43x03 - I'll Sign the Divorce Papers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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43x03 - I'll Sign the Divorce Papers

Post by bunniefuu »

That was something else, bro.

Tribal went
the exact way we planned it.

Justine got voted out,

but beforehand it was crazy.

I found a Beware Advantage.

I regretted it immediately,

'cause you had to get a special
bead from every player's bag,

and until you are able
to do that, you lose a vote.

I literally have minutes
before Tribal, and I...

It was terrifying.

But thanks to Nneka and Jesse,
I got the beads

just in the nick of time
to take off to Tribal Council.

And now this is an idol, baby.

And Dwight doesn't know,

Noelle doesn't know,
and I'm fine with that.

I'm a little bit worried
that Noelle is gonna, like,

try and, like, come after me
at some point, but...

Dwight was
a little bit upset, too.

I wouldn't worry about it
right now.


Me and Dwight could not
get on the same page

when it came to Justine.

He didn't have a vote anyway,
it was my vote to begin with,

so I played my game,
I didn't play his.

Right now,
I feel best with Cody and Nneka.

I feel like we have the power,

and it puts Dwight and Noelle
on the bottom.

And even though Dwight is
definitely like my island wife,

if Dwight doesn't want
to get on board, then, you know,

Dwight might have to go next.

I'll sign the divorce papers.

It's okay.

That's what kind of scares me.

- That's my only concern.
- That's my only concern, too.

While I'm not mad at Jesse...

I don't feel wholly betrayed
by him... I am wary of him.

And the island marriage
is a bit strained right now.

Got to say, um,
he's sleeping on the couch.

But this Tribal Council,
in a way, woke me up

to the kind of game
Jesse is playing.

Yeah. With Justine, I mean,
it was my fault, kind of, like,

having that view of, you know,

we were joined at the hip,
because we really weren't.

It was 100% a wake-up call
at Tribal Council.

At this point,

I'm thinking that
I kind of am on the bottom.

I'm thinking,
"Why would Jesse lie to me?"

But everything that I've
been through, just losing my leg

when I was 19 years old,
I was never a "poor me."

So it's a new day,
and I'm gonna try to do

whatever it takes
to start getting my feet

really in this game.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah.



I've seen Gabler
start to deteriorate physically

over the last couple of days.

He seems like
he's really struggling,

and there's a lot of babying
going on for him right now.


I just couldn't get comfortable
last night.

Just gonna go into
kind of hibernation mode

until we get going.

Got it.

I've turned the tables on
my feelings with Gabler, and

I would like for him to go next.

The trouble is
we're still unsure

whether Gabler knows whether
or not his idol is still good

for the next Tribal Council.

Yeah, I don't like it.

I just don't know
what the line is,

'cause I want to know
what he knows about the idol.

Let's start there.
So I bring up, um,

kind of exciting that
we can now use your idol as...

- A fake.
- A fake. Like, let's

try to make it look legit
now that it's expired.

Either way, I feel
like we need that information.

Okay. I'll have
that conversation today.



- You think
Elie's closer to Gabler?
- Yes.


Elie wants to make Gabler

think that his idol is dead

and that it has
no more power anymore.

And she thinks that she's
running the show around here

and that she's playing the best
game that any of us are.

But she thinks
she's got an awesome,

close relationship
with everybody.

Okay, sure.
We'll-we'll see how that goes.

- Can you still use
the idol that you have?
- Yup.

You can?

- I can.
- Okay.

My tribe thinks
I'm 22 years old,

living young, wild and free.

My tribe has no idea
that I'm 19 years old.

But little do they know that a
19-year-old is about to outclass

the 24-year-old
and a 31-year-old psychologist.

They don't know
if you know that it works.

They know that-they know
that it works

'cause they looked
in your bag, bro.

Prior to this, I trusted Elie,

but now I know
she's being a double agent

and playing all sides...
And probably other sides.

- That... Dude, that
is all the proof you need.
- That is all you need to know.

She's dangerous, dude.

The fact that "my ally"
was in my bag,

snooping around...

She's next, for sure.

They did?

They wanted to read it
and see if the idol still works.

- Which it does.
- Mm.

- It still does work?
- It's for two Tribal Councils.

- Two, that I go to.
- Mm.

I've kind of been
playing the middle

in terms of the Gabler
idol shenanigans.

I was there
when Jeanine and Elie

were going through his bag.

I found it.

I think Elie and Jeanine
still think

Gabler is unaware
that his idol still works, but

he's not an idiot.

Elie's scheming like crazy.

They don't know
that I know it works

because they think I'm,
I guess, a little slow.

But the fact that she's

underestimating me

is great.
I mean, I work

in an operating room, and I do

transcatheter valve surgery.

So I-I may not be a genius,
but I'm-I'm not a dummy either.

But if she wants me to
play a dummy, I'll play a dummy.

Oh, and have you seen
those nuts on the beach...

The thing that your idol case
is made out of?

- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Have you seen them around?

Mm-mm. No. Are they edible?

No, but I was gonna say,
it would be fun to have, like,

a fake idol making day.

We could use the beads and stuff
from your temporary idol, right?

- Since we didn't have to go
to Tribal, it's expired.
- Yeah. That's right.

That's right. That's right.

Yeah, kind of nice that
you didn't have to use it.

I know. Although I do want
to give it to my daughter

for graduation.

The ultimate souvenir.


I absolutely think
she bought it,

and it feels great,

'cause I'm gonna get
the last laugh on this one.

It's gonna be very satisfying.

- Gabler does not know
that his idol is still active.
- Aw.

And he's super-excited
to take it home to his daughter

- for her graduation.
- You're kidding.
You're kidding me.

Yeah, so I feel evil.

That was funny, huh?

- She really tried
to be slick with that.
- Very slick.

But I can play the hillbilly.
I'll do it all day long.

I can be Cool Hand Luke,

taking it easy the whole time,

and I will surprise her

at Tribal, big time.

We got to get her out.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Cha-cha-cha ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Day six is a good day
for the Coco tribe.

We're, like,
on a high right now.

We've gotten
a ton of food today.

It's James' birthday,

so we did, like,
a little celebration for him.

And we gave him a little
bracelet that we made him.

Thank you. Like, this is crazy.

It literally is, like,
a community here.

You know?
We're building it slowly.

Slowly until
we slit each other's throats,

but, you know, for now,
everything's peachy.

It's your birthday.
You get to do whatever you want.

I haven't even been
down to the rocks yet,

so if we're not
doing stuff today,

I'm definitely
exploring for idols.

Here's the thing.

You know what the risk is
to go off on your own exploring.

- We don't have to tell you that.
- Yeah.

The first couple of days,
everyone was worried

about going off on their own.

You know? We didn't want to

paint a target
on our back too early.

But I think as we're approaching

day six, something's out there,

and people are looking.

And I'd be shocked if someone
didn't have something already.

- Yeah, does anybody have it?
- I don't.

Everyone's having suspicions

about everyone
looking for idols.

There's a lot
of low-key paranoia about it.

But you don't want
that idol to fall

into the wrong person's hands,

because that can
crumble your entire game plan.

All right.

Survivors ready?

It's hard to escape,
especially in this camp,

but with Lindsay,
Cassidy and Ryan

out in the water, on the raft,

James ready to take a nap,
I knew it was the perfect

opportunity for me
to get out there.

So I'm going up this trail
right by my camp,

and I never stop in the middle,
but I'm like, "You know what?

Let me look at these trees."


Oh, my God.

Immediately, I freak out, right,

because I've been playing
it safe this entire time,

and I look down at the note,
and it says, "Beware Advantage.

If you take it, it's yours.
Otherwise, leave it."



scared the living hell
out of me.

You don't know what the task is.

Oh, my God. This is so hard.

What's really there
is the fear of jeopardizing

kind of, like, a perfect game.

I had already gone on a journey,

and I did not risk it.

So why was
I gonna risk it again?

Maybe I'm missing

an incredible opportunity...

...but I put it back.

So this is what I typically
just do to my hair and wear it.

I'm sorry, Dwight.
This is moving slow.

Oh, please.
We got nothing but time.


- Mm-hmm.
- Um...


There is a mission team
that they were

part of my motivation
to come to Survivor

and win a million dollars,

because I want to be able
to support them even more.

They take in families
that were displaced

either by the Boko Haram

or families that converted
from Islam to Christianity

and were then thrown out,
mainly women and children.

Oh, my goodness.

Help out? Yeah,
and make a change. Give back.

A couple of years ago,
the camp was att*cked,

and everything was b*rned down.

I remember that day was, like,

one of the hardest days
of my life.

I was mad at God.
Like, "What are You doing?

How could You
have allowed this?"

But then to turn around
and hear them

still be thankful, to say,

"No, we're grateful.
No life was lost."

Sometimes I'll sit and complain
about my first world problems.

- And then I remember,
you know?
- Yeah. Yeah.

You know, you stay out here,
and yes, I sleep on bamboo.

Suck it up, chick,
and go win a million dollars

and come take care of business.

I didn't want to open up
that Beware Advantage.

I don't want to put
that big target on my back.

So as I'm talking to James,
I'm really just trying to probe,

would he take the risk
or would he leave it?

I guess 'cause we're really
here on Survivor to take risks.

That's a risk that we take.

So, as I'm sitting there,
I'm just thinking,

"What would my wife think

that I left
a freaking Beware Advantage?"

This game
is all about overcoming fear.

I think I'm gonna go refill.

I-I'm feeling really thirsty
right now.


That powered me.

That gave me the freaking
confidence to say, "Do it."

There's no way that
I'm just gonna sit back

and let someone else
play a beautiful game.

Oh, damn.

It's super hard,

and the scariest part is that
I don't have a vote right now,

but this was kind of like
my giant leap of forget the fear

and play a game that
you would be proud of.

Do you have your beads?
Let me see. Do you?

I'm trying to figure out if...

'cause, like,
my wife's birthday's coming up.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I want to make her,
like, a-a necklace, but, um...

- Okay.
- Today's James' birthday,

and we decided
to make him a bracelet.

And so I told James that
I wanted to make a bracelet

for my wife, because
her birthday's coming up.

Which is BS... my wife's
birthday's in February.

Can I trade you for some beads?

Would that be cool?

I mean, if you want it,
just take it.

- Yeah? Okay.
- Yeah.

James was easy to get,
but I have time

kind of ticking against me.

I can't count on us winning.

I have to try to get this
as quickly as possible.

I was telling James

that I was
building a necklace for my wife.

What could I sell
or trade with you?

Yeah, so, I don't want to, like,
get rid of anything.

Just one.

I knew that
Geo really likes that bead.

- What? Which one do you want?
- For just...

That one.

- This water thing?
- Yeah.

Please, I will...
I'll do some... anything for you.

So I had to use
a different tactic.

I had to think about, like,

what is it that
he wants here, right?

I'll give you all of these.

So, then...

I get it.

So now I have three

out of the six beads.

The hard part about this
is I can't be too pushy,

because then they're gonna
think, "What's the urgency?"

But then a freaking light
went off,

and I was like, "My earrings

I could use to barter."

Can I give
you one of my earrings

- for that bead?
- No, that's okay.

No, like, it would be my honor
to trade you my earring.

- And so the earring definitely
worked for Cassidy's beads.
- Aw.

And so I realized I had a

second earring, right?

- So...
- You better stop.

So you always think of me.

In that moment,

I'm like, "Okay, Karla,
you have some acting skills."

You know, I might need to,
like, audition or something.

I'm one bead away from having my
own immunity idol, but it's not

done yet, because
I still need to work on Ryan.

I run up to him

and I mention,
"Hey, we're exchanging

kind of pieces of ourselves."

So we have, like,
a memory of each other.

That bracelet,
I realize I really do

like a lot, personally.

- Okay.
- So...


That's not gonna work. I don't
want your freaking shark sock.

So I'm like, "All right, Plan B.
Plan B. How do I reel it in?"

- Ryan.
- Go ahead.

- Mm-hmm.
- All right,

girlfriend, right? That's his...
Pull at his heartstrings.

And I'm like,
"Do you think I can

give you my turquoise beads
and I just take

the last three beads
of your bag?"

- Is it cool if I take those?
- Yeah.

And he was like, "Uh, okay."

- There you go.
- Oh, my God.

- That is pretty.
- Thank you.

- Thank you, Karla.
- For sure, Ryan. Thank you.

So with this, not only
do I have a beautiful idol,

but I freaking get my vote back.

I feel like
I really needed this,

and I really needed
to overcome that initial fear.

I just think it's so badass
that I believed in myself.

It gives me
that confidence boost,

and I feel like
if I didn't get it,

I'd be regretting it.

All right, getting your first
look at the new Vesi tribe.

- Justine voted out
at the last Tribal Council.
- Wow.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?


First things first, got to take
back the idols. Thank you, Elie.

Not again.

James, you say that every time.

Once again, immunity
is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge,
you're gonna

leap off a tall tower
into the ocean.

Then you're gonna
climb a stack of crates

and dive into the water
to retrieve a key.

Then the next person goes.

Once you've
retrieved all three keys,

the two remaining
tribe members will use

those keys to unlock
the pieces to a turtle puzzle.

First two

tribes to finish win immunity.

- Safe from the vote.
- Yes.

In addition,
you're planning for a reward.

- You want to know
what you're playing for?
- Yeah!

First tribe to finish...

...a large Survivor tool kit
and a lot of fruit.

Oh, my God...

Second tribe to finish...
Smaller tool kit, less fruit.

Last tribe to finish,
otherwise known as the losers,

Tribal Council,
where somebody will be

the third person
voted out of Survivor 43.

And as a penalty for losing,
I will take your flint.

Vesi, you are working
to get yours back.

Coco, you are the only tribe
still intact with six people,

which means you're
gonna sit somebody out.

- Who's it gonna be?
- Who can dive?

I'll sit out.

Geo, take a spot
on the sit-out bench.

Everybody else,
give you a minute strategize.

We'll get started.

You rock, girl!

All right.

All right, here we go.
For immunity and reward.

Survivors ready?


It's Dwight, Cassidy
and Owen in the water first.

Good job, Dwight!

Owen's up first for Baka.
That's how you do it, Owen.

Now you got to dive down
and release that buoy.

Let's go, Cassidy!

Go, Owen!

Owen has got his buoy.

Oh, yeah!

There goes Dwight.

Dwight's got his buoy.

There goes Cassidy.

Owen is first for Baka.

- Go, Gabler, go!
- You're good, Baka.

There goes Gabler.
Cassidy's got her buoy.

Dwight, let's go!

You're good.
Go, Vesi. There's Noelle.

Great job!

You're good.

Go, Coco.
There goes Karla.

Go, Karla! Let's go!

You got it, Gabler!

Gabler dives
down for the buoy now.

Gabler has his buoy.

There's Noelle.

That's it, Karla!

Here comes Karla.

That's how you do it
on Survivor.

Yeah! Come on, Karla!

Karla in the water
with a nice dive.

Noelle heading down
for her buoy.

Karla goes down for her buoy.

Let's go, Gabler.

Let's go, baby. Go, Sami!

You're good, Sami! Go!

Sami in the water for Baka.

Here comes Noelle.

Got to get her
up on the platform.

- You're good! Go!
- Go, Cody!

There goes Cody
in the water for Vesi.

Keep going! Keep going!

You're good! Go!

Ryan in the water for Coco.

There's Baka's third buoy.

Sami making quick work
of this course.

- Here comes Ryan.
- Come on, Cody!

And Cody.
Ryan with a beautiful dive.

Cody with a nice dive.
Ryan not even coming up.

He's going
straight for the buoy.

Ryan has his.
Cody has his.

- Got to get back.
- Throw it!

- Okay, go...
- You're good, Baka.

You got it, Cody.

- You're good, Coco.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Got to get him
up on that platform.

You're good, Vesi.

Okay, okay, okay.

Baka has their puzzle pieces.

They can start working.

- Vesi has there's.
- Let's go!

Coco has there's.

Now you got to start
working on that turtle puzzle.

- There you go...
- It is Nneka and Jesse,

Jeanine and Elie,

Lindsay and James.

- For immunity and reward.
- Good job, good job.

We're looking
for two tribes to finish.

- Yes, Jesse.
- Yes. Yes.

Two tribes to win immunity.

Vesi just went to Tribal.
They don't want to go back.

Plus, they'd like
to win that flint back.

Yeah. Yeah, we got the outside.
We got the outside.

Nneka and Jesse
doing a nice job right now.

It is Vesi in the lead,

then Baka, then Coco.

One at a time until they fit.

Lindsay with a piece for Coco.

One at a time until they fit.

Another piece by Baka.

It is now Vesi and Baka
side by side.

Coco trying to stay in this.

- That piece you have. Nneka,
the piece on your right hand.
- Nneka. Nneka.

- Yeah.
- Grab it.

Nneka looking
for some redemption

for the last time
she was on the puzzle.

Did not go well with Dwight.

She's got a new partner
in Jesse.

- Nneka.
- Nneka, no.

Baka's closing the gap.
And another piece.

All right, guys. Let's go.

It is now Baka
in the lead over Vesi.

Jeanine and Elie are on fire.


Baka wins immunity!

It is now Vesi...

...and Coco.

Coco now is back in this.

Now Vesi feeling the pressure.

- Yes, yes, yes.
- We got a showdown now
between Vesi and Coco.

Tribal Council looming.

Who will get it first?

- It's in the middle.
- James, you're holding it.
You're holding that...

Pop it down in the middle.

Coco has caught Vesi now.

Smaller pieces on the back.

Nneka's trying
to look at Baka's puzzle

for a little help.

- Behind you!
- That one! Put those...

James with another piece
for Coco.

It's right there.
It goes right there.

Vesi has been in the lead,

then lost it to Baka
and has now lost it to Coco.

Another piece by Coco.

Put it right there.

They're down to one for the win.

Nneka's still looking for help.

- That's it, right there.
- Yeah!

Coco wins immunity!

Sending Vesi
back to Tribal Council.

- What a comeback.
- Yeah, baby!

And a blown lead by Vesi.

All right, Baka, congratulations.

- Victory. Nobody went home.
- Thank you, man.

Coco, another win.

Once again,
you stay intact as six.

All right,
we have one order of business.

Baka, you're in charge.

Choose one person from Vesi
to go on a journey.

You will return
before Tribal Council.

- Who you gonna send?
- Noelle.

Noelle is gonna go
on a journey for Vesi.

Baka, choose one person
from Coco

to join Noelle.

- James.
- James gonna go.

And now choose one person
from your own tribe.

- I'm going.
- Owen.

All right, James, Owen, Noelle,
boat's here.

Noelle, you'll be back at
your camp before Tribal Council.

Thank you. Thank you, sir.

See you guys.

Have fun. Have fun.

Love you.

Coco, Baka,
nobody going home tonight.

- Swim out.
Have a good night off.
- Okay.

Take your hero's dive.

All right, Vesi,
Tribal Council tonight,

where somebody will be
the third person voted out.

Swim out.
See you tonight of Tribal.

Losing the second challenge
in a row feels awful.

You know, we're one Vesi family,
as we keep saying,

but it's now
about tribe strength.

Nneka and Jesse,

the heat has to be on them
in that performance.

There's no excuse.
There's no hiding.

There's no running from it.

Y'all had the puzzle
in your hands

and y'all were not
able to clutch it out.

Y'all, I'm sorry about that.
That stinks.

It's all good.

You know, it was Jesse
and I who did the puzzle,

and I take
accountability for that.

I let my tribe down.

It's all good.

It's not all good.

What breaks my heart the most
is the fact

that we have to lose
something big...

Which is another tribe member.

What are you thinking?

I don't know yet.

And I don't want
to think about it.

We're good.

Noelle... that girl
inspires the heck out of me,

but I didn't know this game

was this hard.

I feel like I let her down,

and I feel like
I let my tribe down.

And it sucks.

- Yeah.
- We are in dead last,

and it is crunch time,

and tonight is gonna be a really

difficult vote.

- ...the last few times. And...
- She has been.

And, like...

So that's... so this is why...

We watched Noelle perform again,

so the doubt of her having
one leg is kind of gone.

So for me, it's gonna be

the loyalty
or the strength of the tribe.

Oh, man, I don't want to...

We made our bed with Nneka,
you know what I mean?

That's maybe where we
made a mistake off the bat,

was getting in an alliance with
the least physical player here.


My thought is we got, we got
to lie in the bed we made.

The two names that are
on the table right now

are Nneka and Noelle.

And for me, like, I have
a much stronger bond with Nneka.

She reminds me a lot of my mom,

and it's really hard,
because my mom passed away.

My mom was this person
who was selfless.

Her door was,
like, open to anybody.

She raised five kids that, like,
she didn't give birth to it.

And she also had her own
ministry where she was, like,

feeding the homeless.

And Nneka
has all of those things.

Like, she's told me
that she, like, her house

is a open door for family,

for friends,
and, like, she also has

her own ministries that
she's currently doing.

And so, like, voting for Nneka,
in some ways...

...it feels like
I am voting out my mom,

which is terrible.

It's a hard decision to make,
and I really

have to think through whether
I'm gonna do it or not.

Yo, this is so crazy.

- This is insane.
- That was quite a ride.

I'm going to freaking
Tribal Council tonight,

so I don't know
if it's the best idea

for me to be gone for hours,
away from camp,

when everybody's gonna
be talking strategy

and who to vote out,

especially since
I was on the wrong end

of the votes
last Tribal Council.

Oh, wow.

- Awesome.
- Cool beans.

And then I see this huge
freaking mountain, and I'm like,

"Don't tell me
I have to climb this, Jeff.

Please don't do this to me."


This is just freaking insane.

But I know that
if you want something to happen,

go out and make it happen.

In high school, I was
a three-sport varsity athlete.

My dream was to play
collegiate lacrosse,

and I earned myself a Division I
scholarship to play in college.

But the summer
following my freshman year,

I was involved
in a moped accident.

I lost my leg.

I definitely thought
my life was over.

I didn't think that I was
gonna be able to overcome it,

but I didn't want
to let that single moment

define the rest of my life.

The process
of getting back on the field

was very challenging for me,

but by the time
my junior year rolled around,

I was the first
above-knee amputee

to ever play
collegiate lacrosse.

And then about
a year and a half later,

I qualified for my first
Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

And there I placed
sixth in the world,

and I set a new U.S. record
for the 100 meter.

I am absolutely here to prove

that anybody can play
the game of Survivor,

and I'm willing to do
whatever it takes. So,

I want to play
this freaking game.

Like, I want
to stop playing scared.

The last Tribal Council didn't
go the way I expected it to go.

- Oh, no. Really?
- Really? Oh.
- Yeah.

If you guys throw me a bone,
I promise you, come merge,

I'm, like, willing to look you
guys in the face right now

- and do a three.
- That'd be awesome.

I'm being very open to them

and telling them what happened
at last Tribal Council, how

I was at the bottom
of the votes.

I just kept trying to,
like, do whatever I could

to kind of say, "I feel
really uncomfortable tonight."

So having an advantage
in my pocket, it would be huge.

All right, James, what we got?

"Those who choose Risk
will draw a package

"from the appropriately-numbered

You'll wait to open
until you are back at camp."

I'm-I'm down to...

- I-I can protect.
- I'd like to keep my vote.

- Yeah.
- And it sounds like you need it.

You guys sure?

- Yes.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Aw, thank you, guys.

You need it more than we do.

You guys are amazing.

- You got me.
- That's how you build trust,

- like, literally, you know.
- Loyalty.

I'm looking you guys
in the face.

I really appreciate that.

Noelle's made it
pretty clear to us

that she is on the bottom,
and she needs this advantage.

So, I decide, James decides
let's let Noelle be

the only person
who risks and get the advantage.

I want to get those big players

out for you guys
before the merge.

She said she was going to try

to take a big sh*t, so now,

I'm hoping that Noelle is going

to take this advantage

and take out a big thr*at
on the tribe.

I love this vibe. Let's go.

Oh. It's gonna be a long night.

- Really.
- Long night again. Yeah.

The biggest concern of mine
going to Tribal is Jesse.

He's b*rned me once.

That first vote,

he did not go the way I thought

it was going to go,
and that is solely on Jesse.

So going into this one, part
of me is also concerned that

he could easily vote with the
same voting block of three of

Cody, Nneka and Jesse, and vote

myself or Noelle
out of this game.

So, in a sense, what happens on
Noelle's journey will determine

what happens at Tribal Council.

I mean, since we're going
to Tribal Council tonight,

my thing was, like, I didn't
want to risk it and then

not have a vote tonight.
I mean, you can literally

search my bag.
I swear to God,

I just wanted to play it safe.

So, I lie to everybody,
and, you know,

but I'm thinking in the back
of my head, "Yes."

Like, my inner Survivor fan
would love this right now.

Like, she's not
giving them anything.

So, yeah, you guys can follow me
around all you want.

I promise you
I don't have anything.

I think they bought it.
I hope they bought it. So now,

I have work to do.
I have to start

solidifying my spot
so that I can be safe tonight.

All right, so...

I know typically,
like, Survivor players...

You do not tell anybody
you have an advantage.

But I just want to keep this
between Dwight and myself

because I feel like I have
the strongest bond with him.

- This is for us.
- I...

This might be a first
on Survivor,

but, hey,
I have a great hidden spot

right inside my foot shell.

This type of advantage
is insanely important.

- This is perfect
that we have this.
- That is just us.

This advantage to steal a vote

and to cast an extra vote... this
could help me make a really big

gameplay move.

At the last Tribal Council,
I felt b*rned by Jesse,

and we're trying to gauge
where he's at right now.

And if we feel even a little bit
untrustworthy towards him,

then I can absolutely
steal his vote,

and Dwight and I are controlling
this game at this point.

I have a freaking lot
of game left,

and I have a lot more leg jokes.

I have a lot more
different things that I want

to pull out of my sleeve. So,

I think the biggest thing
this Tribal's all about is just

reassuring that I'm gonna be
here when I wake up tomorrow.

All right, so let's start
with the challenge today.

Nneka, Vesi was k*lling it,

and you and Jesse
were k*lling it,

and then,
the pieces just stopped moving.

Yes, I still take, you know,

a big chunk of accountability
for that.

But it was a team effort,
and we all wanted

to make sure we're a part of it.

Jesse, what do you
think happened?

I mean, I do jigsaw puzzles
at home with my kids, but, like,

it is a different
setting, right?

Like, we've got people
yelling at us.

There's you
yelling things at us.

You know?

And we're also, like, hungry and
starving. We're not operating

at our best out here, and so,

it just sort of slipped
through our fingers.

So, Nneka, when you go back
to camp, Noelle's on a journey.

What happens?

Jeff, there was a lot
of heartbreak.

You know, we lost out
on immunity, we lost out

on a reward, but the worst part

of it was that we're gonna

lose out on another
tribe member.

And coming into Survivor,
yes, I think

I understood
the physical part of it.

I understood
the mental part of it.

I did not understand
that you actually

get to care about people
you met a few days ago

because they really
have been your family out here,

and you have to sit there
and make a decision

to say, hey, that's the end
of the road for one of 'em.

It was a hard afternoon.

Cody, can you relate
to what Nneka's saying?

Oh, undoubtedly. Uh,

We were doing the numbers
the other day. Seven days

is what? Plus two...
What is seven times 24?

200 some hours?

- 168.
- That's a lot of

unanswered hours with people.

I mean, there's no
outside effects, whether it be

whether it be your loved ones,

whether it be cell phones,
whether it be work. We are

devoted to each other 100%
this whole time we're out here.

So I feel
the same way Nneka does.

But, you know,
there's a game to play.

So, Dwight, that
leads to the question

that I'm guessing
you were grappling with today,

which is, which path do we take?

Make this tribe as strong
as possible in challenges,

or we're going
to be down to four,

I got to hold on to my alliance?

I think those are typically
the schools of thought

that are discussed.
Um, however, I don't think,

like, we just decided
to follow one.

We're trying to find what is the
right balance for each of us,

and I think
we're gonna see in the vote

what kind of path we chose.

So, Noelle, you get back.

Clock is ticking.

- What do you do?
- I mean, it sucks

because the time
that I was gone,

everybody's having conversations,

everyone's trying
to come up with a game plan,

and I'm not there.
And I was already

at the bottom
of the vote last time.

You know,
coming into this game, Jeff,

I have a lot to prove, but
I wanted to prove myself for me.

I wanted to think, you know,
can I do these challenges?

Like, you saw me
in the challenge.

I'll freaking take my leg off.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I have a lot of heart and soul,
and I love this game,

and I want to continue playing.

Jesse, it would be easy
for the four of you to say,

"Look, Noelle's not here, and

there's not enough time for her
to just work the relationships."

Yeah, and not only was
she not there for conversations,

but she also went off
on this journey

where, like,
who knows what she got.

She could have got, like,
a Beware Advantage.

She could have got an idol.
We have no idea.

So it could be
a legitimate approach

to, you know,
who we vote out tonight.

So I'm just curious,
Dwight, how confident

are you that the vote will go
the way you think it's going to?

- Re... Very confident.
- How about you, Cody?


Okay. Jesse?

Extremely confident.

- Okay. Nneka?
- Nine.

We're all using different
scales. We're...

Like, he said, like,
"Very confident."

I said, "Extremely confident."

He said, "Nine."
She said it, too. Sorry.

- Like, I work on surveys,
- He got the message.

And, like,
the response options...

Like, that would not work.

Okay, let's do it
your way just for fun.

Ten is, "Absolutely certain,
I know what's happening."

One is, "I have no idea."

- Nine.
- Cody?


- Jesse?
- Ten.

You are fantastic.

- Nneka?
- I don't know.

Okay. Can we agree

we're close to positive?

- We're on the same scale.
We're good.
- Okay.

Noelle, one to ten?


Five could be a low number

where, you know, I really have
no idea what's going to happen.

And then, five could be

maybe something
will go my way tonight.

All right, with that,
it is time to vote.

Noelle, you're up.

If anybody has an advantage
or an idol,

and you want to play it,
now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote:


Nneka. One vote Noelle,
one vote Nneka.



Two votes Nneka,
one vote Noelle.

Third person voted out
of Survivor 43...

Nneka. That's three.
That's enough.

Need to bring me your torch.

Nneka, the tribe has spoken.

- Time for you to go.
- Okay. Bye, guys.


Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning sponsored by CBS

The winning tribe
earns the right to steal

- from one of the other
two tribe camps.
- Oh, yeah.

I've got people that

I want to get revenge on.

What w*r, man?

It becomes really tricky
when you touch nerves.

I'm playing the game
of Survivor,

and it's a cutthroat
freaking game.

They pulled it off really well.

A really cool blindside.
I'm surprised

I don't have
any negative emotions.

I'm grateful
for the experiences here,

relationships built,
things that I did

that I would never have done
in my regular life.

And this has been
a dream come true.

I don't regret this one bit.

So I just want
to say a big thank you.

I'm grateful
for this experience.
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