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01x03 - Meet the Rosenbergs

Posted: 03/20/15 13:52
by bunniefuu
male narrator: Previously on Dig...

Emma: You're the one I saw earlier with a g*n.

This is pretty much as holy as water gets, if you believe in that sort of thing.

It says here Margrove is overseeing a dig near the southern wall.

Golan: Let's pay him a visit.

What's this got to do with me?

You sponsored a work permit.

Along with four dozen other interns who come here every summer.

He would've been 13 today.

It is of great importance that we know now what is in your heart, Debbie.

That boat, where's it going?

man: Croatia.

man on TV: Brazen escape of Yussef Khalid, an American citizen wanted...

You have to make the delivery now.

[dramatic music]

Did you get him?


I think I know where he is.

Ridell: You picked a hell of a time for this.

One more stone left to find.

The most difficult one.

Now, get the hell out of here the same way you came in.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Prime Minister for joining us in welcoming Mr. Dennis Barnette to Israel.


Ridell: Dennis is making enormous efforts to broker an historic agreement in the Middle East.

Ridell: As I was saying...

What the hell are you doing?

Yussef Khalid is in the building.


The CCTV center in Jerusalem tracked him.

I followed him here.

He's in the Consulate?

He must be.

He must be?

You're either sure, or you're not.

I think he is.

A wanted k*ller in the United States just walked into the Consulate.

I know what it sounds like.

It sounds insane.

What sounds insane?

I'm just getting a debriefing from an ongoing...

I'm sorry for barging in there like that.

Peter, don't.


I don't know how he got in here.

I don't know what he's planning.

But I have reason to believe that Yussef Khalid is in the Consulate right now.

We don't know anything for certain.

I have the Prime Minister of Israel and half of his cabinet on the other side of this door.

Is he here or not?

Yes, ma'am. He is.

Madame Ambassador.

Evacuate the building.

[people chattering]

[alarm ringing]

Madame Ambassador, he's not in the building.

Search it again.

We checked every corner of every office.

Peter: Then check the security cameras.

We have.

Yussef Khalid did not enter this building.

[man singing in Hebrew]

"It's all about 19."

All about 19.

Best pastrami sandwich shop.

[knock at door]


Let me guess, you spent the last hour and a half trying to persuade the ambassador that I'm not a certifiable lunatic.

Screw her.

Besides, how I am supposed to convince her of something that I'm not so sure of myself?

So what are you doing in the hotel room of a lunatic?

Oh, you know me... Three-hour state dinner, fake t*rror1st thr*at. I like to wind down.

Well, in that case, I should probably mention what I forgot in all the chaos.

You're looking incredibly beautiful tonight.

[laughing] Please.

Like you noticed.



[man singing in Hebrew]

[both moaning]

[dissonant music]

[knock at door]





Thank you for joining us.

What is this about?

Now that Joshua is a young man, it's time he became acclimated to the real world.

What do you need us to do?

I want you to take him into town, buy him ice cream, take him to a video arcade.

Allow him to experience things other kids his age get to experience.

And you want both of us to go.

Is there a problem with that?

I'll be just a second.

Wait for me outside.

Have you forgotten what she has done?

I am perfectly capable of taking Joshua on my own.

Trust I have my reasons.

Just keep your eyes open.

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

[piano music playing]

♪ ♪

woman: ♪ Blue ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Songs are like tattoos ♪
♪ You know I've been ♪
♪ To sea before ♪
♪ Crown and anchor me ♪
♪ Or let me sail away ♪

[knock at door]

Can I help you?

I have package for Emma Wilson.

Yeah, that's... That's me, Wilson Emma.

I don't care. Just sign.


[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

[Josh laughing]

Faye: I don't understand how you're smiling.

I'm just happy to see that Josh is happy.

You made a big mess, Debbie.

Your actions changed everything.

I didn't mean for anything bad to happen, Faye.

Bad things did happen, and I personally had to clean up your mess.

What do you mean?

His blood is on your hands, not mine.

[dissonant music]

♪ ♪

Ingmar: I must admit, I was surprised by the call.

Usually when buyers want to contact me...

Bar Kokhba coins are my boss's passion.

When he sees something he likes, he goes for it.

I'm very aware of Mr. Onami's reputation.

What a spectacular view.

You sure know how to spoil your guests, Mr. Ingmar.

It's a beautiful house.

It was a crusader's fort.

Ingmar: It dates back to the 11th century.

I bought it for nothing 15 years ago when no one wanted to live in this neighborhood.

Not a bad place to come to work every day, huh?

Not at all.

[electronic beeping]

[beeps, buzzes]

Ingmar: My life's work.

Yussef: Wow.


[cell phone rings]

Ingmar: The collection is mostly antiquities unearthed in excavations in Israel during the British Mandate.

This is prehistoric finds all the way to the Ottoman Empire, and this is from the Second Temple period.

What's this?

Ingmar: You have a very good eye, Mr. Buecker.

That's 1 of 12 stones that decorated the high priest's breastplate in the Temple.


How much is it?

Oh, priceless.

And for that reason, it's not for sale.


Bar Kokhba coin.

It's exquisite.

Peter: When did you first have any kind of contact with Miss Wilson?

About a week ago? Maybe ten days.

She told me there's something she wanted me to test.

She told me she doesn't want to use any regular channels and that this is a personal favor for her.

Is that weird?

Yes, it is.

Peter: Then why did you agree to do it?

man: I wanted to help her.

She seemed really scared.

Excuse me.

Of what?

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

Excuse me.

English, please.

She wanted me to run DNA tests on it.

We found that the substance was organic, probably a mammal.

She got all excited, like she knew.

She wanted me to find out what it is exactly, so we did further tests.


A cow.

The substance came from a cow.

[calf moos]


What? Speak.

I need food.

I can't help.

But go to the boys, and maybe you could buy some.

But I gave you...

You gave me what?

My money. All of my money.

You want to eat?

You have cow.

You can all enjoy steak tonight.

Win-win, right?

[Captain laughs]

[game blipping, whirring]

Oh, hey, darling.

Can we please have three milkshakes?

All we have is vanilla.

[indistinct radio chatter]

Ma'am, I said all we got is vanilla.

You okay with that?


It's my favorite anyway.

Okay, I'll bring it over to your table.

Hey, Carl, what'll you have?

Coffee fresh.

Will be in a minute.

And one of those bear claws to go.

woman: All right.

Where are you going?

Just to the bathroom.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[phone line trilling]





Is that you?

Yeah, it's me.

It's me.

Where are you?

Um, I think I'm in New Mexico.


This is...

This is so, so delicious.

Don't drink it too fast. You'll get a stomachache.

Charlie: You have a lot of nerve calling me.

I don't hear from you for three years.

Listen, I don't have time to explain.

I need you to wire me some money, Charlie.

I need to get out of here.

Charlie: Are you using again?

What? No.

Because this conversation sounds awfully familiar.

No, no, no, I'm not using, I swear.

I just... I need you to do this for me.

Just this time.

Look, I know what this sounds like, but you have to believe me.

You have to.

Here, Mountainair, okay?

Mountainair, New Mexico.

Just look it up.


Wait here.

They got to have a bank there, right?

Charlie: Please don't call here anymore.

[dial tone buzzing]
Charlie. Charlie?

[toilet flushing]

Everything okay in here?

Yes, of course.

What are you...



Josh, we got to go.

Josh: Debbie, where's Faye?

Debbie: Officer.

Officer, we need to talk to you.

So she's scared.

She doesn't want anyone at the dig to know she's testing the sample.

Thinking her boss, Margrove?

Peter: Yeah, who else?

You know, he lied to us about knowing her.

The guy's hiding something.

The guy's an assh*le.

But a k*ller?

Golan: Eh, not so sure.

What now?

[ambient music]

♪ ♪

Golan: What are we doing here?

Getting coffee.

What are we really doing here?


Peter: What's that building there?

Golan: That place?

I don't know.

Looks like a yeshiva. Why?

The sign by the door...

What does that say?

It's nothing.

It's just a street number in Hebrew.


[speaking Hebrew]

Number 19.

Peter voice-over: "It's all about 19."

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Numbers, Chapter 19.



"Tell the Israelites to bring a red heifer without defect or blemish that has never been under yoke."


It's a cow.

woman: Shalom. Welcome.


Are you the Rosenbergs?

both: Yeah.

I have to be honest, I was expecting an old married couple.

We are.

We are brothers.


That's fine. Come, please.

woman: Welcome to the Jerusalem Heritage Center, a center dedicated to celebrating the great patrimony of Jerusalem as capital of the world throughout history.

We explore, investigate, and celebrate every aspect of the Temple and the central role it fulfilled in the spiritual well-being of all the nations of the world.

[atmospheric music]

♪ ♪

Miriam: The high priest was the only person on earth allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, the secret chamber that housed the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant.

A replica.


Shalom, shalom.

[speaking Hebrew]

Very good to meet you.


[both speaking Hebrew]

Who's that?

Oh, Rabbi Lev.

He's the head and heart of our center.

A dear Jew.

Sorry, did I see a bathroom back there?

Yes, just down the hall.

Peter: I'll just be a minute.

woman: We'll wait for you here.

Oh, hey.

Think I got a little lost there.

I'll just...

Rabbi Lev: Sir, can I help you?

Took a wrong turn.

Looking for the bathroom.

You walked right past it.

It's right through that corridor.


I'm Rabbi Lev.

Peter Rosenberg.



How did you hear about us?

My niece.

Maybe you know her.

Think she's here all the time.


Emma. Emma Wilson.

She's an archeologist.

She certainly looks like you.

Minus the red hair.



It was very nice to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

So down there.


Golan: All right.

These guys are nut jobs at best and dangerous at worst.

Now, how did you know where to find them?

I just did, all right?

I'm done following you around like a confused little puppy.

This is my investigation.

You either tell me what's going on, or I'm hauling your ass back to the station and booking you for obstructing.

Can we do this later?


What are you hiding?

How'd you know about this place?

All right, I'll tell you.

No, better still, I'll show you.

[all speaking foreign language]

Food. Please.

What, you are going to sh**t me, you sissy boy?


You think you are brave enough?


This guys thinks he's Dirty Harry.



Let me have it.

[bell dings]

Golan: What the hell are we doing here?

I'm showing you what you want to know.


Not this late.


What the hell's that?

It's what they were looking for.

Emma Wilson's journal.

I took it from her apartment the day of the m*rder.

And you took it just like that?

Listen, listen.

No, no, no, you listen.

This is a m*rder investigation.

You want to ruin your career?

Fine, but you're not taking me down with you.

Nobody's going down.

You don't think I know what's going on?

You're not seeing straight because of your daughter.

That surprises you?

Until yesterday, you were the prime suspect.

Now, give me that thing.

I'm not gonna do it...

Jesus Christ.

man: You girls always party this hard?

Who the hell are you?

Peter: Guard, Jerusalem Heritage Center.

Golan: What are you doing here?

Shh, relax, ladies. Relax.

Ari Lavie. Shin Bet.

Wait, what's this got to do with the Israeli secret police?

I've been undercover in the JHC for 18 months now.

Well, we're in the middle of a m*rder investigation.

Our victim has an interest in the Center.

I know all about your case.

Emma Wilson, hmm?

I've never seen her in my life.

She never set foot in that place.

Why are you investigating them?

We investigate every extreme group in the country.

Arab, Jews... that's our job.

But more specifically, it's none of your g*dd*mn business.

Rabbi Lev sent me to follow you.

I'm gonna tell him you realize the Center is a dead-end.

You can't tell us where to look.

If I ever see you there again, I'll personally make sure your next job is directing traffic in Gaza.

We clear?


[both speaking Hebrew]

Hey, listen.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Your victim had nothing to do with the Center.


So stay away. Just stay away.

What are you gonna do? Are you gonna go there?

Arrest them?

The first thing I'm gonna do is have you sign your statement, and then we can start looking into this.

You did the right thing coming here.

You did good.

I just want him to be safe.

That's all.

That's all that matters.

[dark music]

I never in a million years thought I'd see you here.

Well, now I'm glad Ingmar gave me the night off.

Can I sit here, or are you waiting for someone?

Oh, no, please.

You look good in a t*nk top.

Come here.

Come on.

Turn over.


Look at you.

[both moaning]





[gagging and gasping]

[both grunt]


[gasping] No.

[both grunting]


[gurgling, choking]

[Yussef panting]

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow.

Though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.


They shall be as white as snow.

[calf bays]

Please don't hit me.

Brave boy.

Crazy boy.


[laughing] Little Dirty Harry.

[speaking Hebrew]


[ambient music]

♪ ♪

[phone line trilling]

woman: Peter.

You remember when V was about eight?

She came home from school that time just with lots of tears.

Mrs. Brown strongly disapproved of her choice of outfit for Halloween.

You said, "What do you want to be for Halloween, honey?"

She said, "Well, I want to be..."

woman: A lesbian truck driver.


We laughed so much.

Remember how much we laughed at that?

And she got so... so mad.

I can see...

I can see her little face right in front of me.

She got...

woman: Peter, I talked to Dr. Bach.

Peter voice-over: What?

What? Just tell me.

woman: Sometimes after we hang up, I can't get out of bed all day.

She thought maybe it's best if we...

Peter voice-over: Yeah, I understand. It's fine.

woman: Just for a little while.

[mysterious music]

[glass shatters]

[beeps, buzzes]

Billingham: Joshua, you ready to go home?

I told you she would fail.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Ridell: The stone was fake.

We couldn't have known that.

Ridell: Then what good are you?

You're supposed to be an expert.

Do you realize the risks I'm taking?

We are all taking immense risks.

We are all doing everything that is required of us.

This is bigger than any of us.

You don't think I know that?

Margrove is doing everything possible to locate the real stone.

I'm more concerned about your FBI agent who showed up here today.

What are we going to do about him?

I'll take care of him.