30x08 - Switching Sides

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x08 - Switching Sides

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[tense music playing]

[thunder rumbles]

-[Scrozzle] Quit nagging.
-[Ollie] You almost started a fire.

[Scrozzle] Ah, you make one mistake.

You should've tested
energy output levels first.

[Scrozzle] Hey, this was my idea,

I call the sh*ts.

[Zedd] Wrong. I do. Work faster.

[Scrozzle] Okay.
Could use a break, though. But sure.

[Bajillia] Battle stations, everyone.

Earth's anti-Zord force field has fallen.

Rangers are being freed
and liberating their planet.

But worst of all,
I can't reach my Squillia.

If she's in trouble and the press
finds out, it'll be a PR disaster.

[Zedd] I do not care about this.
Earth offers no value to my plans.

Also, Squillia is a pest.

[Bajillia] True, but this is a brand issue
for Squid Ink Inc.

Wait, your plans?

What plans?

[Zedd] Scrozzle gave me a genius idea
for using this Morphin Master energy.

Once we complete alterations
to the Master Captivator,

I'll be unstoppable!

[Bajillia] Love the sound of that.
But the tracker on Squillia's phone

says she's still on Earth.

So whether you care or not,
I must go save my reputation.

I mean, my baby girl.

Inkworth, prep my Squidrill.

[Zedd] Ugh, ninnies.

[loud snoring]

[Amelia] Sounds like
a lawnmower eating bagpipes.

[Squillia sighs, snores]

Well, you were right, Tarrick.
I've learned... nothing.

[Solon] But she's been with
Zedd's forces for weeks.

There must be some intel in that mind
which can help us find Ollie.

Let's just say her body was present
at Zedd's strategy meetings,

but her brain...

It's mostly thinking about
where to buy new designer sunglasses.

-[Solon laughs]

Let me see.

She's gotta know
how to get to Zedd's base.

Good luck.

Yikes. It's a hot mess in there.


Oh yeah. [laughs]

Snacks? Weren't you two
supposed to be liberating Japan?

We did. Zedd's forces? History.

And this is our reward. Mm-mm-mm.


Kia ora, mates.
New Zealand is officially totally free.

Now it won't be called
New Zeddland anymore.

Now that we're all here,
we saw Dr. Akana in Japan.

She has a solid theory
on how to cure Ollie.

She thinks that since what's
corrupting him is his Ranger energy,

that if we destroy the Tricera Statue
and break Ollie's link to the Grid,

it might turn him good again.

She could be right,
but we don't know where that statue is.

[alert plays on computer]

-[Fern] Maybe this is good news.
-[call connects]

-Hello, everyone.
-[group] Hi, Billy.

[Billy] An update.

The rest of my team has been freed
from one of Zedd's prisons in Angel Grove.

Zack's hip-hop kido
really confused the Zentinals.

That's great news.

There's still Squidrills in Reefside.

We'll take them down,
figure out our next move.

-Thanks, Billy. Keep us updated.

Bit by bit, Earth is being freed.

Who knows? In a few months,

this might all be over,
and life can be boring again.

Sounds good to me.

I can't reopen up my café
until Zedd's invasion is fully over.

It's just too dangerous.

Speaking of,
I need to finish packing up my café.

-Call me if you need me?
-You got it, dude.

[gentle music playing]

[woman] Wait for me, sweetie. Sweetie.

You're Aiyon!

Are you gonna bake more alien food again?

I, um... Oh...

We're actually closed right now
and will be for a while.

I'm just locking everything up.

Oh. When should we come back?
Sammy really wants a Rafkonian treat.

I want to try Flargon cake.

Oh, don't be sad, kiddo.

Give me one second.

Let me find it.

Uh, here.


This is the recipe for Flargon cake.
Now you can make it at home.

Oh, wow.

Thank you. That's so kind.

Now where's she gone?

-[mother] Sammy. Sammy.
-[door bell rings]

-[mother] There you are.
-[Mucus laughs]

[Slyther] Come one, come all.

[both laugh]

[tense music playing]

[grunts] Aw. Why the sad face, kid?

My juggling is amazing,
if I do say so myself.

Which... I just did! [giggles]

Hold on.

Mucus, is that you?

Don't look at me! I'm hideous!



No way.

It's clearly not working.
Let me try to get a smile on that dial.

-Watch what Dr. Sly can do.
-[balls clatter]

[chimes ring]

[audience gasps]

[woman] Wow.

[audience applauds]

-Wow. You're amazing.

-Can I offer a donation?
-A smile is payment enough, ma'am.

Have a lovely day.

[Mucus] Did you see that?

-That was amazing.

-And you did the thing. I did a "whoo."

[both gasp]

Mucus and Slyther, right?

[both] Um...

[laughing nervously] No.
Where'd you hear that?

Just chill. Chill.
I just thought you both were long gone.

But you're here and being nice?

How is any of this possible?

[Mucus grunts, giggling]

[chimes ring]

Human and handsome. I love it.

[Mucus] I don't know.

Wish charms are permanent.
And I love being a mushroom.

Aw, fine. I wish I was human.

[groans] This body makes me sick.

Your circus plan
better be as fun as you think.

She laughed so hard,
her drink came out her nose.

[both laugh]

You know, circus work
is a lot more fun than evil work.

Hmm. We finally got our lives
totally figured out.

[engines roar overhead]

What is that?

-[expl*si*n blasts]
-[both scream]

How is any of this possible, you ask?

It's a tale of woe.

I know Zedd's forces
destroyed your circus.

I'm Rafkonian, remember?
I just read your minds.

Zedd ruined things.
Oh, I hate that meat face.

I get it. This invasion
has messed everything up for me too.

So, if you're not going to destroy us,
what do you want?


I have the best idea ever.

That is the worst idea ever.

You brought two villains into our hideout?

And you want them to work for us?

[Solon] Did you eat too much flargon cake?

Relax, they're both good now. Trust me.

No, trust me.
If anyone knows how evil they are,

it's the guy
who used to be their evil boss.

Don't believe me? Mind-read 'em.

I hope their thoughts
aren't as messed up as Squillia's.

Don't think weird thoughts, Mucus.
Don't think weird...

Oh no. I thought about
fish with human feet again.

Well, I did not like the fish with feet.

But it's true.

You've both changed...

Sure have. I'm stuck
in this horrible human body,

and I hate it.

The important thing
is they know we're good now.


So, how would this spy thing work exactly?

[tense music playing]

[Bajillia] Not far now.
Inkworth, check the tracker again.

Mommy wants her Squilli back.

[Inkworth] It seems her phone is somewhere
on the outskirts of Pine Ridge.

[Bajillia] Ugh. Of course it is.

Our forces were wiped out there,
so we must take them by surprise.

Set course for Pine Ridge.

[Zentinal] Yes, obviously.

[engine whirs]

[Squillia snoring]

Maybe it's not the worst idea ever.
Zeddy still probably thinks they're evil.

They might be able to get us
some important intel.

Sounds great, except one thing.

Slyther can still shape-shift,
but Mucus is stuck as a human.

How could she
possibly blend in undercover?

Maybe it should just be you.


No, you can't split up us circus pals
because of this stupid body.

We're besties.

[spluttering] Oh, I miss being
a mushroom. [sobbing]

Can't believe I feel bad for her.

She was pretty upset about it
when we read her mind.

Nobody should feel like
they don't belong in their body.

[Solon] Uh, Zayto? What are you doing?

Wait. Are you sure
this is the right thing to do?

If he can help, why not?

I, uh...

[scoffs] Never mind.

[Mucus] Hmm?

Something's happening.

[groans, screams]

[Mucus] I'm a mushroom again.


You're the best man ever.
A real fun guy, get it?

[Zayto] Yeah. I get it.

[chimes ring]

[Slyther] Let's start the show.
This plan will be easy.

[Mucus] Yeah!

Wait. What is it again? I forget.

Infiltrate a Squidrill,
find Lord Zedd's base,

and destroy the Tricera Statue.

This'll make my boyfriend good.

[Solon] Then he can help
free the Morphin Masters.

-You clear?
-[Mucus] Do you feel something weird, Sly?

[Slyther] Yes, I think it's
the crushing weight of responsibility.

You guys will be great. [panting]

I just... know it.

-[Solon] Oh dear.

[alarm blares on computer]

Sensors picked up a Squidrill
heading towards Pine Ridge.

My money's on mommy squid
looking for baby.

[Squillia snoring]

-He shouldn't...
-[Solon] Zayto needs rest.

I can take him back to the base.

Do it. Thanks, Solon.

Okay. Battle plan time.

Izzy, Fern, and I will take the Squidrill.
The rest, guard Squillia.

If Bajillia's here,
that's who she's after.

Don't worry.
We'll smell that fish face a mile away.

Relax. Zayto will be fine.


[group] Link to Morphin Grid!

[Amelia] Let's fly.

Zord Power, now!

[energetic music playing]

[Amelia] All right, team.
No time to waste.

Let's cut them off in orbit
before they find the warehouse.

-[Izzy] Got it.
-[Fern] Hold up.

[Copyguards roar]

[Fern] Two Copyguards
just grew giant in the city.

[Amelia] Great. Zords combine!

[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Dragon Megazord, ready!

-[Aiyon] Still in Sleepyland.

Man, I'd hate to share a room
with that racket.

[loud whooshing]

[Slyther] Uh-oh. Gate-crashers.

[Bajillia] Bingo.

Mama's here.

[Bajillia] Squillia Shar Livia Naire,
are you snoozing?

What have you done to her?

You should be worried about
what we're gonna do to you.

It's Morphin' Time!

[energetic music playing]

Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

[both] Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[both] Cosmic Fury Power!

-[Bajillia] Zentinals!
-[Zentinals grunt]

[Bajillia] Get me to my spawn.

[all grunting]

[Bajillia] Let's see if I can strike gold.

[Slyther] We've still got the moves.

[in singsong] Dream team.

[Mucus yells] No touching!

-[Bajillia] Out of my way!
-[Aiyon] Nope, I don't think so.

[Bajillia grunts]

Close enough.

[Squillia sighs]

Ew! Where am I?

[Bajillia] In a lot of trouble,
that's where.

But for now, Mommy needs you
to exterminate these rodents.

-[Squillia] Ugh. Fine.
-[Bajillia grunts]

[tense music playing]

[Copyguard roars]

[comm beeps]

[Javi] Can we get girl power
at the warehouse?

Bajillia's here,
and Squillia's nap time's over.

[Izzy] Girl power is a little busy, bro.

[Amelia] Be there soon as we can.
Copyguards are on the way out.

[Izzy] Cosmic Chameleo Lash.

[energetic music playing]

[Copyguards roaring]


[Fern] Yes! Eat cement, buddy.

[all] Cosmic Dragon Megazord!

Dragon Mega Blast!

[Copyguard groans]

[Fern] One to go.

[all] Dragon Mega Lash!

[Copyguard cries out]

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Amelia] Great job, ladies. Now, let's go.

[all grunting]

[Slyther] Block, parry, attack.

[Tarrick grunts]

[Squillia] Ow! Okay, this is for
making me sit on a poor person's chair.

[snorts, spits]

[both groan]

[Aiyon] I can't see.

[Javi] I told you we should add wipers
to our helmets.

[Bajillia] Finish them.

[Bajillia and Squillia groan]

-[Fern] Called for backup?
-[Javi] Late, but better than never.

-[Aiyon] Yuck!
-[Bajillia groans]

They just keep multiplying.
Ink them up too, darling.

[Squillia snorts, groans]
Uh-oh. Fresh out.

[Amelia] Perfect timing.
See you never. [grunts]

-[Izzy grunts]
-[Fern strains]

[Aiyon] Mosa Splash!

[Bajillia and Squillia groan]

[Javi grunts]

[Bajillia groans] Not a scratch on us.

[Amelia] Whoa!

[Javi] Little more than a scratch.

-[group laughs]
-Zedd's henchmen are history.

And your change of heart's still a secret.

[Slyther] Cue my big brain wave.

Ta-da! [coughs, in Squillia's voice]
Can we get this party started?

Man, Squillia is the perfect disguise
to get into Zedd's base.

[Mucus] You're a genius.

Wait, what's my cover story?

[Slyther] Uh, Squillia's new lawyer?

[Mucus] Ooh!

May the record reflect
that I love that for me.

This plan is a gamble,
but it's our chance to save Ollie

and maybe even the Morphin Masters.

Thanks, you two. You got this.

[both] Bye!

We should go check on Zayto.

Go. I'll tidy up here.

[Slyther sobs]

I was fully kidnapped by the Rangers.

Mom gave her life to save me!

And my new friend Mucus helped.

[Mucus] Hello.

[Slyther wails] So sad.

[Zedd] Yes, sad.

Anyway, my plans can continue without her.

[Slyther] Rude. That's my mom. How dare...

Oh well, at least Squillia...

I mean, I own a bajillion-dollar company.

My new lawyer's gonna help
with the paperwork.

[Inkworth] This thing is a lawyer?

[Mucus] Mucus Mucuson, mushroom-at-law.

My client would prefer
we conducted our business back at base.

[Inkworth] Oh, my apologies. Off to Eltar.

Stop me the next time I act like a fool.

-[Slyther] Hey.
-[Inkworth] Hello.

[Solon] I'm afraid
there's still no change.

Come on, Zayto.

Wake up, man.

[Solon] Leave him be.
He's okay, but he needs his rest.

[gentle music playing]

This is the longest he's been out.

Remember how long he slept
on the way to Earth?

This stuff keeps happening.

-Something must be up with him.
-But what?

He... His body must be getting used
to being alive again.

How does that make any sense?

[Solon] Who knows
what's going on with Zayto?

But he's back with us,
and that's all that matters.

But what if we're in battle
and he collapses again?

[Javi] He's Rafkonian,
but should we take him to a doctor?

Yeah, this is stressing me out.

[Solon] Oh, no need to stress
while the boy is just having a nice nap.

And what a beautiful day
it is in the woods.

Yeah, much better view here
than on Erridus. Don't you think?

-[Solon] Mm.
-Why are you both being weird?

-[Solon] What?

-[Solon] Uh-uh.

We're totally fine.

Zayto! You're awake.

-[Solon] See?
-100% recovery. No problemo here.

Aiyon, Solon, stop.

[Aiyon] What?

-You don't need to lie for me anymore.
-What do you mean, "lie"?

It's not their fault. I made them promise.

Okay, what's going on, Zayto?

The Morphin Masters
used their magic to bring me back.

And now, I can use some of that magic
to help people.

But... it won't last forever.

Which means that I won't either.

I only have so much magic left
until I return to the Grid.

What? So you'll be, like, gone gone again?


I don't know.

But I'm back to help stop Zedd,
so that's what I'm going to do.

Aiyon, Solon.

I was being stubborn thinking
I could handle this on my own.

But I saw how uncomfortable
Mucus was today before I helped her.

And now I see that I've made you two
feel like that, in a different way.

I should have never
asked you to lie for me.


now you know.

I can't believe we may lose you again.

But your problems are our problems.

We're here for you.

-Whatever we can do to help you be around...
-We'll find it. Together.

[Solon] Hear! Hear!

-[message alert beeping]
-[Solon] Hmm?

It's a message from Slyther.

He and Mucus have booked
a one-way ticket to Zedd's base.

It's on a planet called Eltar.

We've got a location.

So far, so good.

It looks like your crazy plan
with those two is working.

-[thunder rumbling]
-[ominous music playing]

[Slyther] Ah. Good.
Everyone must be asleep.

So stay quiet.

[Mucus] Got it. Oh!

[Slyther] The Tricera Statue
and the Master Captivator.

Mucus, we've hit the jackpot.

[Mucus] There's only one thing
we love more than our circus.

[Slyther] It's bombs.

[Mucus] As your lawyer,
I advise we blow stuff up.

[Slyther] You know, we're lucky
this statue doesn't have an...

-[Mucus screams]

-[Mucus] Order! Order in the court!
-[both scream]

[Zedd] What are you fools doing in...


[group grunts]

[both groan]

[Ollie moans]

[Slyther] Ollie? You're good now, right?

[Mucus] I strongly recommend we scram.

[Zedd groans]

So Squillia is a traitor.

[both groan]

[Slyther] Oh no.

[Zedd] Not a traitor, an impostor.

[Slyther] Ollie. Now would be
a very good time to help us.

[Zedd] Whatever your plan was, it's over.

My lord.

[Zedd] Boy?

Simple destruction is too easy for them.

[Zedd] Huh?

They betrayed their emperor.

[tense music playing]

They need to suffer.

[Mucus] Hold up. Suffer? That means...

No, you're still evil!

[Zentinals grunting]

Shackle the shape-shifter while we find
a way to contain the slimeball.

[Mucus] I'm not a lawyer. I need a lawyer.


[tense music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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