32x13 - With Me or Not with Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x13 - With Me or Not with Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: but instead his
alliance turned on him.

Jeff: jason, the tribe has

Leaving the four strong and tai
unsure of his place in the game.

Five are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Okay, guys.

Well done.

I'm shocked, you guys.

I had to go along with the

That's it.

All right.

Everybody felt very strong about
keeping her around.

I wish I was informed.

I have to come back tonight
after tribal and try to think

What exactly happened.

I thought everybody was voting
michele, but all four of them

Vote for jason, so I actually
wasted the vote tonight and I

Was in the dark.

That's the worst thing to do, to
be kept outside the circle.

One thing I always say about
this alliance, we always listen

To each other.

The thing about is an
alliance, you don't turn on it.

I agree.

And you've done it now three
times, though, so...

My whole time aubry and you
and joe, I always say everybody

Has a vice, including you, joe.

But I don't.

Certainly you're part of the
group, and I'm always confused

Where you sit.

I'm honest with you.

I've talked to you about it.

I say, when it comes to final

When it comes to final four,
I'm the easy out.

This is before you joined.

I was in the group before

Tai voted both of his votes
toward me because obviously he

Wants to put me on the outs, and
it's kind of like a slap in the


It's a game.

We all went with jason

That's the way it should have

It's fine.

Fortunately I lucked out that
cydney does protect me, but I

Did get votes against me, so I
don't know where I stand, and I

Could get voted out next.

Seriously, there were two
alliances to me that do not

Involve you, michele.

I know that sounds hurtful, but
do you understand where?

No, but that's okay.

I don't need to understand you.

All right.

You know, whatever.

I feel really confused.

I don't know exactly what

Aubry's the one who told me she
felt strongly that michele

Should go home, but my feelings
are hurt, but especially aubry.

She's the only one I truly

And I feel like she pulled a
fast one on me.

Why am I out on a limb when it
was a group, you and I agreed

That it's going to be michele
and I'm totally fine with it

Being jason.

People felt like when it came
up in a group that they weren't

Allowed to express their

But I'm not dictating.

So what if I don't listen.

Come along or not come along.

At least I'm aware of it.

I should have told you.

I should have told you.

I left tai out of the loop on
the vote because tai has had so

Much control in this game, and I
needed to reclaim it.

But tai feels like I betrayed
him, and that's very big to tai

When he feels like he's been

And so I'm not sure I can work
with tai.

I'm confused whether... Are
you with me, are you not with


I'm kind of confused now,
too, because... This whole thing

Was confusing, too.

I never changed my vote.

I said, I'm going to try to
clear out... We talk about


You know better.

You and I back and forth.

I'm reasonable.

I listen to everything.

I told tai people didn't feel
like they had a voice.


I understand.

But you make me feel

I made you feel unreasonable.

You know me.

That's not who I am.

I felt completely alone.

I don't know who to trust.

I'm most worried about aubry and

I put all my eggs in their
basket, and I don't know where

To move from here.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

We are down to five.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's
reward challenge?


Jeff: for today's challenge
you'll race into the jungle to a

Large wooden ladder.

You'll climb up and retrieve

You'll then race back an attempt
to launch those sandbags into a

Series of targets.

First person to get one sandbag
in each of their five targets

Wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing


Jeff: the winner will leave
here and be take toen to a

"Survivor" spa.

First you'll have a bath, wash
that body, wash that hair, get


Then massage.

Then you eat -- chicken, beef,

Oh, cheesecake.

Jeff: and you will spend
the night for the first time in

33 Days, you will sleep on a
real bed.

You'll wake up, return to camp,
hopefully refreshed and with

Everything you need to get you
through these last few days.

I know it's worth playing for.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


First you got to make a big run
through the jungle uphill to get

Your first bag of sandbags.

Then you got to race back.

You each have three bags.

Got to bring them back one at a

It's cydney back with her first

That was fast.

Here comes michele.


Tai with their first bags.

You got to empty them and then
start tossing one bag at a time.

Cydney launches a little short.

Michele a little short.

Aubry just misses.

Cydney scores her first bag.

Aubry scores her first bag.

Tai just misses.

Cydney heading back in.

Aubry heads back in.

Michele heading back out for

Tai with his last bag.

No, tai misses.

He's heading back into the

Joe back.

Last to get back.

He still has five bags.

He could nail them all right

Joe taking his time.

Joe now with his first launch.

Got the hit your color for it to

Joe just misses.

Aubry has one.

Cydney has one.

That is it.

Joe with his last bag.

Won't do it.

Joe heads back into the jungle.

Cydney back with her second bag.

Aubry right behind her.

Here comes michele.

And tai.

They're launching.

Cydney puts another one in the
same bucket.

Still counts as one.

Aubry scores her second.

Cydney just short.

Tai just misses.

Aubry misses.

Cydney just missed.

Everybody close.

But missing.

Cydney scores her second.

Aubry scores her third.

Michele still coming up empty.

Tai heading back out.

Michele gets her first.

Aubry racing back with her third

She's in the lead.

Aubry has three.

Only two targets left.

You need to make these count.

Aubry launches.

Just misses.

Cydney back with her third and
final bag.

Aubry with a huge launch and it

Aubry has four.

One left for aubry.

This could be it.

Close, but no, aubry with two
bags left.

After that she is out of bags.

Aubry is on her last bag.

This is it.

She's got to do it here.

Aubry misses.

She's out of bags.

Now she's got to wait and hope
everybody else uses up all their


Then we will replenish.

Michele with her third bag.

Just misses.

Cydney just misses.

Cydney is now out of bags.

Here comes joe with his second

Joe has his first.

Joe with a nice toss.

Joe now with a second.

Joe back in this now.

Michele with another launch.

Just misses.

Tai is out of bags.

Michele is out of bags.

Everybody is out of bags except

That was another nice toss.

Joe has three.

Joe still has one bag left.

He's heading back into the

Very interesting situation.

Aubry, cydney, michele and tai
were much faster than joe, raced

Ahead, could not get it done.

Now joe has time on his side.

Doesn't need to race.

Can take his time and could win
it right here.

Can take his time and could win
it right here.

Okay, joe.

Come on.

Jeff: joe heading back with
his third and final bag.

Joe, you're sitting on three.

You have two targets left.

Everybody else out of bags.

This is yours to win right here.

The two furthest targets, you
are going to have to launch to

Get them there.

That won't count.

Just misses.

Close, but no.

Joe down to two bags.

Got to sink them both.

Oldest guy out here.

Could he pull it off right here?

And he has his fourth.

Joe down to one target left.

Good job, joe.

Jeff: the further one.

Could win it right here.

Nobody else can do anything.

They're out of bags.

Joe gets it done!

Oh, my god.

Jeff: at 71 wins individual

Nice job.

Good job.

I'm so happy for you.

Oh, my gosh.

You did it.

You finally did it.

Jeff: joe, come on over.

Nice job.

All right.

Now, joe, you have a decision to

Because the spa is really nice,
but sometimes you want some time


On "survivor" we like you to
have a little company.

Choose one person to join you on
this reward, bath, massage,

Food, and a good night's sleep?

I think I have to go with my
brain partner from the very

Beginning, we stuck together,

Jeff: aubry, come on over.

Aubry going to join you.

All right, joe.

You have to make one more
decision, cydney, michele, tai,

Who you going to pick, and
already aubry is chatting you



Jeff: cydney will join joe
and aubry.

I chose cydney to go because
everything is kind of up in the

Air with tai, so that kind of
forces me to look at what my

Other options are to go to the

Jeff: all right.

Joe, nice job.

Joe, aubry, cydney, grab your

As I leaving the reward
challenge, I'm thinking, cydney,

Aubry and joe, that's maybe
final three.

So I definitely have the take a
risk and try and find a way to

Change the pecking order.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Wow, guys.

Look at this.

Are you kidding me?

This is fantastic.

I'm going to try that first I

I'm loving this chicken.

The chicken is dlirks.

-- Delicious.

We land on this gorgeous
beach, and we scarf and gorge

Ourselves on all this
magnificent food.

It's like heaven.

The meat is so tender.


And I don't eat a lot of meat
because I'm in the a big steak

Guy, but this is phenomenal.

All I needed right here.

This is the best meal I could
have won.

I was running out of fuel, guys.

I cannot believe I won today.

I was absolutely thrilled.

And you get a more substantial
male, meat and stuff.

It's a huge advantage for me.

I'm loving this protein, wow.

With six days to go for me to be
refortified like this is beyond

My wishes.

The whole reward couldn't have
been better.

I love beef.

All beef.

Joe's all beef.

Mr. Joe is loading up on beef
and beef and beef like it was


And I knew from my personal
experience that mr. Joe wasn't

Going to be in a good place
later on.

You won, joe!


Well, while we're here, what
would you like to do now at the


It would be nice for us to...

I'd like to see if we can pull
it off?

Me too.

Are we going to vote tai off.

We can't.

He has an idol.

So it would have to be next

Are you good with that, get rid
of tai?

Are you good with that?

That's your competition.

Cydney and I are --
I'm with that.

Aubry, joe and myself could be a
final three.

I'm trying to downplay myself as
much as possible.

At this point I'm nodding and
smiling and happy to win a

Million dollars.

Aubry thinks she has a lot of
enemy, but everybody knows how

Tough you played the game.

Being social like I was is not
going to get you anything.

Cydney has been quiet and stuff.

We're no thr*at.

At all.

I think everybody has played
their own kind of game.

There are other threats in
this game in different ways.

Joe says I am the only thr*at
basically in this game right

Now, and that cydney was content
being in the final three, which

Is such baloney.

It just made me realize, oh, my
god, cydney is a thr*at in this


She was a key part of some blind

She's won a challenge, and
two-to-a degree she's more


So maybe I don't want to go to
the final three with cydney.

Tai might be a better option for

This is exactly what I needed to
get my head back on.

Good for joe.


I kind of figured that it was
going to be the three of them no

Matter what.

Oh, to go?


I thought aubry would take...

Yeah, yeah.

I know they have a close
relationship, too, you know.

We lose the challenge, so joe
brings aubry and cydney.

Obviously those are the final
three they're thinking about.

So I'm genuinely hurt with aubry
because I don't know where

Aubry's heart is.

I mean, I don't know if you're
open to it, at some time I'd

Like to just talk honest talk.

You want to talk now?

Let's go in the water and sit
together and talk.


Sounds good.

So I come into camp.

I say, oh, no, how am I going to
spend the next 24 hours or so

With michele where I just fought
with her.

The only thing I can do is to
air it out with her.

Last night was just... The whole
thing was just ugly.


Yesterday I feel really hurt,
but it's a game.


I definitely didn't mean to hurt
you, but I mean, you had it out

For me.

I don't know why.

I draw to certain people and I
don't draw to certain people.

But somehow like we don't have
the chemistry.

Maybe you're a very beautiful

I feel uncomfortable or
something, not just you, certain

People I let my guard down.

Certain people I put up my

I understand.

I can't explain that.

I go through my whole life like


Tai says that he bases all of
his relationships in his life on

The chemistry that he feels with

I get that.

You have stronger connections
with some people than with

Others, but when you're in a
game like, this you have to play

All your avenues.

My door has never ever been
closed to you, and it's almost

Like you pick and choose who you
want to get close to and then

Shut other people off.

I think what it comes down to is
that me and tai are very

Different people and we have
very different perceptions on

This game.

Let's just take it easy.

It's going to be our own sort of

I'll give you a massage.


Oh, my god.

I'm good.

I can't wait.

I think michele and i, we're
on the bottom, but michele and I

Were in the beauty tribe before
we merged.

Maybe I missed something.

Maybe I'll have an opportunity
to get to know michele a little

Bit better.

You are good at this.

Feels good.

Kind of feels like a thai

You are having a tai massage.

At the end of the day was a
tai massage.

It's a tai massage because it's
thai in method and tai's the


Oh, the chicken is joining

Honestly, this totally beats
their massage.

And I'll feed you even later
with some mango.

We are kind of having a poor
man's spa while they're having

Their real man's spa.

Who would have ever thought, we
fought last night...

I remember the words you

It just sealed like how...


Who would have ever thought that
michele and tai would have

Bonding massage and a dinner

It's like I don't know.

What has this world come to.

So I'm thinking that there's
a possibility of us doing

Something together.

In the game.

But I just...

We're kind of both on the
outs it appears right now.

I just feel like if I lose, I'm

And if you lose the next one, I
feel like you're done.

I'm tentative to say anything
or do anything with tai after

What happened last time, but me
and tai are seemingly both on

The outs.

You know my door is always open.

There's only two of us.

There's three of them.

We could brainstorm some

We can figure this out.


Couldn't we?

Yeah, I think so.

It would be such a great move on
our part, and completely

Shocking because I don't think
anyone thinks at this point that

Me and tai have the capability
to work together.

I have an idol.

And then it's us two.

Who do we pick?

This would be the only obvious

You think cydney would be the
one to sway?

That would be risky business.

The idea of working with
michele just never crossed my


But I just feel completely
betrayed by aubry.

So I'm open to working with
michele because aubry would

Never see that coming.

Well, yeah, that's true.

I have nothing to lose.

Neither do i.

Why you back so early.

I want you to stay and have

After the reward, coming back
the camp, I know that cydney's a


And my ideal final three is tai
and joe.

You have wine?

No, we had champagne.

Oh, my god new york a hot

By my fear is that tai is so
emotionally needy is that if he

Feels he's been betrayed or
slighted, he might go another


Come on in.

Welcome home.

I have a fire.

My god.

Today I need to talk to tai and
make things right.

And at the end of the day, I
know that joe will go with what

I go with.

How are you doing?

I'm okay.


Checking my thoughts, you know.



I don't know how you're

I know a lot has happened, but
we need to have another option

At the end if something goes

I'm not sure how you're
feeling, but I took time alone

To think about some stuff, and I
don't know where you stand...

I don't know.

I need tai to trust me and
know that the only way to the

End is for us to do it together.

At the end of the day, you know
that joe will go I believe with

What I think the right decision



And I know that you are the
right... There's not even a

Question at this point.

I know we've had some rocky
times, but if we stay together,

We have a higher chance of
getting to the final three.



Tai has to feel he can trust

Because we have five people

I need to be in a group of three

If I have joe and tai, that's
three against two.

That gives me the little bit of
hopefully power I need to get

Through the next vote, and I
have my fingers crossed right

Now that tai's going to the end
with me.

Man, you have to just put a lot
behind you in "survivor" and put

One foot in front of the other.

Aubry really poured her heart
out to me, saying we need each


You're almost there.

That made me feel so
comfortable and relief of this


It's really taken a toll on my
emotion, and I just broke down a


You need the take time for
yourself, too to, not do as many

Things around camp.

So far I played the game with
my heart, so it feels right that

Aubry's on my side, and I have a
tender spot for her from the


As soon as we hit the beach,
we start eating.

It was good.

I ate until right before it was
time to go.

There was a lot of it?

There must have been eight of


And you didn't eat any

I had one.

Just one.

The you didn't like it.

It was so good.


Then it was a beautiful
sunset, clouds and all, and it

Was real pretty.

I'm aligned with joe and
aubry pretty tight at this


So when I see aubry and tai come
back from the water, looking a

Little too comfortable, like a
conversation you would have with

An ally.

Tai's the pain person I thought
we wanted to get out, but I can

Read things very, very well, and
that didn't sit too well with


It seemed very, very suspect.

You can't think one by one


It has to be two steps ahead.

Which is stressful.


But just me and you know that
we're solid.


Then no matter who wins
immunity, you have to convince

The other person to come with


You know what I mean?

Right, right, right.

Michele has been trust worthy
this whole time.

So I rather have her around, but
I want to keep it under wraps

Like I've been doing and hopes I
don't construe myself in the

Midst of trying to better my
game at the same time.

We have to make a move.


Every little thing we do has
to be with a purpose.


It's crazy the way that
things turn here.

I mean, I thought I was on the
outs, but me and cydney have had

A great relationship for a
really long time, and me and tai

Have our plan.

So now it looks like we can kind
of pick and choose who we want

Out, joe or aubry.

And that would be a crazy twist
in this game.

There's no need for any worrying


Which is nice.

I'm a little b*at up today.

I'm having some problems with my

I ate all that meat yesterday.

I'm bloated.

And I'm not passing any urine.

I'm in a little discomfort right
now in my stomach.

I'm hoping that what I have
going on right now is not


Oh, my god.


You and me could have a danceoff
with those moves.

If you manage to... You managed
to make that look not spastic at




Como esta.

What's going on?

I have a bladder problem.



Water help?


I think I have a prostate

What's going on?

Right now it's comfortable,
but if it starts swelling up...

You're not feeling too well?

I'm fine.

Here we are.

Here we are.

This it is, guys.

I'm worried about joe.

Joe is just a steady force for

I tell you what, you pour me
some more water.

Joe is my second vote.

Joe is my confidante.

Joe is the anchor to my entire

I want joe to be okay.

Joe needs to be okay right now.

I need joe to be okay.

I'll be back.

What's wrong?

He said he isn't passing
water through his prostate?


I'm worried that he is in even
more pain than he's letting on.

That's painful.

That's really painful.

It could be something that
could pull him from the game.

And when you're this far in,
five people, that's the last

Thing that you want to see

But at the same time, if joe
goes, it benefits my game.

And so I feel bad, but it's also

So it's weird.

Right now I feel a little
sick to my stomach because I'm

Still constipated as well as the
pressure on my bladder.

It hurts like crazy.

So medical is going to check on
me and give me first runover and

Make sure all my systems are
pretty good.

How are things?

Here's what's happening,
yesterday I went on the reward,

And this morning I'm

And I stopped urinating.


Is there anyway we can get
that softened up?

This is one thing, the
constipation, is probably caused

By the food you had on the

So a couple things we can do.

We can give you some medicine to
sort that out.

Hopefully that will relieve the
pressure on the bladder and you

Can empty your bladder properly
and sort your pain out.

The concern is if this
constipation remains and this

Tube gets completely blocked off
and you're unable to empty your

Bladder, the worry is it can
damage your kidneys if it's left

Long enough.

Joe didn't feel well.

He wanted to see medical.

If joe went home, it would screw
up everything we planned for

Final three.

I'm very, very nervous.

After having medical visit
and receiving medication, it

Started to get a little bit
better based on drinking all the

Water and being able to pass
more urine.

But I'm in pain all the time,
and it's significant.

And it's to the point where I
feel like I'm nauseous.

Oh, my god.

Guys, the doctor says if I
stop urinating, it's not good.

He was hoping that maybe
everything wouldn't shut down.

Joe has been so strong out
here, so to see something

Medically go wrong with him, it
goes to show how crazy this game

Can be.

And you hope that it's going to
be okay.

Keep fighting, joe, keep

He said if you stop peeing,
that's not good.

They'll try and give me some
meds and see what happen, but

It's not working.

I know you're fighting.

Every hour it seemed to get
worse and worse, and he was

Doubled over, and I think he was
masking a little bit of how bad,

You know, how badly he was in

Good luck.

It's in the fair.

Everybody was in tears.

I was in tears.

Cydney was in tears.

Because, you know, he's a dear,
dear someone in our lives.

And it happened so quickly.

Ony and I are both the oldest in
this whole tribe.

I think there's some kinship

Thank you.

Thank you.

I feel so special now.

You made my boo boo go away.

Mr. Joe was like my
substitute grandfather.

He said the same thing my
grandpa would say.

He'd say, don't cry, just keep

He's like, don't cry on me.

He reminded me even more of my
granddad at that point.

It's a beautiful sunset.


I wish when I'm 72 years old
I will be as tough as you are.

You will.

The pain is getting the a
point where it's unbearable.

If I let it go, once I stop
urinating it will be very, very

Bad and it will back up my
kidneys, and, you know, it was

To the point where I felt
comfortable I needed to see a

Doctor again.

Jeff: all right, joe, let's
get you over here for another


I'm very torn up.

It's very, very painful.

Jeff: is it visible?

I was concave yesterday and
now I'm just all bloated out.

I'm in a lot of pain.

Jeff: so doctor, catch me

What's happening?

With someone like joe with
joe's age, unfortunately with

That age comes issues whether
you like it or not.

You can block the outflow from
the bladder, and that's very,

Very painful.

Age is definitely a factor.

I think it's a combination of
things that have come at the

Same time that have led to this

Drew: ironically, you're the
last guy to get a reward, and it

Sounds like part of the reward,
probably all this food you took

In is somehow related to this.

I'll tell you what it was.

I haven't eaten meat.

I don't eat meat.

And they had these big kebab

They had three feet of it.

I couldn't stop eating it.

I think that's all impacted in

Jeff: joe, as a guy who has
gone through a lot in life,

Where is the level?

I'm pretty tough.

I've taken some bumps and
grinds, and this is over the


I'm at the point where I need

Jeff: is this the case
where it's painful but you'll be

Okay, or is this actually
potentially a medical emergency?

It's something that can be

If it's not fixed, it can cause
long-term problems.

This is not something we can
fluff out.

If you can put up with the pain,
the problem you can potentially

Have, if the urine can't get out
of the bladder, that pressure

Can get transferred to the
kidneys and transfer long-term

Kidney damage.

Jeff: so doctor, you are
pulling joe from the game?

I think with the potential
risk of long-term kidney damage,

It's the only safe thing to do.

Jeff: so, joe, you probably
expected this.

I'm at my...

Jeff: you're not surprised
he's pulling you?


There's no way I can manage
through the night here.

It would be miserable.

Jeff: what does it feel
like to be this close to the end

And get pulled for ironically
something that has nothing to do

With your effort of the game but
just a function of being 71?

Jeff, it's extremely
disappointing, but it's a

Physical thing that's happening
here, and I don't want to really

Jeopardize serious problems down
the line.

Jeff: you have a lot of
life left to live.

I hope so.

I got pretty far.

But there are other things,
other challenge, jeff, that

Await me.

I don't know what they are right
now, but I'm always looking to

What's next thing.

Jeff: joe, you just hit on
what I've taken from you.

To continue to pursue things
that exhilarate you, to listen

To that stirring in your soul
that's looking for the next


Never stop living and getting
the most out of life.


Jeff: I think you are going
to be a massive inspiration to


Thank you.

Jeff: I remember the phrase
that was "getting it done at


Getting it done at 71, yeah.

Jeff: you have been getting
it done at 71 for 34 days.

It has been a pleasure to watch
you plain ato watch -- play and

To watch you socialize with
people over 50 years younger

Than you, but this adventure on
"survivor" has come to an end.

Thanks, jeff.

Thanks for the opportunity to
play this game.

I appreciate it.

Joe leaving the game is like
watching family member being


Like your worst nightmare, but
you're also relieved because you

Know joe is going to get what he
needs to feel better.

Don't be crying.

Be well, all of you, and play
good, have fun.


Thanks for making me make
decisions and put one foot in

Front of the other.

You're going to keep doing
that when you get done with this

Thing, too.

Be well.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, joe.

See you see.

Thank you.


We're going to burn this
forest down.


Jeff: this is the most
evacuations in any season of

"Survivor," three.

It has been the one constant
theme of this season: just when

You think you're safe or just
when you fear you're not,

Something changes, and it just
happened again.

Your quest for the million
dollars is within sight.

But now more than ever you will
have to outwit and outplay if

You are to outlast.

It's lake deéjaà vu all over

My biggest ally neal goes out
right after the merge.

And now my other biggest ally
joe is out.

I feel bad for joe, but this
changes everything.

I had a really good plan.

And now everything is ruined, I
don't know what the hell is

Going to happen.

Anything is possible.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode
captioning funded by cbs

Jeff: next time on
"survivor," after 35 of the

Toughest days in "survivor"
history, we're down to four, and

With alliances up in the air, it
is anybody's game to win.

I realize last night.

Jeff: aubry has lost her
closest ally for the second time

This season.

It's sad that joe left.

With joe gone, I don't have
many options.

Jeff: and the scramble to
find a new one.

The best move for your game
would be to stick with me.

I've played this game making
hard decisions.

I'm not going to throw it all on
an emotional decision at the

Eleventh hour.

Jeff: michele has played a
game centered around loyalty.

Your name is not getting
written down by me.

Jeff: but now struggles to
find a name she can trust.

Jeff: if tai win, I'm

I've been on thin ice, but I
will fight as hard as I can

Until my torch is out.

Jeff: cydney is playing
with fire with competing


Aubry definitely wants to go
to the end with you.

Jeff: will they carry her
to the end or blow up in her


There's definitely a trick to
being in the middle.

You have to play the game, not
let the game play you,

Especially at the end, because
that's the most important part.

Jeff: and tai is without an
advantage or an idol.

For the first time in the game
he is vulnerable.

I'm at the bottom, right?

Jeff: without a solid
alliance, tai may have to draw

On new resources.

Every single decision I go
with my heart, but I have to

Look at the bigger picture,
because ultimately I want that

Million dollars at any cost.

Jeff: it all comes to a
dramatic conclusion.


As these four battle it out for
the million dollar prize and the

Title of sole survivor.

Don't miss the two-hour season
finale of "survivor: brains

Versus brawn versus beauty."

Crashing and burning and have
dr. Joe say, yes, we're pulling

You from the game, but
particularly at this stage in my

Life, I always need challenges.

This was a big challenge.

Suffering in the heat and the
rain, and I wanted to prove,

Yeah, you said you can do it.

Can you do it?

And I did.

To me that was great
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