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03x03 - Knives Out

Posted: 04/29/15 06:30
by bunniefuu
Are you William Jackson?


Michael Mears. Homicide Squad.

Can I talk to you outside?

About what?

The m*rder of Harry Smith.

I thought you were out.

What happened?

I'm... sorry, love.

It's just better you don't come here.

It doesn't cost anything to reinstate privileges.

You can phase in the smoking ban gradually.

Give the women a chance to adjust.


Cindy Lou says OK.

Big order. You better not f*ck up.


What did I say about Liz?

You knew that you should stay away from her but you didn't, did you?

Help me, Franky. Stop her. Stop her.

No, no, no!

Why didn't you stop her?

I couldn't.

If I find you bringing dr*gs into this prison, it won't be your hands that get put in that steam press.


That's not mine!

Slot her.

That's bullshit! That's not mine!

Enough of that. Come on, let's go.

Girls are getting pretty shitty, Franks.

They want their gear or their money back.

I'm not a f*cking magician, am I?

Tell them to wait, I'll sort something.

I don't trust you, Franky.

I think you screw up.

I didn't know Jodes was gonna f*ck me over, did I?

You owe Cindy Lou.

And she's not happy.

I told her I'll get the gear.

Cindy Lou wants it now.

Well, I don't have it. Tell her to be patient.

You honor your contract... or die.

I'll get the gear.

Tell her to give me a couple of days.

One hour.

Do you want me to f*cking call Lucy?

I want you to...

Will you shut your f*cking mouth?

I want the f*ck...

Shut up!

Give me a smoke.

I just want to...

Eh, eh, eh!

Give me a f*cking...

Can you stop it? Can't you go and do something else, yeah?

It's like being in high-school, yeah?

Bea, have you though about talking to the counselor again?

I don't need to.

Well, you fought hard to get her here.

You might as well take advantage of it yourself.

You've been through so much, love.

I'm fine.


Miss Miles?


Just wondering if Mr. Jackson started work yet.


I'm asking nicely.

I thought we had an understanding.

He'll be in admissions in an hour.

Thank you.


♪♪, good.

I need the gear.

Desperation looks good on you.

It's kinda hot.

f*ck off.

You'll get it back as soon as I get the delivery.

Oi, you're going to have to tempt me with something else...

A value add.

Like what?

f*ck off!

It's either that, or pay top whack.

How much?


Forget it.

Your loss.


I'll get the cash, just meet me in H2.


I'll bring the strap-on, just in case.



I really don't like counselors.

They always want to pry into your personal stuff.

Give her a chance.


Thanks for coming, everybody.

Good to see lots of new faces.

I though today we'd kick off by talking about the riot.

Ferguson was a doozy.

Oh, I'm sorry. You're all expecting a lecture.

OK, I'm not a screw.

You guys need to release the pressure, and I get that.

But the cleanup was a pain in the ass, no?

I want us to be upfront with each other.

No bullshit.

I need to speak to Boomer.

What for?

Don't take a chair?


Come on.

Where's my cash?

The rest of my money, where is it?

Oh... I spent it.

Don't bullshit me. I asked you to hide it, so where is it?

Well, I figured you owed me one, so I-I bought some chocolate from C block, OK?

You know, for the...

For the pain.

I don't have time for this.

Cindy Lou is ** and I need to buy some gear.

Yeah? So where's my cash?

Up my ass.


Well, that sucks.

I was hoping you'd have to put out.

Where's the gear?

Money first.

Just give it to me!

My money.

Get off!

Shut up!

Where is it?!

Give me the f*cking gear.

Just give me the f*cking gear.

I've banged it.

Wanna get fishy?

I don't know, I got standards.

You can't afford standards, Franky.

Not anymore.

Give my love to Cindy Lou.

See you, Franky.

Hi, Bea.


You're in trouble.

You reckon, Batman?

If you need help...

How are you gonna help me?

You're part of the problem.

You're the reason why I'm in this shit.


I'm still offering.


f*ck off.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to see you too.

Hey, there's something I need you to do.

I need some cash.

No, I need you to bring it today.

As much as you can get.

Kimmy, it's important.

I don't give a f*ck, just f*cking do it.

I'm sorry, yeah?

I just really need you to do it.

She says it's not enough.

Well, explain to her that we're playing it safe.

We need to give her body time to build up a tolerance to the methadone.


Move along or I'll slot you.

Is he here?

Mr. Jackson?

I just want to know what happened with the police.

Can you give me your **, please?

What they wanted to talk to you about.

Just to eliminate me from the investigation.

What, do they think you're involved?

I don't know, maybe because I was there when you blew Brayden Holt head off.


What are you doing?


Go to move on.

What did she want?

♪♪ I told her to go and see Vera.

I would have thought under the present circumstances that you'd been giving Smith... a wide berth.

Yes, Governor.

I just want to concentrate on my work.

How you doing?

Ah, you look good.

I miss you. You got my shit, do you?

You bring the cash?

Yeah. Yeah.

How much?

80 bucks.

That's all I've got till next week.


What's happened?

Nothing. Doesn't matter.

I didn't expect...

There's things I need to know.

Sit down.

Liz, you know the rules.


I saw you, you were out.

You had the chance to come and see us to try and make things better, but you didn't.

Don't you want to be our mum?

Of course I do.

So why didn't you contacted us when you got out?

I tried.


I went to the house, I spoke to Kay.

She would have said.

I did, love, I swear.

You know, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Eight years and you never even sent us a letter.

Yeah, but your dad told me not to write, he didn't want you get...

So why did you listen to him?

Cause I wanted to, it was right for you and Artie.

I have never stopped thinking of him.

You're a liar.

Quiet, please.

Sweetheart, if you've been drinking...

Is that all you've got to say?

I can smell it.

You do not get to lecture me about drinking.

If you don't calm down, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. You got that?

Sophie, you remember what happened the night outside that pub?

When you drink, love, you're vulnerable.

No. When I drink, I forget that my mum ruined my life.

Oh, sweetheart.

I got you haven't forgotten a second of it. How could you, for god's...?

Soph, I'm sorry.

Shit day, yeah, Liz?


I'm... sorry for being such a bloody sook.

I heard what she said.

I don't know why I'm crying, but...

It's not like it's a surprise, you know? I mean, I... I know what I've done to my kids.

I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt them, Liz.

Oh, god.

Oh, I'd do anything to change what happened But I can't Now everything I can do is try and stop Soph from making the same bloody mistakes that I made.

Well, why don't you try giving her a call tomorrow?

Yeah, yeah, I will.

You're a good man, Mr. Jackson.

Linds. Get the stuff.

Cindy Lou wants privacy.


She's ready to collect now.

This is not enough.

Cindy Lou think you take the piss.

The rest is on its way.

I've got some cash.

We're going to teach you a lesson now.

You want to f*cking have a go! Let's go!

Come on!

Doyle, put it down! Now.

We're just mocking around.

If I have to ask you again, you'll be charged.

Alright, chill the f*ck out.

I beg your pardon?

You happy?

All of you, out.

Back to your units, now.

Looks like I just saved you from a beating.

I can take care of myself.

You know, if you can't keep control of the kitchen, I'll just put someone else in charge.

Stop trying to be a hard-ass, Vera, it doesn't suit you.

You're very close to a charge.

For what?

Verbal abuse of an officer.

And what did I say?

You know what you said.

What, f*ck?!

I'm surprised you know what that is.


You're coming with me.


'Cause I'm freezing my vinegar tits off.

You have been charged with verbal abuse of an officer.

Have you anything to say?

She had a sense of humor by-pass.

Did you guys get bulk deal?

I will notify the parole board so they can spike your application.

And I'm alright, you can't cancel my hearing.

Well, there's no point in asking for parole with the charge I'll give you ahead.

Don't worry. An extra six months with us isn't a longer wait.

I'm sure it'll... fly by.

Come on, Doyle. Let's go.

Hey. We didn't get the chance to chat.

Yeah, I'm gutted.

You're Franky Doyle, aren't you?


I've heard a lot about you.


Why don't you come to see me?

What's in it for me?

Well, you're up for parole soon, aren't you?

If you can show that you're attending regular counseling, working on self-improvement, it looks good for the suits in the board.

I need a miracle, not a counselor.

Why don't you come and talk about it?

Oh, for fucks sake.

Booms. You walk with me back to the unit?

No, I'm not going back to the unit.

Just walk with me back to the unit.

No, I'm going to medical, alright? For my hands.

You got a problem?

I already blew my parole.


Hey! Hey! Hey! Calm down!

I'm not feeling calm right now, I'm feeling pretty f*cking angry.

So what you gonna do about it?

Alright, let's talk.

I don't do talking.

If you don't calm down, I'm gonna have to call for an officer.

Go do it!

What are you f*cking waiting for?

Why don't you tell me what the problem is, Franky?

OK, this isn't achieving anything, Franky.

You're all talk.

I prefer action.

Move out of the way, ladies.

Doyle. What are you doing?


Franky, give it up!

Doyle! Step away from the shelves!

What the hell is going on?

I'm slotting her.

Come on.

About time!


Is Jodes in there?

Get inside.

Jodes, you draggy skank!

Oi. Keep it down.

Can I speak with her?


I want to understand where that aggression is coming from.

Well, I'll tell you where it's coming from.

She's a convicted criminal.

She threw a pan of boiling oil in somebody's face, she's a drug dealer and a violent delinquent.

She's beyond help.

I disagree, I think there's something else going on.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

The department doesn't think so.

Early days.

How long will she be in there for?

As long as I see fit.

The baby can **

Way to three...

Way to three centimeters. That's tall.


So I reckon bub is about that big now.

And it says here... that the baby... can now touch its tummy...

Oh, it can still do that.


Hey. I'll give you a hand.

No, don't f*cking touch it. Alright?

Jeez, I'm only trying to help.

Yeah, well I don't need your help, lagger.

Hey, what's your problem?

Broken bikkies, and this little lagger...

That's enough.

I didn't broke your bloody biscuits.

Well, my hands would be like this if I didn't had beat you.

That doesn't even make sense.

Oh, piss off!


Boomer, you stink, when is the last time you had a shower?

Can't do anything with these hands!

I said that's enough.


Give Liz the biscuits.

Until those bandages are off, she's gonna be your helper.

Oi, you can start by giving her a shower, she's rank.


No way she's gonna touch my vag*na!

And in return, you're gonna be Lizzie's minder.

Anything happens to her, anything at all, I'm holding you responsible.

And do we have an understanding?


Yeah, yeah...





There is no way you are showering me.

That's fine by me.


Give me the damn biscuits.

Please, Boomer?

Please, Boomer.

Here we are.

I hate my life.




Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck...


Shouldn't Liz be here helping you with this?

No. I gave her the slip.

Don't want that old bag following me around anyway.

You must be pretty pissed off with her.


She's a dog.



Does it still hurt?


But the lenitive seems to be helping.

Well... do you want me to go get you some?

Where's the stash?

It's a secret.

Anyway, it's almost gone, so...

Well, I could help make some, if you like.

You serious?

We're friend, aren't we?

I think what Bea did you is really unfair.

She must deserve everything she got.




Under the kitchen sink there's a big drainpipe, there's a bottle taped to the back of that.

Yeah, but don't tell anyone, alright?

Alright. It's our secret.

I used to think you were a bit creepy.

But you're alright, are you?

Can I have another?

Please, stop!

Leave me alone.

I swear I ** myself.

Oi, Jodes.

Jodes, you there?

What happened?

Good morning.

Breakfast in bed was an hour ago.

I've got good news.

You're not wearing any underwear?

The governor has agreed on your release.

I'm happy here, thanks.

The governor wants you out.


Well, I have suggested that a counseling program might be more beneficial.

Yeah, I heard you trying that yesterday, but why has Ferguson changed her mind?

Come on, Doyle. We ain't got all day.

I'm gonna tell you why.

She wants me out of here so she can get to Jodie.

We can talk about Jodie later.

Oi, she came in last night, she did something to her, she was crying.

Franky, come on.

I want to stay.

Tough! Move.


Don't make me drag you out of here.


Come on.



Oh, come on.


Jeez! Give me a break.

I'm stuck, I'm stuck.

I'm stuck. Oh. Jeez.

Must have... Oh. Go away!

You need help.

No way.

Don't need to feel embarrassed, OK? I know what I'm doing.

I used to care for disable people.

Do I look like a f*cking disable person to you?


Forget about it. Forget about it. I'm not letting anyone touch my bits.

Specially not you, man lady.


I'm gonna take you around...

No, you're not.

I'm gonna help you to shower...

No! No!

And we're gonna freshen you up.

No, no! I don't need... No!

I don't need freshening up!

Close your eyes... and imagine you're somewhere nice.

Like... at a day spa with your boyfriend.

Nah, my boyfriend dumped me, so I would be at a day spa with him.

OK... Is there anyone else you find hot?


There you go, **.

Imagine you're on a date with **

Close your eyes... and let ** pumpy you.

Now... turn around...

Why are you doing this? No one ever does no shit for me.

It's what I do.


So, Bea.

You know, I've been a cop for a while now and I've seen a lot of domestic v*olence...

I can understand why a woman like you would k*ll her husband.

I didn't k*ll my husband.

You tried to once.

Yeah, those charges were dropped.

Now, your husband really is dead and no one knows why.

Don't you wanna know why?

Yeah, I do.

I've been thinking that, um... the Holts, the Holts crew...

I would have wanted him dead after what I did.

Revenge motive.


Except... when Vinnie died, his organization disbanded.

And they wouldn't be interested in Harry.

You, on the other hand... your person is known for taking revenge.

You owned a house together?

Went on sale recently, didn't it?

Now you won't have to sell it for just half the money.

300 grand profit, huh?

Why would I care about money?

That's a very good question, Bea..

And I've been thinking about that.

Wasting your time. I was locked up in here. I didn't do it.

Yeah. I know you didn't.

So why are you still grilling me?

Because I think you know who did.

I don't.

Will Jackson.

This is a joke.

Nah, we've got a history.

He was there when you escaped.

When you m*rder*d Brayden Holt.

Did he help you?

No! No, he was exonerated and you know that.

Where there's smoke, there's a dodgy officer.

Why would Will want to get rid of Harry?

I think you **.

And I think you planned to get rid of Harry together.

He's got a history too.

No, he don't.

This police report says otherwise.

Five months ago, Will Jackson... thr*aten your ex husband with an ax.

So, should we start this conversation again?

You in trouble with the other prisoners?

You clearly wanted to be slotted yesterday, why is that?

Talking isn't gonna help me.

Talking changes jack shit.

You're studying law.


Isn't that all talk?

I hear you're pretty good.

Can state a case, debate important issues.

Form conclusions, except to better your own life. Why is that?

You're working to improve the lives of other people, but not you're own.

I think that is a shame.

You can't help me, so give it up.

I'm f*cked and so is my parole.

What do you really want out of life, Franky?

You see yourself leaving this place?


Pretty f*cking insane, actually.

How do you envisage that?

Describe your ideal scenario to me.

How would you like this chapter of your life to end?

What's the point?

Humor me.

Paint me a picture.

I want to walk out of those gates.

All this place and everyone in it is just a smoking pile of ashes.

I want to be picked up by a hot girl in a hot car and driven off into the sunset.

How's that picture?

It says it all.

Anger and hope that's you all over.

You've been here five f*cking minutes, you don't make assumptions about me.

There's no f*cking hope.

Yeah, you're wrong.

No, I'm a realist.

And right now, my options range from shit-house to cluster-f*ck.

I'm gonna help you stop self-sabotaging, Franky.

I'm gonna help you get outta here.

Yeah, well, stick around.

Cause I'm gonna be living here in a coffin.

Liz, you alright?

I'm just waiting for the phones to open.

Hey, Mr. Jackson.

You went into my house and thr*aten Harry?

He tried to run me off the road.


He thought we were together.

I went around to his place after and he called the cops.

Why didn't you tell me this?


Did you go around there again?

Did you see him again?

I've got enough on my plate without you firing questions at me.

I don't answer to you. You got that?

You got that?


Hey. Are you OK?


What did the police want?

Oh, same old questions.

Who do they think did it?

Don't know.

Cindy Lou will finish you now.

You stay away from me, you understand?

Do you understand?!

We can't hear you!


And what about you?

You got that?

Cause we all know you're the real boss.

Is that a yes?

Alright, let her go.

Get off me!

You've got your money. Now f*ck off.

Pleasure doing business.

Let me know if you want **.

Clearly you enjoy an older woman.

Come on, come on.

Hey. Hey, Viv, come on, don't...



Oh, Jess, Jess. Love, can I... Can I push in?

Just... Just this once. It's really... It's really important.


Thank you.

But you owe me.

Yeah, yeah. I owe you.

Soph! Love, it's me, it's your mum.


Sorry, let... Soph, did... No, no, I told any...

Just calm down, calm... Tell me.. Tell me what's the matter.


Hey, Soph, you're gonna have to slow down, love.

Slow down.



Vera, do you got a sec?

Um... not really.

It's about Franky Doyle, the verbal abuse charge.

Yeah, what about it?

I was wondering if you'd reconsider.

Why would I do that?

Well, Franky is a smart woman, and I want to help her, but to do that, I need to give her hope for a potential future away from here.

Do you know plenty of people have tried to help Franky?

They have all failed.

The governor is expecting me.

She just needs the right mentor.

And self-belief can mean the difference between... success and failure.

I have to run it by the governor.


I would have though she'd allow you some autonomy.

Of course she does.

Right. You filed the charge, shouldn't it be your decision?

Leave it with me.

Best day ever?

Hey, Franky?

I've cleared your debt.


I just spoke to Cindy Lou and Tina.

It's all over.

I didn't ask you to do that. I never asked for your help.

Well, I don't want you going down, I didn't approve of.

This isn't about you!

I can look after myself, you got that?

I'm not one of your f*cking pet projects.

I was protecting you.

That's a laugh.

Bea Smith, the great protector.

Didn't work out for that daughter of yours, did it?

Or your husband.

Everyone you touch, ends up dead.

You're not a protector.

You're the Grim f*cking Reaper.

Bea, your door...

Shut the door, I don't want them to see me like this.

Come here. Come here.

Come here.

Oh, God, I don't even know why I'm f*cking crying.

I hated Harry.

After everything he did to me, I wanted him dead.

I wanted him dead.

But now I wish I could take it all back.

How f*cking weak is that?

It's not weak.

He was your last link to Debbie and your own life.


You're the strongest woman I've ever met.

What I am... is a woman with a shitload of blood in her hands.


What do you want now?

She's done you a favour, we both have, don't make us regret it.

Miss Bennettt has kindly agreed to withdraw the verbal abuse charge.

Miss Westfall thinks you have potential. I hope she's right.

Now, there are conditions.

First, that you attend regular counseling sessions, starting tomorrow.

And secondly, you apologize to Miss Bennettt.

Is this is for real? I can apply to my parole again?

If you behave.

I'm sorry, Miss Bennettt. I was out of line.

This is your last chance.

See you tomorrow at eleven o'clock.

Thanks, Gidge.


I prefer Gidge.


Why were they taking your DNA?

I told you to stay away from me.

If we keep being seen together, we will get back to the cops.

The found some DNA at the scene, is that why they're testing you?

Get your hands off me.

He was my husband, I've got the right to know.

Hey, why won't you tell me?

I didn't f*cking k*ll him, OK?

So why are you a suspect then?

Because I was there.

I was at the house the night he died.

I wanted to talk to him, to stop him from testifying against you.

You happy now?