30x10 - The End

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x10 - The End

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[gentle music playing]

[softly] What? What is this place?

Where is this place?

[echoing] Hey!


[group] Eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two...

[Bajillia] I didn't authorize this.

[Slyther] Hello, Rangers.

[Mucus] We stole a Squidrill,
and we're having a blast.

[Slyther] The terrific two
have your backs.

Whammo, whammo.

[Zentinal] Retreat!

Mucus and Slyther to the rescue?
Who would've thought?

[Scrozzle] That's a nope from me.

[Zentinal groans]

[Bajillia] Squidrills, form a blockade
around this planet.

Nobody gets off Eltar alive.

[energetic rock music playing]

[Mucus] If there's hundreds
of Squidrills above us,

how can the Rangers' ship
get through that?

[Slyther] Maybe we could blast them
a path.

Time for one last...

-[ship rumbles]
-[Slyther groans]

[Bajillia] My fleet
will blast the tube from space.

How can you stop us now?

Step one...

[Bajillia] Oh!



[groans] I'll get you!

-[gentle music playing]
-I thought I...


You good? Do you know where we are?

You are mistaking me for someone else.

No, dude. It's you.
We were in Lord Zedd's fortress.

-There was an expl*si*n. You remember?
-No. I am not that person.

A mind is a powerful thing.

You are seeing what you want to see.

Then... Then... Then I know what this is.

It's a nightmare. We're on Nibyro.
You're one of the Guardian's illusions.

We've met! I'm Aiyon.
The Gold Ranger, remember?

Rangers and Lord Zedd.
Those words are familiar.

But this is not planet Nibyro, friend.

And you are not known to me.

Somehow the Morphin Grid has connected us.

If you're connected to the Grid,

could you tell me
if Zayto's energy is in there?


[Fern] I'm getting motion sickness
just watching them.

Mucus and Slyther
have some serious flying skills.

[Solon] They're doing great, but there are
still so many Squidrills blocking our way.

They can't possibly take them all down.

-[Mucus and Slyther groan]
-[alarms blaring]

[Mucus] Are those good alarms?

[Slyther] No, they're "get out,

your Squidrill is about
to explode" alarms.

[Amelia] Mucus and Slyther.

[Solon] Oh dear.

[alert beeps]

[Billy] Greetings.
Heard the mayday, Solon.

We've got a surprise
I think you're gonna like.

[epic music playing]

Oh! Look at that! That's some classic
Megazord action right there!

-[group laughs]

[Mucus] Yay! Our friends got away!

[Slyther] It's... oh!
Our most beautiful show ever.

[Solon] No energy leakage. Yet.

[cracking echoes]

Did we all just see that?
The crack's growing.

[alarm blares]

[Solon] This might be Billy checking in.

Rangers. Did you make it to safety?

Yeah, we're in open space.
Thank all the others for us, Billy.

We wouldn't have got out without you.
But there's bad news.

Lord Zedd's plan was to use
the power of the Morphin Masters

to turn himself into one.

But Bajillia betrayed him
and trapped him in the Master Captivator.

Luckily, we managed to capture it, but...

[Solon] The Captivator was cracked,
which has destabilized the whole machine.

It won't hold.

It's gonna explode
and release an evil energy wave.

Like the inverse of Zordon's wave.
All the good in the universe, wiped out.

No way to sugarcoat it, is there?

We can hold the Squidrills at bay
and buy you time to find a solution.

-The universe is in your hands, Rangers.
-We'll find a way.

-[gentle music playing]
-[Aiyon] Anything?

I can feel your friend's presence
in the Grid.

Could you bring him back?

I know that your friend is very important.

And it does seem that the universe
would be a better place with him in it.

But I'm afraid
that Zayto's mortal life is over.

That, I cannot change.


Perhaps I can help you in other ways.
Right now your other friends need you.

I will send you back to them.

Go, and do what you can.

There's something I used to say
in times such as these.

May the power protect you.


[Solon] There's no two ways about it.

It's just a matter of time
before it blows.

-Before what blows?
-[Izzy gasps]

[Javi] Dude, you're awake!

Oh. Are you okay? What happened?

[Fern] You'd hit the ground.

I had a weird dream, but we have
more important things to talk about.

So that's what's gonna blow.

[Fern] Wait, how did he...

-You mind-read me when I hugged you?
-It's quicker!

There's got to be a way we can
let the energy wave go off safely.

Wait. Maybe that's it.
We've got the Master Captivator now.

We need to take it somewhere
the blast won't touch anyone.

[Solon] If it's anything
like Zordon's wave,

it'll reach every corner of the universe.

I wish we could give it
to some space wizard

so they could deal with it.

Man, I miss the Morphin Masters.

Even if they took it to the Grid,
the expl*si*n might wipe them out.

-Then where would we be?
-Hold on.

The Morphin Masters aren't in the Grid.

No one lives there anymore,
so it's kind of the perfect place.

But what's an evil energy wave
gonna do to the Grid?

[Solon] Zayto said the Grid itself
can't be destroyed.

But maybe the evil this wave releases
would disrupt it.

That might affect your powers.

Could we, like, lose them?

Who knows? Every Ranger could.

I've only been a Power Ranger
for about five minutes,

but if the alternative
is destroying all good in the universe,

it seems like the right thing to try.

You're not wrong, Fern.

I don't think
a single Ranger would say otherwise.

But how are we going to get it
into the Morphin Grid?

There's only one place we've been
able to access the Grid directly.

The Altar of Zordnia.

[arm whirring]

Oh boy.

[tense music playing]

Looks like it could blow any second.
How are we gonna do this?

Putting this in the altar
will open up a portal, but last time...

Look... I made it through.

And you all helped me.

Even though things are
a little different now, I'm still here.

-And I'm still the same person.
-But, Javi...

And I'm still going to do
everything that I can to help.

I mean, I survived it once, right?
I could do it again.

Hey. Even though
you're chill about doing this,

there's no way you're doing it alone.

We share the danger.

Team Garcia.


Maybe that's it.
Maybe that's been it the whole time.

Sharing the danger.

-[thunder rumbles]
-[group gasps]

We're all in this together, aren't we?

Sharing is the Rafkon way.

It's the Ranger way.

[Rangers gasp]

[Bajillia] Step aside, brats.

I thought we unsubscribed
to your channel way back.

[Bajillia] Like I always say,
if you want to succeed,

be prepared to hide
in the bowels of a rickety starship.


-It's Morphin' Time!
-[energetic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[all] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Bajillia] Come and get me.

[Ollie] No Zentinals
or bodyguards to hide behind now.

[Bajillia] Yet all I need
is to get one blast past you,

and every pathetic good thing
in the universe becomes dust! [grunts]

[Amelia] Weapons combine!

[epic music playing]

-[Amelia] Okay.
-[all] Cosmic Blaster, unleash the fury!

[Bajillia screams]


[Rangers groan]

[Bajillia, echoing] No!

-[Ollie] Are you kidding?
-[Aiyon] This is bad.

[Amelia] Come on, team. Stick to the plan.

[Javi] There might be time.

[Amelia] Everyone, now!

[all grunt]

[Javi] Huh?

[gentle music playing]

[Aiyon] Zayto? Zayto!

[echoing] Don't be scared. It's me.

[Izzy] You're a... How did you...

[Zayto] There's no time.

Brace yourselves!

[Rangers groan]

[group groans]

It's not over.
Time moves differently in here.

[Ollie] In here?
Are we in the energy tube?

[Javi] Then where is...

[Zedd cackles] Goodbye, Rangers!

-[Rangers grunt]
-[Zedd] Huh?

What? I said goodbye! [grunts]


Again, things are different here.
We're all simply energy.

[Izzy] Oh. Energy can't be created
or destroyed.

[Izzy and Fern] It can only change
from one form to another.

[Fern giggles] And you said AP Physics
would never matter.

[Zedd] Enough. What do you pests want?

We're here to help you.

[Zedd] I have the power
of all the Morphin Masters inside me.

How could any of you worms help?

The energy tube we're in
is going to explode,

and when it does, the energy you hold,
supercharged and evil,

will spread across every galaxy,

eradicating all that is good
from the universe.

[Zedd] Sounds great. I love it.

I will rule unopposed.

If evil is all that's left,

then the Emperor of Evil
is the Emperor of Everything.

You won't rule anything.

The energy wave will destroy you,
just like it destroyed Zordon years ago.

[Amelia] Bajillia wanted you gone
so she could run the universe.

[Zedd] That sneaky squid.

[Ollie] It's like you told me.
No peace for the strongest. Only survival.

[Zedd] I am always right.

And I'll endure.

I always do.

[Zayto] Not on your own.

There is one way for you to survive this.
If that's what you care about most.

My new abilities can free you.

But that's only possible
if you agree to release the energy

and the power of the Morphin Masters.

[Zedd] Give it all up?

It's the only way I can save you.

[Zedd] You must think
I'm some kind of simpleton.

I don't make deals with Rangers,
and I never give up power.

Then it's goodbye.

For all of us.

[Aiyon] Wait, that's it?

You're some kind of Morphin Master, right?
There's got to be another way.

We're energy, Aiyon.
I can't force anyone to do anything here.

[Ollie] You're more powerful
than you've ever been before.

But if you're just gonna...
[imitates expl*si*n]

...then what's the point?

Zayto is offering you a chance to survive.

That's what you said matters. Isn't it?

Maybe you don't have to be the strongest.

[Zedd] The words of a weakling.

[group gasps]

[energy crackling]

[Aiyon] Time may be different here,
but it hasn't stopped.

It's your decision.

[Ollie] Do you want to survive or not?

[Zedd grunts] Fine. Fine, I'll do it.

I'll let go of the power.

-[Izzy] Do we believe this?
-[Javi] Do we have a choice?

[Amelia] Shush.
We gotta trust Zayto, okay?

It's time to let go.

[Rangers groan]

[Zedd cackles]

Those ninnies should've known
I'd still destroy them

the first chance I got.

-[Rita] Zeddy!
-[Zedd] Huh?

[Rita] Would you shut your trap?

[Zedd] That voice. Rita.

I told you not to bother me at work.

[Rita] Aw, poor baby.

-"Gimme. Gimme."
-[Zedd groans]

[Zedd] You can get your own drinks.
I'm not your butler.

[Rita] Take a chill pill, Zeddy.

[Zedd] Don't tell me how to feel.

Oh, I hate how much I love her.

[Fern] So, none of that's real?

No, he thinks he's beaten us,
but thanks to the power of planet Nibyro,

Lord Zedd is now
living out his nightmares.

[Guardian] Unless his spirit is noble,
he will be trapped here.

[Amelia] And so will any monster
who tries to rescue him.

[Aiyon] Zayto and I barely made it
past our nightmares when we came here.

Anyone who is evil
is gonna have an even worse time.

[Ollie] So Zedd's worst nightmare
is being stuck with his wife?

The guy has serious issues.

He may yet overcome them and become
a force for good in the universe.

Even Lord Zedd
has the potential for redemption.

-That's why I brought him here.
-[Zedd] You want a straw too?

You're so ungrateful.
At least you have lips.

[Rangers laugh]

-[Zedd] Must be nice...
-[Solon] Yeesh.

Definition of toxic relationship there.

Take notes, kids.

Yeah, I think we get it.
Thank you. [chuckles]

[Red Master] Well done, Rangers.

[Blue Master] Yes, it's good to be free.

[Green Master] Your unique solution
to the problem of Zedd is interesting.

[Red Master] We have a lot to consider.
Especially you, Zayto.

[Blue Master] How did you become
one of us?

I honestly have no idea.

I might.

When you went,
you know, I couldn't let go.

You passed out.

I guess my body did.
My mind went somewhere else.

I was talking to a...
a being, a consciousness.

You didn't tell us this.

We were in the middle of things.
I wasn't sure if it was real.

Whatever it was,
it could sense that you were in the Grid.

It knew about Rangers.
It knew about Zedd, and it wanted to help.

[Green Master] Fascinating.

We know of no such being.
But again, Aiyon,

your intervention has proven
essential to Zedd's defeat.

Your prophecy came true.


I'm glad I got to
see you all again like this.

[Solon] You're going, aren't you?

My time as a mortal is over.

[gentle music playing]

Thank you... for being my team.

My friends.

[Ollie] Zayto.


None of us would be here without you.

[Izzy] You taught us so much.

How to fight, how to do the right thing.

How to pick ourselves up and keep goin'.

[Solon] My brave boy.


I get to say goodbye.

Your friendship, it means...

It means the world.

[gentle music building]

[Red Master] It's time to go.

There's a lot for you to learn.

[Blue Master] And a lot
for us to learn about you.

[echoing] Even though I can't be with you,
I'll always be watching.

Have some more adventures for me, okay?

Until next time, Rangers.

[music swells]

[music fades]

We just saved the universe.

And we have this awesome spaceship.
Anywhere you want to go?


Let's set course for home.

[upbeat rock music playing]

-♪ In time you'll see the bigger picture
-[crowd cheering]

[Javi] ♪ Spotlight hits me

I feel like I can take it on by myself

I want you with me

Nothing like a little help

Wherever you are
No matter how far

May the power protect you

That's really cool that he's using
Zordon's saying as his chorus.

Zordon's? Uh, Javi got that from me.
It's what the being in the void said.

Wait, what?
You've gotta tell me everything.

No matter how far

-♪ No matter how far
-[crowd cheering]

Let go, get free, and feel alive

I've never been so in sync

I've got the world to thank
For everything it's done for me

And everyone that's ever been a friend
You'll see

As far as we go...

Oh, I missed it! She came early.

Oh, she's cute.

What's her name?

They named her after their hero,

a man who saved something
very precious to them.

Her name is Poppy.

Poppy? [laughs]

Another little nugget. [chuckles]

Wherever you are
No matter how far

You're a sh**ting star

May the power protect you

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Power protect you... ♪

You're a big sister now.
You think you can handle it?

Do you know what this means?

If that's somehow the spirit of Zordon,
that means he's out there somewhere.

But like... like a ghost.

If there's a ghost hunt,
I'm dropping everything.

♪ No matter how far ♪

[Mucus] It's so good to be alive!

[Slyther] The terrific two.

[band] ♪ Wherever you are ♪

♪ No matter how far ♪

♪ No matter how far ♪

[guitar solo playing]

-[Javi and band] ♪ Wherever you are ♪
-[friends laugh]

[Javi and band] ♪ Wherever you are ♪

-♪ May the power protect you ♪
-♪ No matter how far ♪

♪ No matter how far ♪

-♪ May the power protect you ♪
-♪ Wherever you are ♪

♪ Wherever you are ♪

♪ May the power protect you ♪

♪ No matter how far ♪

♪ No matter how far ♪

♪ May the power protect you ♪

May the power protect you!

Cool, cool, coolio.

-[crowd cheering]
-[epic music playing]

[epic music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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