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01x10 - A Convenient Place to Die

Posted: 04/10/15 06:20
by bunniefuu
Katya: Previously on Allegiance...

Somehow we need to alert the task force that the operative in charge of Black Dagger is on his way here.

We plant a letter for the task force to find.

[dramatic music]


It wasn't there, the file. I opened the JPEG. It was empty.

If it's gone, that's because someone went in and erased it.

We did an operation recently overseas.

There was a particular officer for a period of time who was unaccounted for.

So it's the boy genius you took under your wing.

Alex O'Connor.

Anything you move, put back exactly as it was.

He notices everything.

♪ ♪

I've been lying to you.

We need to talk.


Oh, my God, Michelle. Mich... Michelle.

You are being framed for her m*rder... that's what is going on.

And you need to listen to me very carefully about what happens next.

♪ ♪

Katya: You're still awake.

[sighs] So are you.

You should've tried to sleep.


At least for a few hours.

Mark: I tried, but my mind won't shut off, you know.

I'll put on some tea.


Things have been moving so fast.

I can't remember the last time I had a moment to stop.

I tried to lie down, but all I could do was think about the last 20 years, about the life that we made.

It all just seems so far away, like some... dream we sold ourselves, and now we are awake.

Well, maybe it was a fantasy, but we were happy.

We were selfish.

We brought Sarah into a world where she will never be safe.

Alex, we turned Alex into a criminal.

Natalie... at least Natalie had the sense to leave.

Do you know the first thought that came into my head when Victor showed up at our door?

"What took so long?"

I knew the SVR would come back someday.

[computer beeps]

Oh, my God.

We got him.

[suspenseful music]

Katya: Mark.

I know who it is.

I know him.

♪ ♪

[cell phone ringing]


I sent you an email. Check it.

[cell phone beeps]

Is that the man that you saw in Rome?


Do you know the name Oscar Christoph?

We studied him at the Kent School.

Operative for hire, assassin.

Made his name during the '81 coup in Bangladesh.

Suspected of being involved in at least 70 acts of political v*olence and terrorism before his death in Myanmar in 1994.

He was one of the most wanted men in the world.

That's him.


He's dead.

He's not.

[cell phone vibrating]

I got to call you back.


man over the phone: Alex, this is Special Agent Faber.

Listen carefully.

You've been set up for m*rder.

Go to the window.

If you allow them to arrest you, you'll end up in a 7x10 foot prison cell at ADX supermax in Florence, Colorado.

You will spend 23 hours a day there every day for the rest of your life.

Alex: Why are you telling me this?

Faber: Because I think I know who the mole is in the task force.

What do I do?

Faber: Run.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Mark: We got something.

Whoever k*lled Michelle dialed 911 across from her apartment on 156th street.

Natalie came through.

She hacked into Telecom's database.

We need to find surveillance cameras on this corner.

Not "we," you can't go anywhere near that crime scene, Alex.

You have to go about your daily routines and just act normal, okay?

I'm trying.

Sam, he... he knows something's wrong, that I lied, I can feel it.

Alex, until we know who this mole is, you have to try to stay strong and...

Hope I'm not arrested.


Listen, why don't you go back to the hotel and try to get some sleep, okay?

Faber: A quantum implant?

How the hell did you get it on the computer?

You went into his hotel room?

All above board, sanctioned by headquarters and DOJ.

Why go around me on this?

I didn't.

Alex's laptop is CIA property.

Langley wanted to keep it inside until there was proof of wrongdoing.

So you found something?

Alex illegally accessed FinCEN using FBI credentials.

Michelle Prado's credentials.

Anything else?


What if the evidence you found on his computer was planted?

Why would you think that?

Because it's the only thing you found.

If Alex was the leak, there'd be more.

There's always more.

He broke the law, Jason.

I suspect she discovered the deceit, she confronted him, and he k*lled her.

You know better than to act on suspicion alone.

This isn't suspicion. This is evidence of a crime.

It's FBI's territory. That's why I'm telling you.

But not evidence that Alex O'Connor is the mole.

You really think he's capable of pulling off deception at that level?

Of k*lling Michelle?

That's what I plan on asking him.

We're bringing him in tonight.

Not like you, rushing.

Why not leave him in play a little longer?

Because there is no more time.

Black Dagger could happen at any minute, and I think Alex O'Connor knows more about it than we do.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Natalie: Wow.

It's... wow.

So much light.

It's too much light.

We need blinds.

This is amazing.

I've never lived near a lake before.

So many trees.

So many places to hide.

Natalie: You're thinking about sight lines, aren't you?

I'm thinking about security.

We need multiple layers.

Motion detectors, infrared cameras, proximity alarms.

It would be wise to stash a w*apon out there somewhere.

[chuckles] You're serious?

When the Rezident discovers I'm missing, he's going to come after us.

I want to enjoy it.

I want to cook breakfast for you.

I want to walk around naked and watch movies.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

We covered our tracks well.

Nobody knows who or where we are.

We're okay.

If we can't let go of fear, they win.

If they find us and k*ll us, we lose.

[indistinct radio chatter]

Recently, I obtained authorization to put a surveillance device on Alex O'Connor's laptop.

Information gathered from that action reveals that Alex illegally accessed classified files from Special Agent Prado up until the night she disappeared.

We're bringing him in.

I know many of you were close with Michelle, so if any of you feel you cannot put aside personal feelings to execute this raid, I understand.

For everybody else, let's nail him to a cross.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Faber on the phone: I can help you.

What do I do?

Faber: Run.

♪ ♪

[electronic beeping]

They're in the elevator.

They're also coming up the south staircase.

There's an unmarked maintenance stairwell just past the ice machine.


[elevator bell dings]

It's this way.

Yes, sir.

Around the corner.

♪ ♪

It's warm. He's still in the building.

Faber on the phone: Faster, you were almost caught.

Alex: Are you watching me?

Faber: I'm looking at blueprints, Alex.

The stairwell will bring you to the receptionist's desk.

No receptionist on duty.

Behind the desk are monitors, security feeds.

Use them as your eyes.

There's a door across the lobby you need to get to.

You just need to get past the agents posted there.

How many agents?

Two, maybe three tops.

Alex: What? That's... that's crazy.

Faber: That's the only shot you have.


♪ ♪

We'll sweep the ballroom.

Copy that. I'll stay on the exit.

♪ ♪

They're covering all the exits.

Faber: Not all of them.

I took care of that for you.

Just get to the door at the far end of the lobby and go out to the loading dock.

♪ ♪

Four, five, six, seven, eight.

Eight forward, seven back.

Eight forward, seven.

Eight forward, seven back.

Eight forward, seven, five.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[elevator bell dings]

♪ ♪

Damn it.



Loading dock.

Faber: There's a walkway across the street.

Move quickly.

♪ ♪

Keep walking, Alex.

Agent Faber, what's going on?

It's Sam.

He's the mole.

We're safe here for a few hours.

My brother-in-law bought it in foreclosure.

He's turning it into luxury condos.

Brooklyn, right?

Come inside. It's a little warmer.


Are you sure about Sam?

You're never sure.

But I've known the man 23 years.

His behavior is... off.


Started when you came back from Rome.

He reached out to ask for my advice as a friend.

He implied you were dirty, but he was vague.

I think he was planting suspicion, softening me up, so I'd accept the narrative about you he was creating.

Negative one.

Michelle disappears, and Sam goes behind my back for a warrant to access your computer.


To plant evidence to lead the task force to conclude that you're the mole.

He was covering his tracks, Alex.

Alex, I need you to be completely honest with me about Michelle.

I-I didn't hurt her.

I-I never would.

I know you wouldn't.

I don't see it in you.


Here. Have a seat.

But you did use her login codes to access an FBI database.



Sam wouldn't m*rder a federal agent for no reason.

It's enormous exposure.

Had to be reason enough to justify the risk.

Here's my theory.

Whatever Michelle knew came from you, right?

You uncovered something, and it was big.

For some reason, you couldn't come directly into the task force with it, so you confided in Michelle.

You trusted her.

But the information made her nervous, uneasy.

So she turned to the one person inside the task force she could trust, Sam.

And it got her k*lled.

I'm sorry, Alex.

Oscar Christoph.

The man who helped mastermind the Beirut barracks bombing in '83?

And took down the President of Pakistan's jet in '88.


Christoph is dead, Alex.

Died in an helicopter crash in Myanmar, what, 20 years ago.

This was taken two days ago.

Christoph's in New York.

He's the operative who's going to carry out Black Dagger.

That's what I told Michelle.

I told her about Christoph.

Why couldn't you walk it in?

'Cause there's a mole inside the task force and I didn't have that picture, solid evidence yet.

And you're protecting a source, hmm?

Send me the picture.

I'll put it through Homeland Security.

Oh, boy.

[cell phone swishes]

Ray. Jason Faber.

[laughs] Are you sitting down?

You really think we can make up for all the things that we've done?

Yes, I do.

We're going to clear Alex.

We're going to get out with Sarah. We're going to run.

We tried that once. We didn't get very far.

We know so much more right now.

Where would we even go?

[sighs] Ilha Grande.

The summer we spent there with Sarah, she was happy.

We were happy.

We go somewhere we've been before, they track us in a second.

Katya, please, don't give up.

Not now.


Now let's ID the bastard who framed our son.

Hard drive should be under the front desk.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[siren approaching]

DHS has the picture.

20 minutes, it'll be on the wall of every law-enforcement office in the country.

That's not how it works.

First the DHS secretary has to sign...

The point is, Alex, it's out there.

Christoph will soon be the most wanted man in America.

I need to know how you came upon this information.

Give me a name.

I gave you a picture of Oscar Christoph in New York City. That's...

That's not enough?


No, it's not.

You're going to have to explain yourself to the directors of the FBI, the CIA...

So I will.

No. You're not understanding, Alex, your name is mud.

Sam made sure of that.

He'll discredit the picture and every bit of intelligence coming from you as disinformation.

I need it sourced and corroborated, or we lose precious time.

Whoever helped you, Alex, I can recommend they be granted asylum.

You don't have that authority.

I have influence.

You got to open up to me, Alex.

I acted alone.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

There's no one out there.

Then why do I feel so many eyes on me?

The raccoons won't k*ll you, babe.

Come to bed.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

I understand why you're worried.

They may come for us.

If they do, I want to die happy, rather than living every day believing there's no escape.

I'm done being afraid.

I love you, Natalie.

Now come to bed.

You know the irony?

Surrounded by all this calm...

I miss the madness.

♪ ♪

Come on, Alex, come on. You got to level with me.

How'd you get onto Christoph?

Who fed you Intel?

How I developed the lead on Christoph is... is not as important as stopping him.

And I acted alone.

Faber: You couldn't have.

You're protecting someone, maybe for good reason, but you're facing treason.

You're being set up for m*rder, and I'm putting my ass and career on the line to help you.

Because you know I'm not the mole.

If I can't prove it, I'm screwed.

And if Black Dagger happens while a bunch of desk jockeys are busy arguing about your credibility, we're all screwed.

I appreciate your help, Agent Faber.

I really do, but I...

I can't tell you anything more.

Stopping the attack was my sole focus, and we've done that by alerting the DHS.

As soon as the SVR realizes that American intelligence has made Christoph, they'll call Black Dagger off.


That's all I ever wanted.

I'd like to turn myself in to the NYPD.

They'll hold me for a day, keep me away from the task force.

To buy time for your source to get out of the country.



We'll do it your way.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪
You didn't call anyone at Homeland Security, did you?

You helped me escape from the hotel to get me away from the FBI.

You brought me here to find out who else knows about Christoph, not to stop Black Dagger, but to make sure it happens.

♪ ♪

You're the mole.

You k*lled Michelle.

♪ ♪

It's a cold world, Alex.

♪ ♪


[Taser zapping]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

So, what have you found?

Several encrypted money transfers from Victor's account into a bank in Finland.

Years ago.

He's been planning this.

What's the closest rezidentura to Newfoundland?


Make the call. Find Victor.



How did I not see it?

Don't feel bad, Alex.

I've been doing this for 30 years.

Why betray your own country?

"Betray" is a strong word.

Our country betrays each of us every day, Alex.

D.C. is a cesspool of greedy vampires who Borg with Wall Street to feed off the people.

The State isn't your friend, Alex.

The State turns cops into tax agents who'd choke a man to death on the streets of New York for trying to skirt cigarette levies.

The State is organized v*olence and force, nothing more.

What exactly have I betrayed?

The American people.

Wow. A true believer.

I didn't think your kind still existed.

You're lying to yourself.

Your betrayal has nothing to do with higher value.

What's it got to do with?

It's about greed.

It's about money.

You k*lled Michelle for money.


I spy for money.

I k*lled Michelle because you told her things she had no business knowing.

I didn't want to k*ll her. You forced me to.

You k*lled Michelle.

Now, here's my problem.

The reason I can't put a b*llet in your head is because you scrubbed her apartment, and disposed of the body, and that means at least one other person out there knows exactly what you know, and that's a threat to me and my employer.

And that means we need to have... a different sort of conversation.

Alex, who helped you clean the apartment?


That's level one of pain.

Timur here can take you all the way to ten.

But no, wait I think you'd be dead by ten, right?

Usually eight.

[cell phone vibrating]




Oh, now?


All right, well, let me... let me throw some clothes on, unless you want to see me in my Jockeys.


All right, yeah. I'll be there, I'll be there.

Okay, yeah. Bye.

Sam just bought you some time.

Hit him with the full dose.

Unfortunately, no matter what, this ends badly for you, Alex.

But... the way to the end is what matters.



It can hurt a lot.

Or not at all.

It's up to you.


Katya: There's still no answer.

This isn't like Alex. Why hasn't he called back?

What if they've arrested him?

Mark: Even if they have, we finally got our hands on something that could clear his name.

The exact moment the 911 call was placed.

That's him. That's the guy that made the 911 call.

That's the guy that m*rder*d Michelle.

We have to find him.

[doorbell ringing]

Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor?

both: Yes.

Special Agent William Brock, with the FBI.

This is Sam Luttrell, he's a civilian working with us.

Sorry to drop by unannounced at this hour.

Do you work with Alex?

That's right.

Did something happen to him?

It's best if we talk inside, ma'am.

Mrs. O'Connor, is it okay if we come in?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Have you spoken to Alex today?

Earlier. My wife did.

He jumped off the phone, and hasn't called back.

Where is Alex? Is he okay?

We don't know where he is. That's why we're here.

Does Alex have any friends nearby, a girlfriend?

No. He just moved from DC. We're all he has.

You're lying.

You're here because he's dead.

He's dead. Isn't he?

In times like these our minds go to the darkest places.

No reason to believe the worst.

Excuse me. I need a minute.

What the hell are you doing?

That man k*lled our son, and I'm going to put a b*llet in his head.

No. Try to stay calm.

You want me to be calmed?

We don't even know if Alex is dead.

You want me to be calm with that man in our house?

I want you to act... calm.

If he's alive, we still have a chance to save him.


We track Faber.

We'd track an FBI agent who is an SVR mole.

He'd make our tail in a second.

Look, I took this out of his jacket.

I go upstairs, and put a tracker in it.

I come back downstairs, and we do all their questions.

We're as helpful as possible.

This is our only chance.


Put the g*n away, Katya.

[suspenseful music]

We will make him pay for what he's done.

Just not yet.

[sighs] I need you to help me.

I need you to help me get through this.

I'm here. I'm here.

I'm here.

♪ ♪

[door opens, closes]


I apologize.

It's a lot to process.

Your only son is missing. We understand.

He speaks so highly of everyone he works with.

He won't tell us much, but... he learned more in two months with you than he did in two years of training.

That makes me worried about what they're teaching those kids, then.


Mrs. O'Connor...

Alex trusts us.

Can you help us find him?

I don't know where he is.

That's the truth.

Well, if he does call, and I'm sure he will, have him call us.

Call me.

I'll do everything I can to get him home safe, I promise you.

So you believe that he's alive, then?

Yes, I do.

We could only imagine how difficult this is for you.

We appreciate that.

So tell us, how could we help you find our son?

They don't know where he is.


The mother's fear was genuine, pupils dilated, carotid going a mile a minute.

They're in the dark too.

I told you he's the best.

If only you weren't so aware of it.

Sam: Are you heading back to the office?

I'm going to go grab a shower. Then I'll be in.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You are going to lose the battle, in here.

I want to make this easier for you.

Pain is my business.

I know it like a mother knows her child.

I nurture pain. I help it grow.

These hands, they have turned stronger men into squealing pigs who would turn in their own children.

Save yourself the pain.

Just tell the man what he wants to know.

Your family will be spared, and your death will be quick.

[tense music]

Alex, stay quiet.


[keys clinking]

How... How did you get...

It doesn't matter.

There are two men outside.

Can you walk?

You're not really here.

[voice breaking] I'm alone in here.

Yes, baby, you are all alone.


[soft piano music]

[vehicle approaching]

Mark: Those handcuffs aren't coming off.

Katya: We can't help you.

We put you here, and we can't get you out.

It's not your fault.

You and Dad did all you could to get out.

You need to get them to remove the cuffs.

They will never do that.

They will, if they believe that you're dying.

[door opening]

Who's that you're talking to, Alex?


Is that your parents?

Mark and Katya?

What did you do to them?

Nothing... yet.

Poor Katya.

She thinks you're dead, she's already grieving.

Ah, a mother's intuition is amazing.


Who else knows about Oscar Christoph?

Who helped you clean the apartment, Alex?

Come on, talk to me.

Talk to me.

Come on, kid.


Tell me.

Who helped you clean the apartment?

Alex moans:

Alex: What are you doing here?

Victor: I'm here to help, Alex.

You need to give them something.

I won't give them my family.

So give them me.

If they find you, they find Natalie.

The SVR has already discovered I'm missing by now.

Giving Faber my name will make no difference.


Victor: Alex...

Natalie and I can take care of ourselves.

They're preparing another syringe, Alex.

This one will not only make you talk.

This one will k*ll you.

If your plan of escape is going to work, you need more time.

[keys clinking]

Buy that time with my name, Alex.

I can't.

I won't tell him that, Victor.

They'll k*ll you.

Let's talk about Victor.

Faber: Let's talk about Victor.

He told me about Christoph.

Well, that's... that's wonderful.

Is he American?


Is he... Russian?


He's Russian.


Of course he's Russian.

Does he operate in New York?

He did.


Give me his full name, Alex, come on.


You'll k*ll him.

No, no, I won't k*ll him, Alex.

The SVR will.

Come on, Alex, his full name.




Go to hell.


We were doing so well.



Now you'll talk.

Dead men don't talk, Agent Faber.

[grunts loudly]


Damn it, where's your kit?

Where's your kit?!

Toolbox, in the other room.

Do not let him bleed out.

[keys clinking] Alex, Alex.

You're not very smart.

[adventure music]

♪ ♪

k*ll him now!

I'm gonna find Alex.


Oh, God. Oh, God, no.

Oh, God.

Alex, stay conscious.


Help is here. Stay conscious, stay conscious.

You're here now, aren't you?

I am here.

I'm real, and we're getting you out of here.

Hold on to me. Hold on.

How did they find you?

Because you failed to mention his parents are assets, and they got a tracker in my pen.

SVR compartmentalizes information, you know that.

What I know is, your compartmentalization almost got me k*lled.



Katya and Mark k*lled your men like the pros they are.

Alex escaped with them, bleeding out.

But alive for the moment.

Who's Victor?

I think he's one of yours.

What makes you say that?

Got his name out of Alex.

Victor put Alex in Christoph's trail.

Who else has seen this?

The whole O'Connor family, I imagine.

They'll send it to the task force.

If I were you, I'd call off whatever the hell you're planning.

That isn't necessary.

The O'Connors are on the run.

Alex has been branded a traitor.

We'll flood the task force, so it doesn't lead to another operatives, which we'll make sure they know is actually SVR disinformation.

Even if Christoph's picture gets into the task force, it'll be discredited, along with the others.

Find the O'Connors.

And Victor.

Mark: How much blood has he lost?

A lot.

Take this, take this.

Did you tell them anything, Alex? We need to know.

Doesn't matter. Faber saw us, SVR, the task force, everyone.

We can't go home, we can't go to the hospital.

We're on our own now, Katya.


We'll get to her first.

Hang on, Alex. Hang on! Go.

♪ 'Twas grace that taught ♪
♪ My heart to fear ♪
♪ And grace ♪
♪ My fears relieved ♪
♪ How precious did ♪
♪ That grace appear ♪
♪ The hour I first ♪
♪ Believed ♪