30x06 - Take Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x06 - Take Off

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme music playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space
Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away
Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[energetic music playing]

[Zayto] All right.

The base is stuck on the ground
while they test its engines.

So we need to make sure it's safe.

Whatever our seismic sensors
are picking up is big.

[Aiyon] If it's a landslide,
I'm going surfing. [chuckles]

[Javi] Yeah. Make the most of it.
This could be our last night on Erridus.

I might actually miss it here.

[Zayto] Heads up.
Approaching that seismic activity.

[Aiyon] Whoa. A giant tentacle?

[Javi] Nope, not gonna miss this place.

[Zayto] Cosmic Dragon Fire!

[engine whirring]

Did I hear that right? A giant tentacle?

Pics or it didn't happen.

I'll see if I can get
the cloaking field online.

That might buy us time
in case it gets past the guys.

[Solon] Good call. A few more minutes,
and we should be at max engine power.

How are you doing, guys?

[Zayto] Everything's under control.
Whoa. No, it's not.

[Aiyon] I got you. Cosmic blast.

[Javi] Buckle up, you big noodle.
The Grizzly Zord's bearing down.

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Javi] Cosmic Blast!

[scuttleworm cries]

[Zayto] Smooth. Don't let up.

[Javi] Sendin' in the cub.
Cosmic Grizzly Saw.

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Aiyon] Oh man, there's not enough stew

in the world
to feed a scuttleworm that big.

The cloaking field's online.
We've gone incognito.

Ooh. That thing drains power.

Hey, guys, are we seeing this engine
vibration reading? It seems high.

Good eye.

Power it down.

[Amelia] This is why we test things.

[Solon] Yes, so we can fix them.

Any ideas, Solon?

[Solon] Well, if we woke that thing up,
then perhaps our sonic shields are loose.

That's it.

Both thrusters
need adjusting from the outside.

-It'll take two ticks.
-I can help with one.

It's dark, but I know the ship
like the back of my hand.

-There's a Zord battle going on.
-Babe, I can take care of myself.

-That's not the point.
-[Billy] I'll help. We won't be long.

[Solon] Okay. Stand by to rerun the tests.

[Zayto] Zords, combine!

-[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Dragon Megazord, ready!

[Aiyon] Oh yeah.
Gotta love that new Megazord feeling.

[Javi] Let's take it for a spin.

[scuttleworm roars]

[Javi] Here comes Papa Bear.

[Solon on radio]
Both sides secure. Try it now.

[engine powers up]

Ninety-eight, 99, 100%.

We're at max power
for both thrusters, ladies.

And vibration levels are good.

Billy, Solon, your adjustments
did the trick.

Nice work, team.

[Javi] Looks like we got
a real tough customer here.

[Aiyon] Relax. I know
how to deal with those.

You give 'em a drink on the house.

And here's a spicy beverage.

Cosmic Scorpion Venom!

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Zayto] Remind me to always tip
at your café.

Now, let's wrap this up.

[Rangers] Cosmic Dragon Megazord!

Dragon Mega Blast!

[scuttleworm cries out]

[all] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Zayto] With that out of the way,

our last morning
on Erridus should be chill.

Nice. And thanks to Billy and Solon,
our Cosmic Cruiser is ready to fly.

Hey, Solon, does that mean
we're all set to leave?

-[static crackles]

Do you copy?


[Zayto] That's no good.
We're heading back.

Still nothing.

Should we go out?

Bad news.

-Solon's comm. It's covered in...
-[Javi] Scuttleworm goop.

-[Fern] See what happened?
-Negative. I was working on the thruster.

Do you think she was...

Even if something swallowed her,
she wouldn't digest easy.

[Amelia] I'm not writing Solon off.

We're not leaving this planet without her.

[dramatic music playing]

[Solon] Excuse me. Hello?

Hi. Uh, yes. Over here.

I feel like we may have gotten off
on the wrong... uh, tentacle.

I didn't mean to get in your way.
If you could just...


[tense music playing]

So this is where the tracker pinged.
What's it called again?

[Zentinal] Erridus, a desert planet with...

[Bajillia] Scan for the Ranger Base.

[Zentinal] Yes, ma'am.

[Jozotic] How do we even know
they're still there?

-If they fled, we would've seen 'em.
-[Jozotic] Mm.

-They'll show themselves eventually.
-[Bajillia] Ugh. Time is money, darling.

Copyguard, get to that ice moon
and grow giant.

Then blast that desert with all you got.

With luck,
we'll write them off from orbit.

And if you're not lucky?

[Jozotic] The blasts draw them out of
their hiding place and into our sights.

It's a win-win.

[dramatic music fades]

[Fern] So, it's a whole planet
and one dinosaur.

Well, we picked up the big boy
with our seismic sensors.

Movement underground could be Solon.
Or whatever att*cked her.

Maybe we fine-tune the sensors?

Do you think they could've picked up
something Solon's size? Zayto.

[Izzy] Is he...


[gasps] She's in a cave.
It's filled with scuttleworms.


[Izzy] But how?

That magic's on the level
of Morphin Masters.

This feeling of certainty came over me,
and I knew that I... I had to...

[Izzy] Whoa.

It's fine.

Dude, you're freezing.

That magic must've taken a lot out of you.

Take it easy.
You're still getting your strength back.

I'll be fine. But Solon...

-[group gasps]

[Amelia] Where is this coming from?

That's no scuttleworm.

[Amelia] What's on the scope?

Incoming projectiles from Erridus's moon.
It's a giant Copyguard.

They found us? How?
The whole base is cloaked. Right, Billy?

Stay calm. The blasts are random.
They haven't hit us.

They're trying to lure us
out of hiding to find our location.

They're gonna wake up every worm
on this planet if they keep it up.

We gotta take out this Copyguard.

Zayto, can you retrieve Solon
while we take the Megazord for a spin?

Of course.

You're not going alone. I'll join.

Thanks, Iz.

Can I help with something?
You need all hands on deck right now.

Yeah, we need someone on deck, here.
Right, Amelia?

We gotta get off this planet
before Zedd's fleet arrives.

Someone's gotta make sure
the engines are good.

-Okay. Indoor cat. Again.
-Go get our girl back.

Zord Power, now!

[epic music playing]

[Amelia] Cosmic Lion Zord!

[Javi] Cosmic Chameleo Zord!

[Aiyon] Cosmic Shark Zord!

[Billy] Cosmic Wolf Zord!

[all] Linked!

-[Zayto] That's a fun obstacle.
-We're not teleporting straight inside?

That place is crawling with
those worms things.

We'll need to take this slow and silent.

Cutting through will be quietest.

It'll also be gross.
But anything for our number one dino.

[Jozotic] Howdy.

-[Zayto] Huh?
-[Izzy] Ugh.

[Ollie] Don't look so surprised
to see me, Zayto.

After all, you led us here.

A remote tracker on the Cosmic Dragon Zord
is all it took to find this planet.

Then we spotted you two from orbit.

Blah, blah. Ollie with the exposition.
Who cares?

[Ollie grunts]

Someone's touchy.

Shall we?

-It's Morphin' Time!
-[energetic music playing]

Cosmic Orb!

[creatures screech]

[Ollie] Zentinals. Now!

Link to Morphin Grid!

[creatures screech]

[both] Cosmic Fury Power!

[Izzy] What are you waiting for?
Come get it.

[Solon groaning]

-[scuttleworm roars]
-[Solon] Hmm?

[eggs vibrating]

[Amelia] Closing on target.

Zords, combine!

[epic music playing]

[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready!

[Copyguard grunts]


[Zayto] Cosmic Shark Slash!

[Copyguard groans]

[Billy] It's working. He's disoriented.
Cosmic Wolf Strike!

[Amelia] Zayto, Izzy, how's the mission?

[Izzy] Uh, not great.
We've run into your ex and his new crowd.

[Zayto] We'll need backup to reach Solon.

She's underground,
90 feet northeast of our position.

[Amelia] Okay. Do what you can
until we can make it.

Solon is the priority.

[Zayto] Copy that.

You blast, right?


[Amelia] We don't have time.

[Billy] The Bull Zord has traction.
Use it.

[Copyguard groans]

-[Aiyon groans]
-[Amelia] Now, hit him!

[Copyguard groans]

[Solon groans]

-[eggs cracking]
-[Solon] Hmm?


-[Solon shouts, muffled]

[Solon continues shouting]

[scuttleworms screeching]


[Solon whimpers]

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Fern grunts]

Ooh. Ugh.

You asked for this.

[inhales sharply]


Hold still.

[Solon grunts]

Are you okay?

[Solon] This can't be good for my scales.
So thanks for the save.

Didn't like the idea of you
as some worm's takeout.

-[both laugh]
-[scuttleworms screech]

[Solon] Sorry. We can't stay.

-Fern, darling. That was your cue.
-[electricity crackles]

The teleporter's not working.

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Solon] Watch out!


-[Fern] Solon!
-[energy crackling]

[Solon] Oh, sorry.

[Fern gasps]

Touch my friend again,
and I'll turn you into worm soup.


Oh, great.

Did I break it?

-[epic music playing]
-[Fern] Whoa. No way.

It's definitely spandex.
Guess I didn't break it.

Which dinosaur is this?

[Solon] Those look like my claws.

[Fern] Does that mean...

[Solon] Orange is my favorite color.

-[Fern] Solono-power, baby.
-[scuttleworm screeches]

[Fern] All right.
I better think up some quips.


[Aiyon] Ready to ice this clown?

[all] Cosmic Mega Meteor Strike!

[Copyguard groans]

[all] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Zayto grunting]

[Izzy grunting]

[Jozotic] Good kitty. Roll over.

[Izzy groans]

[Ollie] Now beg.

[Rangers gasp]

-[Javi] Sorry to keep you waitin', sis.
-[Izzy] No sweat. We had it.

Right, Zay?

[Zayto] Oh yeah. Totally.

[Jozotic] Hats off, kid. The bait worked.

[Ollie] Told ya.
Now we collect the whole set.

[Zayto] We can't keep Solon waiting.

[all grunting]

[Amelia] Cover me. I'll get Solon.

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Amelia] Whoa!

-[scuttleworm groans]
-[Rangers] Whoa.

[Fern grunts]


[scuttleworm screeches]

[Fern] Hyah! [shouts]

-[Rangers] Whoa.
-[Jozotic] Orange? Is that new?

[Solon] I'm coming.

Ah. I think we got away unnoticed.

-[Javi] Behind you!
-[scuttleworm roars]

[Solon] I was wrong.

Amelia, would you mind
getting us out of here?

[scuttleworms growl]

[Jozotic] You ain't my hunting bots. Now...

[Ollie] Stop!

Who cares what they did to your bots?
What matters is...

[Jozotic] Vengeance!

All right, you gobblers.

[grunts] Eat my left hook.

[Ollie shouts]

[gentle music playing]

Uh, Solon. Care to explain?

Hey, team.

-You're orange.

Wait, what? How?

[Solon] It's an incredible story.
But first, we gotta move.

Billy, shut down the cloaking field.

Our systems will need max power
to break orbit.

Let's go warm up those engines
for blastoff.

[Fern and Amelia laugh]

[engines power up]

[Solon] I am so ready to leave this rock.

Anything we can do?

I'd suggest holding on.


[gasps] Oh.

[Amelia] Thrusters are stable.
It's working.

[Solon] Rangers, we have liftoff.

[Ollie] What? They have a spaceship?

Wait. It's the base.

The base can fly?

[scuttleworm screeches]

[Ollie] Not another one. [grunts]

I hate this planet.

[tense music playing]

[Mega Squidrill whirring]

[Squillia] Ugh.

This invasion is a huge L.

The only bright spot
is hanging out with you, Heckyl.

Bright spot?
I think of myself as more of a, uh,

shadowy menace.

[Squillia] With those goggles,
you're a slayin' menace.

You like 'em?

-You should get a pair.
-[Squillia gasps] Definitely.

-Oh, that's fire.
-[camera shutter clicks]

[Squillia] Now, work your angles.

Omwhyzo, you're in my shot.
What do you want?

[Omwhyzo] Weren't you going to update me
on the resistance problem?

[Squillia] Stop prying.

Ugh. What a creep. You're so...


Ew. Do you... have a crush on me?

[Omwhyzo] A crush?
[spluttering] No, I do not.

-[communicator buzzes]
-[Squillia] Lord Zeddy. Spill the tea.

[Zedd] Your mother failed me.

The Cosmic Fury team escaped
and may be heading for Earth.

Make sure you're prepared, or none of you,

not even that crush of yours,
will escape my wrath.

[Squillia] Hey, so,
since I'm super busy right now,

you're in charge of stopping
those little Rangers if they turn up.

[Omwhyzo] Uh... of course. Anything.

I've got this.

[Squillia] Finally.
Now, you were getting me goggles.

[dramatic music playing]

[Solon] And because of Fern's heroism,
the orb bonded with her.

In a flash,
she morphed into the Orange Cosmic Ranger.

Hey. So, the autopilot is engaged,

and we'll enter the Milky Way galaxy
in a couple of hours.

Morphin-omenal. Great work, Jones.

[Solon] Oh, and this is the best part.

Look who it is.

[Orb Solon roars]

You two were connected
through the Morphin Grid. A unique bond.

[Solon] Perhaps my energy transferred
when my cybernetics short-circuited.

It definitely gave me a zap,
but I'm just glad you're safe.

[Solon] Well, I'm doing fine.
But don't let me keep you.

[gentle music playing]

Hey, I know I promised to stay back,
but I just felt like...

You had to.

I would've done the same thing.

Neither of us are indoor cats, are we?

[Fern sighs]

Ever since I got you stuck
on the other side of the universe,

I've had this feeling

like something awful was gonna happen.

It got in the way, and I forgot
one of the main reasons I really like you.

You're pretty much unstoppable.

[Fern sighs]

Unless I break my ankle.
But then I got you, Garcia.

Love you.

So, uh... I guess now that
your girlfriend's a Power Ranger,

it kinda gives a new meaning
to power couple.

-Am I right?

Guys, Dad would have loved that one.

Hey, Javi, when we get back home,
if I were you, I'd stick to music.

[Amelia and Billy laugh]

I know we've got a whole lot
waiting for us back at home.

The force field, Squidrills,
maybe even Zedd himself.

But we've got allies and a plan.
Step by step, we'll get through.

Look out, Earth, here we come.

-[tense music playing]
-[thunder rumbling]

With my strength,

I don't get why
I'm not the one defending Earth.

Are you angry with me?

[Zedd] No, child.

I'm disappointed.

I tried my hardest.

My evilest.

[Zedd] There is a saying in this universe,

"No peace for the strongest,
only survival."

Think of all the warlords and emperors
that came before me.

They all failed and then were destroyed.

But not you.

[Zedd] No.

You're Lord Zedd.

[Zedd] People of power, including Rangers,

will always try to tear the top dog down.

And if you're down, you're done for.

The only way to survive is to stay on top.

That's why I must become
the most powerful being there is.

Scrozzle and I
have found the way to do it.

-So forget Earth.
-[energy thrumming]

[Zedd] This Morphin Master energy
is the key to domination.

And you will help me unlock it.

It'll be an honor, master.

[dramatic music building]

[dramatic music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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