ali.

"love nquers ol(Ive)."

Group or one-on-one?

It's a group date.

Kirk: whoa.

Roberto: okay. Okay.

Frank: if my name is not on that date card, That means I've got the next one-on-one date.

I-it has been a long time since my one-on-one date with Ali, and I'm feeling like I really need another date with her.

I miss her.

First name... Chris.


Second name...Roberto.

All right.

Third name... Kirk.

And the fourth name, ladies and gentlemen, On the group date...


(scoffs) oh, man. Oh, boy.

Yeah, baby!

That's a good feeling.

Chris L.: you're the first guy with two one-on-ones.

That's unreal.

I would've thought 100%

That Craig would be on the one-on-one.

It's--it freaks me out a little bit.

Everyone else has had a one-on-one date, Except for me.

Frank will have his second one-on-one date, When I have had none.

That is very, Ry frustrating.

Oh, I'm doing good?

Oh, yeah.

(laughs) yeah. Good job.

Ty really pulled through for me today.

Uh, this morning was rough, and I lost a little bit of faith In--in men, I guess, and Ty restored that for me today.

I'm so lucky that he's here.

Ty: we've been very intimate and close today.

You know, that's exactly what I wanted.

I mean, as far as there being something there and the chemistry between us, it's definitely there.

That was nice.

Ty: falling in love is a big step, but it was very easy To have deep, deep feelings When you spend a day like we've had so far.

If Ali wanted to come back to Turkey for our honeymoon, I absolutely would come back.

It's getting hot in here.


It is getting hot in here.

Mmm. (kisses)

Coming up...


What do you recommend?




Oh, my God.

Man: what is going on here?

Ali: I'm introducing a few more guys to the mix.

Chris: I see these four Turkish guys.

I'm thinking, there's four of them. There's four of us.

I don't like where this is going.

This guy looks like he really wants to k*ll somebody.

(Craig) looked like they meant business. I'm a little scared.

Know somebody That would be a great bachelor or bachelorette?

Go to bachelor.ABC.Com and click apply."

Ali: oh, this is so cool.

Ty: yeah.

I love this neighborhood.


(laughs) oh.

Ali: hanging out with Ty today Just confirmed what I already knew about him.

You know, he's a good, genuine guy, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with him.

So tonight I'm taking Ty to a little romantic spot To have a nice dinner right by the water.

It's just gonna be a nice place for us to really connect.

Here's to a st of a wonderful day with you, and I think the best is yet to come, really.

I like that. Cheers.


Ty: my feelings at this point Have gotten stronger and stronger for Ali, and there's a rose on this date, and I want it more than ever.

I really do.

It's been a learning experience for me In that when it's right, It's just something that you just know.


And I like that you're spontaneous.

I like that you're not scared to get your hands dirty.

I like that you have--

You're ambitious and you're--you're driven, and that's-- and it comes out, and it's very, very-- it's very sexy, actually.

It's very becoming.

It really is.

And I just want to know, Wh-what is it about me that you like?

(laughs) flatter me.

No, I'm kidding.

Glad you asked.



What do I not like, I feel like, is the question.

I mean, you're very attractive... (laughs)

And a big 6-foot whatever, like... (laughs) that's good. Okay.

N-nice-looking guy.

That helps, but that's not what's most important.

To start off, I'm looking for a feeling...

I agree. I agree.

And I always feel good when I'm with you...

Well, good.

And I think that's all that matters.

I-I mean, I want to know more about who you are and what makes you who you are, and that's the good and the bad and--and the hardship...


And I-I just have, like, some questions, but I don't want you to think I'm asking these questions 'cause I'm like, oh, he's been married before-- oh, and I want you--

Anything that you want to ask me, I want you to feel like you can ask me anything.

Was there, like, an incident that happened one day, Was it just, like, building?

It was more of a lot of things building up, and I expected one thing, and it really wasn't there.


And... My family is very important to me...


And that was probably the hardest part for me.

Who offered the divorce papers?

Like, who--who suggested-- that was me.

You did?

That was me. I grew up-- my mom stayed at home While the kids were at school, you ow, my Dad worked, and that's what I was accustomed to.

But, uh, with that being said, You know, I think that was a lot-- did you have more traditional roles?

I think it was--a lot of that was the problem.

Did she work?

Did she?


That was a lot of it.

I guess I struggle with that sometimes, and it took me living a little bit and seeing what else was out there.


Women are presidents of companies. They're c.E.O.S.

I was so closed growing up, I didn't see those types of things...


So, uh, I think after really realizing I don't live in a box, I changed as a person.


I mean, I learned, it has to be all or nothing.

You're either in it or you're not, So with that being said, I think I'm a better person.

I think that I can be a better person For somebody else, and finding somebody that I am going to be 85, Shuffling my feet along the floor with...


Not being able to walk--

That's important, and I want that.

I want to be with somebody that I enjoy.

That is...

That's gotta be part of it.

And getting back to that, you know, with your work and everything that you do, and career-wise, I would never question anything that you had--that you do, Because you'll be successful at whatever you do.

I'm pretty sure of that.

Um, yeah, y--

Do you feel like you're ady, like, to jump back in?

I mean, At's a huge thing.

Here's the thing.

Here's the thing.

I love being married.

There's nothing better than finding your home and finding where you're supposed to be, and when you find that with someone, It's--it will be special.

Probably one of us on this couch is gonna go home.

Kirk: if Ty comes back, absolutely.


(Craig) I don't want him to come home tonight.

I wouldn't mind seeing his bags tak right now.

Chris: yeah.

As much as I love these guys, I want them gone, and I want to be the last man standing.

As much a-as I am ready to get married, I imagine that if you've already been through it once, You're not ready to jump right back into it.

My goal is to end up with Ali.

The only way to do that is for these other guys to leave and go home.

How long ago did he get divorced?

(Craig) well, it's been, what, like, a year, I think. Two?

Kirk: a year?

If he went home today, That would be two guys gone in one day. Great.

Ty, I love ya, but don't come home tonight.

I think this comes into play at some point.

I mean, I do have concerns, and I think that I'm seeing all sides of you and--and things that could potentially be issues.

For instance, "traditional" is, ke, The last word I'd use to describe myself.


I feel like I'm opposite of traditional.


But, most of all, you've just been open and honest, and 98% of the men I know, Who I would think couldn't make a marriage work, Couldn't do what you did tonight.

If anything, I feel like you're more ready for this...


Because of what you've experienced, So I would have to ask if you would accept this rose.


I'm really glad.

I'm really glad.


Ty: I am so thrilled and excited and thankful.

Getting the rose from Ali Means that she understands where I'm coming from.

She understands what I've been through, and she's okay with it.

You good?

Aw, thank you.


See, that kind of traditional chivalry I'll accept. (laughs)

That's it. That's it.

You'll accept that?

(laughs) yeah.

Ali: I really appreciate That Ty is able to open up so much with me, and I have gotten such a great sense Of who Ty is tonight.

I feel like I know more about Ty, almost, Than anyone else in the house.

Ali: without a doubt, I have concerns about Ty, and that's okay, because he surprised me.

He's being such a gentleman.

He is making me laugh.

There's a little bit of romance, and I want to explore that further.

Ty: tonight absolutely was The most rememorable dance I will ever have, Until that day comes That I get to marry her, and maybe that first dance will be just as memorable.

Coming up...

You guys are gonna be wrestling, and the winner get a special one-on-one time.

(blows whistle)

Roberto: well, we're down to six guys, and this is getting serious.

Ali: oh!

Man: whoa!

(Craig) I'm gonna fight my butt off to make sure That I get the one-on-one time with Ali tonight.


Ali: I just think of all the lovers That have passed through here, and Frank and I are just adding to the history.

I want to get down on my knee and propose to a girl Once in my life.

You know, you have your journey, and I have mine.

Kirk: I'm very excited about the group date today.

The date card says that love conque ol(Ive)."

I have no freakin' clue what that means, but I don't care.

I just want to spend Te with Ali today.

Chris L.: there's not many blonde girls in Turkey.

(man laughs)

Roberto: she's gotta be around here somewhere.

Chris L.: we were walking along the River in Istanbul Trying to find where Ali is, and we're all wondering, All right, where is she gonna pop up next?

I see her.

(Craig) do you?

Chris L.: right up there in the castle. (laughs)

Kirk: oh!

(Craig) oh, look at that.

Hi. (laughs) hello.

Chris L.: hi, Ali.

Kirk: Ali looked like a blonde goddess Sitting on the tower waving down at us.

We had a little Rapunzel moment.

Kirk: let down your hair.

It won't reach. (laughs)

Today I'm bringing the guys to a 15th-century fortress That was built during the ottoman empire.

Hi. (laughs) wow.

Good. How are you?


It's good to see you.

Ali: we're just gonna embrace Turkish tradition and culture, but I don't know if they're gonna be excited Or just, like, man, not again!

Ali: well, welcome to our final group date.

I almost can't believe that this is a group date, Because there's only five of us.

Uh, let's have a good day...

(Craig) sure, sure.

Let's do it.

And, uh, cheers to a good day.



Kirk: absolutely.

Ali: the guys don't know, but I have a little surprise for them today, and I can't wait to see the look on the guy's faces When they find out what is.

There won't be a rose on today's date, but I do have a little special one-on-one time That I'll have with one of you guys at the end of the night, and, uh, you guys are gonna have to fight for it.

Man: what is going on here?

Ali: I'm introducing a few more guys to the mix.

(lau(la) what the...

(laughs) what?

Is that guy shirtless?

(laughs) they're oiled up, like hulk hogan.

Do you see?

They're oiled up!

Chris L.: so all of a sudden, I see these four Turkish guys walking up, all oiled up.

I'm thinking, there's four of them. There's four of us.

We're in a place that looks like an arena.

I don't like where this is going.

Kirk: there were four guys oiled up In black leather pants, With, like, their game faces on.

They were like...



(laughs) they're not smiling.

(Craig) I'm a little scared, and they look angry.

I mean, they looked like they meant business.

This guy looks like he wants to k*ll somebody.


He really wants to k*ll somebody.

Olive oil wrestling is actually a professional sport Here in Turkey, and these guys Are professional olive oil wrestlers...

And you guys are gonnae estling them today. (laughs)

(Roberto laughs)

Man: ohh.

Chris L.: what? Wrestling these greasy Turkish dudes In leather pants?

This is not fun.

Let's get oiled up.



Chris L.: "what'd you guys do in Turkey?" "Oh, I got naked and wrestled with another man."

(Ali laughs)

(man laughs)

"oh, by the way, did I tell you that olive oil was involved?"

Ali: are you ready?


Ali: I'm not a girl much for having guys fight over her, but seeing the guys get all oiled up To fight for my love was-- was pretty hot.

Ready, kirkie?


Kirk: uh, Ali--Ali poured and rubbed oil On each and every one of us.

I mean, that was-- that was probably the best part.

I definitely plan on returning the favor of the oil, Uh, rub at some point.

I mean, it's only fair, right?

(speaks Turkish)

(speaking Turkish)

Chris L.: usually what I do with olive oil is Dip bread in it or cook asparagus on the grill with it.

I usually don't wrestle with it. (chuckles)

It'll be a first time.

(blows whistle)

Man: come on!

Oh, my God. Oh!

Chris, be careful!

Ali: aah!

(blows whistle)

Ali: m nervous.

I, honestly, am regretting this whole idea... (laughs)

Right now, because I don't want to see my guys get hurt.

(blows whistle)

Kirk: we got slicked up in oil, then it starts raining.

The grass is slippery.

We're slippery.

You can't grab anything.

(whistle blows)

I got my ass kicked.

Ali: aah!

Roberto: I'm wrestling the guy, and I like to think I'm decently strong.

Next thing I know, I'm halfway up in the air...

Ali: aah!

Going, oh, here I go.

I'm going down.

Ali: ohh!

Chris L.: professional Turkish oil wrestlers Versus four dudes trying to find love on the bachelorette."

(blows whistle)

Advantage--Turkish guys.

Now you guys are gonna be wrestling with each other...

(laughs) and the winner gets a special one-on-one time At the end of tonight.


(Craig) everyone else has had a one-on-one date except for me, So I'm gonna fight my butt off to make sure That I get the one-on-one time WI Ali tonight.


The problem is that the other guys here are all athletes.

I'm not like that.

You know, I'm a lawyer.

I fight with words, generally.

That's, like, my job.

(speaks Turkish) go easy on me, big dog.

Ali: so the guys are gonna wrestle each other.

There's no rose on tonight's date, but it's just as important, because the winner today Will get additional one-on-one time with me tonight.

(blows whistle)

Man: oh!

Man: whoa. Wh-whoa.

Ali: oh!


Man: uh-oh.

(blows whistle)

Ali: oh!

Wow, Craig! (laughs)

(m) go, man.

Kirk: I'm very surprised to see that Craig beat Chris.

Chris is just a bigger guy.

I figured, uh, There'd be no question, but Craig took it to him.

(blows whistle)

(Ali laughs) oh!

(blows whistle)


Man: look what you did.

I fought for a total of five seconds.

(Ali laughs)

(Craig) so it comes down to Roberto and myself.

Roberto was almost in the major leagues.

He's a tough dude, but I am ready To fight my heart out for her.

(speaks Turkish)

Give me one second.

One second.

Hey! One second.

If I was a betting man, I-I'd--obviously, I'd bet on myself to win this thing.

I'm a pretty strong guy, I think.

I-I just don't see the wrestling thing As his forte.

Be nice to each other.

You're friends.

(Craig) Roberto has gotten so much time with her.

He doesn't need an extra one-on-one date with her.

I need time with her.


(blows whistle)

(men speaking indistinctly in Turkish)


Oh! You hit me, man.



Roberto is a really good oil wrestler.


(man shouts in Turkish)

He literally, like, picked me up in the air and slammed my head into the ground.

(panting) I'm tired.


(Craig) I hope Ali sees That I'm--I'm fighting for her out there and I'm giving my heart and soul out there for her.


Give up, man.

(blows whistle)

Man: oh!

(men speaking in Turkish)

Oh! (laughs)


(Craig) it feels really awesome to be a lawyer, Someone who wrestles with words every day, To know that I can come Into an olive oil wrestling arena To win Ali's heart.

So, Craig... (laughs)

I present you...



With the championship trophy.

Wow. Oh, my God.


It feels, like, almost better than winning a big case.

(speaks Turkish) that is awesome.

Great job.

Thank you.

Roberto: I definitely wanted that one-on-one time.

That's the hardest part about it.

We're down to six guys, and this is getting serious.

I-I definitely nee to step up my game.

Thank you guys again.

It was such a fun day.

And, uh, Craig, we have a date to get ready for, So let's go. (laughs) all right. Awesome.

All right. Bye, guys.

(Craig) I am pumped about my one-on-one time

With Ali tonight.

I just wanna kinda lay it all out there and have a great time with her.

I just can't wait.

Kirk: we olive oil wrestled professionals!

I can't believe nobody got hurt.

I-I--yeah, I--beat-- yeah, I lost to craigger.

Craigger beat you, and then they went at it, So then, Craig and him in the championship--

Craig beat Roberto.

Gutted it out.

No way!

Roberto: dude, I thought I had him. Man, I thought I had him.

Obviously all three of us were bummed.

We were home, sore and cold from wrestling in olive oil With Turkish men, and, uh, Craig got that one-on-one time, and I don't wanna even think about that.

Craigger--Craig definitely earned the one--

The one-on-one time today, y'all.E did.

Kirk: it hurts that I missed the opportunity For a one-on-one date today, because spending time with her is very important, especially now.

I'm nervous that Craig and Ali could create a bond tonight Stronger than the one that, you know, she and I have.

What, do they have one-on-one time now Or something?

Whatever. I don't know what they're doing.

Yeah, I think they're going on, like, a boat, For, like, dinner or some...

I hate watching these other guys go out with her While I have to sit back and wait for my next turn.

Right now, Craig is on a date with Ali In one of the oldest cities in the world, with an amazing girl.

I can only imagine.

Probably gonna jump right into...

That closeness That we all miss-- that I miss.

It's hard to think about that.

(Craig) you know, I'm 5-for-5 on group dates.

(laughs) that was--

(laughs) I got--I get-- and it was the last one.

It's like, I'm not--

I know for sure now That I'm not gonna miss any group dates. (laughs)


(Craig) I fought my ass off for my one-on-one today, and that felt beautiful.



(Craig) traveling right between Asia and Europe on a boat With Ali in my arms--

Wow. That was just...

Just the coolest feeling.

I'm just looking forward to whatever comes next.


This is called the maiden tower.

(Craig) so the boat pulls up to this tower on an island.

We had a little private area upstairs set up for us With dessert and champagne, and it was just--it's--

It's like no other setting that I've been...

(chuckles) you know, ever been in before.

(Craig) let me ask you a question.

Ali: I was proud of you.

How would you feel if I wanted to take My olive oil wrestling career to the next level, and I just did that for a living?


Would that be fun?

I'm not completely closed off to the idea. (laughs) okay. All right.

'cause I--honestly, that was my first thought.

I was like, you know what?

Maybe--maybe I'm-- maybe you have a career in this?

I'm in the wrong business.


(laughs) well, I just feel like, through this whole thing, You've just been really positive and patient.

Everything's positive.

Everything--and every--

I will always be that way, and you and I end up together, I will continue to be that way.

I mean, I look at the bright side of everything.

I'm--I consider myself a pretty strong person.

You know, and, uh, not just in the olive oil wrestling thing.


(laughs) everything's positive. I just--I'm--

I know that everything will work out, One way or the other.

Hopefully it's here.


(Craig) after spending the night with Ali, I feel a million times more confident In our relationship.

We bonded. We get along.

There's never an awkward moment of silence.

It's, like, nonstop.

We're into each other.

Just being here tonight with you--

There's nothing else in the world That I could care about right now, Other than being here in this moment with you.

I've never met anybody like you.

I never met anybody like you.

I had him in the perfect position, too.

I had his leg, and I had his back, and I was just like...

(Roberto grunts)

"okay, dude."

(chuckles) you know what?

(knock on door)

Oh, boy.

Date card?

Date card?

Ty: it looks like a date card.

Yes, it is a date card.

This is good.

"Frank, the road to love is bazaar. Ali."

Frank: in our last date, Ali told me I don't Pay enough attention to her on these group dates.

You know, I kinda take a backseat, and that it's a disappointment That I-I don't make more of an effort.

I definitely need to step it up a little bit and--and kinda take the lead.

Like, Ty and I were talking about it. Like, this is big.

I had the first one, which was great, because, you know, We got to bond right away, and we had great chemistry, but, like, now it's time for me to get a little deeper and get more serious.

This'll be fun.

Roberto: so Frank got another one-on-one.

As time goes on, watching other guys go on dates and watching other guys go on their one-on-one time, It's always-- it's always hard.

I wouldn't mind being in Craig's shoes right now, That's for sure.

(fireworks exploding)



(laughs) wow.

This is unreal.

(Craig) it just was an awesome day and an awesome night.

I'm confident now that the connection That I thought may be there th Ali is there, and I'm definitely, without a doubt, falling for Ali.

I think she's an incredible, incredible girl, Who has all the qualities that I want In the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I think she feels the same way about me.

Watching the fireworks with Ali--

This is the perfect first one-on-one date For my future wife and I.

I've never met anybody like you.

You're, like, really the most beautiful girl, Inside and out, that I've ever met.

Thank you.

Ali: being in tury with Craig, Watching the beautiful fireworks Over the Bosporus strait is amazing.

I took a big step forward with Craig.

There's no doubt in my mind that Craig is a great guy.

He's so funny and so sweet.

He's got everything I feel like I want in a guy.

Whoa! Oh, a straggler.

Oh, yeah.

Aah! (laughs) oh, my God. (laughs)

Coming up...

I think my relationship with you scares me.

Ali: I guess I just feel That Frank has the potential to break my heart.

I have no control over who falls in love with me and if the person I fall in love with Falls in love with me back.

I heard you wanted to chat before the cocktail party.

(sighs) yeah.

What's going on?

I think I know what I need to do tonight.

I keep anticipating her coming down these stairs.

Roberto: I'd love to get some one-on-one time with her, Because nothing's for sure, especially tonight.

Kirk: where is she?

She would've been here by now.

Yeah, something went wrong.

Ali: I am feeling romantic in Istanbul.

It's so exciting to experience this amazing place With really great guys.

It's definitely time for me to see Frank again.

I'm a little nervous, 'cause I don't know If we can sort of get back to where we were.

I feel like things have been sort of up and down with Frank.

Our first date was amazing, but he just continues to sort of disappoint me.

I really just want the old Frank back.

It's kind of make it or break it" today.

(laughs) hi. How are you?

(laughs) how are you?


Oh, my God.

I'm so glad you're here.

Frank: ohh.

Hi. (laughs)

We're in Turkey.

(laughs) I know.

Frank: it seems surreal.

I'm in Turkey, about to go on a date with Ali.

It's a big day. I'm excited, but a lot on my mind.

That first one-on-one date was just magic.

We had this awesome chemistry, but we had a talk at our last date, and Ali told me I'in the doghouse.

Then a long time passes, and I worry about the same thing I think she worries about and that is that our feelings are dying.

I wanna get back to the way we were that first night and reconnect.

(laughs) so here we are.

This is the Spice bazaar, so let's go check it out...

All right.

And see what we can get ourselves into. (laughs) yeah. Let's get into some trouble.

Oh, my God.

This place looks awesome.

Ali: when Frank and I were walkinthrough the bazaar, There was so mh fun stuff.

There was trinkets and belly dancer outfits and spices.

It's colorful and vibrant.

There's people bustling around...

We... (laughs) no, thank you.

Ali: haggling...

$10, $10, $20?

Only this, $15.

$15 for 1?

Ali: you know, there's just everything.

What is the stuff haing from there?

The Spice bazaar is like nothing I've ever seen.

Ali: okay.

Frank: is there anything with pistachios in it?

Yeah. Pistachios, pistachios, pistachios, pistachios.

Yeah, no, I--


Frank: aphrodisiacs.

(Ali laughs)

What do you recommend?


41 pieces mixed spices with mixed-in honey.


This is $15.


This is economy.


(laughs) economy-sized?

Yeah, this is economy size.

So let's get it.

Yeah, let's go with this.

I say we take a couple spoonfuls.



You're a sultan!

I think I need to try on one of these.

Oh, my God.

(laughs) you wait here.

(clicks tongue)

It's fun to watch Ali shop.

It's fun to see her smiling When she finds something that she likes.

I-I could do that all day long.


Can you hear me? (laughs)


(laughs) oh, my God.

First of all, wow.

Second of all, why am I wearing this hat?

Third of all, wow.

(laughs) oh, my God.

I'm embarrassed.

Frank: Ali and I already have such great chemistry, and we're having so much fun together.

It feels right.

I hope she feels the same way, but I can't be sure.

Are you buying this?

(laughs) no.

(chuckles) why not?

Frank: please?

(Ali laus)

Do you--do you want old Frankie to come home?

I don't want Frank to come home.

I want to end up with her.


I know what type of guy she wants.

I thk I'm that type of guy.

(Craig) Frank had the first one-on-one date, but since then, I think, you know, He's kinda leveled off a little bit, As far as his connection with Ali.

Some people kinda leaped over him, myself included.

I think he might be trouble.

I'm gonna be nervous for all you guys, Because I--you know, like I said, I-I want all of you to stay, but somebody's gotta go home.

Even thoh we like the guy, and he's a good dude--

That kirk's probably not gonna be the choice for her.

I just don't see him as...

As the complete perfect fit for her.

I don't either.

I can put her beside you.

I can see that.

I put her beside Roberto--

I can see it.

And I put her beside myself, and I'm like, yes, that would be awesome.

I put her beside kirk, and there's just something missing.

Kirk's not gonna be the one that she--is right for her.

But again, it'll be interesting To see tomorrow night if... That is the case.

Well, what do you like?



Yeah, I like her.


Ali: I'm having such a great time On my date with Frank.


Think Frank is just so happy to be here.

Same with me--I'm just so happy to be here with him That... Nothing else matters right now.

Man: please take your seats.

Welcome to my paradise of carpets.

Ali: oh, my.

Frank: oh, it's lovely.

Thank you both.

If you don't mind, I have one piece for you...


And I will request you one very special price.

Let's see it. (laughs) please.

Man: all right. Let's go.

(Ali laughs)

That's the start of the--for living room area.

(laughs) it's great.

I love it.

Frank: we've been doing a lot of shopping.

I just wanna go, but we go into this carpet shop, and--and this guy looks like he walked off a used car lot.

Ali: how much is it?

Frank: unfortunately for him, I'm pretty sure I'm not buying a rug today.

Yeah... I don't know.

Aw, come on. Look at ts beauty one more time.

I'm--I'm not buying a rug.

I-I like you guys very much.

Frank: what am I going to do with a rug?

I'm traveling around the world.

This thing is huge. I can't--

Where am I supposed to put this rug?

Oh! You're gonna throw in the pillows.

There's no way I'm buying a carpet right now.

It's just not happening.

Thank you so much.

Ali: bye!

Thank you.

Man: take care.


I'm so glad you're here.

Frank is back...


The Frank I knew and--and I liked so much.

Frank: I wanted to find, You know, the magic that we had that first date, and we--and we did.

We found it.

Good job.

We did well.

Ali: I love being with Frank.

The chemistry is right back where it was before, and nothing has changed.

It was a great day so far.

It can only get better from here.

If you'd like to be on an upcoming season Of the bachelor" or the bachelorette," Go to bachelor.ABC.Com and click apply."

(speaks indistinctly)

Ali: I just had so much fun with Frank in the bazaar.

We're making up for lost time.

Um, this is called the basilica cistern.

But what we need to maybe talk about tonight is the bigger things.

Because of Frank's lack of confidence in our relationship Waffling back and forth, I just wanna make sure That he's ready to sort of give his whole heart to me.


Be careful walking down the steps.

Okay, this is absolutely unreal.

(chuckles) wait until you see where we're having dinner.

(water dripping)

Oh, my God! (laughs)


I feel like I'm in a movie right now.

It's beautiful.

Frank: I'm blown away.

M here with this amazing girl in the middle of this cistern.

It's eerie but romantic at the same time--

Just the high arches and the water is dimly lit.

This is easily the coolest place I've ever been to in my life.

How amazing is this?

(water dripping)

Ali: wow, this place is almost magical.

I mean, there's little raindrops falling from the ceiling.

There's so much history here.

And I just think about all those lovers That have passed through here, and Frank and I are just adding to the history.

That's where we're gonna eat dinner.

Oh, my God.

(laughs) look at that.

Isn't it awesome?

Oh, my God.

We're walking through the cistern, and she's like, "that's where we're eating."

And there's platform and it's surrounded by water.

I'm like...

Okay. That's amazing.

That looks romantic, but...

How do you propose we get there?

(laughs) I'll show you.

Oh, my gosh.

This is so cool.


Frank: we're walking to this platform In the middle of the cistern, Surrounded by ice-cold water.

And I've got this girl of my dream on my arms, and what an amazing feeling.

My toast is to you.

You are an amazingly beautiful person, inside and out, and I've never felt so close to somebody so quickly.

Cheers to us.


To us.

This is exactly what I needed.

This is exactly what I needed.

It's like you swooped in and, like, Rescued me at the right time.

Like, I was missing you so much, And, like, sitting there, Worried about how you felt about me.

And that's why I feel like I'm not myself Like, I feel, like, out of touch with, like, my feelings.

I know, for me, I want to get down on my knee and propose to a girl once in my life...


And only once.

And I will be married only once.

You know?

That's very important to me.


So it's, like...

For me, it's just...

Getting to that-- that pnt with you.

You know?


Where it's, like, I can be confident.

How confident can you be, you know?

You can never be 100%, I know. But...

I think my relationship with you scares me.


I just know I feel, like, nervous 'cause I have no control over who falls in love with me, and if the person I fall in love with fallsn love with me back.

And I have no control over that.

You know, you have your journey, and I have mine.

Part of the reason I'm still single and I'm 30

Is because...

I've been very cautious, you know.

Again, and it goes back to what I said, I'll only do it once, but...

I'm ready to trust my heart.

You should do that then.


When Frank and I were talking about how scared he's feeling, It was raw and real, and my heart was racing.

And I guess I just feel That Frank has the potential to break my heart.

But I'm just...

I have a feeling about him.

I just think there's something really special that we have.

I've--it's something I've never felt before.

I felt so happy and, like, playful again all day.

Mm-hmm. Yep.

And then, Being able to, like, get a little deeper...


And I felt, like, so emotional at one point.


And then getting right to, like, an emotional, happy feeling.

I just--I-I don't know that I've, like, ever...

Had that before.


I'm gonna get my rose.

Frank, um...

You blow me away.

I would want nothing more Than for you to stay here and...

Continue on this hard, difficult...

Emotional journey, wherever it may lead.


Will you... (giggles) accept my rose?

I would want nothing more than to accept this rose.


You steal my heart.

It is amazing, the kind of person you are.

I'm very lucky to be here with you right now.

Going into tonight, felt like I was still a little guarded In my feelings, in--in my emotions, and she brought them out of me.

She naturally makes me feel like I can say anything I want and I can be myself, and I can't help but fall for her.

I'm falling for Ali... Hard.

Coming up...

I know you were all excited

To have a cocktail party with Ali tonight.

That's not gonna happen.

Frank: what?

Kirk: are you serious?

It makes me nervous.

I'm scared to death Because I wanna stay. I want an opportunity to be with her.

So, gentlemen, if you would, head up the stairs.

Chris L.: I'm--I'm nervous.

I could get sent home tonight, and I won't see her again maybe ever.

Chris L.: you guys ready?

Man: yeah.

(Craig) tonight is way more serious Than any of the other rose ceremonies.

Now we are down to six guys, and we are all so invested in Ali.

I know that if I left right now, I would be extremely disappointed, and I'm sure each and every one of the other guys would be, too.

I have no idea who's on the chopping block this week, So it's just another level of pressure.

I think my time with Ali went really, really well.

Feelings are very real w for me.

And tonight is a crucial night.


Like, the group dates, you don't really get that time, and it's like you feel like...

Absolutely. I'll take every second I can get.

Yeah. I mean, I would love to spend more time with her Because I didn't get a one-on-one this week Like you guys did, So I'd love 20 minutes with her just to talk.


One person's gonna leave tonight.

It's gonna be a hard decision for her 'cause we're gonna go from six to five, and either myself or Roberto or Craig or kirk are going home.

And, you know, four solid guys.

So tonight at the cocktail party, I definitely wanna spend 15, 20 minutes talking with her.

Ty: there's always been one, maybe two people That don't get anything in.


But I think that everybody will have ample time. I really do.

Chris L.: yep. I agree.

Because I think she needs that at this point.

I'd love to get some one-on-one time with her To kind of give me some peace of mind That I'm gonna get a rose tonight, Because nothing's, uh, nothing's for sure, especially tonight.

Ali: this week has been so insane.

I was not expecting everything to happen with Justin The way it did.

But now I have, you know, these six great guys and that makes it all the more difficult To send one home.

You know, throughout all of this, There's definitely times that I question myself--

For instance, keeping Justin.

But tonight, I know what I need to do, and I need to talk to Chris about it.

Hey, Ali.

Hi, ris.

How you doing tonight?

You look great.

Oh, thank you.

I heard you wanted to chat before the cocktail party.

Yeah, I did.

Have a seat.

What's going on?

Um, I don't really think I need a cocktail party tonight.


And I think I know what I need to do tonight.

So you're saying you wanna go straight to the rose ceremony?

You wanna skip the cocktail party altogether?

Mm-hmm. (sighs)

I mean, I...


I feel like I've had a connection of some sort...


With every guy here but one.

I keep anticipating her coming down these strs.

Man: yeah.

I'm looking for the shadow on the wall.

I'm lookin'--me, too. (sniffs)

Ali's--she's probably puttin' the final touches on.

She's just kinda making us wait, sweat it out, Sweat it out a little bit.

(exhales deeply)

Ty: yeah.

Frank: I'm not used to seeing you nervous, man.

(Craig) I know.

Neither am I.

You know, it's definitely...

(man speaks indistinctly)

More on the line right now than...

I agree.

(clears throat)

Kirk: I'm feeling a little less confident as this goes on.

I could be on the chopping block.

I don't know.

I-I mean, I really could.

I know she likes other guys here.

She's spent a heck of a lot more time with Frank.

And I, uh, can see when she looks at some of the other guys That there's definitely something there.

So knowing that time's running out tonight, There's gonna be a lot more pressure to make sure I get everything across that I need to get across to her.

Man: where is she?

She would've been here by now.

Ty: ah, somethin' went wrong.

(whispers) man.

So just so we're clear, your mind's made up.

You know what you're gonna do tonight.

You wanna go straight to rose ceremony.

Yeah. I know what I ha to do.

And I don't feel comfortable having the guys feel like They're making sort of one last plea or one last chance To show me that they should be here When I feel like I know what I need to do.

I get that.

It's prolonging the inevitable.


Okay. I'm gonna go talk to the guys, Tell 'em about your decision.


And, uh, when you're ready, Come join us, and we'll be ready for the rose ceremony.

Okay. Thank you, Chris.

Okay? All right?

Thank you. Thank you.

Ali: I feel, at this point, I've had a significant amount of one-on-one time with each guy To make my decision Of who I've really progressed with in a relationship and who I'm not quite getting there with yet.

So I don't think it's fair to the guy that I wanna send home To put him through a cocktail party.

Every step closer, the rose ceremonies get harder.

But every hard decision that I make, I'm one step closer to finding my future husband.

Men: oh.

Roberto: my, my, my.

Ty: hello.

Hey, Chris.

Ty: lookin' good.


(Craig) how are ya?

I see by the looks on your faces, I'm not exactly Who you wanted to see come down those stairs.

(Craig) no.

I know you were all excited To have a cocktail party th Ali tonight.

That's not gonna happen.

I just talked to Ali.

Her mind is made up.

She knows exactly what she wants to do and she's ready to go.


So, gentlemen, if you would, head up the stairs, Get ready for the rose ceremony.

Kirk: are you serious?

Are you being serious?

Man: he's serious.

Ty: oh, my God.

Man: wow.

Chris L.: we were all just in complete and utter shock.

Like, you know, I can't believe this is actually happening.

Chris H.: head on upstairs, fellas. Thanks.

Man: really?

Chris L.: I'm--I'm nervous.

I could get sent home tonight and I won't see her again maybe ever. You know, who knows?

Man: whew.

Chris L.: wow.

Kirk: the fact that Ali's already made up her mind, It makes me nervous.

I'm scared to death because I'm vested in her, and she gives me something to lose.

I want to stay.

I want to have an opportunity to be with her, and right now, um, I know it's on the line.

Roberto: I'm sure all of us are gonna be kind of Playing in our heads every moment we've spent with her, Every question we've asked her, every answer we've given her.

Every look we've given her before the big, uh, big moment.

Gentlemen, I know you were a bit surprised There was no cocktail party tonight.

At the same time, I think you all appreciate the fact That Ali has made up her mind and she's ready to go.

Frank, Ty, the two of you have already received roses.

Nothing to worry about tonight.

As for the four of you, there's three roses left.

One of you will be leaving tonight.

Wish you guys the best.

And if you're ready, here's Ali.


Hi. When you're ready.

Thank you.

(sighs) hi, guys.



This week has been really emotional for me In the sense that I feel like All of my relationships have really taken a step forward.

And because all of my relationships Are really moving forward, I didn't feel like it was fair to go through a cocktail party Knowing that my mind was already made up.

So thank you, guys, so much for being here.



How you doing?


Will you accept this rose?



You look beautiful, by the way.

Thank you. Chris, will you accept this rose?

Yes, I will.

Ali, gentlemen, It's the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

(mouths word)


(sighs, whispers indistinctly) will you accept this rose?


(mouths word)

Craig, I'm sorry.

Take a moment, say your good-byes.

(Ty speaks indistinctly)

Frank: I'll miss you.

(Craig) me, too.

(whispers) bye.

(exhales deeply)

Can I walk you out?


(exhales deeply)

(Ali sniffles)



I guess before you say anything to me, um...


I want you to know Everything that I said to you the other night was true.

Um, I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

And, um, I don't know.

I don't know if...

I'm saying everything I want to right now, but, um, this has been...

An incredible, incredible experience.

I'll never forget any of it.


I-I-I just think that the romance or something Was missing between us.


All right.

Thank you again.



(sighs deeply)

Good luck.

Thank you.

I'll see you.

(whispers) okay.

(Craig sniffles)

(sighs deeply)

Ali: Craig has a lot of really good qualities In things that I think a woman would be So happy to find in a husband.

But there just wasn't that connection Between the two of us.

(Craig sighs)

Wow. (chuckles)

(exhales deeply)

That was really heartbreaking.

I'm shocked.

I wanted it to be mutual, and I thought that what-- what we had was...

Heading in the right direction.

I was falling in love. I was.

I had strong feelings for her.


(whispers) oh, man.


(normal voice) um...

(clears throat)

She's like no girl I've ever met before, and I wanted to be the one that ended up with her, and--and, um, you know, It--it hurts knowing that that's not gonna happen.

It will take me some time to get over it.



Ali: well, that was really hard.

But again, it's just one step closer to why I'm here.

We've come from L.A.

To New York To Iceland and now here in Istanbul.

I think it's about time we head back West, but we're not going back to the States quite yet.

We are going to one of the most vibrant, sexy, Beautiful cities in the world--

Lisbon, Portugal.

Oh, my God! Yes!(laughter)

Frank: are you kidding?

I am sglad To be finishing our world tour in Portugal with you guys.

I feel really good about this.

Cheers to...

Thank you.

To love and life and Portugal.

Man: cheers.

Kirk: cheers.


Coming up this season on...

Roberto: Portugal's beautiful, and I can't think of a better place to fall in love with Ali.

Ali: we get to have a little fun today In the streets of Lisbon.

Man: Holy crap!

Ali: oh, my God!

Look at the ocean!

Kirk: Lisbon, Portugal, is probably The most beautiful city I've ever been in.

Chris L.: some fairy tales you don't believe, and then they happen.

Ali: people say that when you're in love, Everything is more beautiful.

And being here, the sky is bluer. It's so wonderful.

Frank: this is a dreacome true.

This whole experience, I don't want it to end.


Ali: I only have five guys left, and this determines whose families I meet.



Frank: today, Ali's meeting My mom and Dad, Debbie and Hank.

Ali: we are welcomed With big hugs and laughs and just warm energy.



This is what I do.

This is my taxidermy work.

(Ali) I love animals, but I love them when they're alive.

Roberto: I'm packing my bags and I'm thinking, Tahiti is gonna be unbelievably beautiful.

Ali: I'm about to take the journey of a lifetime.

I'm so ready for some sun and romance in Tahiti.

Ty: I mean, I feel the connection that we have is deeper than most of the guys here.

Roberto: in Tahiti, I expect the time with Ali to be more intimate and I'm excited.

Frank: I've dreamed of coming to Tahiti for years and I should be happy.

But I'm here to do something that's going to hurt.

Ali: Frank and I have an amazing connection.

I just can't wait to hug him and kiss him and tell him how much I missed him.

I can say wholeheartedly that I'm falling in love with him.

Even a place this beautiful can't be beautiful When I feel this bad. (crying)

(heart beating) to come to this point, this point right now, And do this is so unbelievably selfish.

He knew how I was feeling.

He knew how attached I was to him. (sighs)

I can't help but think, like, there's something wrong with me.


I don't know what to do.

Kirk: I can't propose to a woman Who, no matter how I feel, doesn't feel 100% about me.

Ali: at this point, I'm afraid that I have wasted my time.

Ty: she made a mistake, and I hope she doesn't regret it.

Ali: I worry that I could go through all of this And not find someone in the end.

It's all coming up this season on...

(strums chord)

♪ I got a rose last night ♪
♪ omy one-on-one with Ali ♪
♪ I can't believe the feelings are there ♪
♪ she pinned that rose on my lapel ♪
♪ and if felt so good ♪
♪ then she ran her fingers ♪
♪ through my dark brown hair ♪
♪ yeah, rose, rose, rose ♪
♪ pretty red rose ♪
♪ the rose is red ♪
♪ and violets are blue ♪
♪ the only flower that means anything to me ♪
♪ is a red rose ♪
♪ for me and you ♪