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06x04 - Week 4 (Season 6)

Posted: 06/17/10 14:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on...

Are you ready to fall for me?

Are you ready to fall for me?

(laughs) I am.

Ali: my first kiss with Roberto on the wire Was unlike any other kiss I've ever had.

Jonathan: this is so cool.

These guys are my favorite band.

Ali: these are the barenaked ladies. Whoo!


With your help, we're gonna make the music video today.


Man: action.

Frank: it's starting to k*ll me, To watch these guys that I think might not be here for her.

Shut up.

Are you--are you serious?

Frank: I had this great one-on-one date with Ali, and now I'm watching Ali and kirk kissing in the hot tub.

I can't stand by and watch it happen.



So you're saying right now you'd give up everything for Ali?

You gotta take your time.


I will literally--literally-- climb mountains for that woman.

(lowered voice) Justin walked over to her house yesterday.

Are you serious?

Kasey: Justin is very creepy.

I think he's all part of an act.

Did you happen to walk over to Ali's house yesterday?

I felt that I needed that time alone with her.

Well, everybody needs time alone.

I'm 100% here for her.

Ty: to me, Justin's two-faced.

She's gonna see through that here before too long.

She's got to.


And tonight...

Chris Harrison: you'll be traveling around the world.

(laughing and cheering)

Chris L.: hello, New York City.

Ali: New York is the perfect place to start My tour around the world with these guys.

You are my favorite!


Ali: seeing Joshua Radin, I just felt overwhelmed with emotion.

Ty: seriously, how cool is this?

We're gonna pick one of you to be in the lion king" tonight.

This is a real Broadway stage.

Holy crap!

Ali: I am shaking like crazy.

There is no turning back.


Aah! (laughs) aah!

Man: he's totally obsessed with her, and he's gonna freak her out.


Kasey: this is my future wife, and I'm gonna go after it with as much love as I can.

How do you know that person's right for you?

It's just my heart.

Jump in. Stay a while.


Kirk: he was potentially gonna do something big.

Kasey: today I'm going to prove That I am genuine and I have a huge heart.


It's all coming up on...

Chris Harrison: guys, if you would, Come join me in the living room.

Man: uh-oh.

Well, guys, good morning.

How you doing?

Good morning.

Just 11 of you left.

Let's talk about this week.

Three dates--one group date, two one-on-one dates.

Remember, on the one-on-one dates, If you don't get a rose, You're going home immediately.

All right. Let me ask you guys a question.

How far would you travel to fall in love?

Well, we're about to find out.

Pack your bags, because you'll be leaving this house forever.

You'll be traveling around the world To fall in love with Ali.

(man laughs) what?

Are you kidding me?

I've done amazing things with Ali already, and if we're going around the world, It's only gonna get better.

I can't wait to see her.

Chris Harrison: Ali has already left Los Angeles.

She'll be meeting you at your first destination--

New York City.

(laughing and cheering)

Hello, New York City.

I'm going back to New York, where I lived for five years.

I'm getting a huge home field advantage.

Chris Harrison: go pack your bags.

The car picks you up in one hour. Fellas, have a good one.

Let's go.

Ali: being in L.A. Was great, but relationships are all about Experiencing different new things together.

New York is the perfect place for me to start My trip around the world with these guys.

Traveling with someone is How you really get to know everything.

Man: Whoo! Yeah!

Going to New York, baby!


(man, deep voice) N.Y.C.!

Man: N.Y.C.!

Ali: the guys are flying from L.A. To New York right now.

I hope they're as excited as I am for what lies ahead.

I want to look really good for the guys this week, So I'm headed to the andaz hotel, Where I'm gonna get made over by instyle."

I have to look good.

I have a lot of boys to impress.

We want your time in New York to be really special.

We know you've got all these dates planned, but the thing that's important about New York, Because there's so many of us, You want to fit in, but you want to stand out.

And we picked a series of outfits for the dates That I think you can be really comfortable in and really feel your best, 'cause when you feel your best, You look your best.

So do you want to start?

Great. Yes.

Come on. This, to me, is, like, a perfect--

That's awesome.

You got a great anorak that'll go with anything.

You got your little black top, but here's your hot little pop.

I love it.

This dress is so cool.

Ali: clothes intimidate me a little bit, and there's a lot of them here.

To be honestif I could be in any outfit of my choosing, I would be in sneakers, jeans and a loose t-shirt, but that's not gonna cut it here in New York.

I mean, everyone is so fashionable here.

The easiest thing, when you're walking on a casual date, Is to wear a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.


But if everybody's wearing the t-shirt and the pair of jeans, who's gonna be watching you?


Fortunately, Hal's here.

He's got some amazing outfits, and he's going to help me look great for my dates.

We'll do a little bit of hair and makeup.

You sure as heck don't need a lot, and then we'll do some try-ons and we'll find out what we like.

Ali: all right. Sounds good.

Let's get me in style. (laughs)

(Hal) all right.

Come with me.

I feel so glamorous.

Ali: I feel like the luckiest girl right now.

I'm so excited to get a makeover, but what's even more exciting is I have 11 guys coming here to New York to see me.

Oh. Hey, guys.


N.Y.C., baby. Here we come.

Tell me about all these guys.

(laughs) gosh, where to begin?

There's this one guy named kirk...

Ali, you like me in these?

He's so amazing.

Ty: where are we boarding?

Right here?

Are we boarding right here?

Next, please.

(engine roars) on our way to New York City.

Ali: Roberto...

I just am smitten with him.

Ali: Chris l...

Next stop New York.

Well, he's just, like, a really fun guy.

I'm actually looking forward to having a date with him.

Frank--he is the funniest guy I ever met in my entire life.

He makes me laugh all day long.

And then there's Kasey.

He's gonna guard and protect my heart.

The--I mean, there's just so many good, good guys.

(chuckles) so do you think the guy you're gonna end up with is here?


(laughs) I do.


Yeah. Mm-hmm.

That's good.


I really, really do.


(tires screech)

Man: we are in New York.

Man: yes. Yes. Yes, we are.


(horn honks)

Man, I'm so pumped up.

It's great to be in New York.

I'm so excited to see Ali, uh, and I just can't wait.

I know we're gonna have a great time.

(laughs) now that's my hot new yorker. See?

(chuckles) that looks so good on you. How do you feel?


Ali: feel more ready now than ever. It's so exciting.

(camera shutter clicking) beautiful, Ali.

That's so nice.

Ali: I've definitely gone from California laid-back To New York chic.

Great. Big smile.

You're stopping traffic, Ali.

It looks amazing.

Ali: so I'm looking forward to seeing the guys and wearing all my new outfits this week on my dates.

New York City.

Ohh. (laughs)

We get out of the cabs. I see this huge building. We go up.

We're on the 35th floor.

I think we're living the life.

Oh, man.

Sweet. And look at the view from up here.

The only thing that would make this suite better is If it was just Ali and I staying in it.

Let's see how this looks.

(laughs) stand over here.

I'll show you. (laughs)

Oh, that's so fun.



You like?

Love 'em.

You guys make me look good.

And--well, and I've got a surprise for you.

You're gonna be in the July issue of instyle." oh, my goodness.

But you should know That you're not the only blonde in the magazine.

You're gonna be in great company, Because that's our cover girl for July.

Whoa. (laughs)

There she is.


Ali: I'm so excited. This is something I've dreamt about.

Never thought it would come true.

Thank you.

So all ready for your first date?

I'm so ready.


Yeah, I feel good.

I look good.

Ohh. I told you.

That's the best way.

Gotta go impress these boys.

(laughs) oh I think you'll do a fine job.

Ali: after this makeover, I feel amazing.

I hope the guys are ready to see me, 'cause I'm ready to see them, and I really think that a trip around the world Will take my relationship with these guys so the next level, and there's no better place to start than New York City.

Good luck.

I wish you the best. Okay.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Gentlemen, I have the date card.

Man: who has it?

One of us or many of us are getting a date.

Man: wow.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

(man laughs)

Step up, Kasey.

Yes. (laughs) uhh!

New York.

"Kasey, let's do what comes naturally."


Man: awesome, Kasey.

Ali, here I come.

Uhh! Yes! In New York City!

Give me that card.

Dang it! My name's not on the one-on-one date card again.

He's a lucky guy--Kasey.

I'm jealous... As usual.

Coming up...

Hey, my date!


Smile, 'cause we're going to New York.

Hey. (laughs) Whoo!

Oh, wow.

Kasey: life cannot get any better At this moment in time right now.

Ali: New York! Whoo!


Kasey: this is how I'm supposed to spend every day of my life.

Thank you.


Kasey's very positive about his connection with Ali.

Man: that's good, though.

The real Kasey will come out to her.


Kasey: I want Ali to know that I'm not your average guy.

Well, how is this different than your other relationships?

One reason--because you're Ali.

E first thing I said to you is That I'm here to guard and protect your heart.

I'm here for you, and I'm gonna stick to it.

Kasey: if she doesn't give me a rose, I'll be crushed.

Kasey: I've got the one-on-one date.

Life cannot get any better At this moment in time right now.

Obviously, I've been wanting this one-on-one time with Ali So bad, just to, you know, just emphasize All this unrealized potential that I know that's there.

We have our own unique connection.

Now I'm gonna get to spend the whole day with this girl.

I'm rely gonna get to show her who I am, and if she chooses to give me that rose tonight, My heart's gonna be on fire.

If she doesn't give me a rose, I'll be crushed.

Ali: I'm gonna go over and see the guys At the 75 wall condos.

I have a great day planned for Kasey and I.

Kasey's never been to New York before, So I'm excited to show it to him for the very first time.

Welcome to New York.

Oh, hey! My date.


And Ali--that girl is absolutely stunning.

I use the word imaginary," because she's just--

You can't really fantasize how good that girl looks.


Ali's amazing. I mean, everything that I've ever wanted In a woman is right there.

Thank you, sir.

You're very welcome.

There's so many mixed emotions That are coming through my mind and my body right now, I can't even really put a pinpoint on one of 'em, but I just know I feel a lot of them...

(chuckles) so I'm very excited.

Kasey's very positive about his connection with Ali.

But I think he's--he's--

Man: I think he's more positive than she is.

Kirk: yeah, that's what I'm--

I'm maybe concerned about.

I think there's a difference between hanging out With somebody for 20 minutes on a date orpending 8 hours.

Man: that's good, though.

The real Kasey'll come out to her, you know.

I think Kasey closes his eyes, thinks of Ali, and thinks of, like, doves flying out behind her, Cupid hitting her with an arrow, You know, like, hearts floating around her head, Them in a meadow Magically running toward each other With unicorns and...

I don't see her as that kind of romanticized love.

Not like unicorn love.


Smile, 'cause we're going to New York.

Hey. (laughs)

Ali: Kasey has never been to New York, and we're gonna do things That most people wish they had a chance to do, and I'm so thrilled to be able to do that with him.

Whoa. (laughs)


(chuckles) oh, are you serious?


Whoo! This is crazy.

I turn around, and there's a helicopter just blowing right in my face, and I'm like, oh, no, we're not. Are you serious?

Kasey: unbelievable.

It's just crazy.

I'm so excited.

I'm pumped. (laughs)

Like, seriously, no one el--

Everyone's probably sitting in their room, and they're probably all jealous right now.

I'm like, that's what's up.

Oh, man.

(laughs) where are we--


Oh, wow.

New York!



I couldn't believe I was up in the sky with this beautiful girl Just overlooking the entire city of New York.

I had the best view in the house.

I just see her, the city, her, the city, her, the city.

I mean, we were just--

We were just sitting there holding hands.

Ali was cocooned, and she was trapped in this--

In this, you know, foundation of trying to look for love, and she didn't get it from Jake or anyone else, and now she--

Now she's kind of expanded out into this beautiful butterfly, and she's ready and she's open for love.


Sitting next to Ali-- it's just amazing.

It feels just like it's a fairy tale, Like this is how I'm supposed to spend every day of my life--

With her.

Kasey: I want someone to protect and guard my heart, Just like I promised to do for Ali.

This is where our new love story begins.

We just gotta make it happen.

This is reality.

This is my future wife, and I'm gonna go after it like I go after anything else--

With passion, heart and as much love as I can.

I've just been waiting for this special moment, and the sun was setting. We were just sitting right there.

You know, here it comes.

Thank you.


Here's my moment.

I hope she takes it in.

♪ when I was flying in the helicopter ♪
♪ over this amazing city ♪
♪ I looked to my left ♪
♪ and never saw something so pretty ♪


♪ at the end of tonight ♪
♪ I'm not just your average Joe ♪
♪ but I hope in my hindsight ♪
♪ I'll see and find a rose ♪


Yeah. That's pretty intense stuff.

(bird screeches)

Ali: just pull up right on the side here.

(laughs) oh. All right.

Ready? Come on.

I-I'm very ready. Wow.

Kasey: so Ali tells me we're going To the American museum of natural history, and I've always wanted to go see it, and now we've got the whole place to ourself.

Oh, my God. (laughs) wow.

Ali: hello, dinosaur.



Unbelievable. Oh, there's, like, lanterns. Check these out.

Ali: I'm keeping an open mind with Kasey.

I get that he's being a little cheesy and he's singing, but there's a rose on tonight's date, So I'm hoping that tonight, he can just sort of be real.

I'm looking forward to that tonight.

Ohh, dinosaurs!

All right.

Well, here we go.

This is cool.

Oh, my God.

Ali: oh, my God.

I love dinosaurs.

Kasey: oh, wow. This is insane.

Ooh, here we go.

The tyrannosaurus Rex.

Are you scared?


Are you terrified?

Aah! (laughs) aah! (laughs)



I'm here in New York with this beautiful girl Running through a museum.

There's a tyrannosaurus behind us. We gotta run. Aah!

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I wouldn't have wanted to do it With anyone else rather than Ali.

Oh, wow. This is-- this is crazy.

Check out these guys.

Hi, monkey.

Kasey: Ali does not know everything about me yet.

I want Ali to know that I'm not your average guy.


(Ali laughs)

We just had a good conversation about you, actually.

Did you?

Yes. We talked.

What did he say?

He said you're cute.


I could totally see Ali being my future wife. Her and I--

You know, we're pretty much meant to be together.



To the future!

What do you see in your future, miss Ali?

What do you see in your future?

(laughs) I see happiness.


I see happiness.

You know what? I feel like I do deserve the rose.

Ali--she deserves to be happy for the rest of her life, and these guys might not commit To make her happy for the rest of her life.

I will, so I genuinely do think I do deserve the rose. I do.

♪ uhh ♪


Date card!

Man: date card, baby!

(man laughs)

Justin:OT everyone is going on a date this week, So, you know, I need a date to get that rose, So I really want to see my name on that date card.

So--whoa, whoa, whoa.

We got--one, two, three, Four, five, six-- seven guys on this date.

Seven dudes!

Chris N.: wow.

All right. So we got Roberto, Jesse, Craig, Kirk, Jonathan, Frank...

And there's one more.


His name's Ty. (laughs) yeah!


Two words--"let's play." yeah!


Whoo! Let's play. (laughs)

Yeah! Yeah!

The date card came and, unfortunately, my name wasn't on there.

(chanting) let's play!

Let's play!

We're all, like, excited.

We're going on a date with Ali in New York City.

And there's wrestler over there...

(whiny voice)

"mm, mm. My foot." (whines)

(normal voice) you know, it's like, wrestler... Go home.

You're not gonna get a date...


Kasey: oh, wow. This is cool.

And I see something else. Uh, I see a display cage. (laughs)

Ali: I've always thought that Kasey was a really good guy, but I have a really important decision to make tonight, and that's whether or not Kasey gets a rose.

Here's to you.

(clink) here's to you.

A rose on a one-on-one date, for me, holds so much weight.

It's, "I think of you as a potential husband."

I really need to put all the other guys Out of my mind tonight and focus on Kasey.

So how is this different than your other relationships?

You know why it's different?

One reason.

Because you're Ali.

You're everything I've ever wanted, Because you make me happy.

Here's the thing, Ali.

I can honestly say That at this point, I choose to be here for you.

I choose you.

And I hope that someday You can choose me.

So how do you know, when you're with someone, That that person's right for you?

How do I know?


When they want to guard and protect my heart, too.

I told you in the very beginning.

The first thing I said to you was that I'm here To guard and protect your heart.

That's what I would like for you to do for me someday.

And then there's so much more above and beyond that.

I mean, I can't even get into all that, Because there's so much.

I feel like you're reading out of a story.

Like, it's just so perfect.

(laughs) it's just my heart.

Jump in. Stay a while.

Kasey: she knows that I'm the kind of guy that I am.

I'm here to guard and protect her heart, and if that's the kind of guy she wants, Then I'm staying right here.


Give me your hands. (sighs)

♪ on the night that I first saw you ♪
♪ I was staring through black glass ♪
♪ and I knew at that first moment ♪
♪ that you and I would last ♪
♪ on the beach in California ♪
♪ you made me start to believe ♪
♪ and now we're in New York City ♪
♪ and it's just you and me ♪
♪ and tonight you've got a rose ♪
♪ and I don't want to feel its thorns ♪

(Ali laughs)

♪ and if you choose me, Ali ♪
♪ I'll forever be yours ♪

It just kinda came to me, and... I don't know.

I guess that's just what you do to me. You inspire me.


Kasey has over and over told me that he's gonna guard my heart.

I like that Kasey is being protective of me, but... (sighs) I-I-I'm having trouble believing That anything Kasey says is real, Because it all just seems like lines to me.

Kasey is a great guy, but I just--

I don't want to hear the lines.

I want to hear the truth.

That's the realness I'm looking for from Kasey, and I'm--I'm just not getting that realness.

I like you.

I think you're a really good guy.

I worry, honestly...


I worry that the songs and everything...

I worry it's not real.

I feel like I want you to be...

Ju Kasey for a second, and I know that you're a really sweet guy.

I'm not doubting that at all.

But I feel like you're trying to be genuine, but parts of it doesn't seem genuine to me.

Do you understand that?

So... I can't give you a rose tonight.

But... I don't want you to leave either.



You understand, I'm trying to put myself out there.

And so if it seems to be a little too much, I apologize.

I mean, I was a big old dork the whole day Because I was just-- and I like that.

I like that fun side.

No, that's--

It's a good, funny side.

And that's who I am.

That's absolutely who I am.

(clears throat) show me that side.

I want to see that guy.

Please show me that guy.

I can do that.


I put my heart out there, did everything I could, and then to be told that it might not be genuine...


All right. Good-bye.

And it sucks because I want to fall in love with Ali.

I want her to fall in love with me.

I want someone to protect and guard my heart.

Is that too much to ask?

But I'm still here.

I'm not going home yet.

I hope eventually she can see that what I'm saying is real.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

I'm gonna show her who I am.

I'm gonna show her my heart.

I'm gonna show her my fun side.

I'm gonna show her that s's gonna miss out On something very, very special if she lets me go, and hopefully, she doesn't.

Coming up...

Kirk: "if you want to get a rose,
You have to come find me."

We're gonna pick one of you to be in the lion king" tonight.

I'm gonna nail this audition.

(Jonathan, off-key) ♪ can you feel the love tonight? ♪

Man: where's Kasey?

Kirk: he was potentially gonna do something big.

Kasey: I'm gonna do something that I would have never In a million years thought that I would be ing, and this is probably one of the biggest moments of my life.

I just don't want him doing anything stupid and anything he'll regret.


Man: yeah.

(imitates whip snapping)

Man: stop it.


Kirk: seven of us are going on a group date with Ali, and the date card said, "let's play."

I got my tennis shoes on.

They're laced up.

I'm ready to play some sports.

Here's the espn zone right here.

Getting a rose today would be awesome, Especially with the group of guys that's goin'.

'cause, like, the competition's gonna be very, verbrutal Today, so, uh, we'll see who's gonna shine.

Ty: we're in Times Square.

Where's Ali?

Is she gonna p out of somewhere?

Man: oh, check it out.

Kirk: what is that?

Man: all right.

Man: we got a rose.

Man: oh.

Roberto: when Ali popped up on the screen, my first thought Was, this is Times Square.

I mean, this is awesome.

Now I just wanna know where she's at.

Kirk: hold on.

"if you want to get a"...

Man: this is kind of fun, though.

"if you want to get a rose, you have to come find me."

Ty: "concrete jungle"?

All right, we got the clue.

We gotta find her.

There's Ali blowing us kisses, Saying, "if you want a rose tonight, you have to find me."

And the clue was "I'm in the concrete jungle."

I'm like, that doesn't help.

I mean, "the lion king."

The concrete jungle, "the lion king." maybe...

Man: oh, all rit.

"the lion king"?

Man: there she is!

She's up there.



Today I am taking these seven guys On one of the most exciting dates yet.

Jonathan: it said come play," right?

Jesse: seriously, how cool is this?

We're are going to experience Broadway v.I.P.-Style, and the guys are gonna freak out When they find out what they're doing.

Man: come on.

Jonathan: I am pump up.

Man: race to the top.

I think the forecast looks good today.

I'm not really sure what we're gonna be doing, So it's a little hard to know what my game plan is, but I want to get that rose.

Hey! How are you?

Hi. How are you? Ohh.

I'm good.

The competition is just kind of tightening up here, and you're having to stand out more and more.

All right, guys, welcome to the lion king."

(men cheer)

Uh, Broadway is my favorite part about being in New York City.

And I'm so thrilled to be here right now.


"the lion king" is one of the most incredible shows On Broadway.

It's won six Tony awards, including best musical.

And, uh, I'm really excited for this date today.

Unfortunately, I'm a little under the weather today.

So bear with me.

I'm gonna try to get through this day as well as I can.

So, yeah, let's go check all this out.

Kirk: let's go.

("can you feel the love tonight" playing)

♪ can you feel the love tonight? ♪
♪ you needn't look too far ♪

Kirk: walking into the theater, uh, we see the two performers Singing can you feel the love tonight."

♪ the night's uncertainties ♪

I've never even seen a-a production like this before, So I--this is new to me.

This is exciting.

(song ends)

(cheering) ow!

Hey, Ali. Come on up.

Come on up. Come on up.

How are you?

Welcome to the Minskoff.

Good. How are you?

Thank you so much.

Great to see you.

Come on, guys. Come on.

Ali: I love musicals, and I love these guys.

I can't wait to see the two come together.

Okay, guys, I'd like to introduce you to Thomas Schumacher.

He's actually won a Tony award for this.

When she mentioned the guy was a Tony award-winning producer--

This is big-time.

(Thomas) Marais is our associate choreographer.

I feel, like, a-a tremendous respect, 'cause I-I kinda relate it to baseball.

This is the big leagues of theater.

Ali is a big theater fan, so we thought what we should do With all of you is find out who actually has the stuff To understand what Broadway is.

And Ali and I are Gonna watch you, and we're gonna pick one of you--

One of you to be able to spend the evening on a date with Ali.

Frank: I am crazy about this girl.

This is the time to shine and to stand out.

I'm gonna rock this thing.

This Broadway stage is mine.

(groans) this is a real Broadway stage!

To see Ali tonight, That's like a giant cherry on top.

I'm gonna nail this audition.

So we're gonna go five, six, seven and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

He's got it.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Oh, he lost it.

Kick, kick, la DA.

This dance choreographer-- she's intense.

Hips, man. Hips, man.

To the side.

I'm usually actually a pretty good dancer, and I was like, man, I feel like an idiot out he.

He's got this whole crazy leg thing going.

Woman: back, front, front.

There was a couple of guys that were struggling for some rhythm.

I-I don't have the best rhythm at all.

You know, I don't know, has Roberto ever done this before?

Look at him. He's hitting it.

He's hitting it.


Those are not natural moves for me, so, um, I did the best I could.

I think I did all right.

Some girls can't even get their boyfriends To go to the theater with em, And I have my guys shaking their hips above the stage.

Huh! Ga-donk!

Ali: they all did great.

It was a treat.



Well done.

Woman: see?

(Thomas) that was brave, very courageous of you.

Ready to go?

'cause it's time to sing.


Man: wow. Oh, man. Whew.

On to music.

My style of singing is definitely different Than what these guys are used to, I know, but, uh, hopefully, it will be a ttle bit of an advantage.

Jonathan: I've never sang a Broadway musical, but I think I can probably sing a little bit better Than I can dance.

Who gets to sing on a real Broadway stage? Holy crap.

(off-key) ♪ can you feel the love tonight ♪

(off-key) ♪ the peace the evening bring ♪


♪ the world for once ♪

(off-key) in perfect harmony ♪
♪ and all its living things ♪

Man: we're feeling the love.

(speaks indistinctly)

♪ can you feel the love tonight ♪
♪ the peace the evening brings? ♪
♪ the world, for once ♪
♪ in perfect harmony ♪
♪ with all its living things ♪


(men cheer)

(m) yeah!

Man: what's up?

Man: that was good.

Roberto: Jesse did a great job singing.

I can sing okay, at best.

My whole idea is make it about Ali.

Everybody was singing to the guy playing the piano.

So I turned to her, and I got nervous.

You know, I was shaking a little bit, but, uh, I sung it to her.

(off-key) ♪ can you feel the love tonight ♪
♪ the peace that evening brings? ♪
♪ the world, for once ♪
♪ in perfect harmony ♪
♪ with all its living things ♪

(laughs) come here.

Ali: oh.

Kirk: Roberto looked her in the eyes and sang to her.

That'd have been the first thing that I should have thought of.

Stupid. But he's suave.

He's Rico suave, man.

He's got it down.

Jesse: I would love to get the one-on-one tonight.

I think I impressed Ali with my singing.

She seemed impressed anyways.

Jonathan: to see Ali tonight--what a great prize.

I don't know if I'm more excited or more nervous, but pretty much a ton of both.

It's an interesting thing to cast somebody's date.

So I have elected To use e fundamental criteria Of how you pick a performer.

So if I look for courage and truth coming through...

Roberto, that's you.

So you are going on this date tonight.

Ali: aw.

When they called out my name, I was just grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't believe it.

I'm gonna enjoy my time with Ali and just take it all in.

This is gonna be-- this is gonna be really cool.

In fairness, I have been slightly dishonest with you, Because, yes, you're going on a date tonight, but you will not be out there.

Because you're actually going to be...


In the lion king" tonight.

(speaks indistinctly)

Roberto: this is unbelievable.

Now I'm gonna do a show on Broadway?

I'm probably, like, the luckiest guy in the world.

With Roberto and Ali spending all this time together tonight, She's going to get even closer to Roberto, So I'm a little concerned, actually.

I'd start moving, 'cause you got very little time and a lot to learn.

Jonathan: stupid me. I wish I had gotten the date with Ali.


I'm, like, just overwhelmed with trying to impress her and do well, and then I didn't even sing to her.

Schmuck. Schmuck.

(Ali laughs)

Roberto and I are gonna be performing In the lion king" tonht, which is so incredible.

People train their entire lives to be on Broadway, and we only have a couple hours to perfect our routine.

Uh, the pressure's on.

Got it.

Roberto: being on Broadway with Ali, It's got an extra special place r me Because it's so special to her.

The other guys are probably a little jealous right now.

You know, they're gonna be sitting there watching this, and, uh, maybe they should have sung to her. (laughs)

All right, I wanna just teach you in order.

You wanna wrap it around this way around that--right.

Then you get ready to go up.

I like this.

(laughs) and then just take him up a little bit.

Rehearsing is a lot of fun 'cause I get to hold Ali close, and, you know, we kinda interlock legs.

And it's--it's--you kinda feel that romantic vibe going on.

At the same time, we're just having fun.

(squeals) and then come--wrap yourselves in the first position You were in when you came up.


Just that much, right. And...

♪ Ba Ba ♪

(clears throat)

Roberto: I think the guys want To fast-forward to the after party.

And if that was me, that's what I'd be wanting to do.

But I hope the time goes nice and slow So I can spend as much time with Ali as I can.

Frank: well, how can we-- how can we top This experience that Roberto's sharing with Ali?

So once you come up, so then you go... ♪ Ba ♪

He's pretty smooth.

Ugh. It makes me want to throw up To watch them fly up there.

Kirk: is he putting his head in her cleavage?

Putting his head in her cleavage.

(man chuckles)

In the cleavage, in front of all of us.

Thank you.

This is going to k*ll me.

That's what I'm dealing with On a 10-minute rotation here, you know?

"it's gonna k*ll me.

Pull yourself together.

It's gonna k*ll me.

Pull yourself together."

It'd just be nice to get a one-on-one for once.

Jonathan: I was like, I don't wanna see that.

Forecast was for sunny skies, and, uh, just out of the blue, This storm just, like, crapped in my face.

And now I smell like a (bleep) storm, and it's not good.

I need a shower.

Shower off the (bleep).

(Ali) the show is about to start, and I'm so nervous.

Oh, my God.

We're gonna be on Broadway.


(laughs) oh, my God.

Woman: 5-minute call.

5 minutes. This is a 5-minute call. Thank you.

Knowing that I'm about To perform in front of a sold-out house In one of the biggest musicals of all time is really intimidating.

(singing African language)

(man singing African language)

Roberto: this is all just surreal.

What an experience.

Being on Broadway with Ali, this is one of those moments, and I'm just gonna enjoy every second of it (all singing African language)

Ali: I feel so lucky to be here.

Broadway is absolutely my favorite thing About New York City.

I'm just in awe of how powerful and amazing it is.

♪ circle of life ♪

I'm really happy that I get To share this moment with Roberto tonight.

I think Roberto takes advantage of every moment he's with me and owns it.

♪ in the circle ♪

I cannot believe that I'm about to be in a Broadway musical.

This is an absolute dream.

I am shaking like crazy.

Here we go.

Oh! This it it.

They're singing it.

It's song time.

Women: ♪ can you feel the love tonight? ♪

Roberto: I feel so lucky to be here, so privileged.

Being with Ali right now, it's exciting.

I know she loves Broadway shows, and the fact that she's gonna get to be in one, and I'm gonna get to be in it with her is--is unbelievable.

They're behind the plant.

See 'em?

See 'em behind the plant?

Man: is that them? No way.

Yeah. Here's my part right here.

Man: no way.

Kirk: uhh, it's happening.

Roberto, don't screw it up.

Ali: I couldn't believe where I was standing at that moment.

And there was no going back at that point.

(laughs) we had to go up there and do something.

Roberto and I have conquered Fear of walking 20 stories up on tightropes, and now we're conquering another fear together.

I am 100% positive There's no one else I could've done this with but Roberto ♪
♪ can you feel ♪

♪ the love tonight?

Man: aah!

Oh, my God.

As if it's not bad enough That Roberto gets this extra time with Ali and gets to perform in the lion king" with Ali, We've gotta sit there and watch.

Just s*ab us and just Twist the knife, you know?

Thank you.


I'm totally jealous watching Roberto and Ali on Broadway.

Beehive of knives in your face...

Of jealousy.

Like... Mm.

(imitates crash sound)

What a dolt I am for not looking at Ali while I'm singing.

Man: ♪ it's enough ♪

Roberto: I got really caught up in--in the whole thing.

I will never forget tonight, and it's one of those experiences That you can't describe to somebody in words Unless you're actually living it.

It was, uh, it was special, to say the least, and, um, It--it definitely put me in a good place with Ali.

(cheers and applause)

(men singing indistinctly)

Ali: so amazing That Roberto and I were on Broadway as a couple and got to share that experience together.

Roberto and I are Broadway stars.

Watch out, New York. (laughs)

Roberto: going through all these new things together Definitely creates a stronger connection between us.

And, uh, it's exciting to go through and we're starting to, you know, fall in love.

(all) ♪ circle of ♪
♪ life ♪

(sustaining note)

(cheers and applause)

If you'd like to be on an upcoming season Of the bachelor" or the bachelorette," Go to bachelor.ABC.Com and click apply."

(big band music playing)

This way.

This way?


After the show, all of us pull up to the hotel, and we have this amazing bar and lounge set up for us.

But tension was a little high.

Everybody wants time with Ali.

Cheers to a fun day.

Today. And I'm gonna say cheers to you guys.

You guys did awesome today.

You seriously did.

Since we left Los Angeles, The stakes have definitely gotten higher.

People are getting much more serious About their time with Ali.

People are getting much more emotionally involved.

I'm invested, and I think, uh, I think a lot of the other guys are, too.

Frank: you've gotta be exhausted by now.

And then going through all that stress of the performance.

I'd be willing to bet I won't be able to speak by the end of the night.

Ali's definitely under the weather tonight.

She is obviously not feeling well.

You wanna help make her feel better, You wanna have a conversation at the same time, and you want her to feel better, and you don't know--

It's kinda like, if there's something I could do to, you know, snap my fingers and make her feel better.

Right now I'm nervous because Ali is not feeling well.

She probably wants to call it a little bit early tonight.

I think if the night ends early, Roberto get the rose.

(Ali coughs)

So if I don't get some alone time tonight with Ali, My chances drop.

He's going with Frank. What if they're gone, like, 20 minutes?

I'm like, okay, does she wanna play it short?

Just--just say it.

The forecast for the weatherman--once again, We've got a high pressure system moving in, So he's gotta step it up.

Ali: Frank and I had amazing first date together, and we built the relationship quickly.

I'm worried that that's fading a little bit, That this is wearing on him, and I want him To feel strong and be strong throughout all of this.

(both laughing)

I'm not feeling well, so being outside in a rainstorm is probably not the smartest idea I've ever had.

I love New York.


But I wanna reassure Frank that I'm still crazy about him and I want him to keep his head in this.

(raspy voice)

I'm worried about you.

Like, I was literally on top of the world That first night.

Like, nothing could ever shake what we have.

And then I spent the next weeks thinking, I'm shaken.

What do you think about...


The way I'm feeling?

(clears throat)

I think it's hard to be separated for so long.

But for me, I don't have to see you--ahem--

Go out with other girls, and you have to see me go out with other guys.

And I'm just worried that, like, that it's gonna make you Feel differently, and please don't do that.


That doesn't anything, As hard as it is.

Everybody's crazy about you, and obviously, that's a great thing. Like...

I want you to be crazy about me.

I am.

Anytime that I start questioning What's happening, She brings me right back to that feeling I had the first night.

You're gonna get sick.

You should not do that.

I-I want whater you have.


Please, give it to me.

I am crazy about this girl.

And just the look in her eye was all I needed to feel reassured.

(doorbell rings)

Chris L.: is that the card?

Kasey: it is.

Chris N.: you nervous?

When the date card came tonight, I was pretty excited 'cause I'm definitely hoping for that one-on-one date to be me, but, uh, you know, it is, uh, Chris' birthday, so who knows.

It would really suck not to get a date this week.

This is gonna be a good one.

Spill it, homie.

Chris N.: yeah, spill it.

Birthday boy...

Chris N.: oh!

"let's take a bite out of the big apple."

New York...

Get ready for the Chris and Ali show tomorrow.

It's on.

Justin: I wish it was my birthday.

(laughs) yeah, baby.

But I want you to know that, like, I'm all about having fun.

I mean, I-I'm driven, I'm ambitious, and I know you are, too.


My--my heart is in this 110%.

I need time tonight to talk to Ali.

I feel like I've fallen behind a couple of steps Compared to some of the other guys.

And I think if we get to spend a lot of time together, There's a pretty good chance that we fall in love.

It's crucial I sit down with her tonight one-on-one.

No matter how long this process takes--

Call me crazy, but I have this feeling That it's gonna be me and you in the end.

That's why I'm here.

I'm gonna take the bull by the horns, Make my mark, Hopefully get that rose.

I don't want to be rude, but is this a really bad time?

A couple minutes.

Just a couple.

Absolutely, man.

Totally understand.

Okay. Okay.

(speaks indistinctly)

I took initiative and walked up to her, but circumstances just didn't play out Exactly how I wanted them to.

Should've left well enough alone, right?

I didn't--I Fe bad because They were having a really, like, honest moment coming on.

I blew it. I didn't do it.

I'm, like, kicking myself.

It's hard for me to gauge where I stand.

I want a rose, damn it.

Do you mind if we talk for a sec? Okay?

Ali's obviously not feeling well.

She needs to take care of herself Instead of worrying about all of us.

She's special to me, So I just felt like it was the right thing to do, To pull her aside so she could go recover.

Seriously, how are you feeling?

Really, really sick.

It's late, and there's a lot going on.

I think you need to go upstairs, take care of yourself and go to bed.

And I would want nothing more to be able to, at least, Put you to sleep and make sure that you're doing okay.


I have to take care of the rose.


Please, go ahead.

You know, I miss kirk, and I know he'll make me feel better and just make me not feel so bad about being sick.

You guys, thank you so much for your patience tonight.

I feel that it was such a good day Despite the fact that I felt so bad.

You guys make me feel good.

Um, I'm not gonna give out a rose tonight, though.

I just feel like I'm not 100%.

I can't focus on--on you guys the way I need to and should be.

So, um, I hope you guys understand.

Man: sure. Sure.

Man: oh, absolutely.

Thank you, guys, so much for everything. I'm so lucky.

Man: thank you, Bye. Bye, guys.

Dude, he just (bleep) took off with her.

Man: what does that mean?

Kirk: your bed is way prettier than my bed.


Sing you a lullaby?

Ali very well could've said, "don't bring me to my room."

I'm not comfortable with that."

And the fact that Ali said, "I want nothing more than for you to take care of me," Means more than you could ever imagine. It feels so good.

At the end of the night, kirk offers to take her back.

Huh. I don't know what to make about that.

Very interesting.

You want a bedtime story?

We're all wondering, what's going on?

Are they kissing?

What's going on?

Are they talking?

What are they talking about?

Are they kissing?

Where is she? Where is he?

Are they kissing?

It makes me a little nervous How much I care...

You know, he made his move, and I'm jealous.

That's it. All I can say is I'm really jealous.

She didn't even think about it.

I'm an idiot.

Whether you're feeling like a million bucks or not, Like, I'm--I'm not gonna let you down.

I wanted nothing more Than to cuddle up next to her and fall asleep, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome.

I wanna make sure she was comfortable, I wanna make sure she felt okay, and I was gonna let her be.

(blowing air)

Coming up...

Kirk: what happened to you?

I'm injury-prone, apparently.

This guy's full of (bleep).

He said he was in the hospital.

Well, guess what.

I'm calling him a fibber!

I'm gonna call him out on that.

Ooh. This should be fun.

I came here to guard and protect her heart.

I don't want liars in the house.

So who knows? You might-- u're lying to us one day, and you're lying to Ali the next.

You're gonna say that I'm lying to Ali?


Chris L.: so tell me, man.

What the hell happened last night?

She said she couldn't give me the rose Because she needed to see me be more sincere.

It was difficult to hear because the very first thing I told her Was, "I promise to protect and guard your heart." yeah.

I want her to know I'm genuine.

I dot know how I'm gonna do that in two days.

So I'm--I'm afraid I'm gonna go home.

Chris l.--He gets a date with Ali today.

I wish that was me. Of course I would like another one-on-one.

I would like it to be titled, "Kasey--redemption..."

(laughs) "Ali." so are you ready?

Oh, I'm ready.

I am very excited today Because it's my first actual date with Ali.

You nervous at all?

Nah. I don't even know why I'm packing.

(laughs) that's my boy.

That's my boy.

It's my birthday. How can I not get a rose on my birthday?

If you go out on a one-on-one date, I think you have to bring your confidence.

Because if youon't bring it and you're not confident, You're going home, you know, because on a one-on-one date, It's either rose or no rose, and--and that's what it is.

(Ali coughing)

Waking up this morning, I feel awful. (chuckles)

It's in my nose and my head, and just, like, my whole body aches.

I don't think I've ever felt this sick.

And then, ahem, I have this day planned for Chris.

It's his birthday today.

But I'm not up for it.

This really sucks.

(knock on door)

Fellas, I got a little card here. It's for the birthday boy.

Man: wow!

That would be me.

Read it, dude.

"I was really looking forward to our day in the city, but I'm feeling under the weather.

I hope you'll understand.

Dot, dot, dot."

Jesse: understandable.

It is. Yeah, you don't wanna walk around the city sick.

I had heard last night that Ali was actually quite sick.

She lost her voice and she wasn't feeling well at all.

So in the back of my mind, I kind of had the thought That maybe she would cancel the date and push it back a day or something like that.

And there's a second part.

"I would still love to spend your birthday with you.

Please come join me in my suite. Ali."

Man: ohh!

Man: that's awesome.

Man: there you go.

I'm actually maybe even a little bit more excited That I get to just hang out with her.

And... I'm out.

This is a real date.

This is a real situation.

When you're married and one of you is sick, you know, You want the other person to take care of you.

So this is actually Probably the truest glimpse of husband material.

That's what she's looking for.

She's looking for a husband, and, uh, I think I got what it takes.

(chuckles) aw.



That's so sweet of you.


Sorry you're not feeling good.

It's so nice that Chris showed up with flowers and soup.

Oh, my God. This is perfect.

(paper bag rustles)

It's his birthday, but he's actually taking care of me.

The little time that I have spent with Chris, I think he's really cool.

How's the soup?

Halfway decent?

It's really good, actually.


Yeah? It hit the spot?

Supposedly, chicken noodle soup really does make y better.

But tell me more about New York.

Why did--why did you leave New York? You liked it, right?

You liked living here.

I loved it.

Uh, yeah, so I was here for five years.

And, uh, my mom started getting sick in, like, 2001, 2002--

Somewhere around there.

(whispers) oh.

So I moved home 'cause, you know, my mom was...


She was awesome. She's, like, the best lady in t world, and, uh, so I would do anything for her, So I moved home to help out my family.

Best decision I ever made 'cause if I didn't, Then when she did pass away, I would've been Kicking myself for the rest of my life, you know?


So that's why now I still live at home, uh, with my Dad.

Must be really hard for you to be away from home.

Yeah, like, extremely.

For some reason, like, around Ali, I feel like I know her.

It's, like, weird 'cause, like, when she asked about stuff About my family, about my mom, about stuff like that, I wasn't nervous to talk about it.

I've had Se awesome times with her.

Obviously, she's the type of girl I could fall in love with Because just those few glimpses, you know, I see eat things.

I'm really glad you're here.

Me, too. Me, too.

Frank: wait a minute.

So where's--

Where's Kasey?

Man: I don't know.

He's not in the room.

No. He's not here.

Kirk: he's not in the room over there and he's not in this room.

Kasey's missing.

We put out an a.P.B. On him, a.M.B.E.R. Alert, and it's a mystery.

Ever since he got back from his date, he's been very down.

Ty: that has to have an effect on him--

Going on a one-on-one date, not getting sent home And not getting a rose.

I'm like, what the heck does that mean?

Jonathan: he's gonna do something today.

Kasey said he was gonna do something today?

Yeah. He was potentially gonna do something big.


Kirk: what do you think's going on with him today?

So I snuck out today.

This is probably one of the biggest moments of my life.

The date that Ali and I had was incredible.

It was just an amazing date.

But then she questioned my sincerity and questioned my genuine heart.

I've been thinking about it, and it really hurt.

So today I'm going to prove I am genuine and I have a huge heart, and I'm gonna do something that I would never in a millions years Thought that I would be doing.

I think Kasey's pride has definitely been hurt.

I mean, he has been gone all day.

He might not be the type of person that can handle this.

Love the guy, but I think, uh, I think he needs--

He needs to go home for him-- .

I just don't want him To do anything stupid and anything he'll regret.

Where do you want to put your tattoo?

I wanna put it right here on my wrist. Can you do that?


The tattoo is gonna be a shield protecting a heart Because that's what I promised Ali in the very beginning.

I promised to protect and guard her heart.

I don't have a tattoo on my body but I'm gonna do it today Because everything that I said to Ali, I meant and I felt.

I came here to find love and I'm gonna continue to pursue Ali and continue to try and make her understand That I am genuine and I am sincere.

Just relax.

Put your arms down.

For some reason, Ali's kind of closed off a little bit, and maybe this'll help her open up to me.

I mean, how much more can I put myself out there?

This is something that I would never do.

If you need me to stop, just tell me to stop.

For me to do something like this, this is just--

This is--this is--this is I.


I still can't believe I'm actually going through with it.

(needle buzzing)

Thank you for letting me stay in bed.

And, um, its--it's funny because right before you got over here, I could barely move.

But I'm feeling better.

Uh, but...


And I feel up for it.

So I want--I want-- no--

No! (mutters) no, I don't want you to get sicker.

No, I--thank you for that.

I-I-I would not do this if I didn't feel able to.

Well, thank you.

Yeah. Birthday boy.

My birthday's getting better and better by the minute.

You know, I mean, lounging in bed with Ali was Pretty damn good, and now she's, like, rallying to take me out.


Yes! Good job! (chuckles)

Only took 20 minutes.

Ali's sickness was cured By the, uh, magical chicken noodle soup.

I don't know what the hell they put in that stuff, but, uh, The deli--I'm gonna have to send them a thank you card.

Let's get inside. It's cold!

I know, right?

I didn't give Chris the one-on-one date Because it's his birthday.

I wanted to go out with him

On a one-on-one date this week regardless.

Oh, my God.

This is 230 fifth.

It's a pretty amazing club here in New York City.


So for your birthday, I wanted to make sure we had lots of seafood.

We have this whole place just shut down just for us.

It's really amazing and special.

I think we're just both really thankful.

Oysters and lobster.

This is good.

Do you eat the inside part?

My mom used to do that.

(laughs) no.

So what was yourom like?

Tell me about her.

Yeah, she was just, like, the nicest lad and, like, everyone loved her.


She got progressively sick over the...

Seven years, I think it was.


Um, every night, like, we'd just chat and, like, I had time to, like, talk to her and, like, she had time to tell me, like, advice and stuff.

So it was, like, the best thing. And, uh--

That's so great.

Yeah. 'cause, like--

She sounds like such an amazing woman.

Oh, so nice.

I mean, I miss her a lot, but she left EC d mark and I each a note.

But she wrote, like, "look for me in rainbows."

Oh. Ohh.

And, uh... (chuckles) at the funeral... It was...

Huge rainbow.

We have pictures of it.

It was amazing.


Yeah. So, like, since then, like, I haven't seen so many friggin' rainbows in my life.

I'm just like, all right, mom, know you're there.

But like--like, it gets me, like, you know, when I see it.

Stop showing me all these rainbows!

I know. I know.

So wherever I go, like, they follow me. You know?

That's so cool.

So it's kind of, you know...


Thanks for sharing that story.

I know that it's tough.


Chris' mom passed away only a year and a half ago, and I'm so glad that he's here and that he's been able to heal.

And--and I'm sure it's been a really rough year for him.

You know, I know we've talked-- talked a lot about your family and how close you are with them.

And I know it's really hard for you to be here.

But I'm so glad you're here.

And, um, I thought maybe we could call your Dad...



And you could talk to him on your birthday...

Oh, my God.

So you could maybeeel a little closer.

So do you want to?

Yeah. Yeah.


To get a chance to talk to my Dad on my birthday--

My Dad means the world to me.

If you're as lucky as I am with family...

Man, nothing else really matters.

(phone rings)

Man: hello.


Chris, Happy Birthday!


(laughs) thank you, Dad.

How are you doing?

Uh. I'm actually doing fabulous.

Uh, I'm eating lobster, and I'm sitting next to Ali.

Ali, are you there?

Could you hear me?

Yes, I am. Hi. How are you?

I'm glad I have a chance to talk to my son on his birthday.

Aw! Good. I'm glad.

Yeah, he--I wanted to make sure 'cause I know you guys are really close. So...

I look forward to meeting you someday.

All right. Great. Yeah.

I look forward to that, too.

Have a great time. Enjoy your evening and your lobster.

And, uh, I've been thinking about you all day.

I'm so proud of you, and, um, Happy Birthday, my love.

Thanks, Dad.



Aw, at was awesome.

He seems so nice!

Thank you so much.


I think it's very endearing and wonderful that Chris is so close with his family.

I would love to Marry into a family like that.

So... I came back.

I got the tattoo. I did it.

I'm proud of myself.

I'm not gonna show the guys yet Because I don't want Ali knows that I did this.

I want to tell Ali myself when the time is right.

Hopefully she'll see my heart and she'll give me one chance Because that's all I really want.

I'm wearing my emotions and my heart Literally on my sleeve.

What's up, gentlemen?

How we doing?

Kirk: where the heck have you been?

Man: where you been?

What happened?

What happened to you?

Oh, man, boys.

I'm injury-prone, apparently.

Over there on that stove, you guys smell some flesh?

Kirk: are you serious?

Ty: you burned yourself?

Yeah, dude. Well, oh, yeah.

Bad? Holy cow.

Man: so is it--what kind of degree burn is it?

(sighs) I don't know.

It hurts like heck.

You had to go to the hospital?

Just need some beer. Mm-hmm.

You did?

Oh, yeah. They--they did all-- some kind of crazy stuff. So...

Man: really?

So were all-- there all day long?


Obviously, you came back from your one-on-one date Without a rose. We were a little concernedor ya.

Yeah. I had a lot of time yesterday to think.

I'm actually in a much better place today, so I'm going Into tomorrow with a positive attitude, positive outlook and a--and a burn.


Kasey has been on my mind.

You know, and this little scenario--

He disappeared and he kind of made his, you know, comeback.

And he said he was in the hospital.

Well, guess what.

I'm calling him a fibber!

I am now going on record and saying he's a fibber.

I'm still here.

Yay. Good.

I'm not going no--

I'm not going nowhere, boys.

I'll be around for a while.

Oh, my God. I'm so full.

I ate so fast and a lot of that lobster.

I would love to get a rose, yes.

I would love to get a rose tonight 'cause that means that she wants to keep me around and because the two of us have a connection, and that's the most important thing.

I'm so sorry that I've been sick today.

But I'm glad that I at least was able to get you out of the house For a little bit on your birthday. (clears throat) oh, God.

And, um, I think it's so unbelievably sweet of you That, on your birthday...

(chuckles) you came to my hotel with soup and flowers for me, and that really means a lot.

And, uh, your family--listening to you talk about them, Like, I feel so much love...


All around because of it.


And it's really important to me that you know that.


I think you are just awesome.

Like, such a cool guy.

And I was hoping that you would accept this rose.

Oh. God, yeah.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

To be the only to get a rose this week, I'm like, wow!

Grin ear to ear on that one.

Very happy. Very happy.

But it is your birthday, and there's still one more thing. So... (laughs) you serious?

So I say we head up to the roof.


All right, let's go.

(playing brand new day")

(laughs) oh, my God.


♪ some kind of magic ♪
♪ happens late at night ♪

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God.

Going out onto the roof and seeing Joshua Radin and this choir and the empire state building--

It was breathtaking.

♪ it's a brand new day ♪
♪ brand new day ♪
♪ sun is shining ♪
♪ it's a brand new day ♪
♪ brand new day ♪
♪ for the first time ♪
♪ in such a long, long time ♪
♪ long time ♪
♪ I know ♪
♪ I know ♪
♪ I'll be okay ♪

I just felt overwhelmed With emotion and happiness and excitement, and getting to share that with Chris on his birthday is just so special.

Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

Me, too.

This is such a special moment.


(playing streetlight")

♪ I wait for something ♪
♪ under a streetlight ♪
♪ it won't be long ♪

Chris: definitely most romantic night of my life.

You got the New York skyline, the empire state building, The music...

Holding Ali, just feeling her right there next to me--

It was just... (sighs) it was perfect. It really was.

♪ so ♪
♪ go ♪
♪ let the wind blow ♪

After tonight, the connection that I think we have and just, like, the amazing time we had...

She's my girlfriend now.

I don't want to go back and hang out with a bunch of dudes.

'cause I'm just gonna be, like, go back and, you know what?

Might as well just go home.

It's over. I got it.

Thanks. Thanks for playing.

Here's your parting gift. Bye.

♪ supposed to go ♪

♪ ooh ♪

(Joshua) all right.

Ali: Whoo!

(cheers and applause)

If you'd like to be on an upcoming season Of the bachelor" or the bachelorette," Go to bachelor.ABC.Com and click apply."

(Craig) I'm nervous.

I don't want to go home tonight.

This is the most unpredictable situation That anyone could ever be in.

We have a lot of great guys here with the exception of Justin.

Man: of course. Of course.



Dude, cheers.

Obviously, there's guys in the house that are against me.

I definitely do not wanna go home tonight.

So it's a little bit scary Because I could possibly be on the chopping block.

I wish that Kasey could go home tonight Because he's blatantly lying to everyone.

So I gotta send him home.

Whatever I have to do to get the job done is what I will do.

Frank: kase what are you gonna say to her?

I mean, honestly, run it-- run it by us.

I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna say yet.

You know, I didn't get a rose, right?

And, uh, that was definitely prettyifficult to kinda endure but then I had a couple of days to think about it, and I can kinda understand where she's coming from.

So, you know, I'm just gonna be me, man.

When she sent me home Without that rose on that one-on-one date, It k*lled me. It destroyed me.

She questioned my sincerity and questioned my genuine heart.

Yesterday, I got a tattoo of basically A shield protecting a heart because I promised Ali That I would protect and guard her heart.

You know, I d it to show I have a sincere side.

So tonight, I'm gonna show her I'm literally wearing my heart on my sleeve.

Well, I just want a chance, man.

If I can just get a chance, I'll be happy.

Hopefully tonight, she can see everything, and she'll Hand me a rose and say, "I want you to stick around."

Tonight's the fourth cocktail party, and each one gets a little bit harder.

Hi, guys.

How are you?


Hey, beautiful.

Feeling better?

I lost a lot of time this week Since I haven't been feeling 100%.

I'm sorry. Some of you haven't had dates this week, and you were cooped up in that condo. I feel really bad.

I know I've been a little under the weather.

It's been a rough few days, but cheers to another cocktail party and fun in New York.

Ali: those roses mean a lot to me.

They hold a lot of weight.

And for moving forward, I just need to believe that I am making the rit choices and--and not look back.


And you took care of me last night. That was so nice of you.

And I just--I just...

(speaks indistinctly) you make it easy.

That showed me that you were putting me first...

I'll tell you-- and I really appreciate that.

You're welcome. Come here.

Justin: see, that looks good, that rose right there.

You like how it looks?

I like how that looks.

I got, like, 80 of 'em on here.

If I get a rose tonight-- which I pray to God I will--

Hope I'm not the last person, not the last.

Me and you--me and you are gonna get roses. Me and you.

I really want a rose.

I want a rose and then I want a one-on-one date, Then I want another rose and I want another one-on-one date, and then I want another rose and I want to be with Ali.

So I need to stand out in Ali's mind.

I have some depth and I do other things.

I'm not just some weather dude.

I'm gonna take a quick drink.



And, uh...

Don't be nervous.

Don't be nervous.

I am nervous.

Don't be.

I am nervous, 'cause, you know, I'm nervous anyway.

You'll do great.


♪ when I stepped out ♪
♪ my heart so down ♪
♪ jaw dropped ♪

Kirk: where's the weatherman?

Is he serenading Ali?

What we--you know what we need?

I think he's done.

We need one more guy to play the guitar in this house.

Why is that?

Kirk: not enough yet.

♪ it could be you and me ♪
♪ but all I want is one more moment with you ♪
♪ I'm here for one moment ♪

Jonathan: I'm more of a singer/songwriter, and so when I sang Ali that song, I definitely felt that spark.

Now that I've sang the song for Ali, I'd be more surprised if I didn't get a rose.

♪ one moment more ♪

(laughs) skies are clearing. Looks like sun's back in the forecast.

You know, after that one-on-one date with Ali that I had, At the end of the date, she was kind of questioning My sincerity. It crushed me because, lik I was confused.

I didn't know what to think.

I want to find love with Ali.


I want to get that final rose with her.

And my sincerity, my genuine heart, will always be there.

I just kind of think it's really interesting With the whole Kasey situation.

Now I truly believe this guy's full of (bleep), Because he's lying, basically, about being burnt, Lying about being in a hospital.

He's pulled it off pretty well if that is the case.

Guess what.

I'm gonna call him out on that, and it's gonna bithim where the sun don't shine.

Ooh. This should be fun.

This should be very, very fun.

On my one-on-one date with Ali, I wasn't given a rose, and that sucked, and it hurt.

So yesterday I got a tattoo because I wanted to show her That I'm being genuine and sincere.

Ali: hi.

Roberto: hey.

I'm so glad.

It definitely makes me nervous, The fact that I might not get a rose.

So tonight, you know, I want to tell her about the tattoo.

I want to show her how much this means to me and how genuine and sincere I am.

There's so much heart and passion into this, and I want to show everyone in the entire world.

Justin: I don't want liars in the house, period.

'cause if you're able to lie to a bunch of guys that you spent Every single minute with, guess what.

Chances are you'll be able to lie to Ali.

I was called out the last rose ceremony.

I think it's now Kasey's time to be called out.

A weird question...


I-I have to ask, y-you know,'caf Been questioning my integrity and the reason why I'm here, Because the whole wrestling thing, and I kind of came to a conclusion today.

About what?

About telling the truth if that's an actual burn mark.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm just--'cause I just want to see your integrity.

Because--because you-- my integrity?

I want to see if, you know, if you're a man that says, "you know what? Look, I got burnt, guys, you know, Hey, here's my burn mark." so prove me wrong.

My integrity. You're questioning my integrity?

Prove me wrong.

Prove me wrong right now.

Prove you wrong what?

Kasey, prove me wrong. Do you have a burn mark on your hand?

What does that have to do with anything?

Because you know what? Honestly, I think it's pretty insulting...

(speaks indistinctly) who cares?

That you go ahead and you disappear for 12 hours and then you come back saying, "oh, guys, I got burned." oh, but you can sneak off...

And you come up with this elaborate--hang on.

And go with a crutch down a-a street, which you--

(bleep) u lied to everyone in the house.

You're saying, "oh, it's a burn mark. There's a burn mark."

So who knows?

You're lying to us one day, You're lying to Ali the next.

That's what I'm concerned about.

I haven't said one word to anybody.

You're concerned that I'm lying to Ali?

Absolutely. Okay, well, I guess we have nothing more to say, right?

Absolutely not.


(inhales and exhales deeply)

Is there a reason why you're still staring at me like that?

You know, how about-- you know, how about I do this?

Actually, let's all follow me.

Okay, gentlemen. Gentlemen, please. Everyone, come here.

Okay, gentlemen, please have a seat.

Oh, great. Here we go.

I was questioned from the wrestler Saying that I might not be here for the right reasons.

I've never had one bad thing to say about the rest of you, and then to have him question me After something that-- it has no relevance--

I-I gotta kind of interrupt for a second.

But, Kasey, like, my main point in bringing up was Just that--the bn mark on--on your wrist.

What does that have to do with anything?

I don't think it's an actual burn mark. The fact that you've Been able to kind of continue that lie to everyone--

I don't know, I just think that's a little bit deceitful.

And then who knows?

Maybe you're lying to us one day and you're lying to Ali the next.

I came here to guard and prott her heart.

(chuckles) okay.

And I've been the same that I've been since day one, and so, yes, I went to get a tattoo, and you guys are all more than welcome to see it.

I've got the shield protecting the heart, and I've got the rose.

Because you know what?

No matter what happens, I want to guard and protect her heart.

"I'm going to protect and guard your heart."

He tattooed it on his wrist.

Getting a tattoo-- at doesn't prove anything Except the fact that you're nuts.

This is who I am.

This is exactly who I am, and I'm not gonna change.

Kasey didn't, in fact, burn himself. He got a tattoo.

He's gonna live with that for the rest of his life.

That's not coming off.

So you're gonna be The tattooed 'bachelorette' guy" for the rest of your life.

That's gonna be probably your nickname.

But I want you guys to count those stones on that shield.

11 stones, 'cause we're the top 11 guys Ali chose to be with.

Ty: Kasey is, uh, getting crazier by the minute.

If he gets a rose tonight, who knows what'll be tattooed next?

Kasey: all you guys are diamonds in my heart.

You guys--you're like my brothers. And even you.

One of those stones represents you, even though you're Calling me out on something that is absolutely bogus.

That hurts my heart.

Dude, that's not even cool.

I called it.

"rated-r" got his man.

Hopefully, tonight he's going home with a bad tattoo.

Frank: talk about wearing your emotions, Your heart on your sleeve...

I'm putting my heart on my sleeve. Never change.

That is it right there, baby.

Kasey: they loved it.

They thought it was a great, great addition to my life.

They thought it was very inspiring, They thought it was very courageous, and they thought That, "you know what, kase?

I can respect you For doing something like that." and I can't wait to show Ali.


How you doing?

Hanging in there.

Yeah, hanging in there.

Good to see you.

(speaks indistinctly)

Have a seat.

You need anything?

No, thank you.

You good?

Good. I'm sick, so...

I know.

And I know when I'm sick, Some of the things that make me happy is my favorite candy.

So I have a little something for you real quick.

And we'll go ahead and save that for you for later.

Oh, my gosh!

You can have that.

It's for you later.

But I knew that, you know, you know... For sure.

Aw, thank you.

That is so awesome.

So our date was awesome.

I wanted to thank you again.

Like--I--okay, to experience New York like that, like...


It was incredible, so thank you very much.

And I agree with you. I kind of overcompensated a little bit and kind of put myself out there a little too ft.

And everything I said I meant.

So I don't want to, like, start over, but I kind of just want to begin fresh, from here.


Kasey--he thought of me.

He brought me my favorite candy today and just did things That are cute and caring but not over-the-top, and I-I'm so glad I got a chance to talk to him.

You make me nervous. So I was just... (laughs) I was nervous.

And so I just--I came here--

I came here for you.

Now you know that. Ion't--I don't have to say that anymore, Because obviously, I've gotten that point across.

I really, really want to tell her about the tattoo, and I definitely think it is my time.

I kind of took heed to what you said.

Um, we kind of talked about my sincerity.

And, you know, I was looking to use it first, but I kind of, like, thought about it.

So I have a little something for you real quick.



Yes, Frank?


I'm just listening in.

Is that okay?

When frankame and interrupted Ali and I, it k*lled my moment.

I wanted to show Ali my tattoo, but I couldn't.

It kills me 'cause I could see myself Just falling for her even harder, man.

It just--it just sucks because, it's, like, I want to guard and protect her heart, and that's exactly what I'll be for the rest of my life, Period.

Hi, guys.

Man: hi.

Can I come sit for a second?

Man: how are you feeling?

Better. Much better.

(glass clinks) hello. Yeah.

Man: Chris.

I hate to break up the party, but, Ali, it is time.

I know this week's been difficult and not a lot of roses were given out, and that's because I didn't want to make any decisions That I wasn't completely all there for.

So if you don't get a rose tonight, I'm sorry, and I really arecie you coming along this far. So...

All right, guys. Ali.

Thanks. Bye.

In regards to the rose ceremony, I'm actually really nervous.

I might not be here after this rose ceremony.

I don't know.

Nothing's for certain right now.

If I got a rose tonight from Ali, It would mean she knows a little bit That I'm being genuine, I'm being sincere and that s believes me.

Tonight I want to see Anybody but myself go home.


Chris Harrison: gentlemen, good evening.

Men: good evening.

I know you guys were all very excited to leave Los Angeles, Come here to New York City.

It's been a great week.

But it's time for another rose ceremony.

Chris, you've already received a rose.

Nothing to worry about tonight.

As for the rest of you, Eight roses to hand out.

For two of you, this will be the last stop on your journey.

I wish you all the best.

And if you're ready, here's Ali.

(exhales deeply) hey, Chris.



When you're ready.

Wow. What a crazy week.

Thank you, guys, for coming here and all the way Across the country to share New York with me.

This week has been particularly important to me Because we got to do really crazy, exciting things for fun, and that's what life is all about, is having fun.

But it was also very real 'cause I got very sick, and, um, I'm looking for someone who can have fun with me but also take of me, and I'll do the same for him.

I think you guys are all great, So thank you for coming here with me.

(exhales deeply)


Will you accept this rose?


(speaks indistinctly)


Frank, will you accept this rose?

Of course, Ali.

(whispers) thank you.

Craig, will you accept this rose?

Of course I will.

Chris n.

Will you accept this rose?

Of crse.

Thank you.


Will you accept this rose?


There you go.


You look surprised. (laughs)

I was worried. I was.

Will you accept this rose?

Absolutely. Always.

Thank you for, you know, keeping me around.


Ty, will you accept this rose?

Absolutely. (chuckles) oh.

Ali, Gentlemen, This is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

Thank you.


Kasey, will you accept this rose?

Yeah. Yeah, I will.

Jesse, Jonathan, Take a moment.

Say your good-byes.


Kasey: hey, I love you, man.

You know that, right?

Jesse: I'm frustrated.

I'm not gonna lie.

She's more of a city girl.

That's where she wants to be.

I want some acreage and cows and all that good stuff.

And I think maybe that possibly is something That kind of scared her away from me.

Ali's awesome, and anyone would be lucky to have her.

But I cannot wait to see my dogs.

Jonathan: I should not be going home tonight.

You know, this is the first time I thought I was actually gonna get a rose, and I didn't get a rose, so I am surprised.

I saw the roses going one by one.

I'm Li, all right.

Okay, okay. Wait a minute.

(exhales deeply)

I'm just dumbfounded by this whole--

I don't Ev understand how these other guys--

I just can't understand how they're up there and I'm down here.

That doesn't make sense to me.

This was a chance for me to find real love, and Ali could have been my wife.

What did I do wrong?


I don't know when I'm gonna find love.

These don't get easier, and this week was especially difficult.

So thank you for being here and coming all the way to New York with me.

I might take you a little farther now.

Man: we're traveling the world.

Things have been heating up here, so I thought I'd put you guys on ice and, uh, take you to Iceland.

Men: oh!

(Craig) no way!

Are you serious?

So cheers to finding love in Iceland.

Ty: absolutely.

Man: Iceland rocks.

(clink) next week on the bachelorette"...

Ali: we're in Iceland.

A volcano actually erupted for the first time in 200 years.


This place is incredible.

It's unbelievably hot and sexy.

Aah! (laughs) you did it!

I am almost positive I'm gonna fall in love here...

I just think you're really great.

But I am terrified I won't be loved back.

So tell me some other things that I don't know about you.

Kirk: I'm nervous to tell Ali about my history, but there's something that I need to get off my chest.

Frank: group dates are so tough.

You don't really get the quality time with her That you're looking for.

I should be happy, but I'm not because Ali's over there.

It's driving me insane.

I'm anmotional disaster.

When are you gonna show her that tattoo?

I don't know, man. I mean, if I'm not here for love, I don't know what I'm here for.


'cause I came here to open up to be this--

That's who I always have been.

That's who I've been.

That's who I am as a person.

That's why I got this tattoo, To be someone and to be a man, to be a man for that woman.

Kasey: I could take the physical pain.

The physical pain is nothing to me.

But this emotional pai I'm tired of it.

Ali: the only thing Kasey has to do is be normal.

I'm not trying to just stick around.

I'm trying to be the man of her dreams.

I'm Kasey kahl. I'm a dreamer.

I'm a believer.

And if I get sent home, that's gonna destroy me.

It's all next week on...

It's weatherman versus wrestler!

Weatherman versus wrestler.

Here we go.

Man: let's hear the-- let's hear the promo.

Man: do it, do it, do it.

(deepens voice) I ain't going first, brotha.

I ain't going second, 'cause first is the worst and second is the best and third is the one with the hairy chest.

Justin: back up, back up, back up.

Jonathan: don't touch me.

(deepens voice) you know what, brothers?

Because Justin rated-r says one thing and one thing only--

It doesn't matter--it doesn't matter if you're a weatherman, Because you know what?

It doesn't matter if a typhoon comes around Because the weatherman is going down!

He's going downtown to Chinatown.


One, two. You're going down for the count.

And then he comes down on you!

You want to mess with this?

Man: oh! Oh!

Man: no!

(mouths word)

Don't touch me.

You'll be so sorry.

(man laughs)