01x08 - Episode 8

2014 Japanese mini-series. "Family Hunter" (English title) "家族狩り" (Japanese). Westernized English episode transcripts.
A dark m*rder mystery with brains; based on the 1885 novel "Kazoku Gari" by Arata Tendou.
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01x08 - Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »

As in, I was the one who k*lled them?

You're not the suspect.

Idiot! It doesn't get easy just because you die.

Kenji is ... Kenji is ...

I want to see Mom.

Dad is talking about something important!

I'll come to pick you up soon.


I would like for you to have her back but Hizaki-san is in charge.

Not her again.

Results from the check up says you could have stomach cancer.

I won't give up.

Please save this house.

Leave it to me.

I'll make sure this house will last until your grandchildren's grandchildren, by properly sterilizing the house.

Hizaki Yuko, your family ...

I will hunt them.

Komada-san Ahh Ah…

What are you doing?

Umm ...

What's going on?

Ahh, termites ...

It's all your fault.

Taking Reiko, My job, everything I had.

All your fault.

If you s*ab me, what do you think will happen to Reiko-chan?

Be quiet. Don't lecture me.

Run away, I'll protect you.

Help! Wait!

Excuse me. Can I have a word with you?


Was the door unlocked from the beginning?

No, it was locked.

Umm... Strange.

Is there something? No.

The door lock doesn't seem to be broken.

All the windows and the back door were locked as well.

Where and how did the suspect enter the house?

Yuu-chan forgot to lock the door when she left earlier.

It happens a lot with you.

No, that is not possible.

I made sure I locked it.

Besides, when I got home it was locked.

This isn't some 2 hour mystery drama.

There is no such thing as a "locked-room." Right?

I never said one word about it being a "locked-room."

Well, if we catch and ask Komada about the details, I'm sure we'll find out.

Excuse me, I don't want to make this a serious matter.


Komada-san has a young daughter.

What are you saying?

This is attempted m*rder.

We cannot leave this matter unsettled.

It's alright now.

I'm here with you.

Don't cry.


I didn't know what to do.

How's Kenji?

His treatment is finished, he is sleeping now.

There is major brain damage.

There might be some kind of impairment.

Calm down.

Did Yui do this?

I'm sorry about this, but now that I'm here it's fine.


Listen, Kenji is a strong boy.

He grew up watching you face against Yui.

I'm sure he will get better.

You're right.


When he gets big his dream is to become a detective like you, Mamihara-san.

Is that true?

When we went to Mt. Fuji he said he was going to be a pirate.

Mt. Fuji ...

That was recent, but it already feels nostalgic.


Being with you and Kenji has been a happy time for me.

Thank you.

Mamihara-san, we've known each other a long time now.

I'm bored with tormenting you.

It's about time we finish one on one.

At least eat some salad.

Is it true that Ai has been screaming weird things on talk shows?

You two are causing trouble.

A little work absence is excuse for me to lose my job as project leader.


Is this something that would get fixed by saying sorry?

What do you mean, "you two?"

Why are you rebelling?

Get out.

This house was bought with my money.

Then why don't you worry about Ai?

I may be different, but Ai is your daughter.

She should approach me herself.

Being rebellious. Always causing trouble.

You start yelling, that's why she gets scared and can't say a thing.

A family afraid to talk to each other, do you call that a family?

Maybe it's finished already.


I'm late.

Not really.

I'm on temporary leave.

When the eldest daughter came back to the house the intruder in the house assaulted her with a knife.

Hearing the noise, the daugther's father fought back.

But the man ran away. The daugther is not hurt ... -

This is Hizaki-san's house.

Eh, wait ...

Under the charge of attempted m*rder the police are looking for the suspect Komada Kouichi, 42 years old. -

Of course, I knew he would do something like this one day.

I wonder if Hizaki-san is fine.

Kuma-chan, Hizaki-san are you OK? This is on the news.

It's nothing, really. Instead how is Reiko-chan doing?

You didn't tell Reiko-chan?

Of course I didn't tell her.

Reiko-chan what are you doing?

Reiko-chan ...

Please forgive my dad.

I will do anything, so please forgive my dad.


You don't have to do that.

Please forgive my dad.

Forgive him, please.

Hizaki-san, what happened?

I was surprised watching TV news.

Your phone wouldn't ring.


Ahh, sorry.

The power was off.


Still, I'm glad you're safe.

Thank you, for worrying.


What about your work?

Is that OK?

Ahh, yes ...

I'm taking time off for a while.

Taking time off?


I was told by the school to stay home, so right now I'm on leave.

Is it OK for you to be here?

It's alright if I get fired.

Ah, instead of this. Did you know the suspect?

He's the father of the child I'm in charge of.

I don't want to make it a serious matter.

Eh, but he was trying to k*ll you.

When I think about the child's future I want Komada-san to get back on his own feet.


That seems like something you would think of.

Well, I'll help you too with finding Komada-san.

That's alright.

You should stay home.

Don't we have to find him before the police do?

Ah, I know a pro who can find people.

Ah. I know, Keitoku.

Wooo! Correct.

Yes. Yes. Understood.

I'll send a LINE message to my police friend sometime today.

Yes yes, what ehh ...

Mother, I found this in my room.

What is it?

Maybe a termite.

Before it eats our house apart, we have to m*ssacre them.


Where are you? Come out!

Fine, let's do this.

What's up?

What's up!

Why don't you aim properly?


Throw your g*n on the floor!

We're the police!

It's not me.

I'm Mamihara from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Subtitles by sky_fish Excuse me.

Excuse me.


He was living on the second floor.

When the police came here this morning he took the money from the safe and disappeared.


It's fine with me but ... was her name Yamagata-san?

I took him in through the lady that does volunteer work.

Ahh, Yamaga-san.

You're right.

Do you know her?


When I had problems with Komada-san, she found this job for him.

That's why he came here.

The job is pretty tough but I thought he was a hard working guy.

Is that so?

He hated me.

When he found my place he must have lost control.

Lost control ...

Too bad.

Do you have any idea where he might go?

Umm, he lost his wife and said he had no other relatives.

Eh? Komada-san said those things?

Is there something?


Sorry, excuse me.


I'm calling from Nishitama Police station. Will you please come here?

Just a moment ago, we found Komada Kouichi's body.


Results from the crime lab came back.

The b*llet that k*lled the victim matched ballistics from your g*n.

Wait a sec ...

There is no way results would come back so soon.

This is a trap.

Someone in the police department is trying to frame me.

Mami-san finally did it.

No way. This must be some mistake.

From Nagamine's notebook, we found information Mami-san leaked out.

Details of bribes.

Because of this, we found the information source and we can release him without the public knowing.
If you want to stay here don't say a word to anyone.

Why do you not welcome me?

Where's Ai?

In her room.

Ai. Open the door.



What are you doing?

This morning, from my computer all important work related files were uploaded on to the Internet.

On top of that someone sent a terrible email to one of my customers.

Saying I'll revoke the contract or sue their company.

In English and sent it!


Don't you know Ai's English grades are terrible?

Ai did it.

The only person who could have touched my PC this morning was Ai.

Damn it.

She acted like she didn't understand English to do something like that.

Ai! Open up Ai!


Losing your work is much more important than your family.


Stop. Stop!

Ai-chan will die!

Stop! Stop!

Ai-chan why did you do such a thing?

The balance is strange.

Yes yes yes.

It's Yamaga.

Please help me.

I don't know what to do.

He was found dead after drinking poison, by a family at the relocation camp.

Looking at the evidence it's most likely su1c1de.

Was there a will?

Just a moment ago we received a call from the Child Care Center. and a will like letter was delivered to Komada-san's daughter.

Excuse me, goodbye.

Are you alright?

Yes. thanks to you.

What are you going to do now?

I'm going to the Child Care Center.

Have them show me the will.

When I think about caring for Reiko-chan' emotional scars ...

I'll read the letter first then decide whether she can read it.

That is good.

Reiko-chan's care ...


What happened?

This ...

I might become like Sanemori Yuji-kun.


I'm Sudou from Tomei Academy High school and I would like to meet Ai-san.

Please go home.

Excuse me.

Oh, Sudou-san?

What happened?

Ahh, the child in this house is my student but her parents won't let me see her.

Parents are receiving consultation from me.

Then also let ...

Wait a second.

Let me handle this today.

When the parents calm down I will try talking about you.

But, don't rush.

There's also the thing with Sanemori-kun from before.

Let's be careful.


It's Yamaga.

Yamaga-san, we were waiting.

Please please.

It's your fault Ai became strange.

Kuma-chan, did you show her the will?

Reiko-chan somehow took it. Sorry.

Liar. Liar!

Liar. Liar.

Let me go, let me go.

It may be my fault your dad committed su1c1de.

Dad didn't commit su1c1de, he was k*lled.

I'm sure she didn't want to think her dad committed su1c1de, and left her alone.

I turned in the actual copy. This is a photo copy.

Sorry to have caused a lot of trouble.

To Reiko - I'll be waiting for you with Mom in the after life. Please live happily.

She doesn't understand a single thing!

Please, calm down.

You have worked very hard for your family.

That is true.

For this family ... for what?

High school students have adult like feelings and some childish feelings.

If she could only understand your feelings. You are family.

Let's talk this through.

I'll try talking to Ai-san.

Ai-chan, good afternoon.

Who is it?

I'm Yamaga-san, your mother's friend.

Stop lying! You're just trying to get close so you can put me in hospital.

I'll k*ll everyone before that happens!

That's not true.

I'll k*ll you and my stupid parents.

Before it happens to me, I'll do it!

I understand.

Ai-san you just want to be recognized.

You want everything about you to be accepted.

Ha? Don't act like you know what you're talking about.

Then why are you in so much pain?

You don't have to live in pain.

You just want your family back again.

Time with your family. Conversations with your family, problems with your family.

The family's dreams.

You want everyone to understand each other.

Are you stupid, old woman?

I'm not expecting anything from this family.

I'll k*ll everyone.

I'll k*ll ...

How was it?

The emotional scars Ai-san carries seem to be growing inside her.

Maybe it's beyond her tolerance.

That can be fixed. It's going to get better right?

In front of Ai-san's room there was this.

What is it?


In order to rebuild the family ... it might be best to get rid of termites first.


Mamihara was arrested for m*rder.

He will probably never be released.

Wouldn't it be good to start our family over once again?

OK, I understand.

I wanted to see you.

Long time, no see.

You are still beautiful.

Ayame ...

You almost k*lled Kenji, I'll never forgive you!

That's not true, it was an accident.




I'm the police, I'm arresting you for sexual as*ault.

You're Mamihara's bastard.

If you have time to deal with us, you should get rid of the murdering detective.

Mamihara-san was framed by you.

Nagamine from the g*ng was k*lled by you.

Where's the evidence?

I'll arrest you and make you talk.

Mamihara was Nagamine's friend.

Only he's much darker than Nagamine.

Shut up! What do you know?

I ... I ...

Want to believe in Mamihara-san?

Whoever gets between me and my family ... will die.

What are you doing?

So, what happened?

Were you able to meet Yoshizawa-san?

I couldn't meet with her.

But Yamaga-san was there to give them advice.

If something happened, I'm sure she will call us.

Is that so? Then we can leave it to her.

So what about you?

Komada-san might have been k*lled by someone.


In Komada-san's will it says "I'll be waiting with your mom in the afterlife."

What's wrong?

Komada-san's ... ex-wife.

In other words, Reiko-chan's mother is still alive.


So this letter?

Maybe the suspect forced him write it.

I think Komada-san wanted to let somebody know he was being m*rder*d.

Maybe he was trying to tell Reiko-chan.

But if Komada-san didn't commit su1c1de, who had motive to k*ll Komada-san?

Does that mean Komada-san being alive was a nuisance?

If Komada-san was alive it was not good for the suspect.

So whoever saw him as a nuisance is the k*ller.


Ah, did the police say anything?

It seems like the door was not broken.

All the windows and the back door were locked.

There's no such thing as a "locked-room."



Maybe that is a clue to something.



I don't know anything.

What is that?

Ahh, the newspaper was used by Ono-san last time to look under floor, and it must have gotten stuck.


Under the floor.



I'm home.

You are here. It's perfect timing I was going to make sukiyaki so I called them over.

Sensei, it seems you fixed your problems with Yuko-san. I'm glad.

Hey Shunsuke.. You were probably doing something naughty.

What are you saying?

A grown man and woman doing nothing is intolerable.

There's no way nothing didn't happen.

What happened to the "I'll give birth" lady?

Ahh, you.

I'm going out for a while.

Then I'll go too.

That's OK. You should eat.

Ahh, but ...

Excuse me.

Is anyone home?

Hello, what happened?

We started eating the sukiyaki.

What are you doing?

Doing a little shopping.

It's OK for you to go on and eat.

Speaking of shopping, the shampoo you use for your allergy is almost gone so you should order more.

Aren't you getting it from your friend who imports it?

I understand, I understand.

She said she was shopping.

If you want to refuse, go ahead, but please let me exterminate them.

Because if we exterminate them this house will last a long time.

I can't stand by and watch it die.

Please leave it to me.

Don't forget the shampoo.

Enough already.

Yamaga Yoko-san.

Yes this is the Adolescent Advice Hotline.

I'm currently not available.

Please leave a message.


Adolescent Advice Center.


This house ...

This family ...

Let's try to start fresh.

It's already impossible.

Let's get a divorce.

It will be fine.

I have a friend who is an expert on termite extermination.

I'll introduce him to you.

Kazokugari - Family Hunting
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