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10x15 - The Eye in the Sky

Posted: 04/23/15 22:55
by bunniefuu
Everything okay in there, Bones?

You need any help?

Brennan: I'm urinating on a stick.

I think I can do that by myself.

Of course.

I don't think these things are very accurate.

You're sure these things are accurate?


Amazing you can be so calm.

You know, we might be having another kid!

Well, I like to wait until I have all the facts before I become either excited or disappointed.

Ah, that's just weird, you know.

I knew it wasn't just because of those peanut butter cookies that you love.

It could still be that, Booth.

Hey, do me a favor.

Shake the stick a little bit, maybe hurry it up.

It takes a couple minutes, Booth.

(exhales) Right.

Ah, I know exactly when this happened, huh?

It was the kitchen floor night after the bottle of Brunello.

If I am pregnant, it'll be quite difficult to determine when we conceived based on the amount of sex we've been having lately.

That's very true. Very true.

(both laugh)

(cell phone ringing)

All right.



Right. Okay. Got it.

So they found a body in an industrial shredder. Ugh, man.

Cam's gonna take the new intern, so you can just go right to the lab.

I can go if there are...

No, you cannot. It's too many chemicals. You're pregnant.

Booth, we have no factual evidence yet that I am pregnant.

You know, Christine-- she's gonna be a great big sister.

I'm gonna reserve comment until...

I know, until you have all the facts.

You know, back room-- gonna turn it into the new nursery.

(screams) What?!

Yes! What?!

A plus sign!

I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!

We're having a baby.

(Booth shouting) We're having a baby!

And I can keep eating cookies!

Yes, cookies! I'm so happy.

Very happy. (laughs)

You're pregnant. We're pregnant!

I got to tell people. Huh?

No, no, no.

This should be between us now.

I want to wait before we tell other people.

Of course, yeah, definitely. That's, that's really smart.

So, okay, just listen to me in there, all right?

We can't tell anyone.

We're going to our first crime scene, baby.

We're going to our first crime scene!

No, no, no, no, we're not going to the first crime-- I'm going.

Booth, come on...


Ah, you're gonna take it easy, Mom.

I'm not taking it easy.

Dr. Hodgins, I just...

(glass shatters)

No, no, no, no, no!

(alarm blares)

What just happened? Huh?

Oh, no, I just...

I exposed a cryogenic refrigerant.

I mean, the safety system is being a little dramatic; it's not that toxic.

Side note: I need a requisition form for another 20 Berzelius beakers.

Those are $150 apiece.

I assume this experiment's for the Jeffersonian?

I mean, since my work is my life, in essence, everything I do is for the Jeffersonian?

That would be a no.

I know you love to invent things, Dr. Hodgins, but you do not have permission to do that here.

Confine that aspect of your life to your home, please.

Is that clear?

Sure. Sure.

So you came to tell me something?

Ah, yes. We have to dig remains out of an industrial shredder.

Oh, good. I thought it was gonna be something bad.

(indistinct police radio chatter)

(camera clicking)

(siren whoops)

Based on the head of this beautifully formed femur and auricular surface of the ilium, the victim was a white male in his 30s.

Beautifully formed?

It is. Look at it.

Hodgins: There's no sign of blowfly larvae, beautiful or not, which means the victim died within the last 24 hours.

Booth: Hey, look at that!

Coffee all around. I got coffee.

Thank you, sir. Coffee, coffee?

Hey, nice, huh? Get some coffee.

I got some cream, some sugar.

There you go. Grab the top one. There you go.

Hey, guys, look, I got some coffee, huh?

Got some cream and sugar. Tell you what, your hands are full, so I'll tell you what, I'll put the coffee right over here by the nice black gloves.

Thanks, Booth.


How thoughtful.

And unexpected.

Well, it's a great day to celebrate.

You know, just a job well done by everyone.

You, you, great!

Look at you.

You all do such a good job.

And bug boy-- number one in my book.

Warren: Okay. Yeah, thanks.

Booth: Yeah.


Uh, do you even know what my name is?

Yeah, yeah. You do a great job there, Squinty.

I mean, I call everyone Squinty.

Squint your eyes like that.

Good job. You're doing great.

Okay, then. Hey.

Looks like a piece of the victim's cell phone.

Hopefully, it's enough for Angie to work with.

The yellow discoloration on the victim's lacerations indicate he died before he was shredded.

So the body was dumped.

Booth: Well, I tell you, the front lock was picked, so that rules out all the employees.

Look at bug boy go, huh?

He looks like he's flossing.

Yeah, well, there's teeth on these grinders, so it seemed appropriate.

The ones in the back are hardest to reach.

(laughing): You crack me up, bug boy. He's...

Okay, I got to say, I'm getting a little freaked out by all the compliments.

I found the victim's skull.

Oh, wow, look at that, huh?

That guy went through the blender.


Uh, most of the bony protrusions of the skull have been removed.

No chin, no cheeks, no brow.

Angela will have a hard time IDing him.

Think I found something that'll help Angie recreate the victim's face.

What's that?

The victim's face.

♪ Bones 10x15 ♪
The Eye in the Sky
Original Air Date on April 23, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪

"The Crystal Method"

♪ ♪

Okay, I filled in the missing facial markers with clay.

And I am almost finished with the victim's face.

Montenegro: Very cool. You just sewed up what the shredder ripped apart, Franken-style.

Can you hold the skull steady?

Mm-hmm, sure.

This is so Mission: Impossible.

Perfect fit.

He was k*lled less than a day ago, so he probably hasn't been reported missing yet.

Yeah, and the clay is just an approximation, so a match might be a long shot.

But I'll scan it and see if I can come up with something.

Looks like he worked with his hands.

Yes, and I see evidence of Schmorl's nodes on the victim's spine.

I'm gonna need help with...

Schmorl's nodes.

Warren: Uh, named for the German pathologist C.G. Schmorl, they are protrusions of cartilage compressed into the vertebrae.

Fairly common in the elderly.


Wonderful, Ms. Warren.

You are quite an exceptional intern.

Saroyan: Wow.

You and Booth are very cheery.

No more than usual.

For someone this young, the Schmorl's indicate that he spent a lot of time carrying heavy objects.

I found cardboard residue on the victim's clothes, from the inside of his shirt and under the arms, so it's not from recycled boxes in the shredder.

I'm getting a vibe.

Yes, Ms. Warren?

Yes? To my vibe?

Brennan: I'm feeling generous.

Think of it as theorizing.

That'd be a first.

Um, he might've worked for a moving company, based on the markers as well as the vibe.

That's quite possible.

Your good mood just keeps getting better.

Yeah, freaky.

In a good way.

Hey, Brennan, can I talk to you for a minute?

Of course.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, I... I just am having one of those days.

I feel like I need a hug.

I don't know what that means, but of course I'll embrace you.

Ow. Ow. I knew it.

You knew what?

Sore boobs. You're pregnant.


No, I'm not...

Don't start with the sweet tooth thing again.

Needing to exercise does not explain why everybody is saying that you are in such a good mood.

I'm always in a good mood.

It's funny that you actually believe that.

This is such great news!

Please, Angela, I don't want everyone to know, not yet.

All right, I'll stick with the sweet tooth thing.

But in the meantime...

Ow, ow, ow.

Oh, yeah. Boobs.

(computer chimes)

You found a match?

Yeah, uh... 12 matches.

I ran my reconstruction against online images-- it's the only thing I could do.

Can you perform a vocational search to see if any of them worked as a mover or delivery man?

Yeah, let me check it out.

Down to one.

Jeff Dover, worked as a mover at Oz Storage and Moving.

Excuse me.

Yeah, one second.

Darren, I need you on truck three.

The house is not gonna move itself.


What can I do you for?

Agent Aubrey. I'm with the FBI.

Jayne Barry. I'm the manager.

Who complained this time?

No one.

I need to ask you a few questions about one of your employees. A, uh, Jeff Dover.

Is he in some kind of trouble? Because he did not show up for work today.

Jeff was m*rder*d.

Oh, my God.

Now, can you think of any coworkers or clients who might have had it out for Jeff?

Not off the top of my...


Wait, what?

He got into a screaming match the other day with another mover, Dustin West.

It was during a job.

Clients complained, I had to reimburse them.

Can you tell me where Dustin West is right now?

Uh, yeah. He's moving a house in Treesdale.

I can give you the address.


There are multiple antemortem fractures of the pelvis, as well as oblique fractures of the femur.

So he was in a fight before he was k*lled.

Remodeling indicates it happened about two years ago, so these injuries aren't related to his death.

I heard you broke some more beakers, Curly.

More beakers?

You broke some just two weeks ago.

No, those were flasks.

Didn't you also break some vials?

Ah, yeah, but that was, like, three weeks ago.

You are aware that all of this comes out of your paycheck, right?

Uh, no, I was not aware.

Shake it off, Curly. There's a lesson here.

Yeah, you break it, you bought it.

Uh, no. My cooperative would encourage us to examine any mistakes for hidden wisdom.

You should totally invent an unbreakable beaker.

Saroyan: But they already have plastic beakers.

But glass is easier to sterilize.

(chuckles) Have some vision, Dr. Saroyan.

She's right. Plus, some solvents can dissolve plastics, and some plastics are gas-permeable.

An unbreakable glass beaker.

Oh, now, look, you've gone and made him all inspired.

Oh. Uh-oh.

I know that look.

Unbreakable beaker.

It's my fault.

Okay, well, then you can clean up the mess, sweetie.

So, there was enough of the motherboard left to hack into Dover's cell phone, and it was filled with poker apps.

Saroyan: I don't understand.

Lots of people like to play poker.

Yeah, but not this much.

He had accounts on multiple poker sites, and it seems like a lot of money changed hands.

So our victim was a gambler.

(glass shatters)

Dr. Hodgins?

Hodgins: Yeah.

Just trying a little something.

I'll clean it up.


So, Mr. West, the recycling center confirms you've been there multiple times.

It's, uh, pretty coincidental that Jeff Dover was dumped there.

Every mover in town knows that place.

We get asked to throw away old junk all the time.

But we have witnesses who saw you two fighting before he disappeared.

Sure, we had a big blowout. But I didn't k*ll him.

Blowout about what?


How'd you know?

Booth: You owed him money.

You guys play in the same game?

He owed me money, yeah, but we played in different games.

Mine were low-rent games with friends.

Jeff, he was in deep.

High-stakes underground games.

So you bankrolled him and you split the winnings.

That was the plan.

(sighs) I loaned him ten grand, but he couldn't pay me back and I needed the cash.

Aubrey: Who ran the game that he played in?

I don't know.

I don't want to get involved in that world, okay?

Booth: You're in it deep now, and if you don't cooperate, I'm gonna have to lock you up for obstructing a m*rder investigation.

Oh, man...

I don't know whose game it was.

Okay? But I did drop him off there every once in a while.

Corner of Beachwood and Allegheny.

Last night, by any chance?

Yeah. He sent me a text saying he'd won the big one.

Pot worth 28 grand.

Aubrey: So let me get this straight.

He tells you that he just won 28 grand, then he suddenly disappears and shows up dead without a penny.

That doesn't look good for you.

Dr. Hodgins has yet to find any evidence of money in the shredder.

That's because Dover was k*lled for his winnings.

Which means that all of the players in his underground game are suspects.

Yes, it sure is.

Very smart, Bones.

Did you ever play in games like that when you gambled?

Bones... (chuckles) I gambled on everything. Poker, ponies... I even bet on the expiration date of a package of cheese.

Maybe you... shouldn't be involved in this case.

Gambling clearly releases dopamine in your nucleus accumbens.

I'm gonna be fine.

Okay? My sponsor's just a phone call away.

All right?

I can handle this.

Aubrey said...

Please. Aubrey. Okay?

That's not his world. This is my world, okay?

I'm not going to let a m*rder*r go free because everyone is afraid I'm not strong enough, here.

I want to believe you...

Look. I gambled in the past because my life was a mess. It was a complete disaster. I mean, come on. Now I have you, I got Christine, I got Parker, I got... (whispering) ...little guy on the way.


Yes, guy. It's just a hunch. I'm not going to throw it all away over a poker game.

Come on, Bones.

Look who it is!


Booth! Here he is! Jason Samuels. How are you?

Man, you look good, huh? Listen, have a seat.

This is my wife, Temperance Brennan.

Temperance Brennan, the Jason Samuels. (laughs)

This is your wife?



For an ex-gambler, it looks like you, uh, won the lottery, Booth.

You bet.

Brennan: You were Booth's gambling facilitator?

It sounds so much better than "bookie."

Right, listen. I-I need your help.


Well, it's just that... I know what you do and you know what I do.

Look, I'm trying to catch a m*rder*r, here, all right?

I don't care about the gambling.

Your name's never gonna come up.

How can I help?

Look, I need to get into a poker game at Beachwood and Allegheny.

Are you going to play?


You sure about this, Booth?

Booth: Pros in a game like this, they know how to bluff.

They bluff for a living, right?

If I get in there, in that game, and learn their tells, and one of those guys is the k*ller... case closed, game over.

It's real simple.

Warren: I found a perimortem depression fracture on the victim's left temporal bone.

Brennan: The fracture pattern indicates that the blunt force trauma was caused by a cylindrical w*apon.

However, this did not k*ll the victim.

So I have to find something even more violent.


Hey. So I found this mixed in with the leftovers of the shredded remains.

Ooh! A coin. Oh, it's scratched up pretty good.

I can only make out part of a symbol.

Well, I know it's not U.S. currency.

It's not foreign currency, either.

Booth has one of these.

It's a sobriety token from Gamblers Anonymous.

Hodgins: Well, it looks like our victim fell off the wagon.

And into a shredder.


So, the injuries that Jeff Dover got two years ago were from a bad car accident.

Wife and kid both died in the crash.

Probably started gambling after he lost his family.

And he tried to stop.

But couldn't.


Which is exactly why you're not going to play in that game.

No, it's exactly why I am.

Okay? He was fighting to... to go straight and someone took advantage of him when he was at his weakest.

I'm going to make that right.

It is not that simple, Booth.

Look, Sweets was very clear in your file.

You gambled to cope with trauma and that is...

Look, Aubrey, it's been a long time since I've been in the Middle East.

I'm not talking about the Middle East.

You've been shot multiple times since then, you spent three months in prison, and your best friend died in your arms.

Isn't that enough trauma for you?

Aubrey, look, I already talked to Bones about this, okay?

She's fine with it.

I appreciate your concern, but this is gonna happen. Okay?


Oh, hey!

Jessica, check this out.

What is that, a thigh?

Nah. No, no, no. Well, yeah, no, that's a thigh.

I meant check this out.

Ooh, is this for the unbreakable beaker?


Whoa... Does, uh, Cam know you're inventing again?

She doesn't have to. I made it at home.

I set up a little lab in the garage.

Hey, there could be a finder's fee in this for you.

So it's a moldable rubber cast in a unique honeycomb structure.

Inspired by bees?

Yeah, exactly.

I used a high silicon-to-cornstarch ratio so that the rubber's extremely elastic.


If you cover a beaker with this, you can drop it on the ground without a scratch.

Uh, but you can't heat it.

That's kind of a big problem.


You could baby-proof your house with it, though.


Oh! My God. That's it.

What's it?

I could... I should be able to...

Oh, my God.

Yeah, that didn't clarify much.

Hey, guys. What's this?

Good luck, Curly.

Nothing. Just, you know, a little something I brought from home.

You keep dead men's thighs in your house?

Oh, this! Right.

The victim's left thigh.

No, this is the last piece of flesh that I found.

Um, I mean, this is the last piece of flesh that I found here.

Not at home.


Oh, that is so cool.

Awesome, right?

It's the victim's left forearm and I already found abrasions in this area, which I removed.

Defensive wounds?

Uh, possibly.

Hey, look at that. It's covered with some kind of oily substance.

That could be from the m*rder w*apon.

I'll trade you that thigh for this forearm, if you can tell me what he's coated in.

(scoffs) You got a deal.

Thank you.

So Aubrey walked out?

Look, he means well.

Everyone means well, okay?

I know that.

So he won't help?

You need backup, Booth.

Uh, it's gonna be fine, okay?

We talked.

I guess it's good that everyone's giving me so much flak.

I don't understand.

Gives me something to prove, right?

Don't forget how strong you are, Booth.

Look... I already talked to my sponsor. All right?

Minute I get any kind of information, I'm gonna text Aubrey and I'm gonna text you right away.


Be safe, Booth.

Hey, I'm gonna be fine.

Listen to me, all right?

I know the signs, I know the trigger points.

I know myself.

I know what it took for me to hit rock bottom.

You know what, I haven't held cards in my hands for a long, long time.

Because what we have here, this life... it's better than any hand that I could ever be dealt.

And look, look... if I can't deal, if I have a problem, what am I gonna do?

I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna walk away.

That's how strong I am.

Now look at me. I promise.


♪ Took me for granted ♪
♪ But call it love if you will ♪
♪ I'm aware of this ♪
♪ I did let you in ♪
♪ Sink for you to swim ♪
♪ Dancing on the ledge ♪
♪ Tried to make you stay ♪
♪ You won't let me in ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even harder forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even harder forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend ♪
♪ Shadows will be found ♪
♪ I will hunt them down ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Hard time forgiving ♪
♪ Even harder forgetting ♪
♪ Before you do something ♪
♪ You might regret, friend. ♪

Gotta tell you, in all honesty, these are the worst cards I've seen all night.

(scoffs): Said that three times already and you won every hand.

Oh, I'll keep that in mind.

You know what?

Now look at that. $800 to call.

Yeah, that's right, we put an eye in the sky after we had some pretty crazy hands go down. So, you know, play nice.

Thanks, Daddy, I will.

ATM? $800 to call.

ATM. $800 to call.

Look, I understand if you're scared.

All you have to say is, "I fold, because I am scared."

How about you, Mustache Man? You want to dance?

D'oh. Fold.


No, thanks.

And the name's Gold Digger.

Gold Digger. I'll remember that.

Okay. Fold, fold, fold.

Beanie Man. How about you? Huh?

Oh! Look at that!

Looks like I take another monster hand.

Had to protect that monster, monster hand.

Try that bluff again, tough guy. I dare you.

(chuckling): Okay, I will.

I'll try it next time, thanks, pal.

You know, I know who you are, newbie.

You know who I am?


You're that guy at the table that's yap, yap, yapping his face off trying to get a read on all of us.

Amateur move, pal.

"Amateur move," yeah, well, I know who you are, too, pal.

Being a table bully so I, uh, bet more aggressive.

Now, that is an amateur move, pal.

Man: Ah, don't worry, newbie, we call him ATM 'cause he pays out so much.

That's funny every time I hear it, Mid-Life.


As in midlife crisis.

Mid-Life got a divorce, bought a Corvette and started dating a stripper.

And they're all jealous. Jealous.

The guy you called Mustache, that is Johnny LaQuatra.

Gold Digger over here, she got herself a sweet settlement from her billionaire old man, so she just can't wait to lose it all.

Gold Digger's a good name for all you jackasses.

(all chuckle)

Tell you what, they call me Freddy K., but, hey, "Newbie"? That is just fine.

All right, look, I got to go hit the head.

Where's that located?

Down there.

Down there, thanks.

(cell phone rings)


It's me; game has an eye in the sky.

You mean, like those ceiling cameras in the casinos?

Yeah, they got three cameras in the ceilings recording all the action, just in case there's an argument.

You want to get footage of the game the night the victim was m*rder*d.

Exactly. Can you do it?

I can hack into the server's IP address, but I'll need to pair it with your phone.

Right, okay, so what do you need me to do exactly?

You need to get your phone within a few feet of their security system.

That's no problem, just give me an hour.


Let's bump it to three hundo.

Fold. Fold.

Mid-Life folds.

Fold. Action to Freddy K.

We raise.

Here's your three, three on top.

Enough with these kiddie bets.

(clears throat)

Let's make it three grand to stay.

Wait, that's a string bet.

What? That's illegal.

You bet your money in two moves before you announced your bet.

The hell I did.

You calling or not?

Calling? Wait a second, technically, you just called.

You can't raise on a string bet.

N-N-No, I did not make a string bet.

Host:Okay, guys, guys.

Ah, you made a string bet, y-y-yeah.

Host: Okay, guys, guys, guys, settle down.

I'm sorry, I missed the action.

Dealer, did you see a string bet?

Sorry, no.

Anybody else see it?

Okay, nobody saw a string bet, Freddy.

Well, it was a string bet.

Okay, well, no one saw it.

Look, y-you just, you want to chop the pot?

No, we're not gonna chop the pot, not with this hand.

I want to play out.

I want to play this hand.

I'll tell you what, let's check the tape.

How the hell did this guy get in the game?

I walked through the front door.

Pipe down, okay?

The guy's got a right to see.

Yeah, let's go check the tape.

All right, come on.

Yeah, let's go check the tape.

Oh, sure, sounds good to me.

Host: So we'll go through all this footage to get to it.

Uh, r-right there.

I come out with a $300 bet.

Fold. Fold, fold.

He raises.


Okay, right there, Th-there.

Now I'm debating his raise.

And you're about to make a string bet.

I did not make a string bet.

Yeah, you did, you made...

Uh, play the hand again, huh?

Play it again.

Why? We can see everything just fine.

Just go back, just play it again.

Ooh, r-right there, right there.

That's a legal bet!

One forward motion.

Bite me, Freddy!

You're right, I'm sorry.

I-I made a mistake.

You know what, take down the pot.


I'm really sorry.

Tool bag.

Sorry about that.


Ooh, okay, we're in.

It looks like all three feeds are active.

And this is live?

Yeah. Look, you can see Booth sitting back down at the table now.

And it looks like he's winning.

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

Him just being there is bad, so let's try to wrap this one up as quick as possible.

Well, this system records a trailing window of 72 hours.

So you should be able to get the footage of the game the night Jeff Dover was m*rder*d.

Yeah, I'm already downloading it.

Do you have the swab results from the victim's forearm yet?

I am pulling them up now.

What's this?

It's a rubber honeycomb polymer I made at home on my own time, I didn't work on at all here at the Jeffersonian, and it has not interfered with this case at all.


Now, what have you got?

Right, so the victim's arm contained a composition of lauric, myristic, palmitic, capric, stearic...

Impressive details, but I've got stuff to do, Dr. Hodgins.

Yes, so it's the fatty acid composition of a palm oil often used in cooking.

Everything from salad dressing to baked goods.

Hey, Bones.

What are you doing up so late?

Couldn't sleep.

Ah, it was a crazy night.

Sorry. It's so good to see you.

I didn't think you'd be home so late.

I know, me neither, but I made a lot of progress on the case.


This looks like a lot more than the $5,000 you started with.

12. Played for a while.

I wasn't aware that winning big was a necessary part of your cover.

Bones, I got to look like I belong.

Everyone there's about winning, you know? So...

And you checked in with your sponsor?

That's between me and him.

So you haven't.

You said that you would.

Okay, I talked to him on the way back here.

Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?

I'm just wondering if it was necessary for you to play this late.

If it wasn't necessary, I wouldn't have done it.

You know what? I don't like this conversation.

I was reading one of Sweets' books...


Uh, let's stop with that one, okay?

In it, it-it says that any big emotional change, even good, can trigger a relapse with an addict.

Relapse, okay, so now you think I'm gonna become a gambler again because we're having a child?

That's how much faith you have in me?

No. No, Booth, that's how much I love you.

Look, it's late, okay?

Let's just go to bed.

It's 4:00 a.m., you have to sleep for two.

Oh, Ms. Warren.

I thought I'd be the first one in this morning.

Oh, you are-- I didn't leave last night.

I just had a vibe there'd be something hidden in all this shredding.

Was your vibe at least right?


I found grooved perimortem abrasions to the victim's right scapula and humerus.

They don't match the teeth of the shredder.

So he was stabbed?

Sliced, it seems.

So the victim was bashed in the head, had his ribs stomped on, and now this.

The injuries are deep, so Curly might be able to dig out some particulates that could ID the w*apon that cut him.

So Angela downloaded the footage from the game's security system.

This is the big hand Jeff Dover won the night he was m*rder*d.

Ooh, 28 grand, that has got to feel good.

Yeah, till he was beaten to death for it.

But at least we know who all was there that night.

Except for the guy with the beard, everyone else I play with.

Played with, okay?

There is no reason for you to go back there.

We got everyone's name, we're checking them out.

So just, you know, give it some time, Booth.


All right, look, I know that this is difficult, okay?

You think the feelings are gone, but they come back.

What, are you my sponsor now?

No, I'm just some guy who'd take a b*llet for you in the field.

The same way you'd take one for me.

And I know there's no talking with your wife about this, because she'd get too worried.

Look, she's already worried.

Right? You know, I get the feeling.

I know that feeling, that draw.

But I'm good now, right? Why?

Because I'm strong, that's why, okay?

Okay, but I know what it's like.

For my father, it was the stock market.

He couldn't stop, even after he lost everything.

That's when he started the Ponzi scheme.

He had to win.

And I always thought me and my mom should have been enough for him, you know?

It was never you, all right?

It's never the fault of the people that are close to you.

It was him.

It's me.

Well, if you ever can't get ahold of your sponsor...

Thanks, Aubrey, I appreciate that.

Right, I got some background checks to run and a turkey club to eat.


Saroyan: Is this case- or beaker-related?

Case, but the elastomer that I copolymerized to undergo much more elastic deformation...

I've actually been up all night, so if you can focus before I keel over?

Thank you, I thought I was gonna have to move this along.

Right, whatever stabbed Dover was loaded with goodies.

Now, I found Tiliacora triandra, leaves used in kaeng nor Mai som.

Thai food.

Yeah, wow, very good.

Well, we had a Thai family in the cooperative.

Ooh, Thai coffee would be good about now.

Since I also found traces of fish sauce and coconut milk, as well as the palm oil, I decided to check out Thai restaurants in the area.

Warren: Chan Yim Thai.

Saroyan: That's only a couple blocks away from the game.

That might be where Jeff Dover was m*rder*d.

And the metal that was left in the wound, it wasn't from a knife, it was aluminum from a trash can.

I mean, there was probably one in the alley that was filled with the restaurant's refuse.

So the can was torn, and when he went down, the metal sliced into him.

We should get out into that alley and see if we can find anything else.

Uh... shouldn't the FBI techs just sweep the place?

Nah, no time-- this way we avoid the middleman, right? Come on.

Hodgins, Cam and Ms. Warren are at the alley now.

They found blood near a pierced garbage can.

So that's the m*rder site?

Well, we'll know more when Cam tests the blood.

What is that?

Uh, prenatal vitamin.

Right, right, now that you're, uh, you know.

Gestating. Gestating.

"Gestating," you really are a poet.

Any... oh, anyway, look.

I remember the cravings, so just let me know if I should pick anything up for you, right?

Spaghetti, ice cream, pickles, the hummus.

That all sounds good, actually.

What did Aubrey find out about the players in the game?

Well, one guy we didn't see before, but he's got an ironclad alibi.

The others are, you know, nothing special.

They're just guys who like to play cards.

That's all, all right?

One coaches a high school baseball team.

Another one builds houses for Habitat for Humanity on weekends.

Do any of them have, uh, money trouble?

No, Aubrey's trying to find out, but we can't get a warrant because we have no cause, and they're just gonna say that we're fishing.

Well, you would be.

Well, it's a frustrating thing right now.

The composition of the metal I found in the wound matches the can.

And the blood type's a match for the victim.

I can run DNA back at the lab.

You know, I thought that the splinters in this tissue were bone but they're too porous.

Yeah, no, that seems like wood.


This tissue is muscle and cartilage from his esophagus and throat.

It's fibromuscular tubing.

So, after a drawn-out fight, the k*ller jammed something wood in the victim's neck and then ripped out pieces of his throat?

Gruesome, but we found cause of death.

Now we have to look at all the wood back here to see if we can find the piece he used to k*ll Dover.

You don't have to go back to the game, Booth.

Cam and the others found evidence at the scene.

But we got no answers.

Yet, but we will.

What if the k*ller finds out that we got a team, you know, like, poking around the m*rder scene, right?

Just give us some time, Booth.

If the guy takes off, we might not ever find him, ask Aubrey.


Yeah, but what are you gonna do?

Go in there and ask the k*ller to raise his hand?

Guys, I know these guys, okay?

I've been playing with them-- I know their tells, all right? I'll just bring up the m*rder.


Yeah, they're not gonna cop to it, okay?

But I'll know exactly who's withholding.

Then you can focus on the guy.

We get the evidence you need.

And I make the arrest.

Okay, but as soon as you make the guy, you're out of there, right?


Yeah, you just hesitated a little bit there, Booth.

What would make you stay?

Nothing, okay?

I get the guy and I'm out.

And if we find enough evidence for an arrest first, we'll text you, maybe you don't even have to start playing at all!

Right. Okay!

Wish me luck, all right?

I got this.

High-card for the button.

Blinds, please.

25, 50.

Brennan: If the victim's throat was torn out, we should see evidence of that on the hyoid and the clavicle.



Seems like everyone's financials are all over the place.

Not strange for a bunch of gamblers.

I thought we couldn't get a warrant for their financials.

Well, we couldn't, but lucky for us, the Internet doesn't require one.

You just have to know where to look.

I'm for whatever will get Booth out of there faster.

♪ ♪

I don't know if word got down to you guys yet, but Booth is winning big.

Has he mentioned the m*rder yet?

I don't think so.

He's been there long enough, hasn't he?

Booth knows what he's doing, Ms. Warren.

Here are some more particulates we found on the hyoid, Dr. Hodgins.

More wood splinters.

All right, I'm running them through the mass spec now.

So far I've found nitrocellulose and butyl acetate, which is making it tough to determine what type of wood.

Maybe these will help.

I-I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry.

Like the wind, Dr. B.

Nate Crowe, the player also known as Mid-Life, had big-time financial troubles this year.

His account was drained several times.

But for the past month, he's been totally broke.

Booth said that he recently went through a divorce.

Turns out his house was about to be foreclosed on, but then it was reversed after a large deposit this morning.

Nate Crowe k*lled Jeff Dover for his poker winnings so he wouldn't lose his house.


But... we still need evidence.

Action to Mid-Life.

Let's bump it up to four.

I'm out.

Ah, what the hell?



Action to Mid-Life.

Let's make it two grand.


Two grand, huh?

You could always fold for free.

Wow, there's a lot of action going on here tonight.

Kind of like the other night when Jeff Dover played.

You guys hear what happened to him?

No, I just figured he took a little break after that monster pot he won earlier this week.

Rumor has it, he was m*rder*d.

Get out of here. For real?


For real. He was k*lled, uh, in the back alley right around the corner there behind the Thai restaurant.

Bet you cleaned him out more than once, huh, Mid-Life?

(laughs) You know I did.

(laughs): Yeah.

So, if he really is gone, I guess it's your turn, Newbie.

You gonna call?

"Maple wood"! Oh, my God!

What? "Pine tar and maple wood."

Was he m*rder*d with a piece of furniture?

No. It's a baseball bat.

I'll call.


No more chasers.


(men gasping)

Hodgins: Okay, that's it.

So, he's holding an Eastern Slammer.

They're made out of maple wood. Look at the pine tar.

The blunt force trauma to the temporal bone was caused by the bat.

Yeah, which splintered.

And that's what he used to s*ab Dover in the throat.

Yeah, so he could keep his house.

I should be able to grab some epithelial cells from the pine tar.

That's the proof we need!

Six. My favorite number.

I'll call.

I'm out.

(cell phone buzzes)

Mid-Life, you're...

I don't understand.

He just read your text.

Well, he might have too good a hand-- it looks like there's 20 grand in the pot so far.

So what?

He's there to catch a m*rder*r.

He's an addict.

I'm all in.

What are you waiting for, Newbie?

You scared?

Nate Crowe?

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Jeff Dover.


Let's go.

Wait! Wait!

What now?

Come on, up.


♪ I know you try so hard ♪
♪ To let me in ♪
♪ But I can't tempt you anymore ♪
♪ With reassurance ♪
♪ Well, I felt daylight disappear ♪
♪ With each expl*si*n in my ear ♪
♪ This heart of mine might break and tear ♪
♪ But, honey, you're not going anywhere... ♪


Oh, yup! She's here.

Oh, no, did I miss the unveiling?

No, he-he wouldn't have started without you.

Please! I wouldn't have done this without you.

Ready? Voila!

And now, a toast.

To great ideas.






Nice, Curly!

Right? Look at this.

No more broken beakers.

No more broken glass.

No more broken anything.

The applications are endless.


You can wrap objects to protect them or make flooring out of it.

You are gonna make the Jeffersonian a mint.

Oh, no. No, no. Not the Jeffersonian.

Uh-uh. Cam made it very clear the Jeffersonian wants nothing to do with my little side projects.


Uh, so this is, this is yours?

This is ours.


Oh! Oh, sorry!

I missed the mat.


♪ Let me take you anywhere... ♪

Booth: Case is closed, so I am back to my real job here.

Making pancakes for you.

Ah, thank you!

Here is your broccoli.

Thank you.

Oh, could I get a little bit of ketchup, please?

Right, ketchup, 'cause, you know, everybody, uh, eats ketchup on their pancakes, right?

This... is wonderful, Booth.

So, you sure we shouldn't tell Christine about the baby?

I think we should wait.



Sure. Right. Oh, but she is smart, though, you know?

She's gonna see that your body is gonna changing.

She's gonna figure that out.

When she does, we can tell her she's going to be a big sister.

Christine: I'm going to be a big sister?

Am I?

You know what? You're gonna be the best big sister.


Well, I don't know about that.

A good big sister wouldn't be up at 11:00 at night.

(phone ringing)

Would she?

Oh, it's my sponsor.

I got to take this.

Listen, you get some sleep, okay?

Huh? With those bunny slippers of yours.

Let me get the big sister some warm milk so she can sleep.

Hey. Yeah.

Thanks so much for getting back to me.

I appreciate it.

Oh, the case was great.

Yeah, it worked out fine.

But, uh, that's not why I'm calling, Jason.

Listen, I need to put $200 on the Cardinals.

What's that mean?